10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 13, 1967 ANN LANDERS : Fortune Teller's Fables Instil Phobia Of Death Dear Ann Landers: My tus-|the agonies we suffered--and it band is 38 and looking forward! was all so unnecessary. to at least another 62 years but' The reason for this letter is to the last two months have been plead with all fortune tellers not hell and I'd like to tell you'to predict death. In the first about it place, no one knows how many The night Jack graduated/years a person will live--he can from high school a fortune teller only guess, but the fear of dying told phd Ww o , renga can Rasias oath Chvegen, ast 38th birthday. Jack didn't think! ety or accident.--Free ai s anything of it and neither did I. Dear Free: Your letter makes But the thought was always in » great deal of sense and now I the back of our minds and! bracing myself for the inevi- every once in a while he'd say: :ahie avalanche of letters from "Isn't itr F readers eager to recount person- On Jack's 37th birthay /a) experiences of death predic- friend offered this toast at 8) tions which came true. To all of party: 'Make the -- of every| vou I say in advance, it was a day, Jack, because 38 is Mighty coincidence that your Uncle old--and the end is ." It) Heathcliff died on the day Mal iene atti h a aap Cousin Anastasia predicted, so a Seager bal ene save your stamps. . teeth gag ), 'but tt toast made a wreck of us both & 2 Dear Ann Landers: I am only i z hugh bes were 13 and I have a lot to learn but driving home ft s ty. UT think I have something worth i e to pass on to some of your nave jers who are much older t a missed hitt : cage . A moment befor werved he| ! liked the letter from the shouted. "My Gc he fortune Woman whose husband gave her teller was ! "the best birthday gift in the The next " He quit smoking. I've sheer tort sed to heard many people say they i and to Would give anything if they ht he had a mild could quit but they are hooked. case of indi and he was Well, here is a poem that may sure it was a-heart attack, An-|be corny but all smokers ought other night his neck ached and to cut it out and carry it in the he knew he had polio ./ same pocket in which they used! lowing day he was ce to carry their cigarettes. i hair his fi Did is a word of achievement, Won't is a word of retreat, zht is a word of bereave- go anywhere bu church. 0: »st six pounds./me | * ESCAL ESCALATION -- A half century of style - change dramatically illustrates the escalation t has occurred } ar sf Can't is a word of defeat, peaiaee eid vat letter, Ann Lan-| Ought is a word of duty, was visiting the Kansas Citi following) Try is a word of each hour, MBean Renda eerste 38th rthday. You'll Will is a word of beauty, Wife Preservers Can is a word of power.--ABC Dear ABC: Corny or not, it's igood. So I'll husk it and print it. w thankful we normal lives again. But we'l Grass Is Greener For Women | As Landscape Architects , | Dear Roberta Roesch: As soon as I finished college, \I married and had a family. Now, however, I'd like to work By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: I was very much interested in your column on the growing job and use my English major for a!_ kB Wrap Vienna sausages in flaky- type refrigerated biscuits and brown in the oven for quick, de- licious, hot canapes, Pigrren 1-14 ATION sos oseneanae se Museum when a_ photog- rapher discovered' her studying the floor length costume of the 1910 era on the mannequin, --AP Wirephoto right 5 PER CENT AFFECTED Hypertension affects about 5 per cent of the adult population in m m Canada and is somewhat ore common in females than) ales , + sprays, all ready to work effi- jlong, tough and elastic gray! hog bristles. Use enamel and . |artists's brushes. professional and the do-it-your- self painters. Although rollers jare available for use in cor- |ners, or fences, and for irregu- | Paint Jobs Go Modern ai ge they are pears ily helpful in cutting down on ; |jtime spent in painting such By ELEANOR ROSS large, flat areas as walls, ceil- From the time paint was firstjings, floors, etc. Rollers, oo, developed, its perennial parinerjare available in various sizes has been the paint brush. Now,/and with handles of different however, : the do-it-yourselfer|lengths. An extension on the has a choice of painiing tools to/roller handle may eliminate the |help simplify and speed up the need for a ladder when painting \job. Not only 's there a wideja ceiling--or avoid the need for range of brushes, put there are|stooping when painting a floor. various. roller models and} Hardware dealers have infor- mation on the various types of rollers as to size and fabric Many Jove see saplated coverings. The fabric on the Many ca complete SoS: jwith the use of any one of the Sad sled qonule eontare three types.. In other cases,|With the type Df paint to be jsome surfaces will be obviously|applied. Rollers made |better suited for one particular|synthetic fibres- can be used jtype of application, = |with| all types of flat paint Quality brushes will last|inside and out. A handy rule to ciently if properly handled. WIDE CHOICE pieces or attachments available small aerosol cans. Aerosol correctly, leaves 10 lap marks cut cleanup. time to a mini- mum. spray-painting is that these applicators make easy to coat hard-to-reach places and apply a uniform finish on rattan intricately carved wood, For many larger house- hold painting projects, the spe- cial spray equipment on some vacuum cleaners is quite satis- factory. from |TIME FACTOR Before deciding to spray paint, be sure io consider all! the time that will consumed in longer, hold more paint, and/remember is the smoother the|the extra work needed to mask give a smoother coat than/surface you are painting, the cheaper ones. Select the type|shorter the roller's nap should/@reas. I placed in an open space while windows and cover surrounding Articles that can be and size of brush according tojbe; the rougher the surface, the the surface and the kind of!longer the nap. paint used. ' 5 seta ca When applying water-based AGE' INDICATOR paint on a large surface, use a/ kalsomine brush with very reached the "push-button age"li | Sprays indicate the paint has|make child's play of the paint- |painting are ihe most ideally suited for spray application. In some cases, a spray can ng chore. varnish brushes--flat or chisel} jshaped--for applying oil-base ipaints and lacquers. Sizes range in width and thickness from large wall hrushes to fine POPULAR ITEM : : Perms: Paint rollers have become : widely popular with both the Reg. $20 for .... $16.00 Reg. $17.50 for .. $14.00 PERRET Reg. $15 for .... $12.00 Reg. $12.50 for .. $10.00 TUES. - WED. & THU 5 John St. W., Oshawa OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE SUZANNE ~ HAIR STYLING Anniversary Special RS, TILL NOV. 30th 725-4541 sprays when used) or signs of streaking--and they Another advantage of; spray paint equipment ranges from the large pressure types! +fed by air compressors or the) with) most vacuum cleaners--to the) | | RE-PRINTS 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures Available at NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5 x 7 -- 1.25 each part-time public relations job business. What c in this field and MoreComfortWearing started? I've been trying to get some FALSE TEETH J.H. free-lance jobs writing public- a : ity, but © overcome discomfort whe: Dear J.H.: y, but all the personnel offices) 4.0°.,0." ike me soniters When ies for aj! visit tell me they're not in the' sprinkle » little FASTEETH on your woman in the grass-is-getting-|market for any free-lance work-| Plates. FASTEETH holds dentures fcntcnanlia Hata o > lers . firmer. You eat better, feel more greener landscaping field are in| ers. comfortable. FASTEETH !s alkaline a,career as a landscape archi-/ There must be a way to com-/ 5.700, sour, Helps check plate odor, tect. This takes solid prepara-|bat this, since some. people do| health. See Sour dante tonite tion, beginning with four years/work at home. Do you have any | Get FASTEETH at all drug counters. of college. After college, the! suggestions that might help? usual procedure is to serve an Mrs. A.D. Se .. Dear Mrs. A.D.: internship with a landscape ar- chitect. : A company's personnel office If you, or girls or women whdjis seldom the route to a free- are close to you, are interested/lance job. in this as a career I would sug-| 'Therefore; if you want that gest you talk to landscape de- bind of work all th itch signers and contractors in your =" Le Le oe ee area to get s first-hand in- board operators in the firms formation on r work. Then I/where you want to apply and So ; & to col-/obtain' the names of the people| ee cs tei : fea get who head the departments! thie kind of cat ues "9! where you want to work. iced ah : ne Then contact those people di- While you are atten col- rectly with samples of your lege it wil! t I work ins The best opportunit Custom Made DRAPES, BROADLOOM & SLIP COVERS discriminating decorators 'an@-| Yoh Thought For The Day Scape con els) Speak up. When you: do, you during your su er vacations.'/increase your vocational Graduated Into Marriage chances in the working world. food service or ny's refreshment service itd. OSHAWA IMPORTA PUBLIC AUCTION EXTREMELY SHORT NOTICE Valuable Complete PERSIAN RUGS Qualities not often seen CANADA In small and large sizes Strictly the most unusual KIRMAN, KESHAN, HAROUNABAD, KAPOUTRAHAHANG, ABANEH, BIRJALOO, MIMEH, SAROUK, BOKHARA, NAIN, KIRSHIHIR, GHUN, KASHGAI, MESHED MOUD. and including a fabulous PURE SILK KESHAN aluable and rare complete shi er is compelled to absorb be cleared: to enable them to continue its present import commitments, The Auction Will Be Held At KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE WEST, OSHAWA THURSDAY, NOV, 16 AT 8 P.M. Viewing from 3 p.m. ANGLO MERCANTILE SHIPPING & FINANCE CO. LTD., AUCTIONEERS TERMS -- CASH OR CHEQUE s part of contracted importations finest quality stock which NT SALE oil Mass Cut Me Off Shipment in the luxury market of ond rarely seen grades of end ISPAHAN, BAKHTIAR, pment of Persian and other Oriental for sale in Canada and which must , till time of auction We Pay Th Without A Cent? Heavens to Betsy! They didn't even leave me enough to get new carpets for my home! Guess I'll just have to get my old carpets "BAKER CLEANED'! Then they'll be as good as new anyhow ! Because when old dirty carpets are "BAKER CLEANED" they have that Like-New freshness and feel; | better call BAKER CARPET CLEANING CO. so | can have my "BAKER CLEANED" carpets. back for the week- "FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY" --="JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL", "Over 80 Years Experience" CARPET Clean | | BAKER | CALL ZENITH 9.9100 ° thy Co. e Charge Efficient Measuring and installing .. Interior Decorating e Service in your Home with no Obligations ... HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe N. 725-3144 : WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Sale BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN Jf 5; * FANCY ASSORTED SANDWICH TRAY x $6.95 Serves 18-20 -- $3.95 Serves 10-12 2 s Just. leave the details in . . famed It's fun ¢ e ¢ esst ostess! Our expert | A t smooth service . for -fobuloze+ today. for estimates. @ HOUSE PARTIES @ COLD PLATES @ COCKTAIL PARTIES @ SALAD PLATES @ COLD BUFFET elicious EMON ERINGUE PIE Mode with Fresh Lemons & Flaky Pastry, SPECIAL THIS WEEK, EACH 7 Watson's The ¢ 4 © famous scose stripe fun' clearance savings... and Vests J 1 to 1/3 OFF Fiberglas DRAPERY Fosy ta cew, long and fod unoffected by sun or ond firéproat 166 Voriety formerly to 2.25 yd...» 1.00 yard UNDERWEAR many customers , . accounts for the big Briefs, Panties, Bioomers Regular NYLONS o + standard: Brand ef mesh h . Comfort top hh f . « 5 colors in sizes BY to Il. Reg. 55c pair 3. pair 1.0 in white, melon, gold, beige, etc... Zipper PILLOW CASES Fine white cotton Muslin with @ MARY Underwear » Mill strona zipper elosing . . . @ quick way to @ NEWLA renew your pillows . . od aie aie 2 bee » size approx. Reg. 55c each Our 75c pair 1919-196 WARD'S Dres Big Reductién hundreds of fabries ond onkle and white Dry Goods Ltd Qshawoe's oldest Dry Good Store Early winter's 48th resistant". 0 BIRTHDAY ors... 36" w SALE SALE Birthday Bargains ALL THIS WEEK Fleer er Sho widths to 16 ft. less wear glos Fabries at J moisture, ot weaves SIMCOE ST, SOUTH 'at Athol 45" wide. 725-1151 5:99 KNITTERS All eur branded knitting wools . @ PATTON'S AND BALDWIN 10% OFF Regular FABRICS . here is ona item only KASHMIR PRINTS in all this season's most wanted col- DRAPERIES Reg. Values 8.50 to 52:98 MAXIM NDS Entire, Stock t--Suit--Coot s up to VY Price on yards of sew-and-save most popular dress nd washable and crease choose from 8 patterns ide--Reg. 1.98, 1.45 yard Window Viscose-Cotton or Fiber- rtie §=Lengths, SALE 43.99 pr. pr. Formfit SKIPPIES DRESS-SHAPER® BRA: Wear this new con- vertible bra three ways! Halter neck, shoulder tip and backless, or In the conventional way. Fibre- fill-lined cups for natural sHtaping. In embroidered cotton broadcloth with batiste elastic sides and back, White. A, B, C cups; 32-36. 5.00 DRESS-SHAPER® GIRDLE: Smooth your way to slim thighs in this long-leg pantie girdle. Light, firm Lycra® spandex with tummy flat-tering lace front panel. White. S, M, L. 6.00 Matching Pull-On Girdle: 5.00 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 A GROUP of Canada' war nurses pose on th Canada's Nurs Heroines Of \ By JEAN SHARP CP Women's Editor In the acrid, choking fum filling the bombed Paris ca a blue-clad figure move about, tending the dying ar injured. It was military Nursing Si ter H. M. Stevens of Dun ville, Ont., her uniform ta tered, her white-starche cuffs blotted with the blood | others in the bombing, -whic killed four Canadians durir the Second World War. Lieut. Stevens, who late married Ross Munro, Can dian Press war corresponde: _ and now publisher of Tt Canadian magazine, afte ward was hailed as a heroin But she said, simply: "I did what any Canadia nurse would be proud to do. In war and peace, often : the risk of their own live Canada's military. nurse have backed the nation fighting men. fe Whether it was surviving Nazi ship bombing in th Mediterranean or sufferin through the strafing of fiel hospitals in the First Wor! War, the nursing sisters hav earned the thanks of Cani dians in uniform. DIED IN FIRST WAR More than 50 died in th 1914-18 war, including 14 lo: when the hospital ship Lla) dovery Castle was torpedoe in 1918, In the Second World War § army nursing sisters wer calm and orderly after thei ship was hit by torped bombers near Italy. Douglas Amaron, Canadia Press correspondent with th Canadian forces in Ital; reported the nurses swan paddled and rowed to safet after the ship on which h was aboard was struck. Non was lost. It was another incident in proud record for Canada military nursing services which began 67 years ago 8 four nurses left for Sout Africa to tend Boer War ca: ualties. The following January, fou more were chosen out of 19 volunteers, and the patter was set. < The First. World War ser 2,000 nursing sisters oversea: In the Second World War, th army alone had. more tha 3,000 nurses, the navy 330 an the air force nearly 400. As in' 1900, more volu teered than could be accep ed, In 1943 there was a wal ing list of 8,000. The permanent Canadia Army Medical Corps nursin service was established i 1906. CHANGE UNIFORMS - The following year, at th suggestion of Matron Georg na Pope, a Boer War veteral the khaki uniform we changed to a light blue blous and skirt with a dark blu red-lined cape. Because of it, at the sta of the First World War th nurses wert nick-named blu birds, a flight of fancy the must have come to see inadequate. During the First Wor! War, Edna Moore of Toron! recalls cutting six inches 0 her skirts to keep them out | the mud in Salonika, Greec! The tent hospital in which st worked there was bombe and machine-gunned Zeppelin raids. Field hosp tals in France were attacke by airplanes. : The first 100 nurses enliste Sept. 23, 1914, and left Quebs Oct. 1, Miss Moore smiled ; the memory that they we -- ad ELECTROLYSIS Removes superfluous hair painlessly. Try Our Kree-lmperial Machine. MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe et the GENOSHA HOTEL Noy. 13th, 14th & 15th PHONE 723-4641