Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1967, p. 7

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LT. COL. L. P. TIGGLERS SALUTES AT MEMORIAL MONUMENT ... Rev. A. Woolcock, Canadian Legion Padre, And Major John Wood, Salvation Army, Also Took Part In Ceremony COLOR PARTY AT WHITBY CENOTAPH FOR SERVICE «+» Royal Canadian Legion Members Marched From Legion Hall $$$ $e B il | AM isl Chosen ee Twirl Queen Patricia Blake, 15, of Bow jmanville was chosen Miss Osh-| O dQ] 1 e jawa Twirl Queen Saturday at} \the Motor City Baton Twirling! contest Approximately 400 persons at tended the contest at O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Insti tute. Irene Reitmuller, Bowman- ville, was chosen the Motor ' | | | An 82-year-old woman died w as dead on arrival at the em-|Potter (Elsie), both of Oshawa; \City Sweetheart and Cheryl)Saturday evening when she was|ergency department. \and three step-sons, Reuben \McC une of, Oshawa won the|struck by a car while crossing| The former Margaret Crosson,|Brown of Oshawa, Dr. Thomas Miss Oshawa 'Teen Twirler | King Street East to attend|the deceased was a daughter of|Brown of Willowdale and Pas- \championship. church. It was Oshawa's sec-|the late David and Rosina Cros- |tor Wesley Brown of Grand Rap- The Group Novice Talent was/ond traffic fatality of the year.|son. Born in Tosorontio Town- ids, Minnesota. Mrs. Margaret Brown, 3 Rock-/ship, Simcoe County, she re-| Also surviving are a brother, | | cemetery is marked by a : A 2,000-PLOT section of for the use of veterans and ice for the first veteran to with members of the Royal f cenotaph set on a maple the new Garden of the Last their families. The section be buried there, Arthur Canadian . Legion, Branch lent Vealon: base with a fa won by Kathy Lovekin of ee . [Neweastte and the Novice Teenjcliffe St., was struck at 7:20/ceived her education in that;William Crosson of Oshawa; 22 Talent was won by Lynda Mc- jp.m, by a sportscar as she/area. She had been a resident/grandchildren and 18 greate |Laughlin of Oshawa. jwalked across the road during) of Oshawa since 1958. grandchildren. -- | Little Miss Twirler was wonja heavy rainfall at the entrance! Mrs. Brown was a member; Mrs. Brown is at the McIn- by Donna Stacey, from Stoney|to Kingsway College. lof College Park Seventh-day Ad-jtosh - Anderson Funeral Home {Creek and the Baton Princess| The sportscar was driven|ventist Church, the Dorcas So- ifor service in College Park Sev- ul ( : € ul e jcontest by Dearda King of;westbound by Wayne Jerome,|ciety of the church, the Col-|enth- -day Adventist Church at 2 | Kitchener. 21 of Lot 35 Concession 2,{lege Park Outdoor Club and the p.m., Nov 15. Interment will be The Tartan Twirlers' Parent;Townline Road South RR 4 Osh-| Oshawa Branch of the Canadian) in Oshawa lL nion Cemetery. The Assoc iation hosted the event, awa. National Institute for the Blind.|service will be conducted by F T V t T ns i ~| City police said today the road. Twice married, she was pre-/Pastor J. C. Reynolds of Col- | was wet at the time of the acci-|deceased, in May, 1952, by herjlege Park Church, assisted by ldent. A police spokesman saidjfirst husband, William J. B.|/Pastor Victor Cojlins, of Bos- Oshawa veterans had a full{marched there from the Can €al- ge Rng ad have been laid. | Westervelt and Ce. i. ey Mass. ; eaarelinag ; tine firs in 1958, at Osh- Supper area of Mount Lawn was dedicated Friday, in Price. Major John Wood 43, Oshawa, in attendance. rising from the centre cemetery has been set aside conjunction with the serv- dedicated the new area, The veterans' area of the --Oshawa Times Photo Brown was taken to the) William Brown, schedule of Remembrance Dayjadian Corps building ss Rich- activities as two parades, three/(mond Street. The ane adian| Omaea General Hospital suf-| awa. services and a. Remembrance|Corps organized the parade Bo Missin fering a skull fracture and pos-| Besides her husband she is xtra Men Day Banquet were held on the, Friday, at Mount Law al |sible broken neck. A hospital| survived by two daughters, Mrs. weekend. Cemetery in Oshawa, a 2,000-| |spokesman reported _that she|Robert Gray (Rita) and Mrs. . '2 | , | " ~-------| A, Buckles (Hazel) both of Tor- Branch 43, Canadian Legion plot section in the new Garden| A 14-year-old Onaws boy is y 2 marched from. thejof the Last Supper area, was|missing. Raymond Keeler of 198} jonto and two sons, Earl Wester-| equire members are r I é h r é A Armories to the cenotaph Sat-/dedicated for veterans and/Highland Ave., was last seen City Firemen lvelt of Colborne and William|' urday for an 11 a.m. memorial/their families Sunday at 2 p.m. when he left Pasieged ler ako of PE oagg- An extra five or six detece service, The marchers were ac-| Major John Wood of the Sal-|is.grandmother's home to re] wo step-daughters, Mrs. Lucyitives would be needed if Osh- companied by an honor guard re aay oda ne bree ee home to his parents, Mr. | Suspect Arson \Chamberlain and Mrs. Charlesjawa police department operat from the Ontario Regiment and!jceation service | ane Mrs. Russell Keeler aon ; ; ed ! Apt bureau, Chief Walt- about 50 veterans carried aa ; e cs Police said today Revciond is! he Oshawa fire. department) er Johnston said at Friday's wreaths to the cenotaph a MURS elma ae nent DIRE: five feet, four inches tall, 110)suspects arson was the cause of| CITY CUB PACK police commission meeting. . The service was conducted by yee Meagin dle acca pepe hg pounds with a slender build and two Bloor Street shed fires The chief was reporting on Rey. Alfred Woolcock, assisted lth antic fe an a aple os \light-fair complexion. which caused close to $1 000) ADDS TO CHEST the possible establishment of by Major John Wood of the! petual care find te hae hee Raymond has brown hair, a damage early Friday morning.| such a bureau ; Salvation Army. A legion mem- sus attention for the future,|cuPPed front: tooth, is neatly} One fire started in a shed at} The eighth Oshawa cub , He Said he had carried on a ber estimated more~ than 700) Huw attention for ine furure-/dressed wearing 'a green plaid|the rear of 421 Oshawa Blvd. S., | pack raised $50 for the lot of investigations and. there were at the service at the ceno In Whitby Saturday, the Royal|jacket with a white fur collar,.and totally destroyed the shed! Greater Oshawa Community |Was_ no doubt one would be taph Canadian Legion --members/brown suede shoes and wine|Causing $500 damage to the) Chest on Satnniay. established but the manpower The Legion held its 41st an-| marched from their Legion Hall colored trousers. structure and $200 damage to) 'The 3 boys, between eight Would not be ayailable until nual Remembrance Day ban-\00 Byron Street to the ne som aca - --ithe contents. and 11 years of age, held a jafter Jan. 1. quet Saturday night for about taph on Queen Street. A ser- A second fire broke out at) car wash in North Oshawa |. Jt is not really a question 400. Guest speaker was Gordon! Vice was held at 11 a.m ' Area Pe ] |the same time in a shed at 441] a. their centennial project, |that there is not going to be Wakefield, immediate past pres Legion members in Bowman- op e {Oshawa Blyd. S. and did $200 ea angnee) whl He presented a youth bureau," he said, "but ident of the Ontario Provincial ville also marched aturday |damage to the shed and $50) to an official of the Com- {at the present time we are well Command. from the Legion Hall to the S id F Md dl damage to its contents munity Chest at a regular |under strength.' Two special services for vet-|cenotaph on Dundas Street for al rien y | The fire department spokes-| cy) meeting tomorrow night | Commission deferred consid erans were held Sunday. Many) an 11 a.m. service. jman said today the possibility at the Scout Hall eration of the project until Jan- Legion members attended a ser-| On Sunday, Ajax Legion-| "Oshawa area people could- of _arson is being investigated. | 'uary. vice in St. Mark's Anglicanjnaires formed a parade for ajn't have been more friendly,' SETAE Church. The Salvation Army|service at the community cen-|said Miss Geraldine Miller, the held a service for all veterans|tre - arena on Centennial Road|New Zealand. girl visiting last] at its citadel. The _Veterans at-3- p.m week as a guest of the Durham} Se se = : : " County Junior Farmers. | | During the week she showed ther pictures and spoke to stu- ommission asses y aW) dents of Kedron and Maxwell [Heights public schools and at . the M. J. Hobbs senior school jas well.as to the junior farm-| For Increase Oi Tarifts jers, se i cine se ag in observin classes a Although Mayor Ernest Marks/50c, and for each piece of hand M I Hobbs school because : 2 he ate z she teaches grade seven in New often travels in taxicabs he has baggage handled by the driver Penland vet to see a sign displayed injin excess of two pieces, 10c. aes ear ' tine showing the ahaees he told,» : ; ' ; : aoe aebonse 10 Fes article ee ae The rate for five-passenger,;)which appeared in The Times the police commission self-drive cabs, including oil and|last week, she was invited to An amending bylaw yd gasoline, will be 25c a mile, and/be the guest speaker at St. ai pg me gp ala aaLanve 35e a mile for seven-passenger|George's Anglican Men's Club cabs Dinner and several former New te ga apt poke hal 4 Chief Walter Johnstop said he|Zealand residents and a Bow- the bylaw is that the new tariff/Would make sure tariff nolices|manville couple planning a trip shall be prominently displayed were displayed in the cabs, but/|to New Zealand telephoned her. in ail vehicles, ; he thought there had been some; During her stay Miss Miller 2 delay in distribution of the|participated' in a car rally ane ee ee notices by his department through the Madawaska Conser- one to Tr passengers: for tne s vation area and Durham Coun- first quarter of a mile or part tv to observe farming me s| j 60c and. for each additional] REMAINS POOR end Oeinie bE hil aia ! : quarter mile or part 10c; wait-| 4 19-year-old Bow manville Miss Miller attended a meet- is ean ing time for each two minutes/youth remains in 'poor'? condi-|ing of the Oshawa council an S 10c and for each additional pas-|tion today at Toronto General|magistrate's court and_ talked} BEWDLEY MAN 1,000,000TH VI ITOR senger, except babies in arms,'Hospital following a Nov. 4 two-|with Mayor Ernest Marks. She Ross Cole of Bewdley, chairman of the Civic Audi-"Segented with an autographed a agi ie Hd ne fhe tein fatality three miles W est of| toured the city hall, the Mc-| north of Port Hope (centre), torium board of directors at hockey stick, puck, and a y ume, Newcastle. Richard . Robinson,|Laughlin Library and the Art| was the hockey fan selected a ceremony between the nn 'ontaining . chocolate hour or part and $1 for each|3; King St., driver of one of|Gallery. She also took a trip tol as the 1,000,000th admission second and third periods of Soi ht hasten. Satine : nap ere 15 yates As vec the cars, was seriously injured./the National Stud Farm where] to Oshawa Civic Auditor- 'Sunday night's Ontario bars,. soft drinks and potato x 46 x jadditional' passenger in excess 4 Toronto woman riding in the|/Northern Dancer' was brougnt! ium. Mr. Cole was present- Hockey Association Junior chips. Civic Auditorium was WILLIAM BORROWDALE BLOWS "REVEILL 2 of four, * an hour other car was killed. Dead: is/out to pose for her. camera ed with a $50 savings bond "A"? game between Niagara opened in 1965 ee» Memorial Service Held At Oshawa Cenotaph Saturday Morning For each trunk accompanying Mrs. James §. Sweitzer, 21, 649; This week Miss Miller is: visit-| by Mayor Ernest 'Marks Falls Flyers and Oshawa (Oshawa Times Photo) 'a passenger the charge will be!Merton St., Toronto, jing in Grey County, | (eft), and Walter Branch, Generals. He was also pre- --Oshawa Times Photo

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