Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1967, p. 14

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38--Coming Events _|36--Legal 26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sole | THE ra sear ari GUS BROWN USED CAR FLORIDA TOURS eee, DEALERS ACT, # $246 American 1964 14 day GUIDED Te NOTICE that any. per- . all accommodations Phor e°7 28-7375 or 728-7376 son having a claim arising out of a trade in used cars RAMBLER against HARLEY L. HAYES, SALES -- SERVICE 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 13, 1967 Choose an liens paid 14 meals included @ Side tours included --NOV. 24 WWVA SHOW Wheeling, W. Virginio $29.75 American For Further Information Call COLONY TOURS OSHA W A 576-0246 BINGO at UAWA HALL SATURDAY, NOV. 11th 7:30 P.M 20 GAMES, $10 a GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 GAME $150 JACKPOTS SHARE THE WEAL apartment with Bowmanville, Ontario, who carried on business as @ used and PAINT slides pe Cable TV Noy and ad Cans - salesmen until the 12th . rei of October, 1967, should Easy to Finance ot tile e claim with the Regis- NICOLS MOTORS LTD trar, under The Used Car WHITBY -- 668-333 Dealers Act, 1964, and is 1964 CORVAIR for $600 or Oshawa Rental Act, ; * reauirad: te le a copy of a gency otter PU ssid Blackstock 986-4293 Cat Judgment, o vering td th such cleim with the Registrar rb ope . ommo- 1962 OAL ANE be ie eB eght f at. 123 Edward Street, Toron- ina shows, 72 after 6 pir = to ario, on or before the a PONTIAC, radio, good heater 12th dey of October, 1969; VALIANT c " sell codes » Telephone, ond that after thet date the DEVELOPMENTS LTD. ies "GALAXIE XL , convertible, proceeds of the bond of the CAI and bi rakes ae ti said: Harley L, Hayes, which : es 4 was forfeited, will be distrib- op uted only amongst those per- sale T sons who, prior to that date, have filed their claims as above. DATED AT TORONTO, 7th day of November, R. G. MacCormack Registrar The Used Cer Dealers Act NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS the Estate of 's) CHEVROLET cylinder standard with -- mouth; new car Telephone this 1967, street. 196 ~BEAUMON standard t 1964 4 CHEVROLET y station n power steering and very good Ask 4 $1,400 or best offer. LAKEVIEW HANDCRAFT GUILD Regency Towers NNAH LOUISA BOUGHTON PREMIER Vidow, deceased m Apt if ici é persons in | Nov j 1962 [RAMBLER tat 3 Christmas Sale 13-18 inclusive FURNISHED and __altion. Telephone . 725 i or ee et of Ontario, V Widow, deceas- ne) one er 1 Free cnonce neat € U -- RNISHED RUMMAGE SALE A-1, Best. off $ Sa tha irclersioned: personal ak o the undersigned Persona Simcoe Hall $10 DOWN Representatives of the said ag door sedar tomet 4 or before tt 387 Simcoe St leceased on or before the 4 oe power, Immaculate cond thr oy e e 793. 2347 e 278997 at Nicols, V rc 14th day of December, 1967, WED., NOV. 15 i. es : full particulars of their claims. 1:00 P.M ve ¥ r Immediately after the said ; Mrs date the Personal Representa Wp napter 10 etrig , {| distribute the assets $10 2 r Tele Siear N red, 4 of A deceased ha regard only to claims of which Prince Pt RUMMAGE SALE Wednesday, Nov. 15 1:00 P.M LEGION HALL. 471 Simcoe St of the ~TWO-BEDROOM apert. Good location ONE- AND ments evaliabdie. is:1 1967. McGIBBON day of November, CHARLES CAMPBELL Boscut Under auspices xecutor Ladies' A BAZAAR HOLY CROSS CHURCH imcoe St. S November 14 7:00 till 9:30 P.M Home candy, $25 DOWN de canematic uxilior s Solicitors IBBON & BASTEDO isters & Solicitors Nonquon Road your budge' quiet en ley pment NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Estate Bryant, of the © died on 1967 Take notice that all persons having claims against this estate are required to send to | fancy w tea room, étc mol ardtop Motors, Whitby, re $2,194 teh brand new '67 Americans) dults | with | factory werranty. Only aj nsdowne limited F poitoer left at Nicols Ramble: baking bingo, , Monday, , St. George's Hall Lunch, priz Novernber 1 66 Atay - In the Matter 31 ome Cars for Sale oy. inc welcome RUMMAGE ery at Simcoe St RUMMAGE "SALE, jber coe South 27--Rooms for Rent MOTEL UNITS $12 per person shoring u * Volvo and Peugot * Mercedes Benz Genera! Repair and Auto-Electric Service Wednesday, Novem He 1 Sir p.m Tesien Ladie's Aux! Private unit $19 668-8511] WOODYCREST MOTEL ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM pr vols the undernamed their names and porticulars of their claims on or before the 15th day of December, 1967, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which the executor then has notice. Jake. and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshowa 728-0921 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authroized Datsun and Fiat Decler Specializing in Volkeswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South _728-0 oe DEATHS BEAUCAGE, Lionel Albert Suddenly et his residence, 2986 Orchard Drive, Pickering Beach, Saturdsy, No- |vember 11, 1967, Lionel Albert Beaucage, beloved husband of Helene Paquette dear father of Rene, Raymond, Made ieine (Mrs. Lawrence) ail of Montreal RALPH A. WALLACE, O.C,, | Que rey (Mrs. Suddard ae and Andre, al! of Box 471, : / Mrs Oshawa, Ontario i Solicitor for th Roberge) of " Mrs. Hannah) of Orono. N Mrs, Carrigen) of Bay Ridges Aime of Markham, Helene (Mrs. Trot man), Jeannette (Mrs. Ptolemy) both o - ---------- Toronto, rossi of Pi TENDER SO gg and Bob gt "granacn ss b ard and Leo OR FOF eyney Valieyfield, Que. Mr POLICE STATION a McEachrie , Sunday. Funeral a day, November 14, at 9:30 TOWNSHIP OF PICK a Bernedettes Church, Ajax PICKERING, ONTAR ee ey ee Sealed Tenders plair ec as to conten ceived up until 1 P.M. Friday. estote. ONE LARGE R ROOM week! y and nightl ROOMS | FOR RENT QUIET, CLEAN 'ref 1955 FORD Telephone " CHE * 33--Automobi piles Wanted -- 'CARS WANTED Buying A New Gar ? THREE SINGLE bedrow sek g roorr ELGIN STREET EAST accepted RANK nytime ong { Peter S si 56---coming Even CHRISTMAS MERRY-GO-ROUND sister of Wil Restin Home, Oshawa. Seventh-Day Eest ae FRED STONE - - 86 Queen St Oe Nee ee CORNETT, REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND WEDNESDAY : was | a Seb d ia Al UTOMATIC oY > Save itn TRANSMISSION CENTRE St. N Jean ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORUM RTH, Gananoque. CHANDLER, Sidney Entered Into rest 142 Ritson Re. 28-7339 ere Our Only Repair hange wor py November = OSHA beloved teed Mary Addie Turrell, ed by Kincsview Scott (Edith wy a: ford Hutchinson (ery ay, Thomas Ree (Lilly rs. vYomen @) Ned ane i SIMCOE ST. NO s, Exc e€ 72-6598 ater & br 9985 e 12 tor en a U WANTED To RENT, oa Ath oy hed Churek -- 2:45 p.m 5-7 p.m Tea Room - 30--Automobiles For 'Sale ie i Only $1 10 Down on the cor of your choice, with up to "48 months to re- poy at: Morley Stalker MOTORS 137 King West 723-6322 723-8311 MORE CASH Poid for Good Clean Cors. ¢ Trade up or down. Liens paid. \ robes MOTOR SALES | 14 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723-9421 Loulse) Alb ng at the Armstrong. Fune Supper - Bde eh Lost -- Black pert Per maie. Cr Ss pet * Gibbons Rita Joan Telephone 726-3660. Reward. hs JAMBOREE You Are One of the Wheeling, West Virginia Thousands November 24-26 Read Who TIMES your locol travel agent Sr ACTION he Bus ADS 723-717 EVERY DAY TO PLACE AN AD TELEPHONE 723-3492 $25 8:30 A.M, TO 5:30 P.M. i SATURDAY UNTIL 12:00 NOON Lines _ILROY, Ethel Sunnycrest any, Novi 30c KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200--Nos. 52 and 50 and. Ernest, end Mrs. Fred Stevens (Evelyn) thyrtle Station, dear sister of Mrs ' MUST GO Alma) of Oshawa and Mr CONSOLATION Ww. WwW of Port Perry and Herma: Jalker of Brooklin. Mrs. Gilro est TUESDAY at Gerrow Funeral Chape See Saturday's Ad aha NOE SEEMED OTR RRO ADMISSION 50e Let aha ha ipine reve <emetery, Prince Alberl. 7 HENRY n Bowmanville the Bowmanville Memorial Hos- - ceased was 4j;\Was a r FURYK mem To OBITUARIES FRANK G. Following a sickness. the death this: morning, at Genera] Hospital, of Frank G. 3onnetta of 864 Grierson Street. He was in his 73rd year. Born March 21, 1895, ! neton Township, vas a son of the late Wesley and Ann Bonnetta. He was mar- ried Sept 1] 1918, in St. Andrew's Church and had been a resident of Osh- awa for 38 vears. \, despatcher with Transport Limited for 18 years prior to his retirement in 1965, Mr. Bonnetta was a member of Kingsview United Church, Cor- inthian Lodge. No. #1, Indepen- I Order of Odd Fellows; Sunstllie Rebekah Lodge. No 222 and Branch 43, Royal Cana- dian Legion During the he served overseas for two years with the 109th Battalion of Lindsay He is survived by his wife, the former Myftle lrene Cook; a daughter Mrs. Dorothy Clarke and a son, John, all of Oshawa Also survivin Mrs BONNETTA short, in Dar- are three sis- serious occurred honored at a- banquet held by the Oshawa) the the deceased Church, Scarborough He is McCallum a son. First World War ville, Harriett Harlock and Palmer An active member of St. John Ambulance, Mr. Saunders was Ontario Division at the {Royal York Hotel about a year 'ago Mr. Saunders was a member of Dufferin Street Baptist Toronto and was for- merly very active in the Sons jof England Lodge at Orono and 'played in the Orono Band survived by his wife, the former Alice Maud Shepard, whom. he married June 17, 1907; Vernon, of Toronto; two grandchildren and one great- | granddaughter 'The funeral service was held at the Northeutt Elliott Funeral Home. Bowmanville, at 2 p.m today Interment was in Bow manville Cemetery Rey Harold Turner, minister of St. right,' aul's United Church, Bowman conducted the service By PAUL H. FINCH CITY (AP) -- Ar- pe easy-going golf Latrobe, Pa. MEXICO nold Palmer master from | winner of the Americam team. Jack Nicklaus, his 27-year-old| team-mate came in second a individual winner plus co-holder of the team trophy by the United States for the sixth time. | deal for said Palmer. "I came here to help win the |p, team championship, added Nicklaus. "If I couldn't win the FUNERAL OF JAM BRYCE did The memorial service for |) James Bryce, 86, who died at The hab US lhis. home, 384° Ritson Road ea A (South, was held at the Arm: 'rom reg: see strong Funeral Home at Il regions, fired a combine a.m... Nov. 10 for the two rounds, IB strokes I The service was conducted by stars territories and ne Florence MacDonald, both|Rev. A. Woolcock padre of R h Wi of Whitby and Mrs. John Catch-|Branch 43, Royal Canadian Le-| a am Ins | pole (Gertrude) grandchildren srandchildren The orial service Id > Armstrong e ¢ ».m., Nov. 15, fol- owed by terment in Mount wn Cemetery. Rey. L. W 2 ninister of Kingsview United Church, will conduct the and 19 great- Funeral In lieu o he Heart Fund preciated CHANDLEE health for three Chandler died this morning at the family resi- Ritson Road South us 86th year the late Mr. and Chandler, the --de- bo Sept. 1. 1882, hire, England and was Sept 12 1905, at le, Ont. A resident of and district for 53 was. employed by Motors for 29 years retirement member of SYDNEY failing vears-Sydney fellis General ior to his He was a 222, UAW Predeceased Local 1967. by » Mary Addie r is sur daughters, Mrs (Edith) of Osh- \ Mrs.. Clifford Hutchinson (Mary) of Port Perry, Mrs. Thomas Rae (Lilly) and Mrs. Roy Foster (Elsie), Oshawa and. four and John of Oshawa Morton. Ont. and Sydney of To ronto Predeceased by a son, Charles, on Aug. 12, 1964, Mr./ Chandler is also sister, Mrs (Louise) of Alberta; 17 children and one great-great-grandchild. | The held at Home at lowed by Union Cemetery Morris Andrew's conduct sons, Ned 3.15 p.m., Noy. 15, fol-} interment in Rev minister of St United Church, will the service. original and of the No. 5 One of the surviving member St. John Ambulance West Toronto, Henry Saunders, 27 Waverley died pital, He was in his 89th year. 4 son of -the Mrs Saunders, born April 13, 18 came to John and years n England ada when 16 foreman Railway in Toronto for many years. He later lived at ngton, Ont., for a short ind farmed in the before retiring to 12 years Bowmanville DEATHS LOCKHART At Memoria Allan R 4ospital, B Sunday Wednesday Prcipedt Cemetery. n the chapel on Tues 7-9 p.m Reid, Samuel O Hillsdale Manor on Thursday, Nov Samuel O, Reid, beloved hus the late Ellzabeth Stillaway, in Predeceased by a-daugh- re) survived by Barbara Dun Dorothy Poole, Topham, f Milford, James and of Oshawa, Resting at cintosh-Anderson Funera ng St. E. Service in the chapel Sat- mber 11, at 3 _o.m, Inter Cemetery Please note time STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD Auth Dealers OF AGES ONUMENTS 668 rized IN MEMORIAM ry of Anthony ssed away Novem- ence and dignity AWN AL PARK MEMOR § advice 723-2633 of Toronto; 15/2! will be f flawers donations to would be ap- 5 in 1951.) both of grandsons, Ells of Corinthian survived by a) William Gill} grand- 21 great-grandchildren memorial service will be, the Armstrong Funeral Oshawa John ARTHUR SAUNDERS yjctoriaville 6 St sole Brigade, Arthur Road, Nov. 11 at) pembroke 0 Cornwall 5 late Mr. and the de- Can- of age. He with the freight Calgar » department of Canadian Pacific Regina 1 Esteyan 6 Well-| time Orono area Saskatoon 1 Nationals 3 > Sydney 4 Glace Bay 6 . Sherbrooke 3 Home, 152 Dallas 1 Oklahoma City | 3 Interment was in the sol-| eal section of Oshawa Union! letery, The pallbearers, all of Branch 43, Royal nadian' By Legion, were Reg. Thomas Phil O'Neill: Ben Jacklin and Alf. Brisebois gion Scoring Title THE CANADIAN PRESS members nto Varsity had not in in the fink ame of the Ontario- Que- FUNERAL OF be etic Association football ARTHUR L. PRICE 't : team-mates Paul The memorial service fo ! like Raham com- Arthur 1. Price. who died Noy. peted against each other » Oshawa General Hos Raham won, scoring 24 points in his 2nd year. vas and winning the senior intercol-| at the Armstrong Funeral le giate scoring title, while Home at ° m.. Nov. 10 McKay booted 12 points that The service was conducted tied a 44-year-old record as the by Major John Wood, padre of Blues Walloped McGill Redmen Unit 42 dian Corps Asso- 38-4 'ciation nterment was in Queen's University Golden Mount Lawn Cemetery Gaels defeated . University of The pallbearers, all Western Ontario Mustangs 10-5 of the Canadian Corps Associa lin the othe windup game of the tion, were Jack Woods. Neil season 3rown, Robert -Parrish, Allen Toronto had King, Thomas MeMillan and championship the previous) George Burnfield veekend, but the scoring title as, still at stake going into the} final game | Raham's four touchdowns gave him a season total of 42 points to edge McKay EQUALS RECORD Kay's two field goals niversity members | won the 0-QAA FUNERAL OF SAMUEL 0. REID The funeral service for Sam uel O. Reid, who died Nov. 9 at Hillsdale Manor, was held at 3 p.m.. Nov. 11, at the Mc Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home M« The service. was conducted by along with three converts and! Pastor J. C. Reynolds of tne three singles, gaye him. a sea-: College Park Seventh-day Ad- son total of seven, equalling the ventist Church. Interment was Seven drop kicks scored by Pep in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Leadley of Queen's during the} The pallbearers were three 1923 season. Milford. James and Bill Stankovic also kicked an two members of|80-vard single for Toronto and Lodge. 100F, Cyril McGill conceded the other point and Roy Weatherbee.| Georges Springate converted Topham his own touchdown for McGill. Varsity rushed for 197 yards and gained 126 yards in the air.) McGill's ground attack was good for 67 yards and th Gaels got another 131 yards in the air. Raham scored on a two-yard} plunge and runs of 18, 46 and 85 yards. He ran 92 yards on 11 carries Toronto quarterback Bob} Amer completed 12 of 24 passes,| Wall of McGill Terry Reid French and Harry HOCKEY SCORES SUNDAY Central League |Tulsa 4 Omaha 3 Houston 1 Dallas 3 Eastern League |New Jersey.1 New Haven 5 Johnstown 1 Long Island 5 Knoxville 2 Nashville 4 chile Salem 5 Florida 3 vas 200d on 11 of 26 attempts International League Heino Lilles scored the only Port Huron 2 Dayton 11 touchdown in the Western- Fort Wayne 2 Columbus 7 Queen's game. Jim McKeen and) Quebec Senior Guy Potvin added the other four} Hyacinthe 5 points. kicking two singles each. Quebec Junior A Ottavio Colosimo kicked a 25+! Thetford Mines 0 Sorel 9 vard field goal and Dennis Walk-! Trois-Rivieres 4 Shawinigan 9 er booted a pair of singles for Quebec 1 Drummondville 7 the Mustangs entral Junior 4 OLD COUNTRY Fort William 4 Westfort 3 SOCCER SCORES Alberta Junior LONDO N(CP) old Lethbridge 7 Edmonton Movers try soccer results: Western Canada Jr. INGLISH LEAGUE 0 Flin Flon 11 Division I , Arsenal. 2 Everton 2 " Chelsea 3 Sheffield W 0 Coventry 0 Fulham 3 Liverpool 1 Man United 2 Man City 6 Leicester 0 Newcastle 1 West Ham 9 Verdun 8 Rosemount 4 Notts F 3 Wolverhampton 1 b.c. junior Sheffield U 1 Leeds 0 New Westminster 5 Kamloops 4 Southampton 1 Tottenham 2 Intercollegiate Exhibition Stoke 2 Sunderland 1 Waterloo 9 Windsor 2 West Brom 8 Burnley 1 NOHA Junior Division 11 Espanola 1 North Bay 4 Birmingham 3 Preston 0 Cape Breton Junior Blackpool 3 Cardiff 1 Carlisle 3 Queen's PR 1 Huddersfield 1 Crystal P 1 Hull 0 Norwich 2 Ipswich 2 Aston Villa 1 Middlesbrough 1 Rotherham 1 Millwall 3 Portsmouth 2 Blackburn vs. Plymouth ppd Bolton vs. Charlton ppd. Division HI Brighton 3, Scunthorpe 1 Gillingham § Bournemouth 0 Grimsby 1 Colchester 2 Northampton 1 Oxford * Leyton 'Or 4 Barrow 2 Reading 2 Watford 0 Torquay 3 Peterborough 1 Walsall 2 Buty 1 Division 1V 1 Bradford ¢ George Smiths Falls 12 Morrisburg 4 Brockville 5 Eastview 6 Thunder Bay Junior Coun- {Moose Jaw 7 Swift Current Edmonton 1 Saskatoon 4 Western Canada Sr. Metropolitan Junior A Ottawa-St. Lawrence RMC 2 North Shore Dalhousie 5 Amqui 6 Upper Ottawa Sr. Shawville 3 Morrisburg-Brock ville 4 . SATURDAY Central League Omaha 1 Memphis 3 Tulsa 1 Kansas City 2 Houston 3 Fort Worth 2 Two Rinks Enter Finals Doncaster 3 Aldershot 9 WHITBY. Ont. (CP) -- Bill,Luton 4 Workington 0 Creber's Toronto Parkway rink Rochedale 1 Chesterfield 4 ind a foursome from Toronto's Southend 2 Lincoln 1 Humber Highland club skipped Wrexham 2 Halifax 0 _by Earle Hushagen emerged as SCOTTISH LEAGBE the big winners Sunday in the; Division 1 second annual Ontario Dunlop} Aberdeen 6 Raith 2 invitational curling bonspiel. |Airdrieonians 0 Celtic 2 The two rinks, which each|Clyde 2 Stirling 0 won three straight matches will] Dundee 1 Hibernian 4 return to the Whitby Curling Dunfermline 1 St. Johnstone 0 Club for the finals Dec. 2 Falkirk 1 Motherwell 0 Creber defeated Lou Ross of Hearts | Dundee U 0 Toronto .Tam O'Shanter 12-7.) Kilmarnock 0 Partick 3 Bill Dixon of Brampton 10-3 and Rangers 1 Morton 0 George Cus.hnie of Toronto Division Hf Avonlea 9-6 \lloa 1 Cowdenbeath 1 Hushagen had a tougher time, Arbroath 1 Albion 0 |with a close 8-6 victory over|Berwick 2 Stranraer 1 'Frank Neibert of Kitchener Brechin 2 Clydebank 4 |Westmount preceded by a 10-5 Dumbarton 2 Montrose 0 triumoh over Ralph Donovan's East Fife 3 Stenhousemuir 0 Weston rink and a 12-6 win over Hamilton 2 Forfar 1 Bruce Munro of Toronto Ter- Queen ofS 2 by Stirling 4 jrace, 'Queen's Pk 1 Ayr U1 Bart isley > 5 Brentford 5 below their nearest competitors, southpaw Bob Charles and Wal- best individual ter Godfrey of New Zealand , was LOS: off to new conquests today after) Canada's twosome of former place while Tony Cerda of Ar- capturing his first World Cup in-| Winnipegger |dividual prize in six tries as co- ge Al erste both playing out! third place, and Ted Makalena of Toronto the team event with a total of g999 5/583 strokes, pace-setting U.S. entry. {vidual laurels won last year in P t /Tokyo when the tournament was ! owe my partnerma grea known as the Canada Cup, fin- getting those clubs j.heq 16th with rounds of 73-71- far as a team goes in these Can- 74-73--291. total. individual prize I'm glad Arnold scratched by sand from a trap shot for the last two days, who outs- a five-under par 67 in the final' Club de field of 80 golfersir 567 | second | Wedgeport. $900, Conditioned, Wins Crown: U.S. Cops Team Play Palmer got only $1,000 for the core and shar- the and second jed $2,000 with Nicklaus for 8 team victory. Nicklaus TITLE Charles split $500 for George. Knudson | sentina won $400 for his 284 and finished eighth in| of Hawaii, fourth with 285, got 36 strokes. off the "Our ning the that was 'almer said "When we think we are in as main purpose Was Wih- team championship d A , inds- our main goal," Knudson, defending his scored ada Cup (former name of World a 292)|Cup) matches, we have risked playing each other for the indi- vidual," said Palmer. Palmer and Nicklaus paid tribute to the 51 yard- Golf~ Mexico. Other 'ound for a total of 276 players, however, complained Nicklaus and Charles tied for|too many the course's half mil- place, five strokes be-|lion trees were smack in. the hind Palmer. 'middle of the fairways. Tuna Tales Recalled By Grand Old Fisherman WEDGEPORT, N.S. (CP) -- In this Acadian fishing community on the south coast of Nava Scotia, tuna and Evee LeBlanc are often mentioned in the same. conversation Both have helped to make the community a byword in the talked all day about all sorts international big game an- of things, A marvellous man gling community 1 received this letter from LeBlanc, 88. recalls the day him and that photograph in 1935 when Mike Lerner, a there on the wall big game hunting and fishing He points to a framed pic- Ges, cane ee cee ak ture of FDR wearing his fa- > 2 miliar beach hat and then ing reports of 1,000-pound tuna reads the brief letter harpooned at the mouth of the cH Tusket River and Soldier's 'T want you to know what a Rip. a tidal current off delightful day had with you even'though we did not get any fish. I hope that we can come back again next year." SINGER LACKED LUCK LeBlanc tells of the time ha took singer Kate Smith on his boat and caught no fish "She came here for eight straight days. Fish were caught all around us but we got one bite, not one in all that time With fewer bluefin caught each year, various opinions have been expressed as to the reluctance of the tuna to take the hait LeBlanc agrees fheory advanced last year bs Julian Crandall, chairman of \shaway Line and Te Co. and an ardent fisherman and summer resident at a lodge near here, He told competitors follow- ing the International Tuna Cup Match that the reason fewer bluefin were being boat- ed each year was that fishing began later in the day. LeBlane agrees wholeheart- edly "When we went out, we left the wharf when it was dark, arriving at the Rip when it was daybreak. We'd have two barrels of herring and we would begin to chum immedf- ately. Around noon we'd shift had 28 to the river, We ustally got our fish." Balding ounds of 70-77-71-74 for who nursed an Palmer eye fired | high I've taken a number. of statesmen and celebrities out on the Rip and the river. President Franklin D Roosevelt came with me for a day's fishing in 1936. We had a strike but broke the line. He "In those days we didn't have the setup in our boats as is the case now. The fisher man sat on a chair rigged up in a dory we pulled behind our boats. When a strike was recorded we'd cut him loose "Anyway, Lerner stayed three s and we caught five fish. That started the whole thing. The next summer we were flooded , with anglers from all over the place LeBlanc, who always refers to tuna as albacore, a species common in Pacific waters, re- members the years when more than 1.700 tuna were boated in a single season TUNA WERE NUISANCE 'My father lived here until he was 93 and as a boy he re membered albacore getting caught in the herring weirs at the mouth of the Tusket River. "They were a great nui- sance to the fishermen be- cause they had to be towed out of the weirs. "As a youngster we used to z0 out and harpoon them just for the fun of it. With the influx of more for- eign fishermen each year, the Wedgeport Tuna Guides Asso- ciation was formed to accom modate the anglers At one time. we boats registered in this club." never with one GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. ances, two-year-old'. 7 Furs FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- 4-Dua! P'ality, Gordon ng, two-year-old fillies, 7 Furs 7-Lebanon Kid, Bel 7-Speedy Minstrel, Grubb 7.00 3.50 2.80 2 DH-Richard B. Good 3 DH-Bronze Bette, Gubbins 3.50 4,40 5 DH-Turf Accountant, 5 DH-Gold on Gold, Gomez 40 4.00 Also Ran in Order: Also Ran in Order: Turkish Princess, A-Level Road, Fantino. Wincuba, Royal Turban, Nite Nurse,'A-Clem's Romance A-Stellar Wise and A-Pomme Souffle. A--Stafford Farms entry A--J C Meyer, T © King and W T OH-Deadheat for third Mason entry DH--Deadheat for 2nd SATURDAY, NOV. 11 Allow- Grubb Rues Arctic Purse $2,800. year-olds and up. 7 Furs King, Grubb 2:70 2.10 Reasoning, Leblanc 2.80 /-Doniane 434 2-Chincoteague, Dittfach 3-Su Cler ner Platts i | Also Ran in Order: ay Supreme Chief, Dufty 0 Beauty and Prize Jive. iso Ran in Order: Now A--Gardiner Farms and Hillcrest Stable Cap Ferrat, Jet Invader, entry 4 Future Time, Turf Miss, Roman Dark. THE EXACTOR, 1A AND 4, PAIDS21.18 Late Scratc! DAILY DOUBLE, 2; AND i, SIXTH RACE -- SECOND RACE--Purse $1,800 i a hg ng. Three-year-ol 7 Fu 1-No. 11-Donlan 20 2.50 Mapis A-Orbiter Prilynn and PAID $11.20 RACE -- Three-year-olds Purse and up. Those Who._Wait, Brandy, Judge B8urns SEVENTH RACE--Purse 00 add ed 'Horometer Stakes,' thr yea THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim- and up foaled 'in Cada. 13-16 oni iles., a ing. Three-year-olds and-up. 7 Fu 6-Caesar B. Good, D'ach 10.70 4,60 2.40 3-Cosmic Kid, Grubb 9.10 490 3.20 1-Bye Anizajv, Fitzsimmons 4.00 2.40 Tier Lae - , 9.50 4.80/3-Pine Point, Gomez Ee Count ick, ittfa 3.10 j Also Ran in Order: Ne Passer Pas, aie oe ead ee Srand oly, Silver Gus, Forever, Pilot, Brillle, Fabi-|" rctor, ens Helerstic: us, Fanny, Windy Flash, Keenteek, Mr. Expediter and Boot Hill EIGHTH RACE--Purse. $2,000. Ciaim- ing, three-year-olds and up. 1 1-16 Miles FOURTH $2,000, 8-Roman Tune, F'mons 25.20 13.80 Claiming. 1 316 Tu Fu, nell' 14.00 Miles 3-Pretty Wis 1A-Career Lady, Kelly 6.40. 3.20 Also Ran in. Order: 3-Royal Doctor, Gibson 0 A-Cal_ Emir, Try 4-Miss Marianne H., Leblanc and Hartion: Also Ran in_-Order: Rullahs ye, Late Scratch---A-Chopstick Garden's Ace and Marking Beau A v r v i Late. Scratch--A-Paris Fashions ee -E Lieberman entry THE EXACTOR, 1A AND 3, PAID $21.30 Attendance 15,486, Handle $885,357. MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 !8-Armbro Hero, W'ster 2-Scion Grattan, Wellwood Purse | 6-Noteworthy Pick, Hie Also Started: Guy Protector. Cape Kaola, 4.30 Duke David 62% 4% 4" FIRST RACE -- peers $800. Claiming. 2-Sammy Boy, Her'tn 8-Danny K Peters, B'lich 7-Gallant Hof, Geisel 5.50 Also Started: Van's Pride C, Hieland Jimmy, Happy's Mac, Live Steam and $3, Elvis G en Bo / 0.70 4.80 3.60 Arm oro gan Ve 2 an esene RACE andot Chief, Feagdn = 240 aiming. Also Sarteds i gare clue fuanes 23,10 it on ' uy Mir_and JR pee pete Sat 7-Scottie Purdue, Furness EXACTOR, a aed , q AND "3 PAID 356,10. Also Started: Late Model, Tempo Mel-| SEVENTH RACE -- Ir ody, ne Boy C, Nrelodie Byrd and De- Have Conditioned. Te oe metr Waygone, Galbi 1 DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND 3, PAID $322.60, ie The Gibb, mailman ih 270 1-Roda, Wellwood THIRD RACE -- Mile Pace Also Started: Scat Claiming minion and Missile Slisie, W'wood 41.20 16.80 9.20 ¥, Feagar 6.60 4.4 Zirni r Eas y Annie. incon. Pp. V Da King's Buddy Silliphant 2-Armbeo Hue Galbraith Also Started: FOURTH RACE -- Wile Pace, Purse Non Stop and Guy Stone $800. Claiming, |. NINTH RACE \-McHuff, Feagan 7.90 440° 3.30 /$1,500. Conditioned. 2-Royal Oaks, Woods 4.80 3.10|6-M'land's. Dan, 22.90 9.80 5.00 5-Radar, Truckle 3.40 | 5-Sonny Creed, Galbraith 7.70 450 Also Started: Miss Star Magic, Lynden |4-Twinkle's Adios, ee 7 Bullet, Gentry McKlyo, Grattan Portage - Algo Started: Manse and Gracie Byrd Liner, Pat,P_ Prologue, Wally B Byrd and Gaylord Grattan 7 Purse jAtfendance 4,629, Mile Trot. Pat Sui Hawkeye Time and SIXTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse Purs urse Time. Dares EIGHTH RACE Also Started: hamp, Chiet Times, end Crystal Duke. ~-- Mile Pace. Purse FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Handie $225,227, Zé oat '@raft in "boom GETS DEGREE Douglas John Lloyd ceived his Bachelor of Ct merce degree at the convocation at Carle University, Ottawa. He the son of Mr. and M Raymond 0. Lloyd, Central Park Blvd. N., : attended E A. Lov School and O'Neill Coll jate and Vocational In tute. He is now with Cla eon, Gordon and Co., chi _ered accountants in Toror Carson Paid $1,000,000 Yee NEW YORK (AP) -- Jo Carson is paid a_ rep '$1,000,000-plus a year for hi: might show on NBC-TV bu ays many. television com ¢cials irritate him just as the "any other viewer. He said advertising is ni ary--after all, it pays the Gncluding his salary--"bu 'could be a hell of a lot 1 honest, and more palatable. Carson, in an interview ir December issue of Pla Magazine, has this to say a commercials: "My gripe with commer "ds that so many irritate me th %) haranguing and shor rail over- -sellin CLOSER TOGETHER BOURNEMOUTH, Eng (CP) -- A British travel age convention was told that no 'tities will be more than fhours apart by supersonic the 1980s. G Draper, development chie! British European Airw 'added: "If there is a s restriction on over aPoutes in the U.S, New ' will be closer to London tha Los Angeles." OPEN DAILY 7 to 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 Your home sti ---eo much warme plant can do the 1 up to 30%! No m blanketed with R another day. Lesser

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