so--Real Estate for Sele 93, 1967 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November REALTY LTD. 9 to Tz. REAL Friday, Saturday fied Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday i Classified Nu Call The Direct for Sol 16 Simcoe St. S. Real Estate for Sale ; ted (20-- i Wanted Ren ht Se 723-5281 Le trmrcinnteadoda wanted, fe ALE HELP WANTED G 0) R D 0 N Blohest pricas. Col ae heer e "a ae manufacturing plant " ! t/ Furniture. 6b: Vid icture fremes, faults a man who of se R NE DOUGLAS STREET } Or ANTIQUES. Glassware, picture fremes ble of keeping a set of r ind a half. brie 1 | a) Al buttons, china, e able ing monthly @ Storey a itch 1 lewellery,_ | 'Kingston Rd., Whitby. onda Gnd ge dr pied ie alas 1 Three bedrooms, kitche: f Owen, U7 This positi house. dining °roon statements. at ; 'comand dining ( R s for Rent basic knowledge o t iving § | for mo: | fe E D | R E & y | = 13--Article cone, The successful wie ea State . Priced at $15,500. Ca 4 ; i Dish- itt be required to dea nformation les, Choirs, Linens, cant will be req ir ° S SE as, Cutlery, Classes, Gridot | with routing me oo BROKERS SOUTH-EAST Urns, Punch Bowls, White and, if time and teva A icsion 218 Dundas St. E., No. 2 Rwy, me producing pro) Wear, Men's ging mit, will assist : ~ bs Whitby, Ontario ie o Hed school and sho; Min Stoles | and purchosing. , clos driv |TV and Radio Repoirs oF O86 ibe ta 'S RENTALS This plant, which is a sub- ial oi. Garage ee gin Fi Mortgages MAGGIE DIETZEL, SARGEANT'S. oa5 45h sidlary of © laley eomeeny, Dia Bockyord Pe Call font ght f r] ERG bic myosin GREENWOOD Ritson > cently loca ce ' ge Building Troden ai a WERS Sele, [tem -- nc ena] er eee eh hitby 668-8826 ai pence ountants try MORTS Brooklyn Ny |Tv RENTA 52 Simcoe S. Phone 723-0011! | Oshaw ty for ode | Whi yy ull fe pcs Accoun' | Quality Carpen Re-finance Present | " DEPICTS IN ee tarten RS, hospital beds, walk-| omple ee he business fe DIATE POSSESSION 208 Coen a GENERAL REPAIRS |; @ Peiaat "BUILT IN "appt STARTLING, ere piteninee eich room sup) vancement os Toronto 364-66 MMED rams Brice banaele Complete BO $. 723-7608 : | torts 1 AT OUR OWN DETAIL TH ers, Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1 grows 'i Il @ Five room bric nacula' cop. Street N- tified Gener ovement Specialists | @ Pay ail your bills | ROAD alledeale Yo one hundred forward a brief resum sage Tae ae led gs SERCO RORY, ord Shop. pre bag prea and Distriet = Moke veur uae | We give you a better tower Ger is ENTERTAINING? Fifty toon tor "ban ple palbali teelag pre- Oshawa 728-5157 jst rede -- school pg di Mg ar é r Many Years. Expand your busin | for less money. THEY | people: Osh weddings. Bar, ier a erience to Box oF 'centre. Open mor pine Contre, Chartered Aczourt ous Dae Depéndoble Service & fae courteous service IED |suete. partion. yon exp $2,000. DOWN rig Shloat thane. Coll t v mn onest and & a 1 | seaclaisasan 3 4 2 | vith ve L 'A 411 ' | ee ; s will be confidential | mt s ns nformation, ab -ES: phone (23306 wo coneneTe A sd t. Brok OSHAWA |, V. ) i ieeseononcen on 14--Business Opportunities | esa ases "acknowlbased: 1 8 vik Hari palace ei nerp. Unarmiatien " DER AN es In TIC PAVING A AN rts, | r, Ont. Mort. : ' | } and will be ac 500, =. 2 baths, large ; VING YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. ©) mn |ATCANTIC PAVING paved by experts, "Member, Week- ( ; ss | | 'ange is $5,500, ilies, it has new furnace ER MO ger fre ee ae tree, ete] | Mank Peveninge 9285603 | SUPPLY LTD, | | NIGST | || "OWN YOUR OWN | Stir ee eee CTO MONTREAL penkruptcy ? cera 723-0281 | nds ond even sa ta af " ' . ' fl price ' th a. 728 "xb C0. Chat-|three years He CNS NTON RD, &. zu | ¢ pe | Whitby. Full p P z sell h é ate mem fy rie ciel Frade EAVESTROUGHING eR Abie dds of Ritson) HAUSE shccolena lt free Quality Control cniy $14,000. x Md My burs y with garag King, Street East, Oshawi'/ings ing td | gee ! : | Be independent an ; noean " big braae he "West, Home has c Set tiene tae a gat? | SELL, BUY, TRADE | 793.9137 793.8132 og reeg rake cere | Supervision $1,500. DOWN Ce eae Fon & boom a | t fe Suerte Nev ONLY 2 50| THOR | Operate the Nour With ond | Only man with proven per- Another buy this week fo SAR DEne Ia iin beseinant Building | Trades | Fas nericese money. Refin- | SERVICE CALL . ADOLF MENZEL pumps whit fee roceries. | fiance n_ metal working the large family fet n . giatin e BRICK u eT | first m mortgage | V. Service rman | | family sells the groc r : '| be considered. | | et their own home, This AND 6 end 48'-| Carp entry ae at end aerond | Fast T.V. the famed Ge' tside Oshawa, industry will be < Re. | tog : sisiey 6 STONE SELL ORAFTIN Street North 72 arp -- rk, re-| ancing 24 hours ne ) inter, ALWAYS | | ocated just ou q lities' in Guelph. Re- | com brick, 2 storey ¢ > Se ind. photostet Adc ce RECREATION iad BN Renn pd money ava hci Mere Ca . DOMINION aaaatthe 'DISCOVERY THAT GERMS OSPLAYED A SIGN | Fully equipped and « going Nee ies aailtente offered. | rb with 2 both, situated bike ae E ng and gene verything 0 MADE HI SKI - T at B rm, | locatior 2 | f ex zs $ 1 and separate y his home is a rec Wm. . Ebony sre | Ralph Anderson, 942 ION ¢ 'pistnee BECAUSE A MERON ASKED. NEN THE PAINTER || conce We ae Carel Oh ee 1 close 40h o Yor $14 600 von 619,500, with all ait Building Tr ROOM?? |° : 2 ee ite TELEV fn BAW A ASC OF eee AT THE batt AT HOME- | PRICED TO SELL | perience, education, and sa j school, going for $14,00¢ fie: povdd divaway, cares NEED MORE Dentistry | F BROWN, betel Sur] GRIFFIN REAL ESTA 8.5154 9. a.m. to O p.m. STEUR, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY ed | Son tae re | ary. required ig tf USINESS like pav Sse: Leahooed ivr OME oR ~@ ROBERT 8 'age shewe. Tele| Ltd., Realtor ui be : Maury OF SCIENCES I LILLE FRANCE 9 AND REMOVED WHENEVER | | CALL Replies treated confidentially | ba all: grow! pedals 9 room, colored fi rest E., Oshew Ltd., F Se ee wah g sm ng on inini Om, Vv. Tow H ENTS 2: 72 king Stree oe Ay Sere | THE SUGAR BEE BODIES THA CAUSED tiasay | MENZEL WAS AWAY | | sborne | LAKESHORE | pitare be ebb ie and. in bathroom, T.V. Tow phor ----_--_____-- ia ------- N S SAW THE 7) 'ry Pd DISEASE (1 | sown the + | -- nl we 1 | LING~ AND D 4 ker for the IM PROVEM tions Dressmaking jist AND ae re "arrange. For "pertone ALCAN at sla gM " oe tate Ltd | DIE on ale | personae $5,000. do i - Alteratior nd buy, se be hone 725-14! E id Rea state ' Box akvi | 3 | oe Additions Rooms service, licensed broker, p FURNITURE on i d ----| and $12,000. full price JLEVARD Recreations Roc 2 ET Sainkinh ahd Descuiina PLIANCES --Articles for Sale . BROKERS | | ¢ FERNHILL BOU O Sail us ¢ poet Beastifily tallores "Painting Bsa .. re! dso simcoe SOUTH G--Articies for Sele |S | WHITBY 668-8826 | ESTATE | A FAMILY BUSINESS VI @ We have just listed a lov JAMES ALLEN & SONS "Grapes as Sine, Seer PAINTING AND goed einen and 723-0011 pga . 4000 SPRUCE | TORONTO 364-6622 | REAL | Established omar ae. y bungalow A : me- wit JA! SRESSMAKING, ratio Flor and. exterior, Erie. sigsietetanes e \ 4 | years, a small gri A p area. ,A_ spotle f th 725- 6126 RESSMARIN reagon or whttoy iw. Be seal sala aa hanging. tv TOWER SPECIAL eA 40-4004 towel | vgn Sasa trees excellent for OSHAWA 728-5157 SALESMAN aed produce store serv hres. bedrooms In one He din | Mrs. Neve t 5 0 1f NOW! Painting , insid@, F.| structure, ali-channel anten: I Teun.| 5 H Spruce tr ¢ tit ' z Bee tby, Oshawa area, ¢ r areas of Oshawa ' - -- | types sew- | D decorating. Outside, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, ip a /, | Christmos,-Going in quantity. Bae era for Oshawa. office. Whitby ' bette Q adscaped; con ALTERATIONS end Ho hey, 207 Bloor! interior 725-9872 $50, Evat, lust east of Ritson Road, | 106 William St. W. | Christe -- | Wanted for equipped, records avai d and fully lands ap Apply Mra. F cd | Schmidt, jton Rosd | 94---100--106 Wi | OF -| s treated confident- | eq ties. Grossing ec : lawn contai G } | n t E terested parties. letely fenced Phor OFIN Siset West. "| d Heating I | 2 MILES NORTH | Inquirie z oa id es pl. "A sheds ees dae d styled to you bing on ---Personat seal a) mt | ] 1! W. Baldwin, ma 0. per year, cou vo beautiful s ROC or Old faste, aise, steretions. "Telephone s76-| Plum : = ea Allied Wrecking | jacigsiets hh cig ALL IN ub A eval pareites with little effort pa nd we will be please : taste ra panera S . | Highwoy ler. s home : sz nti \ ount YSIS re Scugog Hig nag | $ Home Improvements a seigihing,, Re Plumbing Disc 's ELECTROL Co cl ¢ Minded Hydro_Office) -- GARAGE | HALF ACRE s . si ISON sonable rates, | 149 Brock St. North 723-464] | 725-4171 728-3521 | TTAURANT ' NK | d-close to Hihgway 2, CHOICE AREA C. RUSS HARRISON oe 'aiter-| TBY 668-6601 | | d building | CALL 576-0343 -- RES | peneeae this building {ot ' rt s three bedroom bric Gt Asc =e j | + use uile AL. | j ar A ny his thr PE Me ire midis ever ALIEN f superfluous halr | ai) toes of u ST OFFICE | nd is con. vil ; rport is situa | n's ladie's; 723. ol of superfluc in al for sale on site <= POST } R nice trees a Ne with carp ine Ing gown alterations. 6 special, ie Direct to you, plumbing sup- | wee Murduff cis bhp flee ~|GONTINENTAL BEDS trom + $95, a att ESTATE LTD. hes for schools. Priced bungley exclusive. aréa,..¢lo! fin | irect to you, £ i | S54 15 Ss aaenemees J ni TERRANO PAV! ae Tas ie ---- rs ig | eet | Oren pana Nel eiel 6 (E ~~ CLEARANCE lenecthivd att. Pachury: culict:. sesaten, 'An Gxcallent investment for 506 Simcoe St.,. Othawa at $4,000. to_all. schools ond sar a ness. Guer® t, 72. 4 BUSHES ars ep AR Ys 20% o cide Phor Genosha_ | slit tes, OME STBTG OF. TRCIOTY OULU. 7eo-O0ee i 4 ; illage at an _ Bs mee ees experience 1h aa Gardenin & Supp ah PA g | han done fe oppointment, | kitchen and ehdptelesnd TYPEWRITERS, $49, No money down, energic oe Shige 728-7585 aoe SDAA Ghee: CIUABa FIFTEEN Y ovating, Free estim -- ae 44" 1 Supplie Penamank Gelman |. lovely 8 pe sulle Wi in |$2. weekly. Adders, Bit "Hemtttons| of Taunton. J- Pitthes 1A aH baeiC Pas eat Tas me Bd foods" | S--Sportsman's Column | ows 3 pws ou a wit ons. cus, i$ Bae Biches in the & | | rbor- " = ee Pe PTT . | a186 A | SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. [UN TINS ICRRCES > net iG Seed vinyls eres 5 Wony TYPEWRITER, standard, $20; fing me:| room Sieient. hos present | BUYER | OPEN GROCERY AND ce in Osh onst, 725-2756 Wild Bird Mix CLOSED WEDNESDAY __/ MUN Fe hunting aueetion Wally tected ite tables. $69.95. ick pas IL sable Pa your eiagele 6%, or new | ARIETY STORE ---- Feed sunflokers \ ALL TYPES repsirs anc Rosser | niin ar tng * --------------}__ more Sone FORKIT URE owe bs stn aad eee hockey wa. ieee Bie be arranged for EXPEDITOR a located in a good nortl | flowe: - d used materials. Foley. | end wrap deer | WILSON'S Sia eee SKATES, new t bargain prices. inan: informations vu Included is fo Toco aig v; rate, Estimates tee. 72111. Fol eo Gita ae nae ei. al 20 CHURCH ST Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Sh. Ey. 72654 Yall, SHIRLEY | MOSRAL, d for. manufocturing west. « "quarters, tv 40:1 Wheot . lephone Bi i, RR " 7. ; ; or bedroom . living : Btn e ecueeiel Rug - Upholstery Service |TAXIDERMIST Saws Some 5 FOR SALE -- USED SOs Gn ait eer ae 523.4134 a, Minimum of five a reeves A gold mine eo 4; odd ae 1a ERT Ontore. Baer. m5 TV SETS eee Nittan seedtee § rience preferred, St. Lawrence St, E Two car garage an . a roresce-| 5 RE-UPHOLSTERING ile lad acl | jend solid Wftere, 725-4085, --------------|_ years ie hee 3348 for on ' Whitby pote included. For full por A Ac a addi-j *° - 9332 work, | ondition SE SB SCY ket aCe "E 'e . X.Y' E Telephone ve ¢ y extra {Or I 'ight tionc! words | y Bes 5.76; ad Hanging Feede 7 | - | A-1 con --Market Baske TIM ith ' shone tonigh' He bait rg ei i Pet Supplies @ Wide selection et Hdboee \4--Motorbikes Le ISION 9--Ma y a ONCE appointment wi ? : teal, Brenig | : tlone & bat-eont edditional eheree Suitas' Si. Feaee @ Workmanship ; ware! Posner we ee amet TRIG) TEL RY. START MR. SMYT Come In and see the two- EXECUTIVE HOME ge d within & days ho Dog Feeds (five hla eis "Free Stop cycle, 19 Se eae Goal 728-5143 MAN OR WOMAN | 5' NANCE MAN | storey, 4 bedroom beauties, rs Cust m built, featurir Master C a @ Easy budget te service, sales, a, types and show 4 pee alii ENAN \ | y xX large. livir Boa Meo ice, ivision St. blished loco INT | bedrooms, lai i Purity Dog Mea Eonetes experience [mein ivices all ive | cdlhsshs Supplying esta sa with the. |. MA NEEDED DAILY foo, fomily sized kitchen wi snow Shovels * OF URITORE CENTRE te TRIUMPH Bonneville, 662 Saari CUSTOMIZED DRAPES tions in vou en paws ! OPEN double gland large den ul $ 1 ° | % ensational new } ™ dou "ge . at Voter Soft ~ ie Simcoe St. North | miles a rod SAVINGS UP ae 0 papa hh at 5c-a-cup on the Bondoble; reliable se 10 am. until dark. walk-out to patio, nee, Brittania Malt Extrec 1 'a7 TRIUM 8394, LIMITED TIME ONL lants, offices, etc. neces. Benefits inclu ; coms and attache 7 . FESSIONAL $400, Telephone 723- | spot ot pl " Bee f health and life roo! month includir Nirie-Coneentrate PRO ~ | tT H : | ping discount, he for $104. a m Hi : sity Mix RUG CLEANING 6--Marine Equipment M & C C n OS | Exclusive with eth deat profit sharing, etc. | ' vee at 6%%. For full pa Budgie & Canary C | DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES OE' Age no object. Please submit '| BRIGK BEAUTY ile call tonight rvice | HAYHOE'S i i to; | ret blessed Cooper-Smith Co. Fass Fick Ge Ge ailey KI DOO doupineed Rushial MOUNTAIN BLEND COFFEE | Goplication in writing The 4 Bedrooms, sears wisi Wie Aubene | r j es TA lin \ ; t ireplace in liv- F, tt c 16 Celina St. | } | he Pd Per usne Z | ZELLER'S LTD dining room, iAlihed: ree lovely semi-detached ¢ Be od 1139 | -Graydon | | ; require $1,500 to com- | ing: room plas ie tinlshed ek lovelya fe thin & days 794.94} 723-11 | ngus y' 'S LARGEST FORD'S You req : I. ng ' tros, a te e just off oie OF TH 5S words and 7c SR KENTUCRY fe 9728-6254 | SELLING SNOWMOBILE 3 oe Living Room, Piste igh rorcola fener: | 21 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa room vip Fy ee pirorag yt t. Upstairs salgey ae ee 256, Says, |MERIO ee SOD | experts, estab-| Bedr . Dining Room, | able with? ai per week = |---- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN patio ond nic ibli ord sep- sas th o separate entran t 8 days. E-GRASS | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts guaran-| PRICED 95 0 | Bedroom 09. $499 plus 2 to 4 'hours per Hide Seahplen: Ake) lot, close to public Se eiOG cacathiy Rost Her prea cerita Gooth teeae ae | ROM P | $399, $499, $5 a ; A [ G are time. For further infor Wanted for Brampt arate schools, in a good resi« : 3r $100, month ge 2h erate All: Green Nursery }: [iin "Fecal iriure, retinas | F Plan Available | Easy terms. Immediate deliv dj, | mation Box meaae3. "| Want ed manager to help | Gentil area' Coll Keto i fall basement. Look it ov "6¢ each ate ter Odlews Upholstering, 287 'an soa | Time Payment Ten t ery or layoway ee x ETURN | perienced manager lat é s larges D'S HARD - 21% NET R | Cangda's largest too late : 728.0311, joistered and) Oshawa and area ad} RUTHERFOR 0 bi jou. Join Can Sod Growers CHESTERFIELDS re-up rgd mate!' galection. of ew ara oP Simcoe St, South O on your investment. abi } anlion a firm with a proven 15 ACRES R OOKSIDE ACRES Soo geal atl tors Welcome ral foe Abe Festi Slipcovers made] Snowmobiles, as wel Bat e Ve price asle. Thickson Rd. N. --Main Aedeaaten pepe | record of sales. a rei | West of No, 12 and north abe: rage VSS Tan WNLINE N frial for re-cov pholstering, 75 Charles mplete stock of snowmob SUNWORTHY walipaper, ' tast-{ fey office, 1 apartment. me F.R.1., Vice-President. ig No. 7 highway, @ i el home NINES | 5.9674 - Baa) ag chi u comp 2 ries, ntinued patterns while they 1g | " $llj-. | G. Lee ' de of N / 9 z NNES 2 to or | trailers nd accesso Toieoph oued | parte paper, $4 King § | Whitby ig Ppa eee ont | H. KEITH LTD, fevaly spot to build yo double goers. suits, e i lown nis ad & | . E. nspect has three bedrooms, Instruction -- Siocon =| les and Service } Snowsu INITED bid S| ee 500.0 RD CHARLTON, 728- | _181 Eglinton ye country home, Coll to insp heen i! tbe mand o lar, augisTER a : UNITE RINE GUARANTEED, u re $34.50 and| NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de Call GO! Toronto 12, 487-3333 WHITBY ious living roo! Se ecieta ND MARIN } efrigerat 3 i i fe : ee : i vette Oshawa Janitor | RENTAL ae an no St ea Aica nf i te ersclal onesies livered or Srey ae nde bad eu KEITH LTD. lFULL or partime driving er Shaces poet bet lot fo tollywood us aH MAI recre . j | Oshawa -- 7 j Simcoe LE | hardwood,| Telephone 723-9439, : rs of age or over. Canada) p this 80° x Ply dining room wbehateeie f Service Rite Moped Ave, Neowin frehy ee. 12" and aa & Poultry tees --|Driving. dena Telephone 728-4811. $6,000. and build yourself ¢ tion room with field have be : Offices, Churches Ajox -- Harwood Ave maple, beech, white birch, ete., 9A--Eggs COVERAGE at low cost Is BARBER WANTED, part - Ry home ihe grounds d ai Offices 942-6171 1e"_Gelivered. 70 CITY-WIDE SS till sgl eagtyd bets bo eta ene et fia Aa Bowmen , landscaped a New Homes ROTARY power iawn mowers General i. FREEZER mit You oat riter. ville; oF tebohone 623-2694, "INVESTMENT. PROPERTY y lovely. You have mbit ly payment ' | ing Service Electric refrigerator, gas es FAL {723-3492 + i WANTED -- Christmas tree pro-| IN i ft, only ore reall to appreciate 4 third 'mort cet t lephone CHRIS CRAFT jheadboards, 36, Telephone 723 | [15 Employment Wanted | Hate WAS . After Sem! Fix to guit yeas ce see this home ta pact F n AG snira't i ---- @ | ug P c pone enehennanen Inter coat with ¢r -- 000., one opartme: Phone tonight to inspe : 4 hour Provided ES and SERVICE MEN'S SUITS, winter 'coat wi i' , day C8re|telephone 623-7511. ----------------|_ $16, , i Phone tonig apes. before) Somes | Ctrengey veekends 728-6015 :728-0715 were hiss sail boats, |ers, nygeetitadl Teay's Halian' slip S p F | [FREE PicK-uP Not 'Under two! years "|ICENSED | MECHANIC "or i I3| a living room, along earn ie) CAN LOT marged one d0y's| service 7 j ARANTEED REPAIR io all war McVay fibreg Uph and [ora sie & Baty Crm, piven, hon lot oot, Balas, Sritin, Uhlan Wen cheers OM jate:| .fooms, private bath ar ls HOLCA! al Nahar. an cians Fove : | Crestiiner, psig Evin- |thait, two expandable Parcs. "aoe S I SSSUINE Haas ORG GATT Some ershle.- Union poneiie wa anctottaeal other partment hes a bed XIl @ This extremely sarge Nba alee oer lances. | siw| Northcraft runa ule |lawomower 310, Nui rentt oats CHICKEN LEGS [Mev or without truck. Rent truck with hour, Bele peti Apply In fors,| sitting room, kitchen on. i in. the: north-east aot - posh > small engine service,| o outboard mot |player, $77 go : : | 728-2882 CRI Ca Ick Buller, Cliff Mills Motors,| § rents for 2 ar North is an WIG TOREY CLE: malar overhaul, Parts,| Mes uibes Yachthaven \728-5510, ia | Individuolly Packed HEL eee open for |s0n King. Street West, Oshawa, | ope. pay down payment, Central ae to have ¢ une-ups, torage. 723-9241. 19 Prince. 23-8186 /ELECTRIC GUITAR en cond| ORCH! for weddings, banquets, and a LY or more, full, part-time,} month, be property on e ms. bul | supplies, sto na Mirror) BINekSTBeK, -818 tang with wallet case, new condl-| 49e per Ib. bookings. Pee pee more informa-|gi00 WEEKLY, oF territories, Whitby, call to-nite, home of your drea ae ate Rook J er t pont GE nore "STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller, boats. po PA NB ld teeters 8 srattoned Han iatgenie 725-4337, Beet 4 728-4922, ' arge enough f n 8 : on resilvered mirrors, $1.75 $a evecyining |kvintooe ine Soregh wha Supply UsED Br BUY, sui ranted eas 50 Ib. lots delivered free on RECEPTIONIST -- ton Rive yeore'| WATTS = Mai Zig ah a $15,900. th 2 level ond @ 2 car at tor 4 ft. -We have everythi his i tore: vy, 8 g 7 rs Y ve Hi y with 2 € ike wi Call for fi 'twinge, eluminum small.|Brovklin 48s6a.. Wp Prince Sireeh' Tas vaan scnr| Wednesdays and Fridays Bice axserience. PEN, tenes tyne, [persons for," domestic ociies In ex: Nice Seen wir 2 very reasonably. Cal frames, big or C= Good used fturni- of ( 29, Oshawa 'S-/ change jathrooms, rec room 2 vets lars. | Free pickup end. dell Weise one a7 'Swap and Barter fk Mrsheee "anilevee Pa | CHALET REUABLe OaY cake oneeT roy eo Lane SRIGaROR ON We Dee 13', living and aay an particu e a Mortgages _ | glass and mirrors. We sais , "61 Austin 650, [tures St. 2 ---- | RELIA Oxtord - Philip] WELDER FABRICATOR, mus' bined 30' x ' HILD wave . Bi ¢ Vs-TON, 60 Bulck, |Prince - hoses,| wn home. Any age, 2. lueprints. Apply Industrial combi Itchen, 3 R YOUR C REGULATION c = GAGE i phone . TIRE an, retocilier, every. REPAIRS; wil hake | RMS LTD. ° e8, Telephone 576-0362, to work to bluep cue rch off the kitchen, FO ; ages pes t| SECOND MORTG shen repairs, el et aq Bedford. -V d used, 20 per |VACUUM delivery, 942.0213.| Noy cree dows | Tools, 411 Bloor Street Wes sunpo 6% % Mill fenced-in back y Es Wik NOT 8 SECC |VACUUM and po pew motors |thing In plumbing, new an liside and |brushes, etc. Pick-up, in Street, | NCE to have your windows|Tools, 411 € NITY, Large jood size bedrooms, 61% XII! @ fe com 1 THE OSHAWA ry Pe iN ADVER- MONEY ites || thing ¢ cent off. Chinn, Hilisi 7288|/Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Originally LAST CHA jeaned and put up before EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. rt @ 2, P.I.T. month- ' lovely four bedroo REPOS TOE ea aoe OTHERWISE y Y [cent-s0 perc 723-7008 days. 726- Pickering. Packers ors Store Sena eenlerinl, EUR leancaty heh epenlig. fot a. Kecal und.| Mortgage. $92, P.I.T. This Ka Wii erne" TISEMENTS SUBNET ED oO LORE : |Park pi ND EXCHANOM used Port Perry winter, Multl-Ci Aus ake care. ofldent with business or sales backgrou iv storey home fairit WRITING N AD- val repairs, Rooting, nights, i BUY, SELL Al . The ae MAN will take care. ofiden jal history, educa-| fy, 'al for a large THAN ONE ek BtyoND. THE ALL ty eavesioughl fy "weeps 8--Articles for Sale __ tore or sD Hohe" Gas' timene UNION hed | RALIARKE WORN St. E., , Whitby, BAL ABE AMIE TE tot Box 82595 Osh. Vivian Holligan 942-0296 a ah price with tern VERTISEMEN $i IN Nee A i May oy, ens = a City Tradin 7. PORT PER IAN desires position in a Times. ivi 3-0288 Lott it. PRICE CHARGE FOR A. SINGLE. IN |masonry. Gord M ld ------ |Street_ South, 723- Serer [maruRe WOMAN Heskktencan ty law ev. tiSuan. Racal . Marlow Manenek Ve all now $6 abet aie ait atl | Service NOW. [pliences, Call Elmer, 260-1204) 26: 2695, 655-4422 ling, payroll. Oshawa' to ster 500" |RENT TON raster Ses for tetiont | ON. Van den Broek 668.8826 0 Ps &P STORI eae mes reserves t S . jpllances all Elmer, 26 Y 284-4473 atter Ads -- inson ~ fs) A dyipibteok Ra ie TRUK Canned SIX SERVICE BAYS CASS REPAIRS to" aluminum and penis ough. Telephone Dave J 576.2476 CLOSE T attractive 3 bed ¢ ) BONL ¢ |SEPT ha RVICE |Gtass d aluminum screens. Ip Wanted d Sansale D. Vickers 637 XIV @ An attra PROMPT SERVICE lice on calls wae FOR FASTER SE |wood_ windgys J delivery. 7 728 --- FRESH' DAILY | |17--Female Help 9--Male an Olive Ferguson' 576-3 3 12 x 12 'kitch F 2 ased on {Street W -- | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Free pick: is TRENT POR SALE OT White. Feather Farms. Oshawe, home: |CARGE-LOCAL PRINTER Fequlres ex Help Wanted res Keye 728- 0196 : ree of HARGcROY Bi q Ford, Ply- | @HRisTMA avaliable, Tele delivered at store or home. id person for offset copy prepar- olds 723- / wit j led bath w |Surveyors -- Chev., Dodge t -- |types and sizes of trees : Picked up, perienced pe t, Art ability an asset -| Barbara Reyni 4726 boards, 4 piece tiled b ' + One - FLIM, ONTARIO LAND w cay mouth, Pontiac. We igh phone_ Mr. ll Be ih cash Farmer's Column en rghit Wage to a vier fee Roy Soley, 733. 5145 vanity upstairs gnd a ae 2 he annum) |. ce 47 Prince St. Res Eig wheel alignment, inspect prs TYPEWRITERS, Baaiig wrbchines, 11, 10--Fari CRIPPLED tar Sack company benefits. Apply 57 Simcoe 3 Experienced pat Shdnt, ff 723-4871 Eh SeWRATEIFE: ee rs rrOW= |e 795.688) "| t castor and comber- registers, new,--used, 1 dealer, 728-3664. DEAD AND 1) Fur Farm, Street South. George', * Abramo' 7 hide Close-to-bus ta +h ISCHMANN, On correct ca: s to , Catt your Royal dea = romptly.. Margw tarting rates. * 68-6337 reation room, ony. : sifgie ' POpRNAN. 'Sure ert commer ca 2. gs a sl sel 7 95 STUDENT. TYPEWRITERS, com Fyrone a teieph nonce. sf ae fe ee South Ena" Restaurant, *|REAL ESTATE SALESMEN aes eetieer 668. 6226 portation. rs TASY TO PLACE ' i . i 3: anit "l) Ontario Street. 725-563 + correct condition : . rtable all makes, New, used, Linton's ent Lleence i Street East sheds eorge' Sulll e a e€ > ; - 1? a | ulred, pol $30-up.--MeLin = jBloor Street East. soem 5 TIALS ACTION W peep cinp bei baigg | ue or ag Fm © Torsion bor edjustment [sed seen Joie. 0p 11 Rets and Livestock [ERPERLENCED WAITRESSES "wing for fost, moving RealEstate PF pray Ada ioaly ol él Cc ~ ENTRE | 1 V¥---' ---- te Tor se (C GUITAR and amplifier, $60. NIES, 40"-44", perfectlApply RJ vs dal ffice. Over 300 new homes ; ; bl Extra large lot, OSHAWA SHOPPING C pasteles oe SPECIAL jauuerey stove, ArboritetableCand ai Nake Telephone. 1-985- sia RIVER WANTED ir a-Si mH good supply of resale uy e anc Mis beautiful view of ba a > S \ airs. Vi y' ' 4, 942- financing Aisas d R2A, sini . First | chairs. Viki oki ne 725-3855 after 5 p.m. |ogbs' P live In. Telephone after listings. Immediate LTOR Ontario. Zone re) , $. ne. Telepho: age hte thas ER ps. Pro-ldren, inta: e Le ( Gre "| WHITE Most Spinal e oT wheale owen eee 40-ft. structure, | GERMAN SINtoe koarainn: Shi' serv: 0898. ENCED HAIRDRESSER teed-| on resale properties, oe = bought with' down le DEX TC "MORI GA BLACK and \ i | Quality Sid 88 wv i Nate Gi RI eee Gini Ge thee. Texas saddle.) EXPERIENCED Adel, Halrsty!-|- commission pth ath or 623-7461 SGnee Gi Bald inongege. ; - » cnoed 'ond EO ST, CALL | 5143, | Ices. yi s, Biscanad y. 212. ; ial interview ca a the door. \, j ONS rst' mortgages arranged c FOR THE BEST, | . vision, 728-5143, Tele-|Shirts. Cozy-J_ Ranch Kenne' i[inas BO Courek: St" teleohene 723-42 confidentia comes to on, oN purchased. Open without no: T.R | 0. Plus $2.00 per wheel pooling ESA ror soply Sever Ae roopLs sileed. Taphone Winn aPRcnnT 1 BOOKKEEPER-TvPI: JOHN KOSTENIUK $2,000. DOWN night for further informati ten be: bonis ° ake > | (labor cost phone Dundas Street, Lo reasonably pi : Sart i nn room home e ee | TELEVISION EL BALANCE SPECIAL peg Re Ry PRA oh ies, registered. pavral reeuired. Reply Yo Box 116, W ee ie ae caw oe STREET EAST nd mortgeges arranged | WHE i ar ieee eniby uth call ta) or bart boat Ta raat tae ence ane e: iting and]. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. with dining ro sw oil fure KING iit comm Second hoenl Currant Ine FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Including weights pi $1.95. |Private. 'write Box Més0a, Oshawe Boe eas AR; Moe. MIOBLEROE nar Braga Realtor minum siding, ly $14 800 XVI @ This wel ar close ond purchosed nes faa | 0 5 PTION h . , + | 909 RO is Sonia Gate Da light house wor' : asking only tpt rty is loca 12%, Open ha | TV. RECE eac Times, ired, custorn bull, | lig Tele 728-7703, nace, cial prope : u sd fae os t notice or | Your Own SHOCKS, MURA, LLOYD a are | - Eg on oe uate old style for sale. aie wee ior light Rouse. 942-3310 OSHAWA 1 MILE a busy ipo soagl Boag | ye yearly . FR In good condition 2647. 8 inding three children, droom 2 leased stores, 5 WE ICES Latesdded nas) Us uate 78 readyikeeping and minding 728-9387 SSE with 4 bedr . ner a lo u 7 COMPARABLE PR Telephone gga rma ot UL BABY BUDGIES, area. Telephone -- 10. acres Anita ee ts, leaving the ow: M. F. SWARTZ TV TO C ees st The Town and | SeauTiR king strain. Apply P.| Bloor ¢imooe EARN brick bungalow, 'finished ri ments, le riment for. Be King 'Straat. Bott i n SNOW alls, tires and wheels, | ir training, 18 atter 5. = . HOW TO ric! : tio, 2 ly spacious apa' \ _ id n Ont : i 728-5143 | UNIROYAL fisnl4 Usea four puted a 3, joys he uty Sh eecerinte aan e MORE MONEY -- room, with we qnly ane use. Call us for further sok Stoel MO 7 ; Asion | : PPIES and tr 'ele lawa Section -- ft, No barns, stream, " ; Telephone 723-4697 Corner Bond and Divisio | CENTRES i AND SELL = good Sood suipiiore Heli bree ag wis fo 4 ain you In sales or fen ml ge MEN and WOMEN $35 000. trade considered. formation, = tEDIATE MONEY | The New Home of jand abpiiances. Simeoe 'South, 723-3271." [Bho on arin COD FOR V Cee CP ee wlth Commer Icteeaion fat: \ ned sl ee COURTICE AREA ® r ab : | ELEVISION -- RADIO | ION TIRE STORE dale Ei ond par, Fa-|PROI rT ROR fe ti ole oa PH} jie woman to live:| to help meet the de- th attach- ' siesta ine hg BER Service } OnT Perk Road South pater Bagg con: | Pru pickup and n Pinechers, oc" Ger-|MATURN, clean, 70 reliable woman ike Pec iene mack needed ser- 3 bédroom oe alin bay GUIDE REALTY 4 | 24 Hour Servi 1 |mous Traynor nh Speakers. Nest sining. Dobermen Pin le. Dachurst |in and help in snac Perry 985-| man : t, ed garage, pave ', y available. Call John Phone 725-6511 Inking Mih' anors Gack Guieee an Shepherd pupples for sale. housework. Telephone Port vice for motorists, Pleasan : i, fireplace, 2 acre k, Griffin | Estate aise eer ee ice of || coking with strong ach col-| , 655-3881, . ing work. ming pool, i ; ene HOLMES sll Ae ae rtextlies, wide | choi ra itor car carina $19.50 wail aoa CLIPPING voaildage Py ly aaLIARCE WOMAN fo do Mu ine Re oe fanseiney but lot, asking only $25 LIMITED wala colors ani yrvice for. bridal' an jumn for e month to approvi ll breeds. Telephone aed nd cere for chlidren, t E AR x Ss t South 5 i . ure. Rental sei id Styles 163/ balance at $9.00 per Is call 725-4706.| available, a ag bunnies, fur sla wear ReNPING 0 728-4098. car is. For full information COURTIC 16 Simcoe Stree poriments. f é ELECTRONICS isu wear. Fabrics ani credit. For further oe wate Store, __|F REE -- Three pupples, lust six In, Telephone : ie 5] ith 572 teet ts for ' > _ |. Telephone hone 576-3351), 7 e lot with 26--Aportmen he een | |Simcoe South, free,|Wilson and Lee, Ltd sic jeces,lold. First come, first served p acr Zi ly $8900. 260--Expo rege ei tee - ECOND m rigeges, sale) } |FREE! Purnece cleaned, rool nage OU DININGROOM SUITE, nine 2 fet,| Port Perry, 985-2980. en Perel / | Wil GALWEMKG, cacao |. frontage, asking only = 281 tas Freliged Board FIRSY AND SECON fie age lil TV RENTALS Guerenteed Migerintlad boa mpany Ibegutitat Gi Heap teh apo ipa lil "Apply REGISTERED Dachshund, veisonone | Want-Ads Don t paca rile SALESMAN. Classified Ads low down payment, 723 5 Wits to PEO eis po Hennick, -Barrigters, 31 King Stree TOWERS purchase from oo hutch Bis6e, Oshaws Times. months old, et best offe: 54 | ! sell for you around the clock. Dial 723. 2 faa' te M dene 5 a a ee SOF new|to Box 833 tle, i 31--Lompoct Cars for _ sicciiseesepsai ps: E 668-5675 pea bay day Ey war, Sue FIBEROLAS FENDERS so ree [amen read Times Action ciel! Coct-- They Pay ! [seit fy for Sole PHON S-20/¥ ti Pay 2 5 : New and u TH ShcAcacnceitos pak Adverti se Your Vacancy hi home. Purniehings, 424 Simcoe a fhe 'tecters ing generators. We Nelson fled ade dally. a peep rg Baer lin the Times Classified Section . + « spurtment. Phone 7243002 "ond plas' on| USED TIRES, most all vines, BF, Go rt ae ll ao. roomers come running L jopartment. Phone 723-3492 end ae auctions Phone 723-3492 38--Corr 39--Notices ft. 728-21 lrlch, 88 King Street West, 726450, | 61 lage, fer vent ad ts The Tim