41 34 FAR Two Generation Herd Dispersed | T he Elmcroft Holstein herdtons per acre, the highest on ney Lewis was asked if it took \ graduate of Birmingham '0 Bruton Parish Episcopal,|Club has engaged Mrs. Marilyn|played at the community arent paomanpighieatea 2 of George R. McLaughlin, Beay-jrecord. The previous high was forethought fortitude to.Southern College in 1934, Dr.|Church here 11 years ago from/Ruth Take 'Whittstock. runner-|from 7 a.m, to noon each Satur: NEW CATTON, England (CP) erton, was sold recently at the|2.34 tons in 1961. Durham Coun- urge Jobnson € a Lewis received his bachelor of\!Tinity Cathedral in Little Rock, up for the ¢ anadian sing gle day. The association executive -- A pinchpenny who put a far- IZ heey onl -- Teor gpd |i among pyr, reported an "logical, straightforward" expla- divinity degree from the Univer-|Wtere he was dean championship in 1944-46, as ncludes: Robert White, presi- thing--one-quarter of a penny-- g ne excelent total ofjaverage yield of more than nation J policy in Viet- f ; Sew al for the coming sea- Ident; C. Brown, vice-president; , sis EH, $109°073 for 130 a ar aul tires thie oan aoe faa cays veclied --t the South jin Sewanee, neoleg oo Ay oo oe ae igh Proven, a Conbeen pied si jim the collection box in a Nor- rues isan average of $839 ch. Eight A record average yield of 82.7 One isn't ------ ~ her hive one sauchies 'Diss |i p.m, to 7 p.m. each Saturday,f oedy, treasurer and Don folk church was being more * re bulls averaged $1 each: 76 bushels of grain corn per acre privileged to tell the president CBee is Ss and looks forward to a success-| Mitchell Alex Escholtz and Roy Senerous than he thought. The Op s milking females 1 each; ljis the estimate this year for of United States what he R d ll Fi ' ;, ful year Wilson, directors SNE AS AUER a bene tre bred heifers *h; 14 open|the 850,000 acres planted which thinks very often anda Irm Burton Parish, completed in '\roibers of the club execu- ssue--and sold for $14.25 1683, is among the oldest 7 The Brooklin' United Chure! neon a heifers $807 each 49d 21 heifer'should yield more than 70.000 calves $545 each 00 bushels. The fodder corn The Elmecroft.herd was devel- yield is expected to run about oped over a period of 44 years 12.2 tons per acre - also a rec by Mr. McLaughlin and his late ord average fered a sermon father, R. Ray McLaughlin.| Spring grains. did not fair is They are the only father and well. In the central Ontario were addressed to the congrega- to Montreal Mayor Jean Drap- son combination Gere: to area, particularly, the quality tion, each qualify in tl for a Master Br the highest honor a Holstein! planting continued to climb with this breeder can win. Mr. McLaugh-! 000 acres planted this year lin is president of the Dairy|The estimated yield will be 13. porn Farmers of Canada and chair. man of the Ontario Milk Mar-|10-year ay stein herd at Elmeroft res yielded 61.218.000 bushels Elmcroft cattle have been This was a yield lower by 30 cellent reputation was reflected 48.1 bushels in the 11 central in the presence at:the Oakville counties compared with the pro- N U S W th S t li sale of many fortign buyers.|vincial average of 53.7 bush ew abs @a er a e ite Altogether 54 animals were sold els for export, these going to the The per - acre yield of shel U.S.A.. Mexico, Brazil, Argen- led corn in the central Ontario newest tina and South Africa. Thirty- district averaged 74.1 bushels beamed to earth S four head sofd for at least compared with 82.7 for the pro- bling $1,000 each ; vince. Central Ontario's fodder world's cloud cover The top price was $5,000 paid corn yield averaged 11.8 tons g00d reviews from by the Oxford and:District Cat- per acre. Durham County's crop tists tle Breeding Assoc ation for the averaged 13 tons "ox Elmcroft Inka Gascader. W. K. els of potatoes will come from in the MacLeod, Disraeli,,Quebec, paid Central Ontario this year, an'cellen the second highes# price for a'average yield of 228 per acres. Aeronautics and Space Adminis- crater out of camera range. The NO. 3" bull of $4,100 for Hlmcroft, Pon- The 'yield and quality tend to tration report ocks extended to the horizon, a tiac Chieftain rhe highest price|be above average for a female by Richard Schlei ville, Ont., for 3arbara Babe $3,100 paid by kinson, Barrie ent" cow; $2 é by W.jearly fall K. MacLeod our-year- old heifer; $24 by Tom STANLEY ALLIN Rowntree Wi for a 'Orono, paid $590 for a bull from four year $2,100 'the herd of Allan Franks and paid by D. ron, Wa-|Sons, Madoc, at the Eastern On qu, South three- |tario fall Hereford sale in Pet year-old heife paid byjerborough. The 11 males con- Cc. Alberto Lo: nos Air- singed to the sale brought a to ry good" tal of $4,704 and 23 females $7 S05 Son RECORDS WERE set by sev. A NEW WORLD record sale eral Ontario crops this year,|price for a dairy animal was with the harvest of the largest |established at Oakville recently acreage ever grown of grainjas a Holstein bull calf sold for corn and fodder corn and the /$150,000 at the annual All - Can highest vield of hay per acre.jadian sale. The calf, named According to provincial de-|Oak Ridges Supreme Progress partment of agriculture and food|was bought by ABC Farms estimates the avengge hay yield|Brampton, from Claude Picket across the provi ce was 2.54 lof Hornbs Young eople More Aware Speakeg Tells Kiwanians | Albert John Sharpe, super-;families. Many are non-con-| visor of guidance service on|formists as far as adult stan-| the Hamilton board of educa-|dards of conformity and moral- tion, was guest speaker at thelity are concerned Kiwanis Club's regular meeting More children are remaining Mr. Sharpe said young people jin school in Hamilton the today are more aware of what|speaker said, and it should be is going on in the world around typical of other major centres them due to mass communica-|In 1958,.35 students per 1,000 tion. They are maturing at an|general population attended sec-| earlier age ondary school. In 1965, 65 stu- Young people are faced with/dents per 1,000 general popula- greater pressures today thanjtion attended secondary school ever before, he said due to fast!Of grade 12 graduating students, chan times and mobility of|g0 per cent enter the work ai ------~'forcé and 95 per cent further their education. Londen Thieves Today a worker may have to 0 000 be retrained many times over Get $3,0 ' during his working life, Enrol- LONDON (AP)} -- Thievesjment at night courses is ap- working all d with blow |Proaching the enrolment in day torches cleaned oft the London} |courses. re headquarters of fhe National) The days are gone Mr..Sharpe Co-operative chain and/|Said, when a student chooses a may have got aay with as Specific job which he may re-| much as £1,000,0Q) ($3,000,000), |main with for 40 years, rather police said today. he chooses a career which com- The headquarterp in the Strat-/mences with his education. ford. section of Eqst London is| The schools are faced with the depository huge sums Preparing students for occupa- spent by Britons the various |tions which may not even exist co-ops' which ffinction as a today, but will in the very near giant chain store gystem. future, as a result of rapid prog- The master safegand some de-|Tess. posit boxes were fburned down | nd rifled, police fRi athe raiders mugt have spent A, E. JOHNSON, 0.0. ani Sunday} OPTOMETRIST much of Saturday appeared to to accomplish whd 2 be a highly prdmgssional job,| 142 King St. East led thermal through 723-2721 using what are lances. which bu metal slowly butgiently. Le ¢ ining Room and Tavern ore very pleased to entre St. end Colborne $t., Whitby) You, Accommodating 300, 1p to 200 Guests, p.to 100 Guests THE REGENCY ROOM . . THE NELSON ROOM .. . Perfect for Wedding Recer Meetings Book N or Ye ristrr APPEARING THIS WEEK "THE NIGHT RIDERS" PAUL McKNIGHT ot CHLT-TV, radio end stage AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country "4 Western IN OMIAWA { FORUM Minister Explains Elmcroft Holsteins Average $839 His LBJ " Viet Sermon eae WILLIAMSBURG -- When Rev self-styled con servative Southerner interview own name of oats dropped and discolora- pened to be one er Shield,|tion was widespread. Barley|make a grandstand play out-of down the Ontario pavilion on dendum to his sermon, inserted tyke, pee wee, bantam. mid 224,000 bushels, well above the of nine children in a family that;worth of lanscaping, howevei ge of 4,899,000 traces é ie Ontario } Mar-| 10-year aygrage 899, rac ts ancestry back tojincluding seyeral large granite|™@* S° subtly that many pari- / keting Board. He will continue bushels. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney ofjrocks which formed part of the shioners were caught by sut (4 emeges © 1 "sig-| ' prise e SUPER PARAVISIO® =-MID METROCOLOR MGM to operate a commercial Hol- Oat plantings on 1.140.000 ac- South Carolina (AP) The Pictu ather satellite moon by Surveyor VI mounted unday a tum- past the 4.000 mark Sunday Dri 7 | | show of the Among them were © pictures V@= Be ellent'" senior, herd sire,' An estimated 1,280.000 bush- area of 450,000,000 square miles by spacecraft controllers a $4,600 paid ike a hatbox 1 ner, Jersey- Pasture conditions this fall day ncroft Jaspe have been generally well above ment average. Only in scattered coun- eras Other high 4 »s included: ties like Prince Edward@Tft by satellite "a Gordon At- localized drought, were pastures|into a roiling "excel-|rated below average in the ing joo : 4 \the interior of the United Champion Figure Skater ee a Tie othe 'festive nem 000 Passengers and 152,000,000 Va. (AP) {ners of the Declaration of Inde-} He has held pastorates in Ala Cotesworth Pinck- pendence bama and Arkansas, and came The Broo churches in the United States tive are: F said in an On Expo Pavilion In continuous use gon it cont, BeNe vas ; ¥ tpeq. dinner in the Christian educa 4 / president; Dennis Dowling, trea- Gl. L: night I of MONTREAL (CP) Eco. Court church for the Virginia pias Mrs. Beth Henry seis tion building, Nov. 22 The J. AMOUT!... ee im PCC AC: le! this morning aS nomics Minister Stanley Ran-iC0lOnY, the building now nestles... "and Mrs. M. Mountjoy,/Breoklin. UCW is collecting; px remarks dall of Ontario says in a letter amid the restored splendor of Mrs. F. Pilkey. Mrs. Sobil and clean old nylons to be se to colonial Williamsburg Irwin Gibson, directors Korea and is soliciting clean of which the president hap- eau that his government will, Dr. Lewis' statement on Viet = mended clothing for a bale I don't want to hold firm in its decision to tear.2am policy was an obyious ad BROOKLIN (TC) - Novice : Donations were made by} tithe Brooklin CGIT and Ex the site of Expo 67 on a s@parate page at the mid- and juveni 50s, was) Mr. Randall said his govern- Ala.. one ment will leave Montreal $50,000 His reserved, soft-spoken de- lin Minor livery built the sermon to its cli- p of the sig-!pavilion's ground level What did he think the reaction ( Ol IN" I ¥ INES eeting of the Brooklin United} FREIGHT GAINS Links Couples Club , Christ! D i die of his prepared remarks under the auspices of the Brook- Mrs. R. Holman gave a talk ai d sei est " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 13, 1967 13 t is th ture of Japanese ships and planes nas card with a picture 0! operating overseas carried 69 hurch . son, are being sold by members 'ns of freight in the fiscal year By Brooklin Club of the Brooklin Couples Club, 1966 which ended last March, a freight gain of 18.8 per cent klin Figure Skating|tion this winter. Games will lx MORE THAN GENEROUS over or the previous year. rank Simpson, presi rley Graham, vice Women will hold a centennia le teams will playjplorer groups to UNICEF Hockey Associa-'showed slides of Japan a Vand Prix of his parishioners, in general would be? / Ar sold as foundation animals to 000,000 bushels than in the 1957 ; ; ; v fiang ° CObHtriae and 'her Bs 66 serio The vield Pics d Space Scientists Acclaim It, really doesn't matter,' but sincere picture ! said the recto re televised from the Te-Pee It received showing a landscape strewn space scien-|with boulders up to two feet ALL COLOR PROGRAM le across e showing an A five-frame mosaic released James Coburn in Wa @RHOIE t Jet 6 are of ex- Propulsion Laboratory indicated WATERHOLE National the rocks were hurled from a e 725-5833 -- 725-5562 parr XY FOR CHOICE RESERVE SEATS CALL a ; BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 12-9 p.m, -- i Oe Soe howe oe ODEON), Wed., Sot, Sun. Matinees 2 p.m ootin'. tootin'. shootin' 7 RAMON PCTURES James COBURN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT s a replace- which made a_ soft landing Croig Stevens as poss inert i ather cam- Thursday on a potential astro. as ah " ene soca, «IIH turned the naut arrival site near dead cen "GUNA" " AMM «a caer om AO and sent it tre on the 'moon, completed 12 Seltes : t before turn- hours of operation, between pic B Ott ° 6:30 ee AY 1 the television Sunday ture-taking sessions, of a device ee stad eal ali 5:35 - 7:30 that analyses soil content with Show Storts 7:15 ids (AP) radiation ' ° apes lon ridge he backgraund. | abot ATTRACTION COL OOMNRe Now is the time to buy Canada Savings Bonds After November 15th will cost you more because of accrued interest Double your money! TIMES --- 1:40 - 3:30-5:25 -7:20-9:25 PLAZA THEATRE THE The Spruce The Best SDT Enertainment In Town VILL A Limited Engagement HOTEL MISS & WHITBY RESERVATIONS 668-3386 Exotic FOR CHRISTMAS Sensation PARTIES us New Entertainment Hours BEST Fridays and Seturdays Fer Your Dancing and Dining Pieasure. RESERVE Entertainment ond Benene Will . Start EARLY 7 P.M. on Friday 7:30 P.M. on Saturday 668-3386 4 Big Shows Nightly--6 Daye A Week ONLY A FEW Sundey Dinnere 3-9 P.M OPEN DATES . ae LEFT IN Es DECEMBER they "THE PLAGUE" Returns ROCK! Rock! Rock ! Buy yours today! f : nightly Wy entertainment LICENSED UNDER THE ONTARIO LIQUOR ACT 5th WEEK . Tommy DantonRevue Featuring the Beautiful Exotic Dancer... GABRIELLE" 3 Shows Nightly -- Don't Miss Them