« 12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Nevember 11, 1967 - : C iti L SHOW TIMES AT MO IE Bob Hope, Elke Sommer and] On the same program, Psychojfrom 1:00 p.m. Sunday eontin- Tl 1¢$ aul Phyllis Diller. Circus, also in color, starring}uous from 2:00 p.m. ie . On th Leo Genn and Christopher Lee.| On Sunday evening at 7:00 ON TELEVISION Now playing,| PLAZA -- Now playing, Who's is Wein ce Oe ee Shown Thursday, Friday at/p.m, there will be a special ] Grand Prix. The story of the/mindin i i g the Mint, starring Jim a m. Saturday tinuous|Italian program. Comedy Play' among four racing driy-|Hutton and Dorothy Provine. A an AU star cast, Ae stened eect core ers for the World Championship|comedy everyone will enjoy.| Shown weekdays at 7:00 p.m. Bowmar A new member has joi cast of 'Inherit the Wii real live monkey (fro Jocal z00). He really git Durante Plays Gu est Role The Oshawa Little Theatre's|of Drivers in Formula 1 compe-| Shown daily at 1:30, 3:25,| Starting on Thursday, Bride first production of the current|tition on high - speed circuits,|5:10, 7:08 and 9:25 p.m. Last|Of Fu-Manchu, in technicolor. season -- Rattle 6f a Simple}from Monte Carlo to Mexico|complete show at 9:00 p.m, |Starring Christopher Lee and Man, a comedy by Charles Dyer|City. The four stars who play Starting Tuesday, Beach Red, ea Vissine. « -- won high praise during its|leading drivers are, James Gar-|, Teenage America Pageant ini pie Sine i stig dos ary Seat G2 tre ip tho and Pats The N.Y. Daily N lled | for d Antonio § TONIGHT MONDAY ard Rodgers and an all-starit "A "delightful beeaer" ant oe [ 'i er i Shown daily at 1:40, 3:30, IZZA play a lot of atmosphere BEAUTY PAGEANT -- Jim-|..SHOW OF THE WEEK --|cast highlight this adaptation of/the N.Y. Post said of it: "'Wist-| Shown weekdays at 8:15 p.m m,|5:30, 7:20 and 9:25 p.m. Last| cs san aati adjusting to the new e ' |STAGEDOOR JOHNNY -- The|George Bernard Shaw's satiri-\ful charm, humor, surprisingly|only. Wednesday, Saturday and| |complete show at 9:10 p.m, | er 728-0192 -- wae tna " cast, is yp my Durante is a special guest for the Miss Teenage America| pageant, telecast from Dallas. |* THIS WEEK [ "THE LORDS | shrieks somewhat alarn A band, too, has been The entire school got a }show opens at a party in rich cal drama. Starring Noel Cow- tender there is something|Sund ti exe g'Sunday matinees at 2:00 p.m. Johnny's (Tony Randall) posh ard, Norman Wisdom, Ed Ames Chaplinesque in the poor fellow Reserved seats now on sale. [paranns + Now playing, Boy| EPI"S Long Island mansion where he and Inga Sevenson. (Channel| whose fate it is to be a little id I Get A Wrong Number, | : pera ge a Dean sooh arrives from London flying his|2 and 8 at 7:30 p.m:) ridiculous even when he is sad- SGENT - Held over for an- \in_color. A. comedy _ starring! i i (Channel 4 at 10:00 p.m.) own plane and is immediately |dest and most touching". other great week. This is the preview this week at a : jsurrounded by girls. Headlines THURSDAY The play will be presented at\west as it really was... b-| OF LONDON assembly. Next week is , SUNDAY fe the late 1920's are reported) CAROL CHANNING -- a one-the Eastdale Collegiate Audi- ened ioe sad = Oe in ek 0 \ y- special guest Walt WwW |skun a varmint, a louse, a Leeeneenronmnant: in the sports scene: O ' oe at 9-90/ Our entertainment special star-|torlum Nov. JF 18, | inclusive Admission: 1.00 Non-Members . . . 75¢ Members men have really come van Gan ett ioe ae (Channel 3, 6,12 at 8:00 ring Carol, oscar winning Wal-|Marion Dennis who will direct, jgirl 2do. pal? He's the 'hero, p.m ter Matth d singer Eddy has had a wide background in|80""@ ro. Glocken, a dwarf, observing hau and singer See James Coburn in Waterhole/ t other voyageurs aboard a Ger-- FRANK SINATRA -- Guests poring utc tee : so rg Bg long a No. 3, in technicolor. man passenger ship, warns that/for Frank's third musical spe- ct 8:06 om) house in Montreal and was again) Shown daily at 2:00, 3:50 this is a-ship of fools, and all/cial are Ella Fitzgerald and . lat the helm for the OLT last|5:35, 7:35 and 9:25 p.m. Last) aboard are in fact deep in one/guitarist - composer Antonio FRIDAY year with their production of complete show at 9 05 p.m. top this year, with both entering COSSA "'B"' fina seniors defeated Henry 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM SAT., NOV 11th -- at 8:30 p.m. DRESS -- SHIRT ond TIE... No Blue Jeans folly or another. (Channel 11 at/Carlos Jobim who will feature Pickeri fo Roots. | METRO GOLDWYN: MA isu a fi Il Soe eae ete mere JUST WO | gee tae SRO) ORR AR RR A it ae Noes bappes pop songs, (c *hannel 2 and 8 at Fis ari leh gg at ee hel a lafaureen ana Ray Langr idee Il V7} past week, especially in | frightened sheriff: defend _his| supported by Rex Williams. The GLAMOUR ? L} of. Oh Prax of sports. There were t TOP TEN TUNES ' rundown town, which is being|»jay tells of an encounter be-/ 9 Hi ior soccer games played UESDAY "sn deserted in the face of an im- senate a simple man, innocent|'Marvel Touch" Beauty Training means SUPER PANAVISION AD METROCOLOR Now Appearing Ajax. In the first game WITH TEE -AGERS Pisa -- The crime, Pending attack by an army Of] with women, and an apparently|mere then thet. A professional coreer 725-5833 -- 725-5562 ering defeated Ajax 4 to murder for profit. The victim, cutthroats. Jackie Coogan and «parq"' young woman. He clings|* oy dy PALA hg lelial tad Roe RUDI SUSERYE ears GOee In Th in the second game she The oe is this week's |a guard at a tower art gallery.|Beverly Garland guest star. tg the rattle he got at the party| Po "Opportunities too! For free bro. |COX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 12-9 p.m. ODEON Ce 2 « ed Ajax 8 to 0. In vol or. visit Sun. thru Set. shown ot 8:15 j Pickering seniors defea' bourg, the defending C hit parade as chosen by Osh- Possible suspects, a human fiy (Channel 4 at 7:30 p.m.; just as he has hung on: to his|<" d = F Wed., Sat., Sun. Mi 2 awa and district teen-agers able to scale a building--or an MOVIE -- BREAKFAST AT ™0ther's apron strings. She fab- MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS ee A ant eich eel and presented by the Dise jinside man. Ironside (Raymond i ricates stories' about her past!,, ' q ry a champions, 3 games to Shop of The Oshawa Shopping Burr, "Mark "(Don Michel) bury and George 'Peppard. A M4 Hall adds un to a touching dy "cine cauien eaten' | Meet the maddest mob of money makers that " tings Aepagt way entre. an (Don ralloway) " dy -d that s hes{ol! principal cities. Established over 40 ering juniors 3 to 0. ' g girl lives by h t qa come: drama that searches/o!' 4 , 1. I Can See For Miles (Channel 9 at 8:30 p.m.) been cd cies the bine $3 into human character, de wish made a howling mess of the U.S. Mint! quite a victory for the a Sth ceases team, as they were youn ects sheen ecnsninacemcantsne COLUMBIA PICTURES presente The Who visiting Tiffany's. The men in i , less experienced than Co 2. The Rain, the Park 804 | srusicat DRAMA Io colorer' emineate fat an ox DANCE JIM HUTTON DOROTHY PROVINE:MILTON BERLE JOEY BISHOP wa OSHAWA'S OWN .. . Oesiniag. vrei, Other Things start this week. It is e The Cowsills ANDROCLES AND THE LION mobster, (Channel 9 at 8:00 3. Love is a ak -- Words and music by _Rich- pm.) Noe ' WITH THE BOLEROS BOB DENVER wo : D | CK VA L LEA T that Pickering will eaches an er ve y : trong team again this y 4. Keep the Ball Rol . ee WELOS : ' °°? Jay and Techni Saturday, Nov. llth WHOS MINDING Jay and Techniques 5 , ayy: ay ' Trpyep99 QUINTET Ki 5. Incens P i : 4 ¢ in "Strawberry 'Alarm Clock eis 0 KEEF E CENTRE St. Mary's of the People Parish Hall MW PRAYING THE MINT Last Saturday pi 6. Kentucky Woman --Neil Diamond STEVENSON RD. NORTH DANCING NIGHTLY at the outstanding Lyceum of 7. Soul Man ONE WEEK ONLY ! DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. " FEATURE TIMES taika. te the Gaaieh oh ita : cad Tp hd EORGIAN pher, Hans Josef, was e 8. I'll Never Fall in Love NOVEMBER 20 TO NOVEMBER 25 ADMISSION $1.25 PER PERSON Lest Complete Show 9:00 It was interesting as | ed -ational. By camera, MOTOR HOTEL velled across Siberia an into the Kingdom of Th THORNTON SOUTH let Dragon. Famous sig end CHAMPLAIN cluding the Great Wall, a ious Buddist temples, an tiful nature scenes, were 723-4693 trayed in living color. V delved into the everyd of the Chinese people, s the extensive military | and skills shared by ho' and women, popular pas and colorful festivals. On Sunday evening, tl of the long-planned-for nial Lecture Series sta: College Park Church. S were rewarded for thei! ful handing out of pal by the large attendance. Neal Wilson, president | Vocat Tension at the girls' ball games mounts as draws near, in most it is a fight to the finis! week, Henry teams playe manville, this week, Clar eeniors can boast of a ¢ re victory against both teams; the juniors -- we L. E or A ; our of two is not bad! In the senior game -- Bowmanville, Sue Reed a Si L. Magrath were top scorer: ® with six points. The Again --Tom Jones 9. A Natura] Woman -- -- Aretha Franklin Sen? 10. Please Love Me Forever Bobby Vinton C ~ Second Smash Week! Cy = 708 IN PERSON ' NO WEDNESDAY MATINEE FOR THIS ATTRACTION sh a EVENINGS 6:30 P.M. -- SATURDAY MATINEE 2 P.M Dancing Saturdays Sih! ond Mane 'a0 ee oe ee : $/0 0 nN R. Oreh. and F. Bele, 4.00 4.50 $/0 3.00 -aecadine alah Miidie Balcony 3.00 3/0 ' JERRY REIDT Reer Belcony 2.25 eH 275 is NOW ORCHESTRA BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M. MON. TO SAT. 7 A rootin'. tootin'. shootin' but sincere Epes! ittle Theatre DANCE | Tonight aie ADULT ENTERTAINMENT COL OCNNOR = MLL GUHA eso ROGER MLLER = ee || %, jon FEATURE AT: 8 ZC am) TODAY ic Th he an | L ; SISTA = file CLEANERS ' P stars were Cathy Magrat bod j wy CHARLES DYER fi t and Linda Sot at ell Our Local Pp ons anit IP ° four. ge the junior \ ! Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. played hard, Bowmanvil : with a score oj ad CADET STORES NOV. 15, 16, 17 4d 18 P due ocd Ri a a RUDY VELTR : , a . , 7 , an e arke, however ~ eerie Sang! . for this loss. Henry trai 2 I == ee ee oe TONIGHT! § 8:30 p.m. et the ' through the game, until and his New ] "Cadet | ALL COLOR SHOW g with only ge on ; to pl and with the s¢ TORNADOS Gieons bast" | S i Eastdale CVI Theatre ro ag ohm! : ' scored. In the senior NASHVILLE SOUND l OUR aac por JAMES COBURN ee He ig ; D ( es ee IN | N MISSION: onevan MARIE HARRISON | 1€ you find our work i w | : i less than the finest id cages 4 'WATERHOLE F 'edaaiaiies oe q At Commencement, la | GUARANTEE I ir S [4 Available At. . « urday, Donevan welcome RED BARN YOU DON' " |@ Reid Books - Horleighs Ltd duates. Awards and schol: U N T PAY | ( ° | 11 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Shopping Centre : from Licata ie "Oshowna's Friendliest Gentle, th h cle i - \@ ti : : he bac pia patient ee cha rears B ' no ups, no Ft And at the Door On Nights of Performance . Toe ferner principal ishing to assure you @ garment you usiness, extras) ADDED ATTRACTION ee x ee 8 school, wes quent speak . - = terwards, a reception fo '@ proud to wear. : ---- -- --_ oo Professionally HELD OVER! Laundered ] Gg DUSTY Gather up Your and Finished. @ uates, award winners, ] and staff members was the cafeteria. CRAIG STEVENS AS "GUNN" SOMETHING NEW for rhe 'Community Ches Your Eating Pleasure ! pat Be ee Ajax and back. The past SPRUGE Villa Eas Eastdale is proud to sé it had a very successft St k a wash, and $125 in procee: ea ight handed over to the Red F } The Lords of ag : pear at Eastdale's 1 Monday to Thursday Dance. Everyone is hopi a great success. On November 24, the I Box Office Opens 6:30 -- Show Starts et 7:15 WINTER SHEPHARD CLOTHES | 1 0 thet still seed expert dry Impeccably drycleaned at the Salo te ts ring them in and finished, topcoats fall coats, wintercoats, Hammond Console | Chrisimas Rush raincoats, bring 'em all, in- the THE CADILLAC HOTEL UPSTAIRS NAA VN, : Oo Soup de Jour Sirloin gine club and English chi ; ee @ 4 or Consoume au Sherry olding a dance to help x sic nshiraanasgeasitate i funds to support their ve DINING Z NRET PRESENTS THE o Chillee Juice Bouquetiere ef vegetables ive clubs, Students are ve or Hot Garlic Rolls Chefs' Salod, therefore to attend the See Mortem Dance, release tl SLACKS 49° LOUNGE |] [a ne. BQF Carefully drycieaned ond fluff finished when eoupon presented with incoming bianket. Limit one. Coupon g00d November 13th to November 18th. or. | sion of examination wee at the same time help a: SPECIAL 50 cause. Eastdale has just forn PES CS Toye . Peldetteltettet teste. Drycieaned end expertly pressed when coupon pre- | TRIO oe abe ~ = H Of Course We Still Feature our Famous | French Buffet. ONLY 3.00 AAR AAR Ka ATOR RII | a: ~PLUS--- X33) PAA, { SPEEDY tee x1 3 Den WANA i q xX i Always look for something new in your. Gourmet Life et MARIDEE ay le | "THE DRESDEN DOLL" Reserve Now For Your Christmas Party or For Your Dining Pleasure From 9 P.M. till Closing Licenced Under L.C.B.0, AT THE FLYING : E| OSHAWA 367 King St. W. -- 1202 Wecker, DUTCHMAN a 1.69 ; Corner of Cedar, Cedar Dale Plaza MOTOR INN Drycieaned, SHOWERPROOFED, ond finished weairg Ee! WHITBY -- 106 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Ploze 2.18) when coupon p with h OLD WORLD TRADITI These Values Effective at... fe Banquet . . . Call 668-3386 Exotic Dancer ai . MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS FEATURED NIGHTLY IN OUR LOUNGE OBY LARK with Audley Williams & The V.1.P's and the Exciting Starlita QUEEN OF THE EXOTICS Limit one, Coupon good November 13th te Mavis wale | ber 18th. ' BAY RIDGES -- Liverpool Rd. and Commissioner HIGHLAND CREEK -- 297 Old Kingston Rd. 623- '3373 NEW WORLD PERFECT