16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 10, 1967 26--Apartments _ for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale NEW 27--Rooms for. Rent | MOTEL UNITS phone 725-8963 evenings. 46 MUSTANG fast back, V-8, standard, TRADE- | tion, $3,200 or best offer. WOODY CREST | MOTEL _ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM ors, Oshawa, 1967 COUGAR 6100 pt att A once of new Telephone 576-362 1958 =CHEVROLET. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room | ded CORONET NICELY yr RNISHED Bedsitting room sh good cond |e SALE PRICES2495 STREET EAST -- Bedait Ith ref DEATHS | ENDS 10-YEAR CONTROVERSY 130--Automobiles for Sele |34--Autemobile Repeir . |38--Coming Events [ GUS BROWN FRED STONE | sien iN | Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No. 3,' Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean FLORIDA TOURS $246 American geen Frederick George Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, November 9, 1967, husband of Elizabeth Pearl Bruner, father of Mrs. W Research Team Identifies Frederick George Taylor, beloved lam Badsur (Pear!) Cars, liens paid. TERMS. OVERHAUL AND of Oshawa, Mire. Robert Russell (Tilly) t Di Se se ) rf id MeEach Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 ENGINE PARTS oe day pau wre Tour, of ny hrs. Gordon" Brown (Vie | ispu e ear ] cL 3 tae all accommodations, orden Johnson rley), rs. RAMBLER AUTOMATIC @ 14 meals included "soree), reser, 'and "Albert! TORONTO (CP) -- Medicaljrowing caused by muscle be-|suggest victims have dled of SALES -- SERVICE TRANSMISSION @ Side tours included Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, (researchers at the 'Toronto Gen-|neath 1 the aortic valve, the gate- pend the array appearence ine and PAINT CENTRE Oshews, with funeral service in theleral Hospital claim to have|way from the left ventricle ofjclaim the x-ray appearence has PO fe ee VO elapel Monday, November 13 a 2.6 identified a heart disease that the heart to the body's main ar-\resulted from tally jam- Poohdlpingereintagasg 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 WWVA SHOW inerrant uns unin Comer. |identified & heart disease tna ee ihe aoria. ming the end of the tube car- sy to Finance at Transmissions are Our Only Funeral Home. until 'Saturday evening. |man' SPecia a The disease can only be seen/rying the dye into the wall of NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Business -- Repairs, Adjust- Wheeling, W. Virginia ~~ " f the action of a liv-|the heart chamber. WHITBY -- 668-3331 ments, Exchanges. All Work $29.75 A STAFFORD . Pes eee oe di ished fig oer ya x-ray film) IN FAMILIES ja CHEV wee Gucranteed, merican © hospitals car |RUNS IN ae poe z a BROTHERS LTD. unit and head of ind research after dye has beeh injected vd Dr. Wigle said his team's re- tion. Asking $1,400 ce: CITY-WIDE COVERAGE ft low east Is) For Further Information Call Authorized Dealers team, said at tHe opening provide contrast material--a re lsearch, begun seven years ago, of a $100,000 extension to the|cent development in diagnostic) +.' the disease does exist, 723-3492 now for @ COLONY TOURS , OSHAWA _ 576-0246 four speed, fully equipped, » good nd }~ Vasc 35--Lost and Found 1898. "42 PONTIAC La se der, rebuilt matic ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St, E., 668-3552 Whitby, Ont upper and lower ball joints Licence 24902H $895. Ted SPECIAL 9 CHEVROLET coach, six cylinder, standard transmission, radio, "'motor and body good". Licence J-89207. Price $475. | THE CORPORATION Ted Campin Motors, Kin ast, Oshawe. OF THE '(1 CHEVROLET Stetion Wagon stand: : ard | transmission, six cylinder," OUNTY OF ONTARIO conditior uy of the wee a, 3595. Licence + 4095. 'Ted Campin Met: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Aafia e - that the Corporation of the | Hol CHEVROLET, "ive "door" sik ei | County of Ontario will pe- tion. Make offer, Telep! x tition the Legislative Assem- i rT! bly of the Province of On- tario at it's next session for special legislation permitting increased votes for the mem- bers of it's Council on the basis of the number of muni- cipal electors in the respective local municipalities. DATED at WHITBY this 3rd at the i] Civic Auditorium BINGO '46 CORVAIR CORSA convertible, four-| speed, 140 HP positraction, tach., spe cié! instrumentation Duncan B, McIntyre UAWA HALL 139 Brock Street Soutt Whitby, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant ght blue interior. Tele- six-cylinder, 7:30 P.M. . 20 GAMES, $10 a GAME 4°GAMES ae $20, $30. '$5 CHEVROLET Telephone 5 |, WALTER TER BREZEZINSKI, UNDERBIRD, $900, in good con- Street will not be respon | dition. Telephone 725-0678 or spply 300 debts contracted in my name by anys) $40, $50. Athol Street East or Fb' ny » Ni er ONE GAME $150 %3 PONTIAC Parisienne, ki, JACKPOTS ped, bucket seats, good cond SHARE THE WEALTH automatic. Good dition, $125, Telephone 725-6837 after 1:30 P.M. THOMPSON -- In loving memory of a! dear friend and neighbor, Nellie Thomp- B | N G @) son, who passed away November 10, 1965. Just @s you were you will siways be, Treasured forever in our me MOry. 7 O N | H 7 --Ever remembered by Ted end Ruby id | Roberts. THOMPSON dear wife, mother and grandmother, Nel- over $5,000 IN PRIZES ile Thompson, who passed away Novenr killed in the Vietnam War in-jin the number 4 face that |s haunting us ever, A voice we are | 9 A smile we'll remember forever, While we try to forget every tear. A sad but sweet remembrance, A memory fond and true, And 2 token of affection, dear, And heartache, mother, for you. Always remembered by Harry, daughters Giedys, Edith end é Shirley, son-in-law Elroy, granddaugh- during the week as compa t statio ee day of November, 1967. at ter Tracey. THOMPSON anf CLARKE ng SATURDAY, NOV. llth (#3 Though te of ithe two we loved so much Their memory Is our keepsake With which we'll never part, God has them both in His safe keeping. We have them In our hea Deeply missed by Mr. and Clarke (nee Betty Thom granddaughters TOOLEY -- In lov memory of @ JAMBOREE -- ie te Sad) gy Big Double --Fondly remembered by his family. hands we cannot touch. gon. said. have so many memcries unit that the 10-year controyersy techniques. te lrevolved around a_ disease} Some heart specialists claim|can --" treated and 'known as muscular subaortic) The disease results in @ nar-| c ts dee stenosis. the disease does not exist, but} "cen bot iia wall Deween tie ME red chambers of the heart be- IN MORIAM S C s T ll comes ae Rog og ped |the left chamber. e US., Communist Tolls hist" tne, ine it the body, and the bulge creates " s a constriction, severely hamper- Rise As Viet Tolls Drop tease The rest of the chamber wall ; the 166| thickens as a result of ed -- I AIGON (AP) -- The number|slight increase from e work involved in pushing the 'and grandmother, Nel of v. S. and Communist troops ig a week earlier, but a drop)plood out through the narrowed of wounded|passage. Muscle fibres Of a creased last week, while casual-|w ebich had been put at 966 forjheart afflicted with the disease ties among South Vietnamese|the previous week. jare 10 times larger than nor- forces and other allied troops, South Vietnamese casualties mal. dropped. for last week were listed at 160) 4 vertical incision an inch In its weekly summary issued killed, 533 \ cunded and 60 miss-) long and a half an inch deep is today, the U.S, command. said ing. lmade in the thickened muscle huspand 1 394 Conimunists were killed) For the previous seven-day jpelow the aortic valve in treat- 1 reporting period, South Viet-| ment of the disease. with a readjusted total of 1, namese casualti2s were put a - the previous week. About half 220 killed, 693 wounded and 41 Pts wa bed | 'ae a le the numberof Communist dead missing. lavtne room for blood flaw and SON ae eee ots and Roman iwere counted in the fighting) Other allied forces last week easing pressure on the ventricle Gatos culiliy, Wa «seer asin raged most of the week at Jost six men killed, 15 wounded) .a)), heir smiles are gone forever, LOC Ninh, 70 miles north of Sai-) and ie missing, a ge Some people are born with the lis Was a sharp drop The command said 178 Ameti- from the ¢0 killed and 120 see iene te ie tg od cans were killed and 793 wound-! wounded a week earlier. later life. He told of one Saske- ed last week. This represented @ 'The Jatest report, covering the|toon family in which 10 young- period ending last Saturday|sters died of the disease. When bi night, pushed to 14,444 the num-|one member of a family is treat- Upsets om ine ber of Americans killed in ac-\ed, other members are exam- tion so far in the war. The num-|ined and often found to have the 'disease. ber of wounded rose to 91,210. Wheeling, West Virginie November 24-26 1953 PONTIAC | y, 900d condi on. Very resonable. AT., NOV. 11th 5) MERCURY < ii. Best oft FEATURING or -Information Contact : = your local travel agent or Dishes, chesterfields, stoves, = -- -- kitchen suites; antique love 1961 MONARCH, Ea; : Body i end seats, roll top desk, springs, se a gle kK tr ind sno% 717 Terephone 668-8979 ee mottresses, baby _buggy, 23-71 baby shelf set, jolly jumper, |_ ------_----___-______-- 7§§ THUNDERBIRD coach, | tion. Telephone 942. ting room end kitchen, and stove, Suits working gir |1965 MUSTANG, excellent condition aon FOR GENTLEMAN, < 1964 ES alee matic, power steering, brakes, radio, white wa! privecy, 'sn, parking. "Lad es preferred. 668. 6124. F FURNISHED ROOM with kite TRENT SALE PRICE > boards end refrigerator. 1963 CHEVY I! 28--Room end Board Finished in silver gre ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, good oe ony Oi 168 ROOM ant SOARD for gentieman, ax} Geys, len packed, close to bus. ol 0566. TRENT SALE PRICE $995 radio, bucket seats, floor shift. Tel phone | For permanence and dignity course _osy GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS wpa = * combine (CP) Two upsets comb THURSDAY, NOV. 9 |A--Willow Downs Farm and Grovetree E Thursday night for a whopping Stable Entry. $427.80 daily double at Mohawk . FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,800. Ciaim-| EXACTOR, 4 AND 7, PAID $67.89. . ng. Tw hell Hag aceat Furlongs. A LASTING TRIBUTE we suggest: MOUNT LAWN Raceway. 7-Autocra' ru 50 8.10 3.40) FIFTH RACE -- jal pace Maen is Bill Hicks in the first race|12-Ro val Mangoneo, Swatuk 28.80 ag Ing. Threeyeurigs. "7 Purergs cay : RO! din 2 reined Missile Way to a $26.40 1l-Tardy Tears, Gordon fied Ht ascoe, Grubb 1080" 7.20 4,25 Pr +24 Portis please victory, Herb Young steered|,Als®, Ran in Order: Canada's Angwer, |E- Thunder Jay. Kelly eet 4 visit the Par ice. |Vas' Ppertunity Nearlab, rab, Piper co oe in Order: Golden Jive, f for &|Combat's Call, i\Van's Gift in the second Combet s Cell, war SECOND RACE--Purse $2,100. Claim.) seared 723-2633 |$16:80 win cow, ci ire B. Good, Flying Ky end In the sixth race, Away Kid rocking horse, rocking chairs, | DANCE between 6 and 9 p.m. Whitby 668-6326. misc, chairs, patio lounges, CHEAP. '56 Chevrolet, automatic, me : with the Boleros Cok Be ater too numerous to mention. No SIXTH RACH ~~ Purse 62,508, Claim- ile. | T ids. 1 CARDS OF THANKS combined with Prima Pick for a ne any Taos Tents '#40 15.10 8.10 Is. Twoyearolds, 1 Mille. 237.30 exactor 5-Jos als u 0 10.59 EY tay Image, Grubb 430 28 29 8 Regurde "*pittact 3.30 ye Aye, Keily ré reserve. Terms cast ERCURY Park Lane > equipped. Telephone 191 PONTIAC, four-door, é cylinder automatic, radio, Telephone after 6 p.m chanics y sound, good second skates, plus many more items SAT., NOV. AUCTIONEER DOUG GOWER 726-1005 JIM WOOD, 723-0976 PEOPLE PARISH HALL 1S? LINCOLN, two-door hardtop model. All power extras. ceed ale, $ tt Jensen, after 6, 1964 PON' led gist oon hardtop, 'adio DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. BOWMANVILLE AUCTION BARN | 242+ 5693. OLD CANNING FACTORY ON ST. JOHN'S PARISH | BINGO |$10 DOWN buys 62 Buick LeSabre 4 NELSON ST., BOWMANVILLE EVERY FRIDAY at 7:45 P.M door seden, automatic, radio, double j Comer Bloor and Simece Ki76 LARLOCK We wieh deep T. MARY F THE and relatives for. the lovely fiorai to the 200-victory mark when he ayignest Ruler and Canadian Dencer, : ed tributes, carde and acts of kingneas re- registered two wins to increase |A--Cherudon Stable and C # Reinhart | 728-1940 aw petites the Apr of - dearly loved ntry, 25- Y ; lather, Joseph A. Lariock. Special thanks) Stevenson Rd. N. Hd the nurses and orderiies In Ward C and) Vv e latent Care oko enawa' Cencar inv |Herbert, was marred by an ac ADMISSION $1.25 PER PERSON pital. Many thanks to Reverend L. W. thelr r_ kindness. _ the family "of the late Joseph A. Car-/Uncle Bun, 3.90 . [l-Great Pacifist, Platts Ale 8 Ran in Order: Watkin Bud, Cour and Coeur Volant. EXACTOR, 2 AND 6, PAID 615.90, DAILY DOUBLE, 7 AND 2, PAID 6297.89) ences, Three. and feufon Boers Marr ir THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800, eteine| ese peel 'o 'alirente' 3 3m 380 ing. ree-year-cids. ur Br sident when Eden Atom, driven'3-Portree Gem, B'nell 23,50 7.40 §.70!° iit eae i one Glenyvar, Re- aoe for his words of consolation and hy Fred Hill of Hagersyille,|>Pousse Cafe, Dittfach $80 5.50 direct, A-Meredrum, Page Reyal end tosh - Anderson Funeral Home for 'broke stride and interfered with &Strateo, Gibson bead aed Dear. Also Ran in Order: Dalton's Pamela,|A--C H Sturrock and R en lo driven by Percy|star tudor, Newsy, Mission Clove and|B--Gardiner Farme Entry. ony. Robillard. Both drivers were un-|Femous Tour. WIGHTH ll 1! wish to thank reiatives,|seated, but escaped injury. FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,100. Clalm-|ing. Th RACE Purse #1400, Claim- Kon Feagan, 25-year-old driy epress our from Goderich, moved Closer appreciation fo neighbors, friende et 2 Also Ran in Order: A-scck"s Pride.) Tompionette, Hasty Amber, Sea Divers wy "Bs his seasonal total to 180. Dr. 0. G. Mills, Dr, E. McKinstry,| The ninth race, won by Pierre} fpower, Immaculate condition threughou' j : 59 'i . Licence 278997 at Nicols, Whitby, 668- FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Class! Ads 54 $140 friends and neighbors for gifts, ing. Two-year-olds. 1 Mile. |4-Na ipe, Dittfach 7.60 2.48 nell FA hd ih lca soa el oniewr a . ty he Onan *oaneral' tocol fal reed WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) --j;, "fe on cede Sot 9.00 aH men fo Say Andrew, dec} 7.89 3.90 > 3492 today. n ri eI u' 'urple, Browne ay rew, Swa' 5H DOWN GRAS 0) eC aes seb heal Eye extra pests es 4 ito gnenk Pr E. Millan, C. ee \Johnnie Thunderbird, owned by) | Pecniten, MeLeod f a ® is Also 'an in Order: Star sedan, : a ummings, nurses and sta! y § iso Ran in Order: Old Plame, A-| Brea |Spe81 at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668.3331, | 38------Coming Events 20 Games $10 and $15 y nitur. Tow Lee,(ATt Hunter of Hanley, Sask.,/¢.i\*cciy" pagan Prince, Purse Hil te 4 isto, Tricky Pal, end and A-Tutt] Mani, ce 6,900, Handle 0441499. \f10 DOWN buys "42 Corvair coupe,| Jackpot and Share the Wealth gieaming black with contra speed, radio. Licence 35061 4 Nicols, | ROWE TOURS | |Whitby, 668-3331. errno | ROOM A AND D BOARD in quiet home. ae Lunches packed. Use Good a ¥ meals. Telephone 76-3929. 29--Wanted to Rent NEWLY MARRIED a doi wheel dises. Balance on 5 year 30--Automobiles | a On ees 9 Down Morley Stalker y other extras. One o TSALE PRICE $2195 _ MORE CASH 1964 PONTIAC o 1962 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF SED nished in two tone Blue ond 75 Select Used Cars To Choose From TRENT AUTO SALES ~ RAMBLER ~ CLASSIC, 1959 MORRIS "OXFORD, i DOWN buys '62 Comet 4<oor suto CAR RALLY matic, radio and rebulit engine. Licence' CARIBBEAN and WEST IN- | Presented by Whitby Jay-Cees | 547427, Best offer. Nicols Mi Whitby, al wea : PP oa Sun., Nov. 12 $25 DOWN delivers "65 Ramb! assic January 2 to 17, 1968. Starting at Dominion Store | sedan, automatic, room| JG ry parking lot in Whitby et 1:30 | p.m. shorp. $3331. | FLORIDA circle tour Ambassador a 92, January ee ue bi gall 12 iO NMence -UROSIIE Hicals ae _ March vy fill "April 10 DANCE Round and Square Saturday, Nov. 11 North Oshawa Community Centre Information 725-9939 by a" Py CALIFORNIA and NEW OR- Nicols) LEANS tour 30 days --aeans February 19 to March 19 Only .@ SYRACUSE, NEW YORK, charter bus weekend of November 24 to 26 31--Compact Cars for Sale OUNTRY ond WESTERN | Doctors' Fees Continue Rise uke ee Onell off Lady Ohio for a $78.40 quinel-| ; Hitch to oontines titne akacniy (ait and Chief Melody returned Bronze Bette, Gubbins 11) government officials say. $38.10. among professions--are increas-| ing even faster than their fees. cern about doctor fees and other! 6, DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION laging such changes as more 'group practive by doctors and rhursday night. jwon the first race 'Thursday at) |Windsor Raceway to notch his second victory in three starts at the current fall meeting. Driven by Dale Lowes, John GREENWOOD ENTRIES nie Thunderbird ge hag prubnaunaaiiges Opp colproloy and combined with Re ain- ' . " bow for a $27.70 daily double. |"tFAR ANP FAST [ae vei 'exin W @rhart entry Flayet RACE -- Purse $2,100. Cleim-|A--G Kisoff In the fifth, Buddy Brae held), Finst.» Twoyearald fille 7 Fore" |Bow Lieberman, entry i XIN |(EXACTOR WAGBRING) FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. -Allow- Royal Turben, Brownei la'and the exactor of Dean Mac-|Pomme Souffle, Grubb A-X111 ances, two-year-olds, 7 Furs Richard B. poe ittfach 114 |Eantinn, Neo Boy Dual WASHINGTON (AP)--Doc-| United eet Reactor, Platts B-X109 cube, No Boy 109 |Gold on Gold, Gomez 113 | Nite Nurse, Gibson B-X10? cp T {Steller Wise, Se eqn ATAVIA, N.Y. ( -- Tri-|Speedy Minstrel, Grubb 5 ts Shift, ow ned by the Mehlen-| Turkish Princess, Platts Xi06. | Level Reed, Grube Axis ict --, weyer, ing en vason) ues mira io Boy Federal officials express con- Longe Stables of Hagersville,| entry |Lebanen Kid, Bell 117 boosted her win streak to 8--Running Creek Farm and ine C B/Aretic Fleet, Leblanc 122 i : A--Staftord ¥ medical costs, They are encour-| ee by taking the $800 condi- afford Farms entry Mutuelshandle was $285,821. And doctors' incomes--tops' Simmons entry 2 Hig tnd RACE--Purae $1,400. Cialm-| SIXTH RACH -- Purse $2800. Allow- jtioned pace at Batavia Downs , (3000), "Three-yearcids and Up.."7) ances, threeyeerside and. up. 7 ine Chincoteague, Dittach 117 hartered bus to KINGS- y_ de : 6 * Volvo and Peugot GitLe DETROIT end JACK JAMBOREE use of more physician assist-|" S20, Mehlenbacher Jr. drove Now | Wonder, Brownell xt12 |Hail The King, Sev exe * Mercedes Benz MINER'S BIRD SANCTUARY 12, (ants, But, they say it wl spelthe five-year-old "bay mare in|srrm 'ow Boy. Brownell Xt12 No meetin ne aoa General Repair and to see birds in migration Sunday ee Nov. 12, |years before such changes have) 9.99 4.5 to a 114 length win over/Sult Cleaner, Platts X115 Nae one Beauty, McLeod xx108 Au ervice N. ember 3 till PM, a major impact on fees iGina. Triple Shift has won six of Jet Invader, No Boy 20 Orbiter, Gomez A-126 Pe 4 Bill G noe ey P Town Holl 'Auditorium The medical-cost outlook for|i; siarts this year. She paidiptivun cee aa ee tne Hileret_stabie 7 Ohe ONG ee ee Temperance St., Future Time, Leblanc 117 (WXACTOR WAGERINE) , Ontario Children .25¢ For information to the above Sowmonvills 728 10921 tours telephone or write Adults .50¢ ° ; See ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY ZOLTAN ap Tiets 885-2527 Port Hope or ek BURLEY BUS LINES ar ct Decler N fey 299. cializing In Volkeswagen Cobourg 372-2118 Repair and Service 160 Simcoe Soutt 728.0081 TO-NIGHT iT gd lag SPECIAL 6 pm : "a AUSTIN STATION wagon. ideal sec- B | N G @) ond car. No down paym 4. «per 49 Ritson Rd }O ©: RENT THAT VACANCY through Ads -- Cal! 723-3492 today for action BIRTHS Briggs) wish te announce the their daughter, Gall €llzal awe Genera! Hosp! the American public appears} $3. 40 fo tor the 'win grim. i +|is expected to increase by one- T H 'third between 1965 and 1975, LOM MOLruzey \fabmnitted to President Johaeon| "aime otra eBoy 12 su 1 0 n ' . jearlier this year. + Tops Scorers 'Bivn or ane) 7 ae " Be Yess Armen Fal in, period is expected to increase) by only 17 per cent, and notipossession of second place in Kenteek, No Boy 117 \Up. 1 1-16 Alles even that much for family doc- og league standings with a 37-\Mr. Expediter' Berroby DEBOSKY -- Bob and Pat. 'nee tors, 9 oxs.. on November ?, ee the omy lyears at about the same pace as wages. But in 1966, they jumped| © R man Dark, Steve 110 In'? Ark, Gordon 126 SEVENTH RACH -- Purse $16,008 be ands, Grubb X112 added "'Cmmeter Stakes." Three-year- Also Eligible: olds and up foaled In Cda. 1 316 miles Turf Miss, Gibson X112 Bye and Near, Fitzsimmons 119 Money Galore, No Boy 12 |Grand Galop, hig 3 WwW {Pine ingle THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,200. Demand for doctors' services The supply of doctors for the! eee a ee ise WIGHTH RACH -- P Magicians moved into sole cosmic Kid, Platts X112 'Threesyoarel {Claiming -- (3000), eereids and dodge Burns, Leblanc 119 Pretty Wise, Kelly X106 |Harlion, Dittfach 112 {Tu Fu, Gordon 112 |Donge, Kelly ae Brendy, Fis Thee he iy ees F na Soren Pi Piatt. Nate Brillie, No Boy 120 victory over the winless |Silver Gus, Glbson X11 Doctors' fees increased for| eae Boats, and Stars ran|Fepius Panny: Giesen Xt vo their undefeated string to three; jWingy, Fash, Garden 20, games as they edged Road he Passez Pas, Brownell X11$ week, Licence X11589. Welimen's, 72 BPM 7351 Beg " oe uber <n eet ne 7.8 gee aa ong 7 Bu- Kings 17-15 in the second game piise. Eligible: ut (Cal Emir, No Boy B12 Early Bird Game - 7.4 --, Jim an eather (nee reau of Labor Statistics figures|of the Jaycee Minor Basketball ann, Fitzsimmons oman Tribune, No Boy 112 Gravelle) wish to announce the birth o i Artista, McCauley 114 Market Bid, No Boy A-11 AT a tan, Robbie James, Wednesday, No- bod « roche Af oo an doubleheader played at Simcoe Hee ai |Ghopstick, bias a xior vernber 8, 1967, at e Oshews enera! Tom ugus 56. uy 3 oF ul y pre use $2,000.1 Falcon table end Willow ons HOLY CROSS Hespital. Both well. ithis ae gust Hall Boys' Club, Eastview. Cla iming (3000). Three-year-olds and ea Farm _entry Aacaicesiti Deluxe. Exeel- ieee ee. | Tom Horruzey set the pace 7316 Miles MA Dutton, W Barger ané V Kelth oe SIMC cries for Magicians, with a 22-point Merking Beau, ie wey, at \* try -- ~_______________. Snowball Jackpot $130. i in 56 Nes 10 DOWN delivers "63 Vi A : : maa o, new rritoke weg wasn Taske Reg. Jackpot $50. -- Full Card $10.-each horizontal line. offer at Nichols Motors, Whitby, 668-3331. 32--Trucks for Sale Specia! $50. in door prizes to aE ee be drawn this week. DEATHS KERSLAKE, George H Suddeniy at the home of his _ sister,) "30 in good con. Vera, on Wednesday, November &, 1967.) a-0816. "» George nent of RR 1, rascal uy eee his Sth year. Dear brother of | Mrs.| i D, L. Featherstone-Haugh (N Hf K- fax, I TEMPLE | C nty. | manvyil Eliott rvik SATURDAY, NOV. lith 2 p.m., Saturday, Interment R.C, Ceme- 7:30 Pp M tery, Hampton. 20 GAMES -- $8 Share The Wealth i954 CHEVROLET dition, $150. i '59 7 Ford Ranger PRIVATE p. Deluxe cab, V-8. Full Telephone 728-0266. 33--Automobiles \ Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? OGDEN, John Wilber At Aemorial Hospital t day, Novernber 9 iden, RR 1, Newtonvi Ss oO bi Se ga sina att if S, h if E It gel] your used ca to -- 4--3$40 Jackpots To Go dear PB tele Bousias et emi rion Talk Cash' to the New Raby) Cobou: dys 1--$150 Jackpot To Go Childr. nder t adm ¥ Children under 16 met admitted Henderson PR Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 123-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED, cers and trucks for wreck. ng. No charge for paid. Telephon of 'Hope Tow! at the Morris Funeral Chape Re COLONY TOUR --_[Beumindin, Servis' ne cela nterment Orono Robert_ Nico --Packege-- Cemetery. FLORIDA TOUR Reig, Samuel 0 $246 American dale Manor or Reid, peloved hee Samu band of the his 87th yl? bseertare by a daugh- ter Leona son Louis, survived by 66 CHEVROLET Impeie, Ste hard fop, 20,000 miles or less. Telephone 725- 3944 after 7 p.m. 14 day GUIDED tour, ai] accommodations @ 14 meals included @ Side tours included a Cobourg, Mrs. Dorothy Poole, Fala Dolores Topham Mrs COLONY TOURS erityn Wilson, Milford, Jemes 'ial Terry Reid, aii of Oshawa. Resting at Oshawa 576-0246 | Melnteeh Anderson Funeral Home, 152 Ing E. Service In the chapel THOUSANDS Fees Times Action Ciaasi- aur Roveenber 10, at 2:30 pm, In tied ede daily. iment Unien Cemetery. Advertise Your Vacancy n the Times Classified Section... | watch roomers come running ! Phone 723-3492 leading rider, apprentice Rich ai|.;ard Grubb, Thursday rode three} Bos-|winners at Greenwood' race-| geeaiaMheay g paypelbcnceg " |five. Victor Fuke rounded out pe ttl Mir, Wellwood tory in the first, Rascoe in the # fifth and All Image in the sixth. He missed by a nose in the sey-; fenth when Empress of Indi |was nipped by Sweet Intent. ee) , Newtonviile, and Herold deceased. | |Autocraft paid $11.50, $8.10 and Goddard, paid $4.30, $2.80 and; a EIN $2.50 and combined with runner- (FLYING OBJECT SE sie or eral itp Ave Ave dsr 6 5) oe \(AP)--The dozens of excited $800. Claiming. seven petit \dren, Mrs. Barbare Dun- ete coil oo in the| blue unidentified flying effort, to take over top spot in| Goliart Scot, Grubb Axi a {the scoring race. Rich.Chu and Miss Marianne H., Walsh 111 POxxX--T6 ltocr Spasiw each contributed |Sarden's Ace, Grubb x112 (POST TIME 1 PM for points, while Glen Stacey {hit for three and Larry Wig- 'gans and Henry Chyb rounded MOHAWK RACEWAY RE out the scoring for the winners, each claiming two points. THURSDAY, NOV. 10 SW'bk Shy Ann, L'Heureux 440 460 i $-Bel , Oy Perveut Wee, sO Dein FIRST RACE -- (Wile Trot, Purse A aratietsy* pestarecte Kou: tee man for the losers, with seven, Allerton $900. Conditioned, perlal Lee, ne : followed by Breg Stacey with|tmueie Wey, Hicks 26.40 $90 370)ron Leader. wekeye Bele ane euns Bamb| Riddell, Palmer 28) SIXTH RACH -- AA Also Started: Hit Parade Mir, Laur, | 1.200 Claiming ba heron Mi bed lum, Lady Jess, Lady Dean a "Away Kid, "Rey é 5 Valiant Lee. |2-Prime Pick, Coke tals "DS 28 |3-Jipa, Waples Also Started: Merrie Dazzler, Champ Grubb Boosts - Winning Total | TORONTO (CP) -- Canada' | \the scoring for Show Boats with " single. Terry Lloyd paced the Stars to their victory with ten points., SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse $800. qaiAlex Krawec and Larry Horru- Q\yans Gist, Young 1680 7.20 5.70 00 Pops Chiet Widower and Muddy Pat- lzey each registered three|Cloveriand 'Ace, Hil 7:00 620, EXACTOR, 4 AND 2, PAID $227.39. ie Ped Galbra 4.10 t-| ith in i jpoints while Greg Kit connec' farted: Hold The Phone, Hill-| SEVENTH RACE -- Autocraft combined with Sun-| ed for a single point. leet aan trea uctotse ; 4 RACH -- Mile Pace. Purse Grubb guided Autocrat to vic-) \day top, a $40.80 winner of the|© Bob Lipa and Leslie Minacs|and Magic Lou. |SAmbition, B., Davies 6.00 3.30. 2.80 y|eecond, for a $207 daily-fouble.| age Road Kings with six and AIL: BouBLe, TAND & PAID $40.40) 400 teat fear, bie oo 3.70 30 itarted: Meadow gah Eimer while) THIRD RACE -- Mile Trot. oigl C., "Oat: Boy and Major Frost. five points, respectively , . ; Jey ($800. Claiming Rascoe returned $10.80, $7.90 Alan Tyce and Danny Kewley ion Rese, Cox 670 3.50 250 and $4.30 each contributed a single bas- 4-Speedy Song, Waddeli 4.20 3.60| EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse i; ket in a losing cause. 2-Reliable J.B., Feagan 2.80 $1,400. Conditioned. All Image. trained by Paul Also Started The Debutante, Brown 1-Xastariite, Feagan 4.50 3.10 2.60 Wolf, Queen Castle, Chuckmor and Lord 6&Cape Grattan, Shea 4.00 Sed Dean. ike ue Folley, Bogart Started: ; FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse|Bud Gist and' Dre eae sot, 490 3.30 be NINTH RACE -- pject cere! Phill, Hie $00 420) $200. Cialming ae ee ee object |)-Agate, Hayes 90 | 4-Pleree Herbert, Coke 6.0 4 ed jwere finally dismissed by the), Brin Started: Ciendeboye C., Globe's 2-Pess Port, Hicks 7.4 WHITEMORE LAKE, Mich. The exactor of Brown-Eyed\-ois about a red, white and|Hesty kK. Feagan \aircraft in Canada. rthday, Queen Blue Frost, Northwood 1-Shady Diamond, 7 Z {Washtenaw County sheriff's de-/Egwerd and Sem's Sam. [alse Started: Leo Lew, Adios eat AIRCRAFT NUMBERS partment as a lot of hot air. Of- Ferndale Prince, DNF--Uncle Bun and FIFTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Puree] and Eden Atom. There are about 7,000 licensed ficers said it was William Grab 905 Conaitioned. |DNF -- Did Not Finish. land his hot air balloon. 'S-Lotta Bomb, Wapies 9.40 3.00 2.70! Attendance 2.443. Handle §173,256. ' Lawre Carte! George '"Pud"' Law powled the league's high : of 279, with a 610 triple Speedy Muffler Kings in way Mixed League. The | were led by Donna Carter a 563 triple which . stand high so far this season. F: Bouckley bowled a 557 which were the identical s she rolled last week. San rocca turned in a fine triy 598 (201), George Turner | 568 (213); Doug Gibbs 563 ( Harry Blohm 553 (200); Worsley 548 (202); Walt svynck 541; George Taylor (209 and Doug Cole 528. The laides continued to fine scores with Donna C 563, followed by Fairley Bi 'ley 557 (211); Mavis Taylo Doris Vann 527; Josie G; 515; Mary Cole 501; Fusco 480; Janet Peel Carole Collis 461; Anne 445; Ann Buckowiski 441 Amy Walker 439. Braemor Variety was the -team to take all 7 points week, from Art's Hairst Nu-Way Photo 5, Moring's -age 2; Taypees 5, Vanco Northside Chrysler 5, Sy +Muffler King 2; The Jemt Tigers 2, Oshawa Rug. Cle: 4, CeeVees 3 and Cast-of| Nu-Way Rug 3. MONDAY NIGHT MEN'S INTERMEDIATE » High Singles are showing the wa week as Fred Foote of Townline turned in 8 265 single game, the steam also bowled the highest team sthis year with a 934 score s¢ Town'ine took 2 points from the od: 1; Cliff Mills Motors took all 3. from TV Towers, King Pins 3 Strangers, Left Overs 2, Extras | Born Losers 2, Out Casts 1 High Triples: Fred Foote 566, Leaman 562 and fan Denho'm 53 High Singles: Fred Foote 265, Jin man 216 and tan Denholm 212. @* Standings: Cliff Mills Motors leac 52 points followed by Townline £s King Pins 42, Out Casts 34\ TV 1 32, Left Overs 30, Born Losers: 28 Balls 26, Strangers 16 and Extras KING TEN PIN MIXED Kassinger Construction, Try A Independents an" Hopefulls al te points from the Odd Balls, Gillard ers, Maurice Berg Men's Wear an 7 Team respectively. The GO Ge Plus 2, Wild Five took 2 points Scuoog Cleaners and Crawlers High for the ladies this week wa Ryan 525, Alice Lanning 493, »Gyurka 491, Donna Carter 490, . mPettit 468, Shirley Bowers 458, Lo © Dalby 448, Mary Lee 445, Twila | 444, Barb Kirkham 432, Marg Brow Nellie Rowden 422, Ei'een. Hewett Jean Hutoheon 410 and Bev 'Doran High for the men were Clarence * with a 649 triple that stands as hic * Ihe season in the league. Alex Ros * *"Bill Raderford 552, Lorenz Schatz Ossie Sponer 542, George Reid 53 Weeks 521, Rich Forster 519, Stan § 512, Jack Palmer 508 and Glen Cop «,, Team standings: Kassinger Cor tion leads with 50 points followed | -,Goes 40, Try Agains 39, Independer -,Wild: Five 38, Scugog Cleaners 37, ¢ Cleaners 32, 3 Plus 2 31, Maurice -Men's Wear 25, Crawlers 21, Ho} .19% Go Getters 13 and Odd Balls 12. TUESDAY NIGHT MEN'S Three teams managed to take « this league as six teams fight it o first place with only four points se ing them. Thompson Plumbing + up on first place Peacock Lumbe 8 first place tie. House of Chow 1 into third place by taking all! points from the Late Starters, Cor * took 7 from HPC Modern Grill 5, cock Lumber 2; Police B. S$, Gi Aggregates 2 and Burn's Shoes 5, Wilson's 2. Bert Wind had @ good night a rol'ed games of 224 and 215 for | triple. Ken Wilsher had a 557 fo! by George Turner 544, George Brab (204), Sam Catalano 532, Ron Jay Don White 524 and Gene Supryka Standings: Thompson Plumbin a The "PALAZ; highlights lat Centre lid ope speaker sounc : STRATION I!