Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1967, p. 5

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SUPERIOR FLAVOR, ROSY FINISH McINTOSH MAIN PRODUCT - 100 Apple Orchards Prosper In District THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 7, 1967 5 Mga y Bgl Between the eastern out- About 40 per cent of the ed by industry. The workers said, but there have been more tribution problems which onced n-inlaw, F w. Glen, skirts of Metropolitan Toronto apples grown in the 50-mile a Sth gf Mab eo .. es ae eo pag vg stn ak manager but the firm and Port Hope, there are close stretch which Mr. Rutherford tax Haaanloenient insurance inaavina agricultural ottice hidhale which can be atored in lard -- and closed to 100 apple orchards, and if supervises are McIntosh. Spy and pension plan deductions. show 3,026 acres' in Ontario normal air at 32 degrees ;. Willa', of Teo the enthusiasm of the orchard- . apples are second at 25 per Herb Gibson, who runs a 100- county and part of Durham (apples freeze at 29 degrees), he plant, enlarged +t : ists in the Bowmanville area is cent, with about 10 percent of acre orchard near Bowman- county are devoted to apple or in purified air with a low successful. Owing to typical, there es Probably not a the acreage being devoted to ville, hired most of the 50 orchards. Result is an orn oxygen content of 3 per cent s of Mr. Williams, the read gece ig rk glk peng a An aanctenaat fe hanging pecans, he TF a heck Ce ae an high carbon dioxide con- yas § . W.F : about ess popular varieties ey were more dependable. b : tivositee atin "4 -- siege me kal make up the remainder. "They can be counted on to $960,916 jgnene to peg ae the century. aan Pe gg pi _ At least half of the 100 grow- finn con for work avery. day, Mr. Dalrymple does not con- sig gel ER ores iding now oecupied by Bowmanville for the Ontario ee and they want to work Ap long ep ciel ogg autsnay td ed it continues to be hie. ed warehouse, Centra Department of Agriculture, is ' : th. Gah ? ' hours as they can, although Pp see i A the holler tha teninaratire, the yuilt in 1872 by Toronte more conservative about the Ye 2) ath DO eee 8 they are more expensive," he bicycle AAI A ages lee faster its living processes." Sie we apples than most strung gut along the interes -- i arooe me In ordinary storage, the Me- ure of hats. When the "The McIntoshs here are as pans The qnly problem with them, : Ape Intosh gets brown around the on evil days, the build good as anywhere in Ontario," LABOR SHORT he stated, is they can't work BIGGEST MARKET core by late February, but in a sold to the Masson he said. "They are better than Biggest problem growers well in the cold. They returned Biggest market for the apples controlled atmosphere. it can uring Co. which made the ones from British Columbia. faced this year was a shortage to their warmer homeland grown in the area is Ontario, be kept until June. 'al_ implements before Although ours 'are smaller, they of labor. So much so, that sev- about two weeks ago. but some are shipped to Brit- Siarage dune have ong dvawe ess was wound up in are better tasting -- they have eral were forced to bring in a Mr. Gibson .is pleased with ain, and, on occasion, to the back, Mr. Gibson explained. 1892 ihe building' was more flavor." : plane load of workers from this year's crop, although rain west coast. A large number are "We now have apples the 1 by Charles Schofield, He said the superior flavor Jamaica and Barbados. in the last week has halted his processed into juice, which is year round and don't appreci- ollens plant in Paria, and bright rosy finish are A. O. Dalrymple, agricultural picking. The rain in early sum- shipped all over Canada', ate them. We used to be withe i been destroyed by brought out by clear, cool representative in Bowmanville, mer and early fall, coupled A modern climatically con- out them for a few months, s business continued nights in September and Octo- said the apple growers couldn't with sunny weather in. between, trolled storage bin in New- and then would grab them all r the Second World ber. compete with the wages offer- has produced a good crop, he castle has solved all of the dis- up when they came out." hofield plant was not such business in the area as Samuel Hall d woollen mills on the Creek bout three th of the village some ore, ant now occupied -by ess Limited was built Eaton Co. of Toronto.» business was moved 'on in 1903, the pliant n over by C. Mulli- nd Oriental Textiles, roduced fabrics for Lawyer Claims Bylaw Ajax Hydro Substation Woman Would Sterilize Men 4 Freezing Client Out * ee eo eee pe Sy dean ie to be pie the bylaw to the Ontario Mu mation about and distribution of SS on Monarch Ave., received ap- gai pac WHITBY (Staff) -- A lawyer|now he is being asked to get,for his neighbors. The areas to proval at a special meeting of btoval contraceptives in Canada _ it yesterday accused planners ofjout as the area becomes an R3 the north, south and east Of the Ajax town council Monday would be 'simpler to. sterilize men, says Mrs. R. -W. Queen- i § him are in residential use and ight.-Th .. tat wii], Council, at its meeting, also ltrying to "freeze" a Whitby|residential area. It is not as}... t "nigh e. new station i S. etn, ying | it's for this reason that the offi-\ orve the growing south end of authorized their fiscal agents to man out of business because his|if he had moved to residential! ja) plan has been changed." proceed with the sale of deben-| Hughes nicipal Board for immediate ap Motors, was founded auto body shop did not conform area and was asking the board We agreed to take the case ie Wve f turés in the amount of $335,000. Mrs. Queen-Hughes made the iness continued until with the new zoning bylaw. to protect him." back to the council for further , The estimated cost of the pie debentures include the suggestion at a meeting of | when it was taken G. J. Smith, for Conrad Cser| Mr. Cser's auto body shop is study. 5,000 KVA station is $70,000.!¢75 999 hydro expenditure, the Winnipeg South Women's Liber- ollins and Aikman, of of Ash Street, said: "Clearlyjin an area which is scheduled : The construction bylaw also in-| payjier approved $95,000 water-ial' Association. S, Quebec, and the the intention here is to freeze to change from a light indus--LAND REZONED cluded a $5,000 expenditure for| iain debenture and the re-| She said sterilization of men ed. Mr. Cser's works out of the'trial classification to low den-| The board heard that an Street lighting purposes The) maining $165,000 debenture onis being done in India where rd Scoit operated for neighborhood. sity residential, Mr. Cser is ap-jagreement had been reached/new lights will be installed at/the new arena = community cen-\clinics are set up in railway sta- rs with the W. J. Haer "An auto body shop is some-|pealing to the Ontario Munici- with the Oshawa Dairy to re- the municipal complex and tre project. : tions and bus depots. thing we all need but no one/pal Board for the re-classifica-|zone the firm"s°land as C2 along Centennial Road to the The new debenture for the A resolution was passed ask- wants to live next to, and ifj|tion of his side of the street|Under the new bylaw, the land new arena-community centre arena complex brings the totalling the federal government te |my client is not protected by and his -premises, in partic-|had been designated R5. The Clerk M. B Beauchamp was cost of the new facility to $565,-/make legal the distribution of in the hollow on King aking agricultural im- The plant was later by Ontario Potteries the board, I. suggest he will/ular. : case was adjourned sine die 2 Re 000. The original cost was esti-\contraceptives and information ater by the Algoma meet prejudices in trying to) Town solicitor Hugh Nichol, An application came from Dr. | ITBY BOWLIN mated at $440,000 about them. iring Co. and several find somewhere else to carry|said, "I understand Mr. Smith's|\C. McKay of 421 Dundas St. E |WH SERIAL ASNT CR ESA ESE es re RTCA RE elt eda Or 8. on his business. client's point of view, but if we|Whitby, for the rezoning of his MEN'S THURSDAY LRAGUS "IT appreciate that the board {did as Mr. Smith suggests, and | premises, where he carries on High Triples flock McAlister on\6 has to consider the rights ofjreverted the zoning of this.smalljan animal hospital as a veter-| (303), ed Brush 817 (335), Jim Ross 787 many people, but Mr. Cser has|parcel of land back to re-jinary surgeon. Under the pro- i) ee Sap tat aan pa 4 built up the business over more stricted industrial, it means that| posed R4 high density residen-| jordan 776 (309), Bob Curtis 767 (288),| than 10 years and he has de-|not only can he carry on this|tial zoning, planned under the] Joe taatt, 756 (300), Myrtle Leable ny . rs . - % 4 r > > if 71), om veloped it in an area which is|business, but a very large group|new bylaw, Dr. McKay thought Borrow 77. (7b Gord Seeth 736 (259); an industrial area ahd is 'inlof industrial uses without ap-|he would not be allowed to con-| Jack Lee 724 (265) and Doug Rowden the street M. F. Smith years carried on na canning business in 1e W. T. Dingle fac- 1, in conjunction with rench, after the clos- Joseph Hall Machine ; : ' : ss sas need of re-development.. And'proach to the council or thought/tinue with his place of business 7% (272). | manufactured Clovet 8 ' s lee a UT SESE OTST RIARBP e SLICE A A ag sees aia my? AGE lt cont atc ae ee eae! and other agricul J " ae nn Be IQs 7. x 7 10 | | Mr. Nichol sai e woul 271, Doc Dafoe 270, Jack McMillan 270,| plements until" Mr, WORKER DALE FLEMING SHOVELS APPLES ON TRUCK WHITBY / A AX PERSONALS ate te Contitue,, bat Aiea Batherson 268 and Tom Mclvor| --.- Orchard On Highway 2 Near Bowmanville land taking on of a partner ath. J. W .Provan fot | Section Winners -- Keiser Aluminum | rs added to local ine (Oshawa Times Photo) | 4 Mark's United Church 4|p.m., centennial building, 12:40/Would be restricted. His appli-\co, -- Glen Doak, Jim Atkinsan, Wt ough his patent for a lw p.m. and Blair Park Plaza, achine, W's Couples Club' maetng war 12:45 p.m. Inquiries for swim- ike cation was given a technical Sie" een. * ll) oreo ba ; presided over by Mrs. Gordon| io, instruction cl hould a i Wicket for Kenwhit Ta:| (RNs WePnmsesy Laer a y Guy . : ming instruction classes should) *. ": coe , High Triples -- €d Hutchinson 781) i, oven rea Accidents Decrease, wire ric wilting bite since soit ctett ta: sada tlena| ti Stucne ata 2 me Neate saCry 08 ' liam Irwin. In charge of the|668-6868 "|were concerned about the zon-|Stripe 738 (303), Tas) BI Biden 1 N. and later enlarged i : jing of part of their property ns|(2se), Geo. Chase 701 (288), Vaughn automobile factory. program were Mr. and Mrs. Ajax Kinettes executive mem-|flood plain. Brooks 698 (291), Bob Carter 493 (268), e e a ndbridge Harness. Co. p V l P l 34 t Jack Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|bers are meeting tonight at the| He said since the new bylaw, gy ogy °° (M2 ane Bll Howls ied the site now occu. ro 1ncida O 1ce@ e or Winter, Mr. and Mrs.|home of Kinette Barbara Wal-/2585, had been filed, there had High. Singles Hans Zimmer 313 \liam Juplate Canada Lim- James White and Mr. and Mrs. urley Rd.. Ajax been a considerable change in Shas: Snelgrove 302, Jay Rosebush 294, harness company WHITBY -- A decrease of|lowe'en, and once again credit/and a speedometer clearly Garry Ross. Following a wer va eases ve the Whitby map and, as a re- Rese Sercar \S67c Keath. Cooney is, | to the Malleable Iron approximately 25 per cent injis to be given to the youth of|tells us when we are exceed-| business session, all partici-| Ajax St. Paul's United Church sult, a 'great proportion' of the dim Randall 264, Earl Cane 255 and! npany, which in turn the weekly number of accl-/our are ; ing the speed limit. The third|pated in an old time treasure) Couples Club held a social eve-iflood plain' shown under 2585) section Winners -- Wilson's Food| "ed by the Thornton dents investigated by Whitby) Mishaps occurring on the ie 2 ._\hunt. Lunch was served ning Saturday, with square/was not flood plain. Market_-- Geo. Chase, Pat Bremner,| . The property was detachment of the Ontario Pro-/Macdonald - Cartier Freeway|Cause appears to be inattentive : dancing, led by Mr. and Mrs.| {t was agreed further talks be Barsan ey lore cramer Pe lo the W. EF. Philips vincial Police occurred last}seem to provide the bulk of/ driving, and this too requires) Whitby Kinette Club is hold-| Howard Philip. In charge of the/held with the council and it was oe oe J Sats IN THE NON-SLIP BOTTLE later became Du- week. | weekly accidents investigated! only common sense to cure. ing its annual "Mothers' Night" evening were Mr. and Mrs.| adjourned sine die. OFFERED CHARITY la Limited, "Whether this decrease was|by tite Whitby OPP. "The 'two remaining chief| Wednesday, at a dinner meet-| Wally Henwood, assisted by Mr Also adjourned was an appli Caen England (CP)--A © 1, COROT RIE TELERY, LIMITED, CORPYVRAS, CANADA. bd caused by fewer motorists on! "Leafing through the files of accident causes require a little ing. Each member invites her/and Mrs. Donald Sutherland/cation by Club Bayview on pa i the road or by an increase injthese mishaps points out almore thought, practice and/mother and entertainment is/and Mrs. Lynne Johnson. At/Byron Street. The club proprie- charity set up 400 years ago in|-------~-- ; the safety consciousness of our|marked repetition and virtually|caution. These two involve en- arranged. the next meeting, Nov. 25, elec-|tors were applying for R4 zon.|{tis Bedfordshire village offers An N. residents is unknown," a reportjall gecidents appear to beltering and leaving the free- tion of officers will be held.|ing. ; pore pang Pbcitilggagact ene nounce ew nts y y says. "However, it is much!caused* by five major reasons. ; Mrs. Kelly DeGray, regional/ rere will be bowling at y j : TORY more encouraging to believe| "Common sense shold be alll ay eae few oach| Ctairman of Ontario County/prock's in Ajax. 7 lames wemy Boe a ineament neiE OeAnds HOMMIen, Bub eree: Healin s bsta st World War the latter. |that's necessary to avoid the There are a few Bpprpery South CWL, officially opened St. io the official olan: utors say there haven't been Bw 4 OSUDS bit werryy care ano todavcsin "With one or two exceptions, |first three errors. It doesn't|/amPS leading to Highway 401) john The Evangelist CWL an- Ajax St. Paul's United Chureh ------------~_7 _ |any takers for year pi = . spr hinggtiane ey there were no major-incidents|take a genius: to know when| }aueca. hoe cra 'ons-/nual bazaar, held at Denis|Women held a successful "'Ital-| 4 : - . Shrinks Piles ( hecks Itch w positions in the involving 'destruction on Hal-'he's followi too closely,!. oni oe Fa |O'Connor auditorium. Co-con- jan Style" dinner Saturday in Five Applications sity Je tesa ta freed hd eo cinaenpiagintemciigaiar acreage PE Rey ty hg hg ponte ee Reciasre boellng sobsiasce proven to shrink 7 ' : + | bh on an rs. Haro orbes./convened by the Kum-Meet-Us y 6 a wi ADD 120 SPACE . |being misused by far too many Winners were H. Mason, Leo|group, with Mrs. Kenneth Jones| For Planning Post hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tiseme. Gaza 50 iniles * | motorists. : : _ \Steffler, Robert Pell, Milton,/in charge, assisted by Mrs.. WHITBY (Staff) -- Five ap A renowned research institute hes diy ante of Jerusalem: and i . | "A driver intending to join/Mary Morrissey, Marilyn Mac-|Homer Hueffed, Mrs. Donald) plications have been received) found a unique healing substance This was accomplished with & ich successfully ate L E the main stream of traffic Donald, Anna Jacobs, Eleanor) Sutherland, Mrs. Raymond for the position of planning di- with the ability to shrink hemor- new healing substance (Bio-Dyme) German lines at ar Ing 0 xpansion | should, once he is parallel with/Cangle, Mrs. Robin, Glenn Lan-/Reiffenstein, Mrs. Larry Pick-rector of the new Town of | thoids painlessly. It relieves itch- | which quickly helps heal injured , in upper Alsace, | traffic, accelerate to as nearj/dry, Oshawa, Mrs. James Mc-|ell, Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs.| Whitby. ing and discomfort in minutes and cells and stimulates growth of new i: ars as possible the speed of the/Carroll, Mrs, T. Kapuscinski,}Elwood White. Other groups} At an amalgamation meeting | | speeds up healing of the injured, tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in om' nd World War Ls jother vehicles. In the past two/E. Smith, Miss Mary Philip and)assisting were the Alpha andiof the town and township to | inflamed tissues. ment and suppository form called -five years ago to- ; tarts t tation jyears, thousands of dollars| Josephine Tobin. The bazaar| Martha groups, and stewards ofjhe held Wednesday at the town- One hemorrhoidal case history Preparation H. 1942--The British "ve been spent to pee pee was cauloves 7 a Ae aries si? hcp aie atau ship hall in tage the appli- after another reported "very strik In addition to actually shrink » peac Rees 4 4 3 297 wahielwe t@ ramps in our area and full|/per at St. John's paris al, | fe an ona Sutherlandications will be examined. A ing improvement.' Pain was ing hemorrho: Preparation fateh: Bhs 24 Pee Ce) ee Sl RAR ack 820 vehicles use should be made of their en- amber room, with Mrs. A. C.|served 100 pounds of spaghetti final decision will be taken at : i ash pas ag eae TE Hens perp os No it of beaten Axis ihe Liverpoo! Go Station Mon-|\cording to the Go public yala: tire length. Once the speed has| Munro in charge, assisted by and 30 gallons of meat sauce. 'a later date. 6 community actual reduction or retraction less painful. It helps prevent im RAF bombers at- day 44. Henin grading for anitions director, Edward Ingra- been attained, a ie in the Mrs. Stanley Bronishewski, merriment of quiet eleqanc (shrinking) took place fection which is a principal cause enoa in its heaviest aalarged sacking area at thelham. rear vision mirrors will usually| Mrs. K. Cser, Mrs. D. Nadalin, q gance Among these case histories were of hemorrhoids. he war; an Ameri- eastern terminal of the onal ithe touinionin caren facil: disclose a gap in traffic. A Mrs. Peter aig ae ath WIN A see ee a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Just ask your druggist for Pre- editionary force satar RVaRAG fide aL Che ClverBbol StGHOR clear signal, a slight turn of the|Charles Polito, Mrs. D. Robert-| en In eabawes tions. Relief even occurred in cases paration H Suppositories or Pre- | Noth AIGA. at as ans ih aich nowhieye ae cage singe the! Wheel and a smooth merge has son, Mrs. Robert Gagnon, Mrs. NIGHT on vue TOWN northern residential of long standing, and most im- paration H Ointment (with s ov. 8 North African holds fewer than; 200:cars; willlevstem began Bees Se: been completed. Clarence Hendriks, se - : ores. portant of all, results were so | special applicator). i the U.S. Navy re- be enlarged and paved to alier this year. The present facili. "Leaving the highway re- Storey, Mrs. R. Kehoe, Mrs. W. @ Chouffeur-Driven Cor To Toronto Simcoe ond Taunton | thorough that this improvement Satsfachon guaranteed or your t least 5,188 Japa- ties fill up by 7 a.m. every Mires equal skill and caution. Lavalley and Mrs. Murray @ Free Spending Money was maintained over a period of | money refunded. led by American | morning and Vehicles line up| The driver should be in the| Forbes. peu spies ree wel Every Time you Ride With Mercury Toxi, you Get Anoth If you are looking for @ lot to |} the Solomon Is- ; W S k on the shoulder of Base Line| ght lane far in advance of the attended and proceeds were ches fi a, i. Nine Hh J. ay nother buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- i) eas : f i Leena d fighting since the omen ee | evadcbancce alt sila- i each|tamp. Sudden decreases in well over $2,000. bike tial tid ONE " Pemrsne es use a builder of your choice, ion began Aug. 7. - . direction of the station result-/SPeed should be avoided wee Whitby YMCA splash parties NEXT DRAW ON NOVEMBER 15th for--information. ; ; in ec anise aiary--evesStin.the main stream of trat-f iy cone ea tieday a = nl Used Clothing ing inv traffic 'snarls: eVErY €VE-17 and once again w clear" sig-/re el every Saturday" tthe MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 phone 723-1194 ALPES TNE ie Semel .jnal is required. After you are|),.,, rookli joi Winner of October 10th Draw -- Mrs. E. Power -- PICKERING (Staff) -- Mrs.|. The Liverpool Go Station is|\ : : leaves Brooklin Meadowcrest) ; 3 : i Frank Simons, the president of|the second. busiest station on| the Wee onto| schoo] at 12:20 p.m. Denis) 1.190 -Northridge-St.,-Othawe : OSHAWA Pickering United Church\the 60-mile government transit! O'Connor High School, °12:30! -SALIERES Women, asked for donations of|line and_ presently gervioes|ecctied" camo. aby oo eae ee good used clothing needed for|Pickering Township and all)ijjceq 2 k social assistance at a_general|parts east pee ; crits meeting. These could be given) wr Ingraham added that] paINFULLY SEATED GRAND to Mrs, Jack Warren, 55 Lincoln ; further word! St., Pickering, telephone 942- ot ye een tant concern-| DENVER, Colo. (AP)--A hold 4355. Also she said, the need is/ing the extension into Oshawa|UP suspect reclined painfully in SRR great for knitted mittens, alll/o¢ the system. Denver's city jail after finding 4 eee sizes. _ out sitting on an automatic pis- Mrs. W. G. McLean is collect- = jtol wasn't eet gy way to hide Whether It's a leaky faucet or an entire renovation Ing clean, used nylons -to be Wh b Y h it. Denver police arrested him ; oie : : sent to Korea, where Korean it y out in a car shortly after a service bg eer eee to do the job OF OUR NEW STORE widows unravel the threads and F . station had been robbed of 4d 4 © : . If you are a skilled reweave them into material, On Dean S List about $180. Officers: quoted the tradesman and are looking for extra jobs then isn't and this way help to support suspect as saying he was push- it logical to suggest you place your message in the TH URSDAY themselves. For donations ,con-| AMHERST, Mass. -- Hugh/ing the gun underneath him TIMES ACTION WANT ADS. A staff of courteous 5 pg hye sofa ry hop tocar Getty Laurence of Whitby is|When it went off. capable Ad-Visors are ready to assist you with your ~ e main topic a e meeting ; wate main topic at the meeting] jong those named to the' cur- selling message to over 80,000 DAILY READERS, ot NOV. 9th-9 A.M. the yuletide tea, to be held Dec.|rent Amherst College Dean's) FREE 24-HOUR ' Hee eeu es yat the Christian Education|List for outstanding academic BURNER SERVICE tre. There will be a home-| a ohiey , . By Our Local 24 Words.,. 6 Days @ | S jachievement during the 1967 in. vs Only... 5.76 trne MARKETBLACE @ FANTASTIC OPENING SPECIALS ke table, gift table and tea). |spring semester. of the people . . @ FREE GIFTS Ancus-(5RAYDON vill. be served. f : : The worship period was taken| Latrence, a sophomore, was) SAWDON" 7 2 . by Mrs, Barry Murkay and Mrs.|on the Dean's List during his) S e& : 23 3494 = : George Martin, on the theme , h | F U E i. & WAS THE FIRST Tes "phe Big Change. Mrg.|"cmen Year, Bnd bas been! 723-3494 PF active in the Masquer's drama-| in CANADA-THEY Michael Cleary was in charge|®* : "CAME AN IMPORT of the program and continued | tic Productions. erst Gi. Aas ak ND BUILDING OF on the same theme. This was| He is a 1966 graduate of] AL E TODAY iN SUCH followed by a discussion period.|Henry Street High School in|] 244 Brock St. S., Whitby MiBLY, LAVALTRIE, Tea hostess was Mrs. L.|Whitby and is the son of Mr.| 668-3524 C ECOEUR AMO MANY Pilon, The next meeting will bejand Mrs. Perry S. Laurence of| a ERG J held Dee. 7. 418 Fairview Drive, Whitby,

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