Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Nevember 7, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Peaceful Coexistence, UN Russ Role Praised q | Speech Cancelled MESA, Ariz. (AP) -- A speech scheduled Monday night by Negro civil rights leader James Farmer was cancelled following protests from several community groups and refusal to identify his financial sponsor. Dr. John Kerr, president of the Mesa school board, said an entire series of 10 speaking en- : »ments scheduled by the dis- s centre for education ad- vancement was called off be- cause the financial sponsor in- sisted upon remaining anony- mous UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) ~ -- Secretary General U Thant, in a message on the 50th anni- versary of the Russian Revolu- tion, Monday praised the role played by the Soviet Union in the formative years of the United Nations. "In particular, the govern- ment of the Soviet Union has stressed the importance of the idea of peaceful coexistence among states, however different their political. and social sys- tems may be, an idea which today enjoys widespread accept- ance,"' Thant said. As a founding member of the world organization and a per- manent member of the Security Sugar Harvest Council, "the Soviet Union has HAVANA (Reuters) -- Cuba consistently emphasized the made iis earliest start ever on idea of peace among nations the sugar harvest amid serious and especially hasg played a © doubts that the island can reach -- Reon gocecaal " a 7 es even a reduced 1968 target fig- ormative years 0 e Unite ure Nations." U THANT The ea opening officially Branching Out +e On 50th Anniversary = | 27noune al ae tage of att Ask y ee , cane to reach a 7,500-000- ene kee Lae ce : Rescued y Monday night' that his province) HONG KONG (Reuters) i orities warned that today has an opportunity for|Helicopters from the U.S. Navy one worst droughts on Sugar-rich eastern may aircraft carrier Coral Sea today record "branching out" that it never get again plucked a crew of from a Mr. Levesque, a former Liber-|Stricken Liberian freighter al welfare minister of Quebec aground in heavy seas on Pra- | who recently quit his party tojtas Reef, 165 miles southeast of sit in the legislature as inde-|here. pendent member for Laurier, ~The carrier made the rescue said Quebec has already ob-jafter the master of the 7,239-tom -autatives of the 15 North Atlan- tained an "embryo special/Loyal Fortunes radioed tic. Treaty Otganization mem status" within Confederation. [Only helicopters could save the|norg pathered at NATO's new Be en mae nap on enc 0 crew. Brussels headquarters today to sis } Ww y, discuss closer non-military, co- and this crisis is for Quebec the operation, but France was ex- pon gia bag i eal ae ected to be cool toward more t new Canadi n, togetherness he told 300 students at the Uni- a ed the growth of cane there, delivering a hard blow to rospects for the whole harvest. NATO Co-Operation BRUSSELS (AP) -- Repre- 37 uba stu Border Crossed BERLIN (Reuters) -- A year-old East Berlin serge. ae oe. ue SOVIETS SAY .THIS IS today in Moscow's Red Square during the celebra- tion marking the 50th anni- versary of the Bolshevik Revolution. The Soviets said it is their new interconti- This 100-foot long rocket brings up the rear of the hour-long military parade Quebec PM Seeks Funds From Wall Street Firms By ROD CURRIE NEW YORK (CP)--Preémier|$450,000,000 in this fiscal year. if she needed money. Daniel Johnson of Quebec ar-|. Experts in the New York.bond}..A..spokesman.forone Wall rives here tonigitt for talks-with'market note that the situation /Street investment firm said: leading Wall Street financiers. |at the moment is "tight.""" They; "The condition of the bond New York in the past hasjemphasize, however, that Que-jmarket is not very good--not been the main market for bonds|bec bonds have enjoyed a good/unlike that in Canada, although of Hydro-Quebec,* which re-|reception in the market in the|probably a little bit tougher THEIR NEW ROCKET with orbital nental rocket capabilities. --AP Wirephoto Chemical Isolated MONTREAL (CP) -- Scien- inces projected borrowings of{have no special difficulties now vet at "McGill Yniversity be-ly ae northwest 15 today, light) ieve' they have succeeded in isolating the chemical property in ragweed pollen which causes hay fever, and that the discov-| ery could lead to prevention of . the troublesome itch for af-|4 few snowflurries flicted persons. " | WEATHER FORECAST 'Variable Cloudiness Clear, Cold Tonight TORONTO (CP) -- Officialjcold. Mostly sunny but 'forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.| Wednesday. Winds light. today. . Cochrane, western James Bay Synopsis: The storm which regions: Variable cloudiness dragged cold air down across with a few snowflurries today |Canada and the United States|and cold, Clear tonight clouding lhas now moved off the Labra-/over by Wednesday afternoon dor coast toward Greenland.|followed by light snow. Winds However now that most of the| light today and tonight, increas- continent is submerged in this ing to south 15 to 25 Wednesday. | Arctic air mass, it will take an-. Montreal and Ottawa regions: lother disturbance from the Pa-|Some cloudy periods and cold \cific Ocean to bring any warm| today with light winds. Clear to- air back from the south. East-|night. Wednesday mainly sunny ern Canada from the Great| but cool. |Pakes to the Maritimes will feel Forecast Temperatures a wintry chill for at least two Low tonight high Wednesday a Windsor: ssscsseses 2 40 cold more days. Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake|St. Thomas . 22 40 Erie, Algoma, White River re- London eee 18 38 gions: Variable cloudiness with) Kitchener ... . 38 a few snowflurries and cold Mount Forest ..... 18 38 today and Wednesday. Possible) Wingham ... 18 38 |snowsqualls in some parts|Hamilton -- + 20 40 |Wednesday. Winds light today, St. Catharines .... 20 40 {southeast to south 15 to 25) Toronto ..... 25 42 | Wednesday. Peterborough . 18 38 Toronto, Hamilton, London, ees cag aaa bod - Niagara, Lake Ontario, south- rilialoel eae ern Lake, Huron regions: Varia- Mu Koka , a "4 ble cloudiness with a few snow- North 5 7 Mh flurries and cold today. Clear Suidk Lied c ac tonight and Wednesday morn-| pif Wty * noe tt ing. Winds southwest 15 today, Seat ey ee aa "A light tonight, increasing to rah SIS, SEATe ' af apuskasin 1 32 southeast 15 Wednesday after- noon. Sudbury, North Bay, northern |Lake Huron, Georgian Bay re-| gions: Variable cloudiness with| DOWNTOWH ; n DELIGHTFUL joccasional snowflurries today} INFORMAL jand again Wednesday but} DINING ROOM ;mostly clear overnight. Cold GOOD FOOD REASONABLE PRICES. Special Noon Luncheons Hotel: Lancaster 27 KING ST, WEST | tonight, increasing to-south 15 to; 25 Wednesday. | Haliburton, Tim aga mi re- gions: Variable cloudiness with| today and' versity of Ottawa New Drig MONTREAL (CP) -- A new drug that is considered a major breakthrough in human trans- plant operations was detailed/ before the sixth international congress of allergology Monday. The drug, called antilympo- cyte serum, was described as a step forward in increasing the chances of success in human transplants. The 'Pill' ROME (AP) -- A Jesuit member of Pope Paul's birth control commission said today the only birth control pills the Pope might approve are those Writing in the Jesuit periodi- cal La Civilta Cattolica, Father Giacomo Perico, an _ Italian theologian, said the "day after' and "'month after' pills recently developed have no chance of papal acceptance because they are intended to cause women to} abort soon after conception. Tanker Sinks GENOA, Italy (Reuters) ~-- The 4,500-ton Canadian tanker Mohawk Deer sank Monday night off the resort of Portofino, near here, after drifting on to rocks in a storm ; The tanker and another ship were being towed to the Italian port of La Spezia to be broke up when the Mohawk Deer started floundering and had to be cut adrift. U.S. VISITORS More than 100 members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows attended a banquet given by Corinthian Lodge 61 Forty gue attended from Dearborn and Detroit, Mich., and Windsor. Head table 'guests included Alderman Gordon At- HERE and quires $200;000,000 of the prov-|past and say Quebec Welsh College Students Protest Prince's Entry der guard duty he wanted to/allies to keep NATO as tight as} take photographs of a crossing possible for a unified approach| point, Then he dashed across toward improving relations with} the Soviet Union and Commu- nist-bloc countries. The United} States would also like NATO members to mesh on disarma- ment, arms control and ways to achieve German reunification. stu-,'any examination or attain any Red Cross Airlift GENEVA (AP) -- An interna- tional airlift. for white mercen- LONDON (AP)--Welsh dents raised a howl of protest|formal distinction of qualifica- Monday at the way Prince/tion." Charles, Britain's future king, is) The nationalists, fighting for being allowed to enter their uni-;/home rule for the 2,500,000 ries 7 - poi versity. There also were signs|Welsh, look on the prince's in- aes pean pte pee a et Welsh nationalists would vestiture as another tie binding east Congo city of Bukavu was|ttY to sabotage Charles investi-|them to the central government announced Monday by the Red|ture as Prince of Wales two'in London. Cross : years hence "They will need an army of A Red Cross spokesman said| Charles, recently enrolled as soldiers to Protect Charles at more than 100 European 'gol. freshman at Cambridge Uni-jthe investiture, said Emyr diers of fortune will be repatriat-|VeTsity, has been entered for|Llewellyn Jones, a member of ed to their native countries as the summer semester at the the society. far as About 900 Katan.| University College of Wales in : We are opposed to personal expected to be|!969--the year he will be in-/violence, but not to violence to Zambia stalled'as Prince of Wales. against property. And there will ossible ge oops ferried are CON. a ee The idea is for the 19-year-old|be demonstrations." cs B H . \prince to pick up something of, . Asks Resiagnati Population Explosion \the Welsh language and history) SKS esign ion fe NITE D NATIONS (CP) --)before his traditional investiture} Polls Show TORONTO (CP) -- Con. Allan The world's population in-lat Caernarvon Castle. resignation of Robert Bradley, |99 persons a day in the year up|National Union of Students-- LBJ Down executive-director of the To. tO mid-1966 when it reached a passed a resolution deploring ronto Housing Authority. total of 3,356,000,000 says the/what they called abandonment) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two Mr. Lamport said Mr. Brad- United Nations Demographic} of the principle that university|polls find President Johnson's lley's remarks ee to' be published Sun-'places ai. awarded for aca-|popularity 1s at a record low. | f : ; a ae 4 meeting of the Council of Catho The mid-1966 total was 61,-| 'The resolution specifically as- nation by a civic employee 000 009 higher than at the same|sails the admission of Charles| | 'He was referring to Mr. Brad eriod a year previous and if it/as a student who will not sit forjing to six possible Republican ley's claim that Saar at trol (Continues to increase at its - cg jopponents if he were to run land Mayor William Damen Dresent rate of about 1.0 per . against them now. lare not Taterestod in solving alent, it, '8 expected the world Railwa Ss 'The Gallup Poll, also reported y |Monday, 38 per cent of those {Lamport called Monday for the creased by an average of 167,-! The students--members of the Sunday to al demic ability. A poll by Louis Harris, ilic Men amounted to insubordi population will have doubled by severe housing shortage the year 2005 }questioned approved of John- ' To Chan e son's actions, 50 per cent disap- g proved of the way he is han- Pa LONDON (CP)--Britain's ped his job and 12 per cent é state-owned railway system is had no opinion. ' ' | The American Institute of Co unity Chest. Th rs 3 for some big changes if a pe- AR tesa 4 mmunity Chest. They raised in for some big chang Pe'Publie Opinion, which conducts sor of thei jecti tite redhea with an itch for Aco ae heir objective § cnt sh tee ane Sp the Gallup poll, said 40 per cent and a Mrs B arbara Castle has of those questioned in late Au- of the city. much more than female wiles |Sust approved Sp ae : cipal, says the students as weapons in her planned @ ont g - spond. to hold a bake sale. a sprucing up of British railways.|08 ! September approved of sal aa LS aan eck a "mone) losing but still vital the president's actions. ale anc a paper mache * in this crowded country's| [te Harris poll said its sur- bh sinnte 4 stuns wnarted n_ this : this week to raise the expected n_ this vey indicated that Johnson come tax increase proposed by|day night. |President Johnson as a major jfactor in the market's decline. |Many financiers have urged that the tax be greater than the 10-per-cent surtax suggested jand that if be imposed immedi- jately, but it now is apparent Ithat the tax will not be added \this year. |Wednesday will address the Council of Foreign Relations, an association of people interested in international finance, and \Thursday will speak to the Ca- nadian Society of New York. Friday he will be a guest at the annual fund-raising dinner of the New York Financial Writ- ers Association. He returns to Quebec Sunday. Beautify and Protect With comin) ¢ SIDING @ + +» by Kaiser! { published Monday in the Wash-| Aside from a series of private | ington Post, shows Johnson los--meetings, Premier Johnson| should/here. Everyone is having trou-, Dr. A. H. Sehon, professor of , * ----|ble raising money and if Quebec|"hemistry 'at the university, |should' encounter difficulties we|S44 Monday that Dr. N. Attal- |should not read anything politi-/!@h, a fellow in his department, jcal into it. It's just the state of Seems to have succeeded in iso-| lthe market." lating the chemical compound) | which is present in the ragweed |NO DISCRIMINATION plant and which causes the J | 'We should take it,in perspee- reaction of the allergic person when pw te sty ad tive. I don't think Canada or/to the pollen. ir rree! Quebec would be discriminated) Dr. Sehon was addressing the and 00 10 jagainst on the market." sixth international congress of 1. 2 ; Another spokesman concerned|allergology being held here this Londonin the Fall! The crowds have all gone with the bond market suggested|week with some 1,500 specialists home, the weather is beautiful, and you can explore London |"Quebec does not have as much|from all over the world attend- at your own pace; discover some of the thousands of things \difficulty raising money here as/|ing. } Londoners do . . . for free. Like listening to debates in the {Canadians think it does." : x "as Houses of Parliament; or watching the Changing of the A spokesman from another Guard at Buckingham Palace without having your view major investment firm said UN Guards | obstructed by lines of people who got there first; or taking in Quebec '"'probably would have} | the wonders of the National Gallery at leisure. more trouble raising money in| . . The 'best time to visit London is in the Fall. . . and the best Paes Rot it would on. the; Seize Canadian way to jet there is by BOAC. Give your BOAC travel agent a th e Avehe howes iy) i call today. Choose from an increased number of Fall flights e noted, however, that the NEW YORK (AP) -- United available. And get set to enjoy London at its uncrowded best, a in in gh _ von 7 Nations security guards seized a Shape and for the last 10/38-year-old -Canadian after he \days "has been as bad as in the/had drawn a toaled sutometic a BOAC |worst days of last year."" in the lobby of the General As- _| All spokesmen blamed failure|sembly building nd thrust. it| TARES GO0R GANS OF YOR jof Washington to impose the in-}against a guard's stomach Mon- ® ° Police said Branko Paljusic of Hamilton, Ont., thrust the auto- matic against the stomach of Sgt. Frank Worobell, 49, of the UN security force and said: 'I kill anybody who stops me." came here to kill myself and I'll 102 BROCK S., WHITBY DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 668-8867 HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S | OIL 57 KING ST. E. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (Oshawa) LTD. 576-3131 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 728-7395 Mitchell & Waite 62 PRINCE (north of King) Listen to "Travel Topics' on CKQS--FM every Friday evening from 8 P.M. till 9 P.My HOSPITAL' REPORT Forty-five births were record-| oo, he Oshawa General Hos: | ora) the week ending re were 353 admis ion toda Hospital son, 19, 31 King St ville, sustained seriou pital during ions an discharges. There | Saturday when t 97 jor, 140 minor and qriving & St ga ane oe automobile © dri HON, MITCHELL SHARP ation Ww iundred andicweitzer 23 Te fifty-seven treatments and ex-| Toronto Mrs = Dells Mayors aminations were given and & kill : ic] casts applied physiott r ct Rising Costs apy gave 1127/44 months « were { re OT TAWA (CP) -- Every Ca depart Fae lian must fight rising costs i prices because everyone's je-886 tional t visits prapy Mrs released Swei Aas z ty ane children were & epartment handled 207 cases. |the car driven b ob de ends neh Finance Min- Sk i 'i : { ister. Sharp told representatives 4 s 5 er who w no I TAIL SERVICE of 40 major municipalities Mon- 111 Mel i phae ae Mann said) mot O'Brien with the ex-|Oshawa, a } Sweitzer car W.E Postmaster no service . day of one complete collec street letter boxes at/from hospital yesterday. Oth k ree Tuni s. Other speak- e 2 . 7 oF , afternoon Y eolleciée. DEER HUNT ers included Prime Minister ppt He the Gace The O Pearson and 10 cabinet minis- will g I sh : ters Post Office on Remembrance|/ands and me time as y, Carl Dresser, PGM of!$375 portat shinery Hess. Tatas ite 10, asportauon some would be beaten now by gover- 'ay Riphiga2 oo " ' , happens tobe transport)nors Nelson A. Rockefeller of Extra insulation No main- okaz and Art Beauchz { Poo CONDITION g beachadie te ® . nd ° Reerhoen : Eee cade .. ; PONG eee minister in a Labor government|New York, George Romney of] tenonce! @ All work guaranteed bor Aceh ivoived that still commands a whopping! Michigan and Ronald Reagan of |] @ Free Estimates. majority California; New York Mayor} cart Pa bed by one columnist as\John V. Lindsay, Senator GALBRAITH the. 'Most politicaly potent of|Charles H. Percy of Illinois and y female Britons since Queen|former vice-president Richard} 140 Ej6in East -- 728-0181 Mrs. Castle held/M. Nixon. E eth J forth in the House Monday|~ about her railway project. NP The government wil! help pay | for elimination of surplus tracks but also will back uneconomic ices deemed es | to. the-community anger sery pi se of course you need xcelsior Lite Buy Direct Save up to 50% TONECRAFT King Park Plaza 723-4922 Day, Noy. 11. All mails will be nounced a three-day received and despatched as S€ason for the Uni i usual of Durham and land, with the ex A COLOR i TV STUDENTS AID CHEST Hope Township. Only shotguns Students at Donevan Colle be permitted and no d | t Soll itted and n @ Rectongul ubi fate will raise approximatel be allowed for the hunt perennial ay ioe $375 for the Greater Oshaw @ Uhf-Vhf hich opened Nov. 6 @ Hond Wired Chossis BARBER SHOP |. FOR SALE 4 CHAIRS --- ON A PLAZA FOR INFORMATION 723-6641 or 728-9860 17 BOND & DIVISION | ec Less Than $7.00 A Week T.R.1.0. TELEVISION LIMITED insurance because you want to he secure Your good judgment tells you to buy life insurance ... but it's so easy to delay. Protect now those you love with permanent personal life and health insurance. Call your Excelsior Life representative today. He's a good man to kpow. "tks EXCELSIOR LIFE Smonence Canpasy ==" UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores AUTO SAFETY SERVICES ADJUSTMENT aay BALANCE 1.95 3.70 5.45 6:60 7.50 1 wheel ... 2 wheels ... 3 wheels .. 4>wheels ... 5 wheels ... FRONT END ; : Correct caster and camber, adjust toe setting, centre steering wheel, inspect front wheel bearings. "7.95 Lobor Only -- ports if npidssary extra, EXTRA! Exclusive road hazard guarantee included ... Free adjustment for 3 months. Most American & Canadian Cars, -- cepa Pipe PHONE 728-5143 t i e e i ( | } ee 7 ' King St. W. at Park Rd. KING PARK PLAZA Phone 725-6511 CBC MANAGEME! Judy Lc Wont D OTTAWA (CP)--State Secre tary Judy LaMarsh refuse again Monday to disclose name or specify charges in her clair that the CBC suffers from "rot ten management" in man areas. And Paul Hellyer, transpor minister and acting prime min ister through much of Monday' Commons sitting, gave stron indication that Miss LaMars will stand or fall on her own i her dispute with the publicly owned CBC. "She has taken this on in he responsibility as a ber o the government and I do no think anything I could sa: would be useiul,"' Mr. Hellye said. Miss LaMarsh, who reports t Parliament on _ broadcastin: matters, turned aside a serie of questions seeking amplifica tion of her "rotten manage ment" statement. NEW MANAGEMENT Her strongest implication wa: that it would be useless to tall to present management abou problems that only a new man agement could correct. Asked whether she ha brought specific areas of wha she considered to be rotte management to the attention o the CBC's present management she replied: "No, I have not brought it te their attention, the reason bein; that I felt that the only way i could be cleared up was by bringing it to the attention o the new management." OFL Seeks | On Closing | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP --The Ontario Federation o Labor Monday called for legis lation to make it impossible: fo! a company to close out opera tions without adequate notice t the community in which it is sit uated. The resolution, also askins legislation ensuring that socia' responsibilities be accepted by the closing company, resultec from the announced closing o he Dominion Steel and Coa orp. in Sydney, N.S., by Hawk er Siddeley Canada Ltd., the parent company. The 800 delegates attendin; the federation's annual conven tion asked that the federal gov ernment join Nova Scotia ir keeping the Dosco steel mills ir production. Eamon Park, assistant Cana dian director of the Unite Steelworkers of America, repeat ed statements made in Saul Ste. Marie, Ont., last Thursday that the Dosco problem coul face any other community re lying solely on one industry. He said the impact on Novz Scotia is a greater threat t Confederation than separatism in Quebec. He said the USWA is con. cerned that the federal govern ment may be less interested ir saving the steel mills than i should be. COSTS OFFSET The cost of unemployment in surface, welfare and of eact dislocation would more than off. set costs of public maintenance of the mills. Murray Cotterill, public rela tions director for the USWA ir Canada, said Dosco over the . Canada Profits . From Vietnam TORONTO (CP) -- Canada i: the only nation making a profi' from the war in Vietnam, Dal ton Camp, national president 0} the Progressive Conservative party, said Monday night. "We are involved in that wai to the extent that, as it contin ues, United States' purchases it defence materials in Canada in crease," he said in a speech t the Board of Trade Club. "Tn the past eight years, i has become a billion-dollar busi ness, and last year our total ex ports in defence materials ex ceeded $400,000,000--the bulk o it, of course, to the Unitec States." He described Canada's mili tary policies as having no tacti cal meaning and wasteful o both money and effort. He said the Canadian Arm} brigade in Europe is a suicid force which would not survive the first assault in either a con ventional or a nuclear attack. eisai OSHAWA RECREA COMPE AQUATIC Competitive Swimming, Swimming groups are | will be on an open ba month, Teams will then ticipating to represent tl in C.A.S.A. competition. "Classem for beginners in these stages, For informatio

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