Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1967, p. 1

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Home Newspaver Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- Grio and Durham Counties, Weather Report Variable cloudiness clearing tonight; clear and cold Wed- nesday morning. Low tonight, 25; high tomorrow, 42. VOL. 26--NO, 2 : oe OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1967 10¢ Single Copy 55¢ Per Week Home Delivered zed as Second Class Mail. Post Office Deportment ttowa and for payment of Postage in Cash EIGHTEEN PAGES <8 Sm a The Greater Oshawa Com- Motors employee coritributions board of directors, Stew r q \ munitey Chest has scored a increased from $104,322 last Alger, T, L. Wilson, ned A eg susie ei (dee bois: bullseye in hitting its $358,875 year to $137,576 this year. Coulter, Mr. Cline, Mr. "I was very gratified at the target dead centre. "A tremendous and useful Edmondson, Richard Fair- meeting to hear Mr. Kelly tell Te rence Kelly, campaign increase for which Byron thorne, James McCansh, Frank council that the chest drive had chairman, told members of city Edmondson (in charge of the McCallum, H. E. Pierson, FE. G, reached its objective. I am council last night $359,210.99 GM canvass) and his crew can Storie, Robert Wilson and K, particularly pleased that city had been collected by 5 p.m., be justly proud," said Mr. Smyth hall, both inside and outside yesterday -- five weeks after Kelly. if : workers made such an_in- the start of the drive. The campaign chairman said GOAL HIGHER crease 'in their "contributions tic Today, Mr. Kelly told The the company had added $60,000 "This year our objective was over last year that our objec- idifiers Times another $1,000 had been to the fund drive. something like $22,000 above tive here has been realized. _ collected and that an effort cia last year and only with a re- "A great deal of credit is AS back: would be made to collect dona- CITY HALL canvass did we reach our goal: due to Mr Markson and the tions from those who have not Mr. Kelly also reported "an an indication of the type of departmental heads and senior at, B for 299 yet contributed. a @stonishing" increase of 556 work Ed ¢ line has been doing," staff for their leadership and fated Beat voor Chest president Edward Cline per cent in contributions from said Mr. Kelly assistance hone cleviais, a told council reaching the goal city hall employees. 'It is due "It was not until Dec. 8 last cy Be sure that the various was a challenge and through in no small way to the effarts year that our target was organizations in Oshawa, who the entire co-operation of the of city treasurer Frank Mark- reached.' are supported by the Chest oe city it had been reached. son and the support and leader- Mayor Marks, on behalf 'of will be greatly pleased at the GM EMPLOYEES a aece ee by the Mayor and council congratulated chest response made by citizens and H aldermen," said Mr. Kelly workers on their efforts which industry and I am very proud Mr. Kelly revealed at the The campaign chairman also culminated in a successful cam of the record of. this vant s ED CLINE council meeting that General paign paid tribute to the chest's chest drive." ... A Word of Thanks 'U.S. Sends 'Surveyor 6 To Moon CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (Reu- ters) -- The Unitéd States today launched another Surveyor space shot designed to take a Unions Blast y DOSCO Deal yermaid Mat 98. \L, each 2.99 )" mat grips tub with s of tiny suction cups, | top gives evén softer White or pink. ee Eo erate' NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) | 2. Ontario should make it an! "To justify the closure of the i age pe SS. oo Murray Cotterill, United offence for an industry to shut;mill when it is deliberately ! P x Steelworkers' Union official,;\down operation without consid-|made unprofitable is foolish," Sixth in the Surveyor series, said Monday that owners of Do- ering its responsibility to em- Mr. Cotterill d S ed satellite is S , | t os Stik haggle tog pe irae Mag roti pa et Steel and Coal Corp.|ployees or giving notice to the! He said the firm's wire mill ee eta yore. Deanne lines Habba community affected. was moved to Etobicoke, a sub- to analyse soil on a_ crater. NS? a6 seldahendted eal Mr. Gotterill said briefs pre- urb of Toronto and its rolling pocked lunar plain so rugged tha 'croviacial government for\eties. by. St Brancie Xavier tive to Queben A the spacecraft was given less SHORE GHONEY University in Antigonish, N.S.|.. 2 tragedy of the situation and the steelworkers union cit-|'5 that even if the Nova Scotia ing Hawker-Siddeley's "deliber. government takes over the oper- ate" withdrawal of all profitable |2tion, the only market would be lines had been ignored by the| With me mame compatty "teat : eee ran e steel mill i parent 'company, deliberately|Poe 1 inte the E : ground," he said. rigged" the shutdown of the| He said the briefs showed the| "Unless th Sydney plant and urged that awh developed solluine ar aan, than a 50-50 chance of landing safely Thursday after a 65-hour journey. Riding atop an Atlas-Centaur rocket, Surveyor VI shot away from a Cape Kennedy launch pad at 2:39 a.m, EST. Surveyor VI is to make a soft-landing in the rocky crater- filled Sinus Medii (Central Bay) almost in the dead centre of the moon's visible surface. A successful landing would break the even-number jinx in the Surveyor program. Mr. Cotterill, public relations director for the USW in Canada, said in an interview that Hawk- jer-Siddeley Corp., the British] TERENCE KELLY REPORTS TO COUNCIL «+» Objective Reached Grinder 0/2 2 "-- | Stanfield.Wins Seat, et Ste ree to the point|trols the acceptance of the steel Hawker-Siddeley plants in Can-\where the Sydney steel plant\it will find ition SONIA clic a leek" t) 'ind itself in the position of being blackmailed." ada be put under public control. Hawker-Siddeley (Canada) Ltd., announced last month it was forced to begin laying off jsome 3,000 workers at the Dosco)| mill because of losses totalling) $1,000,000 a month. ine, medium or coarse ee steel cutters in @ n coated body. Sharp Promises To Fight e ' | ee] s Surveyors I, III and V, suc- The federal and _ provincial) U bad l cessfully soft-landed on the | government later established al alee Ta e estrictions ir surface, § ors II and jformula to keep Dosco in nor-| IV failed. jmal operation until April 30,) OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance laws, now up for revision, must oi Minister Sharp said Monday the|be "flexible"' enough to enable ENDORSE RESOLUTION Canadian government will seek/the cabinet to answer any re- Mr. Cotterill's condemnation legislative authority to delay|strictive action by delaying or lof the company came after 1,100 <ennedy Round trade conces-jeven withdrawing Canadian |delegates to the Ontario Federa-| $195 in response to any possible|trade concessions. ition of Labor convention en-| Tade-restrictive measures by} Some members of the U.S. |dorsed a resolution saying: |the United States or other coun-/congress, including Senate Mi- 1. The federal and Nova Sco-| 'Ties. nority Leader Everett Dirksen, tia governments should bear|,, He gave this reply in thejare advocating import quotas, |their full share of responsibility | ommons in response to pleas|despite the fact that the United lfor continuing operations at the OY Opposition spokesmen that|States, along with Canada and Sydney plant. the government make sure Can-'49 other countries, recently CHANCES MINIMAL Surveyor program manager Benjamin Milwitsky gave the called spacecraft only a 47-per-cent TRURO (CP) -- Robert Stan-Jof Truro and 238 for independ- field goes back to Ottawa todayjent Elwood Smith of Sudbury,|dependent 3, vacant 1. armed with an overwhelming|Ont. He was one of-two Con-| The byelection was mandate to abandon his perch|servatives elected in three feder-| after Cyril Kennedy resigned A in the public gallery in thejal byelections Monday. lithe - Gaichostar aid - o he|chance of a safe softlanding on House of Commons | PC Doug Caston was elected|heid cince 1037 to cive Mr. Stam |tie,moon in this rough area. re v ° : : | 1 . ake |held since 1957 to give Mr. Stan-|" «phere is a significant in- With an easy byelection victo-|in Alberta's Jasper-Edson while/fie]q a chance to gain a Com- in risk in this mission," ry over two independents in the|Charles R. Granger, minister|mons seat Sign le Bi lectieg fee et "Tt Nova Scotia riding of Colches-|Without portfolio in Prime Min- e he said before _ gov 's : ter-Hants Monday, the nationaljister Pearson's cabinet, _was|NO SET STRATEGY eee ie or bole siecme Progressive Conservative chief|elected for the Liberals in New-| The party chief, elected in|?Tanquillity or : Creditiste 8, Social Credit 4, in- et can aasume his duties of Gnde-OunGlne s Bonavista-Twillin- |September to. succeed John ee the Ue tau . i ": a --_______ ada can retaliate if the United/agreed to make sweeping tariff 78 8 sition leader on the floor of the sais riding. Diefenbaker, said in an_ inter- ait Pela ard allo rocks: Or: lll. alk '| . kes or other 'trading partners | cuts. i a House Nov. 15. urrent Commons standings|view he has no particular strat- beth a -<h ot ae 77 M ] impose import quotas on Cana-| The issue cam yh nee : f] he Stour oll former Novae Liberal 132, PC 95, NDP 29;'egy mapped out for his debut as| thermore, ne don't have a pit THIS DOUBLE exposure veyor 6 carried a_ tele- al men dian goods. |Sharp gave notive that the a edicine cabinet en- doe] : Opposition leader. He planned|to manoeuvre the spacecra shows the Surveyor 6 space- vision camera and a small | NDP Leader Douglas. andjernment will soon introduce leg- white gives extra space in bathrooms, etc. Approx, I] x boat adle ae "9 4.99 ainiess steel sauce- 1 ladie can gleam r most elegant table hey're made in Den- Scotia premier has been guiding the Tories from the gallery since September, with Michael Starr acting as Conservative House leader, Mr. Stanfield with 92 per cent of the vote, received an unoffi- cial 15,961 votes to 1,146 for in- dependent Liberal Robert Kirk Cong Fights In South SAIGON (AP)--Heavy fight- ing was reported today in South Vietnam's jungled central high- lands and along the coastal low- lands. It could signal the start of new dry season offensives by the North Vietnamese in the twa areas. South Korean troops reported killing 113 North Vietnamese in "An important part of our job is to subject the government to |careful scrutinizing and criti- | Begins Move |cism where that's deserved." HALIFAX (CP) -- Mrs, Rob-|_ Both Mr. Kirk and Mr. Smith ert Stanfield, wife of the nation-| said es geet gr pion al PC leader, will leave for Otta-|. t Dr a ig oa Jas nquiries wa today to begin work on her] yey Kirk aVitick jieavuind new home--a three-storey gyey|,... " Be: pl }stucco mansion in Ottawa cal ae at several polling offices 1 SThROWAE. jand said he was going to write a sft y _ jletter to J .M. Hamel, chief Located in Ottawa's fashion-|ejectoral officer. jable suburb of Rockcliffe, Stor-| Mr. Smith said he would write noway, the wartime home of|t0 State Secretary Judy La- Queen Juliana of The Nether-|Marsh asking for an investiga- Fa aieietl : |tion into his claims he was of- lands, is the official residence of|fered a bribe to withdraw from the leader of the opposition. lthe byelection contest. Mrs. Stanfield has already|. Mr. Kirk earlier said he too toured the résidence with a for-j|had been offered a bribe to mer resident, Mrs, John Diefen-| withdraw. baker. | Monday's byelection was Mr. The big problem will be to/Stanfield's first venture into fed- furnish the 14-room mansion. eral politics, His elder brother 4 |'only to continue with the work|® § Mrs Stanfield ' the opposition, rain oa mooth spot in the moon ter-| set to. automatic chemistry analyze the lunar soil. (AP Wirephoto) craft as it was boosted to- ward an intended soft land- ing on the moon by an C W | Atlas - Centaur rocket, Sur- ase Worker --------- a -- PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--A psy- UAW S ik . chiatric case worker, whose re- t I t port accused Mrs. Arthur Tim- rl e mminen brell of psycopathic behavior,| has been under psychiatric care) DETROIT (AP) -- Walter P.;resolving one of the central is herself, a judicial inquiry was Reuther, president of the United|sues--wage parity for Canadian told Monday. Auto Workers union, said today| auto workers. The inquiry, under Judge if agreement on a new contract) Reuther emphasized, how- Harry Waisberg, was ordered|!s not reached with Chrysler ever, that the parity question by Premier John Robarts after)Corp. by midnight Wednesday) was only. one of several issues two foster children were re-\there 'definitely. will be a that made rewriting the Ford moved from the Timbrell home national strike.' pact difficult, although Chrysler by police and Children's Aid So-; "We will not make an exten-/has agreed in principal to most ciety officials after Mrs. Tim-|sion,"" Reuther told reporters as| of its provisions which raised by brell refused to give them up) he emerged from a 14-hour bar-|roughly $1-an hour the average Sept. 28. arpa cores ed ~ Ford worker's $4.70 in wages i Pi 'J midnight Monday night, longes and benefits. Bush Conley, of: the Waterloo | ossion since Reuther signalled) (1.1, three local agreements 'Stay Off Jobs By THE CANADIAN PRESS | | Mailmen stayed off their jobs| in Hamilton today in a move to; |back 77 mailmen who began | |work stoppage Monday in St Catharines. | Workers in Niagara Falls re-| ported for work as usual, but! several ¢ther Southern Ontario communities were expected to} be without mail deliveries! today. | Members of the Canadian let | ter Carriers Union Local 17 in} St. Catharines quit work to pro-| test suspension of Robert Embu-| ry, the local's secretary, for al-| legedly holding up mail delivery) to help another mailman with a! heavy load. 3 Alex Edey, president of Local 3 in Hamilton, told a meeting of union officials Monday night in Hamilton that 600 postal work- ers in southern Ontario would |George Hees (PC-Northumber-|islation enabling C i : I I sle anada to im- land) both said Canadian tariff plement " a this agreement. NINH! HN "7 NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Prince Philip Arrives At Goose Bay GOOSE BAY, Nfld. (CP) -- Prince Philip arrived here by plane at 12:03 p.m. today for a one-hour refuelling stop on a flight to Toronto from London. The Andover of 'the Queen's flight touched down at this Labrador .air base without incident In bright sunshine and high cloud Maidstone Grain Mill Razed WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) --- A $100,000 fire today destroyed a grain mill at nearby Maidstone. Five area fire' depart- ments fought the two-hour blaze at the R. C. Flood Grain Co. mill on Highway 8, 14 miles southeast of here. Firemen prevented the blaze spreading to nearby buildings but machinery valued at more than $80,000 stored within the mill was lost. ° 'County Children's Aid Society fighting Monday and today in Timbrell as the lowlands 205 miles northeast ; zi of - Saigon. Korean casualties chair-in the library. 'ithe start of showdown bargain- ing by joint talks Saturday. I think I noticed' only one Frank was PC member for remain to be negotiated at Ford Colchester-Hants from 1949 to| assessed Mrs. : 1957 and his uncles John Stan-|Psycopath and was a key in the Offshore Mineral Rights Decision stay off--work beginning at plants across the country andia.m. ; F Reuther and John Leary anes cir ; : OTTAW 'p Jffshor nepal rights iis were reported light. Stornoway was hought and re-/field, held the seat fro: {refusal to allow the adoption of di z » the company plans to be back in' However, J. V. Gallucci, pres- TTAWA (CP) -- Offshore mineral rights on the West In a Series of sharp clashes in/novated in 1950 at a cost of!1911. ee Peggy, 5, and Valerie, 2, society |"hief dai for ine No. <a production by the end of the ident of the Niagara Falls,jgcal | Coast' are the property of the federal government, the First elected to the Nova Sco-| Officials said. eked tact tees We 5 PFOBTeSS week. said today there would be no| Supreme Court of Canada said in an opinion today. The the central highlands 300 miles}$75,000 by a group of Canadians had been made in fitting the re- north of Saigon, 20 Americans|who voiced no official associa- tia legislature in 1949, te year| Thomas B. O'Neill of Toronto, cent settlement at Ford> Motor and 18 North Vietnamese were tion with any political party.|after he was chosen to lead the |laywer for Mrs. Timbrell, SUZ} Co te the more complex Chrvs- killed. |Administerel by a trust com-|provincial PCs, Mr. Stanfield|gested the society should haveljer situation. ; court was instructed by the cabinet to decide whether in its opinion British Columbia or the federal government had the right to explore and exploit mineral resources under The union is seeking one more, walkout in that city. He said he} big benefit from Chrysler that it}had received no information on didn't get at Ford--the parity |the matter from anyone Intelligence officers are pred- pany, it is available to the offi-|was re-elected in 1953 and led|known that one of its case work- for 12,000 Canadian -workers|---------- ee -------- the territorial sea and on the continental shelf. icting more bloody combat for|cial opposition leader rent-free|his party into government in thelers had marital problems and| PARITY AN ISSUE who make about 40 cents an, . | the highlands area near the|but he must-furnish it and payjelections of 1956, 1960, 1963 and|had been under psychiatric) But Reuther said there hadjhour less than their American) UAW Strike ' 4 Laotian and Cambodian borders|taxes. again last May. treatment. been "no movement at all" onjcounterparts. | now that the monsoon rains are Based on veri of major Noe WILL SOON HAND OVER REINS Vietnamese infiltration of the GOOD FEELING IN CAUCUS "pagans aot, toes "Cy ]] Me Mike, Says Deputy Leader ..In THE TIMES Today.. | Honorarium Approved --P.9 100 Apple Orchards --P.5 Donevan Beats Courtice --P.6 Vote Sunday WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- A istrike vote for Ford of Canada jworkers in Windsor will be held here Sunday, a union spokes- man announced Monday. The 5,000 hourly-rated em- ployees here, members of Local ated Tray gen 4,99 protection on a 14 wood tray means it durably as weil as + Porty after party, Ann Landers--5 lobbed 20 rounds into the posi- Ajax News----5 HONE 725-7373 tions of a U.S. infantry battalion operating near the bloodied dis- trict headquarters of Loch Ninh, 72 miles north of Saigon near the Cambodian border. U.S. headquarters said 18 Americans were wounded. Nearly 200 miles to the north, troops of the U.S. 1st Cavalry OTTAWA (CP) -- _ Genial Mike Starr didn't have any de- lusions of grandeur. He was elected interim oppo- sition leader by the Conserva- tive caucus Sept. 25. His nomi- nator for the post was Conser- vative Leader Robert Stanfield, He set up temporary quarters in the offices of the opposition leader, But it was only a chair and a single file. He didn't use the drawers or bookshelves or have a single personal knick- knack around. '"'All my. personal mail comes ing new in the job because he had been floor leader in the Commons during the party lead- ership of John Diefenbaker. The earliest Mr. Stanfield can be formally inducted as MP for Colchester-Hants is Nov. 15, Consequently, Mr. Starr will be quite successful since the Com- mons opened in September. "There has been no feather- dusting while we waited for the leader ot get elected. There was somé question after Mr. Stanfield's election to the leadership whether the Dief- 200 of the United Auto Workers | Union, are expected to give the| union support for strike action | when the existing contract ex- pires Dec. 1. Many among the total Ford work force here were recalled to their jobs Monday following a City News--9 Classified ---12,13,14,15 Comics---17 Editorial--4 Financial--16 Obituaries---15 Sports--6,7 Division found 60 Montagnard elected to the Commons Monday to my old office and is acting leader for a few days enbaker loyalists would serve seven-week layoff because of| -- rolavisioncs1 7. women and children who weye in a byelection in the Nova Sco- answered. from there," Mr, more. under any other leader, interim strikes by the union against the) -- aitke 1 cd 16 among 245 of the mountain tri- tia riding of Colchester-Hants. Starr said in an interview. ait . or otherwise. parent company in the United'. 4, " oy bespeople kidnapped early Mon- Visitors variously tried to call ; aa wae ing gh a '5 gs Pica Mr. Starr seems to have dis- States Legalize harmful marijuana! Weather--2 day by an armed band of Viet him Mr. Starr, opposition leader NOTHING NEW "3 ee eg rnisatacater pelled all these qualms and thus Coincidental strike votes will} Are you kidding? Whitby News--5 Cong guerrillas. The other 18) er acting opposition leader. The 56-year-old former labor said "There has been 'good team- may become a strong voice in also be taken at other Ford lo-! Women's--10,11 tribespeople, apparently all "Call me Mike," said Mr, minister, MP for Ontario riding, the conservative parliamentary cations in Canada on the same _ 2 men, were still missing. Starr, 3: said there had béen really noth- work, I think we have been hierarchy, day, Nov. 12, x an - \ * ' w x \ r] ' \ f ' '

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