Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1967, p. 9

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ED JOB NIA, Ont. (CP)--Cora court clerk here for 25 psigned in October after that made her familiar st. levels of the judicial has been aii clerk, Lambton jus- the peace, magistrate's erk and clerk of the Mrs. Keat and family court. 'WING MACHINE VACUUM REPAIRS To All Makes WHITE ELNA EWING CENTRE Bond West, Oshawe 725-7181 SPENT TET LETEERA ST istom and ady Made LAPES latest Shades ond +. see see oods & Droperies RTLY_ INSTALLED APERY TRACKS 723-7827 ing at Our Store" POSES CLEC ELTA TELE SEE: IVES HEST sit. TO/HAMILTON Ti . Hy AHAMAS $149 i A Qe ANTIGUAS $219 BARBADOS*, o FOBAGO@" irsion fares valid > April 14, 1968. F HONE 668-8862 L 576-3131-2-3-4 CE ONE 723-7001 rmumectcsienbenn einen neste 728-7395 SPEECHLESS CHILDREN Therapy: Teaches Independence By KATHY McRAE of The Times Staff "Stick out your tongue," John." What adult would en- courage a child in this act? Mrs. Patricia Wevrick, a part-time speech therapist at the Simcoe Hall Crippled Chil- dren's School and Treatment Centre would, and if John were able to stick out his tongue she would consider this a definite sign of progress. | Mrs. Wevrick is one.of the nine' instructors at the school and John, aged nine, her pupil, is one of the 50 day students. Both John and his classmate, Chester, are given reguiarjdren who The wheel chairs used at the |made aware of the formation of|compare school are a clever innovation of a wooden structure on four small wheels. Since the chil- dren cannot propel these or control .their movements they are strapped in and they must rely on someone pushing them to travel. Would you believe that these chairs can climb trees? It is possible at the Treat- ment centre because a_ tree- house has been constructed with a ramp to accommodate these wheel chairs. Mrs. David Zatsman, speech therapist, also works with chil- have difficulty in lthe lips and the positioning of | ithe tongue. This group relies on the com- |panionship of others, an infor |mal setting, and_ incidental teaching aids to encourage an enrichment of words and a /spontaneous habit of speech "Sometimes it is difficult just to keep. them seated," adds Mrs. Zatsman. 'LANGUAGE MASTER' In addition to this method of approach for language stimula tion, Mrs. Zatsman has con lerete material she uses. The 'language master' tests the speech therapy classes on Tues-/communicating. These children faculties necessary in language days and Thursdays with Mrs.'do not all have cerebral palsy. |development, Wevrick. A achyenin cg. RS Chester, aged seven,- can't CONVERSATION GROUP stick out this tongue either but) One m ethod of language he can smile and laugh and) stmulation used with these generally understand what he children is the "conversation is told. group." This group is usually comprised of about four chil- SHOES IN "FRIDGE" 'dren, They have limited voca- Chester likes to see pic- bulary and the words they do tures of cars and laughs when|speak are sometimes incom- Mrs. Wevrick shows him, a/prehensible. c small replica of a refrigerator and asks if he keeps his shoes in the "'fridge."' Although Ches- ter is encouraged to attempt to make sounds, questions are phrased-so he-may respond in what is said. The same ques-| child's a positive or negative way. He) does this by shaking his head, "no,"' or nodding "yes." Roth boys are able tinguish numbers, some words, and colors on a communication} board. Because their muscular|nounces the words with clarity | control is impaired they have) difficulty in pointing or indicat-| "ing which color is "orange," or} or which word says "girl.'"' "To |) combat this problem, Mrs. Wevrick states, "a special hel- met will be made so they may} indicate their response by | directing the projection of this helmet to the board." John's speech is developing to the point at which he can say, quite plainly, "oh boy!" when asked if he would like to identify objects from the doll house. S | Both John and Chester have cerepral palsy. | They are taken to school by bus, wheeled to the various} rooms in the school, and fed) at lunch time. | | NEED HELP TO EAT "The fact that they must be} fed is something most people) don't understand, but, the same) muscles used in eating are used| in speaking," Wevrick. The group is conducted in. an informal manner. Mrs. Zats- man poses questions and guides the conversation. The child is encouraged to. imitate exactly tions and answers may be re- peated several times in a dif- ferent context and the topics to dis-- may be a discussion of break- | fast or toys or a game of let's pretend. Mrs. Zatsman_ pro- and emphasis, the words are used in a meaningful sentence, and incidentally the child is PLAN NOW! Whether it be « family dinner, @ banquet er @ Christman Party + + + YHE GPORGIAN MOTOR MOTEL te welting te shew you their dining facilities. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY for the holiday season ot Oshawa's fin- est hotel. RESERVATIONS TAK- EN NOW. GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL 723-4693 hearing, sight and vocal expression The language master uses a card with a picture and the identifying name, for exam- jple, the word dog with a pic- jture of a dog. The card is car- ried through the machine, the word and the picture stil] visi ble, and a recording is heard of the word on the card. The child hears "dog," sees the word "dog" and a_ pictur: f a "dog"' and is able to asso ciate with all three. .-This ma- chine is also helpful in that it can be regulated to have the H word recorded, and |played back. He is then able to | DON'T MISS THE BIG SALE FRIDAY, NOV. 10 at 10 A.M. Broadloom Specials, Hoover Specials Demonstrations NU-WAY RUG CO. --/ dg READINESS CLASS WITH INSTRUCTOR MRS. WILLIAM SMITH -- 'LANGUAGE MASTER' MAKES SPE have a really good figure and a CAN COMMUNICAT. ® what he said -with;tution," Mrs. Zatman emphati- what he sees. Once there is an \magnificent posture. Specific exercise particu larly helpful at, this time. Dur the weight-gaining period ing you were not exercising any thing near enough, therefore your muscles were losing tone cise. Flabby "Creeping poundage"' consequence of too little exer- muscles is the invite ifatty infiltration. Put live tone back in c muscles and you Reducers will |pleasant to keep slender | generally tone and strengthen the muscles need the figure controlling| find to that form the abdominal wall. A good place to begin a toning program is with those frontline muscles, for fone there brings a} energy. make and there are four better posture and good posture \quickening of strong abdominals Also, for lexercise utes of daily exercise. In the be-'freely, cally adds, ' ate , ry bui | rds rcise, Wher adequate vocabulary built, the classrooms, not unlike the usual in itself affords exercise, , en child progresses to sentences! : _,. |your posture is on the beam with this 'language master'. school set-up, _ blackboards,/eyery move amounts to exer "It is more reliable than a halk,'desks (some converted cise : tape recorder because of the|wheelchairs) and teachers.| The following routine, taken word, picture association and Miss Rachael Cooper, principal|!"°™ the physical Melis eke the child thinks it's fun," says'of the school, conducts one of/8'4™ OF tne Womens Army Mrs, Zatsman. the classes, Mrs. Helen Scovell Speech therapy is only one another, Mrs. William Smith, a Pe of the treatments offered at this|readiness class, Mrs. Delmont centre which opened in June of Olmstead, kindergarten, and this year Mrs. Margaret King and Mrs. Oe ee ee Barry Francis, the nursery. OTHER TREATMENTS The trained personnel of the / ou Physiotherapy and occupa- school work for one aim, to} tional therapy are conducted|make these children, whatever by the two physiotherapists,|their difficulty, as independent Mrs. Robert May of Oshawa,/as possible. In handling such an and Mrs, Allan Whittaker of/assignment, they treat them as lead Toronto and one occupational/children first and handicapped therapist, Mrs. W. R. Balfour second of Toronto, Mrs. Balfour is also co-ordinator of the -- school. LACK COMMUNICATION These therapy classes are held) NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. in three rooms, the f of two of these rooms consists js the prime cause of internal/ wax or crayon drawings on win- of balancing boards, parallel'pressures within the family'qows. se ; bars, bicycles, mat and one ynit, says Mrs. M. V. Rupp Oh: = room has a_ specially heated the Family Service Centre of pool, Greater Vancouver, She says ©) CH No one seems to mind if a communication provides the Nie young boy splashes. with his basis for making a family func- Vy boat-or a young girl takes her tion as a unit. Without commu- S duck-to these classes, conduct- nication, the family is more sus- ed--in- the --pool ceptible to external social pres- "Tt is a school, not an insti-isure WHY WE DO NOT SELL A ROOM FULL OF FURNITURE! Did you know that you can have better furniture, that looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will too! Botty Haydl (0. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 hat's B | se Hagerty respected name in silver care. WIFE PRESERVER A wiping with turpentine, fol- lowed by hot sudsy water, will decor |(CP)--Lack of communication|remove trick - or - treaters'| reens, deserves fi ne care silversmiths' mittens =e teen _ | Higetip tarnish preventing iver polish why we recommend ... the world's most IRKS weteeeres Shopping Centre Oshawa I know it is possible for you tojraised. Raise only head and shoulders off the floor and look toward the| eet. Hold position, but do no and repeat off floor. Streamlining, ~ Even this lowest priced: ~ Frigidaire Dryer as Durable Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday; November 7, 1967 SCH THERAPY ENJOYABLE FOR JOHN DYL SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arts an Mr. arid Mrs. John J. Jager, nounce the forthcoming mar-\Of Whitby, wish to announce i t cag » f their ohe lriage of their daughter he engagement o eir daugh lweather F nee ter, Martha, to Warren Douglas eather Frances, to Leslie Gor-|Hough, son of Mr.' and Mrs. don *icCabe, son of Mr. -.and Douglas A. Hough, of Oshawa. The wedding plans will be an- 117 Mrs. Cecil McCabe, all of Whit by. The wedding will take place on Saturday, creased to six seconds, Start with five min-jnot ress Come ir complete WASHERS & DRYERS 1968 n and see line of \ Model DEASN, Snowcrest White ) 5 YR. WARRANTY PARTS ONLY Motor Dr by GM Pulleys imshofts, ked Bearings Ba -. (J w Durable Press Care. Proper temperature plus end-of- cycle cool-down brings Durable Press items out of the dryer ready to wear without ironing. w Gentle Flowing Heat fresh and soft, mi No-stoop, Fine Mesh Dacron Lint Screen on the door. L 189% _J HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD, 90 Simcoe St. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. . Pampers fabrics, dries them 2. 725-5332 November 25, 1967 KEEP IN TRIM at 1:00 p.m. in St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic 'Creeping Poundage' Encouraged" "\\""" Dp g g g MARRIAGE B i k E . The marriage announced y Lac TOPer EXELCISE -- or ann Mariovie, younzes z daughter of Mrs. Leonard By IDA JEAN KAIN \Corp particularly good for Brocklehurst, Oshawa, and the | Dieters, the most rewarding these exercises are graduated. jare yy Bro ehurst: to How time in your slimming program The truction is to masterarq Ya eldest son of Mrs is when you are nearing normaljeach exercise before progre Robert Wilsor Oshawa and weight, Friends will comment|ing to the-next ike lnie Jame Hex: he wed on your new figure. You feel pie ON BACK ding took place on Friday, No unencumbered--free of the bur Starting position: Lie on back ¥¢ er 3, at 8:00 pm- in Sim den of fat, It is then that vou, With straight out and palms (0° Seid qu W 'ey th pi Soe ' the Reverend L. Wesley Herbert get a quickening of the spirit|°! hands resting on top of upper offic eine ? ' thig Arms should be relaxed %¢!aung and become enthusiastic about te Hs . so hands may slide toward AT HOME exercising. You will suddenly|knees as head and shoulders are asa i Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Clem ence will be pleased to receive the good wishes of their rela- titives, friends and neghbors at f attempt to sit up. Relax and re- their home, 841 Law Street peat. Oshawa, on Saturday, Novem rom this same starting posi ber 11, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m tion, rais ead and shoulders|/and 7:00. to 9:08 p.m. on the} f at tl sue Hime occas f their 40th wedding} off floor and' at the same time} ¢casion of th ' raise left- leg about 8 Snches anniversary. | Picky family eaters won't pass from floor . hold. If this ex-| Cm aes anes over those all-important vege- ercise proves too tough, try/ginning, the holding time is at| tables if you add a subtly doing it with right knee bent,|least two seconds. As your mus- seasoned butter sauce. Makes sole of foot flat on floor. Relax|cles become stronger, the hold- raising left. shoulder|ing time should be gradually in- which strengthening|will be a slow count of six. Hold} tresults come with regularity inthe muscle contraction, but do} hold your breath. Breathe Bald MARK OF EXCELLENCE ENGAGEMENT nounced at a later date Dairy foods 90 with good living them taste like a million! Green beans or broccoli sparkle with flavor when topped with Polonaise Butter. Simply sauté % cup toasted coarse | bread crumbs in % cup butter wntil golden. Add 1% table- spoons lemon juice, 1 table- spoon snipped parsiey and tose lightly. Pour over hot drained vegetables; sprinkle with finely chopped hard cooked egg. To give potatoes a new twist try this lemon-butter combination. Arrange thinly shced raw potatoes (about 4 medium-sized) in two layers in a broad shallow baking dish, Drizzle with a mixture of 4 cup melted butter and 5 teaspoons lemon juice. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake at 400°F 19 minutes. Reduce oven tempera- ture to 350°F; continue cooke ing 35 minutes longer, stirring occasionally, Delicious served with fishi For your next oven-baked dinner. choose a pork roast accompanied by this tantalizing stuffed squash dish. 2 medium acorn squash 2 tablespoons water 12 small cooked onions % cup toasted slivered almonds % cup butter, melted % cup maple syrup % teaspoon salt Haive squash, remove seeds and place face down in & shallow baking dish. Add water and bake at 350°F 30 minutes (till almost tender). Turn squashy fill with onions; sprinkle with aimonds. Combine butter, maple syrup and salt; spoon over top. Bake 35 minutes longer, bast ing occasionally. (Serves 4.) Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 30 Eglinton Avenue E., Toronto 12, One,

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