Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 19

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: OKAY; LADIES, THE OUTRIGGERS ARE UR YOU CAN START PIZZA PARLOR, FISHING WHILE THE MEN GET READY TO DO A LITTLE SPY WORK, WELL, THERE'S CUBA, SAWYER, WERE OFF THE JARUCO BANKS WHERE THOSE CUBAN FISHERMEN BROUGHT UP THAT TRANSPONDER, ANY DANGER OF A CUBAN GUNBOAT PICKING US UP? OH, NO. NOT IF Monday, November 6, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER |(Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) | THE OSHAwa TIMES, JQ PIZZA/PARLOR m ger GIANT Size PIZZA $499 \ ~1 1967. World rights reserved, h Firms oblems va Scotia Fisheries Minis- '. D. Haliburton says the problem is getting fisher- to take advantage of exist- 'aining schools. ere is probably a need for ch more sophisticated type ining and this we could do ur fisheries schools, but industry supports it, then ot too practical for us to volved." Smrmwpady eaimreng Bary O4 pe , South dealer. East-West vulnerable, NORTH we 910652 @KQ10854 - : BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK © King Features Syaiicata, Ine. 'YOU GET THE. GoLpD ) COIN, GENERAL? EAST 4287 WAITS ROPE, GENERAL.,,... TIE THE BAGS OF GOLD To1T/ ( DON'T YOU USE THE CHICKEN OUR EGGS ARE TRIPLE-A, EXTRA LARGE, AND DOUBLE-YOLKED MADAM-++ I'M STARTING A NEW EGG ROUTE }, FOOL, JOHNNY? HNNY ? BILLY? TAM HERE! nid Me THE GENERAL! HORMONE-INJECTED, VITAMIN-REVITALIZED, AND ATOMICALLY ACTIVATED ,_/' wk and Tilford -- Appointment Don Dewsbury appointment of Mr. Dewsbury as a Toronto- 1 representative for dian Park & Tilford leries Ltd., has been unced by Mr. T. R. Ontario Sales~Mana= n joining the company, Dewsbury brings diver- experience in allied tries to Park & Tilford. > LI'L ABNER_ STOP/!-THERE'S ONLY ONE » LOOK HONGRY FIN ICASAURUS ON EARTH -- AND PLENTY OF YOU /! ate ME!! ) IF YOU HAD THREE COMPUTERS AND GAVE AWAY ONE, HOW MANY COMPUTERS WOUL? You HAVE LEFT 2 SENSE NA y HOOMILIATIN' YOU-BUT NOT IT! / SORT O' WAN LEARN TO LOVE IT? WHEN IT STOPS~IT'S CHOSEN ITS' <a -£R- MEAL / JANE ARDEN Millicent Murkiey ejects sleeping aas from her Cciaarette holder at Wilda ' SECRET AGENT X9 2 hey, ») « WLM LAPS THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 1967 MODEL CLEAN-UP! 3 NEVER COULD UNDERSTAND MODERN MATH. |_TELEVISION LOG | |Channel 2--Butfalo | Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4- Channel 6 Channel 7. Channel 8 Channel 9 Channel 11- Channel 12--Peterborough 7--Peyton Toronto Buffalo Rochester Toronto }u Hamilton ' 9-Canada 6-12--Film 3--Profile MONDAY EVENIN@ MW: 5:00 PLM, 2--Campus Quiz 11--Maya uv t--Mr. Ed 7--Flintgtones 6--Rocket Robin Hood 7Big Val }2-B--1 Spy | 6--News Sports 1: 7--Movie 4--Movie 3--Movie 5:38 P | 12--F lintstones | &--Truth or Consequences 7--News 6--Let's Go 8--Of Lands and Seas 100 P.M. Sports wet 0 Pierre Berton Hd AMM 8--How's Business 7--Movie bd 6--Good Morning World «+News, Weather, Sports 4:30 12--Movie PLM, 12-1 ronside 11--Rat Patrol 4--News 36-9---News, Sports Weather, | 4--Pele Fountain 3-6-12--Frank Sinatra Buffalo 10:00 4--Carol Burnett " s 10:25 P.M 9--Mr Merv Griffin L} | 2-3-4-6-7-8-12--News Weather, N--Plerre Ws +-Viewpoint 4--Perry Mason 1: 2-4--Johnny Carson | "W PLM, ji Dragnet | 11.4 1i--Mark Saber TUBSDAY 130 oe ALM, 4-4--As The Werld Turns NW YOU/ HELP MRS. CORRIGAN \ TO MY OFFICE... SHE'S JUST FAINTED, --- Place | 2-8--Personality | 7--Honeymoon Race | 4-Andy Griffith P.M, 3-6--Mr. Dressup Hey 11:30 Marriage Confidential and Mrs 7Family Game 2-4--Hollywood Squares AM 2 PLM, 01 4--Dick Van Dyke Show | 12 NOON 3-12--News, Weather, Drama 0 Pm, Sports 1l--Little People Sports --Toronte Teday 10 PLM. | §-2--Jeopardy Berton | 1--Meney Mevie 2 P.M, 4--Luncheon Date 4--Nows, Weather, Sports 12.10 PLM. | 3--Super Heroes 12: PLM, 25 P.M, Weather, and » PLM, | }11---Photo Finish | #--Eye Guess 4-4-6-12--Search for morrow | &Merv Griffin 4: 12--News, Weather, | 11--Hot Line. Probe 11.48 PLM, 12.10 A.M, 9--Nobel Lecture 12.31 inia Graham 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 10 A.M P.M. \ ones ses THE MURKLEY "YOU AINT TAKIN NOBODY WASHING TREAT NO PLACE, CORRIGAN | HAS LAZLO IN BA 2s S f | BUT ATLEAST I A ) A HIM OUT BEF HUBERT MOTHERS WRITING OH? AND | SEND |] WHAT DOES SHE | va TO" INFORMEP ./ KNOW FIRSTHAND Pr sit TO WRITE | "\ ABouT ? ITS ENTITLED "THE STUPIDITY OF THE , MODERN -- ° = O63 ba | ) 410853 5 . SOUTH The bidding: South West Po Pass 2h Pass 2NT Pass Opening lead--four of spades, | Most hands require only mod- jerate care for the best result jto be obtained. The difficult hands are those where a player has a genuine problem but does jnot recognize there is one be- 'cause it is not visible on the urface In this respect par hands do jnot differ from run-of-the-mill hands, where a failure to look ahead is largely responsible for most errors made z The North-South players in this hand from the 1934 Olym- pics' were expected to reach three notrump, and the par re- ult was to defeat the contract a trick However, very few East-Wests succeeded in this task The directed lead was a spade, won by South with the king. Declarer played # diamond, but--- whether West won the first or second diamond did not matter; it was West's next play that was the crux of the hand. There was only one card West could play to defeat the contract -- the eight of hearts, East takes it with the ace and leads back the four. West's king jcaptures the queen and a heart jreturn through dummy results jin a one-trick set. Very few Wests returned the jelght of hearts. Most of them iled a spade after taking the ace jof diamonds and South romped home with nine tricks. This should not have been surprising, since declarer -- who had thus far shown up with only the king of spades and jack of diamonds -- was bound to have two other tricks to add to the seven in plain sight. The more alert Wests realized that if there was a chink in declarer's armor, it had to be in hearts. But when they in- nocently led the three, it turned out that this effort was not lgood enough. East took the ace and returned the four to the king, but declarer then ducked |the eight and East could not take two heart tricks with the ea because the sult was block- ed. 'Viets Thank 'Soviets, China MOSCOW (AP)--A South Viettamese Communist leader [renew 1--Schnitzel_ House Bobet eh Hake fee | rman? tort My cre, | SoePtaln, Kengaree 7--Newlywed Game expressed thanks at a Kremlin WHATS THE 9--Second Hundred , ere ty meeting today to both the Soviet ea) | : i" MATTER WITH 8--True Adventure 1--Dlaling ellars, | %8--Days of Our Lives Union and China for their "'huge GREG?! WHY $--Day It Is | Virginia m | 2:30 P.M, aid and support. eer" s-Accldental Family N89 Allen Tint | i--Perry. Meson [pane Tran Thi, member of ' --Acciden nil len Time rr - SSuEEEEEEERIEEeEeEni - ial ay 2---News, Weather, 4-Science Fiction The | 9--People in Cenfilet bes sb serra ed hak 4 atre | 7--Dream Girl jtional Libera n n PM. fofomper Room Cr careralion iran YOUR HEALTH Cong), made the only favorable ; z | 7 Cowboy in Africa 6~Meta 2-4--Doctors reference to China heard at the 4--G k 3--Ga Mornir a) ™ } il sales =} 36 12-Don Messer 2 Pat Boone. ' ' Mabntreee t our? Va ina n ec ion ap pein Rigs ade Seabee -- 2-8--Monkees 30 A.M. bi Another Worle g t p 1g bon Bes 'cnue * Bini Beeea | I General Hospital Revolution. : en pro- | + g--Bewitched-- %- rae nae | Acre Tell The Truth ("Today's jNlctories and the : tend HE SECOND HALF BEGINS WITH THE SCORE: TAMARA Tet Baan tints L.E.| 3 ntarlo. Schools | 2:25 P.M, T t t D ff viciories of the future c. ristmas =} CONDORS, 0... OCELOTS, O! AND GREG CHANEY--YOU Se | 4--News reatmen WIers separated from the huge aid _-- j | as fast y other andise DELMONICO IS SUPPOSED TO CONTR OL SCORING SO THAT HIS TEAM WINS BY NO MORE THAN SEVEN POINTS! MAKE ME LIKE "TODAY | 4--Andy Griffith 8:30 P.M, jl 9--Family 7--Rat Patrol _ 4--Lucille Bal! 9:00 PLM, 9--Country Music Hall it 8--Danny Thomas 62--Cencent 7--Felony Squad 7--Dateline 4--Beverly Movie Affair 4-2--Snap Page Chal- | number 14, Goose cry the news 12. Concise 9--Uncle Bobby 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Canadian Schools A.M, e Hollywood Frien 11:00 730 PLM, 11--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Move 7--Commander Tom .« | 3-4-6-12--Edge ef Night | 28--Yeu Den't Say | Jadgment | | 4:00 PLM, 1--Super Heroes Hillbillies 9--1 Love Lucy Match Game ration idly Giant 8 A.M, can , ostrich By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD and support from the Soviet By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD)nearly a dozen cysts. I asked] ' the doctor if I would keep hav-) Dear Dr, Molner: You were) jng them all my life and he said! explaining about yeast infection k so 1 told him I in the vagina but you gave no ask you. He he didr 1 KnOW would write others, but Vaginal infections are of slop occur Union, China and other Socialist countries,"' Dang Tran Thi said. His tribute to China came after other Communist leaders, including Leonid I, Brrezhnev, Soviet Communist party chief, Canadians in Quebee favor se- yaration from Canada, a special ¢ SOMEDAY 1M T | 2 f= Senrel S10) treatment for it. Would you give/{old- me to go right ahead as|condemned Mao Tse-tung and for the GONNA FX LNG \ | PAM. ee Fobeat ae tee Dense some form of treatment for what you wrote was accurate so|called for a world Communist ost all by Blane) 4 rN sooty . . - -{yeast and. fungus infections?) evidently he reads your column,|conference. This presumably 4 n E 1d Would douching be beneficial,'jo9 Mrs. S.J. -- |would lead Mao and his follows lj lee 4 i ,>, a CROSSWORD and with what?--D.R. Well, t t I can't tell ers out of the Communist movee lanned Ss & | No, I didn't give a treatment t ; eep on having|ment, ' Ili i ACROSS 8, Crumb 29. Tellure and won't, and can't, be CAUSE) avs fe, either. No-| Pisin haere ies cE : z rari 10 a ae Rath . the Sogo apie a fe Some) FEW SEEK SEPARATION fl ; 2218 . yning ym... ather, rere ulle & t to eyst | pve nvagn . h 1. That bad 11, Capital in Street 32. Ameri- treatments for "them Only seven per cent of Frenc' o hd ts and istmas tacted WHY, THAT'S CLEVER; ROY/ THANKS, GRANDMA J/., LITTLE LEROY LIKES TO RIDE ON MY SHOULDERS.., ed 13, Affix 14. Hurry 15, Hebrew letter 16, Daub 18. Traps 20. Lifetime 23, Music note 24, Salutes 16. Engraving 17. Irish poet 19, Entertain 20. Cease; naut, 21. Neity 22. Curve 25, Indian mulberry 36. Guido's lowest by Saturday's Answer 42, Fortify 43. Shield envelopes 44, June bug a few types; and there is no Way jyst. as sunpredictably as they! that I know for a layman to de- pecan | termine which is which Is the discharge and-or- ite} ing due -to- yeasts, trichomonas A -cyst-is-a-plugged gland. fit; monilia infection? Is it itation is not bothersome, it-is ordinar-| from soaps, or undergarments, ily safe to ignore it. If it 1¥ trou or even' irritation. from too blesome, then removal is the} much needless douching? Dia- only effective course. Once that MAY NEED REMOVAL istmas ofasort: 26.Grantsof of fruits 45. Aficionadg | betes is one possibility which' particular gland is removed, it h e 8 sort 40. Anglo» 47. Public must be considered, too. on t Recore sugeed rd again , f= . Sti Ss vine sad Merely Jancing it, however, € e ; eel ad ace NEED TREATMENT leaves the probability that itl ua be In some cases in older wil! become plugged and swol- 83, Similar 2° soe hee la women, deficiency of hormones jo; ay . GRANDMA Ee Ti Wo aie ere 5 CHAS. KUHN- YOU MRAN... FALLING DOWN cucngy] | THE ONE THAT IS No! No! THAT'S AN OLD SONG .., ABOUT AN OLDER BRIDGE! THEY RE TAKING DOWN | TAKING IT DOWN ? Mt So IT WON'T FALL STuPiO! IT'S OLD, BUT JUST To DISMANTLE IT 1S GOING TO COST ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS! WELL... ALL 34, Aperture -ofa - needle 35. Nimrod 39. Vegetables 41. Greek letter 42. Gorgon 45, Splicing' tool 46, Fruit of the oak | termined, is responsible, and hormone : treatment brings relief. Dear . Dr. Asking whether douching will month-old d be beneficial also is a question which impossible to answer in a Way several which will fit everyone's need Molner: My 16- ighter has a hahit me. She has fuzzy stuffed animals and dolls of which she is fond If the type of infection is de- When she gets sleepy she pulls then a_ medicated the fuzz out and tickles her douche may be the right { don't know how much --but it has to be the appropri- ooes 'up her nose. but some ate type of medication. Indis-|qoes, because I have gotten it concer SWeT | nose copyright survey conducted fr CBC News by Opinion Research Corp. Ltd. revealed QUEENIE "I'm trustworthy, loyal, help- ful, friendly -- wow! -- courte. criminate douching will not get! out. Will this habit affect her! at the Te ore Be dlc ae breathing or health?--Mrs. J.M.} it certainly won't be o it Cuddling a soft toy is normal ' the source of the trouble is, say, see the how-|Supplement would be sig gt either diabetes or hormone defi-)pyer is not he nful. It can get | for a pereee, 36a -ith ad Is al- ciency. ' beyond your reach and produce} '¢'S a ay goehdaeney ue If there were a handy, simple | irritation and-a discharge from sera asta ei y typ treatment for all of these trou-|the nose. Some can actually be vitam' aah 'eg ake cata bles, it would be as welcome to! inhaled. I suggest that you sup-| The eg A 4 o o doctors as it would be to pa-|yiy only fuzzless toys for this) Will furnis be ue A oa i. tients, but there isn't any such) child. -- in addition, a calcium supple- cure-all, i ment, in either liquid or wafer Dear Dr; Molner: I have hadj Dear Dr. Moluer:; What dial tea would be advisable, THEY HAVE To DO ys 47. Degrade To aaa 4 7 Woman in white 50. Indenta- tions DOWN 1. Fellows 2, Burdened 3. Conjunction 4. Thus 5. 6. % ous, kind, obedient ...""° hy, are NOW Wes fuzz-pulling 3.1416 Mr. Musial Aerio MUGGS AND SKEETER ©

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