FOREIGN LINKS Canada had no dip- resentatives in for- DS, CENTURY OLD= equer Court was hed in 1875 as part me Court. \ | COMMONS COMMITTEE TOLD | : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November. 3, 1967 15 Women Would Support Stanley Knowles Accuses Canada Deals La Marsh Of Smearing CBC With France OTTAWA (CP)-- Canada and ° Vote On Abortion Laws OTTAWA (CP) le y|to CBC staff from the board of, E pe have made a deal to coe Knowles (NDP-- Winn binee: North directors in the wake of State operate more closely .in the de- AILABLE To Cancellation { cE D v tu > They tangled ¢ 1 when. 4 F ; ; \SWORTH } By KEN KELLY ida ie aoe eet : . hy They 1 set 9 gett lp is Centre) Thursday accused State Sec Judy LaMarsh's criti- velopment of programs in the DHESTRA OTTAWA (CP)--Put the ques fe fact at a ae MACE « ag oer hg Pike word "Secretary LaMarsh of smearing cism 0 orporation manage- field of defence production, re- jtion of easier access to abor-| 10, CANAGA 2) VERT BEC. of the meaning of the words in| a orybody in the CB mer search and development, it was Mr. Cowan remarked that he |tions on the ballot and most Ca- wondered why she had done so ithe association's brief callin |nadian women will support it, a hay v. the announced Thursday for changes to bring the b he announced Thursday He made the comment during = Thy¢ ( Booking For law an angry Commons exchange poard publi A brief government release ' . "e was tol she new beforehand the] 'into line with the needs of con- " : 0ard says sublic ° YEAR'S EVE Commons committee was told if sh : kne ies rehand the} 'ir wey o9e about Miss LaMarsh's « Mi ptvieroor in Miss LaMarsh, Said the move was aimed at Thursday abortions laws did not suit her. | temporary society felevi thar CBC. ki ; : tae f relnAah heleenn ay on television tha 3 ho 0 io Parliament for S"e? at betw : . Dan ¢ sed for Y : ' t rik tt The 1968 Season. The idea came from a 31- CHOSE CANADA Did that mean a need for "un-\fron, "rotten management" in the. CB o wav alter the tie {x0 ntries. But it : restricted intefcourse, 'all day many areas of * he Understood that another aim is mation Please Call 13-7726 its operation jyear-old redhead who heads the, \rs. Perron retorted that she {Association for the Moderniza-|had not known the abortion laws tion of Canadian Abortion Laws.) when she decided to come but a national organization with; ehose this country as my of the ople in the itional broad all night?"'.asked Mr. Cowan Afice Lala Mrs. Perron replied that that was a matter for the ipdividua to promote trade in the defence field between the two countries, The arrangement provides for eriodic meetings between sen- said she found out from "'exceptionally knowl edgeable people" in the last two | Sly cena sain ' : about 350.members which sub- own and there can be improve: \T 1G PESRORE SPN aC m weeks examples of the charge |, ident gs | mitted several proposed ments made in any country no| abortion underground by mak-' ne had made : chair. 10r Officials of both govern- changes to the committee matter what its standard of liv-|ing it illegal She said she had not broug ments Mrs. Lore Perron, an attra ng or legal standards PAYING CRIME them to the attention of the ind a ROUT: - itive mother of two children \t one point, Mr. Cowan de Abortion is the third highest ' duals concerned because all staf TAKES YEARS lably fielded a string of some- manded to know whether pe paying crime in Canada today. "¢W broadcasting act now was it in pro t- takes an average child 714 times-hostile questions for near-/Perron would "deny St. Paul {behind gambling 'and narcot-|before t er a nons and her oadcasting Years to master the sounds of llv two hours applauded at/on the need for temperance and she said " vould be h. se fi the yoard manage- our language ltimes by a group of women st ontrol in all things The a petat or 5 urged) perso and "gre today bon cer- ! afe rs, Perr pplied that sex- 6 7 ilar 4 t in the corporation's spectators M Perron rep' changes similar te lose a ! Twice MPs reassured her by jual intercourse. is fs just aN' ready proposed b organi- me! A, E JOHNSON, 0.0. dissociating themselves from|act procreation but also an atigns--leo shart Miss LaMarsh said there ee tater wy Wayhiac ain bg reins irl abe f OPTOMETRIST t CB ink and t s j t +1 . and ealth were endan- CBC "and Men ee and management to "thell 141 King St. East . gere. c e pre i e- She wil roviem exceller erformance o . Ne d : Te re oth the new appointees PEC SEEE Ge onan 723-2721 igher Education Sed from ane or cr Wi te emg bilitv of or malfor-,sho fa be rected inside the cen semeniet aoiner hay eee ' mation of the child or where se- CBC, she added , . ous ereditars lisease va Mr. Knowles asked Mr. Pear mphasize oo fyuc nen n whether he approved the | [> ALUMINUM She said most ¢ nadia sinea by Miss LaMarsh | { | ild support a Mr. Pearson said the question | } By R. J. ANDERSON af governors. of the University Anh Golhae Out OF ORIG OSHAWA vr yf Windsor and helped found . " ' ' ae TORONTO (CPM(--Canadian ' ' aif abortion at. Mr. Knowles said he was no Canterbury College, part o FREE PARKING science teachers were told the of the pregnant LaMars indsor 1 Const. Gerald Janisse of went through the badge was unable to stop the 'Thursday that industry does not Windsor voman. regardless of the rea OTTAWA (CP)--A '"'let's the Windsor police depart his cap. The speeding vehicle. The bul- wish merely to hire brains OUTLINED VHEWS so together" me is bee ment had a narrow escap constable was walkin et missed skull by a It. want a eung mals oF He outlined his sie A ' Aluminum Wednesday morning when a beat wher the shot fraction of an yOUNY wonian Wwhos<has--a-prach-- net discussion on In aro Awnings --bullet-- -frem- a passing' ear fired. He réturned fire (CP Wirephoto) cal knowledge how SOIV€ } ooks At Our School the il A t Chan : problems, how to do t Centennial Conference of Cana er e C ge Combination NO WAY OF CLEARING RECORDS It doesn't take a university gian Science Teachers Combination education to lean this 2 if Poe id Windows Doors + "Otherwise said Wil au B ' ul, Mr, Arisor @ Sy mi being Said. that the product or Arison We'd al end u reing scientific as es bil agente Sine Windiwe House Told Ear PPOLS eee re an. 3e8 tment ft -TORONTO ( en ot Neg SO a ] T rison, produghion Mana). | '4 f \ : 1. . ' ' o fe 'vein san ~. 4@ must ki Fren Gunern Arthur Wishart of Said as shocked at repor Senn ger ofa 5 t ved Tod: ident must. know q re umbers of rune Sliding Gloss company, said he felt th English and the language of sci Ontario says he does not belheve fiennwaline -- Hil Patio. Doors hasis have the ability an increase in the officia ¢ Of Yorkville area ee Haunt Men For Years Raced toda the need for (MS cience, whether juveniles to 18° fron ) ( M Shelters for Hehe an i Ree be math iemistry or solve the problem of keepin ed fora t --Bus Stops End Screen and v . . . 7 gue: that raf a man doesn't have to be a, > s_ off the streets of+ --Parking Lots . OTTAWA (CP)--Even a teen-jrecords but still affect his fu-)suggestior hat reformed of - _ - biolog young persons 0 ¢ 1 arking ' Ww . a "given a4 ts P niversily graduate to be a ma , yer eT Pee Ye ae : 1¢ s i torm in w tr age mistake can haunt a man tyre~ through newspaper fende " be given a 'certificate ppp Said Mr. Arison, a uni-|, D': 4. Levern W i iams, pro ng ille ¢ ended vais u Gos Pump Islands a do oub es for years if it_reaches a pee : dit f of rehabilitation' might cause 5") te fesso iemic ngineerin r a ilerview ! a t e to 18 blotier. the Commons justice Morsues or, credit files. Depart-| tore woe than anything els versity gradpate: soara Univer f Toronto. agreed night, Mr. Wishart said police . | series of -- inte sf Jalousies ER... Install ommittee as advised Thurs- Ment stores, for instance,. soon It would be like a certificate 'He 1s a member o dubia Ey) t further e doing an efficient jo i ' the villlage, hippies day noticed and investigated the from a mental hospital saying % i ws industry expect of Yorkville Toronto nid-to ( eDO Yo 'Aluminum Aluminum Siding 4 "Really there is no possibility kind of gap a prison sentence You're now sane,' Chief Mackey PLAYERS. FINED . a new man, he asked? hippie district--and any change Is get pr Ca here ; 3 no j ity kin ap- t § 4p Ss > 00 » must be able t pmem-iin the nile et requires are ) \ kc wl of expunging records," Police left in a man's credit records said Rati rer oH ' a) ae ae ue nust be by le Pe n- in ihe Javea \ i ive vntowt ) Roalcxing ESL aS Chief James Mackey of Toron-| Before the committee | a pri play He cs rane sy ne a on ae. i must careful stuc ; ead) em with pre Rescreening of j Dy Dagl game know how to hing ng e ttorne TELE va tions f birth contr to's metropolitan force told the! vate bill by Donald Tolmie i= ie lay aie arctan eae alee jee cal "ee byte rh as orney-g : Of pulls, Inserts for L : > Welland) that would erase a sa ednesda & POR INE COLOBSAt TUNE Wor- commenting -- on Olice ! 'one 0 ie es would Aluminum Doors coma Wetand at woud erase a) Quebec Hoda El ee see ee ee ee ae Sco BER Showroom and Factory He was a member of a five- ™ macy scchidiid hockey plavers. Gen rate art fe enliva banntt Fig pit tf : ra Sakata man delegation from the Cana- Years after conviction and North > ERD 2 7 a pial He 4 ae ne ae control po BO DE Said: <4 CCORDTE) BAYS, Phe mn = 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA ahs A hake 8 oral mé ar-coach ren Bilal' problems e@ ¢ sn't ha { e cause they < ot subie oto who sav thev > 18 and | dian Association of Chiefs of Po- erase the criminal record of n ew or isd aah friged: "Thursday that heats d this" petieg a hee . 30 ig MEE nee WA select idl aad een Baked Enamel i ita' which 'registered opposition minor at age 21 if only one or a . sige aoa ea ehh g a n A _ p ys e m. province-wide cut 9 evil age. rhe older Finishes Optionel PHONE 728-1633 : Z LBE CP)--Premier |© e Tay. AM Leg r. Willams as critical ew e t to the 14-vear- to cancelling such records ence was involved Q UE : nh ; hae at SUSPended indefinitely afteritext books used in today's, Meanwhile Thursda Mavorinids and tt enr-olds.? 1 The delegation said a man's CAR THEFT Daniel Johnson of Quebec nex being ordered to the dressing schoo Modern thought is not ! past may be erased from public 'phe 'Tolmie bill was drafted Week makes a four-day trip to'room in the second period. even mentioned resent text | last winter after Murray Tait, New York City where he will|Names of. those fined and honks e said. "We are teach M Co j t d 26, was forced to resign his\meet what a government amounts levied were not dis: ing science as if It were history. an nvicte town council seat in New Water-|spokesman described as '"'top- closed His advice to students of sci-| ford, N.S., when a defeated can-'notch Wall St. financiers."' : ence: -- ; On Rape Charge didate divulged that he had) The premier's office says the similar visits to New York Don't be bound by your par- |; & been convicted in. Toronto 10/yisit beginning next Wednesday/major money market for bonds €n'!s--learn more os SIMCOE (CP)--Richard years before of car theft and/arises from long-standing invi- of Hvdro-Quebec which requires Boards of education 1° ] Wayne Martin, 26, of Simcoe fined $200 tations originating in New York $200 000 000 of tl province's Sala should say toa teacher : } was arraigned in magistrate's) Nova Scotia law bars from resulting from contacts the pre-|projected $450,000,000 in borrow-)0"% Go and tea 4 court here Thursday on charges public office anyone convicted mier made at Expo 67 ing this fiscal] yea of rape and abduction, involving of an offence that carries a pen-- But. a source close to Mr.| Visits to the Jeading bond | NEED UE ol ' a 12-year-old girl : itentiary term--two years oOr/Johnson said the premier plans|market are virtui routine af- | F L L? | Magistrate W .E. Ross re ;more to use the occasion to hold a se-'fairs. for ' remiers | CALL | manded the accused in custody! The police delegation ex- ries of private informal talks|whose governments are con-| | one week. pressed sympathy but they op- with financiers who make up stantly see funds to under- | PERRY i: The charges arise from an al-;posed any automatic erasure of the world's leading money mar- write economic expansion, but 723-3443 H eged incident involving a Delhi records ket Quebec remiers have their p ' girl Sept. 23 The police said a parole board, Mr. Johnson ha vade other'special problen PAY BE MIEN ! * : Canada's most popular personal investment--Canada Savings Bonds -- may also be purchased by companies, corporations, trasts. partnerships, organizations, syndicates, churches, charities, clubs and associations 'Are you fully protected in the event the doorbell rings while you read this? Do unexpected friends threaten your security, play havoc with your peate of mind? VU ll I serve?" a recurrent question? 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