ee ; | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TSE Trading ae Reena seeseneneaneaseasaeanase ar Hee Reece Forest Fire Loss Estimate Still Down TORONTO (CP)--The Toronte Istock market was down again in light trading Wednesday The industrial index declined 95 to 156.44-lowest level since By JACK MOORE | The BC. forest service is stilljthe use of modern and expen: mid. january. gp eli aware =Thirty Million Dollars TODAY 5 STOCKS 10.40 Net Westbank Supporters VANCOUVER (CP)--It was ajcalculating the amount of mer-jsive firefighting eampment and' pis. ching tonk the brunt of TORONTO 8.48 AM. STOCKS 10:40 Net tmety A gers » chantable timber which can be techniques, such as water ' *alconbridze Distributed by CP Stock Salen High Low a.m, Ch'ge Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge tough and extremely expehay< recovered, In the past, similar{bombing ee ae "9 11% to Torente Stock Exchange--Nov. 2 Mogu! Min $00 376 370. 370 cn ka forest fire®season in British Co- e au re a abere in tHe (nat de venta. Lue AVAT? dropped 1% to 8f'4, Inco 14 4 = llumbia. Losses will probably amounts of acreage burned over n the tas ; ' «11184, Moore Corp. 7% to 30 an aE i i y 1 & 4 inlesk marked $ the > 19 19 otations in cent: M 0 100 ee x ' > s 6 | $ baa tae x-dividend. xr Fx. Nealo 0 a th s+ |G Come © Um ae. abe 390 4 P caused damage from $1,300,000 age cost of fighting fires ha : 5 h t xw-Ex-warrants, Net change is New Cal 200. 35 34 35 +4 : | in @ave 0 a run as high as $30,000,000, used g 0, a 0.000. This year, it CPR and Cominco 5, each to ae reine okt et i he | The latest estimate came 10 $3,700.00, ; been $1.80 aes es " 5972 and 26ly yen a in $ ; INDUSTRIALS a , ae -| A brakdown of the council's, was $6,570,000, sy Oui N Hosco za0 175 (195 (178 5 gs e from the Council of Forest In 00 Oshawa A, Supertest and ITL MINES N Imperal 2500 300 295 300 Abitib ABD SRla BSR ASR WINNIPEG (CP)--Toronto|D. Guy of the appeal court Te-|qQuctries of B.C.. which repre- estimate shows: Fataatniee fell 11, earl to 22%, | PB oe gs Pe nh ce, MA LAN ve ea tat MP oye ARR Aon financier Sinclair Stevens and jected a request by the bank's|cenic every significant forest. --A Wage loss by 5,000 work- RODUCE Ind us nd 36% and Foasco and RTHIS ISA Mia 2a 2 P Canadian Finance and Invest- counsel that Mr. Stevens an iproducts company in the prov- ers in the Vancouver district of} 26% and 3 a ates each tb JANT- BEAKED 5 6 © + ments Lid. of Winnipeg Wednes- CFI, of which he is a director,|; 4. ° x $1,870,000. ay : Internationa dee cad PT. BOLIVIAN . wee day won leave to appeal a court|be directed to post a $150,00 a its 1 t lett th A log production loss in. the TORONTO © (CP)--Wholesale 9 and 38%. Massey-Ferguson yee bi f sie its latest newsletter ie, A log : ne cB ioipieell i Agi. dad decision giving the Bank of|bond to cover the bank's day-(Shincil said the cost will be "a Same district of $16,500 oon to retail carton Cre age was off V4 ue Logie: sere pc ay as Western Canada the go-ahead to to-day expenses while its) inumum of $24,900,000 --Fire-fighting costs through weighted prices aun y a Levy ne u fae Lats j on 30 130 3 wind up its affairs. windup is delayed by court ap-| phe figure anken't z include B.C. of $6,570,000. department of agriculture as jumped $2 Tuesday Pe Ee ' : '* The appeal will be heard Nov. peals. valle of 'the timber destroyed That was to Sept. 29. Esti Hig ae te ge ee t a 7 u T ; ee 2 i "ohe mates ; 38.6; A small 28.8. shares ON 10% 10 * so. 7 by.the Manitoba Court of Ap-| The Stevens' group appeal is|),.. of wages by men who Mates to the time the season ium 38 \ ; & : Pg. 2 ge 70 270 270 = 2 '* peal, and until then a stay of/against a judgment Monday bY| formed the fire lines or loss of sizzled out under heavy rains on Eggs: Wholesale pice he Other winners bre _--, ER *o!2 102 10 2 * proceedings will be in force res- Mr. Justice Roy Matas of Courtiso. pict revenue because of re-Friday, Oct. 13, have not yet country stations fibre oe a : Dominion ney Laer Hee. ltt etew $i4e 34 4 10 training the bank from starting of Queen's Bench granting the| 03; . : ng been made. ed by the Toronto Board offs to 125%. Rank o va § : ek Mt ue in ie : yind ; ag bank's petition to wind up its af Cree uonny goneal Closure Nor has the wage loss by mien Trade from wholesale egg deal- 1p 14 to 13!4 and Alcan, up 4: to oe 2 tT eee arg ' 4 NOD AONE sulla Bos Five persons lost their lives in ee ee extra large 38-3919; large 95% Rell Telephone advanced In his decision, Mr. Justice R. fairs under the Winding Up Act. 04.) a é . who were conscripted into the Fs: we - The petition was made after Males ngeottes fhe oda eae fire lines at $1.25 an hour. T ; medium. 31; small 20-21; Big to 194 ' re petition s crashes during the season m9: C0. In hase metals. Roman Corp Net salts "aha eae pe : dite: Hole ; were 3,000 of them during July -/--". 4 ; 4/ 10:49 Net the bank's shareholders voted) [he council's figure is made and August, aided by %3 helicop-|- Butter prices: Cana dian declined % to 2734, Placer 5 ta ? ' . le, Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Sept. 14 in -favor of dissolving yp of the fire-fighting cost and alg +o . 5 ; i, j Op Cit ee et toy ots the never-opened bank and re lanee and log production losses|ters, 12. transport planes, nine pairs ee bel ag i 335 pee Pol A 8344. Pati Imp 7 z ? re) g 5 agg PD sot tesco " 12 » Cariols Duying oF scor ay y- no picked u ey ne Anca 5s turning its $13,000,000 capital to in the Vancouver forest district.|patrol aircraft. and 18 water ing 40 score 63: selling 63. oee sen oils, Hudson's "ie aoe OS te te veators It is only one of five, and was bombers | ' oe | il fell 3 1, ky % Ind Miner a | ) , 1" : s and Nelson dis- Ray Oil fell %4 to 37%, Husky % Inland Gas iby no means the hardest hit The Kamloops an nl : a1 and Central Del Rio 4% to : nL WON'T TURN ON ; tricts which accounted for 63 SOME WELLS IDLE to 21 and Central. 8 4 ; jo {nt Nicke iuiceels jal bel _ | HIGHEST ON RECORD per cent of the fires, including VIRDEN, Man, (CP)--Mani-17%4. Dome Petrolenm droppe NEW WESTMINSTER, A By mid-September, every part the biggest of the season--a toba had 914 oil wells capable of 21, to 531% in light trading. Vo : (CI )--Retaile rs of electrical of the province had fires burn- 52,000-acre monster near Shus- production July 31 but only 760 atile Scurry Rainbow jumped ' equipment have this tip for do- j,, wap Lake in the Okanagan--and were avtually producing. July 1% to 40. m it-yourself homeow siieed If al Ry Sept. 29, approximately $4,600,000 in firefighting costs crude oil production was 472,251. On- index. golds were hs 10 hate i eli working electric Mer- 499 999 acres of timberland had Cost of fighting the fires was barrels, which brought cumula- 3.07 to 180.98. western oils 3.1 cury wall switch does not work een burned by about 3,190 the highest on record live-oil production in the prov- to 195.20 and hase metals .27 to 1 * after i" stallation, turn it firs, This was primarily because of ince to 64,538,485 barrels 105.72 ; , around x 2 ex a > Salada 338 $9% 9% = be Scot York 125 $2830 28'% be} Shell inv w 308 $12¥2 12! hiss Ory oe etre Ee tee Sheli Can 756. $2012 29% ~~" Shop Save 300 $13¥2 13% bisa Sogemine 325 $iS'« 5 1 OILS, GAS vo. : $1B%4 18% 5 t 5! 5 $37 7 4 * S8% «Bin - $122 129% $72 4 7 san 10 , Ps ; " $20% 20% 20% (699.00 That's all you pay when you trade in your old TV set -- let your old set help pay for some- 35 * 200 200. 200 thing new.) ' ™R 3 ! $62 612 6\ "" me +e 10 y PL $2634 2634 26% + s 5 Tr w 670 720 710 720 +5 2p, Ye T mt $2030 20° 209 + 1a " 5 u Be | $12' 12 2% 2 5 1 ) i $19 " 9 45 ' 4 it $l4'2 laa 14" ts @ 0 r 2 7" ON +2 | "4 5 r D $67 68n Ne | 298 Un Won 400 400 400 ; 5 U Sections 295 $74 7m 7% 1 ' 5 Vascan 200 420 420 420 | 5h ? 4 Versatd 1065 $1038 10! 10le-- a ry 5 Versatile 600 $IS¥2 Ste 152 * Ver $00. $12" 123m 12%2 % -- Ye ? Walk G 672 $32%4 32" 32%" --- % " 3 i 625 $11% 118m 1134 + Ve * J) Canso See fist below 120 $238 23a 23%e + 3 4 U Canse w 200 60 40 40 725 $182 1B' 18% | Un Reet P 200 17 15 15 = 8 200 315 315 315 oo | WW Decalta 1300 300 296 6 -- 4 3645 $1534 1594 1584 2 Primary Distribution 425 $172. 17% Wa Ve e@ s 7 Distribution of Treasury Shares 25 $100 100. 100 -- 1 a The Torani Slock Exchange has bas no 8 SY givcaa Weal es tellawa" commie 408 $1612 16% Iba Va 3 have entered into underwriting and op 190 125 125 125 +15 4h: weed treasury aneres é Sales tn 11 a.m.: 782,000, 5: nq under distribut E 0 Rothman 5 | 1? facilities : 5 mss oot L pod Bak. Ae Shab fale tae FOREIGN TRADING 7 +4 Armore 20500 «1? R ? 1] y Dw 7108 $itiz } 1. Royal. Trst yon $19 ° 1° Northaate 190 $10 10 0 ' Cam Mine 2700 3919 3939 1 mbrex a Sh 4 ' $e Mics ps geet) Cee aes Ricene 200 ASS 455 ASS LURTY e There's more to television than baseball... Golf... . Football and Hockey. FASHION AN® BEAUTY COME ON STRONG. You will see the world's most beautiful women . . . the seas ge son's latest fashions -- but let's face it... even "girl-watching" takes second place during le World Series games! Shop Cherney's, tomorrow.Compare black and white with color televrsiom i) @ sets . . . side by side. Compore styles, cabinet finish, picture size. Look thems oll over ancmoke gay ' t ! sure you see the Westinghouse 25 im. color set shown betow, ' FREE TOP COAT! With Zip-in Lining With Every Suit Purchase Pee eeeseae es |. am eae eu so eee The extra pair of trousers doubles the life of this handsome suit Gso0d economy. Gsood fashion, too, hecouse vou ll find the models, the patterns and the colors you like in REGULAR $995 QUALITY '&9SO2 WITH YOUR TRADE-IN this special group Stop in. Start saving! Sizes 35 to 52. Shorts and Tallis included. 2 PANT 5) SUITS ' y ~ 2 LOCATIONS - DOWNTOWN . OSHAWA 36 King St. East' SHOPPING CENTRE , Open Friday Till 9 © Open Thurs. ohd Fri, Till 9 WADA EME TEAL L AAR There's a lot to say about this set and it all adds up to better viewing pleasure But if the technical terms have you confused -- forget them--come in tomorrow and we will show sou THE BEST VALUE IN NEW COLOR TY! This set offers you instant-on sound . . picture in YOU'RE WELCOME 6-8 seconds. Instant color with automatic degaussing. Biggest 25 in. color picture. Custom de. TO CHARGE IT! : signed control panel with illuminated channel indicator. Simplified color tun t! | ® ze ] controls. 25000 volt picture power. Memory fine tuning. Transtormer. piwer sine. . oie A picture tube warranty. Contemporary walnut veneer cabinet. E ~ ("herney's CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD -- THAT'S WHERE THE COLOR IS! V MUCCS AND SKEETER =