; -- see them 1 the Notions Thurs., Nov. tings includ- ime Ministers on the pillars ler being de- pet sweepers, pan Cleaner, ble Shredder, iinal charge. entrance off various loca- ing able to sew real | material patterns tee & : ® os . yn : o@ sae : ® << sean ry & 7 'SIGE , DEPT. 227 32nd scale. Muzzle | "seers 1.00 , DEPT. 227 SESTOS TILE n, kitchen, bedroom etc. ite with gold-colour and patter Pattern oft white e. 9" x 9', 080 gauge. ee Ie LEVEL, DEPT, 273 ceehiadindanadnaanemmanammee en's Sweaters ) turtle neck . . - warmth. Assorted veh hee LEVEL, DEPT. 428 CONGOLEUM eves, 19,00 see oo =. 9 LEVEL, DEPT. 273 r Covering zed finish on both ours. Reg. 34.48. .... 90,60 LEVEL, DEPT. 273 | | | { | % * Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman. VOL. 26--NO. 254 ic Single Copy ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring ceritres in Ont- erio and Durham Counties. , 10 S5e Ber Week "Hema Belivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1967 rized os Second Class Mail Post Offica Department Ottawa ond for poyment. of Postage in Cash } Weather Report Cold. arctic air will move in as rain pushes eastward, Low tonight, 45; high Friday, 52, TWENTY-SIX PAGES $ Brown 'On Trial' |» Today | LONDON (CP) -- George Brown today in effect goes "on jtrial'"' before Parliament. The controversial foreign sec- retary will enter the foreign af- fairs debate in the Commons with the galleries filled and the Opposition ready to attack. His future as foreign secre- tary may depend on his per- formance. Many veteran. ob- servers conclude that if he "blows his top'? again--as he!) did at the Savoy Hotel two days ago--Prime Minister Wilson may be forced to bow to public | jopinion and remove Brown from |the sensitive cabinet post. The British press have been crying for Brown's scalp,' fol-| lowing his startling attack} against Canadian-born Lord| Thomson and his Sunday Times, accusing Thomson of cheating,| |breaking his word and giving} comfort to the Soviet Union. oe : | ei | | | 'Operation Date 'Set For Pope | VATICAN CITY (AP)--Re- ports circulated at the Vatican) |Saturday morning. Dane Tutton There was no official confir-} said but the Pope's doctors said shortly before midnight More than one person had Shopping Centre Wednes- fection. The show will be |Wednesday they had decided to!) ----*-------- to stop and look twice to day. In reality, it was pan- held at different stores in the |go ahead with the surgery with-| make sure it wasn't a real tomime artist Rene Costaz, shopping centre for the /out further delay. my is 5 rae 1 pa } robot at the Eaton's of Can- 'who has the mannerisms next two days Vatican sources at that. time E lollaz id Al id Canada Bumpy Ride ada store in the Oshawa of a robot, working to per- -- Oshawa Times Photo |had said this probably meant ae pes ee nem Saves Lives OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP)--Two| credit conditions. young women ina car wondered | The governor was reported why they were getting a bumpy)Tuesday to have called in the this fog--bound town! chartered banks, asking them to sday. They got out to in ipa [Saturday or Sunday. | The operation had been when the 70-year-old Pope suf-/ fered a relapse Saturday night,! OTTAWA (C#)--The current income and readily-available cash savings of Canadians have/the country risen by almost $1,000 per cap-|at mid-ye: ita since the present. economic, Seven years ago the figures y's 20,405,000 persons counting consumer price. in- found him strong _ enough)ronto. creases, is 26 per cent Wednesday to make a brief ap- pearance at the window of his sweater) blasts through the middie of the O'Neill fensive line to record Don- % ic aicaney oi ta peectae ginal REFEREE SIGNALS TOUCHDOWN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP GAME age af pt the city championship. Don- evan now meets Courtice evan's first touchdown of the game. Donevan added another touchdown in the final quarter to defeat Cash Savings Increase "i= Disagree On Aviation se bd jthe second since he fell ill Sept.. - THE HAGUE (Reuters)--The; The Dutch minister of trans- Ei t t ] 4 with a urinary infection Netherlands intends to denounce port and waterways, Johannes jcaused by an enlarged prostate. |jts current aviation agreement|Bakker, told the lower house | The pontiff went back to bed) with Canada because it failed to permanent transport committee be surprised by the Dutch state- tracks and jumped oyt j culation now amount to $60,-;person, the increase since the to rest and regain strength for|obtain landing rights for KLM here Wednesday that it was the|ment, especially in view of the fore an oncoming trSin 954,000,000, or $2,987 for each of|1960 boom started, after dis-\the operation, and his doctors Royal Dutch Airlines To- first time in 'the history of|recent decision by Canadian Pa- Dutch civil aviation that such cific Airlines to move its Euro Sep ee lpean sales headquarters from yy London to Amsterdam Observers said the Canadians jselves s expansion began in 1960 were $18,092,000,000, or $2,077 COMBINE ALL INCOME apartment. | 238 N th V t evaseal income after taxes, per capita. The. figures: represent ipl or 1e hamese personal savings deposits in the The grand total represents combined total of personal in- banks, Canada. savings. bonds consumer resources, the spend- come after taxes, personal sav-| D pout bad Lcd holdings, and bank notes in cir-|ing power that individuals |!98S In the chartered banks, ral TO ] e n 1g ac medialis --jwould have if they wanted to Canada Savings Bonds in force} jincome after taxes into the mar- Motes in circulation ket place at one time While there were additional) GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP)--\cong were killed today . For the statistical family ofjsavings easily converted into|\Pam Brewer, the nude beautyithey attacked the district capi- Sparks Life five, it, means consumer re-\ready cash in the form of depos-|who lost her welcome at the|y.) of: [oc Ninh for the sources amounting to $14,935jits in other institutions, the in- University of Florida, now is a|tjme in five days, a U.S, WASHINGTON (AP)--A\this year, compared with $10,385|clusion. of all notes in circula- businesswoman, proud owner Of] apy spokesman said here. young American soldier, pron-jin 1960. tion probably offsets these.ja psychedelic shop called The knife of a U.S. Army embalmer In that*time, consumer prices dollars are salted away.in cash,|\few blocks from the campus she] in Vietnam. have risen 17 per cent, but the 'ather than in current circula-'jeft last February | Specialist Jacky C. Bayne, 22, family consumer. spending liom : Posters, magazines,- under- of Fort Mill, S.C., was Pron-\nower has risen 43 per cent.) The growth in liquid family ground newspapers, leather} ounced dead near Chu Lai last )joaying a marginal gain of 26|/spending power started slowly|goods, joss stick incense, paper July 16 after doctors had per cent. with the start of the current ex-|flowers, jewelry, crystal trip worked for 45 minutes trying re The gain in consumer spend-|pansion period, now unprece- glasses and original dress crea- mortar barrage. A U.S. military Braves-registration section near-/he incomes and liquid savings|reached eight per cent in 1962 Miss Brewer, 19, busily staffed|while U-S: DC-3s by and it was sometime later-- 5 | 7 Be a ré t to almost $5,000 ajand 1964. no one knows exactly how long nero etn ---- --when the embalmer's knife 7 i ae Bere x bait eae The night attack ounced dead of wounds, showed The figures are in the current There are no readily-available |Subterranean Circus, launched by 1,000 North signs of life while under the' value of dollars in 1960 and 1967, |Statistics showing how many| Miss Brewer's shop is only &lnamese and Viet Cong behind a/D money into a cardboard box Gatling guns - and when flares. In the central lowlands 360 third|/miles northeast of Saigon, the mili-|Viet Cong seized the district headquarters town of Dai Loc was(and killed a civilian hamlet lead- Viet-|°i before pulling out at day- eak Meanwhile, B-52 bombers today again bombed artillery n . . ; ' " aid American and South Viet.|posttions and supply. areas 10 inamese forces repelled the at- jtack in 20 minutes of sometimes hand-to-hand fighting. the northern half of the demili tarized zone separating the two Vietnams W.S.- Phantom jets set off suscitation, ing power in Canada almost ex-|dented in its longevity. But over tions drew a good crowd of Sun: American: helicopters hovered three large explosions at a mo- His seemingly lifeless body actly parallels experience in the|the years' since 1960 it has aver- day shoppers over the battle pouring ma-jbile surface-to-air missile site was sent rputinely to an ATMY United States. Though eompara aged 54 per centa. year and) Behind an ancient counter. |chine-gun fire into the attackers |just 12 miles above the demili- : se armed withitarized zone, the .spokesman U.S. -- jet'said. mage,ts text nasion , PUBLIC DISAGREEMENT BLAMED = a SLOW PACE BOTHERS LB) There was a faint flicker of life and Bayne was taken back toa field hospital. After more} Vi ] 7 '@) if ; 1 : inet aoe and n umerous : I od transfusions yer Nr Sl S ether tee pein there were . . n O ' : f life, Oday, ; ae eee months later, tecnet tan, ree By JAMES MARLOWE tests in the Korean ,War. More tests against injustice to » Bayne is moving thesis sehr se i nore the question is being Negroes. No doubt often, if not a Wad least limited Seeurely. _-- a ok Hi Wi "? most of the time, the college at Walter Reed i Ms ASHINGTON (AP) -- The askec ly now st ¢ Ine, AU EES Washington. Hospital in United States is going through a The origin probably has its Lied pi a € i: i mee e . eet , sided Net 3 a var a age stice ad a roo BRE a eeepc kind of convulsion over the Viét- roots in the { 10 years, on 3 beueeday inj eablains L ; nam war road that began in the 1950s, in personal p lems . enin Statue Some of the public disagree- when you hee ergs hao . SOME FRUSTRATED ' ment over the Vietnam war can wi yor ie ae UAaTSE lish For instance, the youlh who nveiled he blamed: perhaps for' some of Negroes wipe out segrega oat Bs dargatine Rural : cain Bal erik were strated, undisting ' this year's lazy performance in were beaten, som : ned As the idea of pid: sc Sri boa sets Sone 2 _ some were killed. or ignored. As the idee f pros MOSCOW (CP)--Russia today Congress where the war. has --- Thig was direct action by the tests and participation in them began its formal f£elebrati consumed much of the time, ' syle of both races and crew, frustrated young people the 50th anniversdty of the 1917 thinking and talking. FO eee ia comet harileta could. feel freer to take part in Bolshevik Revolution by ur i President Johnson, in a press at Dei Or ae ee | this them ing a statue of Lenin eas conference Thursday, once to crumble. A a Then came the two Negro ¢ Kremlin, he) again complained about the ae pian es ieaptiag free ae sly: Carmichael Leonid Brezhney, Communist slow pace in Congress, which is sense. Of bei - aeiae. rt fa anne ' wn. They didn't party general secretary, walked g00d evidence he has lost his events by directly taking pé have thought-out plans' or pro slowly up to the pedestal hol Political mastery over the men : esi ing the statue of Lenin. fo, 1%] in the Capital. search for power grew grams. rf he Sovi , founder vapital, } ave been expect- Their chief weapon was e of the Soviet state, and cyt the But Congress, like Johnson, as could have been exy hig mouth, shout ing Black ribbon holding a sheet over it also has been watching a sick- took new turns, FOr ins Dower and calling for violence Russia planned six days' ening sight at home--growing stance, on college campuses Power and calling { = festivities to mark the ys" of violence home--growing Tanthie tt ath > them: They found a responsive audi sary. The celebration anniver. take ce--which may have youths bega is sathoaay 7 eace among Negroes who felt culminate eiges hore to both of lot of the salt out of selves against roy ee saiieht frustrated by their dilapidated ilitary parade th ur-long them. but claimed' Wike th. economic candition and by mi 3 J rough Red Ww was justice in one form or anoth Square Nov. 7 anda spectacular HY Now? £ white indifference : , fireworks displa: T er See ae This also opened the doar for pie play that night, here was nothing to match No Jonger were the isstes. as waiting for @ # * Present violence ¥ pro- clear cut as they were in "| Negro criminas, demnation of their cc they say otherwise, chance or an excuse to perform. Increasingly Negro riots spread across the country. Meanwhile, more and more members of Congress added to the national confusion about the war--since most of them in aged had approved Johnson's waging if he thought necessary--by criticizing the govérnment's handling of it Much of this no doubt is the result of deep' reflection. Some of it probably has its roots in political expedience since a lot of the voters back home are un- happy with the war On top of all this intellectuals teamed up against the Some of them by intellec- processes may have ar- at logical reasons for being critical. a Some of them are probably joining the chorus -becat think it is the intellectually styl- ish thing to do and fe ise they r the con- = Energetic Action Planned OTTAWA. (CP)--Frash troops are on call for the government's beat-inflation campaign. Finance Minister Sharp said Wednesday he will meet proyin- cial finance ministers Nov. 16 ami~17~ "to plot" "energetic 'ac- tion" to limit publie ending @ and lending He reaffirined his intention to make another full statement soon on his own economy meas- ures And he kept the door onen for a possible supplementary budg- et before Christmas, although he told the Commons a decision on this step has not yet been made. The unanimous specula- tion: Tax iner In Winnipeg, the governor of the Bank of Canada delivered a resounding plea for public co. operaton and resolute govern- ment action to quell inflationary psychology. Louis Rasminsky, in a rare public address, told the Winni- peg Canadian Club: "The central problem that we are now faced with in Canada is \to break into the circle of rising \eosts and prices and, as part of this process, to reduce the de- jmands of governments on finan- Association (Oshawa Times Phoio) jcial markets," IMPLIES REDUCTION Mr. Rasminsky said private investment is flattening out and there has been a Jarge increase an action towards Canal ede. to been driving along ished the vehicle. Catherine MacDonald, of 1968-69. The 19 2,/pected to tota wanted landifig rights there agreement with Canada can be| terminated by both parties but} Holland would require approval of the Dutch Parliament | after approval of the denuncia-| ition the treaty would continue to be valid for 12 months. Dutch officials said today that all this gave plenty of time for further talks with the Canadians} and also would. open up fresh opportunities for negotiating a Grand Jury Investigates CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP)| Hoffa, apparently without hear- who says she has been marked who was taken away from hos-|* jpital by federal marsh lier in the day; apparently did tary for Teamsters Union Local 515 here, had been expected to ceived in connection with testi- jmony she gave at a trial con- |Was taken to hospital with al | week, was not seen entering the and the Chattanooga rimes reported that she proba will not be called to testify. ae i in the money supply, both fac- feors that should have worked jagainst increases in. interest jrates. | Rates continue to rfse, he Said, because investors fear the money market cannot meet fu- ture borrowing requirements of lgovernments without tight reduce the interest they 'have hadjbeen charging on short-term railway |loans. His speech strongly supported Mr. Sharp's declared intention to reduce his budget deficit in 8 deficit is ex. $740,000,000, His .aim is to. trim $1,- in the middie of the!000,000,000 from 1968-69 expendi- asked for reciprocal rights in\CPR's main line between De- tures and reduce his budget def. return for the. Toronto conces- troit and Toronto. Holland could offer ing beyond the existing fa-| . lities. A similar situation pre Kni put all their cash savings and/along | with | Canadian dollar Owns op SAIGON (Reuters)--A total of {fighter-bombers roared into ac- viously caused friction with the ife Cut 1238 North Vietnamese and Vietition by the orange light of eit to $250,000,000, TL, ATE} NEWS HIGHLIGHTS St. Catharines Mother To Lay Wreath Catharines woman, Mrs. Elsie in the Second World War, will Canadian mothers monies here Nov at Remembrance Day cere- of Mrs. Adams' sons served during the wer and one of them, Adams of the Canadian Guards at Peta- wawa, will direct the massed bands during ceremonies at Black Muslim At Work In Toronto -- Black Muslims are at work among Negroes, preaching hatred of whites and Moslim-oriented Black Power spokesman for the 1 Wednesday night. Mercenaries, Police Killed In Congo liversal Negro Youth (Reuters) -- Twenty foreign 3 former Katangan policemen were tring fighting with the Congolese Army rn city of Bukavu, official sources said today. They said Congolese troops capturedyBangu on the out+ skirts of Bukavu and forced the mercenaries to withdraw. ..In THE TIMES Today .. 4 Donevan Wins Championship --- P. 10 ae Murder-Suicide --~ P..13 F C Three Candidates -- P. 5 A » Lar ers 4 Z Ajox News--5 f City News--13 Cle ed---20, 21, 2 Cor 25 Editoria!-----4 Financio 24 Obituaries --22 Sr 10, 11, 12 T on Z heatres---? Weather------2 2 Whitby.News-->5 : Women's--14, 15, 16) 17 Ea A