Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1967, p. 9

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street and Into the nlice officers dragged out and charged them. MANY LAKES are about 60 fish-prad- es in Manitoba. amr OWN > 'o Toronto i, you Get Another wn", BER 15th 25-4771 », E. Power -- wa latter on ving. This . And that ch more, over your efore. ider three Yr tire. ar © bag, with a tag attached. ' tycky, Liberal candidate in next BOTH FELL ON SATURDAY By PAUL DUNN jbe observed on Noy. 11; the Re- OTTAWA (CP)--For the sec-|membrance Day Act so stipu- ond time this year a statutory|lates. The law -- provides holiday--this_ time urday, but it's not likely to/a Sunday, they are observed on| cause anything like the fuss/the following day. over the Dominion Day holiday MOST GET MONDAY | on Saturday, July 1. | rating the 100th anniversary ofjees will get their holiday Mon-| Confederation, played only ajday, Noy. 13. Employees in in- minor role in the confusion as-|dustries undér federal jurisdic- sociated with Prime = Minister|tion also will get a holiday or Pearson's proclamation of Mon-|pay for working, but there is no| day, July 3, as a "public holi-/requirement that the day off be! day." Monday. eee He appealed to Canadians to! Post office officials and postal| a ve rn themselves accord- union representatives said in in-| ngly. employed in the post office,'tions this weekend, reacted by threatening a one-- For employees in industries) day strike. It did not material- under federal jurisdiction, the ize. : Canada Labor Code is the oper- But Remembrance treated as a different kind of;membrance Day. holiday, both legally and practi- cally, than Dominion Day. Ob-| days under the code. The docu- servance isn't as complete or as|ment allows for substitution of| In the post office department \certain holidays observed only|if an employee's normal day of rest falls on Saturday, Nov he will be given Monday off. If he is scheduled to have Monday off he will get his next normal work day off. If he'is forced tirister work a normal five-day week he said that "if you're going to get receive dn additional days pay on tép of his normal got to accentuate the North's general. | Unlike Dominion Day, it must'in some areas. The Aug. 1 Civic Tea Bag Gimmick Designed To Lure Voters In Albert EDSON, Alta. (CP)--The en-lessary by the resignation velope contained a single tea}spring of Dr. Hugh Horner, who had held' the seat for the Con- "IT believe that good govern-'servatives since 1958, to run in ment is like a good cup of tea--|the provincial constituency of brisk, honest and invigorating.|Lac Ste. Anne. He was one of You can enjoy both with me." It was signed by Alan Sula- provincial election. Mr. Caston, publisher of a Jasper-Edson. designed to let people know the|Horner, especially within the phonetic pronunciation of the area of Dr. Horner's provincial name: Su-laty-cky. constituency. It has been one of the few; Mr. Christenson, a bright spots in a dull byelection teacher in Seba Beach near the made duller by public apathy in/eastern edge of the constitu- a constituency that is about tolency, has run for office once be- disappear, fore, being beaten last May in Mr. Sulatycky considers the|the provincial riding of Wetaski- race to be between him and/win. Progressive Conservative candi-| He says the issues are the date Doug Caston. icost - price squeeze being felt The role of the forgotten man|by many farmers, and the Liber- is filled by New Democratic|al government's leasing policy party candidate Bob Christen-|in the national parks. gon. | Mr. Sulatycky, a lawyer in The western Alberta constitu-|Whitecourt, Alta., said the issue ency is a conglomerate ofjis one of "representation." national park, foothills and mar-|Should he be elected, Jasper- ginal farming land. Industry ex-|Edson would be the only fully- ists only in pockets, confined to/rural constituency on the Prair- coal and pulp. lies to send a Liberal member to The byelection was made nec-!Ottawa. Newfoundland Byelection Being Fought On Platform ST. JOHN'S, Nfid. (CP)--A,Robert Stanfield made a two- Platform Bgpoig for bi day swing through the district mons seat of Bonavista-Twillin- , ; FA ante wan assured Wednesday|--2" Cong", sn, oom eats night, after a Liberal announce-|r5, the Northwest Territories, ment of a series of public meet-| snd Heath Macquarrie, member ings throughout the district be-|/,. Queens. : } fore Monday's contest. Mr. Macquarrie remained in| The Liberals also announced!i,, 'istrict and attended al that Newfoundland Premier J0-) wednesday rally for Conserva- seph yp apageie pl " tive candidate Wilfred French, two of . ner gas 48. Provincial Conservative lead- of Nai ie aid eet » the'er Gerald Ottenheimer and Liberal candidate. party president John A. Carter]| | Dominion Day Furor | Wont Be Repeated Nov. IL ts or enim tina tame ie trapped Halloween passed out to children during their |Tuesday night. lo want their children to be a oe ee Ns iad apples with razor blades shoved! of Com- nent regular wage jobs. The In- mr aniagseon oo with pins ge St. Jean Baptiste Day northern development, but the|president of the Ingamo Asso- and Boxing Day are used op- 400 delegates concluded nojciation at Inuvik, said earlier | 1 s that|tionally across Canada. Re-|when Dominion Day, Christmas|the code employees mu: membrance Day--falls on a Sat-|Day or New Year's Day fall on|ceive eight paid holidays. The code stipulates that if a/jointly every three years by the|ing to qualify them for perma- general holiday falls on a day| Edmonton lath ace . . when an employee would not)merce and 1 : embrance Day this|normally be at work, he must Northwest Chamber of Mines tries to introduce northern na- The latter holiday, commemo- Saturday, most federal employ-|be given another day off, al-jand Resources, has today though not necessarily normal working day. Industries under federal juris- diction banks, related Crown corporations, i : iv : vincial services such as high- the National Museum of Canada ; : terviews they anticipate no disa-|way transport, pipe .lines, ca- to an One group of Canadians, those greement over working. condi- nals and communication tems. ONE or VEN Remembrance Day is one of Day is ative document concerning Re-|!0 statutory holidays set out in/ceiyed a standing ovation from|mulating a labor act. The coun- the Public Service Employment ip, delegates It is one of eight general holi-|Act, affecting federal employ- gnjy way to develop the North is! southern legislation. ees, will week's salary. ve Bill Kay, president of the 12,-\ada, not its differences." **\000-member Canadian Union of Postal Workers, said this policy dent of Canadian Bechtel Ltd., is consistent with postal regula- said tions union. and acceptable Pas eeaget che A The problem on the Dominion 1955 six Conservatives elected in the nay weekend was that some 5,- duction in the rest of the coun- 000 postal workers--half of them|try increased only 255 per cent + ; ; to He predicted the North will "re-| Monday's federal byelection in)weekly newspaper, is making|work a full week at no extra ceive an added amount of atten-|merse his first bid for public office. He|/pay or time off, although the|tion in the coming 10 years" -- The tea bag was a gimmick iS receiving support from Dr.|bulk of the public service had from mineral development in- in Mr. Kay's Monday, July 3, off. A department exception of receipt patch of mail in post delivery, Under|quick and easy solutions were|that while Eskimos definitely | st re-|available. the next Friday remaining to try to iron and culture. include the chartered Zi , s : 5 sallvart, aulpetag' abs lione-raags sonfanas oats severe seers, 8, ee services, radio, TV, air to bo found. ey 2 e transport, grain elevators, most » interpro- from the chief archaeologist of CONSIDER NORTH Sys-|N.W.T., sketched the North as| Mines Ltd. and United Keno Hill! 1% people to his northern mineral production he said. union--had official, the post office plans to curtail,and general manager of Cassiar| school|service across Canada, with the| Asbestos Corp and dis-|"perhaps the key" to enticing offices.|workers north as well as im- There will be no Saturday home' proving Conference Explores Ways 'To Boost Northern Canada By DON HARVEY found in.on-the-job training pro day to find ways of boosting) Mr. Allen, 39-year-old vice- The conference, sponsoredjed, they themselves want train- Chamber the Alberta and gamo Association's program) Ghostly Treats Booby-Tra ped a: blades in an apple he re- fall children should carefully ex- |and fruits before eating them. Ricky Kubu, 11, found three ceived the night before. He said LONDON, Ont. (CP)--City po-|if he had not cut the apple in lice Wednesday reported more thalf first he would have munched rjght into the blades. incidents of Police said there were no re- booby-| treats amine their Halloween candies| ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Movember 2, 1967 9 . secu |ports of injuries as a result of|firmed report ef a razor blade ithe incidents, being embedded tn a Halloween | Police in Sarnia Township apple given to 11-year-old Kevin {also reported at least one con-'Mumford DIDO DIDO DOOD H RH "trick or treat'? rounds/ IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S Police issued a warning that L | STARTS TOMORROW THIS IS THE WILD, WILD WEST and tives to the white man's ways out thé wrinkles. Mr. Christian, Mr. White, Mr. Conference chairman W. S. Reierson and Don DeLaporte power: now and future," Fourteen speakers, ranging Mr. DeLaporte, general man- Eskimo from Inuvik, ager of both Giant Yellowknife, they saw it in the past, present) Mines Ltd., said the Northwest) and future Territories council should keep) Victor Allen of Inuvik, 1,200 in mind the "quite different sit-| miles' north of Edmonton, re-| uation in the North' when for-) for saying the|cil should not load its act with for persons of all gg origins) {,t.-Gov, J. W. Grant Mac-| to pull together in a jcommon| wan of Alberta noted that 73 purpose. In the North, "we're/per cent of Canada's 20,000,000 united 'as Canadians." people live along a southern rib- INTICATION RINT bon within 100 miles of the Can- EDUCATION FIRST ay . ada-United States border, while Ray Relerson, Alberta's min- 87 per cent live within 200 miles of. education and labor, atthe border, He said he would like to take all Canadians on a tour of their country: and show them the North where "'fewer than one- . : : ..;,,quarter of one per cent of 'our Clare White, senior vice-presi- population lives." "Understanding one's nation is a prerequisite to nationhood," move nérth, you've similarities with the rest of Can- that while the value of had increased 350 per cent since) - us " s il ye the value of similar pro HIDDEN PEAKS Rugged peaks more than 20,- 000 feet high form the sub- d Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Spruce Still Tops Them All. The Best § Entertainment. In Town THE SPRUCE Limited Engagement International Favorite of Song Toby Lark WHITBY UO RESERVATIONS Bob Sm ith Duo 668-3386 a GROG ow corey er teomeromt wt + JOSEPH 7. STECX om RR YOUNG -J0S! J FOR STARLITA ae The Exotic Beat of Africa AT ; THEIR New Entertainment Hours BEST Fridays and Saturdays For Your Dancing end Dining Pi: ; RESERVE Entertainment and Bencing Will Start ow t EARLY 7 P.M. on Friday 668-3386 7:30 P.M. on Saturday 4 Big Shows Nightly--6 Deys A Week rN - FEW Sundey Dinners 5-9 P.M. EN DATES Sei aa hip ton ta DECEMBER ee TODAY ONLY: "BAREFOOT In The PARK'. IN TECHNICOLOR ONEOETHEMOST BRUTAL. Tee-Pee Drive-In - Dick terests, John D. Christian, president Ltd., said that! Debbie Reynolds - Van Dyke in "DIVORCE the qualifications of 'workers already there, could be POP PAUL JONES Sot. & Sun. 3:45 + 5:40 - This followed a statement) .i.6 attended. RAW, SHOCKING Recommended As Adult Enterteinment NOW PLAYING! Shown Weekdays at 7:20 - 9:30 7:40 - 9:40. fw ODEON THE 39 KING ST, E. -- PHONE 725-5833 | .« AMERICAN STYLE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADDED ATTRACTION | JERRY LEWIS "BIG MOUTH" Box Office Opens 7 P.M. Show Starts At 7:15 P.M. ] Your Car Is Your Reserved Seat their girls, and their FOR LIFE From Age 65 RE | | _-- | FECHMICOLOR® TECHNISCOPE", TIMES: -- 1:50 - 3:40 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 hize\: "Tod 4 FIENDISH SADISTIC | BLOODCURDLING me comeniessez JACK LEMMON i VIRNA LSI "HOW TO ~~ 4MURDE YOUR WIFE | ELVIS turns the Land Of The Blues Red Hot With 11 Great Songs! Hear Them On Ri Records! iA DOUGLAS $0 CO-STAR TODAY OOD AN Cf from the premier earlier this) week that he didn't feel it was| necessary to bring into the cam- paign any federal cabinet minis- ters or for him to campaign) personally. Tt also comes on the heels of a series of Conservative rallies at) Wesleyville, Carmanville, Tray-| town-Glovertown and Twillin-| gate, and charges by the PCs that the Liberals 'appear afraid to meet the people." Prior to Wednesday's an- nouncement, Mr. Granger had confined his campaigning main- ly to intensive door - knocking, but it had now "entered a new} phase," the Liheral statement said The premier was scheduled to join Mr. Granger on: the plat- October is Restaurant Month in your car, form at Twillingate Friday} night, and to sepak to another rally Saturday night at Wesleyville. Mr. Granger was to hold a rally Saturday night at Bonavista, Meanwhile, the Conservatives Wednesday added more names to the list of party officials who would be joining them in their intensive drive for a_ federal seat in Newfoundland. MINISTERS ACTIVE Former cabinet ministers George Hees and Walter Dins- dale will be in Ronavista-Twil- lingate during the last four days! of the campaign, and Halifax MP Mike Forrestall was to re- turn for a second visit. National Conservative leader Home of the . ENGLISH STYLE COUNTRY STYLE e@ Chicken DELICIOUSLY NEW their delicious food. Come as you ore and eat e Big 'M' Burger e Fish 'N' Chips @ Chicken Burger McMURRAY'S is A Family Restaurant It's only natural to bring the family to McMurray's and taste Here is @ plon to provide for yeur family if yeu should die, or for your retirement yeors if you survive see a8 ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 Home: Business: By completing the enquiry form below, you con obtain details vitable te your peroneal alte. etion, SUN | awe Sounds of the NOW Generation MR. YUMSKI IS COMING TO McMURRAY'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA THE BIG FUN DANCE Friday, Nov, 3rd Shawn & Jay i ; JACKSON ; -- Plus THE -- 2 ¢ MAJESTICS \ Dancing 9 p.m. to 12:30 g Admission $1.50 reps Cosual PHONE AHEAD 728-2291 Your Order Will Be Ready For Immediate Take-Out cMURRAY'S SIMCOE ST. N. at TAUNTON RD., OSHAWA Oshewe Shopping Centre | | || ADDRESS 4.0... All the glamour and greatness of the worlds | most exciting drama of speed and spectacle! «..With a cast of international stars. FB] METRO-GOLDWYN: MAYER encseans A JOHN FRANKENHEIMER FILM Greamd Prix | WINNER , | OF 3 ¥ | ACADEMY AWARDS | Ee JAMES GARNER EVAMARIESAINT YVESMONTAND TOSHIRO MIFUNE BRIAN BEDFORD JESSICA WAITER A DOUGLAS & LEWIS PRODUCTION + screen story and sereanplay by ROBERT ALAN AURTHUR + civected by JOHN FRANKENHEIMER # produced by EDWAR IN SUPER PANAVISION "AND METROCOLOR Oshawa Premiering Wed., Nov. 8 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE -- OPEN DAILY AT NOON -- MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED -- 725-5833°--. 725-5562 Evenings Sun. thru Set. One Showing at 8:15 p.m. Wed: Sat. Sun, & Holidays Motinees 2 p.m. 4 thizod 9 ANTONIO SABATO FRANCOISE HARDY D LEWIS + music by MAURICE JARRE "YOUR BEST SHOW VALUE" ODEON 39 KING ST. E. OSHAWA For Choice Reserved Seats Order Now (725-5833 --725-5562 } s EES JOHNNY, AND OH, LORD, HOW HECAN Love

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