12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 30, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Car Theft Conviction; Draws One-Year Sentence "He's had a rather morbidjed guilty to a charge of im-jael O'Donnell, 18, of 90 ik ee 3 or difficult upbringing' com-|paired driving, he was fineddale Ave., when he pleaded) ' mented Crown Attorney Bruce|$200 and costs or 30 days and suilty to a charge of public Affleck before Richard Smith,|given a three - month manda- intoxication, O'Donnell had sev-| 21, was sentenced to one yearjtory licence suspension. Ajeral convictions for previous definite and six months indef-/breathalizer test indicated that!liquor infractions, ite in reformatory on a con- Stokes had seven to eight bot- |. , = pe of car theft tles of beer in his system at FROM WHITBY The evidence indicated. that|the time of the test on Sept. Being intoxicated in front of © Smith, who had a_ previous |30 the Jubilee Pavilion resulted 'in. | record, had been hitchhiking and) Charges of speeding and hav-a fine of $50 and costs or 10 was "cold and wet'? when heling liquor in a place other than days for Louis J Robinson Jr.,| saw a car with the keys in it!a residence were withdrawn at|When he pleaded guilty. Robin- and stole it. the request of the Crown. son resides at 701 Anderson Magistrate Donald Dodds hain E St., Whitby. said, 'He has a very sad rec- EXTREME HAZARD ord for a man of 21". "He was an extreme hazard DISMISSED | to life, limb, and property of} A charge of having liquor inj THREE MONTHS anyone who might have confronta place other than a residence Three months definite and ed him," said Magistrate Dodds was dismissed at the Crown's nine months indefinite was the'of Harvey Rozell, 37, of 638 Dean request when it was revealed sentence imposed on Claude/Ave.. as he fined Rozell $250 that the police would not have Marsden, 34, of R.R. 2, Portiand costs or 40 days when Ro- all their officer witnesses pres- Perry for each of two theft)zel] pleaded guilty to a charge ent to continue the case against convictions. The sentences arejof impaired driving. Rozell's|Ronald Gooding, 67 Ritson Rd concurrent to each other. Mars-|car had been swaying on Olive N den admitted trying to sell ar-|Ave. at 50 miles per hour and ; ee -- ticles of clothing he had taken|struck the curb once on Oct MINORS CONSUMING from an Oshawa discount 14 Three other cases of minor store. consumption of alcohol came Crown Attorney Affleck told| WRONG PLACE before the court. Fines of $50 the court Marsden "has a very' Taking your own liquor to and costs or 10 days were| © serious alcoholic problem." a licensed night club is not/levied against Martin Brownell,| necessarily a profitable move.|20, of 374 Phillip Murray Ave aoe aged OT lan Madill, 21, of Cadillac|/Maurice Chinn, 18, of 752 Hor-! obert e, 31, of Taunton Aye. §., discovered this whenitop Ave., and Roman W. Pak- at " pepe s ening. Wisher's Rd. W., pleaded guilty !0 a he took a bottle of whiskey to osta, 20, of 494 Lakeview Ave oy seal uF ane ae iad groieger ag pein ong SS calies pin rt hl Ad Hideaway at the Hotel po if Bad EP noi pleaded Magica cradling be ried secretly some time a search warrant at the home! police were called and Ma ny : alif., Sat. al me . of Lee and found 24 sheets ofigill ended up pleading guilty inTHREE CASES ght gee Pg Aa plywood stolen from a construc-/court to a charge of having liqu- There were also three other : a: tion site. ie " or in-a place other than a cases ae ag ee Crown Attorney Affleck toldjresidence and was fined $25 James Slack, 54, of 371 King . . L h the court "theft from construc- and costs or five days. St. W. pleaded guilty and was Communists Link ut er tion sites is unfortunately com- fined $25 and costs or five days, mon." PLEADS GUILTY 4 4 Singer Eddie Fisher gives The girl, named Joely, was ' (AP Wirephoto) looked me over. Then he indicat-| ed to one of his eight assistants| New Role nosed the trouble as emanating| MONTREAL (CP) -- Doug- from behind Shadley's ear,/lass Burns Clarke, academic where he had undergone sur- vice-principal of Sir George Wil EDDIE FISHER PROUD PAPA 'tre, ed, sneer Cancer Cure Try Fails TECUMSEH, Mich, (AP)-- Wilber Shadley, who went on a 'pilgrimage with 110 other inval- ds in hopes a Filipino faith-heal- er could cure him of cancer, has died. Shadley, "57, a former building contractor, had been in hospital since Oct, 19--four days after he 'returned from the Philippines and his visit with Dr. Antonio Agpaoa, a so-called 'psychic surgeon." Shadley, who died Friday night, was suffering from can- cer of both lungs and a kidney] SCHOOL PRINCIPAL \disorder when he and his wife, '. 3 Gi \Bernice, joined the Detroit-area Ronald G. Oke, 79 St. [pilgrims who started their trip] forest St., ts principal of St. of faith at the Windsor, Ont.,| Michael's School, Oshawa. Mr. Oke completed require- For Mass Immigration There JERUSALEM (AP)--Prime| He said Jews are needed in Minister Levi Eshkol appealed|long-established development Saturday night for mass pil bear inside Israel and then, de- gration from Western nations to!parting from his prepared text, increase the Jewish populatiwn|added they also are needed 'in of Israel and hinted at eventual /places where we don't exist Jewish settlement of Arab terri-|today, but which have biblical tory occupied in the June 5-10 names." Middle East war. | Some observers here took this Eshkol said in a speech to Is-'to mean the occupied west bank raeli members of the B'nailof Jordan. B'rith that Israel must double| the number of Jews in the coun- try before the end of the cen- tury. | WATCH FOR... MANY ILLITERATE Mali is a new African api with a population of 4,500,000 of which 80 per cent of the adults) are illiterate. TECHNICOLOR ® The John Heyman/Peter Watkins Production airport Oct. 2. The faith-healer, known as ments for a Bachelor of Arts Dr. Tony, told him he would be degree at Queen's" Univer- cured in about six months,| sity, Kingston, -- this vai Shadley told reporters upon his} mer. He is a graduate 0 return home from the Philip-| O'Neill Collegiate Vocation- pines. al Institute and Toronto "After we arrived, Dr. Tony| Teachers' College. stood for a few minutes and that he was personally going to take care of me." GAVE DIAGNOSIS Shadley said Dr. Tony diag- 'For Students liams University, announced at At one point in- the 13 or 14a press conference Saturday nealing sessions Shadley had/that students may be permitted} |with Dr. Tony, Shadley said thejin the future to participate in faith-healer removed a '"mass|the academic government of the of something"? which he called/university. cancer from behind Shaldey's| His announcement came two ear and handed it to him. days after about 1,000 Sir Shadley said the faith-healer;George Williams. students {also told him that some kidney|staged a demonstration by boy- stones were removed, thenicotting classes and holding a pronounced Shadley jwreck."" "a total/sit-in in the lobby of the univer-| \sity's main building. Jpon their return home, Mrs.| Mr. Clarke said the university) Edwin Mullen, 65, of 413 Dun-; . . aa Magistrate Dodds refused the Allan Stynyk, 258 Burk St.. das St. E. Whitby, pleaded guil-| To Soviet 1917 Revolution |Shadley told reporters that she|council, the body responsible | rge o suggestion Lee be given a sus pleaded guilty to a d was fined $50 and costs -pended sentence. He said '"'these assault and was f ned $100 and or davs. and Herbert Bed people know what they are do-|costs or 20 days and-was ob-/ford, 30,. RR. 1, Burketon ing. They arenot misguided'liged to sign a bond to keepipleaded guilty and was fined > », . . t pea f n year Sytn > an si fiv § woul, nigh oo ------ ie A aarti tg pe igs pee aryl Conte Otrtive Cave launched by Martin Luther in/Leipzig university professor es tae aaa to one day woman he didn't know. w hile GUILTY PLEA 1917 had its first fulfillment injidentified as M. Steinmetz said in' tan SOmy jail and fined she was waiting for a bus at, Having liquor in a place other, Russia's October revolution of the EIST AUOD was primarily him $200 and costs of 60 days.|the four corners in Oshawa 1917 3 ; = ead s movement and not 8 i Aiftone They also say their regime is\church-theological movement as| In addition, 'ee cae Ng ie '\the rightful heir to the spirit of;recorded in the West. He con-| to sign a $500 bon Age sa what they term the German tended it dealt with a '"compre-| the peace for a perio dace 2 16th century "early citizens' re-|hensive wrestling for renewal heh Pi ag ago - rei ------ -- -- ----_------ _yolt"' for which Luther was thejand transformation of the whole "Maybe that wi 5 Fig y s ideologist society. to thefts from scitmlebamst . .] a These are the main themes of "The revolutionary body of its sites. | 1r ays t xpo ' the East German government ideas first could be realized in 5 | : 50th Refor-|the Red October revolution,"' hw NG | celebration of the 450! e SENTENCING mation anniversary Tuesday of said. Eighteen - year - old a the Luther-inspired church re | Harold Masterick of Oshawa ap- See Abe "| PRESSURE ON CHURCHES peared before Magistrate Dodds e or ame 0 abe por IAS SEY) ie enuen The regime also has taken for sentencing on convictions of \ jmeasure to insure that its cele- Montreal and Quebec police and NEWS IN BRIEF eg -- alcohol |bration of the events that and causing a disturbance . RCMP also was calculated to jstemmed from Luther's nailing A F ) es "hil | ts Masterick was sentenced to) MONTREAL (CP)--Like cil idiscourage souvenir - hunters) RESEARCH THE NORTH the 95 theses on. the Wittenberg 15 days in the County Jail onjdren departing some long-love oi nicht walk off with valu-) SASKATOON (CP )--More|Castle church door will over- BERLIN (AP)--The East, In an East bloc symposium German Communists claim the'launching the celebrations at Protestant Reformation/|Wittenberg last Tuesday, than.a residence was the charge to which Richard R. McConkey INTOXICATION 23, of .212 Athol St. E 4 fine of $190 and costs or ed guilty. He was fined 0 days was levied against Mich- costs or five days By JOSEPH MacSWEEN . ; ania \ each conviction. The terms are|fairy and, the shivering crowds ables. The officers ambledithan $25,000 is being provided|shadow a simultaneous church | concurrent to each other. left Rene 6) Seer with around the various pavilions by the Institute for Northern celebration. HEAVY FINES pers fonaae as where theft was considered pos- Studies at the University of Sas-} On the one hand, the govern- Fine totallins $250 and costs The world, came 10. us and sible. katchewan to support publica-/ment has restricted the number or 40 te Cais tmccend on ste-\rory ae io Fe nenebes ie When the pavilions closed atjtions and research related tolof churchmen that may attend, | hen Evenden, 19% Bond St Leal bieaty aratrec a blue-!s.30 p.m., RCMP officers joined|anada's North. Two university|On the other, it plans pageant. e -- Me ty son (ved blonde Montrea vi wh! security men at the Expo Ex- graduate students are conduct-Hlike festival that will swirl tencing on onvictions for he veebeaa aes Mgared| Press Biations: Dense crowds ier aay A ae pee pte Ha gig os hig i ; ivi : ; J ; ostled for positio t another is studying radio com-|Luther lies in a tom : impaired driving and causing) across the Expo grounds dpatien for poniion ane. Here nunikations at Rankin' Talets| a pon i ' a disturbance charge. a 4 was some risk of accident if too 7') The World Council of Eveden was fined $200 and|p) ce pe agg bal ta many were allowed on the ele-* Churches, the Lutheran World | she said. This subdued) yat ae pe eae mamacntt : ed charge and $50 costs or 10/on the final day, and probe ly ac well te ' had its vunny| HALIFAX (CP) -- HMCS One nee of Reformed Churches ? istur- of RS WEL, AE. IS S80 MOMENI. ondaga, commissioned June 23,|have protested the last-minute days on the causing a distur di the task o v1 " } . = made easier ec bagge ge Line up here for Osaka," lis the ninth submarine to be op- refusal by the East Germans of bance charge. police and security men in get- velied one man in front of the| hy Canad "itt 'o.|Wittenberg: to issue visas for The mandatory three - month ting the 221,554 visitors off the czect tion. Ag erated by Canada. British Co ficia : é driving suspension is included \site without serious incident MeBCN: DAVE 18 na reference to jymbia bought two submarines|/Some offic ial representatives of Dewey Welsh of Nassau Street! erie Saietie at de Min MEN e next world's fair in Japan. at the beginning of the First the three bodies ; was remanded in custory unti of ie Hens Smaitite gpa PLAYS SANTA World War and two others, Reuters news agency said Nov. 3 without bail. Magistrate Acute cies \ man dressed as Santa Claus owned by pe Royal Navy, were| East Sages refused permis- Dodds asked that a medical ed around:the La Ronde|°Perated by RCN in' post-warision for In ernational church- fair Scores of kiddies|¥e2"S: The Ojibwa, commis-|men to preach at ceremonies report be submitted on Welsh's| J © fun fa : : a, | I | : sae Swe URE aaa otk "iE ati : common law wife, who has been 1g t as eS, romped around him. He carried egy te pt. 23 vg Babadpn oh the country. Instead, in critical condition in Toronto a big sack-on his back, with|{itst wholly owned Canadian delegates. were given visas res General Hospital with head |some parcels in it. It was a lit tricting them to the Halle dis: injuries. New IQ Test jtle like Christmas, too, when nD submarine of modern times. trict, including Witt g. CLOSE SUNDAYS poling Wenner and her husband did not regretiall academic regulations and going. programs, is recommending to} "I'm sure Dr. Tony can help|the board of governors that nel a| Wilber and he is the only one dents be seated on the univer- who has given us hope,"' she'sity and faculty councils. Tammy's Takin' on High Society! a THE SULLIVAN BROTHERS * vs. GLE TERRORS fe ullivans + EMpire NOW WEEKDAYS. CONT. FROM 7 P.M. 5 $ PLAYING! 39 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-5833 F If the recommendation is ap-| Several other members of the proved, four students, one from a jpilgrimage were disillusioned|each faculty, will join the coun-} and charged fraud against the!cil to voice student opinion and| faith-healer and the organizers'concern and with full voting of the flight. APPEARING THIS WEEK Brought back by populer demand after their six month tour. "TH E CASUALS" AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME of baa Western 1c IN OSHAWA FAG DIAAIIAIAAG IIIA |HELD-OVER - SECOND BIG WEEK ! yeup! Fallover laughingll r a\g 'y ¢ $244 Rect. he, ee vm ROBERT JANE CHARLES MILDRED Reprorp FonpA Bover-NaTWICK TODAY at... 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 | WANTED! MODELS 'ALL AGES a Ae TERETE CAROL GOSS -- WALTER THORNTON MODEL WE WILL TRAIN YOU Don't discount your possibilities without first gettnig @ frank end honest opinion of @ Walter Thornton analyst. There's no obligation. In foct we'd be delighted to give you @ few pointers on your own potential .. . even If you don't take the course. We've been doing It for more years than eny other school in Canada. We also offer courses in Personal improvement. 'ao Lo Remember, whatever your ambition may be, model, secretary, coreer girl or © very attractive homemoker ., . there is a Welter Thornton Course designed for you. CHILDREN'S CLASSES NOW FORMING AGES 4 TO 12 CALL 942-3661 Personal Interview Without Obligation Walter Thornton Model Agency 360 King St. West, Oshawa Local Representative: Mary Ann Azzopardi 7:35 - 9:40 666.666 KK OGG GGG 00 6 6 @ pavilions gave away flags and) \WONTREAL (CP - Se Est, - & MO? ZAL ) -- Montre- y ss gyre etaden ken. OTTAWA (CP)--A team of a tod parting visitors alers .may > find' their corner A. E, JOHNSON, 0.D. tenc without fanetion was the University .of Ottawa research: : ad Expo mean to the drugstores are closed Sundays nea e fact Pi David Joseph ers, out to find an intelligenc Dae Lele tne 4 The change will be brought OPTOMETRIST erm given Pca # Fenn test as fast as the blink of ar means culture," said Mrs. about by strict enforcement of 14) Ki Chinn, formerly of * Division' lid have had significant suc- Fournier, 40 College of Pharmacist regula- Ya King St. East ; reds n. eyelid, have had significar +e a f Re St., when he appeared for sen- ("acting 00 Ottawa elemen- "1, 0lv hope it does not die. - tions that only licensed pharma- 723-2721 viously convicted of me eee wr ie Barre altace Olen real. You know, in Until now tolerance has been = by Oshawa polic & ye Tos a ee eoah Opn it: California they thought unti! practised in the cases where sca gM Abong inir ee Bisaten: eur eas jg one = _ lost in ri iprescriptions are filled by expe- as taken severa 5 BY scent een eas . uxpe has been something \rienced clerks rehabilitation since his convic- child poten eaten t ey aM marvellous in my life," said L.| si exerted tion. eh saa were recorded an@ 4. Pomeroy of Cleveland, Ohio, z analysec who was here with his wife and PLEADS GUILTY The response made by the'qdaughter, Lindsay, 15. The IZZA Don W. Lansing of 35 child's. brain waves after each p 2roys, interviewed in a long R Buckingham Ave., a 15-year em-jlight flash were fed to the com- queue outside the Telephone pa- Phone 723-0241 ployee of Reynolds Extrusion!puter. The faster Waves vilion, praised in particular the or 728-0192 Company, Lid pleaded guilty changed the higher the child's absence of commercialism here to a charge of theft of copper intelligence proved to be s compared with other exhibi- EPI'S bars from the company. The' Results of the tests compared) tions evidence indicated Lansing had favorably with ordinary written e es -- _ Ss taken $147 worth of the cop- intelligence tests Tel | he | (a... per and sold itwat a scrap- The tec hnique, originated by yard Dr. J. P. Ertl of Ottawa in 1958 Lansing was arrested as a,can not yet be used by itself to result of an investigation by|Predict intelligence Det. Sergeant John MacDer- But Dr. Barry said in the tex! maid of the City police. He was |! @ speech released Friday, re- yemanded out of custody for two cent results herald the probabili- weeks for @ pre-sentence re-|--" ft might BS eee and all it's people. To be exact 80,000 port ie ace ue DAILY READERS, all of whom are your ee s eh ee potential customers when it comes to sell- FINED The Australian contribution to ing something that someone wants right now. SHOUT-IT-OUT with a TIMES ACTION AD, let everyone know what you have to sell or what your desires are! You'll find our rates very nominal . . . we'll even run your ads for you on Wednesday if this is what you wish.. Try us -- prove to yourself we power of the TIMES ACTION WANT The stakes involved in drink-\the United Nations Development ing and driving proved high for|program for 1968 will be $1,- Douglas A. Stokes, 24. of 301/451,00, an increase of $147,000 French St. When Stokes plead-jover that of 1967 COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents 24 WORDS... ONE. DAY Only. ED 1 A MARTIN MANULIS PRODUCTION pe RIER © ELAINE FAL | MAY NINAY we ADDIE MAYEHOFF Fine! by PNAVISION® Cor by EASTMAN COLOR [65] NOW PLAYING 4, '9 "THE MARKETPLACE OF THE PEOPLE" 723-3494 & Chi CLASSIFIED Feature Daily ot: 1:30 -- 3:30-5:35 7:35-9:45 P.M. EVERYBODY BENEFITS... EVERYBODY GIVES | MANY cameaions in ONE Walter Thornton Hes Branches In Many of Ontario's Leading Cities, : * co - OG = i--] wm oe pa a me = ac | = ~~ =] ri "a | =z = wm 2nd WEEK... RON MacLEOD Medern -- Country and Western nightly entertainient LICENSED UNDER THE ONTARIO LIQUOR ACT 3rd WEEK... Tommy DantonRevue Featuring ... 2 Beautiful Exotic Dancers 3 Shows Nightly -- Don't Miss Them PIII AA PEA HEHE AIA IA IISA IAAI AIA AISA IIASA ACSAADE FARM Ft Are Wi Oak Ridges Re ried off senior an ion honors for R. Dennis, Oak 26th east central ionship Holstein erborough. Her stablemat Royal Linda, ; cow, was named The big show 40 exhibitors fro: in central Onta to Lennox and Glenafton Far ton, showed the ion bull Texal F cross; reserve g and junior winn dale Reflection dale Farms Ltd. The junior bu Smith Brothers, captured secon went to J. M. Codrington. David Merrill tered the first p calf; the Centr Waterloo Cattle ciation, third pl Harold W. Bt say was anothe showing third Ff the two-year-old Junior cham) place senior | came from the Nelson, Campbe showed the third old wet heifer. Two-year-old ner was from Roy Ormiston, Fordholm Ac purebred Holst herd of Glen R manville recent fine record of p duction test. A in. 305 days ------