18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 26, 1967 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT . Tiil he EO a ar Oe A a eG ORD A aa WE ak A Om Re a Be RO EHD wD EN OE Ot BO J rt TORONTO 16:40 A.M. Quotations in cents unles: z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-divider rights, xw--Ex-warrants. N. MINES Acme Gas 500 17 (17 Advocate 100 225 225 Agnico 700 145 145 133 2000 «914 M In 220 365 Multi-M 50 118 New Ath 2100 16 New Cai 500 33 Newconx N Harri 3000 N Imperal 1800 320 N Que Ragl 500 500 Nick Rim 22 Norbaska 2500 62 62 Norbeau 7100 38 638 Norgold 600 8 Norlex 2000 18 18 Normetal 0 375 375 Norpax 7 7? Northcal N Coldstm 900 140 136 Northgat 0 820 815 N Rank > uh Opemska Orchan Osisko Pamour Param Patino 16 154 Pax int 1 Pce Expl Peer Pine Point $10% 103 yHBBVBOOOOVD g z 2 9 z - Can Cem 223 $37% Cen Comp 3 $21) 21 2 Can Malt 450 <i) = Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. from previous board-lot closing sale. Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 65 74 % 81% 8I%-- % 299 «299 $467% 46% 46% 2 N Mylama 1000 18% 18% 500 22% 224 22% BC Forest 135 $1914 914 19'4 Burtin Rid 425 $11 WA WA-- 4 CAE Ind 597 $12 1% 12 + %h oo % 1 7% -- 5 Can Bread 100 $10 1014 10% STOCKS s marked $. nd, xr--Ex- et change is 10:40 Net y= 25 145 22 ee de 20 1 34--% b- a | For University-Educated = sinmur yim TODAY'S STOCKS | Z VANCOUVER (CP)--A con-| 10:40 Net | 10:40 Net Oc xC ange tinuing demand by meriiess a + , A industry for university-educa' vide gr Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales HighLowa.m.ch'gef esi Ag rae ger Can Perm 105 $10% 10% 10%-- es! Kelly D A 100 $5% 5% S%-- th 200 of universities, says the dean o! jas are nec Dr. White told a Vancouver Demand Increases Yearly First Plan sity-educated people is that the, The other considers the uni- shares of Famous Players Ca- university should seek to pro-|versity a farm club for the ca-/nadian Corp. Ltd. because of duates in such Gulf Scraps TORONTO (CP)--Gulf and plan to acquire the outstanding bers|nadian manufacturers' associa-\tax difficulties with the United f| tion is most likely to endure for COST AFFECTED C Satway p 3 $89 89 89% pear H sie) 6616 + bd Ld f lifeti + Cdn Brew 900 $7'2 74 Ta--Ve| Lambton 1800 $5 5 § +20 ; i Iniversity ifetime.' € Brew Ap 110 $37%4 374 37% Lau Fin 1040 458 458 455 -- § rices ec ne {commerce at the University \* 3 + % British Columbia. essary whose educa- tion. iStates internal revenue depart- ment. ; Famous Players, with head- What many businessmen do Fi not fully appreciate, he said, i quarters in Toronto, now is Cc Chem w 200 350 350 350 | Levy 800 $30 29% 30 ; € Curtiss 100 185 185 185 Levy B pr 425 $25% 25% 25+ 4%) | a : y ees H. White said this in-|Board of Trade meeting that s$0- a gas owned 51 per cent by Gulf and Cen Sauty 0 a aes me te | ie invert ae ie | TORONTO (CR) Frices. onito ti, Supertest 1% to (28% nated growth of universities oc-|ciety has two views of a univer- Lad egg | _-- pie! policies | Western, a holding company. It CG 'invest. 50 $5i\a Séc Sda--% Lob CoB 200 $e ye ye the Toronto Stock Exchange de-jand International Utilities 7% {0| cur in spite of the business-|sity's responsibility to provide ahh ps ° tis ay iy 'ost, operates 308 theatres acrosa 5 Se OR eal tee a oe tes es a clined Wednesday in light trad- 38%. man's interest to see that only| trained people for business. --and consequently teir Cos. _|Canada, distributes motion. pic- babe 'lw ful iene © me te ae ae : | In base metals, Denison was| students likely to benefit from a| One is that a university edu-) In the long run "'a public uni-|tyres, and has an interest in'a o 40% Hs 604+ M4] Loeb M400 Slate ais iavav || The industrial index fell .41 toloff 1 to 82 but Patino gained %| university education are admit-\cation is an end in itself andjversity will be obliged to ac-inumber of Canadian television con tire A "125 $255 25 2506 Macieun 'i BH is aos 1160.44. Earlier in the day the'to 16 and Opemiska % to 13. ted because of costs. need bear little relevance to/commodate about the number stations as well as 21 commu- C Utilities 500. $40 394 392--1a| MB Ltd 316 $25% 25% 25% jindex dipped to dal low-' Im western oils, Scurry-Rain-| "The practical answer to the|what the individual intends to}which society, including busi-|nity antenna television systems. Ehemeet! 535 te Manoir In 100 90 290 290" bee mad ig ea aved the list POW, #dvanced 5% {0 40%. A'request of business for univer- do after graduation. ness, expects," he added. = ramous Players officials said Chem 175 p $0 $28 28 28 Maritime 23 $20 20% 20% a ee eee the vig stock exchange official said he -- eee eee ee oe, a Another question raised indi-| wednesday Gulf and Western is Coumbie, SS Sas paseaee © Se alone seme eet ale ett eioned® 0 22 [did not know a specific reason| rectly by business, he said, is] |" Ness) ki Columbi. p 225 1 | MEPC 300 295 295 295 = Psi nd eae and Waste for the climb. | BRIEFS ON that of continuing education. [expec ed to make a revised ae, oe Tul Mee ee ie se arn industies that its after Ad French Point gained 30 cents| ee : | "It is apparent that in the)ffer shortly. The aim would be Con Bath w 100 Mon Food 100 $997. 9% 97% buy all outstanding Famous|t® 7.35. Dome Petroleum fell 1%} By THE CANADIAN PRESS tors in New York declared a 2-\ world in which we live the body|to reorganize Famous Players' Con Big 18 oS ter ca Oe sk s|Players shares was postponed, {0 5644 and Central-Del Rio 4 to) ae [for-1_ common_ stock splitjof knowledge and professionall/non-theatre operations into _-- ow eee 620 $31 30% 31 +%| IMC dropped 1 to 33, Cana-|19%. FIRM PURCHASED Wednesday. The split is sched-jskills are likely to be subject to|company with a majority Ca cate 300 Sg) Morse A 210 $25 25. 25 Fee Baad aLsae ree I ids XK Addiso Greb Industries Ltd. Tuesday /uled for distribution Dec. 1 tolfairly rapid obsolescence." of na- 'orby * Mrphy Pr 200 $28% 28% 28%-- dian Vickers % to 8%, Moore; In golds, Kerr / Ison, in Kitch the pur-| A dian interest so it could grow in Cosmos | 22s Nat Hees 500 330 330 330 Corp. 1% to 30%, Alcan and/dropped* % to 16%. Leitch sanouneed in Batter tine yt" brad AE gy pha Mae In the past this was met by| 0 Canadian Pace pal! We ¢c r «225 | Neon 100 $8 8 8% = iWalker's 3 5 265 |picked up 25 cents to 8.90. chase of the sarge ty rectors sal e cash at N@\continuing education offered by indus- Dephig Bp 225 dey a BB hy Re oh, at M vee oe a we Om. annie Hae ; .4....| Leather Company Ltd. of Trois-|on the increased shares should], niversiti art-time wll ry. i \ Noranda 100 $524 52'2 5242-4 3314, Inco and Bell % each to, Among speculatives, Midrim |)". Ore erry b ' universities on a p im) ee ' ; Delta Elec 200 Nor Ctl-G 705 $1194 11% 173 ' 7 anes | Rivieres, Que. Purchase price|be 70 cents annually, subject to | he beginni f Canadian regulations no Distl Seag 500 Ai No chap a5 $8 23° 23 113 and 44% and CPR ¥% to 6014.!dropped 24 cents to 1.11 and ; hot announced. The Quebec] déclarati f eg dividend for people at the beginning of a) Canac ions iw re- Dome Pete 7122 oats hr on ee Corby yoting shares jumped 2/Merrill was up 25 cents to 2. was not anr o. : ' eclaration of such a dividend) puysiness or professional career. | Strict its ownership to 25 per AP ae UPL alg Eg asa ya a Pa 4 Hin dos baa cme Sih ied ow ase ic Is ad-|comPany: employing 102 per-'and continued favorable opera-| 'This job, however, should be\Cent of any Canadian television Dofasco 250 $21% 214 21% Pac Pete w 20 500 S00 500 +10 On index, western oils ad-/sons) has been manufacturing/tions. This would be equal to!handied by technical and voca.|station or antenna system nA teh ne 8} Pembina 275 318 1818 + Ma DIVIDENDS jvanced 2.02 to 202.08 and golds/ty<h Puppies for the last two|$1.40 a share compared with|;; lecheole whit Ae SOG he i D Glass pr 100 $12 12 (12 PC Jwl pr 215 $99 9 99 03:to 169.53. Base metals dipped| 2 Age congact to Grab oe liv : tional schools, while universities) Gulf and Western would then Pri v Sem 3 ita A 15 Bs Sie pol aie S00 '3 A ss 1s + s| 16 to 105.53. Volume was 3,- 'dag inal cane i a vere Present should concern themselves with/reorganize its Canadian opera- nh Te 1 a 11% e x * ' 93. s 3, " shares, ee pears ia lain ;. : Fi : SW Baker si 1750 $12. 1134 11% oo con 4 $10 10% 10% i By THE CANADIAN PRESS 127,000-slightly down from 3-| RAISES INTEREST RATE shares the continuing education of mid-|tions, including its interest in head uy ails Donor or us sie ie Rank Org 7650 $7 6% 74 %4| Canada and Dominion Sugar|i99 (999 'Tuesday. Declines out-/ Royal Trust .announced in AGREE TO MERGE dle and senior management, he) Famous Players, as a separate {eights ae in Dupont 25 $% 26 Reichhold 15 $314 21% 314+ 4 Company Ltd, common 35) numbered advances 283 to-173. Montreal Wednesday it is in- The International Telephone said. icorporation or corporations. evil hi Sd rt Electro itd 100 $12% 12 12\2 | Reitmen msn we oN jcents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 10.0 |§ ----------____$_$_$_ sing the interest rate paid! pa eee ee nD Fam Play 950 $36% 36¥2 36% + 4 R Nodwell 300 175 175 175 --58 | Riey Gah. < creasing H _ and Telegraph Corporation and} KENNEDY Fleet Mig 1200 170 70 170 +5 | Ronald Fd 290 $15 15% 15\4 | Corby, H., DistiNery +» VOt- . lon savings accumulation ac-ithe sheraton hotel chain have ee Fricheot" 1a Sisie is iste al poner bak 11 ie tee iam Lae A 8 cents plus 1.19 extra, $253,988 Bill counts to five per cent from 4%. | aoreed in principle to merge, it| CHICAGO (A cue 134 $90\4 90\4 9014 Royal Trst 100 $18% 18% 18% -- %|Dec. 1, record Nov. 10; non-vot- The new rate will become effec- wa, announced in New York | Finley announc Ch Raper SSI A IRR DN Male 8 Se ee © oe cents plus: 118: cents For Snowshoes tive Nov. 1. Interest on accounts) wednesday. | signing of Bob Greynnd "1000 Sizse 1z'9 Izia--- wl Scot York 125 $28 288 jextra, Dec. 1, record Nov. 10. | {will continue at four per cent . | Chicago Cubs' h Hard Carp 750 $18 18 18 | Shell inv p 150 $31%4 31 314+ vl General Dynamics Corpora-} OTTAWA (CP)--The defence/but all service charges will be ELECT DIRECTORS | pi contra of Finley's New 850 $13% 13% 134-- Shell 1 135 $13% 13% 13! | * 'i Herd, fp A op gus pe aa | Shell Can" 34s. s29% 29t4 29a (ton, common 25 cents U,S.|production department made|eliminated Two directors of Superior Oil} 19 +86 at 320 +5 184 -- Va +5 n 62 38 8 8 --% 375 1% 620 +5 34 4 WW%-- Ve 275 +1 Hi 8 75 $2512 25% 254+ | Sh S. 325 $13% 13% 1344+ % | yi y x, Horne Pit 1400'380 380350 4 5'| Simpsons. 255 $3404 304 34a funds, Dec. 11, record Nov. 10. baa of. n pis fag isons ney STOCK SPLIT Co, of Houston, Tex., have been H Bay Co D Simpson $ 2110 $23 23 23 Gearanty Trust Company, of 7 eonceday, Het is has ordered) ternational Silver Co direc-| Clected to the board of McIntyre He Sl Ger Slater Stl $40 $10. 10. 10. ,, Canada, Common 11% cents,/$203,988 worth of snowshoes. = |_" ove' --__--- | Porcupine Mines of Toronto, the Husky A pr Steel Can 602 $20% 2058 205 Jan. 15, record Dec, 31. | The contract was among 177) company in Toronto said Husky Dw Steinbe pr 210 s8él2 S62 S62 || International Business Ma-|worth $14,423,079 awarded by NET EARNINGS Wednesday. They are Murray s ioe Life Texaco. 360 $294 287 29.4 + % Chines Corporation, common|the department between Sept. 16 |Christian of Houston and W. M. tionei" 1100 sista 1286 Tame -- 6] (me Ol Thom NP 360 $38% 38% 38 -- 1411.10, Dec. 9, record Nov. 9. and 30. | By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Keck, Jr., of Los Angeles. | | Huds Bay 115 $592 592 59a | Ind Accept 220 $20" 19% 20 | Tfader'a'p 00 $21 21 2) ~--«|-«éPlacer Development Ltd., one| Other items: Paper doilies,| Brooke Bond Canada L4d., venks sine ed Ne Ped BEEN Re SE 'a Transair 150 ($67 6% 67 | |redeemable preference share of/$10,298; printed forms, $185,570; |year ended June 30: 1967, $623,- ae ease ae ae ah a ane 'we 130 81698 ise tee) par value of 1.00 each for each|dishwashing compound, $34,000; |006; 1966, $621,572. Virginia Dare Ltd. of Toronto Inland Ges 100 $10 102 10' | Un Carbld 410 $19% 19'4 19% + '4 five common shares held, equiv-|toboggans, $151,536; washing} Hudson Bay Mining and|Wednesday entered a voluntary "yaad ae i ek hae ee Ged aan ae alent to 20 cents, Dec. 8, record'and drying machines, $35,975; |Smelting Co, Ltd., nine months|bankruptcy assignment in the c | U Sections 500 $74 7% 7% Nov. 17. ltravelling bags, $18,948; three-jended Sept. 30; 1967, $11,023,393,/Ontario Supreme Court. Joseph " 3400 410 39. + a ARC RAR ERAS SBS ANCE AONE! SR WRCAEN He ; ; eff c me M vance art aioe 1b ies ring binders, $47,560; bath tow-|$3.91 a share; 1966, $14,076,421,/Sprackman of Toronto has been Int Util pr 393% 29% +1%! Venez Pw 100 66 66 66 +1 | Woodwd A 1500 816% 146% 164--w/ElS, $19,890; paper towels, $37,-|$5.10. appointed trustee of the 17-store at Sen ee lee an ee ee 8 1Oe, eee Om Covers, Bal6 3:| Loblaw Companies Ltd., year, women's clothing company and . . Imre "Wits | Walk GW 1610 $334 32% 324-- 14, Sales fo 11 ama 795.000 ball point pens, $87,948; bond,/ended June 3: 1967, $14,683,000; |will file notice of a meeting of with a deli htful Hie ley Gre A weldwod we ie 2 1s eeahinl RAniils jmimeograph and _ duplicating|1966, $15,249,000. creditors within five days. As- n estc's 3 i ae F ; agit : ~ ' . La Los 00 $13¥4 13% 13% A Ha Werttair min S W Decalt 200 330 330 330 99 |Paper, $190,598; twine, $10,078;| Loblaw Groceterias Co. Ltd.,| sects are estimated at $30,000, se- Leitch 1650 900 090 OS. + 5 | Jefferson W" Brdcast 135 $i8% 18% 18th + % Laredo. 200 120 120 10 420 lenvelopes, $16,755; arm chairs,|year-ended June 3: 1967, $16,-| cured creditors are owed $95,000 ropica avVvour Lorado 1 107 M0 +4] Jockey ce Westen n° 00. sift 1% ime i! Siiverteld 400 4 460 go)" ($24,180; revolving arm chairs,|054,000, $15.35 a share; 1966,/and known unsecured creditors, | eee 4 14 i a} Jockey 2p White Pas 350 $24- 23% 23% + Yel Siscoe 300 425 425 425 $65,140. $16,775,000, $16.08. $81,474. Madsen 135 135 oe carer ston Match 1500 2 8% 6% | Mattgm! 52 $12% 12% 127%-- 'e} Mc Adam 1900 «50 ao "o --1 McWat 45900 46 452 46 +1 Merrill 4900 205 190 200 21500 120 n2 'Perma-Prest' Dress Shirts 25090--The shirt with a built-in per- 88 manent smoothness. 65% polyester, 35% cotton. Drip or tumble dry. Never need ironing. Dual cuffs. White. 26091 --Blue 'perma-prest' shirt. 3 for 619 Silvertone 19" TV 14709--Powerful 21,000 volt chassis Save $61.12 for rich color. Set-and-forget volume 88 control. Exclusive color-guard keeps colors vivid. Walnut Woodgrain finish, 26x18%Xx19%". Regular 849 Sse kee 8 Ye 360 21 43-45 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 12 Transistor Portable Radio 29" 12910--All new design in Brown leather, Gold color grill and Silver color trim. Big 4" speaker. AC adapter jack built-in, Batteries and ear phone in- cluded. 24x6%x 3%". 3% Ib. Fruit Cake 20003--No mess, no crumbs--it's con- veniently sliced, Moist, rich; deliciously flavored. Loaded with cherries, raisins, peel--topped with melon and pecans. Highly glazed.