Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1967, p. 30

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3Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 25, 1967 Frosty Mornings, A Sure Sign of Fall: Time for Want Ads, The Best Deal of All! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. 8--Articles for Sole 12----Articles Wanted 18--Male Help Wonted e Rews---Believe It or Not / Free Pick-up donate your TO A Simpsons-Sears | gz A child's old or damaged tri- p oy SALOMON D cycle and ride-on toys, to be SUCCESSFUL (1637-1106) of Stamnbes, Swrtzerland, re-constructed and used by | FA AN HAS ON HIS "OMBSTONE the retarded. Call 725-7267. 4 | THIS EPITAPH + hol Service |5--Trailers HE WAS THE MINISTER OF GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc rv me "3 00D wanted, . Accountants (Building Trades" Trades is Rug - | Up pnolstery = | -- -- ' DEAN, MARDED THES, Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNelll's BY SALARY ecdadintaeelbi piacnaaies ~ i BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. ALL TYPES bullding repairs. Rooting. | RE- ses TERING TRAILER STORAGE =) Seneve Park, HAD 3 CHILDREN By \Furniture, 68:58, 6666526, Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim-/chimneys, _ eavestroughing, fireplaces 25-9332 down-town. 40 acre parkland for winter| EACH OF HIS FiesT NO. 20 8 Spe icons wert:| coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 722-7605 masonry. Gord | May, Whitby, 668-2774. @ Wide selection f Fabrics spore. Incioded. with, storage member: | 7Wo WIVES, 23 Boys $685 Ch cle lake A ace oT RESTRICTION YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- @ Workm f suaranted ship. Call 655-2821, a WN rr ARE, «5 Veet ee ous teres 'Accountants, Licenced Trustees i 'Carpentry a' x rai Moy oe house yraier, | To PEA ie ees Se for Rent Bankruptc 7% Simcoe Stree? Nort! Easy bude Terms----Free good condition. ay be seen ef Lot 16, xpansio 'cgram Sinowes 8727 Quality Carpentry | is Bars Sewer tater "ean wate 23 AND /3 BURIED my cing io seg ly MOPKING, SEADLE AND C9 GENERAL REPAIRS . 2 SRE MER see i a PSI? | Tein, Chai ners Dib | Kitna representatives ne fc 's cialist c n gg see Ea Oshawa p> ning" over peel ecaenon phone 728-9968 after 4 p.m 1 ONLY DRYER | ie a, oe gia whose living stondards, re- Besdio, CA; E. Luk grad a au or Mo ae 6--Marine Equipment Model No. 84070 » Wear Men's Formals, White quire E. Beadie, vow, or Many Years s 5 : : eae =| Honest on pendable Serv --____-- ee | i nee Yeor ' GORDON z. 5 He and Dependable * pocune Fox Furs, Mink Stoles $7,900----$9,000 a Ye gs Phone 725-8976 Soft H SARGEANT'S RENTALS | Men selected will ottend ping Centre 411 SALES and SERVICE @ So eat Men selected will attend our JOSEPH GUTMANN, ¢ vd _$23-34 3 ae i eS sy @ Top Mounted Lint Screen 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 national sales training school, ant, Licensed. Truste 'RECREATION ROOMS en Cup. Shs rena ot ae : @ End of Program Signal WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waik.| Will receive salary and ex- East, Telephone 723 oe, BSc Bile fae ge and ner, Peterborough and | @ Air Freshener Lomp | ers, reducing machines, sick room sup} .penses, followed by, actual Blue inting i bunds | @ Air Program for Fluffing plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. field training as applied by juepr io ee cdoade Pub | ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred| successful field trainers. acohne Dressmaking irae 728-6254 Oshawa Yachthover Regular Value 188.88 people: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| Ni shortages, no slack per- F SELL DRAFTING 4661, DRESSMAKINO sa pert fitted suits i i : quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,! ee 9 Paco i gee ne ostatic . coats, dresses. iy tellored | -8186 SALE PRICE parking. 723-7726, 2 iods. Our men always have -------- covers "STARCRAFT " GREW Traveller boa TV RENTALS -- Alcan Furniture and) places to go and, people to Building Trades DRESSMAKING, designin ta tnsiien "Onak 149 88 Appliances, 452 Simcoe S. Phone 723-0011) see Cail ars. N eve. Lupin Avenue wee x tay 655. Vides uel aks : ' Fé gal 1 E i Wanted Rapid advancement for men REPAIRS = a oe = +; o-PRIN oF D sso | 15--Employment Wante with management potential IONS CHESTERFIELDS reaipholsiered and Mae SN Hghakiaa srowmabies, INTHE FRENCH PRUDHOMME HOUSE in Natchitoches, La., | |MOVING, move insured, odd Jobs done,| who demonstrate their ability ALTERAT styled, Free estimates. See our mate LANGUAGE | PAS A SEPARATE OUTSIDE | [with or 'without truck. 'Rent truck with Sales organization with ove ADDITIONS Gardening 1 & "Supplies -- venta' old, BEBE, THE |. MIRANCE FOR EVERY ROOM | |driver, 728-2682 10,000 oa salesme 2 many ex | ONLY WASHER | feenai wor moe | H GUEST WAS GIVEN HIS Own WILL GIVE day care to two pre-school) Congda tha Dnitad to : : Bea BABY /S MALE } LATCHKEY AND COULD GO AND COME | wiTHout | ers or toddlers, in my home. Large States HOMES FFICE FACTORIES Soles and Service preeeger r BeaR Model No. 54075 oe } DISTURBING OTHERS IN THE HOUS e | fenced yard. Park Roed North aren cog : Rec ms and Kitchens ~ HP Johnson motor -- ARREST SESE DSR ASI Vis is NOt @ jok a Speciality j FALL BULBS VACUUM ee , repa oes In condition. Telephone 728- FEATURES j WILE | LOOK after sehilaren in 1 my ome THIS IS A CAREER ' | } ad < +9) ' ' ' James Allen and Sons | jack Cees pick OB ane Guar. Ee. uipaivenies | @ ~Goppertone f you have e proved sales - - oe ae 4956 FOR SALE 23 foot crusier with Mer- i i ASUS esa y ; 795.61 Early Tulips nae n excellent condition. $2. @ Suds-Saver 8--Articles for Sale {8--Articles for Sal RELIABLE WOMAN will care for one or record or strong sales poten- " 25-6126 Late Tulips DONEVAN - AND FLEISCHMANN, "a "Telephone 668-2466, before noon @ Two Speed ------- lone va iad fwo cilia In her own nome. Fiveesy/ tio! and desire to eam $500 q ; Com b Pavsabiceiis site aN ® Roto Swirl Agitator CLEARANCE TL ae RCA ieevision fair condition. week. Wilson Road South area. Tele. to $1,000 a month ¢ ore CRETE. otanical Tulig p reet 2 pe: 1 Agitator ye m elephone 728-0566. phone 728-3397. he " 'd ATLANTIC PAVING cy e ichere. Po i Fitios GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wrine. and Barter_ @ Self Cleaning Lint Filter a dpe and eee ngied |HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. All" in-ex|WILL BABY-SIT children in my home,| Wiling to work hard we want work guaranteed for three aig iui fr washers and ranges. Free estimates. BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17; tollets,, @ Water Temperature Con- ovely 2 pc, suites with hig cellent condition, One year old. 120 St.|Monday to Friday, during daytime, to talk to you Lily Tulips Alcan Furn, and Appliances basins, $10; pressure systems, sump) trol pare ptaae vines grain [Peter St., Whitby, 668-2383. hours. 723-1274, You must be between the Hyacinth : : Pumps, kitchen and vanity units, made to} @ Infinite Water Level Con- vinyl backs, walnut arbor- |CONN TENOR' saxophone. Telephone f ne Ga" Septic Service = i tem ae) "ve | ite tables." $69.95. "Many |sei me _ 17 --Female Help Wanted | cot of 24 ond 45, hove rocus fete tru t hinn, 723- r 728- ° 70. | i e sas : F c ss 7288 more all slashed in price. PIANO "BY NEWCOMBE with bench, o his so 0 PES gallant | Daffodils Hodge a lugs 7 : Regular Value 304.88 | Wilson's FURNITURE eg ga ~ [oper WHR feud Tea poes 4e ing fF reds ai r cellént tone, $250. Telephone 623- cau be true so you are to daeer eeratrae a Narcissus Stree 8--Articles for Sale 20 CHURCH ST. - ool iach -- - SALE PRICE bat EAVESTROUGHING, Whites S 9--Market Basket | Female Wante Phone 723-5271 pdb bles " urveyors NOW WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE ured s sg facta Iris ------------ furniture or anything you have. The|SPECIALIZED FREEZER orders, Carousel Motel lephone 725-9404, x H, FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor . City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe | custom cutting beef, pork, or moose, 2c. Serve Canada In The EAVESTROUGHING, Snowdrops Office 47 Prince St, Res., 103 Elgin S SIX SERVICE BAYS Street South. 723-1671 \Ib., cutting and wrapping together, 5c.| § ask for Mr. V. A. Bo hier Mastaman h sl deo ark UB DEOL TYPEWRITER, standard $20; portable |!2; .,0Pe" Sundays." Lansdowne IGA.) Canadian C.W.A.C. between 9 A.M. ond 7.P.M . . 7 electric typewriter $95., adding ma- She SERS si ii fea: . TV--Radio Repoirs == FOR FASTER SERVICE chine $20., adder $40. 723.4434, |ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de Militia Corps. Tuesday, Wednesday "TV SERVICE ne IGNMED BUYING OR 5 furniture or ap-\yvered or apply 14 Rockclitfe Stree and Thursday WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ] ONLY WASHER liances. cali Elmer, 263-2294, 269-2695, | Telephone _ 723-9439. ve , Limited. number of vacancies Se - COLOR F | sores _Elmer, 263-2294, _ 26: : Limited. nu Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down,|APPLES: Cortland, Mac's, Spy's and ist with the C.W.A.C. Mil- ates mouth, Pontiac. We correct Model No. 46070 sz. weekly, ndvers casnersr ney, GON! Delicious, Tsmile south" of Taunton) exis WAC. "fe pe BLACK and WHI TE wheelalignment, inspect and rentals, service trades Biil Hamilton, |°° Townline Roa pa Bahn og Oui ie te ne fgt Paci IC Finance ' FOR THE castor ond comber- FEATURES: jRaglan, 1-985-7160. WINTER POTATOES. Apply jilliam| Regiment Oshawa Velues toe - in ond toe - out to GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, S@ck;, Thornton Rd. S., first ta ; ha toe fili 4 Brittannio Melt sg eae oe @ Two Speed television, refrigerator, etc., $3 and|°f_Hydro_sub-station, west side 'f you have typing or filing 3 t Lt rittonnis Melt R- correct condit $7.95 @ Roto Swirl Agitator yp. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452\WINTER CABBAGE -- large heads,| experiences and are willing re | . Hops sf e ; @ Self Cleaning Lint Filter Simcoe South, 723-0011 Xe $2.00 doz. Savoy (curly) cabbage, $2.50 to under go @ few hours of : TELEVISION @ Parts extro if required @ Infinite Water Level Con- |FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 002, Frank's nr Babe Line, cane sa |..C.W.A.C, traning. each. week Coo er-Smith Co FOR CLEANER SHARPER ree jand up. New and used auto party. Re- as nihushinrhned wkd tok i f Mana ement ' p FOR CLEANER, SHARPER @ Torsion ber adjustment vee built starters and generators. 1175 Nelson|PUMPKINS, CABBAGE, Spanish onions,| 97 interesting part time veca- g 2 TV RECEPTION extra @ Water Temperature |St. 725-216 potatoes, squash, etc. Walter Huron} tion awaits you In Canada's | > 16 Celina St epg a Control YOUNG ma "overcoat, size 36, worn farm, half mile west of Oshawa on 401! new look Militia. Telephone | Trainees VV T ) BRAKE SPECIAL 9 twice. Also four, Super Sport 14" wheel north service road 723-2021 Daily between 9 | hevrol 3) vi si d oe | } 1 f eo Rete 3 a OWER Won BO hulG) cn hk Regular Value 294.95 jelses for Chevrolet car. 317 Windsor Av PH AD AN SnOlGe eh, Bran id _ beet a.m, and 4 p.m. or Thursday We are looking for intelligent af Quality Rovaline heels ALE BETTER QUALITY Borg coat, wern (0 Cutting and wrapping fr open' Evenings between 8 p.m. and aggressive, young men with TOP SOIL --MANURE 728-51 43 $ ] 4 88. ones, size 20, Swinger camera, ¢ Sane Sundays. Lansdowne IGA 58 10 p.m or without finance experi- : ilm, never used, set of four Kolinsky 2 poet, t i nc Nursery stock for Fall plant Corner Bond ond [ Plus $2.00 per wh | 'turs, reasonable. 723-7567 9A--Eggs & Poultry ences to train as branch J ursery stoc' p - us $2.00 per wheel Ararat chicica ood naples isles m Grade 12 - Ki Pic. 2 feat tel sats anagers, Grade neces é | ing. Call gar cout | CHESTERFIELD 'and matching chair $2.20" tor the first 23 words and' 6¢| tanoscains | 1.V, TOWERS i sue! lamps. act snags. Sots! §=FALL FREEZER | §, 0.'S | Te 0 for the fin 5 AN; \ful buffet lamps, A-1 shape Apply 283 iti | ear Ba ft Sat || HARDSAND ma WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL ALSO, ONE ONLY [finite eae Vee ae additio nar ft 3) E | Ty i ---- s t within 8 gl 725-17 "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Including weights per wheel, With Suds-Saver [WASHING "WACHINE, "> citbedes, rar | | required immediately e it al pald , \ CARDS OF THANKS For free estimates AT OU WN PLANT Cho sae ty sone i jfee tables, television, 100° water Hose iM alary commensurate with Se ie So ee ai KENTUCKY 67 rites ayaktro ee docks murture [Only 20.00 More |sts sie rii"reonone ri pie a 7 ve ee crt taeragrier wily ane gen MERION-KENTUC SOD We give you ¢ better tower | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree. sti increases. oh ns voir BLUE-GRASS for. fess money | FRONT.END WORK ct Guaranteed froubletree winter | it you! CHICKEN LEGS Jr. secretary -- | @ Pension Plan $a ter Ine , $2.00 for COMPARABLE PRICES ma ang! Individuolly Pack RN eisai @ Group life disability and \ ther ror ane |. VV. aay ae ------ ndividuolly Packed cokkeepers -- x Lb * All-Green Nursery; OSHAWA T. UNIROVAL © |4 peepimebayon Caen ieee ia ae 49c per Ib Gshawe and Ajax nor wane : s ; ae Seb é ' ) SALES es d J RA jHome 'Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. Li iere ee | Car necessory, mile e $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, So Growers | SUPPLY sites CENTRES Model No. 66880 | TYPEWRITERS, sadly machines, cash 50 Ib. lots delivered free on | Brooklin imbursed ue sie tor: Jelcom + NITON rhs |registers, new, us sales, service, a! Te | 3 725 Pots Sa ors Welcome. AUNTON he New Home of jmakes, Call your Royal dealer, 728-3664 Wednesdays and Fridays | For appointment eal! | ust East of FEATURES: USED TIRES, most ali sizes. B. F, Good } 725 657] DOMINION TIRE STOR > Street 72: | ' mn MANURE, | 723-8131 DON ISIN NE elie © Bottom Mount' Freaze pemaenon ee CHALET | 668-8181 d D, r Pee Spac Ags Sh. r » Me ary ~ apartment | Tel EVISION RA V7 Pe okies rece Master anelving size, 0 stov $125. Lloyd FARMS LTD. | REGISTERED NURSE for nursing home GEO. THOMSON i = fe : . ) ne & sae a yigbaalad ge, $25 All excellent cong Ip 20 hours weekly. Telephone 725-2330. nstruction -- . 3e Phor 25-65 @ 'ce Cube Maker Originally san ne abba --------___ a aor m CARGE LOCAL PRINTER requires ex- ReoiTeR now HOLMES tee cow ow Paar ae oma wr tert RE RE! eA) per are $ i me a Pp A is my \ : ation department. Art abliity a ELECTRONIC - RECAPPED @ Twin Door Mode! vision, 728-5143, UNION ROAD but not essent a wage te ably, Good c BUY, SELL, TRADE. Used furniture PORT PERRY company benefits. Apply Imcot Money to Loan ga TAI < o SNOW TIRES Regular Value 749.95 [appliances and sporting ° go Ray ay as lcci JIRcee as ones SALESMAN ested Aiatalaascrtochci TV RENTALS " {Whittaker Sales and Service, 723-9241 655-4422 |GIRL NEEDED as mother's helper for) MONEY A PR TOWER' SALE PRICE j19 Prince Street, e light housekeeping and some baby-| Wanted for Oshawa office. PONE SEB REIS oS $15 : a: SKATES, Vigeeies used, "hockey equip no charge sitting. Telephone 728-4164, Inquiries treated eonfident- PHONE 6 : INLY ' cece Contre, aOt Bond eee ers |EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY --|EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL rurse er 1 T V. R tal w9m 4 588 88 Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E. 725-6344. |White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, equivelent for night duty. Reference: lally. Call W. Baldwin, mo- } entals for a 775 x 14 inch tire with PIANO -- Upright, Mason and Risch, Picked up, delivered at store or home, |Apply In writing to Box 61302, Osnewe | nager. @ Plymouth, d or General apartment size, 45" high, 10 years old. ---- pechainadh aaridebatits | 6-1) /Ay eee ALCAN Motors whee ' Tiane Nepuiaing Xe: -ralephony 10--Farmer's Column RELIABLE LADY tors are, ; tor tour W F ~ SE, ee ~\children (three schoo! ust come | RANK FURNITURE ond / a TAL BEDS trom $39.95, mat,DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm speklin to home. Telephone aaa after 5} ° ig | Q DOM S 6 ONLY tresses half price, all sizes, headboards picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, | i APPLIAI ICES. AUTO PARTS one-third off. Factory outiel, 723-3880, Tyrone, Telephone collect Hampton 263-| [PENSIONER WILL give good ome to | RLTR : 452 SIMCOE ' L < MATTRESSES |GREY PERSIAN lamb coat (smaliy,|2!- Licence _101-C-6 lelderly lady for light housekeeping. 725- REAL ESTATE LTD 723-001 " 723-1121 Power mower, chesterfield suite, rifle, CATTLE OR HORSES BOARDED for! 244s, 506 Simeoe St., Oshawa : ° ' "I Ne * = ; Pe eos Model No. 76338 jother_articies. Newcastle, 987-4630. be 72379 or rane gna care. Tele-| SANQUET WAITRESSES required, tui 7 ; - formerly Motor City Auto Parts BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture |P 10" risili ---- (or part-time. Apply in person to Mr 28-7585 ¥ te " RE URES and appliances. One location onl Pretty il, Genosha Hotel BRET nee Ne caare - : Fast T.V. Service ten ese Furniture, 444 Simcoe South' 723327 11--Pets and Livestock Eee RaeS Tota Or f FON : ' doy es a bd O Permium Steel Coils FELEVision SETS: 17" Emerson, new HORSES BOARDED with experienced|awa Section -- Experienced person i F . ~ ee doaeawe EUR DOMIN ION A : Uy M | N U i @ 100% Rayn Damask picture tube, $29.7 21' RCA, new pic-'care, large box stalis, excellent -riding/to train you In sales or management, orming DEORE rom cantee ii AP Mortgages Cover ture tube, $49.; 24" CBS, $59.7 23" RCA, faclities. Telephone Blackstock 086-436 No immediate investment requiered TISEMENTS SUMEITTED OTHERWISE --------------_--_-- TELEVISION e SIDI @ 24 Heavy Gauge Steel ae to. choose trom. S738. AT LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, toy) ,clephone Beauty Counselor Informa Carpenters : THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE 2 udadaing eats ; 2 "__|poodies and Lhasa Apso puppies avail-| On, 725 THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- NV 5E-L NS @ AWNIN ig ede t DOGHOUSE -- Sturdy, well-built Sult- able Pda ng and stud service. Town-| SALESLADY wouree rag Wanted VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE Aik me Ge oupports able for any size dog. Telephone 942- line Rd. N. shawa. 723-6216. not necessary. rite Box. 7 PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- @ WINDOW 2 5 2086. GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd. pups. Pro-|8&_ Times. SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS @ DOORS Compare Value 159.95 |DINETTE buffet, walnut with @ Forml- fessional training, boarding. Stud serv-\EXPERIENCED hairdresser. Apply in R 5 T exer LES \ca top, 512 feet long, like new, cost $140,\Ices. Pinto. Show mare. Texag saddle. person to the Vogue Beauty Salon, 10) ate ica i ss LES SALE PRICE jsacrifice $50. Telephone 723-7791 Shirts. Cozy-J_ Ranch. Sime reet °. $3.60 per hour NOW ify 'STUDENT 7 7 PUPPIES and ¢ , toys and YOUNG AGGRE: mother will a ' ps tibesedir: E ¥ E N | S S 89 8? Soneieal Pie gal hc pre larger breeds. $25. up. belveret Tele- look after children In her own home.) $3.73 per hour NOV. 1 . 7 e held re sible : C SALES LTD jfeed, sales service. $30 up. McLinton's/Phone 1-985-2645. eee ____|For further information telephone 376 | that which the io wees Hoe ; 725-4632 |Office Equipment. 728-2664. HORSES BOARDED, Oshawa eres, 14 1458. further information eall The publishers ROSE prince 3 6 |VACUUM REPAIRS, aii makes, hoses,|Dox stalls available, excellent care an z : by : ro Member Ont ches. bo ee More Dates -- |brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery. 9420213,|feed, Two. corrals plus nature fralls. for '18--Male_ 'Help Wanted 725-7583 e As 795 ya : Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, exerci 1239 or 723-6279, | is rf Bee TE sate And "eveh ina and FREE ESTIMATES | RT ____ QUALIT onytime IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD oil or electric forced air heat- ALASA APSO (terrior), three years, Free pick-up and delivery. 728-228 istered, female. Has all needies. Good' To provide residential super- ' ] eg fine ashe SUPERVISORS ] rn sHaatio your C } [GLA REPAIRS +. aluminum and available, all breeds, Te lephone 9609, A Lot More Fun io obligation on your gas | DOOR wood windows and eam screens. ee ing system, power humidifi- {DRUM OUTFIT lete outfit con-|with children. $150, best offer. 725-4321, i i€ ri J complete outfit cor fe) lal ince - aia a ot ed ers, electronic air cleaners, CRASHER | tains Bass drum, (new 'chrome rim after 6 p.m. 723-2797 Nia, a he pela yi scapes yas and electric appliance: style), 20" size, floor tom, side tom, BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, needy pore y : del pede 9079. Kil high hat pedal and cymbals, cymbal 4. training, talking strain. Apply Qualifications: -- 976-3915 or 723-90 L- | and holder for bass drum, foot pedal, Broad' tiq Elcin intcaritiaoed choracter self INGBECK Heating and Ap- | snare drum, new design snare stand, wish Hd sareeceipeteass grity, GOO - Y \ 2 tuning keys, pr. sticks and 1 pr. AQUARIUMS repaired, custom built.) * control; ability to instruct and pliances. eo 35 BOXES ONLY brushes. $25.00 down, balance at $9.00 original new and some old style for sale! <\inervise adolescents, prev- ns | per month to approved credit. For more 2647. i i a s outh work DRAPERY GT Setter aS wll TH cage rr omer ome| aoe ut A ard i MUSIC: SIM hua, Pekingese. Champion sired, regis- F C ELECTRO! mM if: KELVINATOR deep freeze, 17 cubic|tered (papers included). Guaranteed| shifts. Applicants must pass | ROL A rge variety to choose from 1 12 Cakes Per Box | |foot, $125.; Singer Zig-Zag __ automatic | healthy Glengate Kennels. 728-5723, | = an educational background Painting ond Decorating 723-464] DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED} 4 Attractive Colors j | orfablg.. sein machine, $125. Tele- poopLE CLIPPING and shampooing: test to provide proof of at stalisbit WShalsuclch nd CUSTOM MADE Scented al "aller ene NPY iedst Grade = 10. standing PAIN SING AND PAPER i F G perfiuous hair M & c ie i | |MOFFAT RANGE, almost new; ches-|668-6977 j ual 12 ferred) exterior. Free d e in | Regular Value 2.39 | Herre ene chair. in very, good condi:|BOMERANIAN PUPPIES, registered, sole adeddahing Nov, 1st DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES A = ste hs ec cream color, male or female, six weeks enetits: uy need 4 es - 723-7827 Sale Price ONE-PAIR snow tires on rims, used one old, also black miniature poodle pups.| Starting Salary $2.32 per 'nt 7 u " season, Telephone 947-2886. |registered. Telephone 726-9122. _ 1 ee Gai ane inciences. tO ment = - -- A iNet esis sac ha Se SACRIFICE! "300 Savage DeLuxe rifle|PUREBRED TOY, white poodies, ; s | } ; HANDBAG ] 00 jwith 2.5 Weaver Scope, tip-off mount.iseven weeks old, registered. One male, $2.82 acd hour with exper AS wit d Full O Plumbing Discount RE ROOMS with payin © guest. REPAIRS J [Like new, $130. 985-7149, Port } Perry. Jone. female, Telephone 728-1948. | jence and training. Full On- 149. Brock St: North bale veo "phi no wlor an ad-writer to : FRIGIDAIRE 40-inch range, in 900d | PUG, PUREBRED, registered, maie| tario Civil Service benefits : CK of. Nor ues ie New handles, frames, zip | |condition. Telephone 728-6785 after |puppy. eight ee sine ra ~ i such as vacation, sick leave, A/ / 2 r t sonab! tes + p.m. {black mar! ings xcellent pet wil ow | H i WHITBY -- 668-6601 3--Sportsman' s | Column ee ee Cee ae GAS STOVE, gas drver, automatic wash- Possibilities. Telephone 723-0325. | . pee pani tinal Direct mit jew and used 395 CONANT STREET crib, mattress, playpen, Borg coat, DEER HOUND FOR SALE. Ready to, Pid [le 40 fy isis plies, © Evervshii ded. Ammuni - fed, size 10. Telephone 576-3374 run. Telephone 723-9533 ance plans. 40 hour week wit psliniiiiun fa . fon. d Vailey Creek, . 723-9077 - TOURIST CABINS -- four 17 x 14,|SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies, registered. Opportunities for promotion in ae = ng St n. : FOR SALE -- USED wo, 12" x 26", $250.|The perfect pet. Gnome Kennels, Scu-) challenging and progressive seine: 5 eae it feply rat King ; gog Road, RR 1, Bowmanville service. 2 5 5 4--Motorbikes TV SETS SEARS CHESTERFIELD and matching chair, REGISTERED thoroughbred mare, four Apply in person Monday to 4 4 A only six months old, color gold, newiyears old. Telephone 723-5873 after 5:30 ry SATURDAY 9 em tS pm. ew aecnegg A-1 condition $240., asking $165. Telephone 723-0370. | p.m Friday, 9:00 a.m. to ia AY =| a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to CLOSED WED TRIO TELEVISION 43 imcoe St. N. raf Ril 1, a Le p.m. or write for application HONDA, 160 c.c., | GET CASH FAST... jae in 'exestions Stove and Quebec heater, rangette. T TRUCK DRIVER Experience in handling lum- ber an. asset. Must be able to operate dump and plat- | form trucks, good knowledge | of Oshawa and District, 1 Steady employment. Reply in confidence giving complete resume to Box 81713, Osh- owa Times HORSE RANCH Couple with car, no children, (we don't have facilities for more than two), General farm duties, Fencing, care for hor- ses and cattle. Salary, room and board. Experience prefer- red. Call Port Perry 985- 2200, or Toronto. 293- -329) CLASS A MECHANIC Large company, Scarborough, East Toronto, salary $600. Telephone Toronto 425- 3320 [REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE -- - |Due to expanding business and increas jing inquiries we require two additional jsalesmen immediately. Excellent earn size 10, Excellent condition. Telephone PER MONTH form to 728-5143 [sie Ht $ The cost of this) | THE SUPERINTENDENT, 35 Division St AL | refrigerator "and base, , Q 4 ad daily for one PINE RIDGE SCHOOL, : SELL WITH TIMES sat STORE HOURS phos 72595 year. Too small, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Auctions ACTION CLASSIFIED city. WIDE COVERAGE at low cost. 's WAN T-ADS DON'T Monday through Soturday |RRAPRS. green: ving | track "com Hi Mees! tell for you sand tie cena el " Sidi i ADS fae Prone} COST---THEY PAY | 9 A.M. until 5:30 P.M. |Binttics Ce Tehne Tasik You're reading it! today. hi ' ) ' Ing arr with' incentive bonus, Sales experience preferred, but not Jessential. For confidential interview call Wilkinson, Realtor, 576-1411. 18--Male WW GeRvice Mm for eutside cals, ery to $150 we FRUCK DRIVER lance sare, ex @rences, top was view, coh 7-8 "ail 72-25 19--Male « Help \ REAL S ASSC Large, progr company ha sales personr experience interested in men with a earnings an make a care We offer training, tox cial compan confidential write, giving employment, age to: 2 Bowes « Li 97A Ki fee) HOW MORE | MEN ar 1 need a f person to he mand for ar vice for mot dginified, go No experien @ car is. For phone 576-3 $100 WEEKLY =f ladies, men, Ful Bowmanville, Osh 20--Real E: SCHOFI| Realto Serving Oshe For Ove 723 $2,000 Brick two st home in cent Ideal for fa does not |i Cerries for $ $1. Briek three | low close to C Centre and C Great area te Just listed, se SUBURBAN on large lot | double gara miles from Ci low is only 1 quire about $ this one. "LOTS ( PRESTIGE We have bea able from $7, located in th of the city wh eoming very | SOUT 4 BEL Brick and st with two car large family | place: Comple yord for the patio, etc. B loom covers | ing room. Onl $5,500. down of $150. per 10 Small stream rear port of lot which is m bush to save work, Owner ed price and » down payment be ready to spring. ONLY Bp PINEWOOL 634% NH, with low dow $1,600. if y Bedroom Bri with attached leave it anoth us a coll right For full pai 7 Willard Johnst trwin Cruiksha Irene Brown Marg Hall! Ed Drumm Harry Toros George Twaite Mike Belmonte Mel Dole Maible Boudrec Reg Aker Bill McFeeters OPEN DAIL Member of ti WE LIST & MORTGAGES 360 King St. | HANDY Solid brick, 8 4 bedroom detac! eil heat, large handyman . Pr $16,500, mak today! Owner 728-1 H. MI Real Estate L

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