2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 25, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE ROCKEFELLER NOT CANDIDATE Hospital Insurance Costs Increasing Too Rapidly TORONTO (CP)--Ontario's hospital insurance plan will cost $1,000,000,000 by 1971 and present costs are increasing too rapidly, Health Minister Mat- thew Dymond said Tuesday. Dr. Dymond told the annual meeting of the Ontario Hospital Association that between 1959, when the plan was set up, and 1966, the cost rose 145 per cent to $400,590,000 from $163,000,"00, Some of the costs were in- curred because hospitals were catching up in areas like sala- ries and fringe benefits for em- ployees, he said. While the insured population increased 22 per cent between 1959 and 1967, and the number of patients by 20 per cent, Dr Dymond said, the days of pa- tient care in hospitals rose 35 per cent, laboratory tests almost tripled and diagnostic radiologi- ca] examinations doubled. Sneak Attacks SEOUL (AP)--U.S. forces) guarding an 1814-mile section of} Korea's demilitarized zone are building a chain-link fence across the front to reduce North Korean sneak attacks that have/anese government aviation ex- ices to killed at least 20 Americans and|Perts holds a general session Peace. wounded 60 others in the last 12|/today to continue its study of |the cause of the March 4, 1966, South Korean army authori-\Crash involving a Canadian Pa ties said construction of a simi-|Cific Airlines DC-8 jetliner months. | DR, MATTHEW DYMOND By JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON: (AP) -- The five Republicans most.talked of as their party's presidential candidate in 1968 do not agree on how to handle the war in Vietnam but, with one excep- ® tion, they have teamed up | Canadians Honored against President Johnson. LONDON (CP)--A_ London- The one exception is New |based literary review specializ- York's Governor Nelson A. ing in English and French liter- Rockefeller who says he does not want to be a candidate. The other four sound alike in questioning the Johnson admin- istration's truthfulness in telling the American people about the war. They are former vice-pres- ident Richard M. Nixon, gover- nors George Romney of Michi- gan and Ronald Reagan of Cali- fornia, and Senator Charles H. Percy of Illinois. Romney said he was brain- washed in Vietnam by U.S. dip- ature gives star status to Cana- \dian writers in a special issue |published today. The bilingual magazine, + Adam, bills its new number as ja birthday present to Canada in the country's Centennial Year. Editor Miron Grindea, whose |periodical now is in its 32nd year, bestows front-cover prom- linence on communications theo * |rist Marshall McLuhan and} tl French Canadian artist Claude| , |Tousignant. lomats and military men when he visited Vietnam in Novem- ber, 1965. REJECT BRAINWASH Nine of the governors who went to Vietnam with Romney disputed his Vietnam ney's twice, brainwashing charge. And Nixon, who went to nine times he got on his visits there. feller ity' of Johnson, But he was guarded. He said Romney's use "brainwashing" 'was an attempt to dramatize his views that the was a It was on dministration Romney's washing complaint that Rocke- came closest the chorus against the' "credibil- to joining giving one-sided picture of the war. But Rockefeller, unlike the to Rom- said he had no complaints about the briefings brain- ROMNEY CHARGES DISPUTED IN PRIVATE HANDS Excluding rebroadcasting fa- about Johnson's GOP Discord Observed On Vietnam others, hasn't made any com- plaints han- dling of the war. He said judg- ments on U.S. bombing in Viet- nam should be made only by those with special information, Johnson has, LBJ DOING BEST And he has said of Johnson's handling of the war: which is "T intelligence what think he's doing the best he can." military action in Reagan and Nixon are all for stepping up the pace of U.S, Vietnam, Reagan has called on the gov- ernment to throw its full mili- tary punch into the war to win of posed a essary. Nixon says the war must be | WEATHER FORECAST Hove For Peace New Manual "Restricted" the Church of England are plan-| ning changes in traditional Re- membrance Day _ services to} place more emphasis on the hope for peace. OTTAWA «.. Stresses Cost - of Westminster, proposes that|# new publication on its secret . representatives of former [ist Japanese Inquiry enemy nations should attend : TOKYO (CP)~A team of Jap-j€ach other's remembrance sery- 2nd Ceremonial stress the wish for Distribution is jheadquarters spokesman because the manual is ' Dr. McInemey Dies = ™en'2! " : Common drill for the FREDERICTON (CP)--Dr. J.|services will be tried F. McInerney, who was re-elect-;Training Command's "restricted," a says today. "experl- companied TORONTO by showers Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday cette' Cloudiness On Thursd Very Rev. Eric Abbott, dean | Forces Roh SiR tyseaye ou ness n urs ay (CP)--Officiallers be ginning this evening It's the new Manual of Drill forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m./Thursday cloudy with a few scattered showers. Very warm Synopsis: A storm has moved|turning colder late tonight. into the Great Lakes area ac-|Winds increasing and|with gusts to 30 today becoming strong winds. The storm is mov-| westerly 15 Thursday. unified ing northward towards James out atipay and much cooler air now recruit sweeping across the Great to lar barrier is expected to be} The team has been investigat-\ed in Fredericton riding as SS eanthae at St. Jean, Que., andi; atec ides ani WiNdSOF \.+0ccsscs 35 completed before next spring injing the crash which claimed the Progressive Conservative candi-' Cornwallis, N.S. Bervite the se- Lente iodine veapiene tacit: Thomas 35 be oat nf a aaa border tives of 64 of 72 persons aboard: "ate in Monday's New Bruns-'crecy involved, reliable experts!Thursday are for snowflurries| London 35 waeeiomhathd jincluding the plane crew. The ee Peper fe a b> ana in drill give this: rundown in the north country and partly| Kitchener 35 Employee Missing |jetliner crashed while making a), | he oe Slice haat tt _ | Gat goes the foot stamping) cloudy skies in the south with Mount For 35 landing at Tokyo International iospital spokesman said Dr. which has long shaken parade|mych cooler temperatures|Wingham ......... 35 ELLENVILLE, N.Y. (AP)--|Airport which was closed in by McInerney, former health min- grounds--and sometimes caused) throyghout the province. 'Hamilton soos 35 Fire today destroyed the inte- fog * ister, died of a heart attack. foot and leg ailments. In comes Walenta Hamil iondoe {St. Catharines .... 40 rior of the Wayside Inn, a four- ip . what the manual calls "relaxed Wind: 1 ke St Cl i ke| Loronto ieiok 40 storey wooden hotel: Fire Chief| Saignon Planes Hit _ bending of the knee." eri wu ny eae . Ni = Peterborough 40 George Garrison said a male SAIGON (AP)--A U.S. Air|, A" old army drill movement | 7h: Ontana Haliburton, euth.|Ringston ets 40 employee of the hotel was miss- Force twin-engine transport the right dress--making| Ge or gian Bay regions: ese " 40 Ing. crashed into a jet fighter while Bae oe reas rok straight--wil Cloudy, windy and tu rni n g| Killaloe oa Garrison. said firemen landing in a driving rain today|0¢,_ 2¢0pted._Servicemen will much coolek. With "pecasionall eee" 35 thecked the man's top-floor and spread flames along almost!'2k¢ & 15-inch pace forward dur-| sv owers today. Thursday varia-|NOrth Bay . a room before the flames reached a mile of Tan Son Nhut Air-|0® the right dress, shuffling] ie Sanathinies and con! Winds Sudbury 32 ft and he was not there. Neither |port's main rina. - linto line after the pace and Not} southerly te in 40. becoming Earlton ... Pre | tould he be found among those! There was no indication of before it. And no stamping osterly 20 and 30 today ©) Sault Ste. Marie .. 30 who escaped. Ferg casualties in initial reports when taking the pace. | Sudbury, North Bay, northern), 4>uskasing nadia Me : peace oe REGULATE DRILLS Georgian Bay, Timagami, Coch- eeree Second Anniversary JAKARTA (Reuters)--The powerful.Indonesian Student Ac-| tion Front, Kami, formed to top-| ple deposed president Sukarno, | celebrated its second anniver-| sary today and voiced some signs of mounting dissatisfac- tion with the new regime. ee | About 1,000 uniformed youths |; massed at Jakarta University to) | hear their leaders accuse some ! government and parliament representatives of paying only) lip service to-Acting President Gen. Suharto's regime. | Area Barred PENTYWOOD, Mont. (AP) -- Three birds postponed the hunt- administration jcontinue to | All drill formations -- squads,|rane, the lead formation. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Police | rn, it. * J f Tuesday told of how a seven- ce ee oe year-old boy was dragged screaming and kicking trom the| tice: cosmetics counter of a depart- I ment store where he had gone \to sniff nail polish remover. | Store detectives stealing a 43-cent bottle of re-| quarter of new drill orders. ROBERT McNAMARA «+. Declines Bid Decline Offer later, will cover drill guards, massed pa- spokes men,2sainst his face. | ; counter protests} It was the second time the rifle-firings). : western to southerly 20 Gone is the company ser-/ northwest 20 to 30 today. ing season at the Medicine Lake| over 1J.§ policy in Vietnam but\raggedly clad boy had been| Final version of the entire Worry of Wildlife Refuge for about 10) days. | When the trio of rare whoop-| ing cranes dropped into the re- fuge last week to feed and rest! on their southward migration,|and Defence Secretary Robert two of them have rejected new|caught invitations to discuss the issue! said police. publicly in Congress fish and game officialsis, promptly barred the area tojtjrneq down hunters. Plan Attacked PARIS (Reuters)--The press| and several! parliamentary groups have attacked a govern- ment plan to introduce advertis-|threat of a second steel haulers|his' ability to concentrate and =" ing on the state radio and tele-(strike loomed today with driv- was withdrawn from his class. Ve'S?" jers The advertising revenue s firms would cover the budget deficit|them. vision services. of the state-run radio and TV services and help pay for ex- bitter strike that tied up high- pansion of the service, govern-|way ment spokesmen say other drivers are out of jobs Mass Murderer Dies -- He said a dozen trucking) OLD TREE UNCOVERED Tally-Ho Room LOCK HAVEN, Pa. (AP) --/firms in four states--indiana,| OLD BRINSLEY, England Accused mass murderer Leo a, Ohio and Pennsylva-'(CP)--A fossilised tree found in Hotel Lancaster Held died today in hospital of |"!@-- bullet wounds suffered in a biaz-|°" ing gun battle with police Mon-|TePr' day jered by the Senate foreign rela-jput the polish remover on his ------ jtions committee. stealing in the | A store official said the after the test period. | State Secretary Dean Rusk|Child's mind was confused and) "One matter still to be re- his eyes were bloodshot from) solved is the method of turning repeated sniffing of nail polish|about,"' says a document cover- formally remover. ing publication of Part I of the invitations tend-| The boy told store officials he! manual McNamara _ both | Pillow at night to help him get WENT TO PARTY James Bay re- Bo Steals |platoons, companies and so on gions: Cloudy and turning much| y |--will be standardized. cooler today with shower S| Position of the parade war- Changing 3) . . |rant officer, which used to vary, | evening. Cloudy and cool with . | al 0 1S. now is fixed at the right flank of snowflurries Thursday. Winds | to 30 becoming snowflurries by Thursday. Winds to 30 'becoming jto sleep. reas ' . The boy's achpol ise l TOKYO (AP) -- Communist New Strike Fear 0 he recently noticed the he. North Vietnam and South Viet- PITTSBURGH (AP) -- The|was showing a marked effect in "@™'s Viet Cong sent delega- ns to Red China's 18th anni celebrations, the Pe king news agency reported accusing some of refusing to trucking| room rehire, Police said the boy was re- leased in the custody of his par- ve violated the agreement promising no,perts to. be more or loss of seniority. 000,000 years old strike. Nottinghamshire is said by ex- than 290,- 27 KING ST. WEST CARIBBEAN TWO WEEK HOLIDAY Four Seasons Travel 57 King St. E. 576-3131 ie = = OOKING F E Y William Kusley, leader of thejents who said they would seek eee oy ey ae See Se vchilatric 7 COMMFORTABLE QUIET charter flight, as ef Jan. 6th 8} servi use bod ). steel shipments for nine| A social worker was ap RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? nena 8 .|weeks, says he and about 50 pointed to work on the case THEN GO TO THE in Neee Seet ee ee SAVINGS FROM $70 UP TO $123 PER PERSON, @ now et A hospital administrator said |i Held's death resulted from a blood clot to his heart Held. a 40-year-old school charged with murdering six per- sons and wounding six others /jf| during a shooting spree | Silica ceo ecemummmaua |, 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certiticates NOW EARN board member, was |i 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH "Yo per ennum AND ARB Gueranteed--os to principal end interest. Flexible--may be used as Col icteral for loans. Redeemable--by Executora in the event of decth. Authorized--os Trustee Act in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canede Deposit Insurence Corporetion 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshowe 723-5221 23. King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS | "THE KING OF ROASTS" | |ROAST JUICY -- TENDER HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS First 4 Ribs rT C lb SUNKIST U.S. No. 1 Good Size ORANGES 3:99: 39 69 PRIME RIB PORK 49: SHOULDER "£U" | Tenderloin End PORK LOIN 69: Ib "Cut and Wrepped Free Boneless Rolled Solo Brand -- 1-lb. Pkg. MARGARINE 4:39: Shoulder Roast Lean-Tender PRIME 69: 7 FREEZER SPECIAL Front \tnown as the company warrant Cloudy with showers and turn-} ing much cooler today. Showers The new manual is only Part changing to snowflurries in the afternoon. Cloudy and cool with Parts II and III, to be issued|snowflurries : above|southerly 20 caught him|company level, guards of honor,|northwest 20 to 30 today ; Montreal and Ottawa regions: mover he had just emptied into|rades, shipboard drill and cus-|Mainly sunny, clouding over WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S,;8 wad of tissues and Pressed | toms, trooping the color and|this afternoon with a few show- feux de joie (Celebration parade|ers and 'scattered thundérshow- Moosonee shor south tened by use of 'm OTTAWA farmers 20 a milk recording sponsored by the|ROP (record of performance) tk 50 Dairy Farmers of Canada. tests with the provincial DHI Limited 50 The financial structure of the (dairy herd improvement) pro- 45 'program must be flexible to ex-|gram. 45 pand as required and should be concn 50 {self-supporting, he said. 50 A national advisory board, : {with as many technical sub IN TR OD U Ci N de 50 'committees as required, would af be a necessary first step to as- "A sess what type of information| 50 farmers wanted. Mr, Peppino of Rome 45 The 220 delegates represent-| 45 ing dairy farmers across the governments, | Algoma, White River regions: |9 Ye MURDOCH © McMURTRY © TURNEY Insuronce Limited ALL LINES OF INSURANCE @ Oshewe 37 King East 728-5137 King Park | Plaza was (Tuesday by Dr. J. the University He said test procedures there should be one supervised should be co-ordinated on a na- plan for tional basis, but administration authentic records of cow pro- of the program should be prov-|duction and _ parental incial or regional to enable each'and an unsupervised plan for j\farmer to get the type of infor-|farmers. ' }mation he needs. Dr. Rennie made his proposal the to the Canadian conference on present federal government it as soon as possible. He pro- "sharp escalation' said nuclear bombs weren't nec- but sive \National Milk Record Plan Much Cooler Spell Due | Would Be Farmer-Financed (CP)--A farmer financed national milk record-/three-day session aimed at 'ing plan available to all dairy/drafting a national plan for cow recommended testing and sire evaluation. It C. Rennie of ends today. of Guelph. 45 country, federal and provincial | universities farm equipment manufacturers, | PAINT Buy Direct Save up to 50 TONE CRAFT 723-4922 cilities, there are some 240 pri- vately-owned radio and 60 pri- vately-owned television stations operating in Canada. pressure' and he, too, wants to avoid nuclear weaponry. Percy has beea critical of the way the war is going but at the same time has been cautious about suggestions. He says total military victory is impossible, there should be no further escalation, and more Asians should be involved in the fighting. He called for an end to . bombing near China's bor- ANNOUNCEMENT der. Reagan, Nixon and Percy--in addition to Romney--have all taken pokes at the Johnson ad- ministration's truthfulness, but Reagan has put a twist on it dif- ferent from anv of the others. ee He said the war is going bet- ter than the administration has | i itl told the people and that it won't | A tell the real story until it's ready. ae TED S. MENDYK We have added a new member to our Sales Stoff at Guide Realty Limited. Ted is well known and a long time resident of Oshawa. He will be pleased to serve you and is well quali- fied to render professional and conscientious service as he has passed all courses required by Oshawa & District Real Estate Board. -|were invited to Ottawa for a Dr. Rennie recommended the farmers. who wanted identity 723-5281 Guide Realty Many of the delegates urged co ordination of the A Hairstylist with Many Awards and; Is introducing a new ori- ental perm along with a new line of styles. | BRUNO'S HAIRSTYLING 212 King St. W. -- Oshawa AT | store, manual will not be issued until | refinements are incorporated FALSE TEETH | | . Py * * | Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by loose false teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling | when you eat, talk or laugh. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your | plates. This pleasant powder gives a || remarkable sense of added comfort | and security by holding plates more | firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste. Dentures that fit are essential to |j' health. See your dentist regularly: | Get FASTEETH at ali drug countérs. You Will Be Welcome to THE ANNUAL MEETING of the ONTARIO COUNTY UNIT CANADIAN GANCER SOCIETY will be held on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 ot 8:15 p.m. Hotel Genoshe Piccadilly Room, King Street East, Oshawa Mimeographed copies of Reports of Committees. will be presented Election of Officers for 1967-68 ) THE GUEST SPEAKER WILL BE MR. MAURICE J. GRIMES All who are interested in the work of Cancer Society are cordially invited Refreshments will be serve Executive Director of Ontorio Division Canadian Cancer Society. Special Introductory Price "ILOI" PERM $8.50 Call 576-2010 And Ask for Mr. Peppino Profit opportunity from Texaco! Becouse the Property ! CENTRAL ONTARIO Real Estate Dept. 723-5221 TRUST OF SERVICE Real WE ARE LAUGHING! Estate Dept CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Alien Thompson 728-2870 Hervey Hogen 655-3663 POUNTAINHEAD Reiph Schofield 576-1680 of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST just sold our house for us AND CHARGED US ONLY 4% COMMISSION That saved us $250.00, which is o lot of money to us! Why don't YOU list YOUR home where they charge you ONLY 4% TO SELL IT, and where they also have their own mortgage money. This meons they con get you more cash for your Be a Texaco Dealer! When you're a Texaco Dealer, you're the pro- prietor of your own business. You enjoy indepen- dence and the profits from your own efforts and decisions. Only a modest investment required. Texaco will help you with... * Financial assistance * Complete training, with pay while you learn * On-the-job guidance to profitable management * Strong advertising /promotional support GET THE FACTS! Phone |. A. COOPER TELEPHONE Days 668-3211 Nights 723-6614 or write TEXACO.CANADA .LTD. P.O. Box 416 Whitby, Ont. ae wife of the chief of Scandinavian System, telephones Sweden Monday fi vik, N.W.T., with tl news that her hust Discrimi Through OTTAWA (CP)--TI government was Tuesday for failing to Indian treaties and discrimination throug dian Act. A report prepared | dian affairs departme Canadian Corrections tion said failure of ( honor its treaties is stumbling block to = of the law by Indians. It also said Indians convicted under liqut sections of the India behavior not forbidd provincial legislation. Indian Affairs Minis tabled the report in mons. It was commis his department in 19¢ out why so many In Eskimos run afoul of and to suggest ways | the situation. INTERVIEWED INDI Gilbert C. Monture, nent Indian, was chair 46-member project « that undertook the dia of field worke ormer Northwest 1 MP Gene Rheaum every province and the territories to intervie. and to get first-hand tion. They found liquor 1 RCs Take In House | SAIGON (AP)--Rom lics, who total just 2, South Vietnam's 17,00 ple, appeared Tuesda3 the largest bloc of se: House of Represente they did in the Senate House is a political + of factions with no gr majority. The. Roman Catho tured about 20 per ce 137 House seats, ballc tions showed Monda radical Buddhists op President-elect N gu} Thieu, a Catholic, nai about 20 seats, and a cers won 15. But th support for Thieu, w army general, is unpr The Hoa Hao and Cz ligious sects got a h seats. Both of these s tried to remain aloof ar but have lately be into th government cz The Roman Catholic many refugees from N nam and are among stauncly anti-Commun groups. They would kindly to negotiations too much to the Cor Mrs. Einar f 1 . The Best Fuel Oil Fo WESTER! OSHAWA OIL 725-1213 i Ma The | Fresh Grape tainers for eit We also have Wine Yeast . ing necessities LANE J 302 STEVEN Bo ee eee