GRACE RICHER WAS FOUNDER Oshawa "Y" Badminton Club Started Out 16 Years Ago The Oshawa YWCA Badmin- ton Club is a recreational organ- ization where men and women can play for the fun of it or for keen competition. Sportsmanship, having fun and playing good badminton are the objectives of the club, ; which is led by Peter Stephen- fo Nada Pong Si son, president and Douglas Red- var Kick: Stay with the knap, treasurer. ness. But go to work for an The club was started 16 years rance company with down- ago by Grace Richer a past | offices. The setup you de- program director of the YWCA. ye is going to create more Play was scheduled once a lems and more stomach week, with approximately 30-40 ble. It isn't worth it. members participating. Mem- bership increased enough to war- rant two evening sessions a week and the club house be- came associated with the Inter- City area clubs, playing tourn- aments at home and away. They visited such clubs as Ajax, Or- ono, The Oshawa Airport Club and Uxbridge. After two years, members felt fhe club was travelling away from home too much, so the association with Inter-City was LANDERS ff | Wedding ie Sanctity Entertainment Youth and Home Features She Oshawa Simes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1967 Showcase: does this is to see what we doing. (His office door is lly closed.) ; nervous stomach disorder h I haven't had in years is ing up again. My doctor something is bothering me. ow what it is but I don't y what to do about it. Don't me to leave the business, vee direction of Lloyd Lafoy, the "4 young players, age 11-14, meet + at the "Y" courts every Tues- day afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. There are at least 12 prom- ising youngsters who officials hope will be ready for tourna- ment play in a month, All boys | and girls aged 11-14 are wel- come to join the junior club. The badminton club is for- tunate in having the facilities the YWCA offers for use. Fa- : cilities include three well - lit courts, large change rooms and © showers. A lounge is also avail- | able for the use of players after , sessions or on special occas- & ions. & Ly t § scnentie sossanneee ar Ann Landers: I am a 16. So often I read letters your column from married en who seem to be head of family. Their husbands are hunting or fishing or they so involved in business that »s must do double duty. It ns like most American »s get a raw deal. came ackoss this lovely n and I'd Kike to share it Members of the club are ask- ed to wear shorts or slacks, have white soled running shoes, i with no black around the edges, and must supply their own racquets. Badminton birds are supplied by the club, but each player must pay 25 cents per night to cover the cost of : -- | you and your readers. The dropped in favor of building these birds. or is unknown. Please print Come their own Each player is color - coded poytngd created from the SOCIAL CLUB >» was_not made from his Throughout this period, Mr. ad--to top him; and Mrs. Chesher, Ralph Har- r out of his feet, to be low, Donna Davidson and Anne mpled upon; Christie were largely responsible t out of his side, to be equal for the organization and running him; of the club. They were assisted der his arm, to be pro- by Jack Dewsbury and Al Ki- according to his playing ability. During one half of the evening, players of the same color play together during the other half of the session, the colors are mixed. This will give less- experienced players a chance to learn from more « experienced ted; vell and many other senior 1 ; bers. players. e " = i ere ee Tod Wis iis as NEWCOM®RS GET A FEW SERVING TIPS FROM PRESIDENT OF THE CLUB PLAYING TIME Playing time is usually res- tricted to 10-15 minute periods, inorder that everyone may get as much play as possible, The games' captains are responsible for the setting up of games. In order to participate in club tournaments, players must be members at least two months previous to the start of the tournament. COBA tourna- Just sign me, A Girl from membership climbed to 110 (L to R) A. Rudnick, Carol Krawchuk, P. Stephenson, Yvonne Bass, Wendy Martin bock members eight years ago. \----____--_-- - --_---- The Coronet Room of the on Country and Western en- Cadillac Hotel on Simcoe St. tertainment and this is one of S. will have Slim Gordon the better acts to appear and his country and western there. entertainers for tonight's This necessitated an extra evening, and the club began to ISHAWA. TIMES mall leash Sal cbs PICTURE pa' than a highly competitive RE-PRINTS Fe On i oe page my cba tral Ontario Badminton Assoc- or re ree pig tournaments. Donna and : Alex Davidson were runners-up Aveilable At for the mixed doubles "B" tournament in 1960, held by The Oshawa Airport Club. Two years ago, Donna Davidson and Pat Marderrison placed first in the "C" tournament for women in Bowmanville. Last year several members attended tournaments in Ottawa, Peterborough, Bow- manville, Cobourg, Whitby and Picton, Competing in all levels NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each $x 7-- 1.25 each ments start around the first of February. At present, the club has ap- proximately 60 players and ev- eryone interested in badminton is invited to attend. Club nights are: Monday 7:00 - 10:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.; and on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Classes are held in the gymnasium of the YWCA. show. It will end their three- week engagement. The show next week will be headed by the Nick Nichols Revue. Nichols is the master of ceremonies, | singer and general entertain- er for the trio. There will also be an exotic dancer. HOTEL GENOSHA CENTRAL HOTEL The Gold Rush Lounge of the' Central Hotel has a unique attraction for next week, starting on Monday night. The act is known as The Rambling Rogues, They present an original brand of entertainment somewhat in the same zany key as the famous Smothers Brothers of ------ _. ~ General - Manager Robert television fame. The .Ram- ~ 1 of play in the COBA, 2 : Saibaba Campbell of the conan bling ee aan. JUNIOR CLUB ; P.S.: Loose line Charlie was | Hotel will have Ron McLeo cago wher * 4 cover A Radiant i . THE BIRD GOES UP very active in the forgoing \ and His Western Music as the ed in numerous -night clubs. A junior club has been form h i key attraction in Harry's You This Fall! ed this year, and, under the --. Carol Krawchuk Swings tape!!! | eam next week. This wrrsy HOTEL , will be the fifth return for The Stage door lounge of the popular entertainer to the Whitby ; We Specialize. in. 5». Eileen, He presents old Sally Blakey sod. Pakage tek a se au ewman as ew _ || favorites, and impersonations nd Western Music tonight CALL US TODAY! : of western stars. for the final appearance of By BOB THOMAS wife, Academy Award winner|brief rehearsal of the dramaticjexperience brings a new aware- : j The Golden Girls will be her current engagement in della DANBURY, C (Ap) Hee e S18 oct ara Are ioe, cyness to her. * {| the attraction tonight. The Whitby. oO strange "ein for _a|Faces of Eve, 1957. | atter| . "'It's a small story," Newman : Starlight Room on the main The attraction next week AIR STYLISTS Movie studio: the Veterans of| The film is based on the novel junch," he announced. The New-|admitted, "and I don't know «| floor will again have the will be the Varga Brothers, Foreign Wars gymnasium of the same name by Margaret| mans retired to a dressing room| Whether people are still interest- < Tommy Danton Revue for featuring Diane Merril. This PHONE 725-4531 bn 5 BY Laurence, a native of Neepawa,|of the gym where she sat on aled in small stories." : entertainment next week. combo presents modern pop But then, the ee ae an cot and did her needlepoint. "I think it will be a good pic- =| Tommy is the MC, drummer music and has appeared in a tia "film wore a T.\SET BUILT Newman explained about the OY ee ee Jook of : gl a oe cat be -- several Toronto night spots. : shirt, tattered shorts and no| 'The set of a small bedroom) | Film moguls didn't share his : c ? shoes and instructed the actors)had been built on the riba "Joanne read the novel when ienutiaee Several companies : OTEI SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL Y WE while chewing on a. chicken|sium floor, and Miss Woodwardjit was still in galleys, liked it\ttrned down the project, New- GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL --_The Spruce Villa- Hotel in | fonie Ieel fee , ae zs Heat dor her-dwn prod . D oS The Vintage Room of the Whitby will present 'fhe wing. He looked undeniably like| was seated on the bed with,and bought it for her Pro-\man éaid, until Kenneth | NOT SELL Paul Newman. shirtless James Olson, who|duction company. I was fasci-\toman new production chief of | Georgian Motor Hotel on Blemonds Duo next week, The name of the film is a Jest|plays her lover in the picture.|nated with it, too, and I was|warner Brothers-Seven Arts, | Highway 401 will Raven starting Monday for at least 100M FULL of God, and Newman is produc-|Newman stretched out on the|glad that our judgment was vin-|took it on | Adam Timoon, the talented one week. They will be ac- dealer i ge ne dicated. The book won the Gov-| « Te iti | Ukrainian entertainer, for one companied by Darlene Kelly, er as well as director. He does|floor to peer through the low-an- tag ' on an Paul is the most exciting di- | Gea starting" on MONGAY an exotic dancer THe Bie FURNITURE! not appear in it. The star is his gled camera, then asked for ajernor-General's award in Can-\ rector ye ever worked for," pbb) midada Have Keema Wee. Ber prin =) oad 'e oe sok sald Miss' Woodward, . expect: This will mark Timoon's sively in the U.S., also at the hale a Cats oat tpn, baa Py aaniathes convichons Ae 1s | third visit to the Georgian. Brown Derby in Toronto. h less so here. considerate and fantastically in- He plays guitar, sings and The current attraction is : = a Reateaa " i ; i yenEYe: E tells hilarious stories to keep The Stagemen, also known as niture, that Ct egg be egal age : his audience in a happy the Chuck Allen Trio, They sts longer, paptog 4b au We or find | PLUSH KENNEL ee S| frame of mind. will wind up their current ssts less over by your Sanitone@ Certified Master Drycleaner director.' So we ended ade : Doris Day, starring in Uni- Tonight will be the last appearance with tonight's tting our eae fe agra I've wanted versal's "Epic of Josie", is the opportunity to hear The In- show. ' "PR O | to do for a jong time. jowner of four French poodles, : tended Trio, which features training You don't have to fake | A Jest of God concerns ajand is planning to get four é wok N' Roll. CIVIC AUDITORIUM rly select r word for the ualit J smatrtown schoolteacher who|more of the same, She'll regis- WILL YOU SIGN IN, PLEASE, MR.? Oshawe's singiig Barber at | ' j j t A $ if grtg ipa - s q Y eae sod tee that Th Ge "Malibu a +». Sandra Shepard (Seated) R. Harlow (With Pen, HOTEL LANCASTER shoppers will play the lgost " : f our Sanitone d cleanin caping her. She has a fling and/stead of the Beverly Hills pad. Oshawa Times Photos | The Blue Horse Lounge of role at the Civic Auditorium p ' U believes herself to be pregnant. |That way, she won't have to -- % FRE the Hotel Lancaster will fea- next April 20 when the inter- Instead, take the word of 'Botany' 500, s out she is not, but theltake out a kennel licence ; |-ture Claude and His Country national Barbershoppers hold ime | H Slack Hand ie eS ---- = : | 4 ioyies Bix Bes. 8 Were: and Folk again next week their spring competitions Catalina, Dalton, Haggar Slacks, Hand- | yaaa B TV Networks In U S the films generally dominate) "7h. "act features three here. There will be competi- Std. macher, Lord West, McGregor, Shagmoor, 1g om a hed --_ eae Vag male performers with their tions for quartets and 0. 6 Worsted-Tex, and a lot of other nationally ; bee ts at a opting up Hal: renditions of Country and choruses in the | afternoon-- i fe ave| Western Music, the kin in the evening there wi e Fine Furnishings famous clothiers. . Now Make Own Movies and the television ay ci nave which has been keeping the a gala show. Oshawa also They all recommend our Sanitone dryclean- ee ae Lancaster patrons happy for played the host role seven i. ' H fi i i fastt 2 | the past six days. years ago for the same 725-2686 ing. They do it because they're a little bit | HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- With/and they want the U.S. govern-| "Why not make our own mov- Fie BILE hates goss heavy event: selfish. movies ruling the television rat-)ment to do something about it. |jies?" they mused. p REN STS 8 SSE A AOR NGOS tab aR SRO ES SECRECY , All of these people make fine clothing. The lings, competition for future film] This is the atest development Such thinking led to the for-| i i |projects is growing fierce, and/in the struggle for power in the) mation of CBS Theatrical] RAINING CLASSES kind they like to sell to your And they wart |the longtime movie companies|movie and television industries,/Films. Gordon Stulberg, a top| anessa e grave ars their clothing to keep up appearances all lare beginning to yell, "Unfair!" |which grow more closely allied|executive at Columbia Pictures, | aes the time -- just as long as possible. At least two networks are in|by the day. (ne gy bag ' ay was Pasig J i competition barred by anti-trust} For the last two years, net-jaway to hea e new enter-) SS COLLEGE ) why es gph 3 out a ia ire claim the film companies,|works have presented featurelprise. | Sa Ora uncan ory i ni = | rycleaning. They've ha e opportu | the College for to test-dryclean a garment 25 times the LONDON -- "'Isadora." the; Melvyn Bragg Engh aie i : Isador: ran,|the screenplay for the dramatic musenreneieal What did the EXT WEEK'S ACTIVITIES AT THE | J ove °0r7 Se Stoid Gres! stor tne san Franc i i one of the world's great'story of the San Francisco born What did they find? ' : . N dancers, will he brought to the girl who became one of the day and Thursdays The same thing you'll find. Sanitone dry- A U D | T re) R i U | screen by Universal Pictures) most colorful personalities of vein if Sleaning makes colors look brighter and erring ta the tle role, i waa leott of het lemmestias rivaae whites look whiter. And it retexturizes the OCTOBER 22nd to OCTOBER 28th 'announced by Jay Kanter, head|and public life. She met an un- one -- Gregg or Pitmen fabrics to give them the softness of new of the company. timely death in an automobile . 4 j Karel Reisz who directed) accident In Nice on pt. > clothing time after time. in Morgan,' 11927. . : -- _ Tuesday -- October 24th -- Soturday -- October 28th -- Miss Redgrave in "Morgan,"| WIVES In other words ;Shagmoor, Sportmaker, Syke) Deane zane 1500 See De "e m 7:00 i 12 eed for which she won an Academy! pUAL CHORE ons, Take up to 3 subjects. Haggar Slacks, and all the others found ee ea ictal Geos cll Bala Oshawa Protestant Church nomination, has beta signed 28) Rodd Redwing, Indian actor- ; : i : Osh Minor Hockey League League direct "Isadora," which will be| gun expert, has been sighed by y inclusive. that our Sanitone drycleaning makes 10:00 am---1:00, pin. a a Ce gee ap polar Soe gage od 11OR TYPING CLASSES clothes look new "og loth 1:15. p.m.--3:15-p.m 6:00 p.m.--7:00 p.m. ates Lig dlges le |France and agai on for a dual chore in Universal's ' i ily Sk : 0. Hock 00 p.m.--4:00 j y J " f as Six, Seven, Eight, If that's what you'd like for vont clothes, Family Skating 500 ath wh, BR aie PM ren ning ots oe Sec e pee oe in : : Public ing -- Adults i aie : Lae et eee bring them in. You i be in good company. 1S THE ENTRANCE TO AN intaant Church Service theses Seka ath : pony). ee duce the picture in association) Barbara Rhoades under the i nie Le 4:00 p.m.--6:00 pm with Universal Pictures Ltd. | girection of Alan Rafkin. Reds R_COURSES PICKWIC APARTMENT SUITE IN... Monday -- October 23rd OE cig tae ee Hear Lecote line will portray a Wane ia y one of Six Cereer Designed ye aa ay ei League Friday -- October 27th -- 7:15 pm. | scout in the comedy western Ss Mond ~ 8:00 'pm--10:30 an five aa ase Ganeaie ve Peto Buying or Selling! ee as here er ge . Start any Mondey. KR [ A G.M. Office Hockey League 8:00 p.m Midnight--4:00 a.m, . 3:30 o.m--5:00 om Junior "B" Hockey Game ice "Rentel wis handling. Complete Details Cleaners and + 4 Daa UTI rms | G.M. Body Shop League Crushmen vs Peterborough bs accra GUIDE REALTY Eli Wallach, popular pg honk i } ° 7 ° vay and film star, has n 25-3375 Shirt Launderers Sanit | ICE RENTAL AVAILABLE: Phone 728-5762/3 © LLovD CORSON, Prasdent 27, 274 flim star, as, been 33 aniione 745 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH Special rate $15.00 per hour through day and after mi?-'-"* @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres lewis to cCoatat Wh @ LUCAS PEA , Sec. Treas D of 4 Sylva Kosei in - | : ouglas and Sylva Koscina SS o0 LLEGE 728-51 PHONE 728-9724 or 723-1009 | COMING EVENTS ve sucr x ona [ote the am + G. Barnet, Prineipel, } November 10th --C€.C.N.A. Bingo Die," previously tith bes 434 SIMCOE SOUTH | ivonubear 9 PHONE 723-5281 ; sly, | Pineapple Print."