Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1967, p. 19

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Bond Mart Increases dian bond market increased % point in light but active trading | Friday. : | 'The short - term Government of Canada bonds increased 5 to Dec. 1969, issue closing at 99.00 bid and 99.10 asked. | The long-term Canada and |provincial bonds were up with |the 4%4-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, Jissue closing at 79.00 bid and 179.25 asked. '| Day-to-day money traded at 4% per cent. || Treasury _ bills strengthened jwith the 91-day bills closing at 4.96 per cent and. the 182-day bills at 5.18. + ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING ~e ie | tnd Screen and m Window troubles REVER . . .Install At howroom and Factory THOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 TORONTO (CP)--The Cana--~ od 10 cents with the 5'4-per-cent, , ee ee es ee sete rtunities ipline, outstanding ation's engineering , trucks or related e permanent staff the opportunity of , development and ualify for the posie ) U.S. citizenship is ineers rs and draftsmen with uction of new facilities S~ e following: stampings, al components, components, 'oving Grounds e testing and total car cludes paid health and s, tuition-paid graduate (416) 368-1878, Mr. L, nytime from 10:00 A.M. If unable to call or come wysler Corporation, P.O. =R ON 44% MICKEY MOUSE GLAD YOU'RE BACKs WE'RE ALL MIGHTY HAPPY TO HEAR THE NEWS ABOUT CHRISTY. Hi THERE, BUzZZO/ ~~ Ch: Festovse Spadicata, hem, 1967, ,Wesld rights fii KE PENTAGON COOKING UP ANOTHER NICE LITTLE E ) : , NOTHING | LIKE THAT THIS DON'T FORGET TO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 20, 1967 19 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER BIDDING QUIZ You are South, neither side vulnerable, The bidding has been: North Fast South West Pass 19 Pass ° What would you bid now with JANE ARDEN Ng My GOLD! WHAT MAKES AWAY? HAVE GOLD TO THEY KNOW THAT FOR MANY YEARS YOU HAVE PAY FOR BVER- THING YOU BLY IN GOLD COIN EVEN THIS HOUSE OF YOURS, THOSE HEEL. O MARKS ON THE FLOOR INDICATE SOMEONE WAS DRAGGED INTO THIS CLOSET... SECRET AGENT X9 WELCOME WHEN HE ARRIVED... |) CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. 1967 MODEL CLEAN-UP! © King Fecrsom Spedioann, ben 1907. World gh romney IM A ING TO READ ILE, HENRY ! SPREE RIT TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffalo Channel 3--Barrie Channet 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 PLM. 12--Rocky and His Friends 1i--Daisies @--Mr. Ed. 7--Flintstones @--Shazzan 4--Perry Mason eve 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones 1l--My Three Sons &--Truth or Conse- 2--Of Lands ang Seas 6:00 P.M. 12--News, Weather, Sports 1)--Pierre Berton $--How's Business?' 7--Movie 6--Sports Magazine 4--News, Weather, Sports 6:0 PLM, 12--Road West 1--Petticoat Junction 9-6-3--News, Weather Sports 4--News $-8---Huntley-Briakiey News 7:0 P.M, W--Tarzan 9--Off to See the Wizard t--America West 6--Day It Is 4--People Are Funny 3--Voyage 2--News, Weather Sports 1: P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sport: | 7:30 P.M. 7--Otf to See the Wizard 6-12--Rat Patrol 4--Wild Wild West 2-6--Tarzan 708 P.M. 11--Accidental Family 9--Movie 3-612--Get Smart 8:30 P.M. W--Run for Your Lite 8--Movie 7--Hondo ---G Dist: outed by King Features Sgmdicate, HAGN'T BEEN A COMMERCIAL FOR AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES.' 4 Pyle, USMC 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter 2--Star Trek 9:00 P.M, 12--Movie 6--Movie 4--Movie 3--Movie 9:30 PLM, 11--Dragnet 7--Will Sonnett 2--Accidental Family 10:00 P.M, 11--Merv. Griffin 9--Big Valley 7--Judd 2--American Profile 11:00 PLM, 2-9--News 3-4-6-7-8-11-12---News, Weather, Sports 11.10 P.M, | 1i--Pierre Berton 11:20 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 11:85 P.M, 4--News, Weather Sports 24--Johnny Carson 11:35 P.M, 3--Movie 11:4 PLM, 1--Movie 12--Movie 9--Perry's Probe 11:45 P.M, éMovie 12:10 A.M, 9--Movie SATURDAY 8:00 A.M, 11--Schnitze! House &--Davey and Goliath 7--Spider Man 4--Captain Kangaree $--Clutch Carge 8:30 A.M, %--Cartoon Playhouse @--Three Stooges 7--Recketship 7 2--Hercules 9:00 A.M, 11--Expo People 4--Frankenstein Jr. | 2--Mr. Magoo 9:30 A.M, 3-6--Ontario Schools 2--Dick Tracy 10:08 A.M, VN--Ed Allen 9--Buddies $--Flintstones 7--Popeye, Gumby 4--Shazzan 1--Sinbad Jr. 10:30 A.M, M--Hobby Time 9--Batfink 6--Cousin Bill 4--Space Ghost 8-2--Samson and Goliah 7--Journey 9--Spider 7--King y. 4--Moby 3--Super 11--Meta 7--Beatle: 6--Daktar' t--News 2-4--Top 3--Popeye 11:08 A.M, 8-2--Birdman Man Kong Dick Heroes 9--Beaties 7--George of the Jungle &--Skipper Sam 4--Superman Aquaman 3--This Is Expo 2--Ant-Squirrel 12 NOON 9--This Is Expo s i cat 11:38 A.M, 12:38 P.M, 'l--Outdoors Unlimited 9--Movie 7--Super Comics 4--Jonny Quest 3--Western 2-8--Cool McCool Jamboree 1:00 P.M, 11--Gadabout Gaddis $--Super 7--Championship Bowling ix 4--Rural Review 3-6-12--Tennis 2--Upbeat 10 --Wrestl P.M, Ing 8--Super President 4--Roadrunner 2:00 PLM, Movie 7--Buttalo Bill Highlights 4--Forest Rangers 3-6-12--CBC Presents 2--Greatest Show 2. 1]--Moment 7--Wide World of Sports 4--Littlest 30 P.M. Hobo of Truth 3:00 P.M, 4--Movie 2--Checkmate 2" 1--Spottignt 8--Wrestling 11--Little_ 9--Atter F 8--Dobie People" 'our Gillis 7--NCAA Pre-Game 2--Champlonship Wrest- ling 4:15 P.M, 7--College Football 4:30 11--Dennis 9--Wide World of Sports 8--Wagon P.M, The Train Menace 4--Gadabout Gaddis CROSSWORD ACROSS .Com- manded 10, Assumed name 12. Bury 13. Middle 14. Girl's nickname 15. Hawk parrot 16. Exclama- tion 17. Indefinite article 11, 18. Man's 15. nickname 19. Golfer Hogan 5. Dravidian .Pen-name 23. Skin DOWN . Hut, . Tropical hup, fruit _ . Lime tree bark . Beseech of Lamb tumor . Help » Place . Slice of the Old 29, Realm Testament 30. Short, Booth simple Seat of song Dartmouth 32. Squander 35. So be it College 2. Vitality 36. 37. 39, Babyl. Hindu deity Birds . Defraud Yesterday's Answer bacon . Elopement . Book of aid sky god river 40. English 20. Occur 23, Fend bate fF 4 7 Y), 24, Rests 26. Applaud 28. Expressed 31. Dried a grass for fodder 32, Moist 36. Engrossed 38, Early U.S, 42, Abrasive material 43, Teutonic character 44, Comfort 720 each of the following fou hands? | 1. @A9S YAIS2 $Q74 4,993) |2. @A73 YI8752 @K8642 4, -- "| | 3. @K84 YAQ9T5S 66 2Q86 4. @6 YAK94 $9973 4K872 1. Six notrump. This is simply a matter of arithmetic. North's rebid of three notrump shows at least 20 points and a no- trump type of hand. Adding our 13 points, we have the 33 in the combined hands that make a slam contract mandatory. 2. Pass. The first thing to de cide is whether or not there is a reasonable chance of making a slam. If there is a slam, it would almost surely be in one of our two suits, since we are quite a distance away from the 33 high-card points usually re- quired for a notrump slam. Suit slams can frequently be made with 3 or 4 points less than jnumber required for, notrum; slams. In this case, though, the two suits that are candidates for trymp are both relatively weak. There is a danger that partner has considerable length in cl } | } | much of which would be wasted if hearts or dia ds became trump. It is already } wn that partner's heart strength is limit. ed, since he failed to raise hearts right away, and it is not worth gambling that North has the ideal diamond and heart holdings that would justify a slam, There should be no doubt about partner's making three notrump. With 28 high-card points as a nucleus, he should have no trouble bringing home nine tricks. 3. Four clubs. In this case @ slam must be bid even though MOTHERS REPAIRING THE BROOM THAT YOU NEVER FOUND TIME TO FIX-- GO AHEAD, MOTHER-IN wy, TO SEE YOU TAKE OFF! IVE ALWAYS WANTED xe o 7 YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex- plain Legg-Perthes disease. My son, 6, has it, and is to have an operation. I understand it usual- ly takes three years to heal, but with an operation, less time. Will he always walk with a limp? Dear Doctor: Please tell me something about Osgood-Schlat- ter's disease, Is it something terrible, so people don't want to talk about it, or is not much known? Can it happen to a per- son over 21?--A.R. These are similar diseases ex- cept for the location. Both in- volve a softening of the bone (non-infectious necrosis is the technical term) due to interrup- tion of circulation to that area of bone, Reason for the impaired cir- culation is another matter; it may be from some injury, but it sure, CIRCULATION RETURNS In any event, given time, the circulation returns to normal and the bone regains its: proper hardness and strength. The important thing is to re- lieve the softened bone from stress until it has hardened again. Otherwise the bone. can be shortened or otherwise dis- torted from pressure on it while it is soft. Legg-Perthes involves the top of the thigh bone where it joins the hip joint. If it is not treated as soon as detected, the sof- tened bone becomes shorter, re- sulting in a permanent limp-- unless, in a given case, some surgical means of correcting it is possible. jsuming treatment is to see that a child (this is essentially a problem of growing children) |puts no weight on the affected i Legg-Perthea Disease Explained By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD is seldom easy to find out for) leg. This may involve brace, cast, wheel chair, or a combina- tion. Relieved of pressure, the bone tends to correct itself as circulation resumes, but this may take from one to three lyears. Osgood-Schlatter's is different in that it affects the large bone of the lower leg, producing pain and tenderness below the knee. Treatment is to limit movement of the knee for about six weeks, usually with a plaster cast. Prospects of recovery are good --the tenderness calls attention jto the condition promptly. |NO INFECTION | With either disease, infection jis not present and this, of lcourse, is a good thing, since |bone infections can be difficult \to control. | There is a tendency, under- \standable enough, especially with Legg-Perthes, to feel that "the doctor ought to do some- thing" besides keeping weight off the affected bone. Actually there is little or nothing to be done that is preferable. | In some cases surgery may jbe necessary, and there may you cannot be sure of more than 31 high-card points in the two hands. The chief problem is whether hearts or clubs will serve best as trumps. If partner has either hearts K-x and clubs A-K-J-x-x, or hearts J-x and clubs A-K-x-x-x-x, clubs would be the better trump suit. If North bids five clubs over four, we raise him to six clubs; if he bids four hearts over four clubs, we go on to six hearts 4. Six clubs. Again the distri- bution indicates a slam even though we may wind up a point shy of 33. Actually, the greater danger is that North will have exactly the right distribion and high cards to make seven, but it is always difficult to lo- cate both these factors in per- fect - fitting hands. The odds strongly favor making six and are against making seven, so you settle for six. Rights Asked For Indians OTTAWA (CP)--Liberal MP Bud Orange said Wednesday he. believes Parliament can make amendments to the Migratory Birds Convention Act without seeking prior approval of the United States and Mexico. Under the 1916 agreement, the Eithree countries agreed to ob- serve closed seasons on game birds as a conservation meas- ure, Mr. Orange said the agree- ment works a: particular hard ship on Eskimos and Indians ym his Northwest Territories rid» ing. The birds leave the Cana- dian North just before the start of the open season and do net return until it is over. Thus N.W.T. residents have no oppor tunity to shoot them. He introduced a private men ber's bill in the Commons this week seeking amendments ta the convention to allow Eskimos and Indians to hunt birds pes gardless of closed seasons. dt will be debated later in the ses- sion. QUEENIE "A penny for your thoughts." \very well be something about jthe case in today's letter of {which I am not aware. There- fore the question about a limp {had best be referred to the doc- \tor handling the case. } As to getting Osgood-Schlat- |ter's disease after age 21, I {would think it rather unusual /but cannot see why it would be \impossible, | Dear Dr. Molner: What lcauses an insatiable craving for \salt? I could almost make a The simple although time-con- |"salt sandwich.""--D.H. One possibility is the 'salt hunger" that accompanies a disorder of the adrenal glands. With that possibility in mind, it : 4 would be the wisest possible course to have this investigated at once, Dear Dr. Molner: I have heard it is harmful to have X rays when you are pregnant. I had X-rays of my neck before 1 knew I was pregnant. Will this cause harm to the baby?--Mrs. N.B.L. It shouldn't because the rays were directed at your neck, not at the womb where the fetus was forming. (Every effort is made not to expose the fetus to radiation, especially in the early part of pregnancy.)

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