14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 20, 1967 Frosty Mornings, A Sure Sign of Fall: Time for Want Ads, The Best Deal of All! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 sie Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY 8--Articles for Sale UM, fen-gelion, new style, plete with ggg fish, ane plants. fore. Phone 728-5308. BUYING OR 'SELLING furniture Bef Call Elmer, 263-2294, 2098. BABY CARRIAGE, Lloyd, a condi- tlon, $17, Telephone 725-9694. TYPEWRITERS, $49. No 10--Farmer's Column 17--Female Help Wanted com: | BEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock [ sod up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263- ap. (2721. Licence 101-C-67. WANTED TO RENT -- Small barn with some pasture, in the Oshawa - Whitby Alax area. Write Box 81276, Oshawa mes. WOMEN WANTED PART TIME To work in Own home 11--Pets and abit money down $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used, rentals, service, trades. Bill Raglan, 1985-7160, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. All In Dachshund, Pap 10 old. mont Telephone 3072970. Several Hours Daily -- 5 days a week 18--Mele Help Wanted WE PAY YOU TO TRAIN FOR RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Rapidly expanding Canadior Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast has immedict opening for young men t¢ train on the job for Store Management, with further op portunities in Home Offic and administrative positions Accountants Building Trades Mortgages TV--Readi i seinem ali --Radio Repairs GORDON R. DAY, Certified Generai/ALL TYPES build irs. Roofing, it conditle fa. 130 St{MINIATURE, male, part Terri N I ~ Accountant, Suite 208W, Oshawa Shop-|chimneys, eavestrougnings tire "pines MORTGAGE LOANS SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 can sfondi. "Geetees. MINIATHINOshe | PUPS, oe, Sour Ne. sue '; Bes fe re- @ Ages 20 to 30 desir Ing Centre, 725-9953 masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668: A a SED wringer washers, |Ready for good home, $35. elephone | scientious able, Single men | Ref Fast T.V. Service GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,| neon, evenings. workers. on peg nc OE legac Bg Corpentry Nor ines Preven ae are Fern fore ana pres «M7|HORSES BOARDED with experienced relia r : . 4 con street Nor eso, Res. 720-7608. ' e a rip po ur bill DOMINION Simcoe South, care, large Is, axcellent iding| Interesting telephone work for @ Starting salaries depen Quality Car ent ry all yo 5 FeEvision -- sa 1 RCA. OH. Tel Blackstock 996-4362. well-known focal department on age, education, an 1 eto Sandie pie! AB pc nl ry pps sale pla oa TELEVISION 21 RCA, $99, 2) Motorola. and 2) Spar" SHETLAND SHEEP DOG, male, eignt| Store. post work experience. East. Telephone 723-4833. Home Improvement Specialists @ Fost cuneeia service 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m 3a. $4., 21 General Electric $5 weeks old, registered, Telephone 725] yy) EE @ Future salary depend YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO,, Char-| Serving Oshawa and District : LEATHERETTE for all . upholsiery FREE To GOOD HOME. Sicmonthoid| Ply stating -- Name -- Ad- upon the ability an Bestroiy giaonced. Trusens. for Many Years. A, ROSEN TV TOWER SPECIAL -- dofost work, | chelrsy chesterfield, | Un cae; port hom and ren loveable and) dress --- Age -- Telephone performance of the in enka, Simone Hones ond Depends Seve | Memb OR Mat ck. Rig see een tee gM a i dividual. Pp Assoc, 725-0532 or Week- |ton Road East, lust east of Ritson Road, NORTHERN SEA ROUTE lif any -- Education, @ Extensive expansio HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char. one 725- ends and evenings 728-5623 ee RN a Ey i94G | PRISBAIRE "a" jasee,50._or bert REGISTERED Sa sara ree te programme Agape ed A tant: Fi i a | , @ |. Siamesi Sin kno, svete, omen 4 --_ or 623- sats siete nailed = a 2--P, ] py ee OF offer. ote oa sm Telephone 728- te are and i ye don point. Tele- WRITE vised training provide ntario. $. q REATION ® ys ie E. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. boards, trim Pl pug Pak "= agreements purchased and rorcaee ELECTROLYSIS é NeW COCKTAIL ju TABLE, sacrifice, BLACK SPANIEL puppies, seven weeks BOX 80929 atlas i used fe and Hennick, Barristers, 31 hy Sireat UT ENABLED THE "KOMET* TO ) Bart nadian love-seat, rocker, 'apid promotion base general repairs, E, Behm, 725-7066. East. 72 $45.; Early Canadian love-sea' + old; buckskin quarter horse, seiding. OSHAWA TIM ; i Blueprinting ost, 723-7232, 723-4641 SINK 10 ALVIED SHIPS, WITH |side chair, needs recovering, $75; ches: disposition and eplor, rede ES upon individual perfor ees oa D king Painting aa Decorating a ries ' A CARGO OF 64,000 TONS Pablo good conten BIE een and pleasure riding. Telephone "03. on, mance. moval of superfluous halr rr 4 AY LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, to i Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661.|ORESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, i 1 ¥ BUILTIN BATHTUB, like rew, one @ Employee benefits ir Eifion ain lanes a Sas sO err ea tr] Owe Oc 28,26 N,V Gi ud ata el ete, | Female Wanted Sip Cie Ina , drapes, Mrs. ; rie h . Is matic heat reclalmer for a furnace, folline Rd, N., Oshawa, 723-6216. Group Life Insuranc Building Trades DRESSMAKING, designing, ations AG BAWER Weal TS. Ang lg an WITCH CHASERS le oe cae nee TiS. GERMAN Shepheras. Regd. pups. Pro- and Health Plan, Prof REPAIRS Cai ar "Nove 21 Lupin hrs Neve 1 Lupin Drive, Whitby: tow prices Telephone 728-1834. wtTADY WOULD LIKE RIDE to so ret |phone "725-9730 cxctent "iter Tale ke, ines 7 mae. tere. suse serve Canoda In The Winter ecatona . town Toront ti 0-4 ' rts, Cozy- ancl ennels, 6: 2. . . ALTERATIONS Gardening & Supplies Plumbing and Heating Rigges, sieving $4 wm. Telephone 722. ee canting [HOUSEHOLD furnishings, Colonial Wyle DOUBLE "5" Boarding sable, horses Canadian C.W.A.C. QUALIFICATIONS D 4 ir iliti ADDITIONS ' WERE HUNG IN | 728-2334. Monti 1eR--2l after 6 p.m. ; Militia Corps. @ Leadership ability. ay F Plumbing Discount |3--Sportsman's Column THE WINDOWS OF (FURNITURE '-- Three rooms of new PUPPIES ond trained dogs, fos 854) | imnited number of @ At least High Scho HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES | U B. HOMES TO WARD |{! rrure. nv nthiy. Barons' |jarger Drees Peis up, Delivered. Tele- b | number of vacancies education, or bette ig vane fae ae cascas TT See ne toric OFA Son Cr TH ee ey ga SUEDE ETFTSA, ral exist with the CW.A.C. Mil Atracive starting. s @ Speciality Early 'Tulips WHITBY -- 668-6601 A ENTION pag 5 OF on DESIGNS OF WITCHES |rich, 98 Ore Street West. 725-4543. peed RTE TOR er alk: Lh Bligh wl fo the Ontarle aries for both Hig James Allen and Sons | tote Tulips Direct to you, plumbing sup- WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE 7 he ee oe Univers 725-6126 : plies. Everything in the CURLERS , fornia, at ay ing, you have, POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing,| If you have typing or filin, ad . oar ag =e s-ihhiie Caan chitin for tl eee eg willing erlodic expente-pa ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.! 0 7,1; supplies. |TYPEWRITER, stenderd, $15.1 portable|HORSES BOARDED, Oshawa a to under go a few hours of transfers during trait Get your driveway paved by experts, ily Tulips 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m Join Th $25.; IBM electric typewriter, $45.3 add-|box stalls available, excellent © C.W.A.C, training each week i 206 09, fall work guarentesd for three] Hyacinths SATURDAY 9 P. : e } ing_machine $20., algo electric. 722-4434.\feed, two corrals ag" Sled Hie nd Bae interesting part.time voca- nas mm. .m, 9 + ' * - Eearive Yar anv ag gravel, shi Thingles,| Crocus CLOSED Vaanae FA LL CHERNEY S Se winted and ori gg lg sarc, TIDES one male, tion awaits you in Canada's REPLY IN WRITING stotir repairs, large and smail fobs. ano H. Doffodils ANNANDALE Free pick-up and delivery, 728-2284 six weeks. naseere. Telephone 576- new ook Militia. Telephone full particulars: Name, a Construction. sosa0s7. Nancie Rug - Upholstery Service CLEARANCE OF FREE! Furnece cleaned, adjusted tree. | 1304 __ 723-2021 Daily between 9 dress, telephone number, ag bce I I gpl A ges. in Paper Whi RE-UPHOLSTERING CURLING CLUB E ODD TABLES Guarentend_ Wroutietan, "waver yeu MALE GRRMAN Seg gt ng Mg ee anritel storia, eeu eae on r ites # ome with children, In country. Cos! of venings between p.m. and previous work experience Ings Installed; roots repaired, 723-2997. 725-1212. this advertisement and booster needles. Iris 725-9332 is adver e 0 10. p.m. Ni I " i 7 FIBERGLAS FEN! Telephone 576-3446. ' averted eth Mires "Hollidey:| Snowdrops @ Wide: selection ef Fabrics 15 FT. CABIN TRAILER, ac cee R Os, and used avis ports, 'Re |BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready Mi PEA MeN aetna Eronthi ©. Worinorane wreranted Memberships 1967 model, sleeps six, fe} built 'tarters end generators, 1175 Nelson|for training, talking strain, Apply P. c/o ZELLERS LTD. EAVESTROUGHING, -- hiriney od fo is ' vise fill see) Avatlabtn Fe $1375 10%-50% off ps2 62. Broad, 114 Elgin East. PART TIME 226 Stevenson Road S. ngs. Free estimates. All work gueran- iy e' 'erms--Free r IN, three-quarter size, with bo Al iPP! ERVI! T 5 teed. Mel Meviemeester, 728-4797. Bulb Pons ' D ekg. ne . Cofh and carrying case, $25, Telephone hf bere ene enn teeter KITCHEN and i Oshawa, Ont COMPLETE HOME Improvement serv- é ver years experience @ Ladies 17. FT. CABIN TI offee AQUARIUM d, st built, : ee ia ai a i ae ti Soil THE FURNITURE CENTRE 1966 model, pO ga End gua 3.0 WINCHESTER rife, freee! original hg PR li old 'style tor sale. BANQUET HELP L ; MUSKOKA ine Concentrates Simcoe St. North @ Business Girls ings, propane fridge, oven, by irrad 945, Tolephene RE REE APPLY ive-wire salesman requ } \ Fi " " Commode Tables | SMALL HORSE, three years old, train , ed to call on homebuilde CLASSIFIED RATES wn PROFESSIONAL @ Men Seibte torts, cleotis broken. Odd bookcases |szier, sue thin 'excellant conn | S302» western' games. "Telephone 725] Oshewa Curling Club ond sontroctors $0, gall bul ' WORD ADS ere aton. vale t rsa only worn twice, Telephone 263-2966. " 02 stor 41%. 0 steko ing material specialties inc! , ORD APS nsortion of 24 words, 1.20;1 Brittannia Malt RUG CLEANING | club orgonizotion Nights: $2195 NO HOLD ORDERS Ce TT OIL PAIMTINGS: wondarii| PURHORED TOY PUPPIES -- Chie! GENERAL PRINTERS ding roof trusses and mi } additional words, 3 consecu-| Hops 2D if M gare: é ei for gift giving and a your 'home, Rea- tees yr poner segs 50 CO. LTD work. Experience not nece tive inertigns of ps wordt 3.24; odd: pa ee fA poh ien., Tues , Oct. 24, 7 p.m. 17. FT. CABIN. TRAILER, First come --- First served sonable, Telephone 576-0134. healthy. Glengate Kennels, 728-5723. Berna sary but an asset. Ambiti ' five insertions of 24 2. 5.76; Cooper-Smith Co ree Pick-Up and Delivery Business Girls, Wed., Oct 25, deluxe, 1967 new, combina- F NT TyPaWRIVERS: Gil makes, | HORSEMEN -- Horses boarded, clean BINDE! ime and drive necessary. Exc j tional words 246 ' Angus-Graydon 7 pm. tion firdge gas and electric, 1 large selection, reconditioned. ond vit ibex stalls, Five miles east of King and ERY HELP lent opportunity for the rig : Charge----10 per cent eztone charge 16 Celi ; shower, hot and cold run- CHERNEY S eee gy pe gg Md under construc needed, man. Salary plus comm rarer aid within 6 elina St 728-6254 Ladies: Thurs,, Oct. 26, ning water, toilet, oven, elec- an Ki Lad si dalyh bl latd adding machines, Lalla! aiivomd experience prefered sion, Write stating age, m Method of Counting -- Less than 24] 723.2312 723-1139 |REUPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab: ees tric brakes, double tanks, 80 King E. a bg Rt lg cy ag Mal Elio lc "APPLY. rital status, educotion ai y! = ex, 4 De en ar Sa TTT RTT i tnitiel, Gare or fc geal |lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- For further information pent Rildesid awning. To CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- ri LEN RICH, 723-2238 sable igh |teed. Free estimates. Credit t Mi clear fresses half price, all sizes, headboards| 12---Articles Wanted -- seuerunalas NURSERY STOCK [Setar Upnoistering, a87" t reas, a are one-third off, Factory outlel. 723007. _| soap yeep FURNITURE wanted, ef PROFESSIONAL y; Sher bi 'idee C Bbev »- ye en ENN ar momen 1M wani , @ ic. BUTS gRiae® -- SALE [gee Corona," bun Seen] 4.31) $2750, | SNOW TIRES [Sal Seem teed, mt eee reat gine Meo] MAINTENANCE SeRvceS oe" aeet a SOCIAL NOTICES Een re-upholsiered and 1967 SILVERLINER TENT other articles. "Seabed jill requires experienced cleani Box 150 i " 7 4630, LD. mii : Senet ere rn Min 22 oer | ca or Seoson's Clecronce [fis tor reewvering. Slip Conars,_ rade Openings for Pay-cs-youpley | TRAILERS, hardtop | model, only $15, DINING ROOM TABLE ae vo chairs:|ehest of drawers =n i, Bench} ladies, 3-4 hours in evere Bracebridge, Ont. : IN MEMORIUMS, : Ba Bushes for onty Ste Yo order. Dalton Upholsterings 75 Cheries table, chesterfield and double as fe at dad asa aay --. Joleenene A ot ment tite planer 'oval china cabinet. Ines, Monday -- Friday in RE AL EST ATE 5 $2.50 for ie Sirst words ond 6c Choi Mixed Vari f a Hl nks, sleeps six, Used -- inc! ire with a lymouth, 9 at irniture lephone jax area, 6 och thereafter plus 13c per line of ice Mixe 'arieties © Nakidbeagie WANTED Ford or G 7 jand appliances. pre ie location only. ereny Goon US 1TAR ' season, O A go hunt! eneral Motors |Furniture, 444 Simi 'Sout =D GUITAR wanted. Tele- B : _--_--_ -- a of ee Serna ote cathy i $735. | wheel SIMI ROM BUTTE i, ase SET Sige" Wo SDNDN olor wore a SALESMAN CARDS OF THANKS Red Spiraea (2-ft. size) 95¢ AUTOMATIC coe Street North, 1 cabinet $40., two-plece chesterfield $65., Two, S176 16, pet te} Oe ne REGISTERED NURSE oa Sonesta : ag 25 e sainional ee a TRANSMISSION gone begies seas 8 he tase, toe Used Boats DOM'S Si oltigoaiee: ase ceaern dining 9685, 2) hours weekly. Telephone. 7252800. Wanted for Oshawa offi roche not pald within ® days (3-ft. size) 95 CENTRE Hon and hunting 'vole, Valley Creek,| 9 ft. aluminum punt $120 AUTO PARTS room, cabinet $125. kitchen set $28, <o-119 Articles for Rent TAM LOOKING for » certain type of Inquiries treated confide COMING EWEN (aieplay); $2.00 for the ge theyre Ag 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 BEER HUNTERS _WANTED Absa: 12 ft. aluminum punt $160 723-1121 daub bea 3. washer A, Qutb Sera Seckeinee For, intervie, tele: folly, Call W, Baldwin, per ii i H to (18- inches c . N, - é stove 4» metor e 1.» tele. phone 112 - 839-2357 after 5 Ht (Werd Ad io. fe ee oon Oe Evergreens: Hicks Yew $3 25 co ore 'Our "Only aanTee = Sa aie er for the sec- ae pce on po ia (formerly Motor City Auto eigen Hyg nba sles ine Ags" ot exveni ae -- z , ' jusiness -- Repairs, Adjust- ) k, ir tops Parts) 5 es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee [EXPERIENCED _ haird $250 Per SAH PER INSERTION. White Spruce (3-4 ft.) $4.75 ments, Exchanges, All Work 19° Nori' of Minden, 'Anson 'Townsnip| 15 ft. aluminum canoe $145 --_ Plesse phone ARM caw wy Hine) Urns, Punch. Gowls, Bridal, tee See Telphane 7 W FRANK $ Flowering Crob (6-ft.) $2.75 Guaranteed. bi aaa hunting and good food. FRE 4167. dea ntgomery, 728) Wear, Men's Formals, White |HAIRDRESSER -- experienced, full o ° ¢ DEADLINES e VACUUM and polisher repairs, all ; Wild E ESTIMATES SOueH Wag hesieas haley ewan] Foe Furs, Mink. Stoles. peritine. Telephone 60 aaa RLTR. t ' bligati fable, I 3 'APABLE WOMAN fo stay with elderi ' Yim. OAY Previous LANDSCAPER'S CHOICE Tacx Lees. plot ip and delivery. 728 lend nae Rental or eiatwictored crest: (fats met So eau SARGEANT'S RENTALS [iit 'be relibe see itt 506 si "ny qo i _OST AND FOUND Pfitzer and Hetzi Junipers * 89 CC YAMAHA sports, 1966, low mile Sewice & Sale ing system, power humidifi- |ston' or 7257117, ontiac, 221 John-| 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 _|atter 4 p.m. As. gh ly Magli -| age, $200. $ Be cst : -7585 F > om, DAY OF PUBLICATION (3-4-ft.) DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On: y daha ers, electronic gir clea TEN VACUUM 5 i ; LARGE LOCAL PRINTER r 728 BIRTHS AND DEATHS iy Te paiegeea fg Can, sume ecommeraa! bo HEW CLOEATION, Ray nile O7e| 1415 Dundas St. E, | gos and eleciic appliances. GM <i Bo 'and ub. Simcoe Polish National |perenies peran to; ote cy bees ~ MUSKOKA om y q Hy ou r an ass 4 IN MEMORIUMS ond e : Nereida! Weer oie Ginnie Rs' cans, Wir nee ea oe LINGBECK Heating ove KiL- |two RiFeNEN EMATRS, Wille Uy Hall for Rent RE polo Nd A Required by leading build 1 CARD OF THANKS ican Fark. aed ieailoacont stimates. |machine service. 723-9241. 7--Swap and Borter Bilones leating and Ap- cabinet, steel plentc table, two large Ww AIR CONDITIONED eto Apply ST Dine materials dealer -- man. n 4 p.m, D, 1 1966 HONDA 450, Must sell, besi offer. cribs, child's toboggan, baby walker, ledding Receptions, Ban- |waltRESSES required, a pm.- 1) pm. perienced in -- purchas b CLASSIFIED DISPLAY LIBERTY | Septic Service In_falr_condition. Telephone 725-4575. _|BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17; tollets, DRAPERY pat ia older di ie quets, Parties, etc. We Cater Hn Apply Ms 'Campbell, Gencahe standard millwork and m ir ag pan te _ ecy4 pret Ain. NURSERY \sePric A gc hang rca ge | al TR she bse Be sel ebay too a pumps, Eicher Gee vente ie made to MATERIAL ] cord 9--Market Basket th vg i; pie sas Hotel. No phone calls please. work estimating. Job requi in ce on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut ° ele-lorder and installed; J or ion call Joe Dlugosz 728- |HAIRSTYLIST , Apply at Linda' some sales ability for ins CANCELLATIONS AND 128 Liberty N Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. phone 623-5924, Trucks, trailers. H. PE aah i cars| A large variety. to choose from 3718. Peter Soltys 723-4332, | Fashion Hair siylino, 366° Wilson Rove cole ea dratting bility 4 CORRECTIONS se eaon Baurnanville |Surve oie 5--Trailers DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED RENTALS. Hunting equipment, guns, de- South, 728-7021. an asset. Salary is $125 p Any advertisement cancelled before 14 miles north of 401) purveyors -- 8--Anti and CUSTOM MADE cove, boats, canoes. Wilde Rental, 668.|LADIES REQUIRED for part-time work weekly. oublication will be chorged one day's oi eahs , im. |. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. : Articles for Sale a In party plan for large fashion house. Mr. Robert E. Ji tl atl |Otrice 4 "Prince St. Res. 100 Elgin st Get in on the NOW APPLES WHEEL "CHATRS, hospital beds, walk: 942-0393 Car useful, Telephone ra od erg 1 DRY GOOD: ers, reducing machines, 'oom . c/o Shier Building Centre SOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.08 a | |. 3 DAY 4 Cait S & wert Piles. Ald Rentotes 108 Beninice ars-14 [OCCASIONAL DAY CARE for tour Box 150 ir forward replies to box numbers to the TOP SOIL on |TV--Redio Repairs | SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR SALE ean peat lll nlelladady Fifty to one hundred dees upelementry aching. Telenor Bracebridge, Ont. B vertisers as soon os possible, we ac- _-- le: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- a Heot'rertesinyiniupect Le] = AAANURE =| = COLOR SPECTACULAR | For FASTER SERVICE TV SETS McIntosh --fBitit*itiar™she See GENERAL e foilure or delay in forwarding such re-| i ue " : TV RENTALS 18--Male Help Wanted 81 slies however coused whether by negli-| | or Truckload WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL A-1 condition Apeilancas. ie - Alcan Furniture or fh proc ail a S. Ph eae) NO) pececed te wl | Oe ee Chev., Dodge, Ford, Pl- | TRIO TE $2 Per Bushel me = Tne "| PSESSURE GETTING FOREMEN 8! x 20 days No, 1 processed and biend- FOR THE BEST, CALL SALE mouth, Pontiac. We correct LEVISION 14---Business Opportunities th REGULATIONS ed with cattle manure for top | T R | O wheelalignment, inspect and 728-5143 PRESSURE GETTING A new manufacturer in Pe S THE OSMAWA TIMES WiLL NOT BE| dressing. Well rotted cattle - We. Ee ; OF CITATION peg table ee 35 Division St. VARIETY STORE A CHANGE? borough, Ontario has ex os RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS EN ADVER. | manure. Prompt delivery. TELEVISION f correct condition.... $7.95 CLEARANCE chi : Large independent grocer in lent openings for two gen 'a AN iN WRITING NOT FOR MORE } | FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Travel Trailers : : Kitchen and Dinette Suites, A LG @) MA Pie awa ms main artery. Oshawo requires ambitious. foremen with Machine St THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD. 655-3331 TV RECEPTION @ Parts extra if required lovely 5 pe. suites with hi joing a thriving business. men. Assembly and Finishing kn VERTISEMENT Non BEYOND | ih | Your 'O attic ainda Oil k backed AB Pig igh Living quarters for owners | GROCERY MANAGER led \ \- our Own 'gal is week- @ Torsion b ; chairs, w grain attached, Z ledge, salary commensul aren sedge aoege ieee OSHAWA. GARDEN TV TOWER end at: ee adjustment view! bocks, svainut aries ORCHARDS Ltd. ok ps Te Ce oe (or senior clerk to train for With experience; excell The Oshawa Times reserves the right to ' @ tables, 95. Mon bo grocery manager position) he slassify advertising' according to ts! SERVICE LTD; | i ' Y H ry es, fringe _ benefits. Apply spossity covering. uo 728-5143 AGINCOURT BRAKE SPECIAL ag Rigi price. Thickson Rd. N., Whitby CALL TODAY It MEAT MANAGER strict confidence to De eck alibi saeanaioanns | ' Le MOBILE HOMES Most popular cars, First rok ITURE (fully experienced, to oper- M81384. The Times vill nat be held responsible TOP SOIL--MANURE |___Cormer_ Bond and Division Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, ay YeNaE ese aera Gordon Osborne ate mect dept., approx, 25- ' '@ ; i ecg . 2933 KENNED R SPECIAL -- 40-f. structu 7 endeavor to_ reproduce Mtcoenare| NUM stock for Fall plant- o Y RD. : ail channel, antenna, $80. TRIO Tele. REAL ESTATE LTD. Ill PRODUCE { totter correctly, but assume no libility) '"9 Call ey: Y4 miles north of Hwy. 401 Plus $2.00 per wheel ae ane 43. Bi MANAGE DRIVER SALESMA of ogy erti sement if any inaccuracies in) HARDSAND LANDSCAING | i 293-6428 labor cost) connie wh diana bala enough B A RT He ETT Wh be ( R Snack Food Manufacturer IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 725-1721 i BUILT IN OSHAWA" TRATLER wens STC WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Sie pines house), also Me itby--668-8826 Yaeagh hie Wig ects fr ene quires an experienced dr | / - | mn TIMES ACTION WANT AD |» AT OUR OWN PLANT --__ '|63: Also ll types ot welding done. "port: season, reasonable, 723-697," ated one Toronto--364-6622 willing' to train senior opera- salesman for on estoblis Cell Classified Direct For free estimates | We sive you o better tower. (pnee Including weights per wheel, |VACUUM REPAIRS, ail makes, hoses, Pp E A RS Oshawa--728-5157 tor for manager position. route jin the Oshawa a 723-3492 et thas oniy. TRAILER STORAGE -- Geneva Park, BORN a cacao cs oes . $1.95 pruatas. ete. Rick-ues seller Na-azIe, 218 Dundas St. E., N Must be bondable, Excel neperxervcrr SOD EP ETE ce wan, en mee Wes en special | 7 Mr duba | Sty ep eo iy cri BLUE GRASS OSHAWA TV, ame os | Bee ee Penman sane covtr, fue win caw] ©=--75¢ -- 6 qt. Basket /15 Employment W. S1197, Oshews Tea re wi INDEX TO All-Green N 38 _X 1 HOLLYWOOD house trailer, COMPARABLE PRICES Telephone 668-3209 after 15---Employment Wanted -- : Bias 3 appointment call Mr. Will CLASSIFICATIONS pedal SUPPLY LTP. pal consti, May Oe geen tt) UNIROYAL __ lamonae ssee tert eat Ray PALLOCK eee Corousel Inn . A appliances and sporting COUPLE IN THEIR Da wa... . 3 Womens Gana Sod Growers TAUNTON RD. E. x F HOUSE SIRAILER. Excellent CEN W Prince pie ne Service i2a93N, ORCHARDS Foure ih ak @'s wishes part- YOUNG MEN 723-5271 S--Sportsman's Columr 725-9674" KE + (Just East of Ritson) Writby. v Subway. Traller Camo, TRES SKATES. "now asd" Weed, "hockey SGU: Corer Rossland Rd, and |Ings_or hia me TV SERVICE MEN, full and ps an Ye Mi, North Taunton Village 723-8131 723-8132 |i RAMBLER TRAILER, seeps ax, The New Home of ment and sticks al bargain prite,| No. 12 Highway, CHAUFFEUR and caretaker would Tike] TO assist manager in local oy to ste weekly Tae Tse. 1, phone 725-0458, jon: . &,, U , Sep and Barter AMURE, tyr an vp guarg| TELEVISION -- RADIO [gq DOMINION TIRE STORE lowe cERCOMAGIC refrigerator, auto caste Sih, Ste Tirmns * S) Chet organization, Expert Fesidents preferred. tut not n 5 id., i] ' 4 le not ne s--Articles fm, Sa8 ae oe livery, eherge en one yard. 24 Hour Service arine Equipment 17 Park Road South Rie Sten ruben one General Elec- SINTRR POLATERE alto 3 ah, and Isc 'bor Stice Nahe es, Senter ence unnecessary, in aoe 24 years or over, Telephone 668 xh f J jam Sack, |supplies. Waxes, cl * tion field, MALE COOK wanted for we Iba ted reo inatiastion HOLMES CHRIS CRAFT Phone 725.6511 __ | HIMEMAN Set ISbac ch ao te Bee Soh rm Soh a oe tio] 10 conver naligey. fan came. Wri ox "07 cles Wa SALES ond SERVICE shift. phone 728-1 FRESH VEG 4 1, Aged 18-2 ; a 13--Articles for Rent SCIENCE TUTORING etfered by qual- : a EL ErPean ih reeset ETABLES, tomatoes, Span-| MOVING, + (ge 6. TELEVi TECHNIC! 14--Business Opportunities se Bag weap teacher. '8 Sc, ELECTRONICS MeVay fibreglas sail boats, A L U M | N U M i ELECTROWOME. veo In good NRO muneae Semen ar with or without ton kee jo with 2. Neat in appearance. wore 'experiences, perttime on Lg gt Soiny, Scanca et ar vee oe TV RENTALS Crestliner, Peterborough ond Ca Ressonebly priced Tor" quick sate |Huron Farm, Ya mile west 'ot Oshaw wer loriver, 70 3. Able to start immediately. phone Holmes Electronics, 668-5 pap erele Help Wanted $427. " . TOWERS Lire hegeer runabouts, Evin- @ SIDING Telephone 723-7000, 401, North Service Road. "| EARPENTRY, any type, amail jobs pre- SALARY: Wee aie. toe tee ay. Et 7 gir rai : ire experien: i NoMa Setemele"tuip wartee [Money to Loan BONE sib 287? gy Aorta ae © AWNINGS HLECTIIE STOVE Wr, Faia outcnn, Hialeah ily Ol ca wom moor moo or Ni ag ssciea! Estee For sae fede TV Renicis Oshawa Yachthaven @ WINDOWS dition, almost new. Best offer. Tele-lcontainers, Apply 387 Grandview St, S.(CHAIN SAW WORK, trees taken down, $1 10. Weekly Pree Mens, ee tare sire 20a--Summer Pri PROBLEM? ee 7 -8186 : aan TARO 10, small moving. jobs, é 4 2i-f are tor Soe Consolidete all your debts into NEW_SETS STARCRAFT" GREW Travel [or Riso pad twin earriage mates Ino verec' or "epply. Te, Rockeitie Sirset |Gieamty "odd Tobs, etc. Reasonable, Ph, For interview call ug gpd 'Extae. Wanted one low monthly payment ALC AN |Evinrude motors. Open telat aire LES car bed, and stroller. Very good cond! § onuc| Telephone 723-9439. 725 2541 PRODUCE ie gece ge 24--Stores Offices and Storage First, second and th : week, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., Hon. 723-1648. APPLES, Cortland, Macs, SPF endl hone, Moma We" Ferny eatery @ perience 'preferred. Top compar 25--Houses for Rent , and third mort- FURNITURE and Brooklin 655-3641. E N | S S WASHING MACHINE, vacuum. cl Delicious, vemile, south of - Tauntoninuree, 'Ronswvabie rata' paoeioes 9 ~ noon fits plus top starting salary. 26--Apertments for Rent goges arranged. 24 hour APPLI i968 SNO ; He eee lee ccation anirg|on_ Townline Road. Telephone 728-6908 nurse. Reasonable rates. "Ritson Store, Manager, Sunn fbrook Fo 26a--Expo Accommodation service, including weekends, 452 PLIANCES Diablos. Also two used Be sted, SALES LTD. |cupboard, 17 cu c toot ieeser, & ig ger gee iee es wil Bh ae ket, Whitby 2--Rooms for Rent Call: g 5 se SOUTH $475, each. Wilde Rental, 668-3226. 15 Prince St. 725-4632 tent, lantern. Telephone 728-2248. livered, 100 fons. Telephone 68-8198 or WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- 2--Wanted to Rent R. W, LAHAY & ASSOC. 3-001] Mea. Cetera, coat'. Heat Seeeecla aaitier "mat ERT ae pote FOR #08 SWITCHES Seite woke onthe --Automoblies for Sele WILLOWDALE ONT. FeAual JE. of pe Tea r F tase motors HANDBAG Sais cenbualion Crauk py mye 9A--Eggs & Poult The average mai Fassel" between °B rey 5 ger a a 223-2060 or 223-879 oe. snail: * REPAIRS ry floor "model older types Coléspot . y RESULTS ean expect fo switch: lobe ax or" "ven NIGHT WATCHMAN required, I 33--Automoblies "Wanted = (8797 IF IT'S FOR SALE refrigerator, fair. condition; antique|EOGS "DAISY, FRESH" DAILY | -- times. in many cases the change will he Itorlal pier der 34--Automobiie_ Repalr |NEED CASH to consolidate your bills, New handles, frames, zip- Ifrailer, 'accessories, In' -pood condition, Prses "oer suiiwerea at sare oe home| 1 IMes fo a totally new career. reeldont preferred. Write Bs ae i a ee ee, Want-Ads Don't | 7. <te; Ressonble fates, |fttibiy orice ; omer | Action Classified we, deeramncaet he ---- r : Ip Wanted" column ti he 37--Auetions leent. Also first mortgages avaliable, con- CLASSIFIED AD 395 CONANT STREET PIANO -- Upright, 'Mason 'and Risch, i Ad: Times' Clasgitied Section' Whether yeu' Se--Coming Bvente exe private funds, Call 722-4631 any WILL Co apariment, size, 45% high, 10 years ld. WANT-ADS DON'T Ss junemployed or: looking for' @' bette obs RESULTS? Use T SELL IT? st-- ey Payl 723-9077 Plano Rebuilding Ce. Telephon'), COST---THEY PA' check "Help Wanted now! © lob r Use | a Y 723-3492 oy Acti Action Want A 4