12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 20, 1967 Comsat Has Big Plans -- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Load- ed with cash and eager to spend t, the Communications Satellite) Corp. hopes to buy its way to} jominance in an eventual] merger of all the major U.S.| jira A CEST a =)) =) | LOVELY ROOM SETTINGS CHARMING COLONIAL HOUSE COLOR TV AND STEREO SALONS i of Cherney's 5 great stores you will agree "Cherney's like lookers', You overseas cable and radio com-| anies. | 3 Comsat's hopes are buoyed by Cherney's like lookers! Within minutes of entering any " / ' a growing sentiment in Wash- don't have to buy a thing! The more people Cherney's have browsing through their stores during a Storewide Sale, the better they ae ington favoring an --_ like it. ppm ecoereren "chosen inst t'--a single- : : : i sateuaey amet. Br Cherney's invite you to call in tomorrow ,.. see.. - explore tee make it a personal adventure. Discover an_ infinite variety of ; y styles for every taste and budget. Discover uncompromising values in Cherney s brand names . , . the convenience of Cherney's CUS flexible credit plans . . . total service in furniture and appliance shopping. There's something for every room in your home -- : the competing corporations in the international field. Comsat is the American rep-' resentative in Intelsat, the man-| agement consortium of 18 coun-| tries that produces, launches and operates space satellites.' Canada is represented in Intel-| sat by the Canadian Overseas] Telecommunication Corp. 4 bill was drafted this sum- mer to remove the anti-trust) barriers for a vcluntary merger} of any or all the four major in- ternational common carriers. WILL SET POLICY | The so-called permissive} merger bill was shelved before| it reached Congress. Instead,| President Johnson sent a spe-| cial message Aug. 14 announc-| ing creation of a 16-member| presidential task force on com-) munications policy. He ordered) it to study every aspect of the | field, including merger, and re-| port within a year. | Most officials predict pri-| vately the task force will rec-| ommend a similar permissive} bill, backed this time by the} prestige of a government-wide | commission to help overcome} the ingrained public suspicion of| monopoly in any field. | All three of the major interna-| tional "record" carriers--those dealing in messages, not voice | transmission--have shown inter-| est at some time in some kind} of merger, not necessarily a} merger with Comsat, however, | and perhaps least of all al merger that would put Comsat in control. : The three are RCA Communi-) cations, Inc., ITT World Com- munications, Inc., and Western| Union International. The fourth overseas carrier, the mighty) American Telephone and Tele-| graph Co., presumably would be | invited also to toss its voice, or} telephone operations into the) merger. A.T. and T. has shown} no interest whatsoever. | The "record" carriers, on the) other hand, can only look for-| ward to a middleman's future of renting circuits from A.T. and| T. or Comsat and selling time/|f on them while others exploit the new satellite technology. President Johnson virtually] demanded of his new task force/ a recommendation on the uites, bedding, carpets, draperies, lamps, tables, pictures, occasional pieces : ; * living room furniture, bedroom suites, dining room s' and a host of accessories. Cherney's extend an invitation to everyone to visit their Kingston store -- from Howard Doner's imaginative sculpture to fabu- lous room settings, it's exciting! Cherney's Newest (5th Great Store)... KINGSTON-FRONTENAC MALL | j 21.3 CU. FT.... NO-FROST FOODARAMA REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER 312 LB. UPRIGHT FREEZER 12.4 GU. FT. REFRIGERATOR ALL-IN-ONE (3534" WIDE) REFRIGERATOR FEATURES: @ "'NO-FROST CIRCULATING COLD -- The same economical system that keeps your freezer section Frost-Free also elime inates frost in the refrigerator. ae merger issue. His message called attention to costly dupli- cation of U.S. facilities, . dis- 24 IN. putes between Comsat an the @ Glide-Out Shelves --- Three glide-out shelves are placed surface carriers, and to U.S. "SUPER-VALUE" at just the right level for greatest convenience and flexi- bility in loading and unlooding. i ® problems in worldwide commu- nications negotiations "since we do not speak with a single voice" as all other countries do. | Course Set For Adults @ HIGH-CAPACITY DOOR SHELVES -- Five adjustable deep- door shelves hold milk cartons and bottles, as well as tall soft-drink bottles, Two are removable to provide handy tote trays. @ MAGNETIC DOOR GASKETS -- Powerful permanent mag- nets in Koroseal gaskets keep doors tightly elosed, seal cold in, heat out. Doors open with a gentle pull-- open eosily from inside for safety. RANGE HALIFAX (CP) -- With) It wasn't too long ago, you would expect to pay pc elige tec Al ingly oes this price for a heavy auty rangette! Look what alread) rEg , tne } your money buys today! All porcelain lifetime Sco! ighway Safety : otia Highway Safety Council finish . . . 4 infinite heat burners . . . lift -. off FREEZER FEATURES: @ "NO-FROST" CIRCULATING COLD -- Kelvinator's No- Frost system uses only warm refrigeration gases to keep frost off freezer shelves, packages ond walls. No electric heating elements or extra tubes. It is more reliable and econ- omical, anning to introduce a safe-| driving course for adults. In its first stages, the course <i DRONeT.": be aimed at employees of} industrial firms. Tech- of defensive driving will ot eis ae as ce WESTINGHOUSE HI-SPEED oven door... variable oven temperature control . appliance outlet instructor training Teen-agers have been taking driver education courses in the| AUTOMATIC DRYER © 5 DEEP DOOR province since 1963 and more ALL-IN-ONE bse gh seo dpe meh Check the features--2 temperature selection SHELVES aliburton, councl i ide ack vite 3 for fast drying. A t ir- ire ident, says youths are tak-| ying utoma ic: timer dial with air FOODARAMA ® 2 GLIDE OUT g most of the blame for traffic fluff setting. 5 minute cool down period that rn ore main problem prevents wrinkles. Balanced air flow system that ee sae t s parental respon- R BASKETS sibility: eliminates hot spots. Smooth porcelain drum. "It's true. that the under-25 Front-mounted lint collector. BUDGET TERMS (WITH TRADE) group has the highest accident rate. However, in many cases SALE PRICE § eeene the young drivers are just pick- ing up the bad habits of their parents." QUICKLY ARRANGED ants For The BEST DEAL On The Famous Firestone McClary-Easy Deluxe 30" ELECTRIC RANGE The high-style Control Centre floodlights the convenience features of this 30" model. The Bake, Broil and Barbecue ; apa ICE SCRAPER TOWN and COUNTRY T 1 S Oven hos Variable Heat Control that broils chops and chicken legs perfectly with no guesswork. Set a meat loaf in the oven' RE end let the automatic timer take over. (Take a nop if it pleases you.) With four Infinite-Heat elements, you get smooth- FIRESTONE Phapeage tcl ange se gil cleaning with recessed top; 4 a ments; lift-off oven door, shel 4 vhg ata r, Shelves and storage : SEE COOPER'S | | A real good buy! Deluxe home ; CO freezer with lifetime compres- i WITH SELF-BASTING } ; EX A 7 sor warranty. All steel con- R McCLARY-EASY ' 56 BRUCE ST. 723-9632 m4 struction. Acrylic enamel fin- OTISSERIE . $198 : ; ish. Copper tubing. Food 410 RITSON RD. N. i i r25003 STORES . . . FREEZES peice see ted ...8: eee : Use Your Texaco Credit ; 4 Card Take Up To 12 525 LBS. FOOD or the breadwinner of the fam- z pki. ily --you need a freezer. 4 Be Sure ond Get Your Free McC LARY FASY | 4 % WINDSHIELD a