es Citizenship Certificates | Dymond Asks For Extension : }| Received By 77 Residents | °ntario Health Departments Mjeaith ae verte i Otay ht to be thinking of new * -- Health departments in Ontar-/ oug' 0 be WATTSY Sorted ° sete aes Sees Ee io are "far too reluctant to ex-|areas such as home care, fam- jreridents of the district recete-ileeke, Waligeng Berknerd sad tend their sphere of influence tolily planning clinics, rehabilita- ed their certificates of Cana-jand Mrs. Gertrud Scheefer, ' i ' ice, hous- i iti i i new areas crying for their con-|tion, chronic care service, hous dian citizenship at a session of}Manfred Erich and Mrs. Ilse sideration," fone Ontarioling and nutrition. -| Wolff, Wieb % - : a cee Sout at tre oeclske Wielinge. all ot Whitby." |Health Minister Matthew B. Dy-| Dr. Dymond' said his, depart presented with their certificates) Richard, and Mrs. Maria be i ype ee scales Oe ou tata eg were: Blaser, Hampton; Marten and r, Dymond, tario's health program in the - tipe.| Mrs. Aaltje DeHaan, Canning-|tion in Tuesday's provincial a SA L E Kurt Franz Aniauf, Mrs. Lies: ton; Mrs. Louisa Wilhelminaletection in the Ontario riding, near future. elotte Anna Behm, Aurelo Chi- - One report includes a blue- odo, Mrs. Angela Falconeri, aaa pag ag fatal Hc was health minister in the last print for the orderly change of Gregorio Salvatore Gallello,|i.° Jacobus Albertus and Mrs,|Ontario legislature. 'tuberculosis programs from the Mrs. Walli Goldmanis, Georg Gysberta Agatha Janseen,| Addressing the 18th annuallold pattern centering on the Gomille, Mrs. Theoni Georgak-/prooklin; Siegfried and Mrs.|Ontario Public Health Associa-|sanitation to community tuber- opoulos, Mrs. Valeria Gutherc, tion meeting, Dr. Dymond sug-|culosis prevention and control. bila Eva Koenig, Hampton; Barend Jan Hawryszko, Eugeniusz and Pols, Hampton; Adriann Corn- Mrs. Valentina Herman, Peterieiis Jacobus and Mrs. Maria : wn grin ped ee Quirina Van Mil, Beaverton; Agents Would Raise le, Theodorus Johanne: Henricus Wilhelmus Maria and e Ihde, Theodorus Johannes Kiel} enrieus Withelmis Mar Yes -- You Can Buy Cars in Werner Gunter and Mrs. Inge Bowwancilicr Mrs Jiche Fen. Age For Licence Koepke, Volkard Michael, Mrs.lnema, Port Perry, TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario| amNM October at January Prices J J Helga Morber, Mario Pronesti,) Frederick Martinus J. andjInsurance Agents, Association Eugen Richter, Wasyl and Mrs.iMrs. Harmanna Bosman, Bay|will ask the provincial govern- Nadia Rudkin, Pietro and Mrs./Ridges; Fritz and Mrs. Luise|/ment to raise the age for obtain- NOBEL Maria Salvador, Rajki Simeun-/Kiehene, Ajax; Martinus Marialing a driver's licence to 18. The Haldan Ke ovic, Reinhold Spee, R Koppens, Pickering; Mrs. El-|present age is 16. and Mrs. Teodozja Stankiewicz|frida Hedwig Kunne, Pickering;| 'The government will be asked SELECT USED CARS Roce Ae Rockefeller Viada and Mrs. Felicite Stoy-/Kiaus Olavi Miettinen, Ajax; sik » New York | anovski, Milan Subotic, Mrs.| Adrianna Karel Momaber, Ajax: to allow driving with a learner's wai awarded prize for phy i , Philpip- i ing; it bet 16 and 18. ROR DIES pus and Mfrs. Cathrina Johanna| Friednelin Wilhelm and. Mic}, Some delegates of the associ-| A 7am 1966 DODGE CORONET 500 pie rate LAST EMPE Henry Pu Yi, 61, ]ast em- a Japanese newspaper re- |Antonia Van Den Ven, Richard) annemaire Dorothea Sandfoehr,|tion's annual convention advo- 4 feat 4 peror of China and Japan's _ port Woanesiny. he tenet and Mrs. Gerda Helga Wunder-/ajax; Jozef Zieba, Ajax; Jo-|cated withholding permanent li- Canadian Port Hardtop, V-8, automatic, bucket seats, radio, floot console, Lic. 10487E. tas oer puppet emperor of Man- said he died of complica- |lich and Fiorine Sirizzottie, all/hannes Martinus and Mrs. Hu-|cences until a learning driver OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE $: anomie « chukua, died Tuesday in tions resulting from cancer. |0f Oshawa. berdina Everarda Maria Ker-jhad two successive accident-| MARS) MIDI. S@iah thgag WAS $2895 Naw 2595 sri la Peking, China, according to (AP Wirephoto) Mrs. Concetta Ciulla, Mrs.istens, Pickering. free years, regardless of age. siotonical: vi ieee 1966 RAMBLER CLASSIC pene POST Better : Sedan. Six cylinder, standard transmission. Lic, 51960E. H Homes OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE $45 ome WAS $1895 NOW Pl an L 19 B LD OTTAWA (C 65 BUICK WILDCAT {OTTAWA (C Convertible. V-8, automatic, full power radio, bucket seats. Lic. K6655. bility to afford OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE $2595 pod _ it is an to own, Was sere NOW Lord, a Winnip Mrs. Lord, a 1965 COMET CALIENTE tive director of vision of the | Hardtop. 289 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Radio. Lic. 76444A. ning Associatic OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE here for the ¢ WAS $2295 NOW tional conventi Canadians h washed into t 1965 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON coal h Six cylinder, automatic, Lic. 87209X. pape bore OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE $ money because WAS $1895 wow 1995 ee 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC sf eden _xrtmo seen Sedan. V-8, automatic, radio, roll seats, 35,000 miles, Lic. J95037. 17 Pho wie oT JANUARY biog 4 695 or 1965 METEOR RIDEAU EF 500 sedan. V-8, cutomatic, power steering. Like new. Lie. 1900BE. OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE +4795 WAS $1995 NOW 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 Sedan, V-8, automatic, power steering and radi, Like new. Lic. 18799E. OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE 1695 WAS $1895 waw 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Sedan. V-8, automatic, power steering and radio, Lie, 25623E. OCTOBER PRICE '"ANUARY PRICE +1695 WAS $1895 NOW 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes. Radio. Lic. K11665. OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE 4795 WAS $1995 NOW | tu: OSHAWA TIMES ECONOMY READING PLAN GIVES YOU THE GREATEST MAGAZINE BARGAIN AVAILABLE TODAY! peer but that's not alll CHECK THESE 5 GUARANTEED BENEFITS ¢ NO DOWN PAYMENT. ® ONE SMALL PAYMENT ON YOUR CARRIER'S REGULAR COLLECTION DAY COVERS THE COST OF BOTH YOUR NEWSPAPER AND THE MAGAZINES. * YOUR MAGAZINES WILL BE DELIVERED BY MAIL. 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC Wek 770 Sedan. V-8, automatic, reclining seats. Lic, J83672. your family I OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE $4595 or for your r¢ NOW you survive . e YOUR NEWSPAPER WILL BE DELIVERED BY YOUR REGULAR CARRIER. CHILDRENS DIGEST : # A GUARANTEED OFFER... THERE WILL BE NO PRICE INCREASE ON THE _ MAGAZINES YOU SELECT FOR YOUR FULL SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD. WAS $1795 1963 VAUXHALL SEDAN Radio, Like new. 13527E. ¢ YOU PAY ONLY 15 PER WEEK FOR YOUR sieve vauant Ss 895 NEWSPAPER AND YOUR CHOICE OF MAGAZINES 1963 CORVAIR MAGAZINES as All from Group h -- GROUP B -- 700 Sedan. Automatic, radio, Lice, K23191. 4 OOT.V. GUIDE (Weekly) ...... Sym CO LOOK MAGAZINE ....... WAS S95 rales! NOW $795 OR MAGAZINES -- 2 from Group A and ¢ from HARPER'S BAZAAR ...... 3 yr ¥ queen VE 3 ye. CHOOSE 3 Group B " a eal ; aes ee rs ppp eo nega 9 1963 G.M.C. Y%. TON OR MAGAZINES oh Both from Group B (110 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .... 3 yrs. OO CHILD Life ..... cooeee Byte Low mileage. Lic. 715818. CUO MOUSE & GARDEN ........ 3 yn. COC MOUSE BEAUTIFUL ..... OCTOBER PRICE JANUARY PRICE $4295 -- GROUP A -- WAS $1495 NOW bASger ines New Renewe! . how Renews! " PLEASE ALLOW 6 TO 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINE TO ARRIVE GE! oo ARGOSY (The Man's Mogezine) 3 yre. Ore MeCALL'S ree reo sacs Syte. 1963 DODGE ee : D 0 REDBOOK .---3 ym. OC O/SATURDAY EVENING POST .. 3 yrs. 330 Hardtop. Six cylinder, automatic, power steering, radio. Lic. K14139. H (0 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL..... 3yre. (11 MODERN SCREEN ........... 3 yre. Newspaper Delivered By antec. c:eve % WAS s10B ee $895 vena 0 BETTER HOMES & GARDENS .. Byre. COLTFIELD & STREAM .......... 3 yre. : Now " 4 By completing Tl vAl, % y Whe video el evwes oo DOW ccsvccccvocceves (OC CHATELAINE MAGAZINE ... 108 iss. 17>) MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE .... 100 les. Carrier's Route Ne, wv. p Date . a SATURDAY SPECIAL e bikie, sen C10 TRUE STORY cece Byrs [) 0] TRUE (Men's Megezine) ..... 3 yr. uw - : tulteble te y CODOPARENTS' MAGAZINE ...... 3 ym [111 YOUNG MISS (Ages 9-14)... 3 yr. eee, Otboen batts ted te On ne vem sees 1966 HONDA "160 $379 ation. 1 DC MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY .... 3 yrs. CC] MOBILE LIFE .......ecse0e 3 ye. prices 75e per week will cover the entite cott of both the newspapers and my Lic. 772MC 0.0... .ceeeeeeeeees eusedecsseenas Wace . 0 GLAMouR ies Syme. CUCUCAR & DRIVER ......... 05. 3 yrs. ee Ie Oe Se eee ' Over 75 Cars to Choose from S COCOPHOTOPLAY .......ceceees ym. £][0) MOODY MONTHLY ........ Byrne. CCCHRISTIAN HERALD ........ By CUS GAMBA .ccccseece so. Ask For. « . Weldon Brown, Dan Kearney, Phil Mansfield, Kevin Chipman L | CC AMERICAN HOME .......... 4yre. CCOROD & GUN .......... aim NAMES siccceans Weea ene oe oe tess ag laes par ene Phan NA: sccacecesevuss ee AT ae : CO THE MONTREALER ......... 5 ym. (107 HI FLSTEREO REVIEW ....... 3 yrs. sacs xf EX CHUMPTY DUMPTY (Ages 3-7) Bre. TP) CATHOLIC DIGEST ......... 3 yre. ine | {1 D) CHILDREN'S DIGEST (Ages 3-12) Byrs. (71) ELECTRONICS WLLUSTRATED . 8 yrs. POOREE issicesscdeveccscncucecdsscoceststtpasss ADU NO soscbvbussuvecss "0 0 a8 10) SCIENCE & MECHANICS ..... Sym. C)CLPOPULAR MECHANICS ...... Sym : CCIATLANTIC ADVOCATE 3 yrs. LIMITED ¢ seeues (CC INGENUE (for Teens) ........ Byres NAME ...00. CID AMERICAN GIRL ... 20 eee. 3 yr. 9 OSPORT MAGAZINE ..... eee Byrne CIV sche cess snesusaceces Zone PROVINCE W. N COD MODERN ROMANCES ..... « Sym. CO CUMECHANIX ILLUSTRATED ... 4yre. KING ST. E. BO MA Vi LLE oe has DIDI RUDDER... (Hor Rooters)... 3ym C]L) POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY ... 3 ym ' Rambler -- American -- Rebel -- Ambassador -- Javelin | OCCUPATION DO SOR ANED .-,.-+: sees Bym [1] [] Le MAGAZINE MACLEAN (Fr.) 100 ins. ORDER TAKEN BY ....... Seaseeasuss séansecoseeges RENO. covcospsenesens "NOBODY UNDERSEL a CUD CHATELAINE ..¢rrench) =» -"WOB lee. (GOLF MAGAZINE .......... 3 yr. All Magazines Must Be Delivered To The Same Addrese LS TRENT taact Date of eeee _esesamatounnmcemmen st