RY TS 16 Girls' Coats In tweeds. Somé aré havé quilt lining m and siéeve, jular 27,98 ECIAL 19.19 Daughters Of Isabella Donate Over $17,000 To World Charity Mrs. William Eyre, provincial trustee and Mrs. Stephen Bon- fordi, regent and delegate of St. Anthony of Padua Circle, Oshawa, attended the Daugh- ters of Isabella 15th provincial convention at Holiday Inn, Ot- wa. A centennial banquet was held at the Talisman Motor Hotel. (Mrs. Lucien Lamoureux of Cornwall, Ontario, wife of the Speaker of the House, address. ed the gathering on this occa- sion. The theme of her talk was "Patriotism". Greetings were brought to the delegation by Mrs. John Fitz- Gerald, Supreme Director from Mrs. Richard Walsh, Supreme Regent, who is at present at- tending the World Congress for the Lay Apostolate in Rome and will present to the Holy Father on behalf of the Supreme Circle |D. i a spiritual bouquet and ig j $10,000 for the poor of the world. | The Most Reverend J. A. MRS. WILLAM EYRE Pies Archbishop of Ottawa, accepted a cheque for $1,967 on| A highlight of each conven- 2 eggs behalf of the bishops of Canada. IThis is the centennial gift of |the Ontario Provincial Circle to |Canadaid to be used worldwide lin helping developing nations. BROTHER, SISTER AND INTERPRETER Reunion Is Memorable Event Despite Language Barier Mrs. John Staryk 76, of Osh-| was necessary to solicit the aid awa and her brother, Michael! of an interpreter, Mrs. Staryk's Makara, 73, of Calgary, Al-|son, William Yuzaw, who speaks| berta met recently after a sep-|both English and Ukrainian. | aration of over 40 years and! yrs. Staryk and her brother| found that they had very little are both natives of Saskatch-| to say to each other. ewan. Michael Makara |left)--------- This was not because nothing| home as a youth, seeing his sis-| had happened in the intervening|ter for the last time in 1923,) SOCIAL & PERSONAL ing years but because a lang-|worked as a mine boss with) | uage barrier existed between'Drum Heller Mines in Alberta brother and sister. until his retirement. | Mrs. Staryk has retained her| Mrs. Staryk left Saskatchewan} Ukrainian language and speaks] about twenty - five _ ago very little English, Mr. Mak-'to move to Oshawa. At pre- ara, on the other hand, speaks|sent, she is living with her were bp gavage charter |Deseronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph| English fluently but very tittle/\daughter and son-in-law, Mrs Home and School A ge ti a |Brant, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ukrainian. |John Loople and Mrs. Loople, School Association, | In order to communicate itiBaldwin Street. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 19, 1967 15 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department | has consented to open its an-/Prant, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. nual bazaar on Saturday at|Charles Roberts, Miss Carol tion is the presentation of a Bay for use in the Northern Missions. As in former years, $100 was again given to the Monsignor Frazer Burse at the Scarbor- ough Foreign Mission Society. The Apostolic Delegate ed with a cheque for $410 for papal charities, Mr. John Kelly, executive di- jrector of Southdown, accepted a |cheque for $5,000, the first instal- |ment of a $25,000 pledge from eed Supreme Circle to the Emanuel Convalescent Founda-| |tion. | Southdown, located at Aurora, Ontario, is the first Canadian treatment centre with highly specialized and personal care! available to ill priests. H i will be offered; a religious article booth, white elephant booth, a bake booth. In addi- tion there will be a tea room . ; lemon juice and water in dou-| chalice to a needy mission post. hat ' This year the chalice has been ble-boiler top. Add gelatin; let} sent to the Bishop of James|* Emanuel Calarizio was present-| Daughters of Isabella scholar- ships will be awarded to stu- dents in Niagara Falls, Noel- ville, North Cobalt, Oshawa, and Dttawa. The delegates also voted to give a substantial amount to Care of Canada India Famine Relief Fund. Mrs. John FitzGerald install- ed the newly elected Provincial executive as follows: Regent, Miss Jeanne de Mon- tigny, St. Catharines; vice re- gent, Miss Laura Sabourin, Cornwall; past regent, Miss Evelyn Bennett, Toronto; sec- retary, Mrs. William Eyre, Osh- awa; treasurer, Mrs. Jacque- line Guertin, Kapuskasing; trustees, Miss Isobel Walters, Ottawa; Mrs. Edmund Mc.| Guire, Hawkesbury, Miss! Myrelle Farlette, Ottawa. SPANISH APRICOT CREAM 1 (12 oz.) can apricot mer) 2 tbsp. lemon juice % c. water. ; 1 envelope unflavored gela- | tin 1-3 c. sugar ¥% tsp. salt Combine apricot nectar, | tand 5 min. Add sugar and| Salt. Heat-stir over hot water juntil gelatin melts, Separate eggs; beat yolks Iho creamy; slowly stir in the | hot mixture. Return to double- boiler, and cook-stir about 3 min. or until mixture coats spoon. Remove from the heat. | Refrigerate until beginning to} thicken. Then beat the egg} whites stiff. Fold into the apri-| cot mixture, Rinse 6 (51% 07.)| individual molds with cold water and dust with granulated Sugar. Spoon in the gelatin. Refrigerate 4 hrs. or until firm. Unmold and serve with any whipped topping. Fruit Dessert Plates From The Chef Place a pitted nectarine opened flower fashion in the middle of a doily-covered plate, the centre filled with pasteur- ized dates, edged with red- skinned apple slices; or put alf a peeled large and cored a ; 4).|Pear in the middle; heap the bg p.m. Roberts, Miss Dorothy Roberts, vin Fa vit bee _ chil- centre with seedless grapes and CLUBS INVITED TO SUBMIT | The Honorable J. Keiller of ane Mrs. Harvey Roberts, pls a Ne yal |MacKay, former Lt. Governor ram Brooklin; Mr. and] Prior to her marriage | tol s round the edge STORIES ON 1967 PROJECTS [of Ontario, will be the guest|%at --. V. Suppelsa, Lind.|George White last Saturday| [speaker at an inter-denomina- eA, r, int yh _Kenneth afternoon in Northminster; The annual supplement of women's club activities will |tional religious service to_be|® cj rd aati ritain; Mr.|United Church, /Miss Joan Sup- be published next month. This year most organizations |held at the auditorium on Sun-| Pre ee aogsteen, |pelsa was hogiored at several day. All proceeds of the collec-|Mt. and Mrs. Ronald Northam, s. AD ion r have held special centennial events and it is planned tion will 'Be given to support a Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Ray-|was held by employees of Na- to make these the highlight of the supplement as a [proposed men's hostel in the(@0Md_ Crawford, Pickering; |tional Grocets where the bride ; bie Russell Nixon, Toronto; Mr.|is employed and they present- souvenir edition. city. Mayor Ernest Marks and nd Mrs. James Lawrence,|ed Miss Suppelsa with an elec- 4 i i Mrs. Marks will host a private sig? * ppe! Secretaries are invited to send in articles recalling luncheon in their home for Mr nahi Mr. and Mrs. Russell|tric carving knife. Three other i d the full names ; ;|Wray, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs.|miscel h 'Ss were ee a aan ae ee ware-prol- lenednine' cnn n 12 bslstanley Wilts, Copstawn, 'GR Roe ber cathe tee of executive officers in this important year. Future proj speaking engagement. A TeCP-\tario;, Mr. and Mrs. Alan|Roy Clowse and Mrs. Leo kills ects may also be listed. tion will follow the religious|r ants, Linwood, Ontario; Mr.|Ginstl hosted a shower at the| es iled or delivered to the Social |Service to give the clergymen|jng rs. Bari White, Miss|former's home, Minden Street. \| \| kitchen rHcles, must Oe, aiella before November |2%4 their wives an opportunity|nawn White, Mr. and Mis. Rue. Mrs. Wayne Severs held a U}l fires Department, The Oshawa Times on or before ition", |i? meet the speaker. sell Mullen, Misses Bessie and|shower at her home on Mar- Never throw water on burning grease 4. Envelopes should he marked "Club Women's Edition'. Miss Edith Whetung, assis-/Debbie Mullen, Mr. and Mrs.|land Avenue. Mrs. Harvey Rob. on Eat tat decks Gtk beta Stories should be typewritten, on one side of a large (ot a ctor of the Commercial| William White, all from Bur-jerts and Mrs. Alan Fice were h SUITS ed pile Jackets od, team with | Cotton. Easy-6n shoulder straps. lar 21.98 cilAL 14.99 KI JACKETS of pile-lined Ski constructed of concealed Hoed Ng and pockets. lar 10.98 * CIAL 8.99 ite, bone ) .49 Colourful Machine ) 99 sheet of paper, allowing margins and double-spaced lines. {Department at McLaughlin Col-|lington; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert/the host tee a. " held : i st speaker at|White, Mr. and Mrs. Fred|at Mrs. Roberts The sender's name and telephone number should be in gel eneoting of the Fel-|White, Brian White, all from, eluded on the story. Ucw/ Hamilton r lowshi view ; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- The writing must be Concise in order to have space held at the home af Mee, Fred|liam Sills Miss Bonnie Sills, for pictures, Short articles are most acceptable. Do not | Bij ee a, Whetun: Strathroy, 'Ontario. of von Affairs with Osha ent delay. Late articles will not be published. particular emphasis on the In- Kuttschrutter isjand Mrs. T. J. Heath, Mrs. Anthony for St. G: "s|vice-president;, will attend be eo ee Pra toll taser to be held 57th annual convention at the : Octobe: Guests from out-of-town that|Auditorium. A variety of booths'from October 22-25. ding on Saturday included, Mr. When the trousers go is the suit gone? Mrs. R. M. DeGraaf, Wash- npg D.C.; Mrs. Alvin Har- grove, Miss Genieve Hargrove and Miss Margaret Hargrove, all of Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanderHoven, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanderLinden, Miss Lindy Rob- inson, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Maye, Goodwood; este and Mrs. Harry Clark, Toronto; Miss Joan Fletcher, Don Mills; _\Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce, : |West Hill; Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Brooklin; Miss Sharon| Branscombe, Picton. not with our 2-PANTS SUIT! Out-of-town guests attending | the White - Supplesa wedding| last Saturday afternoon includ-| ed, Mr. and Mrs. George White, Miss Karen White, Wilmot, Nova Scotia; Mrs. Frank Brant, Mrs. Elaine Parks, both of SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jake-| man of Port Hope, booth 3 seuss, Norma Noreen, to pants suit you can rotate the William 'Allin Cornish, son of trousers and look well-groomed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornish of! doy. 'after day. Ever wonder how you can wear your favorite suit day after day without look- ing rumpled ? With our two- take place on Saturday, Ne vember 11, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in Port Perry United Church. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurrie, Maple Grove Road North, will MR. AND MRS. nr gg ag oa ing be piconed to receive their rel- Celebrate 25th Anniversary With Banquet And Dance their 25th wedding anniversary, on Saturday, October 21, 1967 *s Ukrainian Greek Ortho- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dobro- ang pr aa heverend Free Top Coat! from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and 7:00- : 9:00 p.m. With zip-in lining with every purchase of @ suit. tly | C0! hinsky were honored recen' 'liam Olynk. pe reel and friends on re eo Saves Ae gg a m liver wed-idaughter Linda and son, . ps nga ies Gong : one G. Karpiak was the . : ba Peart blessing) |ter of cer and the . care by the Reverend|book was attended by Ss. | Rostyslaw iy mo "Ortho: a - Dg Dobroshinsky : | ph gh omega banquet and|were presented with a = , | dox s held tree, gifts of silver and a Mrs. Edith Ring. is happy to ar- dance Bat Dobroshinsky, the|monetary gift from the assem- nounce to her many friends and reer Mie ulia Gallas, wasjbled -- guests. Special guests clients that she is now with former Miss J She is the|were members of the wedding "Beauty Counselor" serving Osh- Saute vs ak Dmitro Gal-|party twenty-five years €g0,|..4 ond District. ins, and te late eg byron) pis Slee Jone Shark, Edith has elighteen years ¢osmetic PMslome of the txidal * lexperi is fully qualified aig canoes gg ned the bridal attendants; experience and Is Ps ager ane craig od a eee an usher, and|to advise you on all your beauty prions ie" 4 the late Mrs.'Mrs. Bondaruk; and Mrs. Wil-|needs. , | Soieahinsky liam Moorby and Miss Patricia|concujtation by appointment only. 0 sky. 2 PANT SUITS 5 g.5° FROM r Your'e Welcome to Charge-It { DOWNTOWN Open Friday Till 9 Both Stores Closed Wednesday at 1 P. r 25, at St. Gregory's|Royal York Hotel, Toronto, home in'f COW BRAND BAKING SODA - 2 LOCATIONS - OSHAWA . SHOPPING CENTRE 36 King St. East Open Thursday and Friday Til 9 .M, The couple was married on|Andrey who were the flower pcre Beptember 19, 1942, Gt. igirls, Phone A Standout on any slope... THE DASHING SKI LOOK These are the wonderful clothes that go with snow. Nicest thing is--though these fashions by White Stag are ideal for active skiers, you don't need to ski to enjoy them. Called "Cross Country", this Is the newest look in ski jackets. In nylon Fortrel® fibrefill, it's unbelievably lightweight, yet so warmth-giving. Wing collar closes over its de- tachable hood. Navy, gold. $,M,L. -repelient" Bronze Medal" ray- pret cere stretch ski pants, Leg extends Into instep for the smoothest stirrup fit possible. Navy, gold, black. 12-18. 20.00 Pte ase sy