i ft DUTCH CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEMBERSHIP DANCE OF THE SEASON . _jriliages where iiey were sup- OSHAWA TIMES The Dutch Club. opened dance held at the Dnipro wife, James Kamstra 0 i Hall on Saturday. The pres- Mrs. Kamstra are pictur- a ident of the club and his ed here with Mr. and Mrs. Indian Women Refuse To Give Up Social Project By RAM SUNDAR Lacie federal Health Minister Canadian Press Correspondent|sushila Nayyar. Pee oy Se hag td --_ Kripalani called the dismissal of In ave just won a nota- ; ble victory. of the. oGticiale a national dis- A 10-week agitation launchea|8*@Ce- by government women employ-| "Women are the pride of ;/ees in the northern province of|Indian society," he said. Uttar Pradesh against retrench-|"Should we throw them on the ment has ended in_ theirjstreets in the name of an econ- triumph. The goveinment hasjomy drive? Surely, there are agreed to scrap the retrench-jother ways of streamlining the ment plan. administration." Some 3,000 women were! The press has generally criti- affected by the Government's|cized the Uttar Pradesh govern- proposal, which was intended to/ment's handling of the matter. streamline the working of the social welfare department and THE WORST OFFENDERS effect economies. The women were working oni STONEHAM,. Mass. (AP)-- a project to bring about '"'awak-|James Vorenberg, a Harvard ening" among rural women,|!aw professor and former mem- about 90 per cent of whom are/|ber of President Johnson's com- illiterate, but a government|mission on crime, says 15-year- committee reported that the olds commit more serious project existed only on paper./crime than any other age- It revealed the 3,000 women|sroup, and he said that does employed in it had done practi.|not include vandalism. cally no constructive work in Sebasti 1 a Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Sear ea An Kaien Mage fecldad the women should be dismissed. ends bh STORM BREAKS PICTURE One Setback Opens) KEEP IN TRIM | Another Avenue . Of Opportunity Reguar Exercise Remedy By ROBERTA ROESCH | To Beautify Upper Arms When one of the opportunities; ss ma JEAN KAIN | Standing or sitting, hold arms i losed chapter 1 4 ee shat that ie even! "Do exercises to tone, tighten/out at sides, shoulder level. better can be in the offing. | {and reduce upper arms reall¥/pring hands together in front of ng |help?" d vistfully. This is one story line that|/elP? bs tas comcae ae chest. Have palms facing and| came true for teenager Lynne} ** ; +., tricepts toners than for alli|keep elbows straight throughout Randell, a top pop Australian| |the exercise. | i ri , jother exercises. ; maker who is envied by aq It isn't difficult to figure why; For the return action, twist conformed' with 'the 'Movkees|thé muscles that flank the|writs to turn palms reverse this year while that singing|/Dacks of the upper arms tend cal bed and swing arms back to Pain Was on fais jsag miserably. In routine living/starting position. Repeat six' cited . we apparently circumvent thejtimes, exercising slowly. Do ALL HER LIFE type of activity needed to keep/routine twice daily. "T"ve been singing since the/tricepts muscles toned. | day I was born," Lynne told me; The dilemma is experienced pe yg eo ogg her! in New York. "But I neverjeven by normal weights. The exercise routine for restorin planned a career in this field.|writer of the above plea welghs|(o0. te tainee atime g Instead I expected to spend my/114 pounds and wears a size-10/ "Stand ar hal posture life as a first-rate hair stylist. {dress. Even so, she states het} owin arms ahraed élbows "In Australia, you can start/upper arms are large and flab- Pe Clasp hands ris Shcks: working as an apprentice in/by and getting wrinkled look- hold "Re ore twice. than hair styling as soon as you arejing. Another reader comments re at and 'hts time ulls arn 15," Lynne explained, 'so when|that she avoids shaking salt on ui Laced toward ahecld rs " I received a scholarship tojher food when wearing 8 high as you can, h oF ain begin my apprenticeship, I left|sleeveless dress! en Se By Ree the school I was attending,|) As time goes by, without made the rounds of the best sa-jexercise, the muscles which lons and got accepted by one of|flank the backs of the upper them. arms become flabby. Toneless "But almost before I began in|muscles lack shape and, aided this field, the opportunity I lby gravity, they sag sadly. wanted biew right out of the window when the chemicals {| SWIMMING eye sw jand gives shape to upper arms.'Federal Congress Party, and Then the storm broke. Many RE-PRINTS clasped. Finally, bend forward) women courted arrest by lying 20% Discount on Orders at the waist, swing arms rea-lin front of government offices. ot 3 ot Metre Pleteres ward and, in that position, twist/?he employees also organized to turn' palms out. |"relay fasting'--one group Available At Holding the muscle contrac-|50 would fast for 24 hours and NU-WAY PHOTO tion to a slow count of six,|then another group would take applies the isometric principle,/over. This went on for 51 days. SERVIGE and increases tone. | When Singh refused to budge, To beautify upper arms, the|the women made their case an 251 King St. &., Oshawe remedy is regular exercise. It/all-India issue. They enlisted must be the right kind of exer-|the support of Acharya Kripula- 8x 10 -- 1.50 each cise to reach the triceps, Exer-|ni, Independent MP and a for- cise normalizes, restores tone|mer secretary-general of the 3x7 -- 1.25 each SINGER CENTER It's on! Sale-a-thon'67 Singer sale sensation of the year. First time ever... Storewide reduction on every Singer product! had to use affected my skin too| much. since I couldn't get back into school for that term. But while personally know tone these rr muscles--regular swimming I had @ real problem then, and working with weights. I joined a health club in order to ' swim three times a week, the " I was waiting to re-enroll I met year around, I swim 10 double We won't pull the a woman named Carol West,Jiengths of a 40 foot pool, using who is now my manager. When|the crawl stroke to swim down ' , wool over your eyes Carol heard of my situation, she and use the back on the return. Ms What to do? Two exercises 1 offered me an interim job tak- : I realize that not everyone o ing messages in her office. likes to ewim, or can phdinng Or ony of the ether thousands MENTAL URGING Working with weights is very ef colourful fabrics for "It was something to do," Mabie rv toning 0 Tuscu| dresses, suits, end other Lynne said, "s open mind/larly "dead" area. Purchase a ; Sir toe % Pg ie Thea br pair of dumbbells, weighing 2 fashions you ere planning Carol learned that I sang, she|to 3 pounds each. Grasping a for your family that we started to book me for small en-|\dumbbell in each hand, take} 1... waiting for you to see. gagements." ithe following exercise: Lynne was such a hit in her| initial small-sized engagements/singing in their in-person con- thot we'll offer our that she soon gave up trying tu|cert in Wichita, Kan. experience with materials re-enroll in school and began to| "That was a fabulous study singing instead. Then as|chance," Lynne said. 'Then her career began to soar with|after 30 concerts with the Mon- you won't be left In the dark almost skyrocket speed, she kees, I went on to an engage- started to tour Australia and ment singing with Herman's ure er oe win awards for her records Hermits. Add some colour to your "The whole thing was really| "There are still many things, I life, drop In te the fantastic," Lynne said. "But|want to do in my unexpected nothing was ever quite so fan-|career as a singer," teenager tastic as meeting Davy from|Lynne Randell said. 'But I You eon be sure, however, | end pattern service so that encounter, he went out of his} "But while I'm making the Monkees. Later, Lynne sang in|my observations so far in my Oshawa, Ont. the Monkees in a club in New|don't think about them too House ot way to help." {most of now I'm preparing my- In fact, Davy went so far out|self for the future by opening a chorus at one of their record-|life, I believe that's how young 725-4551 ing sessions. Eventually they!people grow to be strong human Model 611-349 Year's best _. sewing machine deal! _7 York. When he heard about my|much at the moment. For me, Fabrics of his way that he eventually in-jup my mind completely to all gave her the opportunity of|beings."' singing career during our brief|everything is now. 11 KING EAST troduced Lynne to the other|that happens around me. 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No down payment on most sale itemseAs little as $5 a month with Singer credit-Free shop-athome service>Just phonee SINGER CENTER SINGER COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. 16 SIMCOE ST. N. a trademark of SINGER COMPANY Of CANADA LTD, Mi ! 725-5443 nt FUR-TRIMMED COATS Created by famous manufacturers in the most striking 1967 fashions especially for this event. Selected imported coatings of boucle .. . cash- mere and wool . . . mohair or loop mohair. Indecently opulent fur collars of Fox... Dyed Muskrat... Bleached Raccoon... even Mink! Complete size and colour range -- but please -- shop early for the best selection. Regular to 720.00 79.00 "of course you may charge it" DIVISION OF DYLEX DIVERSIFIED MISSIC The Missio: First Baptist Centennial te While V Russiar By PETER MOSCOW ( Westerner ha seen a photog looking Soviet ing away on crew. What th are pictures o! aprons. Militant femi son to complai torial imbalan candid camer Soviet homes edly show the lot of double d With the gre women holding jobs, the male Union is incr required t around the hor Like his We art, however, nd is -- ofte: shirking. Near complete between the s the wife with row to hoe, many irate wiv A pair of a arate Mosco turned an wi spotlight on th "of domestic af from both side: WOMEN ARE "Women hav . than ever toda; spondent E. wrote almost p government ne tia. "They oft money than mé positions than outdo the men spects. "They ha establishe matriarchy. We reins, But tom have no doubt they will get « imaginable. . . He predicted women "will so pLEERASEIP 2800: sabia cS caren Youll smoot you'll ¢ Arden eye sk beauty Classes ¢ tion now purchose: Elizab Mo Tue We Two Classe wu 8 KING S