Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Oct 1967, p. 16

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'aad 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, October 17, 1967 "DUST OFF" Something You Would Like to Sell Then Call. Ga A r~ 8--Male Help Wanted |18--Mole Help Wanted a 11--Pets and Livestock _[1 REAL ESTATE SALEMAN ' a BUDGIES, ready ; Be vaieings Beicad strain. Apply P. WE PAY YOU Two salesmen wanted. Experi- Broad, 114 Elgin Ea ence preferred, Excellent com- r QUALITY CLIPPING SERVIC 4 TO TRAIN FOR mission structure. All enquir- suc yal breeds, eteohone ee Y ies treated confidentially, "JUST AQUARIUMS repaired, custom * ' one ES ' ' E RV | ( E D | oraial new and some old style for RETAIL J. A. Sheriff, Realtor 1 © Lovely ove | 725-2647. | AT LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, toy i St. 576-0140 back - sp! : LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, 25 Prince St. 576 0 am B pees did cdgp v0 peng Toe STORE START YOUR OWN business for aa trically heat me able, Bo bah id bai Pt international company, all thal l a ed arta ua. Hine Ra. a ignment, no money nee haped livir 5. Pro- | consig Hs week, full trainin shape vs TV--Radio Repeirs eto veel tot St ser MANAGEMENT |etrnig, money mis we : oN tee ve hae RN Pb acs atoll, AR mare. Texas Seat Ee on bal Building Trades {Money to Loan ~~ TELEVISION -- RADIO brs. Ce eg ee sia 'Caridad wv SERVICE MEN, eng oth Time, y pez Accountants af ~INEED CASH to c consolidate, your bil 24 Hour Service y Rapidly et gate Br from ary to $150 weekly. 728-5154 COMMERC ' WLLIAM CALL, comme Charter We fale scan, marigons ht HOLMES a coost 10 coast hos immediate. MALE COOK waned ero ea sa li @ 33,00 ed Accountant, (36/2, King cant Alea ties mortgages availa 4631. any PUPPIES and trained dogs, toy: fie joung men to times land, zoned pit THOUSANDS. rand Timer" Aor Ch AINT| CPIGLASS. ie breeds. $25. up. Delivered. Tel@-| © opening for * Store N- TECHNICIAN for bench aba? tw Pease chalice Ketion Classi- | Itime ee ECTRONICS larger breeds, train on the job for TELEVISION TEC! ' tage on pit THOUSANDS read Times | a ic coniolldnla Ghiis [adele hth ns Se OR NN ith further ©p- | work, experienced, part-time only. Tele. dary fied ads daily. | [WILL LOAN $5,000. to consol | _ ntry home. Affec- Management, wi i 4 Electronics, 668-5679, secon bn RDON R. DAY, Certified General! ENTRE Mat bs hares GaGa TN ocd areal | TV RENTALS fionate. Daimatian,, two, Yeers olds wants ortunities in Home Office |phone Holmes director required for central part ap Acecumtent, "Suite, S0SW, Oshawa *Shop- Cc Must be home owners with 9 TOWERS heres ia coayiry, Loves sai RET cons caeneiitratve positions. GRGANIST choir Late model three lent loans 725-9953. = Telephone PRA HE fo apartment, Soeatciad fee ' tient he Son Clancys Accounting sim: RETAIL and WHOLESALE Mortgas . PHONE 668-5679 4eilendX i's. -- @ Ages . in wer a Pere ig gg Bg RY ogg ponies: ice, 1 i ° gage say - 7S he OODLE PUP, registered, able. Single suitable applicant. Reply state ho oll gage iyo T.V. Rentals MINIATURE Pi ble. Tele- salary for su Committe We will be N., 725-0397. Res. | t sell, Reasonal M lifications to Music Committee, e wi ba SEGEP GUTMANN, "Chartred Aecoun.| Storm Window Glass MORTGAGE LOANS NEW. SETS phone Whitby 668-6159 'evenings. eit . pha on see Soi Unie Ghreh. 188 Chek Bhi you with ol jas nsed Trustee, 17 Bond Stri : me x TERED MALE Samoyed ; nd | Bowmanville. i ---- an Est Telephone 2 ae Tae eS Char. Pg a ig vst P Re-finonce Present cueN ine: and f Pe ro ROUTES HURSELE FOR ta an ma we aienkas aoaanee on on. gentile CHRISTMAS TREE HARVEST. (ay "LORIN AND »| Glass Repair n with children, has 10. past wor ' boys to begin har YALE, FRIEDLANDER ed Trustees in li Pennvernon Mortgage ARY SERVICE -AND THE ORIGINAL | | good Asking $60. Telephone 623-75 ds Telephone 723-4641, Room 402 Love ) ee OE ee siret Nerthy| With Quality @ Pay oll your bills | APPLIANCES ; MILT SERVE training = "trained, @ Future salary depen ately. Il @ Simcoe 7 i Thick- | y ' ' i WPT HAD TO NS, males, _ tral 'it after 7 p.m. See in ; ' th: Bankruptcy, $72 $i _| Window Glass in a i | & Maks hemi imprivements 452 SIMCOE SOUTH i CONSCRIPT Hoar Sata Gary Ga, wr tale upon the ag sta achanie at fais Class A and yee = LE AND CO., Char-| nesses, Expand your business 11 i | 725-5595 erformance o " Tehautfeur's ticence. Apply D. ler, ing i up HOPKINS, BEADLE poe Trade| @ Exp ine - Telephone 725-5995. _ --_------ per lift Mills. Motors, 266 King Street West, reation roor his Accountants, Financial Trade | @ Fast courteous servi ae * cLecnon POSTER ears Wanted dividual, » Cliff Mills Motors, 1655 K Street East, st ay icles ante: 3 i d mechanic, wages and on mortg tio Boling aso s. T Hopkins, CAs H IC dian Pittsburah A. ROSEN SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 yuma |WIDELY USED IN | 12--Artic MITURE wanted, sic. @ Extensive expansion GLASS. A icatuen emetic ee Sn enact, call | ali E. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. cue d Member, Ont. Mort. Brok. Fast T.V. Service \ homey | FASCIST iti" Mighest prices, Call anytime, MacNells programe ane ovides |cially, C. Russell Sunoco, Telephone. és: : ee SPLA\ ighes' :. i training provi 081, Whitby, aces . scr ndustries c. 725-0532 or Week DISPLAYED Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, vised . ' FE EARS Ge intin scrist | Assoc TENED Furniture, n= h ortunity for | "SOUTH- ve Bluepr ee 'and _ Reproductions 273 Simcoe St. S. | ends and evenings 728-5623 DOMINION | £RSy U oak Berne OLD-FASHIONED ws :-% an pov ait baied 19--Male and -- oo Solic 1 BELL OR cai aoe | ITH LEGS chest of. ' hina cabinet, Fibre for= Woante Street. North. <onD i VOTERS: ze piano, oval c ividuol_ perfor: Hel an ngalow, re bisoriating: rand. photostatic cople PHONE 723-1181 paler diel sas ant ale Hennick TELEVISION | LOY ances Bosshisig | DID NOT GO Telephone' 625-5912, | Yeon Sec LEC aes, wih ining th: ii Tas lana' Hereicse Barticiere, 3) King Street 728-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m. in Pyritz, G ¢ 10) TO THE SMALL CEMENT MIXER, pail me uh \ benefits ine rooms and Building Trodes Br | pel ccshace = SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower) FOR iris HoseAND Tine i "Of CaMSe THE tain into i cn 2 Perelen Plan WORK basement, ' z id old . SPECIAL -- 40-foot tow EIR HU: RESTS FH clude 4 io. Ct REPAIRS oa gl tg Painting and Decorating tv Tower, srecia antenna alts | OO ANED AN ADDITIONAL SHOX saier | PASCIST REGIME \13--Articles for Rent Group Life | Insurance WHERE THE ACTION IS is Pee y . AUB cso rst ly Limited, 1. Ward shes mrved, 1O-NT h Plan, Profi a . 8353. er hanging, Interior |$50. Oshawa TV Supp! son. Road. | @ Kins Fesnom fyedioum ina, 106 ond Healt! A ° . ALTERATIONS ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. elle a estimates" and tow! jton Road East, just east of Ritson | Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Sharing, Summer and BE er, gy ADDITIONS cer yO ei eat buctantena Ga ttcuslprices, 'Telephone 726-8834, '1--Women's Col (bis asleius for Sale ae Calla Glisen. Cons Winter Vocations: THAT ACTION care' 20c aq. ft., a scaadcths atsa) an ' 2 i ; i t Jk [years 72008. |Plumbing and Heating BArticles for Sale 8--Article <| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal IFICATIONS IN oe ote Gee gle "TR th HOMES OFFICES-FACTORIES [aii --rypes buiding 7 reeset, Resting "HANDBAG oo OW... eee ee and res flew Meh' chaiz,| Wear, Men's Aig och White baer eg (foe bility progressive Realtors, aor Fp ' itchens | ne a car ee vant j j S | Woreers, tents, 'baby stroller: t;| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. tah School ience preferred but we e jern as Rec Rooms and Kite | ry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774, ing Discount REPAIR |pedal car, car radios, weight lifting se: | " @ At least High Schoo! J ight "ACTION" ort Allen ond Sons |Semptste vome Imervene sr Te once St, North | New handles, frames, zip- | six SERVICE BAYS ieee asain" OP CA RGEANT'S RENTALS Anrotine saving. asl | poren. For cortidaniel imo. roo" mapor pu James en an lice in Oshawa and area. Reliable, beg . Raseonabla cate, Cr aITERE apace , Rd. S., 725-3338 Attractive starting sal- e F apa . Lafontaine Const. 725-37: pers, etc. Rea: | iT TYPEWRITERS, all ma es, | 463 R Ritson FE sd She nda A ' ; w call room rg 725-6126 pelos cli Aneel WHITBY -- 668-6601 395 CONANT STREET | FOR FASTER SERVICE emenas avis Tae | |RENTALS, Hunting equipment, al" 66s. Sha io Pg ree « oe a ANN Sort ineras a é | ind service. 728-3664. : oes. Wilde Renta chool an t income Ai pene am Ra aE rpentry | Direct to you, plumbing ea 723-9077 WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL RS, "adding machines, cash|Co¥e Boats, can Gisdadres, FRANK -- ae for f er ROOFING, hot tar and fay ane lit Carpentry plies. Everything _ in | Te | Chev. Dodge, Ford, Ply | Sei nemernen, meatal sm service, ale EEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- @ Willingness to accept 723-646 hi . tend Construction. Lavaca ag REPAIRS | pune: pe: 20m oly at 2-- Personal mouth, Pontiac We correct |makes. Call your eres Soler Tabet Be reducing dire gl ce 0 715-1644, periodic expense-paid Griffin Real Estate Ltd. BUILE ved a G' i oma ' : 7 EDS from $29.95, mat-|¢TS Rentals, 105 Beatrice 7: ' ih = in bust- plies t, inspect and | CONTINENTAL plies. Aid 3B HOt do f during train ___ Realtor i ANO PAVING, 10 years rt. ent Specialists sup | wheelalignment, , all sizes, headboards! Nine ne hundred tronsfers du' . ae 7 neve. uacanied asset og | me Oe and District 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. ELECTROLYSIS | Correct castor and alg |one-thied ft gels outlet. 723-3889, [ENTER TAINING?. Fitty iyo" on dig ing. ~~ HOW TC TO EARN. x oo 17 Bond St. Tree <4 toe - ou yi Bar, kitchen, ' ownship YOUR LOCAL Sapient d sewn | beh uesdid bbe Service | pa SOM eau le _-- hai See eran Sees St00 [GUARANTEED USED lage ye Barking. 7207726 : REPLY IN WRITING stating MORE MONEY -- size lot 80 { fine ingtalieds roofs. repaired. 7232997. | Honest and Dependable Ser CLOSED WEDNESDAY __| Removal of superfluous wid ~ as ges an Appliances, 452 - A full particulars: Name, ad- MEN and WOMEN quiet area Ings installed; _roots ' Phone 725-8576 epee rset s die Marie Murduff will be in @ Parts extra if required Simcoe South, 723-0011 -|14-----Busi ss Opportunit dress, telephone number, age, de full or port-time strictly resi EAVEST Murray "Holltdsy. | or 623-3411 Rug - Upholstery Service _ Oshawa Oct. 16th, 17th and GREY PERSIAN lamb coat (amaill, ital status, education, and 1 need a Phe ca Nath for your ho 1 guaranteed work. eS NG 18th. Phone Genosha Hotel @ Torsion bar adjustment | ower mower, chesterfield suite, fuel RE marita F 'aaa person to help mei Vale dada Telephone 725-9404, fiash-/RECREATION ROOMS, kitchen cup- RE-UPHOLSTERI dated for appolrit: lother" articles, Newcastle, 987-4630, "| VARIETY STO previous work experience. tari fora Wich heeded arc or EAVESTROUGHING, .c ichimney deere loswren cin wie, fanceselity aed 725-9332 : on these date aula HOUSEHOLD discardables removed, No| R McINTOSH vice for motorists, Pleasant, ; {nos Hel' Mavlemeester, 724797. general repairs. E. Behm, 725-7066. @ Wide selection of Fabrics | ment. x --a | BRAKE SPECIAL FLY Tahaan erthareineutg imme on eee ee, artery. MR. FRASE ERS LTD dainified: dood: paving: Work NEW 5S =" Dressmaking |... Wetkemanahip 'aes [TWO GENTLEMEN ah Aad Most popular cars, First jae a L = good u oy Doing 9 tain: Suslaes of0 sees Road ' No experience necessary but | Vil @ Cons ung St. 0s : a ' F i RATES SRERUARIRS cect her ik twits, Li ial tt Terms--Free {12 downtown BS aie Teese Te Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, /EUY AND seu One 7. & only. Pretty) Living quarters for owners 226 peer es a car is. For full information | stone on a teats baeliggeressatg Beastly talore slip-| @ aay rtd . Ss Pa lal dil da ete $14.88 |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. attached. A real money mak- Oshawa, : phone 576-3351, ee street, Mat D WORD ADS rds, 1.20; |S8ts, , Mrs. Tom, : stimates | IDE trom Whitby to . [TURN Go Thtee reornd of new A chance to be your own throughout. 1 Cash -- | insertion ashi "3 consecu- HESShAO nen shraties. @ Over 20 years resatety LADY es IDE iro Ly, Pa '$2.00 bar whaal Paes sll Pay only sis moniniy. Barons') eF. LAKE ONTARIO Bookkewoer b Abauintant i Hbthons algo dditiona! words, Sc 24; addi-|DRESSMAKING, designing, rates.| © THE FURNITURE CENT! | Oshawa ™m., 668-4897, : nishings, 424 Simcoe South.) boss, }Ook a ie i Cc five insertions of 24 words, 3. 'onsecu-|professionally done at arate wine St. North lam, Telephone after 5 p. labor cost) |Home Furnishings, 424 _ CALL TODAY STEEL CO. LTD. Part-time experieinced, relia f today for a tional words 13%4c each; 8.76:"addi- | Coll Mrs Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby 90 Simcoe St. ae TYPEWRITERS, $47. No money "down, s for bookkeeper or practical : rice $22,9 k tive insertions of *y) Poulan 5 li '3--Sportsman 8 Column | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL | s2, weekly. Adders, cashiers, Mata has openini 4 ble, boo! v1 st ba copabla | pe fi tional words 24¢ ~ ditional charge Gardening & Supplies PROFESSIONAL IMBIrias LicwNENe << Gne Ga Gae 1 (lights, servce trace, Gordon Osborne ELECTRICIANS gta iB st hh ions ge--10 per cent a | traded. Ammuni- y er wheel, ss , SO" Noh. All. re: i h it'not paid within ® dove RUG CLEANING |fon* and 'hunting. supplies. Valley "Creek, Ail senile ste $1.95 | PIANO, ee fed keyboard Tune REAL ESTATE LTD. must ge Ce ing bookkeeping system. : Aig r Method of Counting -- pd slg 2 Day Service [16 Bond St. West. SOCK Gee ria Fey pitch. Piano Tuner, H. Cav Dial AG. ond DS helpful. OSHAWA PROVISIONERS Vill @ Lar rac da ual eat dear gy tghor FAL Deliver |SKATES, new and used, hockey equip-| SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, 942-5547, | : 8826 tronics experience ith 576-2990 low k € Me ae Oe SP pumiber omnis: Wwe : Free Pick-Up and Delivery \" Ronee and Ves bargain. prices. FRONT-END WORK at WOMEN'S CLOTHING, 12-14, men's| Whitby--668- Wages commensurate Ah j pa gers ~ ane word; op! Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 7: : 44, girls' coats, 6-8, . ience plus fringe bene- E My shies Early Tulips Angus-Graydon one HUNTERS WANTED. Abstain: COMPARABLE PRICES [nc bt candlesticks and hard-| Toronto--364-6622 ie Sera Hated to: CANVASS! soe "i Go is \ BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- ay i 728-6254 ers only, $55 per week, 668-5673, s novels. 723-0200 before 4 p.m. | Oshawa--7 28-5157 : A. SMITH Full time experienced, te! ] feet. Living hs sOciAL ap AS with 25 cents eddi-} Late Tulips : ors. Eslab.| ATTENTION DEER AND DUCK | har UNIROYAL |DEER "RIFLES, 30.30 Winchester 5.) St. E., No. 2 Hwy. Personnel Manager phone and aggre th | room good : a $2. 50 ehorge not paid within 8 days. Botanical: Tulips RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab ers! 1966 six-wheel drive Jiger, yr RES /30.06 Remington automatic ete new| 218 Dundas t 0. e' NTARIO STEEL vessers, hourly rate plus com Is in immoe f tiona oo Parrot: Tulips lished 20 years. Somers qers 'Mat.|only four times, Telephone Whitby CENT cain" risa sds. | Whitby, Ontario. LAKE O| mission, four day week. us for more MEM 6c 'art timates, Cre er' Y; fter 6 Pm. rea condition. Pri' t $2.50. tor the, tat 25, words fbi Lily Tulips [teed Free estim SPLITS reining: Feat -- Deer Hunters for the | sec: The New Home of ED TIRES, most ail sizes, B. F. Good-/ BUYING, selling apt. Bldgs. shopping a 350 Bad Ont OSHAWA PROVISIONERS e » an » C . j pach er additional charge if not paid Hyecinths toa I Mach noo: Aims Caner DOMINION TIRE STORE sche Ki Sree Wes obit ln Real Estate, Realtor, 723-7843, 'ox 330, A 576-2990 TR within 8 days. ; <photered ond fA ES hunting and good. food. WIG -- hand-sewn, fect condition, | 728-7585, q sis0 WEEKLY or more: fully partaime, In @ t SES TONS sds ot | ON ree ime rie Sear ma ate | 17-Park Read South Rar, "awh blnde | erach cna |15--Employment Wanted | REAL ESTATE am ia Fae every cent for the fii 1 [-} 1 | ring. ip Se URE ' en 4922, * e tani ae | a oer OMe ON oman |e eee Spr WNta Sat SHE Tian peeeeeorment_W ames! §=© SALESMAN . ._ |Seenowli, cateve rears This brick, t charge if no! |Street, 723-7212. y Whittaker One- re coat, size 38, 40, Elec. |Painting for office and home. Jan to Manager, men COMING EVENTS for the Paper Whites ag A . NEW y LOCATION. | Ray Oshawa. Parts,| DRAPERY er ee Ser eee Many household arti-} leohee Waxes, cleaners, paints. Rub- fice. work, eery sf Pia ° bedroom ap is $2.00 fo Cycle, 19 Pp |trical appl Multi-Clean for Oshawa o Plaza Restaura i $2.38 per inch (display); P ; Sales and Service Stop Cycle, | makes, now small les. 723-4402, rand viny! floor matting. Mu Wanted for EC i floor, and a 1 first 20 words and 6c each therea Iris jservice, sales, alt Woes kod aan MATERIAL yard cles ; SELL AND EXCHANGE 1 Used Janitorial Service, 725-1885. ingulried Heated . confidante Real Estate for Sale or the aid } AUCTION coma | enriching, [ees seek eg B ape. orien, to Se RELINED rune ig Sila Prag Mes inl MOVING, 'move duce 'hank fre onith i ik Call W. Baldwin, ma- 20--1 = Ritu water tanks } AUCTION SALES { ronthis IDA 450. Must sell, best offer. APES, REPAIRED. ding Post Store, 446 Simcoe) with or without truc! en ally, . m 1 $278 Fen INCH PER Aen Ih < REPAIRS by ig Telephone 725-4575, | Be and CUSTOM MADE ISirget "Soutne. 7231671, lariver." 728-2082, nager, weet Flap DEADLINES iy Expert repairs to all makes | TYPEWRITER, standard, $25. 1 poe Table CARPENTRY, any type, smal sma obs bre. Ae 1 ee in Bulb Pans | of washers, dryers, ranges, 15" Trailers ue S & DRAPERIES |$257,!BM electri Mette ta ta ferred and drafting obs. spect. wi Soil " r | DRY GOOD: ing ma ' _--------| BAY Ai ous Potting te and Install- . luminum -- and WORK, trees taken down, ° f bid i oncentrates . PARTS AVAILABLE _/TRAILER sees ie. ete eal: 74 Celina 723-7827 _|etass REPAIRS 1 fo, alumi screens. [HAIN SAW WOR moving jobs, light MINT ost AND FOU! Wine C ALSO ed. Also all types of Uber Bima ldtsecbedae |wood windows and roto-tilling, Rhesonaee. Te. RLTR ' od gl aaa cot es AN is see 'eae & agg gas (REE rani Deane sae ie --" REAL ESTATE LTD REAL ESTATE LTD. Xe@Av t g R STORAGE -- Geneva Park, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. | 468-9682 : storey semi : BIRTHS AND DEATHS Fermentation Values ALCA shied! (Sets April 18th, 10 minutes trom | TV SETS anak me trouble-free wie ee DAY CARE GIVEN one Sis ny 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa REALTOR 5 ig t IN MEMORIUMS and Brittannia Malt FURNITURE Biaie Soot nicinaaa SON ehertos member-| A-1 condition a ene eel Tatil teen Ritson South 728-7585 40. King Street East hos regula CARD OF THANKS Hops 452 Simcoe $.--Os! i eae ee ann 1212, TAS FENDERS trom ans | Ura", Reasons 728-6375. heating. Th } 4 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS | 3 Telephone 723-001) aes TRIO TELEVISION ake te hw and used auto parts. RO) eeu and "caretaker would | tike MUSKOKA a and three | 4 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Selous 2 tele| Cooper-Smith Co. R AND M REFRIGERATION ge 6--Marine e Equipment | 728-5143 built 'starters and generators. 1175 Nelson) CHA Experienced, reliable Write Box Required by leading building ONE BLOCK a socal lumn--4 p.m. day f . air conditioners, J bal St. 725-2162. e __| 81010, shawa ics ' -- man ex- F i oo!s, ' on larger -- 10 a.m. day previous : cryerst weer conlerhy all. makes, Sone: IS CRAFT 35 Division St. PIANO -- Upright, Mason and Risch, "(MECHANICAL DRAFTING -- Will ido ali "eo purchauing from public ape dO ai or eo oP i TIONS AND 16 Celina St. ialize In Frigidaire service, | CHR japariment, size, 45" igh, 10 Years Old, eee oe ane nail sf*sining| perienced i ing 8 year old split le tonight. SEEN. service, 576-3771 5 SALES and SERVICE TV TOWER SPECIAL Feat Rructure,| rane Retuiding. oe: Telephone ey homes Telephone 725-2512 standard millwork and mill breezeway and garage. 4 Sam. DAY OF PUBLICATION fore) 723-2312 723-1139 _|VacUUM and polisher repairs ors breglas sail boats, {2 channel, antenna, |942-5547. EXPERIENCED TYPIST will 49 work! Work estimating, Job requires room apartment with sepor- ELI j SiGHIOR Will te Chalees che days : Jack Geen plex Up and: delivery. 728; pps Peterborough and | usien. 7a REPAIR all makes, hoses, BUYING OR SELLING f Sar Se Ie PM 1 Lal usb had aed gga eA ability for inside ate entrance, suitable for WITH } j e Lees, pic . | Crestliner, vacuum y p 263-2294, i i publication wi Jack es 42-0213, |pliances. Call Elmer, i eee a Seer at id drafting ability is ds, 85 x / _ 9 Patients nabouts, Evin- |irushes, ete Pickup, delivery. 9 |p ahah sales and drafting rents, good grounds, sou bias RENTAL $1.00 TOP SOIL GUARANTEEDUSED- wae washers, epee cael |Fleming Vacuum Service, Mein sir "0" KENMORE! range, automa, ti Ay CARE for, Preacher child, in, my an asset. Salary is $125.00 BOO ft. comfortable living in xX! @ We ny erie, f » Pa Wine every. engeavor Ww mers tothe | E Wr Alcan: Furniture. eis, ADDIGHCRS. ae Osh Yachthaven Poke 3 idinch, wultabielonees. Gaede ne monn Cost "$300, |home, | weekly. the broadloomed, hot woter type home forward replies fo box numbers, to. the| MANUR yp. Alcan Furniture 8 Ss ie BE 8186 [HEANY UT YE: Wy 718-0607. Asking $175. 725-8679. WILL GIVE good motherly care to y your Mr, Robert E. Prog mind heated home. Owner has move with om oer fo Nagi ity in respect of loss, or| il, |VACUUM and" polisher repairs, all a far GRiti ay Strato Caster, guitar with case| TELEVISION -- VA Bee & \child in my Pome, King East area, ¢/o Shier Building Centre ed, immediate possession. ps od ivi domaged alleged to arise throug! ee No. 1 processed top soil, kes, new hoses, brushes, new mete i STARCRAFT" GREW 1 Traveller boats. Gibson Faicon amplifier with case.|21 R.C.A. $39, 21 Mo bt tric $59, 576-\day week. Telep! Box 150 and sepa cle Seorb aes! ites aration by negli- No. 1 processed and blend- [Tier "Lees pick up and. delivery. Evinrude Ine st roe and' Supply 'Lie Telephone 666-309 etter §.00, a sib Ral a eas |17 Female Help Wanted Bracebridge, Ont. BUY NOW-- pple ahs plies however caused whet La yo i 4956 lweek. Marine torag heels, $120. Tele- -------- ao VE LATER ait oe Ohite or otherwise. The Times v i manure for top 2a SUSE epsmaRISs TCU Klin 655-364 SET OF Cracker mag wheels, | SA e 3e responsible. for replies uncalled pe fs "* ~ rotted cattle Septic Service Nan ete Shine 'snowmobiles, Huski,|phone 576-1263 after 5 a aee|9 --Market "Basket FULL parle ila ihe ated GENERAL aihirg 6%% NHA_ mortgages tial yee in 20 days. ressing. SISOS rR sed snowmobiles, | MOFFAT RANGE, aim p.m. to 7 a.m. OSH ket, a | ivary leaned. Prompt serv-|Diablog, Also two u \ suite, Tele-| ha Hotel. 0; LED; mean $$$ in your poc 'comp! REGULATIONS manure. Prompt delivery PRR TE TANS cleene. Fr 204 Chestnut $475, each, Wilde Rental, 668-3226. _ a "ahs License hoicreer wane pa c MOLE ie AsO limited supply' of bunpalows, sb sali HAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE| Street West, Whitby. 668-2563, 4 FT. PET | cedar a iT bon ae aie, ia t Rena's Beauty! We are looking split level, and 2 storey ha cur TH Reh FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| 655-3331 ------____---- with trailer, has 10 HP en aye |SKI-D00 eth dal GE frig almost new, bind ete lanes el "E, Whitby, 668 man and one intertype ope! Na ilable, all sparkling double ga TISEMENTS SUMBITTED Cree ee |Surveyors in excellent condition. Telephone Ty tein a iretne, achlnr eteh ani. Vane ator, only qualified persons jomes available, kept lawns. THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY' Abs HAWA GARDEN N AND FLEISCHMANN, On. 7686. aie arlene, thes cabinet. 1-985-7160. | A WOMEN for laundry eat, al need apply, Fringe benefits, new. inspect, ca VERTISEMENT. NOR BEYOND THE OS tarlo Land. Surveyor, Commercial blue 7--Swap and Barter N DE. ee eee uae eek [Rae ite Abel OMe. eee 5 good wages, steady employ- CUSTOM BUILT FESO IA SIHIGE ERROR OECURS.| SERVICE LTD. pie 2 eoret RO LANE Save | ATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17)" rollers, |aition "Telephone s760188 iia i Mi eee ment. Apply to plant super- 4 bedroom, 2 car garage with ""MITCHI wage es he right to -- ii FLIM, ONTARI Res. 103 Elgin St. pases $10; pressure systems, sump {9 EASY ome |EXPERIENCED hairdresser | required.) -- indendent. ved drive, family room, XI @ 3] The Oshawa Times reserves the rig his oo as and vanity units, made to/McCLARY $90, Telephone ete 723-0301 AX BEERLI ir! i broad- hoo! slassify advertising according to. its TOP SOIL--MANURE [e. 725-6#e1. oe | brder and installear piping fitiegs: care pale aoe yaar Be. | hee a aie to care for M nS with bar and atta Hl near Gi . ssification Bie z . or 'Chinn. 723-7088 or 728. | 576-0663 nna RG h -22 and torginol jOOrs, ing. Idea a e see display advertisements) stock for. Fall plant- 'TV--Radio Repairs trucks, trailers, H. Chinn Si HL Re nae furaiare| h l [trae chiar 1.5, 3 "mongay through 723 on Bak: Wie tee Renee path ae The Times will not be held ices glo EN alka Call FOE OW SERVICE Sale WHIekar Gales. and Gerviehe' Teun "| $2 Per Bus € area, Phone 728-3487 after 6 p.m. aces material, very reasonable $13,995.06 fer more space' than that wisllaners| WO: NG COLOR 8--Articles for Sale citi 16 rineg: Bite: RELIABLE BABYSITTER to care or . Manager Trainee down payment with owner actual _e ele dt edvertisng| HARDSAND LANDSCA! | pa - LUM | N U M \COMPLETE SET rid ab ea Pho Pillsrer ie ay, teria, ait ere, Young man, high: schoo! gra- holding mortgage, _ excellent A SOUNE t assume no world map 'igin . A H er. IPB avertucnank ain inaccuracies in 725-1721 | BLACK and wes A Ialctionaries with own, case, New con affer 4.30 p.m ---- duate; pesterabay w i » ed terms to responsible buy Xill@ 4b any form are contained therein : : FOR THE BEST, CAL dition, Reasonable. Telephone 725-30 HAIRDRESSER -- experienced, INKING experience, to UTH of rapidly r IT'S EASY TO PLACE A oe Eee ree etimoness : @ SIDING ONE "CERCOMAGIC 'refrigerator, auto: A L G 0 MIDBLE-AGED. LABY-to-babyilWwo| 0 Branch of Canada's lead- Ep iy a ive you Con be ¢ SUMS AR TION: rant AB. | T R | @ AWNINGS Irie' CARB Telbe Ona eaRGGONe be ade eg a ae. ing Trust Co. $3,000. Lp gin Pi ehtey de $17,900.0( wae 0 aaa J. KAMSTRA | TELEVISION. | p al lrscedai lean VREOURT clashes santas ORCHARDS Ltd. |Rosslana'SreaCive or" Telephone "ste "GUARANTY TRUST CO. Dk hora Ghee od ing 'and o 723-3492 complete TELEVI | @ DOORS tieall $10 and up, 263 Simcoe 0842 after 6 p.m. Soe te ' r J 71 x yy new, TO MR CCT ae e. ANADA transportation at your door. | R # South, 728-7552. EMALE KITCHEN worker for ev OF C ransp\ bath, for LANDSCAPING FOR CLEANER, SHARPE Street South, 7 F : Welk. widens rae and TV RECEPTION Be iss ear a ee "ile mp,| Thickson Rd. N., Whitby OF webdavs, is wash diane help in pre-| 32 King St. E. Oshowa $1,000 DOWN please phor | tHress, v : wi & ning, * y ; SSIFICATIONS | CARDEN SERVICE | TOWN | EEN SS. ae ater ae Pe | | ny teen Meg "NO} | | 5416, ae is.) , containing two 3- CLASSIFICATIONS | 728-8267 | Vv eR: 15 Price SpoAES TD. it" = * angie, a (Walaa ewer ea it WNSMISS Provety, containing two 3- say NO} - e oT. ba a reba SEH . 1--Women's Column | | 728-5143 _15 Prince St. Prange, (Rensoneble. ug, 18 x 1, 100) WINTER POTATORS ais Spanish, and| 18----Male Help Wan 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 | ing area, carries for $80. per clapboard, 2--Personal | Lg ions. Apply iam tech I nth. itchen, liv par Ali ea MERION-KENTUCKY SOD Co ner | Bond | ond Divis jon of eon wate -- 700 x 13 snow tire, mount- Thornton Road south At farm mht bane tie ee " pieby ond Be aa Scant | BLUE GRASS « Kitchen & Dinette Suite ed on wheel. oe oan niga bak A Se pan- YOUNG MEN varie Exchanges. All. Work OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE price, $13, 6--Neari | | A ; " i i counter, ' : " ' Rett 'e aa | All-Green Nursery | ce V. TOWERS pe Fut wus wan page old iene as oa ish tt gale penper st Sauna etc Wale? ' Guaranteed. - Dial 728-4678 particulars 8--Articles for backed chairs, w id one meat scale. Telephone turnips, + of Oshawa on "i nager in local Bs oy il ot j Sod Growers } " N OSHAWA" vinyl backs, walnut arbor- |8nd_one . haw ce ition, bade) aA Non Martine moet ? eek Ce to coast Expanding local General Roy Yeo 725-2217 COMMER' Ui--Pets and. Livestocx | Visitors Welcome BUILT | : es ite tables. 95 [chesterfield ti elgg andl) 4 eS Mcliitosh, sprayed, hand chain organization. Experi- Motors Dealership requires John O'Driscoll 725-8585 XV @ Th Articles | fae 5 G " i 'on . ; a bArticies for, Rent | 725-9674 -- jeonton Vi N AT OUR OW $69 id an |Straton sich. Faeenare T8EM. _|Getse, $1.25 a pane ence unnecessary, in educa SALESMEN John Howson see aiay cement blo He eusiiaee | Dep tualties |__¥@_ Mi, North Taunton Village We give you o better tower Many more' all. slashe [ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, | wonderful Telephone ~--~| tion field, but must be able Fo ask ioc Joe Maga eee aa for servicin n ay NEP 9 Wy i ° i A os ; leap Wanted MANURE, two yards and up, delivered for less money price. : RE for gift giving and LB yl gig 9A--Eggs & _& Poultry to converse intelligently. S les Manager Frank Frankfurter 728 ed arate offi 17--Female Help Wanted $5. yd., delivery charge on one yard WILSON'S FURNITU sonable. Telephone ree See res Y FRESH" DANY =| 1. Aged 18-26. » Mark Tomine 723-1 electrically Hie ye ay Famnsle Help Wanted [Telephone 725-0697. é SHAWA i v 20 CHURCH ST. (31 INCH P ihinch Mates table model wane Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. 2. Neat in appearance. ' 668-5846 REB now, moRen Estate Bo as S Helevision $4. ea oo Electric Picked up, de dat store or home. 3. Able to start immediately. GOL SR, Member O.D.R. a 1 --Summer Propet i bnccbnb ts a - " television, ------_---- . . j ne i Farms po gd SCIENCE TUTORING | offered Dy, a SUPPLY LTD. FREE ESTIMATE land. guaranteed, ful aogier a) 10--Farmer's Ce "Column SALARY: WANTED We list exclusive and ts for Sa d teacher. . as, may E -- brown, car " : ---- a oes! Estate Wanted Honore Des ae Cramer Physi, | TAUNTON RD. E. 0 ear all sje Mg jn. Jeispnone DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm sock $110 Weekly WELDER FITTERS a GUIDI 24--Stores ices Biology, Science, at most levels (uit Raeh nte Risen) oil or electric ea |seat, like new, $45. complete. Tele picked up promptly. Margwill Fu a . JOB SWITCHE nd 24 AE tee Roe 47. dust Gas ing system, power humidifi- Eo ____|Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263. Foi interviaw-call HARMAC The average man between 20 ugh deep ecmmoaain Janitor Service 723-8131 723-8132 ers, electronic air cleaners, |BILLIARD TABLE: custom ey min ee aren 725 2541 INDUSTRIES fimes, in many cases the chenge will 96 LI/ 27~Rooms for Rent anitor Servi ; peered "| gas and electric appliances. |® brand new condition, fenkl cont 2 fo 2 totally new cereer. 16 Sime em "oR if Per: te bed, exceptional ' : best fobs %--Room ard Board CLEANING CONTRACTOR, Robert par egal edly ch Renate of 8000) 576-3915 or 723-9079. KIL 14" s0lld. slate bed, . except included, IF IT'S FOR SALE i. neon Whitby 668-4981 sand the place to agk for. the bes 'ihe --Automabiles, for, Sale ihre cormar Geen tress dally newspapers. are sold inroughout 'the PINGEECK Fearing Gna Ap |e OnT eer aa tee tase ah AN ACTION ee ae Times' Classified selec feeb oot lly ia i] trial, commerci i kday. : " He Rae Pan eae ee NMG ct 'Free. estimate. Weekly, monty, gabe pe ee Ry ey et ON {tates FARRAR 3e7--alecric range, | CLASSIFIED AD eed ag Raed adn OO li Ai 4 ES Eid pc Nd Dt pal eine ere gl I Wanted contracts. 'elephone B ts Times' Classified Sectii Retr reentry j 20., upright hair-} what you gi d -- Call HAbtomobiies Pla contr verllie a i ew it's the one place LL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads |$49.; Seabreeze bh ee "sanctions. 100 WILL SELL IT! 723-3492 now for an ed-writer, Ade 35--Lost and Found WANT-ADS DON'T [people tock tor your 23 seurrenseek Wi pall for you: sround Ae eiseke' ial TAD Fe bal 36--Lega Z offer before 23,000. subseriber-r sa ete : lal 7: at ene COST--THEY PAY [as tl" iat 39--Notices { i

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