sauce and cook the wieners Cut the wieners in half, place | on toasted buns and serve bean mixture over wieners. Makes 5] sandwiches. . d EraRaMRae at aa" ORS comune err ree FIGURE CITED About 31l-per-cent of the chil dren in Denver's Aig to Dependent Children Program are illegitimate. : ome nnn KEEP IN TRIM Set Reasonable Target Says Triumphant Reducer By IDA JEAN KAIN very small and leave it in your Dieters, you will be encour-|mouth for a few seconds so a8 aged to read about a reducer|to really taste it. Let that bite who has made amazing pro-|satisfy your craving. gress, in spite of a thyroid defi-| 'One day out of each twe ciency which caused extreme|weeks I fast. On those days I & 1. overweight. drink iced tea, sweetened with Ca Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 17,1967 13 se} BUYERS SELLERS" She writes: non-nutritive sweetener. A fast- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor "I agree with you, attitude is el Head bd eos = ge 1g Y , the important factor in dieting.|friends or In a restaurant, »-| Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department However, I disagree that an oc.|s00d plan, : ut CALL 576-1411 : ional goodie is taboo. I feel 1| "I weigh 165 pounds this f Eos sppraleats a Valin mney, ond Mrs. George Telford, chair-jless of the Department of|must tell my story. For 13|morning, which is about one : your real estate needs and without man of the "Service to|Indian Affairs; a government|years I carried around 280|year from the start of my diet. Ik If obligation fe you, Patients" ittee of the|r@Presentative of the Agricul-|pounds. Imagine that on ajI'm healthier, have more en- w lense sell open gue _- |tural and Rural Development|woman of 5' 2! ergy now than I've had in 3 J. J, WILKINSON eat, Ontario County Unit Canadian) act. This panel will be moder-| «tp July of 1966 I finally went|Years. I'm down from dress size ; 100 King St. €. Oshewe Cancer Society, presided at alated by Mrs. Philip Romeril of|to our family doctor and asked|26% to where a size 18 is too meeting of the members of the| Blackstock. for appetite curbing pills, only|!arge. Oshawa area recently to dis- to be told that he did not be-| 'For exercise I swim 2 to 8 cuss plans for further service) The Reverend Margaret But-|jjeye in them. He advised:|times a week. This toned my during the winter. Conveners ofjler has consented to open|'non't use a crutch and you'll} muscles as I lost the fat. I real- Phone 576-1411 LATE, RE-ELECT committees are: Transportation, Mrs. W. J, Timmins; dressings, Mrs. R. J. Kimmerly and Mrs. T. H. Greer; visiting, Mrs. E. Cedardale United Church Wom- en's bazaar, Saturday, Novem- ber 18 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. C. L. do better. First off, set up near goals. Take off the excess weight 10 pounds at a time. As ly haven't done too badly for an old lady of 43 with grown chil- dren. My husband acts like Gunter is in charge of tickets. you lose one pound, you have|we're newlyweds .. ." A. Southwell and Mrs. J. W. nine to go, etc. After you've lost| With a thyroid deficiency, Dyer; gift cupboard, Mrs. C.) Out-of-towm guests that at-l19 pounds, tackle the second 10, special medication is needed in L, Kell. Members of the com-|tended the Weales - Skinner|and repeat! amounts sufficient to deal wth wd will ity Ba pee wedding on Saturday included,| "The doctor started me on ajthe excess weight. But as this cat tek a hae i Babarday, Mrs, John Chapman, Mrs. Wil-|900 calorie a day diet. I couldn't/wise doctor pointed out to his motel, 'elerborough, "Nam Ni Alken A d Mrs, |10se until I asked him to cut me|Patient, medication does not t/October 28, David Skinner" Mr and Mre {a little below that number. I|change the necessity for calorie ' i Parrots Sau To.|had been on thyroid pills for|control. wits' Geet Frage dog Peter Dimitrow, all of TO-| vears He increased the medica-| We salute this spirited omen" was the theme for ajronto; Wayne Bauman, Lon- |! , f the in-|woman! panel discussion at the recent/don, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs, | tion cr gy 4 "s e = ! mbenne Of Bingsvew URveC Robert -Stumpl, . Mis. John|cunur . teen Sok SHIR: Church Women. For the pro-|Dugan, all of Kitchener; Miss|°tibed ty img heed ee gram Mrs. Arthur Clark, leader|Marlene Scott, Kingston; Mr.|2° 1 retain ul ple 'at t ing h of the Friendship Unit, was as-|and Mrs. Walter Lane, Oak-|: " people at a recent zoning hear- sisted by Mrs. Herbert Wilton,|ville; Mrs, Wilbur Webster,| "He steased" the coed for|iMé_in Reading were dead set Mrs. Frank Train and Mrs./Calgary, Alberta; Mr. andliean meats. vegetables, fruits gg ip emo tt bridal Fred Langmaid. Mrs. Roy Skinner, Peter-land skim milk. But he also|S/0P i @ former funeral home. . TH hoses They said they opposed goin: Mrs. W. H. Harris, Keewatin|POTugh; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-\nointed out that people lose|tror) the end back me are tan : iam Skinner, Burlington; Mr.|their incentive when they feel|-. Street, was hostess last evening! 14 wire. Fred Banyard, Mimi-ltney have to stick story to (ning. to the Music Study group of the co; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey : : 7. iversi 7 0 > . . low calorie fare. In his opinion THE STARS SAY University Women's Club. Spiers, Thornhill; Hilton they a better if they Sat hat By ESTRELLITA George Orwell and his books|Spiers, Mrs. Ruth Nash, both|they want, just so long as they| Angier sicnnree, will be the' subject of discussion|Of Barrie; Mrs. Douglas New-|control the calories. | FOR TOMORROW when the Literary Group of the|man, Mrs. Percy Head, both of} «] can have spaghetti and| Try to conquer. any tendency| University Women's Club meets| Huntsville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank| meat sauce, 1 cup for 350 calo-| ' s toward lethargy now. Much canjat the home of Mrs. D. E.|Henkelman, and family, Sar-|ries, and an 8-ounce can of beer| be accomplished but, if you are|Smith, Mary Street on Thurs-|nia; Mr. and Mrs. John Birkett,!with it, But I do not eat the alt careless or indifferent, you|day evening, Lake St. Peter; Mr. and Mrs.|pread or cheese. To your die- could make needless errors Vincent McNamara, Miss Edna|ters 1 would say that if you feel IVATIVE tila NEW LOOK OPPOSED READING, Pa, (AP)--Some crate a 3 ie Mrs. J. A. Vivash will attend|Weales William McNamara " which would offset efforts. Be ; , , ira,/you must have cake, then have careful in written matters. the semi-annual meeting of the/Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chenier, |it. The trick is to have a bite, provincial chapter of Ontario,jall of Lorne Park, Ontario; , |FOR THE BIRTHDAY IODE, to be held at La Salle|Mrs. Edna Nightingale, Fort | If tomorrow is your birthday,| Hotel, Kingston, October 18 and| William: Mrs. Tilly Morford, '|your horoscope indicates that|19, Cobourg. ; OSHAWA TIMES RE-PRINTS 20% Discount on Orders now is the time to make the :;most of good planetary influ-| Oshawa Presbyterial United et 5 or More Pictures Available At ences, You are currently in a|Church Women of the United : cycle which should prove most|Church of Canada are holding : |fortuitous in financial matters,|their regional, semi-annual so keep on the alert and make| meetings on October 23 and 30 NU-WAY PHOTO 251 King St. B., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each Patron (0-26 ic use of every possible opportu-|at St. Stephen's United and nity to advance along these|Blackstock United Church. A lines before the end of March. panel entitled, 'Concerns in Next good periods for monetary;Our Community" will include interests: Early July, the entire|the Reverend Margaret Butler, month of September and early|a social worker with the Chil- October of next year. According|dren's Aid Society; J. S. Pow- to the stars, your job and/or business interests should also WIFE PRESERVER Prosper within the next 12 SOCIAL NOTICES A small towel rack attached 5x7 1.25 each Choose cheese for easy en= months, 'with especially good in- T to baby's high chair keeps bib, Soe tertaining. A pretty tray set fluences favoring them in late ENGAGEMEN' towel, washcloth handy. withaselectionotfine Canadien December, January, late April] Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Atkinson, ' a crackers and fresh and next September. |RR 1 Whitby, wish to announce ; rigs ail you Sentimental, domestic and so-|the engagement of their daugh- 7 E ELE T fru please all your guests, cial relationships should pros-/ter, Lorna Maxine, to Martin IT'S NOT TOO LATE, R a (H Cater to everyone's taste by per during most of the year--|James Inkpen, son of Mr, and selecting a variety of cheese especially if you are not fazed/Mrs. Harry Inkpen of Whitby. the very least, six for by a possible change of environ-|Plans for the wedding will be e large A for eny ment in mid-July, nor ~ announced at a later date. on eon papas Bo ; Sen care Fuster Got so OPEN HOUSE dian Cheddar, famous theworld ) ; : : Th i i fans. And s riods for romance: The current] Mr, and Mrs. Archie Britton, over with cheese " : ; . 3 Srsaies esiesiois month, January, May, late June|37 Burk Street, de eee | myer pescaernely tate yey = 7 and late July; for travel: Next/house on Thursday, October 19, Canadian "greats, lore FREDERIC STEIGER COMMENTS ON AN ABSTRACT BY MRS. F. H. GOURLEY oatondic Ae September. from 2:0 to 30 Dm, and wie or thr akan aac eae A child born on this day will/from 7:00 p.m. on, in honor 0! the funis picking and choosing. ae members in all, including the examined. The study will con-/he unusually conventional, intul-/the 90th birthday of her father, o- Oo N Ss E R V A T I V E How ei eka ie Art Association Open House patrons. At the actual open|tinue through 1970. tive and ingenious. Mr. E. W. Dearborn. pier ndeewanbaalas staat d house, Mrs. MacLean stated,| 4 cof Cheses pit berson I t od F ll Pro Tam BM eagy therarthignen Binge i Buy larger amounts of favorites n if uces a 0 jexpect, but the response has OSHAWA SKATING CLUB like Cheddar, Swiss, Cream, i | x ka--smalfer quane i i , a talented self-taught|been good. : Blue and O b a ih 'oe "San ae poet of abstracts and por-| 'We work with various media} tities of lesser know es, Association at its open house|traits. He has exhibited with|and subject matter and with) s . re milnnk tha Hiavonol euch held recently at the Civic Audi-|the Ontario Society of Artists;|the expert guidance from our arents ig t ee ing chasis. lh soneeta idle toes torium the Royal Canadian Academy; Hongo fad A ge apy should sais Satis satin, oly i the Vancouver Art Gallery;|be enjoyable an A i ; ; The Oshawa Recreation De- i . winter week- . . then can flavor and texture be partment, of which the Art be ema sree lB re oa wee ner lasaad Registration -" WED., OcT. 18th enjoyed to the fullest. Do be fr cig po 8 Maggie Library in New York among}for the members and poenings ee 7: 45 P M sure, however, ye it's tightly rigs. Bape leisure time. | thers. oar ie ger tag ol ee So 2 : ™M. wrapped during the wen. "Culture is something that|/5"° ' ; : Add your own persons! Ate reste. "Nell" Mac-|vou develop," oe oe ! po At The Children's Arena touch with a party cheese ball g . 'ae ac- is o Lean, suggests a good way {o/s ME yy attending s| COLLECTING TEETH oe. that blends three old favor utilize leisure time is to be naling session." | ST, LOUIS, Mo. (AP)--Ten|' oS : . ites in a zesty spread. oo | buy, given an opportunity to be cre- "We hope to begin youngthousand baby teeth in 10 : . make it & a day aiuad 6 Gloss, urine jation does not|adults' and children's art yee ited god Fe . > Nn . very si ih or The Art Associa struct but to|classes next year and I would|Louis baby De ee mincien Unt 7° P want merely to instruc' like to see an arts council in|/Pprofessors at Washington Un | aoe : : t dirt, encourage the expression of any Oshawa, to co-ordinate the arts|Versity want the little molars to) . : : : chon eet SB acd own [uch moor snsocaion, the sud erongam:30 absorption i inbow of october nee Little Theatre, the symphony a b ading --. iy oan oe he and ultimately a centre for the|20,000 baby teeth have, been RAIN e weekly w 3 i ria gh members begin this week. Be- ogy Association open : ; ; eo the opal alt ginners hold their A house was the culmination of] @ Remember when Peter Pan pe pee ng Ty. A efforts by Mrs. gg ok gona 7 was for sweet little kids, and e Civic|her executive, Mrs. Ted Rem- not for grown-up girls like Mitchell of Whitby, at the Civic): ton, first vice-president (pro- oF g ; ] a? oa tne aun han . 4 ; y f Es) 'Mrs, Mitchell is a graduate = ee Reis sath hed ne ' ine O1iver pened since then, and Oleg of the Ontario College of Art. A pot oar Mrs Nelaoa Starr, treas- ] Cassini inspired them. Like 2 cups grated Cheddar cheese well known area artist, - has| rer; Mrs. R. H. Gourley, re- d. Serves Coquette, a luscious, lacy little A multitude of points of 4 (4-ounce) package pimento conducted evening art Scheel: cording secretary; and Mrs. bra with strictly adult ideas. color upon color dance cream cheese Whitby, for. the past a years oe 1 rie care loge cient wat iad in the depths of the opal. % cup crumbled blue cheese and vid work has been exhibit-|Secretary. rE C The Spot" that stripes away An exciting jewel with a % cup mayonnaise ed with the Canadian Society| The first four women men- J your trouble spots like magic, life and fire all its own. % tsp. Worcestershire sauce of Painters and the Hamilton|tioned are the actual founders be they at waist, hip or thigh. % tsp. chili powder ' Art Gallery. of this association | get he Bra, just your size if you're be- % tsp. onion salt e The intermediate group s|worked in co-operation wi Pe e tween $2A and 40D, white, Cakes wesaiaciie takeead meet Wednesdays and the ad-|Oshawa Recreation Committee Brack nude or blue Girdles . ial eon ae vanced on Thursdaysjjin programming and in attain- M, L, XL, white or black, Both ef caakro. tase a sem group s will have|ing professional art instructors. 7b, AL, »e and seasonings. Shape Both of these a Frederic! They now have about 100 ready to make great things ball and roll in snipped parsley. ie . as their instructor, happen to you. Wrap and refiigerate overnight Let stand % hour at room teme FOR THE FINEST 4 perature before serving. Custom an PHONE 668-5862 an _ Ready Made Another Peter Pan fashion : 4 DRAPES | sold at most fine stores. eee toe one eer ' SHOP PHONE 655-4531 in. the latest Shades and fabrics . . . see That's why we recommend Ladies' Opel Ring. Hagerty... the world's most = Mé c S |} respected name in silver care. --_ <a | oy nt Din ""WARD'S DRY GOODS Lid. BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. | wdzensmntttfos DRAPERY TRACKS TREET 723-7827 ib ag stl Parking While Shopping at Our Store Shopping Centre Oshawa 20 simcoe north, oshawa, 723-7022 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 P'M. OSHAWA'S CORSETRY HOUSE SINCE 1919 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 725-3529