'@ THE OSHAWA Times, Nite Pert 13, 1967 STOCKS | Desjardins Credit Unions r it-tak- re = GG MW OH BE WS A GR eS wm geal Beagle Age ' é wide range of issues on the| e & I Toronto Stock Exchange Thurs- Pl E : 4 day. an Expansion in Wuebdec M : Trading was extremely light 4 Re sania isi ra ae eae on nar th MONTREAL (CP) -- Caises,cities in the last few years, affiliates, a trust company, and a 3,303,000 Wednesday. re |Populaires Desjardins, Que- -- than ee its|a mutual fund, g Y : ' 'thet iat dnc lbec's largest credit union|total assets are. represented in| The two insurance compa- TODA S STOCKS OUR ECONOMY Sern 7 to 166 Pina Packed reanization and regarded as|big towns and cities. nies, Desjardins Mutual Life 2 R. L. Crain fell 1% to 47,/among French Canada's largest' ¢@RowTrH DECLINING hand La Sauvegard Life Assur- o Pembina 7% to 16%: Consoli.|Pools of wealth, is preparing for) The growth in the number of ance, together have assets of a TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net e Distributed by CP | Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge Pp Pl i R t in wilet sate ik the province's € Ot oe shah $90,000.00 und about Torente Exchange--Oct. 13 | B 200 $14%4 14% 14% dated Bathurst % to 30% and® i x branches has trailed off in ' . Die iehas cattees woarkea 4]. Beason: cae. S\7% 1% 15% | ension an, ax epor , Laura Secord, Beaver Lumber industrial expansion. _ {recent years, but total assets Leroy aged Go akg or ry and Inco % each to 16, 3514 and! Spokesmen for the organiza-|have been climbing steadily. ag ter ate Pe 900,000, 2--Odd tot, xd--Ex-dividend, Steg * a . | 8 2a aot rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net chai is ores Ma ; : ; b dione 3 tion which has 1,300 branches services offered to 0 ee | Oe ne and the Fends Desjardins, 1s] bo mes, || F\ 77 wl previous boerd-lot closing | BC Sugar 100 $412 41%2 414 -- 2 e Eo GEE Housing Closely Related js .tei sive. foe iat sence, bo tet tpg MINES re ee ge ik ee on 315 shares after Stern Met. |gates to a recent conventionlgreater centralization and formed Yast year, has assets o| als Corp. of New York offered|that credit unions should not/regional co-operation. ie ,000. axe ty ; e cre union's mos »: Burns Fos 218 $14% 14% 14% i Me 12M 12% -- Ve ; ? i ns sh not} Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ige CAE Ind 1650 $i J2k Of | By WARREN BALDWIN Carter has his way the effect to purchase all the company's only increase activity in person-| personal loans have made the | limportamt single group of re-entering the mortgage field. Calgary P 25 $25 : 1 : i y ven rho kg a she 1 | Galey Se» 50 S1B% 106 106 1} | OTTAWA -- The Canada Pen- But the insurance companies|will be a 50 per cent tax on|outstanding common shares atjal and small loans business, but) most dramatic increase and pa ' Akaltcho 1000 4 48 «48 --2) Calvrt, OF o a a oe sion Plan, Housing and the Car-|will have less to invest. Ac-|the over - payments. $32.50 a share. Ash Temple has should widen their role in Desjardins spokesmen say they assets is invested in mortgages, Fl ome = = i ma Can Cem p 72 $22 22) 2 ter Royal Commission report on|cording to A, H. Lemmon, Pres- lonly 100,000 outstanding com-|financing industrial develop-|}aye made 10 per cent of aillit is statistically Quebec's third rea 200 20 320 30 +5) Can lon, a) Sel oe jusa + % taxation seem to have little con-lident of the Canadian Life In-/THE SMALL MAN IS HURT mon shares. [ment and the renewal of towns! sich Joans currently outstand-|most important source of mort- wy ee a ga' |. San Perm 100 $10% 10% 10K jnection with each other. In fact,|surance Association there is lit-| Unitl now the small income} Among western oils, Scurry- and cities. ling in' Quebec. gage funds. But though the 2 Bankene 5500 171 115 120 --2| CS, Fe Se 3. 3), | at the moment, they are closely|tle more left this year eveniman with his life policy has|Rainbow and Canadian Supe-| Total assets of the Desjardins) Apart-from the normal activi-/mortgage figure now stands at , ns ae ae eet € Brew Bp 40 sal 41% 41% + | related. ; _ for investment in insured mort-| not been concerned with es-|rior fell 1 each to 35 and 43,/credit unions have re ache G\ties of taking deposits and mak-|around $500,000,000, it is stead- a Bethim 100 450 480 480 $10] & Chem TO Te He ito Canadians collectively eae at the new all-time high|tates taxes where there is ex-|Great Plains % to 18% and/almost $1,500,000,000. The only|ing loans, the organization now|ily decreasing as a percentage "fa et Ge eee C Dredge 3060 $7 64 7 +% Year will put aside savings ofjrate of 8% per cent. caption on the first $40,000 to|Central-Del Rio % to 20%. jequivalent Quebec-based source|has two insurance companylof net assets. . Seay ex we wie a Lea i gg A ye preps Hae per pte sna less' Money available to life insur-| $60,000. Not many Canadians; On th _ speculative side. at capital is the regen Fesloe| -'Broul Reet 3900 SBS S64) Co ing Gas oli $1) an half o} Is Wl @ 80- ance companies for investment|are going to leave $40,000 to|D'Eldona bounced up 15 cents|/Plan, with assets expected to) Cen ie, ee ST 425 $172 17% 17% called contractual savings, con-| qr; d 1966| thei H 195.000 sh each $2,000,000,000 within a ee G 800 320 320 320 eG : » CON-\dropped between 1965 and 1966|their heirs. But Mr. Carter)to 1.13 on 195, shares. -- reac' 000,000, a am men ne + al CMarcont 75 ste 40 604+ x tributions to pension plans, life|hy $9 million, The drop will|would replace estates taxes) Western oils slid 1.44 on index|few years. CANADA'S ORIGINAL MUTUAL FUND £ San" Realy 3000 arts a i= tI S aitahe 'o sti ios WW Sa idation exergy and 0 at least as much this year./with an income tax on inheri-jto 204.91, base grains fu to} The organization still is basi- HAS DECLARED ITS . q Le 4250 15%a 15¥2 15%-- 2! Can Tire A 100 $2614 26.4 2614 obligations they have under-|Canadians started in 1966 con-jtances over $5.000. A $10,000/109.16 while golds gained 1.01 to|- a1] y-a_ co-operative. Each| i ae oo ot ey | "Westing 300 817% 17% \4 taken to meet. : ltributing to the Canada Pension|life insurance claim would/171.98. branch is managed by a local, 139™ CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND Ceptain 200 470 470 470 asa Cremer). 38H SE Te gat, Of those contractual savings|Plan. To meet this new form|be subject to a tax of about m4 board, elected by and from the! A RECORD 6 CENTS PER SHARE Gent Pat ie 19 19 19 2 | CHUM A 100 $18 18 18 the Canada Pension Plan willlof contractual saving many of|$500. BELATED AWARD depositers and borrowing mem- pivigesisov 1.106), 40 SHARED Ibine OF GORD OCT 16 an ae we ea Cae ce A ae take about 15 per cent, exclud-/those with limited resources) cq jf th a t gives SOUTH SHIELDS, England bers. All members have equal : Coin Lake 500 16 16 16 Seca pp ig ner ing the amount paid by em-jhought less life insurance. Em-|y,; city to ther forma af stead i(C ; fare war vorine f th Record 1967 DIVIDENDS TOTAL 16¢ PER SHARE Coniagas 150 4 OE 8 ee eee ane tein olay, Tinlike giher 'baviieelniinss on : . Em- priority to other forms of spend- (CP)--Watcimaker Albert Wal-|voting rights, regardless of thr eo : Ox *Conigo 50620 108. 103 105 +3 an halon 200 $3014 304 30% + Ma recy aad 16 vega euch . ins hag private Bree tole and lending and life insur-|Jace, 60, was presented with a)size of their accounts. S 00 § MAH I an ron M2 30, 390 00 Cons Gas 566. $207 20% 20% + Ye We tas thin funds have been going either t0/ance funds for investment keep| prize for good attendance at his The organization of independ- CASH DIVIDENDS EXCEED $84,000,0 SINCE ORGANIZATION : Gort cane wow v WV o% gah A me per Ag pci a ag hele government Annuities/ dropping the answer is tight-/Durham school 50 years aftcrjent local branches was origina!- ' k MEAS C Halli 1000 50 S050 Cosmes 730 $11% 11% 11% pli pie ae branch or to life insurance com-|e, mortgage money and -- if/he won it. Someone discovered |ly tailored to the nceds of sma'! Canadian Investment Fund, Ltd. € Geran 0 m4 m7 tee pS ong a8 sine Ho fon " ayo Roverniaenl oo shel panies have integrated plans so Mr. Carter should get his way- his principal had forgotten t communities. But with the pop- . oe ioe iH Negus 1200 #2 81 82 +2) Dobhig Bp 25 $98 98 9B 20 Ne Peeves he ®/that the amount paid to thelror a jong time to come. | give it to him at the time. lulation shift from rural areas tc| ----$---------- SSS 4 Gon Nice) ee Te ee 4 a | Dome Pete 263 sca Sve save + wilerm. national plan has been deduct- 4 C Red Pop rf : 2 4 + D Bridge 5 $17% 17% Ws -- % Mortgage money. for new ed from the amount flowing to 7 So eKen 15D a8 + 5) Dofasco a paket ie houses-- and Canada will need! private institutions ; Coulee" 00 a ar 3) ONCE a ome "ome 190,000 new dwelling units an-| : Courvan 1000 13% 13% 131% TES ne RMB: PP cg Dai pel sere . ' x os : ae Craigmt 255 $11% 11% 1% Bosco 1 ap ay? * nually in the next three years CARTER PLAN CUTS SAVINGS| eee, ois. ie tem -- | Domiar 795 $17% 12\4 12% if shortages are to be avoided--| J" the Carter recommenda-| "elds, 21000 112.105 108 -- 5. B teste p 26S Sat 108 | avy comes mainly from two sources. | tions ever become law the sav- poe ree" lnk aha teu | Dyer a ta Sis oe cog fied The big lenders are life insur-| ings of Canadians will be fur- Discovry 100 144 14 + 1) Encg" "pues <i Pas) apes --- Runt fea ther cut and the largest cut} Denaide mn | eee 8 os i Nie A i Bg sei ra 'tite : |will be in money going to life! : Exquite w 100 0 erally incorporated life insur- ~e. There is some con- ndako 200 $12% 124 12% «=|. & 135 o71% 91% 1% | ' insurance. There is § Saat ms Sea 2 -- xi Hen ter BB te" 2*S"_ 5 |e: inane outstamting of ear overs" over two amount of the a ee ee, ass | +1 Y' cutback. Mr. Carter says sav-| Giant Yk 1000 780 780 780 --$ ' reise. 166 168 don cu . Mr. } & air Sega esi | Geese Hae GSS Ior their tal tnvectononts," |S WL be, reduced, by, Bap Goldrim 3000 7 me | P Mig A 2 $47 47 47 +2 : es million 5 gay eds govern" mee Ee <2 | Gomer. sesm m, --2 CUTBACK IN GOV'T LOANS |ance savings--by $75 millic " Grandue 4 24 Hid Lad Gree. tnd 100 $9% 9% %4--VY Pog ood Lig Meche sean Ty hia anvoriation' pon. the xt Act Central Mortgage and Hous-|PY Ms ass Lt » PB 4 ; "Gur L maa 4 «ing Corporation is empowered)!" Savings at $600 million. ro 2 4S | GIW Sadie 1900 38 38 38 2 to lend government funds and And life insurance will be a) High-B! 200 $12 11% 11% -- Ve rig an ie ie vuntil this year has been in a less profitable and popular seas acy -- Fo ig Su paged Hawker S$ 100 340 140 39 +s position to increase this lend-/means of saving. Today there | irish Cop 1000 14 14 14 Hd oe a ae ge ing when mortgage money from|are more than 11. million Can-| pe ee '. <4 4 2 | H Bay Co 100 $2058 20% me private lenders has not been adians holding policies. Most of | ¢ Med vy] HS. Oll Gas 145 $384 + h to meet the need. This|them are in mutual companies) Jolies 1000 324 32% 34+ NE M enoug | th Jonsmith 4500-2628 25 -- 1 yuron Eri 00 Sie eu tos. velyear the federal government can|with no shareholders. Surplus Kerr Add 300 sie 7 i) +f) Husky B pr 50 sa a 2% neither tax nor borrow enough [funds which are really over-| Kid Coper 3900 64 62 62 --? mee) : 1 | Kilembe 100 900 900 900 +100; fUskY OW oe Oe a 5 for all its needs and housing|/payments of premiums are ee ee te ag |e S46 $6e¥e 66. 66) --%4 has been the first casualty. distributed to policy - holders. | sf 5 Imp Tob pr 120 $5% 5% 5% 2 : oe . ss | L Dufeuit 225 $119 11% 11% | ing Accept 4067 $22 21% 21% This leaves it up to the in-/Tax laws have. recognized that | L Osu a Se ae Tl ied Wire ibn te 0 a0 surance companies and the these mutual companies have) one ry jaeeceer! 75 $34 34 34 -- 84 chartered banks which are just|no taxable incomes. But if Mr.) Inglis 4600 $124 1244 12% Inland Gas 12125 $)0 9% 10 Injand G p 100 $17% 172 17" 61s 1BM 210 $620 615 e Int Nickel 46081154115 115 --1% Int Util 250 $40% 40% 40'4 Oo i ] Sl i I I 1erTr Tre ] Int Util pr 150 $40% 40% 40% + Ve | nun --% Intpr Pipe 1025 $21 21 NUBBIN ' Intpr. Steel Inv Grp A e a *Maybrun ITL Ind % ; Mc Adam 1000 45 45 45 -- '| Jefierson * u Ss an in 1ses Merri oan ine 1 | ee by rr saad Jockey C } AAldrim 2000 145 45145 | Kelly DA 375 $6 5% 6 j ' 370 -- 5 | i 4 . ] | sa i a Chen hee ae ee ie OTTAWA (CP) -- sorry anal Through . large part bins, Multi-Mi 1000 151 «151 1ST LOnt Cem 950 390 385 390 --8 credit. outstanding at mid-yearjyear, reta sales--especially | ¢ New B 4 4 4 --%! Laura Sec 305.516 16 16 lt iles-- -| es kg Bh) ete Be iis te iemuted to mre, tease a axipeehie oere Oe lewconx ti Is Levy 430 $30 - 308, , , is | a , | N Harri 2000 18 18 18 | Levy B pr 50 $2514 25% 251% \hi i e N Hosco 500 187-85 187 «+ 2! Life Invest 125 $hlu_ 6a 61% jhigher than a year earlier, the)and down ce es eee -- N Imperal 3550 335 330 330 | Life Inv wt 200 125° 125 125 |Dominion Bureau of Statistics strong upward trend of earlier, N Kelore 7 | Living wts 200 400 400 400 lreported Thursday. years in the current boom. | 2000 Ps 5500 19% 18% 182 -- i Lob Co A 250 $74 74 7% # jt --%) Lob Co pr 50 $39% 39% 39¥2--%| The figure covers only those i~CREASE INDICATED 100 Lob G A pr 115 $26 26% 26'4 li f dit f jor -- 6000 26e 26 Lob G B pr 90 $27 27 27 + %\lines of consumer credit for i : ae ' Morbeske 4500 Loeb'm "795 $154 18 1s --'%&lwhich statistics are collected) Later information indicates es bye ig -- - A MB Ltd 755 $27% 2734 2734 + '4' monthly. In addition, there was returning strength in consumer | jorlex Magna El 400 $17!2 17% 17%4-- % be . eae | i i | N Coldstm 2200 130 177 Maher pr 180 Sal 64 84-- 4 probably another $1,500,000,000 spending during the latter part) Nerthgat 125 @05 O05 80S +5 M Lt Gard 25 $32% 32% 32% or more credit extended to con- of this year. This could mean) N Rank 1500 33 322 32%@-- 2) Markboro 2431 $6 Te Sa--e hi von't B ted another major extension of con-| Seerrakee" S00 10% "1034 We | Markbre w 200 250 240 2 --as jsumers which a. © repor'ecsumer credit before the year-| ska 5 a MassdFer 1070 $20% 20 2 i = 3 sf Orchen $00 265 265 265 -- 41 Molson A 300 $21'4 21 21 -- M4 until the year-end. cad Peremag 2000 8 = =6& & --'%) Wrontex w 900 100 100 100 --§ | The $6,358,000.000 represented , ; | Patine 970 $1 No Mont Loce 750 $15%4 15% 15% an increase of 2.3 per cent in| Thursday's report did not Pato 162 790 750, 750 4.) Mont Trst 4800 $144 14% 14V4 th 1 od deal with interest rates charged| Pex im 700 14% 14% le + 2) Moore 1140 $31% 31% 31% the month of June, and an h tstandi dit. 'but! Pee Exp 11900 148 145. 145 + 1 | Morse A 150 $28 272 28 +% increase of 9.6 per cent since the outstanding credit, bu | riess 4000 72 7% Te-- Al Morse pr 25 $62 62 62 +1 | " ; these also have risen since Pine Point 235 $53%-- S3% 53% 'Murphy 300 $8% 8% 8% -- % June, 1967. doe Preston ue a 2s i 9 | Nt Contain 00 @ 8 +%|------------------_ ------ mid-year, reston rf race Neon 2132 $84 6 8 A - Pyramid 100 395 395 395 Noranda 555 $55 Sa" Sa ~ Val Pi Latest Bank of Canada statis Que Chib 4500 61 60 61 --7 Nor Ctl @ 463 $12% 12% 123% an e sits tics show short-term and Que Man 1500 21 2 20 --1) NCG B 2p 825 $285 282 28% + Ve medium-term interest rates, Q. Matigm! 4600 15) 149 151 Nor Phone 750 $78 7% 7% i i | Quemont 220 725 725 725 Oshaws A 285 $26\@ 26 now are as high as, or higher % --%* | Radiore Soo 53 S353 Pac Pete 4657 $20%4 20% 20% -- Ye \than they were at the beginning Rio Algom 685 S371 3614 3646-- 84! pac Pete w 20 5 Sa Sm 40 | 1} Rio Aig MIE MO 110, 113, -- § Philips "ch 25 $63 6363+ Me ow Vecrease jof Rial eae the bank was oman 'a --%) Pow Co M0 39% 9% a-- Ml "i shing rates down. Ryanor 500 162 162 162 | Prem ron 700 165160165 4 §'| OTTAWA (CP)-- Government P¥ Hing 78 : | ) oe ee 8 Brice Com $00 $11, 1034 10% of Canada deposits in the char-| Biggest source of consumer a Y ews r e Z mr 340 $10! wv 10V te} ; ry | Silvrfids 900 400 400. 400 Rank orp 35S) eh om witered: banks Sone say seies ces onahinned 4 be chartered pape Oy @ | e eir lowest leve s Ss, co me a ee Re a ae hee ee inant te totalled $2,699,000,000 at the end s 3 iv Yarn 710 $10% 10% 10'%2 H y "4 - t e bs a e en 5 5 5 --15 4 1S¥e 18) since early 1963, a Bank of Can-|tota -699,000, ' steer is as Ho wus Romiirid 1000 3 32 49 + 9'|ada statement revealed Thurs-|of June, pig og Pes wa wives 4 ae Rathman ' 22 -- %' day, _ |601,000,000 at the end of May Tock Corp joo 190 490190 i Raval eat i 3" Total government 'deposits on and $2,331,000,000 at the end of e INTEGRITY e PERSEVERANCE e SELF-DISCIPLINE Texmont 8! Ry TM as sie i 18 Oct, 4 were $179,000,000, down June last year. Tex-So! 1000 20 «20-20 | Salada 153 $1034 10% 10% |$205,000,000 from a week ear-| Other principal lines of con-| Torment 1G et ot gy | Sayvette 200 295 m95 a85" ier, and $457,000,000 from two|sumer credit included in the| @ DEPENDABILITY ° @ COURTESY @ RESPONSIBILITY U Buffadn 9000 51 51 OSI | Secur Cap 500 275 975. 275 weeks previously. : |DBS report were, at mid-1967, | hangtearel, ce Keno ne 4 34 4 <j shaw Le A ens ane a4 4 ii tage eT ae segment sales finance company loans Urban © ino 15)«(«1SsOS bs *-- *\were last below 000, in totalling $1,205,000,000, con- ' West Mina +300 us 20 mo a shel en" us £0 at 3076 te May, . 1963. sumer loan company cash loans The stuff that makes leaders, that' s what a newspaperboy is made of, 4 ' hb le ae eee $13% 13% 13% +% Early this year the level of of $1,151,000,000 and department * 5 wil 500 424 424 474-- 4 Silkni Me ry y year | 151,000, r, : ; Weare He aN 3H 1" "| Simpsona a suis athe atin government deposits hhad been store credit accounts running to He's a hard-working youngster who's accepted a challenge. Fair weather or ° i ouneeon $237 237% 2378+ a built up past the $1,000,000, $527,000,000. WO 00 8 8 8 =} Me Me TM ; Pe 1 yoron 77s 4s 138145 --2 aay. a +o siete iors 1014 w level in anticipation of heavy foul, he son the job day after day te bring you the news. ' = Zenmac 2000 21% 21 21 --'% Slater B pr 7250 $162 16% 16% ,, cash requirements for the 1967- THEIF STEALS DINNER b> 0 LS GAS | searing 0 Sb, tbe ify "|68 fiscal year, in which Finance) _ a ae | I ' St Paving 950 $74 7 74 + we | Minister. Sharp is budgeting for. TORONTO (CP)--A_ burglar 3 | adi Me 36M 36M ai 'aba a e Fs 7 Alminex, 490 sus sas ses Sieel Can 1729 $2m 22. 224-- v4 2 $740,000,000 deficit, junoke Ante. the, Home of Cuaries Canadian newspapers recognize and applaud the fine work done by m Leduc 17012 710 690. 705 4-25 | SUBlest od 75 $25% 2534 25% The decline since then nad Ciceri Monday and stole a =} rgd i + 9 | Jancord p 200 300 300 300 been expected. But the trend| ' r hi 75,000 boys # Th i fo Se SS it 300 $1112 314 214 -- oe oie en ae nin recent |rhanksgiving Turkey, a bottle more than /0, newspaperboys from coast te coast. These independent g z sé hi NP 100 $39'% 39% 9 Nas 2 4 rl = " 6a BOBS sy | Torrbm Bk mea fh" 2" \vears, and a low point appears)" Whisky and $35. A friend who young businessmen are building fora bright, promising future ' 325 550 $50 550 EL hd a AM i de OTL ad eB Lad to have been reached about a|learned of the theft invited Mr. ¥ : 3 770 om uy TrCan Pl p 400 $45%4 45% 45'2-- '4 month earlier. than usual. Ciceri and his wife to dinner. We es Be Be Tanta" ae ah ¥ a sxe Me poe 300 140 140140 + 11 Un Gos" ep slate tase tase 3000 204 200 204 +3) Yo,O88 1 M yap 25 $40 40 0 --% Gr Plains 800 S18% 184 184 Tues Ca f & - E L E ¢ T 490 | Ot COlleds 100 $1 4 14 | Versafa 750 $10%% 10% 10% -- % tt eee ee | Vereeie 10 $16 16 16 + % old City Phe lag wee +4) Versatil A 750 $13% 13% 13% : Waijax 1075 $18% 18 189 -- % 1 SN Cont H aco sien tee ae ae = 5 | Wainbeo 0 £0) ay 90.80 Okalte 700 16% 162 164 lacie Ss el xt : Permo 02 | Wat GM B 300 460 460 460 2 perme ee Be Welted 200 $11% 11% 11% | Pinnacle P 300 295 21 291 | Weste'st 175 $242 24% Ula-- Ve l Pia c 3400 7 25 276 1] W Brdcast 750 $16 % % | ce Z| W Can Seed 600 345 340 340 } Ranger 3400 420 415 420 +10 w Pacisi A Scurry Rn 200 $1 35 35+ 34! Wer gp oon gion iste aie iciniehieieatibieessameiaiaiiaieaaiaiadasiniaiasiidinneniniupinmipimmmianuniiaavinadinmsiiel Spoon 14000 100 9% 9 + 1 | fe 20) Pred Ol 2775 242 2a 241 1 | White Pas 100 $202 20 201% + % U Canse 2050 400 395 395 S| Sales to 11 a.m.: 805,000, W Decalte 1358 320 320 320 +10 INDUSTRIALS nen "so os | =9XC ONSERVATIVE Northgate 5000 960 960 960 5 Abitib! ° % 9 | Un Keno 200 730 730 730 --70 . Acklands 425 $11% 11% 1%+ _ -- te ANE Boe Mae ne Alta Gas T 1130 $33 32% 33 Q Alta Gas w 500 650 650 650 $. Algoma St 725 $22 22% 22% EVERYBODY BENEFITS... EVERYBODY GIVES Alcan 1245 $29Ve 28% 29 + ' e* Alcan pr 625 $36 36H = Alumin 2p SO $38'% 38% 38'7 Anthes A 190 $2914 2914 29'4 -- a Anthes Cp 710 $93 93 «93 Argus B pr 35 $43 43 43 Argus C pr 400 $955 Se I -- a Asbestos " 200 $2234 22% 22%4-- 'a 7 CHEST Che Oshawa Cimes emp BACM Ind 710 $15% 15% 15% MUGGS AND SKEETER