g Tm OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 12, 1967 No other media gives you such wide and complete coverage of the news. It tells you what is going.on down the street . .. and what is happening on the other side of the globe. {1 broadens your knowledge of politics, art, science, medicine and sociology. It keeps you entertained with human interest \ stories, sports events, crossword puzzles and comics. It is your 'contact with the world and all of the exciting things happens ing in it. Both men and women want their daily newspaper. In fact, they insist on it. They are sorely disappointed and disturbed when their daily newspaper isn't on the front step when they want it. Ask any carrier boy, he can tell you, because he hears about it if a delivery is late or missed. This loyalty to the daily newspaper didn't just happen. It came about because the newspaper is localized to meet a particular want and fill a definite need. And, because the daily newspaper is viewed as a necessary companion and source of information, it makes a big differ- ence in the lives of people of all ages, of all faiths and pol- -itical preferences, of all levels of income and education. And in the marketplace, daily newspapers do more to help people buy wisely, advertisers sell profitably. Use your daily news- paper . . . to get things done. : She Oshawa Times Ontario County's Own Daily Newspaper INVITED INTO OVER 23,500 HOMES DAILY i A Nigerian troops ro rebel Biafran prison lowing capture rece Asaba, 65 miles wes! Biafran capital E Prisoner at right Biafran patch on lef der. The capture of followed the openin fourth front in N effort to crush the sionist rebellion. (AP Wir Two-Par Fight Se By DON LeBLA FREDERICTON ( With the exception independents, the Oct Brunswick general ele be a two-party fight Premier Louis J. Re reform-conscious Libe J. C. Van Horne's d Progressive Conservat The two major par assured of full slates as nominations closec province's third « seven years. A total of 119 candid nominations papers b 2p.m, ADT deadlin were no late entries ar prises. In Northumberland, five of the legislature' are at stake, the Ne cratic Party fielded t didates, including Lee Currie. But, in tune with a | tions Act, they will nated as independent official ballot. The members of any part listed as independen that party nominates ¢ candidates, New -Brunswickers six more members th last election April when the Liberals ca seats and the Conserv 8IX SEATS ADDED Redistribution creat new ridings--Bathurs bellton, Edmundston, ton and Saint John W increased representati house to 58 from 52. Premier Robichaud a mandate for his Pr Equal Opportunity, reform legislati: became effective Jan. campaigning on the his seven-year-old 8 tion. Mr. Van_ Horne reform program, wh ished county councils the province control municipal services, is rial." He has pledged to democracy" in the p elected and has unvei plank platform whic! steps towards constru long-proposed canal tt isthmus of Chignecto. The Liberals held 3 the house at dissolutic the PCs 21. There vacancy. TOOK BIG GU Japan's beer drin sumed a record quarts of the foamy ing the hot summer June, July and Augus a community of quiet ele located in northern erea. Simcoe and If you are looking fe buy .. . visit cedar use a builder of you for information. phone 723- OSHAW.