with the court-named i refused to budge. hree bailiffs and an fficer arrived with a jer to carry out the Mr. and Mrs. Birch behind bolted doors. possessions were car- ide after the bailiffs kitchen door with a amid screams and 'om the couple. WENT WILD Fuiyama, now dor- s erupted 17 times in Japanese history with recent in 1707-8. aranteed tment Certiticates NOW EARN "Wo per annum AND ARE jeed--ns to principal and erest. --may be used @s Col- eral for loans. ible--by Executors in » event of death, zed--os Trustee Act in- iments. AL ONTARIO TRUST INGS CORPORATION nber Canada Deposit urance Corporation mcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 1g St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS SOR A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE New Abortion Seen High On Agenda OTTAWA (CP)--Changes in Criminal Code sections concern- ing abortion are still on the government's priority list for legislation to be considered at this session of Parliament, Prime Minister Pearson said Wednesday. He was replying to a Com- mons question by Michael Forrestall (PC--Halifax), who said there was no mention of abortion legislation in a list of 25 items tabled by the' govern- ment Tuesday. Changes in abortion laws would be sent to a Commons committee, Mr. Pearson said. When the committee recom- mendations had been made, they would be considered dur- ing study of an omnibus bill, included in the list, making sey- eral other changes in the Crimi- nal Code. Michael Starr (PC--Ontario) noted that resolutions introduc- ing eight of the 25 priority items have already been placed on the Commons order paper. = iy that resolutions for e ether 7 be placed there soon ' to facilitate the business of the | Launch New Satellite House. ae | MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet Mr. Pearson said this would|Union launched another in its be done as soon as possible. long series of unmanned satel- jlites for space research Wants Control End wednesday. The 181st satellite TORONTO (CP)--The Toron-|in the Cosmos series was to Memorial Society has asked|reported to be functioning nor- the leaders of Ontario's three|mally. major political parties to help * break the Ontario funeral direc-| New Oil Supply tors' control of regulations gov-| BATH Satan cit wean cociety |New oil discoveries in the sea : ednesday it\off the Australian coast could wants a non-funeral director enable Australia to meet her the five-member board Of\ petroleum needs. within a few administration for the trade. years, Australian High Com * |missioner Sir Alexander Down- Boy, 6, Killed ler said Wednesday. Oil imports SARNIA ' (CP )--Donald cost Australia $392,000,000 last Edward Deline, 6, of Moore-|year. re po poem about 11 miles |" south of here Wednesday when} iti i he was crushed under. the| Back British Films wheels of a three-ton truck. The) 1 ONDON (Reuters)--U.S MICHAEL STARR «++ Questions Answered boy ran into the side of the|companies have put up about 90| truck as he dashed on to the|per cent of the money for mov-| highway between two parked! vehicles, Professor Dies OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Jose J,|National Film finance Corpora- Sas, 40, associate professor of|tion, a government-sponsored report said Wednesday. The 000,000 in 1959, says Undersec- department of health, education the number at the poverty level The government's yardstick for England (Reuters)--| a 1y, is | CHICAGO (AP)--The Paulist| "8! t an riday. estimate was made by the! anatomy at the University of Ottawa, died in hospital here Wednesday from injuries received. Monday in an auto since 1965, was born at Szajk, Hungary. Marijuana Seized TORONTO (CP)--Police Wednesday seized four pounds of marijuana worth an estimat- ed $9,000 on the illicit market. from a downtown house and charged two women and a man with possession under the Nar- cotics Act. Charged are Paula Henline, 19, and Millicent Shur- ish, 20, both of Detroit, and Allan Buchanan, 22, formerly of Detroit. | accident. Dr. Sas, a member of! the university teaching staff| body designed to stimulate financing of British films. Removed Greek Flag ATHENS, Greece (AP)--Ath- nassios Kokoris, a 34-year-old leather merchant who tried to replace the Greek flag on the Acropolis with a banner bear- ing the word "Democracy," was sentenced Wednesday to four years in jail by a military tribunal. Life For Slaying BRAMPTON (CP)--Giuseppi Busato, 23, of Toronto was sen- tenced to life imprisonment Wednesday when he pleaded guilty to the non-capital murder of Valerie Joanne Wilkinson, 17. Busato was arrested a year ago when he walked into a_ police station and handed over a revolver and ammunition and said he had just killed his girl friend. Separatism Support Seen OTTAWA (CP)--The rural poor of Quebec may embrace separatism today as they embrace doctrines of Social Credit five years ago, Liberal MP Bryce Mackasey said Tues- day. | It is poverty, not the argu-) ments of academics and intel- lectuals, that poses "the real danger for separatism in the) future," he told the Commons, | "The best weapon we have} against separatism is the elimi nation of poverty in these) regions which for too long have/ been limited to a mere subsist-| @ BLUE CROSS ence level, forced to till eatial bd oe SHIELD nomic farms, forced to accept eG If. ayments for sur-| vale NEED NOT Mr. Mackasey said he did not) PAY CASH! welcome the narrow argument You Give Us Subscribers To see that Quebec should stay in Con-} federation because it could not| afford solely for economic rea-/ sons to leave. | The Doctors It would * "a great Fapronld Prescription a horrible admission of defeat, | a terrible legacy" to make this) We do the rest. the only reason for remaining) united. : | ae FREE It was no time to find conso- | City-Wide Delivery lation in economic yg ened ; "This is not the time for blackmail or for threats; it is MITCH ELL S not the time for fixed positions. DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 It is the time for dialogue, for communication, for sacrifice, WEATHER FORECAST Laws Drop In Poverty LOS ANGELES (AP)--Thirty |Report Seen Sunny, Warmer On Friday, 7. Gamble As Milder Weather Due TORONTO (CP)--Officia! forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m today. Synopsis: Cool air covers Ontario and skies are mainly million Americans live in pov-'cloudy. An area of high pres- erty today, compared with 39,- retary Wilbur J. Cohen of the and welfare. Cohen predicted could drop to 25,000,000 by 1968. those living in poverty is an income of $3,000 a year or less. Attlee Moumed LONDON (AP)--A simple memorial service for former prime minister Clement Attlee, 84, was held Wednesday at Lon- don's Temple Church. Only members of Attlee's immediate family and about 150 close friends, including Prime Minis-| ter and Mrs. Harold Wilson,! attended. Lord Attlee died Sun- day. sure located south of the lower lakes will dominate the weather picture for the next day or two. Skies should clear in most areas later today. Tempera- tures are expected to reach the mid-50s in southern Ontario. The trend to milder tempera; tures will continue but cloudi- ness will return to northern regions, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontar- io, Niagara regions: Cloudy clearing this afternoon. Mainly sunny and warmer Friday. Winds light becoming south 15 Friday. Sudbury, North Bay, Halibur- ton, Georgian Bay, Algoma, Timagami regions: Cloudy with a few sunny periods today. Devalue Markka HELSINKI (Reuters)--The Finnish government announced Wednesday night a 31.25-per-| cent devaluation of the Finnish) markka. An official announce-| ment said the new exchange) rate would take effect immedi-| ately. The current rate of aed markka to the pound--2.98 markka to the Canadian dollar --was established when Finland! last devalued its currency in September, 1957. Choir Dissolves choir, one of the world's famed} choral groups since its founding in 1904 to restore Roman Catho- li eclassical church music, has been dissolved. Rev. James F. Cunningham, pastor of Old St. Mary's! Church, the birthplace and home of the 85-voice male) choir, made the announcement Wednesday. Service Held LONDON = (AP)--Funeral ies being made in Britain, a|services for Eddy Gilmore, 60,| veteran Associated Press corre- spondent, in Moscow and Lon- don and a Pulitzer Prize win- ner, were held at the East} Grinstead Anglican Parish| chureh Wednesday. Following| cremation services here, afil- more's ashes will be flown to} Selma, Ala., his home town. His| widow, Mrs. Tamara Gilmore,| and three daughters will) accompany the urn to the United States, | 21 Die In Floods BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)--| At least 21 persons were drowned and hundreds of others reported missing Wednesday in the worst floods ever to hit this jarea of Argentina. The Parana River, which rises in Brazil and empties into the River Plate near Buenos Aires, overflowed its banks after torrential rain began falling Sunday, About 10 inches of rain has since fallen on the city. for understanding." DX -- DX -- DX -- DX -- DX -- DX BE WISE: .. . ECONOMIZE ! AVESS FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 4 WITH PrRhr RA RK RRR KR K $ | i i i | | Mainly sunny and a little warmer Friday. Winds light today and south 15 Friday. White River, western James Bay, Cochrane regions: Cloudy with a few sunny intervals today. Clear tonight. Friday sunny becoming cloudy with a few showers in the afternoon. Winds light today and south 20 Friday. Ottawa and Montreal regions: Cloudy with sunny periods today. Friday sunny with some cloudy periods. Cool. Winds westerly 15 becoming light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Friday Windsor ..-escsess 42 60 St. Thomas .. 38 58 London ...- 38 58 Kitchener 38 58 Mount Forest 35 58 Wingham 35 58 Hamilton . 38 60 St. Catharines .... 38 60 Toronto ....+006 ooo 42 60 Peterborough ..... 35 58 Kingston .. - 38 58 Trenton 60 58 Killaloe .. Sault Ste. Marie .. 35 REGINA (CP)--Implementa-| |tion of the Carter commission |report on taxation in its present) \form is a gamble Canada can! not afford at the moment, says) J conference Tuesday there is such a need for capital in the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 12, 1967 3 country that making the Carter! report law would be "'chaotic."| "No one can visualize the real implications, It could| change the whole philosophy of investing." For example, he said, under the commission's proposals, common share dividends would's be tax free. People might be \the president of the Investment|enticed to sell their bonds to Dealers' Association of Canada. E. M. Kennedy, chairman of Midland-Osler Securities Ltd.,| of London, Ont., told # news|the Carter commission report. buy common shares, The association has submitted a brief to the government say- ing it strongly opposes most of Ly Mr. Kennedy said that chances| of the report being implement- ed in its present form "are CARIBBEAN very slight." Mr. Kennedy said Canadian TWO WEEK HOLIDAY investors are increasingly pur-|§ Every Soturdey by Alr Ceneda chasing shares in Canadian ¢herter flight, as of Jen. 6th companies. (everybody can join). cee versne aan First time ever offered in Canada. SAVINGS FROM $70 UP TO $123 PER PERSON, John. Ovens. 0. D. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA i Enquire now et Four Seasons Travel 57 King St. E. 576-3131 ewe aie SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS RE OCTOBER BULLETIN Chambon: FOOD CLUB PHONE 723-1163 How Much Did Your Glasses Cost? SINGLE VISION | BIFOC. LENSES AND CASE | 49014 qe LOW Gia ...at King Bifocals, if required --- Kryptok, Ultex or Flat-Tops | 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES. 000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS | 17 BOND ST. | EAST 2nd Floor Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9-5 Fri. till 9 P.M. Sat. 9-12 CLOSED WED. Phone: 728-1261 in two-tones. "VILLAGE durable and "NORTH WIND" ski instructor's jacket, is Arctie Antron, lightweight, and very warm. Tremenduos re- sistance to wind and wet... full Orlon pile lining hide-away 'hood. Navy or spruce green, sizes 36-46. ......++. ecesecces sheepskin lining and collar, stylish buttons. Choose natural brown or oat- 3 5 98 meal, sizes 36-46 ........44+ OP Ry oe ' Two-way sipper front, 26-98 SQUIRE" Sierra Suede coat is supple, very masculine. Features full acrylic "LE MANS" West- ern style in wide- wale Astro Cord or suedine, Full acry- lic sheepskin lining and collar keeps the style in and the cold weather out! Burma bronze or natural beige. Teen sizes 12-18 ......++ 1 9-98 JACK) FRASER Oshawa Shopping Centre Open Daily Till 6 P.M.- Thurs. and Fri. Till 9 P.M.