Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1967, p. 1

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rave on hand for those 8 esr n characters and well- see 2 for 1.00 am ire little or no ironing. ee 2 "inl 00 . Colours of black and assorted sizes 1 00 seeeteoe eeee i composition soles and medium and 1.00 . celets and pins. Many ly for best 1 i eee ee esses n the cord on 1 00 ee s 277 nied ) either three 60-watt 3 ior 1.00 277 sf Home Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- Ajax, 'neighboring centres in Ont. ario and Durham Counties, ville, VOL, 26--NO. 236 Newspaper Pickering and 10¢ Single ¢ 55c Per Week "Home Calivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1967 au Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash Weather Report Mainly sunny and warmer on Friday. Low tonight 35, High tomorrow 58. 'TWENTY-FOUR PAGES SASKATCHEWAN HAS HEAVY TURNOUT OF VOTERS W. ROSS THATCHER, leader of the Saskatchewan Liberal party, smiles Wed- nesday after learning his incumbent party had won a second term in the pro- Liberal Minister of Agricul- _ se f ture and deputy premier vincial legislature. Senator congratulates Mr. Thatcher. A. H. MacDonald, a former (CP Wirephoto) WOODROW LLOYD, Sas- katchewan CCF leader, in- dicated after the Saskatch- ewan election Wedneaday he will ask the party to "con- sider very carefully the Death Toll Feared 66 NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)--A British-Cypriot Comet jetliner crashed into the Mediterranean off the southwest coast of Tur- key today and all 66 persons aboard are presumed killed, a spokesman for the RAF|namese President Ho Chi Minh announced. Operated by British European Airways for Cyprus Airways, the Comet IV jet was on a flight from London and Athens to Nicosia with 59 passengers and a crew of seven. The plane left London Wednesday night and stopped briefly before dawn in Athens. It crashed into the sea about an hour later near the Dodecanese island of Kastellorizon, a,|@y lesser official. spokesman for BEA said. Police on Kastellorizon said the airliner was seen to crash about 35 miles southeast of the island. A spokesman said the island's. harbor authorities dis- patched a fishing boat to thé scene of the crash. SAIGON (AP) -- President-e- jlect Nguyen Van Thieu will jsend a letter to North Viet- proposing that they meet to talk peace, a spokesman for Thieu said today. Thieu's letter will offer a one-week pause in the bombing of North Vietnam if Hanoi © shows some willingness to talk about peace, the spokesman said. F "Thieu would only meet with Ho Chi Minh," the spokesman said, "but he will not meet with "If the North Vietnamese i propose a meeting at a lower level, we will send a lower-level : official of our own. We will meet at any level." USE CHANNELS The letter will be sent through diplomatic channels shortly after Thieu is inaugu- rated Oct. 30, the spokesman HO CHI MINH said. ee Of North Vietnam Thieu Seen Willing 'To Meet Ho Chi Minh NGUYEN VAN THIEU e+ « Of South Vietnam question of new leadership." Mr. Lloyd won personal re- election in Biggar' constit- uency, (CP Wirephoto) Cast Vote REGINA (CP)--For the first time in 20 years less than 80 cast ballots in a Saskatchewan general election. With 99 per cent of the polls reported Wednesday night, 417,662 ballots had been cast. That represented 77.5 per cent of the 538,689 eligible votes. Until Wednesday Saskatche-|nrohably will be wan election turnouts dipped| recounts, ADVANCE POLL ATTRACTS 50 PICKERING (Staff) -- On- tario South returning officer for the provincial election re- ported at noon today that over 50 persons had cast bal- lots, this morning in the first day of the advance poll in the riding. ' Advance polls are open until 11 P.M. today, Friday and Saturday in five loca- tions in the Ontario South riding for voters unable to cast their ballot on Oct. 17. Returning office phone is 942- 0370. below 83 per cent once--in 1952} when 82.9 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots. In the last election in 1964,| 83.9 per cent of 536,392 voters! jcast ballots. Since 1948 the tur- nouts have been 83.4 per cent, | 82.9 in 1952,83.9 in 1965, 84.1 in| 1960 and 83.9 in 1965. | In previous elections total) votes exceeded the number of} voters because electors could vote for as»many as five candi- dates in multiple-emember ¢on- stituencies--since eliminated by; redistribution. , Following is 'a tabulation by| parties of votes cast. Wednesday night compared with the 1964) election (percentages bracket-! ed): 0s | 1967 1964 It's Do-or-Die | For Sox Today Lib ..+++-191,288 46. .269,402 41 CCF ...- 186,070 45. .268,752 40 ro 4 38,983 .9..126,028 19 SC -1,321 --....2,621 -- oe ho 417,66: 666,871 Others ........ oe Totals acer! wit ee ELECTED™ to lead Bostonians anxious to celebrate the first World Series victory for their Red Sox since 1918. Fire Commissioner J. Fitzgerald said a Red Sox} seven, per cent of the eligible voters! REGINA (CP)--A divided Saskatchewan electorate has \P resented Premier Ross Thatcher with a second term of joffice and a modest increase in jhis majority, without abandon- ing its tradition of down-to-the- iwire finishes, | A trickle of votes cast by patients in hospitals and jreturned to their home consti- ltuencies for counting Oct. 23 jcould overturn the results in jhalf a dozen seats and several tested by But when counting was com- pleted Wednesday night, Mr, Thatcher's Liberals had a majority of 11 over the CCF, compared with the slim four- seat majority he held at disso- lution. The final standing, compared with the results of the last elec- tion: 1967 1964 Liberals 35 22 CCF 24 «(26 PC --- 1 Total 59...59. Mr. Thatcher's majority had] been reduced at dissolution by a vacancy in a seat previously) held. by the Liberals, SLIM MARGIN - In seven constituencies the| margin of victory. was less than} g \Works Minister Wilf Gardiner ley. The CCF victor in Kelvington|in Melville, finished one vote ahead of his|CONSIDER STATUS Liberal opponent. In Turtleford| Both Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Ped-|664 votes short of regaining his the Liberal margin was twOlerson said they woul elf ' lvotes. Another Liberal won by : d ask their|former seat of Souris-Estevan. 50 votes, |11, in. Nipawin, 'The that has ele: only Progressive Conservatives|resign For a complete list of jin the last two federal elections lected Wednesd: turned out its only Tory MLA|very good alternatives," in Saskatchewan's provincial |when party Leader Martin a1 election please turn to pa: erson lost to a Liberal by 82/party since T. C. William P page [votes in Arm River. y T. C. Douglas' Albert West, parties to consider a change in IBERALS HOLD SASKATCHEWAN Under 80% | Thatcher's Gains Modest j Of Eligibles Several Recounts Expected resigned the premiership in 1961 to take over as national leader of the New Democratic Party. "I am happy to continue to do my part, but the next CCF- NDP convention is very free to make this kind of decision." The 54-year-old former schoolteacher, longest-serving member in the house, was min- ister of education in the first CCF government in 1944 under Mr. Douglas and _ provincial treasurer for a year before he became leader, Mr. Pederson, who has led his party for nine years, declined to say whether he would seek to retain his post if 'he Conservatives heed his call 'or a "re-appraisal" of his lead- rship. He blamed his defeat on xck of financial resources and ttle time to campaign in his »wn constituency, HELD MINISTERIAL POSTS Two former CCF cabinet min- isters were defeated and a third was unsuccessful in his bid to re-enter the house. A. M. Nicholson, former min- ister of social welfare and a long-time member of Parlia- ment, was beaten in Saskatoon City Park-University and Rob- ert Walker, former attorney- eneral, was defeated in Han- GEORGE ister of education in the Thatcher government, was defeated Wednesday in the Saskatchewan provincial election. TRAPP, min- (CP Wirephoto) Russ Brown, former minister of industry and information, fell Dr, O, K. Hjerta: i sign. : 1962 controversy over medical We have alternatives, some/ care insurance, came within 168 said/ votes of ousting Deputy Pre- "|Mr. Lloyd, who has led his|mier D. J. Steuart in Prince | Social Credit, Leader Lloyd} andard size 1 00 ereeeeenee s 3 Lakehead Hanoi did not agree to a meet- len: idi |Avram, leading a field of six ing, the bombing pause would|would last only one week and|bombing pause if Hanoi showed vet be his signal' to aa lcandidates in a bid to captarel as a C ewan overa e ro S e go into effect if the North Viet-|no longer unless some type of|some indication of willingness | isemen te move all fire namese "'show their goodwill by|meeting is arranged, the|to meet with representatives of engines in the city onto aprons ELECTION NEWS house are es og og "ed S All Ti ' votes as he finishe ast in &a t council welfare committee has|South or stop making trouble in} Thieu announced in August|/he would make the offer a week lien sound their sirens, beils| : : lfield of four in Qu'Appelle-Wol-| e Ss bad ime Record called for a full investigation|the South." |during the presidential cam-jor 10 days after his inaugura-). iq horns. tegen na Stayer ie seley. All six Socreds lost their! into the operation of the| However, the bombing pause!paign that he would offer ation. The weather bureau predicted | Ports ore wad pear aa The deposits. : || REGINA (CP)--The most!cent of polls had been reported, h ed hoxbitel officials » ap) | Both the premier and CCF\complete election-night report|compared with the previous as asked hospital officials to sunshine and temperatures in) 5 : ': Pettey ; ' one oe «Sg ages rete cone ae by gine time,| An interview with an On-|sizable majorities in their own|provided | Wednesday--through|1964, vers e resolution, passed during i E a of rain. |pears on Page 5, an interview|Mayor L. H. Lewry of Moose|katchewan newspapers. and Reports from constituencies answers to the following quer- e 7 . Asked to name his starting ; i" eee 5 A j : les: n ; ; date appears on Page 6; and an|while Mr. Lloyd was given alco-operation with the telegraph|including regular newspaper 1. Is there a staff shortage? Strike Breakthrough See battery for the seventh andio.nawa riding candidate ap-|seyenth consecutive term in{and telephone companies. jand radio correspondents and ae Wes AE He AUT: DED NEr Boston manager Dick Williams The spokesman said even if win over St, Louis Cardinals in) TIMES REPORTS the party's first seat in the} FORT WILLIAM (CP)--City|stopping the infiltration of the|spokesman said. his government. He later said); "sont of their stations, and becasiupbicea! | 00 . = ; Ge ee re McKellar General Hospital and i i i variable cloudiness with some/q,; 1 2 R J s P t T ] |Times today. |Leader Woodrow Lloyd piled upjon record in Saskatchewan was|record of 97 per cent set in a meeting Tuesday, aske e uther O1ns ac a S with only a 20-per-cent chance|tatio South riding candidate ap-|ridings, Mr. Thatcher defeated/The Canadian Press--by Sas- une lf |with an Ontario riding candi-|tay by 1,000 votes in Morse|their correspondents working in|W°Te Provided by a team deciding game of the classic, P 15, A 3 ps ane r C ' pears on Page 15. Biggar with a 1,335-vote majori-| Early reporting of results|publishers of weekly newspa- irge pan with -- : __.| DETROIT (AP)--Walter P.land chatted affably with othecjhappy look of a labor leader|said, "Lonborg and cham-| In addition, reports on three|ty. enabled CP to report re-election|pers who phoned or delivered ey rer es a We ate Pabenle confined) p euther, po eon United Auto Workers union as og just won a sweetened|pagne." . public meetings last night for) But the premier shad twojof the Liberal government less|progressive bulletins to agents ; in isolation when they do not) i ea contract talks at strike-|negotiators as he arrived at|contract offer. It was in sharp| |candidates in Durham riding,|vacancies to fill in his cabinetithan two hours after _polls|of, Canadian Pacific and Cana- appear to require isolation? | uHait. Sith hile. aopearance Oshawa riding and Ontariolas CCF candidates defeated/closed. When counting of ballots|dian National telecommunica- has renee & 00 ee ee es 8 ng it above 1.00 keep it in the kitchen you ayor normally lours of tan, ee 1.0) } suuenens 4. What is the reason for clos- ing some of the wards? 5. Why male and female patients are in the same wards in some instances? Ald. Michael Chicorli started the discussion, saying he heard rumors during the summer that the hospital was understaffed. Fraud Artist Gets 18-Month Sentence TORONTO (CP )--George White, 51, of Toronto was sen- tenced Wednesday to 18 months definite and nine months indefi- nite after pleading guilty to defrauding the Eastern and Chartered Trust Co. of $34,860 during a four-year period. White, an $87-a-week clerk, wrote company cheques to him- self and altered computer cards to cover the expenditures. {bound Ford Motor Co, today|Ford headquarters in suburban jamidst reports that a major|Dearborn. The UAW strike at the last few days, when he was |break in the strike was near. | Reuther waved to reporters stern and unsmiling. Some observers speculated Ford is in its 36th day. The UAW president had the US. South Viet SAIGON (Reuters)--The U.S. death toll in South Vietnam last week was the lowest in nine months, reflecting a lull in heavy ground fighting and an easing of North Vietnamese artillery pressure on marine positions below the demilitar- ized zone. An American spokesman said 102. American soldiers were killed in the week ended last Saturday, The previous low this year was 67 killed in the week ending Jan. 1. The spokesman also said 890 Hits Lowest In Nine Months that a strike-ending agreement might come late today. Reuther joined Ken Bannon, director: of the UAW's Ford department, in a UAW top-level bargaining strategy session. A "|guard was posted at the door a ,. leading to the quarters in the} Americans were wounded--the Forq company building tempo-| lowest figure in seven weeks. |rarjly assigned to the union| But the total U.S. mssing and team : | captured figure jumped by 26) : foe ie men last week to 782. | There was no. indication when A total of 1,331 Viet Cong and|the company and union bargai- North Vietnamese were killed,|ners would get together in joint the spokesman said. session. The company and He said 254 government sol-junion contingents continued to diers died in the week--more|refuse comment. than twice as many as the U.S.| The UAW is engaged in nego- total. Criticism in the U.S.|tiations for a new contract with recently focused on the fact|the entire U.S. auto industry, that Americans were suffering|but has gone on strike only at Death Toll ELECTION SHOT MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP) --Two hitch-hikers got a top- level prediction on the out- come of the Saskatchewan election Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wil- son, heading home after working in northern Mani- toba, picked up a ride in Regina and asked the driver who would win. "The Liberals will,' was the prompt reply. Then Premier Ross Thatch- er dropped his passengers in Moose Jaw and headed for the nearby Morse constitu- ency to cast his own ballot. higher casualties than South | Ford, making 160,000 workers Vietnamese troops. idle in 25 states. LABOR FORCE UP 214,000 SERVICE INDUSTRIES HELP HIKE THATCHERCALLS ("7 * Education Minister Georgejended for the night, 98.98 per tions, Trapp in Touchwood and Public More Of Kla justice department has moned fore Ku Klux Klansmen three civil rights workers, described by a Meridian police "elimination" plot. The sergeant, Carlton Wal- lace Miller, 43, told a U.S, Dis- trict Court Wednesday the slay- ings were part. of a Klan "elim- ination" plot approved by the imperial wizard of the militant White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Miller, a former Klan mem- ber, testified he received $2,400 over a two-year period from the FBI to provide information on the slayings. The bodies of Schwerner, 24, and Andrew Goodman, 20, both of New York, and James Chaney, 22, a Michael To Testify In Slayings MERIDIAN, Miss. (AP)=-Thejhad been sum-|imperial wizard." to testify in the 1964 slaying Of|4+ the time, Sam Holloway ruven onan a, | n Summoned NEWS HIGHLIGHTS | . Buenos Aires Emergency Area BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) -- The government today declared Buenos Aires and a wide surrounding area an emergency zone after floods left at least 21 persons dead and an estimated 54,000 homeless, Officials expressed fears that the final death toll might be much higher, as reports of missing persons flowed in. approved by the Miller said he understood that Bowers Jr., was the imperial sergeant as part of a Klan| wizard of the Klan group. Bow- [ers is among the 18 defendants | Injunctions Served In Tram Strike MONTREAL (CP) -- Court injunctions were to be served today ordering 6,000 Montreal bus and subway workers to return to their jobs and ending a 22-day strike. The injunctions were issued at the request of the Quebec government after the five unions involved--represented by | the Confederation of National Trade Unions -- refused to | accept a government proposal that bus and subway driv- ers return to work pending settlement of the dispute by | | compulsory arbitration. ne a vane ee a eo ..In THE TIMES Today .. Candidates Speak--P. 13 UAL 9 (oe Tt " Unemployment Decreases To 219,000 Meridian Negro, were found Things Can Be Better--P. 5 len gadget. Registers ee ececcers . ince make candy 1.00 OTTAWA (CP) -- Unemploy- ment dipped to 219,000 in mid- September from 247,000 in August and went below three per cent for the first time this year, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and the manpower department reported today. The jobless rate in September was 2.8 per cent of the labor force, compared to an even three per cent in August and 2.7 per cent in September of last year. Some economists consider three per cent virtually a full employment situation. However, after adjustment to discount season variations, tha rate was 41 per cent, Pane unchanged from August. Last year's September rate adjusted to 3.9 per cent. The employment picture in brief, estimates in thousands: Sept. Aug. Sept. 1967 1967 1966 7,730 8,101 7,516 Employed 7,511 7,854 7,311 Unemployed 219 247 205 BASED ON SURVEY These estimates are based on a sample survey of 35,000 households in the week ended Sept. 16. The joint report said employ- ment of persons in the 14 to 24 age bracket dropped by 402,000 Labor force in the month as high school and university students headed back to classes. The number of job- holders 25 and over increased by 59,000. The labor force was up 214,- 000 or 2.8 per cent from Sep- tember last year, employment rose by 200,000 or 2.7 per cent and unemployment 14,000 or about 5.5 per cent. Most of the year-to-year job increase was in the service industries. Manufacturing employment dropped _ slightly and construction employment showed no change. Farm jobs rose to 635,000 from 603,000. Of the 219,000 unemployed, 162,000 had been out of work for less than four months. Another 29,000 had been job-hunting for four to six months and 28,000 for seven months or more. The estimate of unemployed does not include students and housewives who have not sought outside work, persons too old or otherwise unable to work, and the voluntarily idle or retired. Regional unemployment rates continued their wide variation. The Prairie Provinces had 1.6 per cent of their workers unem- ployed, up from 1.4 in August and 1.3 in September last year. Quebec's jobless rate rose to 3.8 per cent from 3.7 in August and 3.5 a year earlier, buried in an earthen dam Aug. 4, 1964, after 44 days of inten- sive searching, Additional testimony fs expected from James Edward Jordan who was whisked into the courthouse Wednesday sur- rounded by armed guards. Jor- dan is under indictment in the case, but jurisdiction has been transferred to a federal court district in Georgia. Miller said target of the Klan group was Schwerner, a beard- ed civil rights organizer who had been active in the Neshoba County area, Miller said. When .asked by Doar who authorized the "elimination," Miller replied: "His elimination r SGT. WALLACE MILLER » «« Of Meridian Police (AP Wirephoto) 'ji éS "0 Tony! Isn't it exciting, Series Even--P, 11 Ann Landers--14 Ajox News--5 City News--13 Classified --18, 19, 20 Comics--23 Finance--22 Editorial--4 Obituaries--20 Sports--10, 11, 12 Television--24 Theatres--21 Weather--3 Whitby News--5 Women's--14, 15, 16 we almost had to line up!'

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