14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 12, 1967 |THE STARS SAY ANN LANDERS Left In The Dark Parents Resentful Dear Ann Landers: My hus-your column every day and 1/especially favored. band and I were shocked tojlearn from it. Last week yoU/ ror THE BIRTHDAY pick up our newspaper andjprinted a response to a bysonene "'Agains engaged to marry a girl he has|Dirt." She was criticizing you) eee * been going steady with for|for being so frank. You told her soy Gute ab pk nM sled seven months, We liked the girl/that girls need correc, itnforma-|,, put plans involving business tion so they will know how to and financial matters into oper- Now my husband and I are not|deal with "'eight-handed idiots. sure we will attend the wed-/You pointed out that girls who) ound basis, read that our 19-year-old son is|who signed herself "until she did this rotten thing. ding. I have a feeling the girl/Serious trouble. hooked our boy by putting the} Please tell me, Ann, what is announcement in the paper. Hejan "'eight-handed never told us he was anxious to|Dying of Curiosity get married and, furthermore,| Dear Curlosity: he has three years of colleg|handed idiot is a guy whose two ahead of him. Don't newspapers have the/that a girl could swear he has responsibility of checking with|six extra both sets of parents to learn if they have given their consent to} Dear Ann Landers: Regard- the marriage? Can a girl walk|ing the woman in the super- in off the street, hand the editor)market who stole a candy bar her picture and say she is|and slipped it into her young engaged and that's all there is/son's pocket. When I read such| to it? We await your reply.--|things it makes me sick. Don't 8.0.8. these people realize what they Dear 8.0.8.: I do not know of|@Te doing? a newspaper in the world that | checks out engagement/who tell their youngsters to lie| announcements to learn if the/about their age so they can ride! parents have given their con-jon the bus free or get into a} sent. And why should they? Your problem, dear friend, is|door neighbor used to tell her) not with the newspaper butjchildren to say she wasn't with your son. It sounds as ifjhome when certain people; the lines of communication|came to call. She'd hide in the| have been closed for a long|back closet and send the kids to time. was not surprised when her two Dear Ann Landers: Although|sons became involved in a petty I am nearly 70 years old I read|theft ring and were sent to a|Clal, as.you will learn later. reformatory. | children to grow up to be hon-/ Sandwiches them to be dish ? Please do not know the score get into) .qurt risks you can ill afford. If idiot'?--!should be most gratifying. Next An © two ary, first three weeks in Janu- hands cover so much mileage|ary, early July, mid-August and And what about the mothers|mid-1968, How can parents expect their|be endowed with a fine mind, orable citizens when they teach|satility _ races the business and artistic fields. | By ESTRELLITA |FOR TOMORROW Friday's planetary influences urge tact in dealing with oth- ers. Keep your emotions under control and don't try to press unwanted opinions or advice upon others. In business and household matters, stick to rou- tine. New undertakings not If tomorrow is your birthday, jyour horoscope indicates 'hat, These must be on a however. Don't ation. jusing good judgment, monetary jresults by December 10th |good periods for fiscal affairs: ary, the first 10 days in Febru- lthroughout September. Best jperiods for job advancement: |The gext month, late January, jthroughout May, August, Sep- |tember and the first two weeks lof next October. | Your personal life will also be governed by generous influ- lences, with emphasis on jromance in January, May and TORONTO (CP) -- When Donald C. MacDonald, Ontar- io's New Democratic Party leader, hits the hustings it becomes a family campaign. His wife Simone joins him on closer to home. thrown into it,' says Mrs. domestic activity. "The children enjoy elections enormously. It must have youth." _ Mrs. MacDonald's first task in the current Ontario election campaign involved the non-par- tisan task of organizing enu- merators for the York South riding in west-central Toronto where her husband seeks re-el- ection. That done, she joined her 53- year-old husband and his staff touring the province in a char- tered bus. It's a far different life from her childhood days in France and university life at Columbia where she obtained a degree in child psychology. llate August; and travel during although you may! make short trips before then.| One admonition, however:| Don't put too much stock 'n/ movie for half fare? My next|/sudden "romances" during) riding." April and June. They could prove disappointing. Life should) views and a great deal of circu- run smoothly on the domestic lating." scene during the next 12 months and, even if : there tary, has been assigned a com- the front door to lie for her. Should be some environmental) mittee room job that does not change in June, do not be dis- interfer with her employment. "I say a few words whenever French is required,' she says. She hopes one day to learn Ital- ian because 'there are many Italian-speaking people in our "I usually do a few inter- At home, Sandra, 22, a secre- the tour while his three chil- dren attend to election duties something to do with the zest of Whole MacDonald Family Enters Into Electioneering Joy, 19, now enrolled in a child care course and seeking to follow her mother's footsteps by obtaining a master's degree in child psychology, does door- to-door polling. voting day, Oct. 17 This is a vital job, says Mrs. MacDonald, a petite native of| MacDonald. Montreal who does the job of juggling the campaign and ple say 'He'll get in, I don't need to vote.' "You use the list to go out and pull out that vote." Brian, 18, a high school stu- crew. Mrs. MacDonald says her family background was non-po- litical and, while politics fasci- nate her, "I didn't know what I was getting into." Often her husband's job as party leader keeps him away from home for weeks. "When he is home there is a great deal of talking because lon." She enjoys meeting with his political colleagues, that her role requires stamina. Mrs. MacDonald says with a} laugh: "I'm four years older. I'm simply not as energetic this campaign as I was in the last.' HOUSEHOLD HINT display. She talks to residents in York South about her father's cam- paign and keeps a list of those "Anytime an election is|Who promise to support him called the whole family is ! "Human nature being what it) the is, when voting day comes, peo-|Road West. dent, has a job with the sign/Mrs. John Birkett of Lake St. there's so much to catch UP) yrs, Seville Clarke of Osh- jawa Boulevard North held a but adds a ;|to-be was Now's the time to tie a few|Department of General Motors ears of Indian corn together and/held a dinner party at the Red hang on the front door for Fall/Knight Room, of the Bo-Peep Restaurant, Many Entertain For Ruth Skinner Saturday Bride Miss Ruth Skinner whose marriage to Donald Weales takes place on Saturday has been feted at several showers. A linen shower was held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Searle at Kedron. Friends of the bride- bride was presented with silver candelabra, Attendants ing wedding, Trick and Miss Evelyn Peel, at the forthcom- Mrs. Clifford were hostesses at a_ kitchen shower held at Mrs. Trick's home, Meadow Crescent. Following the rehearsal Fri- day evening the wedding party will be entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Skinner, Suther- land Avenue. elect were in attend Mrs. Harvey Skinner and Mrs. David Skinner were co- HOUSEHOLD HINT A shine in time preserves at a shower held at the home of former, Rossland Road A surprise barbecue party was held at the home of Mrs. George Weales. The affi- anced pair were presented with place settings of their crystal. Peter, Mrs. Vincent Mc- Namara, Miss Edna Weales of Lorne Park and Mrs. Robert Chenier of Toronto were host- jesses, Friends and relatives of; |the prospective bridegroom jwere in attendance. | Women of Calvary Baptist |Church hosted a miscellaneous jshower for the bride-elect at |the church. miscellaneous shower at her Mrs. Joseph Kerr was the hostess for a neighborhood shower held at her home, Sutherland Avenue. The bride- presented with a bridge set. Fellow employees of Miss Skinner from the Parts Billing shoes and extends wear. Shine shoes before you wear them, LIMITED COMPANY rules confronting founder Susan The|Mills when she attended Mt. OAKLAND, Calif. st Holyoke College more than 100 new president of Mills College) .ar5 ago, said Dr. Robert J, for Women reminded the girls|Wert, was: 'No student may at their first convocation this|have male acquaintances unless fall what the good old days|they are retired missionaries or were really like. Among the|agents of benevolent societies." WHY WE DO NOT SELL A ROOM FULL OF FURNITURE! and shine regularly thereafter. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS 20% Discount o n Orders of 3 or More Pictures Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. &., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each $x 7-- 1.25 each Did you know that you can have better furniture, that looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will too! Betty Haydl Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 and the future! COMMUNITY 2. MANY campaions in ONE. EVERYBODY BENEFITS... EVERYBODY Gives mayed. It should prove benefi- A child born on this day will great perceptiveness and a er- which embraces both Can Be Frozen put this straight to American Are you looking for a simpli-lmothers and fathers and let fied way to turn out those lunchitheni answer in their hearts.-- box sandwiches? Frozen sand-|Quo Vadis : gg could solve this prob- lem, suggests the Food Coun-|.,, i Ci,' Ontario any straighter than Agriculture and Food. freezing, each bread siice should be spread liberally with foods from soaking bread and will prevent drying (CP)--A housewife won $120,000 Dear Quo: I could not put it in a football pool because she | you did had a backache. Winifred Department f/ and I thank you from the bot- Evans was away from work Wa, i ° tom of my heart. Your letter\with a slipped disc when to en making sandwiches for|contains a vital message to all reileve the boredom she filled okey ye Ae eng Brey itjout her husband's football pool 1M cou e posted in foot-high let-/coupon. Her husband last won butter. This will prevent moist|ters and lit up in neon Mights|on the pools 20 years ago--Win- into the|from coast to coast. lifred filled out that one too. HAD LUCKY TOUCH BIRMINGHAM, England when the sandwich thaws. Re- member that most sandwich in- gredients with the exception of | egg white, raw vegetables, and| mayonnaise will freeze well. Frozen sandwiches, individu- ally wrapped in double layers of wax paper can be stored in the refrigerator freezer com- partment for up to two weeks. For longer storage, label and wrap each sandwich in special freezer food wrap and keep in freezer compartment. FOR THE HOUSEHOLD HINT Fill a large apothecary jar with different colors and sizes of toilet soap. Looks pretty, and comes in handy in an emer- 74 CELINA STREET In the fabrics. . "Free Customer Parking While FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES latest Shades ond te ee Dry Goods & Dreperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 Shopping et Our Store" gency. Birks introduces The Dorchester Exclusively at Birks, this classic leather handbag is beautifully made, suede-lined, and has a generous large-frame suede change purse. In Morocco or Kip Calf. In black, brown or navy. This is a limited-time-only introductory offer. Regularly 19.50, now only: 1 495 Oshawa Shopping Centre % Simpsons-Sears Reg. $164.95 with 'Soft Heat' A high speed dryer with built- in lint screen, door safety switch, interior light. Also in Coppertone...$16 more 149" Smart Santas Shop NOW! with an All-Purpose Account! No Payments 'Til January Ne t Year USUAL SERVICE CHARGE AFTER 30 DAYS 3-Program Automatic Washer Onatstanding value in a feature-packed 'Kenmore'. Infinite water level control lets you fill tub te the level you need; § wash-rinse temperature eombinations give all fabric care, Super rote- action; self-cleaning filter. Big 14 Ib. capacity, available with Sudsaver and in Coppertone SAVE $15! SAVE $15! Kenmore 'Soft Heat' Dryer Reg. $189.95 17. 95 Exclusive 'Soft Heat' drying leaves clothes soft and fiuffy. 2-program auto- matic with built-in lint screen, end-of- SAVE $50! Acrylic-Lined Freezer Big 22 Cu. Ft. Holds 725 Ib. of Food! Thinwall Con- struction Gives you More Space Where You Need It -- Inside! <> e Rigid foam insulation is denser--insulates better SSS than 'fibreglas' used in most freezers e Entire freezer acts as 'fast-freeze' section e Built-in floodlight and lock; magnetic gasket Also Available in Shaded Coppertone. ...$10 more Efeelg}|) 15 Cu. Ft. Upright f]|||| Holds 542 Ib. Food SAVE $20! 9 5 Reg. $259.95 oY ole ' : : a4 ¢ Double porcelain liner; acrylic enamel exterior = £3 e Built-in interior floodlight; lock with 2 keys ; @ Magnetic gasket seals cold in, keeps heat out ei e 4unichrome shelves; 6 deep inner door shelves Also Available in Coppertone Reg. 249.95 199.55 MRS. JAI C By 30. AL "Every woma fill and I think a home make: James Potticar Liberal candida riding. "This | that the daily ro of dull chores. exercise her ¢ and find a | achievement in esting meals w budget and de clothes." Tall and attra ticary said she her own clothe: cause I'm tall 3 things are usual me and second cuts down expe woman gets a sé tion out of that.' MARRIED IN 1 Jim and Ph were married | 1949. He had trom university working in Es ment office. TI Montreal where a while in Eato partment, Jim's Hamilton Pottics valid, made he them. In 1956, Jim's moved him to St bec, and then ' During this tim grew to five with a son, Michael Mary-Anne, now years of age. Ir result of a tragi family suddenly Jim's sister and two children an baby were all iil mobile accident ville and the F the remaining fou their home. So {ft Phyllis Potticary full. "We felt tha should be kept 1 Potticary said, ' they are practics we feel that the 5 for them has bee time in our lives. 21 has just vr Trent University; Prior te her Saturday to Ja Miss Susan Mille several showers. Mrs. James Sn held a miscella for the bride. Another miscel er was held by Lunny of Guildwe attendance were relatives of the Mrs. Allan Ha Whitby was hoste entation show' Schwan : was pi kitchen utensils, Mrs. James | Whitby held a bi er at her home was given @ co! ing bathroom ens Mrs. Edward | hostess for a shower. The bri sented with a ¢ grained canister kitchen articles. Mrs. Leslie M Mrs. Hugh Nicol a presentation sh sented Mrs. Sch floor polisher. The staff of F where Mrs. Schw ed held a tea pz the bride a set ware. An attendant at Miss Judy Mure 2 personal showe er. In attendance class-mates of th St. Mary's Hospit Mrs. Andrew | trousseau tea at her daughter. G: WIFE PRE Frozen stewing from freezer to thawing. WATER DRI Fillets of ground cod, haddock or tain 80- to 84-per-c Save on § Zigzag at the lever. 3 needle ¢ $149.95. Also $ choice of cabin Model 237. SING SEW! 16 SIMC 725-54 cS TTT ,