call dale tl et Wa" wife map pe 'THE OSHAWA TiMas, _ Wednesday, October 11, 1967 ON COMPLETE SET WITH YOUR FAMILY SAVINGS COUPONS VALUE" FUR FABRIC e world's great Encyclopedias, Tt a treasury of knowledge at your 3 cational value! They're the single most BEATEN TO DEATH NEW! Automatic ment on the lower East cere piesa aoe BEATEN TO DEATH, | i) .22 LR. Calibre Rifle Y nohttLBOX | DOOR Pack of 10 y 49c with your Family Savings Book - Greenwich, Conn., was Reg. K mart Price $49.75 ip, Reg. K mart Price $1.87 ave $1.30 on volumes 2 to 25. Who else found beaten to death in ? Discount 10¢ ittle? the boiler room of a tene- Special 1.47 MIRROR BARS { The Cossack style is holding its r finish off Side of New York City. ; own this winte ; pecort 39.99 A IR TRI PS Her body and that of Leroy our outfit with this trim little ibe ' i Reg. K mart Price $2, gg ge Mag ech THURS. FRI. SAT. Sereess Files Amen a8 Filan Aco mide By Willards 4 - Falls, R.1., were discover- shied LONDON ed by the geisiaat to the FAMILY SAVINGS BOOK een of the build- 2g. No firing pin... No extrac- tor...No misfires! This Is a high precision rifle with hand tooled, 1914" barrel, French walnut stock, pistol grip, and adjustable step rears (AP Wirephoto) MAINLY BEOHUSE - Britain Drops > OTE °?3 - Special Status LONDON (AP)--The. man heading Britoin's campaign to enter the European Common Market said his country no longer claims a_ special rela- tionship with the United States. Lord Chalfont, minister of state in charge of Common Market negotiations, told an interviewer Monday night: na 'This is a change in the facts of life. We have to get the thing into perspective. The so-called special relationship with the United States has been for some time changing in charac- ter as we come to concentrate DER more on the. affairs and future of Europe. "I am not suggesting that HALF there is any great break in our ; | THURS, FRI. SAT. Reg. K mart Price 984 mm .. : | ' aa : iBORG FABRIC iscount Special TRICOT FIBREGLAS CLOCHE e ¢ | BRIEFS | air rinrs Reg. K mart Price $2.87 Reg. K mart Price 88¢ pr, Discount Spec" Reg. K mart Price 73¢ | ee 2 47 THURS. FRI. SAT. ian 1 ' Full length door mirror meas Delicious assorted choco- 2 for 1.37 Discount 5 } ¢ } Stylish, warm and thi fect el 1 ] syle Yor ony winter outtitt sures 12 x 48". The unfinish- late bars in all your favorite Satin finish nylon tricot briefs Special sight. 8 The cloche style hugs he head ed frame is ready to paint, flavors. in solid colors of White, Pink gee oes i Blue, Maize, "Nude. Oe aine. ERI. GAT. THURS, FRI. SAT, imc Ina wide range of sizes, THURS, FRI. SAT. THURS. FRI. SAT. REMEMBER ! 3 Misses: YOU CAN SAY "Charge it" : ® WHEN YOU SHOP WITH A a " j 2 Piece K MART ; CREDIT CARD ia ti Artex Wool PANT relations with the United (rZ, States. We have a great deal in Lag common with them." = = " y ee Z Reg. K mart Price $14.54 Discount Special 10.54 THURS, FRI. SATs But in the future, Lord Chal- font said, there will be less a : ete relationship between the lb i .S. and Britain and more of a relationship between the U.S. * and Europe--"of which Britain is going to be a member sooner or later." TES » D9: FACTS HIDDEN ary Lt BY NEWSPAPER - Pag role (outers) a ya loom, 21-year-old pho- aKED cases tographer's model, put down the newspaper she was hold- ing--and revealed to the cam- eras of the Dutch Protestant Radio and Television Corp. that she was naked. Monday night's revelation {/ Exciting news for Fall and winter! A high fashion pant suit combines trim fitting slims with button front, V neck, collarless jacket, Choose from fashion's brightest colors: Camel, Brown, Blue, Rust, Ber and Guana Green, Sizes 4h of Phil's cherins oa oe Sam j a. closeup ber boay "and Men's and Boys' THERMAL rought press comments ;, Ul today ranging from "good SHIRTS AND DRAWERS BROADCLOTH 36" WIDE bad taste." EN'S SHIRTS DRAWERS & | we aca atm er] Yah pee rat QE ros coat LAT tatirisnmenmetoccnm - Seat, = BF ae televisi had I Price $1.47 Price $1.97 re ; ay [H & BEAUTY AIDS prey allowing the. Pog 4 : Discount Special Discount Special BROC 'ADE 36" WIDE Nude Heel ~ MORMAL -- DRY -- WITH ee pereennd-- net » ° o use © BOYS' SHIRTS BOYS' DRAWERS : : was nude, cause : ? seritaee| gs St 97 ee LAS, se ve NYLONS SHAMPOO 79° the newspaper she was hold: | Ki Price $1.19 Prieegi4o ROR « Abtretiv ight wolgt brocade ina wide - Discount Kmart _ BOTTLE OF 50 advertisement ft a well. s Discount Special Discount Special Ad yd. $2.47 Reg. K mart Price own make of car. ing... th RIN TABLETS 71° reat eat ane start a ia Viscose CHECKPOINT & CHECKMATE 4 2 ore for B89 ~ GILLETTE -- 7 ox, SIZE s drawers. Pants have full elastic waist and Goub ak Re i t, Tops hi hort slee ound necks, White . Speci 8. Discount Special ODORANT 1.27 Jazz Session oa : Co a OY Wy AS ' | yd. 3257 3 prs. 'Too Loving' , ' THERMAL | 4 Rega THE Med. WALE CORDUROY iT OPENING WINDSOR, England (AP)-- ey The royal borough of Windsor Short Sleeve Vest and Drawers reaeamnn tao Sl, QB Bee. VEST : Brown, Green, Rust Discount 7] ruled Monday night there was i NUS BUYS oo re ee vt. es jazz and blues festival down by on thermal kn K mart Price 77¢ e WEDNESDAY ee te Queen's castle on the i Ry nceat nid pete | Discount Special Printed CASHMELAINE bilasamirelaions le § '" ' 48-0Z. * Windsor Council's general sleeves. Available in DRAWERS 36" wid £ Reg. 'First quality' seamless mesh nylons In DRINKS 4 'tix *1 purposes committee decided not i i Sl sal Reg. 67° and available Woes eres @ cece | ¢ K mart sizes 8% to 11, Four new Fall shades to THURSDAY to grant a licence for the 1968 K mart Price 88¢ ; yd. Price Cncaae Frome 's ow " after reviewing com- Discount Special * $1.37 _ plaints about the 1967 event Five Delicious von yd . which drew hundreds of young Sicha Sa Bes er o LM Flavours Pkg. 79 people to Balloon Meadow, near - FRIDAY the castle, in August. WS OWN BRAND" I was shocked at the lack of « SAVE 2et morals," Councilman Harry : + ee Wists tid te commit, Women's MOCCASIN SLIPPERS Parchment -- Pkg. their navels and breasts paint. oe Reg. K mart Price $1.88 SATURDAY 'S OWN BRAND" Fancy Red 7% a os Sockeye Tin 49° ' 'with me. and I had to tell him * were carrying on acts of immo- \RANTEED ; CLOSING OCT. 14th "ERY NIGHT TO 9 with flowers in broad day- I had my 10-year-old son te turn away. At night couples rality. I know what they were up te. "The festival was just an excuse for young people to attend a love-in -- in the real sense of the word." CAULKING GUNS CAULKING CARTRIDGES ; Discount Special e THURS, FRI. SAT. Cosy slippers have warm, snug-fit cuffs and soft, none marking soles. Available in Pink, Blue, Bone and Ture quoise in sizes 6 to 10, RS., FRI. NIGHTS TO 9:30 "We don't run a morality ERY NIGHT TO 10 trol at the festival," said its Reg. K mart Price ¢ ¥ BOWMANVILLE -- Srgenber, Harold Pendleton KKmartPrcp oe Stor SO4 YARDLEY GUEST SUPER SIZE LANDERS © NIGHTS TO 9 "If young people get bored, I iscount Specia ry suite Wee re | ENSEMBLE CREST FACIALTISSUE SHAMPOO infants' RKING -- ret ar K mart Discount Comp. at 1.49 Re ie oe Comp. at 1.19 BOOTIE SLIPPERS XES LIMITED Mexi Co CITY (Ab) The each Keel Discount Special ~~ a K bart ae Se . iscoun Mexiegn defence department, THURS, FRI, SAT. 'THURS. FRI. SAT. Special noting ge dl officers Hs Weathert ight my windproof | ip boxes 57* be rd a Leg "33 issued @ reminder that under a windows for winter, Grey, White and Black. e : f) All teather drawstring booties have presidential decree of 1943 and Regular or New Mint Flavor Five varieties tp sult every agay Indian design and warm wool, article 31 of the military code Lathe dla cuffs. serteme sre not permitted at om meremony. i ta ee