Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1967, p. 7

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[ONY CHURCH E. Frazer Lacey, 8.0. oft RCT, MT. chica alain! AM, SCHOOL A.M, WORSHIP come to All. CHURCH | is ----<--<$<--<--<--<--<$--$---- CHURCH EETS -Teens y red for sl. For?" 0 Obvious HURCH /ORSHIP URCH, , FAMILY CHURCH ister tant Organist NN vice -Sibileus -Kremser Baby Care ) CHURCH AND RD.) B.A., D.D. .Paed, fon S: ON" h, ouble Club, ) CHURCH REET World on its heart. AT, B.A. ,LEGM, WINGS ! "' arr, Sylvester by Care SS EPEERIERISneneeaeeeeeme semen AINIAN oe St. South + Rev. J. Jacenty .--Church School --Ukrainian Service --English Service GARIAN r Rev. E. Seress <nox Church oe St. North --Worship Service d and 4th JNDAYS NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES City Area Churches Mark Thanksgiving | This Sunday churches throughout the Oshawa area, in common with the rest of Can- Rally Service A rally service last Sunday Revival services will be held Ada, will be holding Thanksgiv-|marked the fifth anniversary of (uring the week of Oct. 10 to 15 signs of increasing the taxes. iimits and strong police c n./40-80-100 kilometrés an hour|daily customers. The: same|"émember. Monday, the mem- | then? dial th United Pentecostal ing Sérvices. Ministers in their| Rev. Pe ay Fleas ministry M8 Ghurch conducted wae ©. sermons will stress the many Pastor of Grace Lutheran), 4 ai thi t hich Canadians(ctureh. In his address Mr. Leaked ings for which Canadians! riess challenged the congrega- ident Johnson made another) gpocKHOLM (AP)-- Swe- plea Thursday to congressmen den's great experiment in shift- to get on with granting him ing all traffic to the right side increased taxation. : putting a federal freeze on Con-| authorities report tratti | WANT HIGHER SPEEDS Revival Services erg pet public works pro- deaths in September were 50| The traffic commission this) Some gasoline stations, now Various clubs, sports, activities.|coming up. Come out and sup- \jects. TME OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 7, 1967 7 LB] Makes [Sweden Reports Progress |" , Tax Plea On Right Side Driving TEEN TALK WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- . . ber Because of the lower Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Institute speeds. any mots t ta at " " Se tehid to air and eal i It's "Yearhook Week"! Stu-;were honored. Monday. after longer journeys, dents have beén supporting this school, Donevan played host to : \year's edition of "The Criter-|Central Collegiate in a double- LOSE CUSTOMERS ion,' which will feature the header. There are more games kilometres an hour (43 m.p.h.) on ordinary roads and 90 kilometres an hour (59 m.p.h.) of the road is in its second on expressways. |month and going strong. He added weight to his bid by 'below the monthly average, | Week asked the government t6)0n the "wrong"' side of the road'and classes of this school vear.'port your team! But Congress still shows nO/mostiy because of lower spaed|APProve & new sét of limits of|for ¢asy access, lost half their, Football is a key word to) tuesday, Student Council, The administration added 4++61§ that accompanied the|*t@tting Oct. 17. This recom-|squéeré was felt by the owners |bérs of the junior and senior (Under president Rill Goch, con- new ingredient in the weeks-lsent 3 switchover jmendation was made despite|of some roadside shops: teams were introduced at two vened for its first meeting. The long test of wills between thé! japk~ skiold, who directed Statistics showing that 58 per) Auto salesmen and big-city ,#8sembliés. Under coaches Mr. committees that aid council in |president and Congress by sus- the giant overnight switch after Cent of motorists and 98 péridepartment stores reported|Craigén and Mr. Elliott, the administration and social ac- may be thankful, In the rural!tion to greater dedication to ie Youth In Charge tog agent gad i get $3,-| months of physical and psycho- Cent of cyclists and pedestrians|sales were down. Truck drivers|b0vs demonstrated -- blocking|tivities were nominated and fréas, in particular, chanceis' service of Christ and His cause. will be decorated with {ruit, ie vegetables, flowers and th e | ee | . ithe | products of the land. Christian Science [Citadel will be conducted by \Sgt . John Grant and members defence department, came as . "Are Sin, Disease and Death of the Bible Class. A number of Johnson. again laid responsibil-| nave had problems adapting itive attitude toward the right-|For decades, while the rest of! Plan Anniversary Real?" will be the subject of|the members plan to attend tie ity for budget cutting on theli9 the change. hand system while thos¢/Furope was converting to the: The congregation of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, is completing plans for the/the 'responsive reading in.|of the Salvation Army, will be: celebration of its 141st aaniver-| oiudes A saree titan Markens, (the speaker. sary Nov. 5. The special speak-|he jaw of the spirit of life er will be Rev. Dr. R, B. Craig, Church, Peterborough. The an- oar the law of sin and nivérsary dinner will be held : Nov. 7. | The meetings this Sunday at/building and civil public works! oq jett-side-of-the-road reflexes|léft-hand habits at least once wages fell 10 to 20 per cent. Oshawa Salvation Army) Programs. still create a few dangerous since Sépt. 3. the lesson sermon to be read in Centennial Congress at Varsity|Congressional doorstep and said |the First Church of Christ, Sci-/Arena, Toronto, when General|'@xes should be raised to stifle givers to be nonchalant about |cént. entist, Oshawa, this Sunday.|F. Coutts, international leader inflation. observers the freeze appeared period worries authorities as consistently to the low s érning the t of H ers , | , ' sis ' peed & movement of' mail ' an indication Johnson is bégin-/much as do motorists' troubles | limits, especially in the cities | coaches. wack in Christ Jesus hath made me ; jning to yield to pressure that he! with left turns. minister of Trinity United Special Speaker |take responsibility for cutting bey Peg SO | ' ie j A sis i ' ' The special speaker at }m-jOr eliminating programs popu- friendliness" which marked thelonly a small margin manuel Baptist Church will be|/ar with hometown voters. i "poi military " |had fallen back into their old|and cab drivers said their daily|A94 tackling and various plays elected. logical preparation, says the "lused during a game. Also, the) Remember, "Gnus and Yaks" ; bantam and senior Ontariojis coming: Watch for it! The big change, financed by|_, : : \ 6 a vey situations. He says éverybody| But polls also showed 57 per)$120,000,000 in special taxes, CD@™MPionship rugger teams --JANE MANNING --and particularly pedestrians| cent of Swedés now have & pos-|was laté in coming to Sweden. s : s Pickering High School d have dropped to 20 perjright, Sweden clung stubbornly, Their names are Jeft, toss The hoys gies i nae paid [tthe left, established a4 the/JOn. BOb, and Jim. Collectively) Wenhes ant Nave loured wg : the new low speed limits) Checks showed only about|Proper side of the road during|they are known as The Bed- Shak UAE ihe cane phe ke that To some congressional imposed during the transitional three in 10 motorists adhered|the 18th century by rulés gov- time Story. They wear wild pace played at "Pickering, they and white suits, use were one of the most sincere e flashing psycadellic lights, and and are likely to g0 a long way oe and on ordinary roads. But the) Now Britain, Ireland and Ice- play pulsating music. toward success tee right-hand! majority exceeded the limits by land remain the only holdouts' Last Friday, they played for If anyone would like to join Petes ; jin the European area. Pickering High's first dance. It the 'Bedtime Story" fan club, jearly stages of the transition] Sharpened police patrols; Sweden planned its changeov-|was a great success and we they should contact: Miss Rar- The freeze, announced by the A notable tendency among, Unitarian Speake Rev. P. Golinski, CONGRESS SHUNS BLAME -- iso is reported on the wane. resulted in a seven-foldier with great efficiency, install- : : ; 76 St. G | us A ire bd it 4 é riency, inst made nearly $200. net profit. bara Pilon, 276 St. George 7 th Pa el itarl Pp Tr) | her gig sedans ponte Pong: beer -- 'ox cella se ge lla rai be -- of or and| Between sets, [ was able to Street, Suite 505, Toronto 5, On- ou n i ha $ should cut spending involves in Gay s eRer--|Critics say the limits must bé traffic lights on its 70,000 miles get a tervie vith this ter- tario. Rev. Arnold thaw, minister' Guest Mediums part the determination by Con- right) have béen 40 kilométres raised as soon as possible. Ua dey gees Glee ta ae The young people very of the South Peel congregation, A sie to thé Oshawa Unitarian Fel- a Rossland Road 'Free Method'st 'OWShiD this Sunday. ig Ag ntl a I t : as its guest mediums. Church. A_ panel discussion) S as li based on the theme "Is This . the Lost Generation?" was pre- piritua ist | Plan Baptisms sentéd. Mrs. Sharon Kirby was Miss R. Heidner will be the' A baptismal service will be the modérator, Thosé taking speaker at the Oshawa Spiritu-jheld Sunday evening in the| rt were Floyd Steénburgh, alist Church service in the|Christian and Missionary. Alli- athy Heaslip, Bonnie Sewi- Masonic Temple. ancé Church. gard and Shirley Horner. Vocal seléctions rounded out the pro- gram. The youth of the church FIRST BAPTIST Cc i will be in charge of the évening | service on the first Sunday of | éach month. HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Ahn YR UR SOS REN BR ir EY a | Rev, N. Frank Swockhommer, B.A. Rowland L. McCord -- Mus. Bac. -- Director of Music 9:30 A.M.--The Church School 11:00 A.M.-LOST IN WONDER LOVE AND PRAISE Methodist Church } 7:00 P.M.--Over All Victorious (5) THE SHIELD OF FAITH Oe ele "ioe \ Nursery and Junior Church ot 11:00 A.M, Minister Rev. Walter Jewell 305 'Ressiand Read Eest sunoAy schoo. -- | GOSPEL HALL 11:60 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 40 NASSAU STREET | 'Come, ye thankful people, Come' THANKS -- LIVING" 7:00 P.M.--Evening Chapel in The Personage. "THE WAY OF EXCELLENCY" |! EVERYONE WELCOME | "THANKSGIVING MEANS ! 9:00 A.M.--THE LORD'S SUPPER 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY BIBLE HOUR AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00, P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: MR, NEEDHAM of Oshewa | Wed. 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting | A HEARTY WELCOME TO. ALL LSE ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST Off Simcoe Street (next ofter Bloor) Minister -- Rev. C. M. Bright 725-3872 Zion Christian Reformed Church 409 Adelaide Ave. E. Minister i Rev. D. N. Hebermehl, M.Th., Junior Church Up to 11 Years Provided 10;00 A,M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL . 10;00 A.M. | 11:00 A.M.--'THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES _ . MORNING WORSHIP | 'God's Gopainess end Mercy A Cause For Rejeicing ; Core Provided ) 7:00 P.M.--'THE DYING FIRE" -- Nursery Core Tuesday 6:30 p.m. -- Christian Youth Crusades 7:00 P.M. Tuesday 7:30 p.m, -- Preyer Meeting, Ete. | EVENING SERVICE Friday 7:45 p.m. -- Toronto District FMY Rally at Uxbridge -- |} Radie Ministry Chr. Ref. Church | nee iam ; : = -- (CKLB) Back Te Ged Hour (each trite nay amet Seer? CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 11:00 @.m.). FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Branch ef The Mether Church -- The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massochusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M, SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00. A.M. "ARE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Wed, Service (Inciudes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Friday -- 12 noon-5 p.m. (Excepting Holideys) Listen to The Bible Specks To You CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday Reveols the syartlin sient: | i behind wor' H shui Fs PROPHECIES next | 20 years! Manday - Saturday 9:05-9:35 P.M, and Sundoy THANKSGIVING SERVICE 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. 10:30 AM.--MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th | SUBJECT: -- "THANKSGIVING" Spontoneous expression of gratitude for God's Goodness, physical healing and. other blessings will be given. { ALL ARE INVITED TO THIS SPECIAL SERVICE 1350 RADIO ae Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada Fellowship EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evongeline & Phillip Murray Poster REV. ERNEST WINTER 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES The Bible Is Qur Text Book 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M.--"GOD'S THANKSGIVING DAY" i BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES) > 09 pay "WHO CAN BE THANKFUL ?" | 11:00 AM. Evening Service Broadcast Over CKLB Radio. REV. P. GOLINSKI WEDNESDAY -- 7:45 P.M, THE HOUR OF POWER 7:00 P.M. ' ; ""THANKSGIVING" The Church with a Christ-centered message for the needs of the day. Wed: 7:45 Pv. --- Bible Study and Prayer . x # ' The United Spiritualist gress not to be saddied with the|an hour (25 m.p.h.) in cities, 70. Some non-government inter-|sition. A huge publicity éffort have only béen together for who capably took charge of, last Port Crédit, will be the speaker (0) 6+ Ontario. will have blame for such cuts, ests aré unhappy about the|prepared drivers | Of roads in advance of the tran-/rific new group. Although they By the way. for those of vou would like to see The 2 and pedes-'four months, they hope to have Bedtime Story," they will be The freeze could be lifted at,jects as flood-control dams,|reform. The large oil compa-jtrians, who earlier had been\a 45 coming out soon. The "A" plaving at the Pavilion in Oril- any time since the money for dikes and harbor improvements|nies reported gasoline sales fell|subjected to psychological stud- \sidé is "Raise Your Hand," and lia on Oct. 6: such Army Engineers civil pro-\alréady had been appropriated. by 10 to 20 per cent in Septem. |iés. thé "R" side, 'Careless Life." --GLYNNIS WALKER SUNDAY | The management and staff of Ideal Dairy Products Limited, express a sincere apology to our many old friends and new customers in Oshawa and the surrounding districts for any inconvenience or confusion that you may have incurred during the changeover of Oshawa Dairy to Ideal Dairy. We are making every effort to see that you are all served with your dairy requirements. However, we realize that in the confusion some of you may have been inconvenienced. We thank you for your tolerance and please call us at any time for additional deliveries where required. We do assure you that in the next few days we expect that all of our customers will receive satisfactory delivery. As your local dairy, Ideal will continue to be actively involved in the responsibilities of our communities in every respect. Our products, quality, packaging, pricing and delivery shall continue to be top quality and competitive. We appreciate and thank the stores in being so co-operative in this changeover by continuing to handle and sell local Ideal milk. We sincerely thank you, our customers, for the patronage you have shown us over the many years. IDEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS LIMITED QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO 390 RITSON RD. N. 728-6241

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