Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, October 7, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva- tive MPs portrayed Finance Minister Sharp Friday as a man who preaches restraint in public and submits to spend- thrift colleagues in the privacy of cabinet. "A mouse in a den of lions,' offered Erik Nielsen (PC--Yuk- on) amid a shower of uncompli- company Said. | Objects To Tour | accomplice in the war of aggression." Sato leaves Sun- day for Indonesia on his second Asian tour in a month. BERLIN (AP)--East Ger- : . chief, onan . ght, strongly accused his country's economic and technical enterprises of foot-dragging. In a speech reported Friday by the pariy newspaper Neues Deutschland, Ulbricht said some enterpzises have gained profits without | meeting production quotas and! automation of key metal indus- tries is being carried out by! only one per cent annually. T CALL OR SEE > DIXON'S |; phone Co. of Canada announced/Fyening Star, Friday. Results obtained by the| military regards all of South-| gadget, which prevents the call-least Asia as "a theatre of war' er from closing the circuit byland that an invasion would of dent body of 1,200 hanging up, area considered!necessity include Laos as wel! valid as court evidence, the!as North Vietnam Smoke Out Books Timagami regions: Sunny with'Timmins TOKYO (AP) --_ Socialist |qefence department of fi party Chairman Seiichi Katsu-jsaiq Friday night the mata demanded today that/ctates decided to deploy its,!t claimed the wrapping saved Prime Minister Eisaku Sato/anti-ballistic missile svsiem|in the change will permit publi- call off a scheduled visit t0|nartly to offset the fears of|cation of 1,000,000 more school | South Vietnam on grounds that|non.Communist Asian ccun- D0oks it would make Japan "anltrjes, Paul Warnke, assistant :ecre- \tary of defence for international, Oroville, Calif. (AP) -- The} security affairs, said the move|Oroville dam, at 770 feet the} would virtually erase Asian ' Sas nt fears as to whether or not the Communist Criticizes sited States would act against ROSSLYN PLAZA 728-4668 Tories Blast Sharp For Inflation Stand | Forecasts Trouble Bundy, U.S. assistant secretary Pl Explai d HAVANA (AP) -- The Cuban, an Xp: aine government's tobacco enter- ETROIT (Reuters)--A high prise announced Friday it is| a liincreasing the number of ciga-| 'nited/rettes in a pack to 20 from 16. | Highest Dam Complete highest in the United States, | was completed Friday. Work on; the dam across the Feather ese lear blackmail. River. took five years. | 'Changes Cause Concern jxchiiy of people who will never make |working Canadians, ranging now are exempt. conductors, -engineers, brake-| Barring a major depression, corporation executives. l J : and practically every Gos of n m I I ] uorker brought into compulsory ne ey ™ ploy ent Insurance cone. ee nal pete Tae aa becalhas denied berg hog po Such a move would give the Soaps maximum will be boos! 0 $6: unemployment insurance fund ajover $300, ne a tea maxi lose in the new nl into the red as it did in the spring of 1963 and again in 1964 weekly for mum of $27 weekly for single | and $36 married persons. Mr. Nicholson is just increasing since and now is j and it is expected to be around Benefits no OTTAWA (CP)--Thousands ofjnurses and civil servants wnojly after retirement. Railway|use of the plan. lfrom railway train crews to' Five lregistered nurses, are con-\inquiry recommended that thc|to pay premiums all their work-|fund would never again plung: \cerned about the direction thejexemptions be ended. It reject-|ing life and rarely use the plan. -------------------- |government plans to take thisjed the contention that these)/They now look on 52 weeks of | of state for Asian and Pacific jton, fall in amending the Unemploy-|three BOSTON (AP)--William P.| Tabor Minister Nicholson has| |ment Insurance Act, jamounts to permanent employ |matter of right. iment status and are not in need} Coverage now is compulsory RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? a i earn lof unemployment protection. for all employees who THEN GO TO THE jsaid repeatedly that the plan) qy,, ' | . laffairs, forecast here Friday|Will be revised at the current that pensions and other retire-lon a basis of mileage, Piece-}| walyW@ Room |that the Viet Cong in South)session of Parliament. He has|ment benefits be considered as|work or commission. At eo y Vietnam will "weaken and\indicated that premium andjincome for unemployment/level about 4,800,000 of the | |show serious moral pfoblems in benefit rates will i stepped up insurance purposes, eliminating|country's 8,000,000 uorkers are Hotel Lancaster |the next six to nine months." sep? ibenefit payments to mostlin the plan. : 27 KING ST. WEST The weakening would come|2nd coverage enlarged. retired persons. The inquiry said income res- Hartke said the/honored in the 101-year history | today. Mainly cloudy and con-| Earlton eer of the school. Miss Jackson, 19,/tinuing cool Sunday. Winds Sault Ste. Marie .. 35 48 ie 8 WHY PAY MORE? is one of 11 Negroes in the stu-/easterly 15. Kapuskasing Sudbury, North Bay, Halibur-|White River . northern Georgian Bay.|Moosonee . years ago a_ special|/men and firemen are compelled|this would probably ensure th Want Competent e ° LOOKING FOR A groups have what|post-retirement benefits as a COMMFORTABLE QUIET inquiry also suggested|under $5,461 a year or are paid S Service Call 725-3581 'Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils S$ DRUG STORES Farm Tanks And Pumps Available 360 WI Out of Oshawa, Whitby ond District October 9th Open Monday {;".'.. LSON RD. S. sy dinbink a Call Collect 4 McCORDICK'S PHARMACY Gg 3541 DX OIL $ MITCHELL'S DRUGS LTD. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 9 SIMCOE ST. N. Cis a ae aimed at the before North Vietnam showed| It is the question of enlarged| This change would hit hard at/trictions should be abolished "A passenger in a runaway any sign of seeking peace. coverage that is causing the|classes of workers who have J z ' 'ending ie ® : most concern, particularly|been collecting loyment|* Ie the edge'of the precipice," | Relations Considered among teache'rs, registed/insurance benefits automatical|-- ase gg ae tt acted The fourth day of the Com- © pea LOMroR (Reuters), aay \@ : , | ienced, fully qualified heating DIES AT 60 mons debate on the June 1 - _|--Malaysian Prime Minister} |Z | .s Eddy Gilmore, Puli budget was a day for Mr. Sharp © jTunku Abdul Rahman said} WEATHER FORECAST : ¢ | technicians on call 24 hours : Paowolnning coieenanh to sit and take it. a jtoday Russia might establish an & : every da Radio di ' of The Associated Pres: wt Patrick Nowlan (PC--Dig- embassy here soon. Malaysia is Clo d T ni at Sunda : OSHAWA"S SMART MEN'S SHOP y . . . Radio dispatched London. died of a coror y-Annapolis-Kings) said Mr. anxious to sell more ru pe ; : : 'thrombosis late rid Sharp "spoke with a forked the Soviet Union and also is| u y 0 g ' y : 10 KING STREET WEST for quick service. All their work « night, He was 60 ae tongue" when he asked Cana- considering bes --mene 4 A ees i is guaranteed 4 (AP Wireph dians to contain their demands ; \fions with other Eastern Euro S d i : f cng Wr ae tyke nmen|| MITCHELL SHARP 'pean nations. | owers, 00 n un ay is The Most Carefully Tailored Clothes You Could Wear : e a | . * | é = Hope ae if indeed any + + + On Hot Seat | Tidal Wave Kills ! TORONTO (CP) -- Official,a few cloudy periods and mer Four Quit ha en made. pc aaa EEE i es RANGOON (AP)--A tidal forecasts issued at 5:30 a me Gaulng cool today and Sunda HS ATTACKS BITTER ' wave swept Mergui, about 400/today. Winds easterly 15. ;, , : The opposition has come back 16 Killed seep ree rine' eek Synopsis: Very cold arctic air wane Aone, Covet, (Ae apie ; W cliffe a : : id aecries i ae capital, Friday wiping 'continues its . ( rio,j}ma regions: § y 4 y | 2 auatr it 3 . with stinging retorts about ov-| TEHRAN (AP) -- Sixteen everything. in itt path, (Re\Brisk cool conditions, with, con- Periods today. Mainly cloudy} : 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA Wy Sharp entered the debate Iranians were killed Friday working People's Daily report-| siderable sunshine are forecast with a few showers or snowflur-} a is 725-3581 ' TORONTO (CP _ Wednesday to ask for a major ight and several others were'ed. Two persons were killed, | for most of the province today. Ties Sunday, Continuing cool. |= ---- mee ee: 2 pretagy Ne . ) " - voluntary attack on inflation. [injured when a bus carrying 40 others were missing and 400), jarge area of cloudy showery Winds light. | he =) Sa SiS ig Ee ih ea By stu si qui fh ae shidide with 2 Were made homeless weather stretching from south Forecast Temperatures | os va sae ae He : Kidnapped, Cred = easy west of here Q 225 000 of the Great Lakes to the south- Low tonight, high Sunday | TEACHER f SMALL ENGINES meron, Moore Sinith "troh | ° Wins $ ' ern prairies is edging slowlY| windsor ........: 45 55 or i Matthias' Anglican Ch SINGAPORE (Reuters) --- North Invasi LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A eastward. Cloud is expected to\c)'"rngmas . oss oF ee : Shale Gabe sie eciatinien Police said today Gene Koh, 21, r Sion Superior court jury awarded|spread across the lakes tonight|y ondon ...++ 40 52 Province of Ontario in conjunction with the Gov- 4 ' s son of a contracting and quar-| wasHINGTON (AP) -- Sena- $225,000 Friday to actress Sue/and into Ontario Sunday Sebel 52 4 Sinisioalt : Rt. Rev. George B. € 3 52 Cc id I rying magnate here, was Kid-| Varice: Hartke De Ind.)|Lyon for injuries she suffered] rondon, Windsor, Hamilton Saat a . ae 50 er of an pality o awa © Anglican bishop of To napped Sunday then beaten to/'F Vance Hartke (em. 'ne.)'in a 1965 traffic accident. She|pake St. Clair, Lake Erie Sve Stak Samy requires a TEACHER FOR SMALL ENGINES. : requested Canon Smith's death. His _ millionaire father) said Sey) AY ne claimed "that injuries to her| Niagara, "sentence Lake Huy 'arailton ae 38 55 A s EN THIS SUNDAY Porienars tue we had received a $250,000 ransomjare advocating an invasion Of knee would impair her dancing re gi ons: Sunny with cloudy St. Cotharites 38 35 ek eney ns Peay -- oe fe a coroner"s jury hel note. North Vietnam, and that this| ability and screen career. periods today. Mainly cloudy "Toronto id tye ane 0 55 5 P.M, Monday throug! : i church rector negligent i New Phone Device would almost certainly bring d tonight and Sunday. A 'ew! peterborough . 3055 ph bec trans, Cee meee preprens ¢ bo of a ge | ap Jeg | ' ceca Beiash 5! , i : , 5 <atherine Globe. Canon | ew the Soviet Union into the war, -- Negro Name Queen showers and continuing cool Kingston : 55 Telephone 576-1550 2 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. resigned after a meetin MONTREAL (CP)--A new, "There is no question,"| GREENVILLE, Pa. (AP)--|Sunday. Winds easterly 15. Trenton 55 z resigned g device to pinpoint the source of|Hartke said, "but there is Marlene Jackson, a Negro, was| Toronto, Lake Ontario, south-| Killaloe . 50 cues PELE: a a pi ie chdenn crank and obscene telephone|increasing pressure on the pres- crowned homecoming queen atjern Georgian Bay, northern| Muskoka 4 | 2 gts ti ree of the students, calls now is in operation in the|ident for an invasion." Thield College Friday night, the |Lake Huron regions: Sunny|North Bay 45 ' R. J. TUMEY'S SHELL STATION Conway, 27, atid Bussel Montreal area, the Bell Tele-| Jn an interview with The first person of her race to be so|with a few cloudy _perivds Svdbury . '5 AT T ENTION FARMERS e S$ 962 SIMCOE STREET NORTH arch paw dil yet Dol i Hart, 24, was in a pre - ogy course. ALEX NATHAN'S SUNOCO STATION Their statement said in a 215 KING STREET WEST that the bishop had_ all church matters to get into ree @ MIUM 35 * SAVE $ $ ON QUALITY $ lar court and had done nc to correct what was termi COOPER'S TEXACO STATION obvious false impressions. 56 BRUCE STREET "We know that the bisho been aware of the minist St. Matthias for a long T, GOCH SUPERTEST STATION Or iaiee caite to we oe 437 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH self what was going on. | "We have seen the help has been given to many p WINDER'S ESSO STATION ... and we emphatically the bishop's statement KING end RITSON ROAD SOUTH saeaee harm fon ed has 'done."" Gohn Ovens 0. EEN ROY ALLAN'S ESSO STATION Ig $$ $ $ $ $ 288 BLOOR STREET WEST OPEN SUNDAY 12 a.m. to 6 p.m. TAMBLYN DRUG STORE « 723-3143 6 KING ST. E JURY & LOVELL LIMITED @ FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST, 723-4663 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certiticates NOW EARN "Wo per annum AND ARE Guoranteed--as to principe! and nterest Flexible--may be used as Col- lat for loans eral Redeemable--by. Executors in the event of death Authorized--as Trustee Act in- vestments CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Cenade Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS POUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE PUBLIC MEETING Saturday October 7th--7:30 p.m. RIDGEWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL Ridgeway Ave., off Stevenson Rd. MEET A WINNING TEAM © CLIFFORD PILKEY e TOM EDWARDS @ DOUGLAS MOFFATT ® ALLAN McPHAIL Guest Speaker Donald €. MacDonald New Democratic Party Leader For Further Information 576-0370 - 576-0371 'EVERYBODY MANY GAMPAIGNS 'a. 'ONE BENEFITS... EVERYBODY GIVES renner SUNFLIGHT CARIBBEAN HOLIDAYS! BY AIR CANADA CHARTER SUNFLIGHT CARIBBEAN BC MCNMSSEEEEE HOLIDAY ALL INCLUSIVE WEEKS cK iciee FEATURES: © Fly in the comfort of Sunflight's privately chartered AIR CANADA VANGUARD. © First class baggage allowance of 66 ibs, $ © First class inflight service with special four FROM course dinner on flight and full course luncheon on return . . . both with come ANTIGUA ¥ plimentary cocktails, wines and liqueurs. © Fourteen nights accommodation in rooms with bath at the Hotel or Villa of your choice, © Breakfast and dinner daily and you will enjoy the-full menu and regular cuisine of your hotel, 4 © All service charges and tips we included. 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Now just look at the unbelievable $369. in winter... including bind sed piso ph rep dass hagdeel DEPARTURES EVERY - and with no change whatsoever in quality of services or accommodation at any ti y time, No di - is a paradise-sent opportunity for that Caribbean as pores sien SATURDAY FROM promised yourself. Choose your Island now... i JANUARY 6 can take you on tee date you decry fag Pe e+ throughout the Winter SEE YOUR SU OF SUNFL SAVE 1:°240 PER COUPLE NFLIGHT AGENT NOW For your copy IGHT CARIBBEAN HOLIDAY BROCHURE Four Seasons Travel 57 King Street Eost Oshowe 576-3131 Mail this conpon teday Mitchell and Waite to YOUR TRAVEL AGENT or to: Travel Service SUNFLIGHT HOLIDAYS, 6, Prince Strect Oshewe 728.7395 | 2-0 Bex 410, Termine! "A* Toronto, Ontario. iii i i i a ae a | Meadow's Travel Service 25 King Street Eost Oshewe 723-9441 4 Please Rush "Sunflight ¢ Caribbean Holidays" to: Donald Travel Service NAME... 036.5 102 Brock Street South | 'i ay dupe whs Whitby 668-3304 ; DDRESS |: sci siiuoiescia ; city , 1 OPTOMETRIS PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. E., OSHA snwseree Peete BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION 334 PARK ROAD SOUTH DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MacDONALD FORD SALES (Oshawa) LTD. KING STREET WEST ond STEVENSON ROAD ; 1 ae Good Government Deserves Your Support RE - ELECT | AB. WALKER OSHAWA RIDING Join The Winning Team VOTE CONSERVATIVE October 17th

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