Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1967, p. 24

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4 CADILLAC HOTEL The Cadillac Hotel on Sim- nence with film audiences. been proven. Grant still com- Budton's draw as a single/mands huge money, but makes| performer has not been com-/only one picture every two or the fami lyway i CADILLAC HOTEL 9000C0r---soccscccescescceees and parental misunderstanding.|DUKE ELLINGTON -- a five Film ] 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 7, 1967 ON TELEVISION (Channel 4 at 9:00 p.m.) week tour with the Duke : GOOD COMPANY -- Anjtravels all the time and com. : 1 ° hour's drive from London takes|Poses whenever he can - pre, For $75 PLAZA -- Now playing, In, All new show idea, horror be-| l Lee Bailey to Great Missenden|ferably with background noise, ON The Heat of the Night. Star-)gins Sunday midnite and con-| ( 'ros as rama 1C Oo e and the country home of Os-|He likes the sound of a vag, ATHENS ( ring two Academy co de ered ae the night in car - winner Patricia Neal. Lee -- eee he ge Rooke has cc ners, Sidney Poitier and Rodjblood curdling color. Five all ith Miss Neal and her|Don Morrow. in and Harry's Hideaway, the Hotel | the Coronet Room of the /Steiger. A racial drama aboutitime great horror classics with e pian aiagloo Ree g Roald Dahil8 at 10:00 p.m.) sound hell bs Genosha's downstairs lounge, | Cadillac Hotel. a murder in Mississippi. In|Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Dau hter Ei t n e u about their careers, Pat's ill- with $750,000 ¢ will have The geno CENTRAL HOTEL color. pone psig mg Chaney. ' ? ness and meets their four child: papery Rooks is in as their featured attraction i .30, 3.30, 5.30, 's at 11.30 p.m. | : > 7 : .m. ; starting Monday night. They "on Bec oecy Pa of Pacers 4 pd an ee aie TONITE ploration of the subtle details ei le wars_{"e™ (Channel 7 at 10:00 p.m.) Te Coss pegage gad his_soul_ befo lay Rock N' Roll, Rhythm ye Fe : _m. ARKS -- Now playing, Wild, 00T jl-jand intimate relationships of a . Fi FRIDAY cas oscow in , Weighs wo! 0! 'a Blues and modem Jazz | W., has been featuring = plete show at 9.20 p.m Wild, Planet with Tony Russell, 'on : Lovage a man's life. (Channel 3, 6, 12 at George oo Mg Pro a os BELL TELEPHONE HOUR|193 tons and is 22 feet in diame. Chappaqua. H in their varied program. They | forthe past two weeks. 'The | ODEON -- Now playing, inja%d Lisi Gastoni, in color. A'sary" Stampeders at. McMabon|8:00 p-m. end Channel 8 at 9:00 Aiey. 'Illustrating the current{(Color) ON THE ROAD WITH! ter and more than 19 fect high, time ip rec also have an exotic dancer. | 3+ wilt 'conclude its current (color, The Boulting Brothers'|science fiction thriller. \Stadium, Calgary. Play-by-play: |P-™-) musical trends are Dionne War- peta Rg The Genosha's Starlite te with ight's |Production of The Family Way.) On the same program, Wel-|Don Wittman. Hal Kelly and TUESDAY \wick, Nancy Ames, Tony Tan- poets--' Room will again have enter- performance. Starring Hayley and John Mills,,;come to Hard Times, 'Starring|Art Darch are the commentat-| sronsmIpE -- THE TAKER-- ner, Sergio Mendes and Brasil Now he ne tainment starting next Mon- Hywel Bennett and Marjorie/Henry Fonda and Janis Rule.|ors, (Live) Channel 3, 6, 12 atltroncide (Raymond Burr) sets|gg Also the pop group of Har- takes narcoti day. The Tommy Danton Trio | WHITBY HOTEL Rhodes. Adult entertainment.|Adult entertainment. 11:00 p.m. out to vindicate a murdered|ners Bizarre. (Channel 2 and early teens un will be on hand assisted by The Jimmy Allen Quartet |We have seen much about re-/ Shown Saturday continuous DAY Policeman suspected of being/g at 9:00 p.m.) says, "I was Cindy Tayler, the exotic | winds up its two-week en- |bellious youth but little that! from 1.00 p.m. and Sunday con- SUNDA a Blackitailer, Hie inventigation ; most of the tit ik Eee nein a (ace aad ue i pm MOU ME CUULECTO vee wt 8 | oye ™ TOA y wes, 7o e 0 e e is 0 a s | i a n i i -- FD} 4 a GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL | with tonight's. performance. [win the' word. they "ever Siting on Thursday, One Sine ratts legen: young (mma? cise volving the dead) MOVIE, -- SPLENDOR My SUNDAY ONLY! pag Jerry Dean, the popular | The quartet will again return |made. Starring Raquel Welch and|London Bank clerk whose hobbylemployer, (Channel 9 at 8:30|and Warren Beatty star in this He is strongly singer-entertainer, will be fea- | at a later date when they | shown weekdays at 7.10 and|John Richardson, A story re-|is the collecting and mounting p.m.) William Inge play of young love OUR FINAL SHOW OF THE YEAR good looks. | tured in the Vintage Room of | have an opening in their road |9 99 p.m. Saturday continuous) creating the physical and ems.ict butterflies, wins $200,000 in | theories of fil the Georgian Motor Hotel for | schedule. from 4.55 p.m. Sunday continu-'tional climate of life on earth|the -- gus ae . 9) GIANT 5 FEATURE SUNDAY SHOW clarity. Yet seek i . ih c . . . | CU SPRUCE VULLA HOTEL | [ous uw Sm Pe. On the wane onc. come ceils. his hateful aunt on alg Reservations Now Being Taken 3, AT 7-45 tome cous | é - Mar ; : mn the same pro; ; len | Ada Lee and her musical | ¢,cenetal Pigg od Villa | REGENT -- Now playing, sov With Me 'in color. Starring |"! fo Cones, ee ee boro 4 HORROR BEGINS . fe P.M. everything. H ee eee in te | ee we, Witty "Wl meat [ores aad Civ, AAS Tr ORR ARGS OM Abtioal te, oie vince tamaata' i °° | TINUES ALL "You nam rent engagement with to-| have Gharley Eckstein back |Warren Beatty and Faye Dun-'Dromm, Watch these 80-20 tore y oot he has Reon Thanikes 2a°e | AND CON TL SHUDDER morphine, LS night's. performance. These | in his hostelry for a third 'away, in technicolor. They're agents turn the heat on in Para. aba ie ae r. (Channel| g ng THE NIGHT all," he comn three ladies perform on: piano | consecutive week starting on |young ... they're in love . « «| dise. Where tixe". spies make |2amiring rom afar. | - and drums and have been | Monday. He will be assisted |and they kill people. |trouble and the guys make out.|1! 4 7:80 p.m.) Day Dinner - eT, ae ok gerettraligd the Vintage | by Loraine and Carol, the " Shown daily at 1.30, 3.30, 530, Also. as an added attraction 'a MONDAY TERROR es sey =a musica! duo that performs on |7.35 and 9.40 p.m. Last com-/short subject, A Place to Stand,/ DANNY THOMAS -- Bing) i docto: 9.25 p.m. | yi shag ht : ing alcoholics HOTEL LANCASTER -- a. atest nit Tocdedondl pple: Let saga MOE icon Beoggel GaP DINNERS SUNDAY and MONDAY 3) ing sleshaties Charles en . , lat 7.00 p.m. Saturday canting daughter Mary Frances makes OCTOBER. 8th and 9th | fee pai dg was pressario of the 18 N i acting debut in, The ; | @ \ i foer. +" vost vic | Films New Superstars = xisa.tazs,steSetolpe sce oe, 12 Noon till 9 P.M. a apeus "Tb was ears his name, will keep i | all," he recs Silver Pine Sweethearts over . | a ee for another week starting on LD a 4 t a T | NOW PLAYING Licensed Under L.C.B.O. | 0 a OU LL CAS first time in | Monday night. They are peed mos 1ctate éerms | | | OF EVIL stb) es oe hadn't been it ed as one of the better Coun- H * eG : OF After his re bygone : . ayley Mills isn't playin MILL ayhy Ie ant The cackiail 'lounge {| HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Thejthe list, his last three films| yley playing . || ON ONE BIG STONE WOMAN the need to circuits in Ontario and there [new economics of the film busi-|having been smash hits. Lem-/ kids am | ALL-COLOR pe gla eo i no telling how long they |NeSs has brought a breed of/mon, Peck and Sinatra remain, g es, anymore. | r film. may remain arowed if the [superstars eae Bag ree beorsige Ms pe re Me j | SHOW! ~ * NGE OF He -- pai Sg eR ' dictate terms under which they/have produced. indifferent) oy . = " experience i ee nest conte |will make movies. jresults. Their positions are| "Speaks clearly and truly toa MOTOR INN 4 | REVE NSTEIN" having traine CIVIC AUDITORIUM These fortunate few number|threatened by Lee Marvin, who , : | FRANKE EIN cameraman 2 The Oshawa Civic Auditor- {a round dozen: Julie Andrews, lis coming up fast on the yore whole new generation of | Interchange 75 -- Bowmanville err auaien advertising 2{ fum will have mig vd Nace ge epee gi stove rabae apeaeusec pea tai long-haired soft-eyed PH 623 3373 we Se SIGHT OF "nee Braye skating sessions for the pub- ' Ae sei dg | . > : iE - mee e ex! lic, especially children on the |McQueen, Paul Newman, Greé-/ 1 speciat, CATEGORY kids who are beginning : THE "H and enlisted weekend. They will be at 1:15 |ory Peck, Sidney Poitier, Frank)", ti." ooiden dozen should : ma A MAN French star p.m, on Sunday and again at Pee ee had tae eres hs olied tour Hale who coctey | to discover that a man erite a 4 2 p.m. on Monday, which is |@ : can and|SPecial categories: Sean Conner-| i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Wiiliam Thanksgiving Day. These are stars who can and Say Grail Jacy Lewin 7" not a man because beens Lunch) as a ¢ The Auditorium has again o Lae "dagger ag he aiid Elvis Pieaey. | he is tough, or queer | Allen -- i i - |$1,000, , : 3 ; j ¥ oe | a ra ure pyeert Corenbo 8 oi phan ries or participation in the prof-| Connery is the screen's most because he is tender. ADMISSION ADULTS 1.50 FOR ALL 5 FEATURES ts Seveae Ue Orchestra with Sieje Ozawa |its. Other ior go 4 7 gt essa money - earner, as is) --NewswegkMagazine : nducti . }on occasional films, but these) James Bond, but his box-office a sre . Gay wit eccens ie Fore dozen can consistently draw toP| sine in other roles -has wal 3 ADULT ; SS of 1968. terms on the basis of their emi- The BOULTING BROTHERS Pro ener : coe St. S. will continue with |pletely tested--his most munifi- three years, usitally for his own|] se 3 Presents INDOOR- 7 a as J 5 e Con pet Glan Geadon ea [Cent deals have been made as/_mpany. Lewis can earn). HAYLEY MILLS: JOHN MILLS-HYWEL BENNETT: MARJORIE RHODES : OUTDOOR the Country Jewels -- for.an- {Miss Taylor. The position of|upwards of $1,000,000 as star- Today 4:55-7:05 and 9:15 -- SUN: Con't. From 2 P.M Hy THEATRE other week starting on Mon- |Miss Streisand on the list is|/producer-director, etc., but his ° VAYIPY day night. almost an absurdity, since she/films are specialized. The same ODEON ATR ip ES The Slim Gordon act is well |has not yet appeared on theatre|is true of Presley, who contin-| and the Ei "B ij known on_ television and |screens; but she has made|ues to draw $1,000,000 for three 39 KING ST. E. -- PHONE 725-5833 bkdbhdbsda COUNTRY JEWELS radio, in addition to the cock- three film deals averaging $1,-|films a year. tail lounge circuit. This is /000,000 apiece. a ' . ; ; " iti -- s their = engagement in! Poitier is a recent addition to BRIT ON Ss ON T OUR 3 HELD OVER ry pena : i i: : e CENTENNIAL * a : Enjoy Your THANKSGIVING CALENDAR $ DINNER in our newly decorated 4 Dining Room. SATURDAY, Oct 7 THURSDAY, Oct. 19 F Ukrainian Canadian Commit- | English Variety Show Feat- ® we tee, Oshawa Branch, Centen- | uring David Whitfield and Ru- :. Nel 4 We Feature nial Concert -- Eastdale Col- | by Murray sponsored by The ing ee f i KARL legiote. Hastings and Prince | Old Country Club -- Civic David Whitfield Ruby Murray 95c Business Luncheon Edward Regiment Association | Auditorium. Capital Record Stor Who Made Famous erewveg gE ve - MALDEN se ar annual reunion. Oct. SUNDAY, Oct. 22 fl Singing his million seller song "Softly, Softly" a > 8, Interfaith ch aren Sireics, 'Mara Mia : and many Irish ge SUNDAY, Oct. 8 on. J. Keiller McKay, speak- | os Oshawa Generals vs. Kitchen- | er -- Civic Auditorium. | Britons Outstanding Stage Personalities e@igek s row 'en- er (opening game of 1967-68 Jr. "A" season), Civic Audi- torium. Sponsored by "Old Country Club of Oshawa and District" TICKET PRICES AAI KAIGEGEEEAGOAGQRC Adults $2.50 @ Children $1.00 ai' SATURDAY, Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Parade. TUESDAY, Nov. 7 The Best of Barkerville, Wes- tern Vaudeville Show -- East- dale Collegiate, coonin CAMILLA SPARV: JAMES GREGORY- BEVERLY ADAMS Introducing DINO, DESI and BILLY' Featuring the "Slaygits" + Screenplay by HERBERT BAKER Based on the novel by DONALD HAMILTON» Music by Lalo Schitin «Produced by IRVING ALLEN Directed by HENRY LEVIN «A Meadwoy Claude Pictures TECHNICOLOR® ~ 2nd Smash Hit! | "THE BIGGEST, NOISIEST AND CONACHER SIGNS PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP)--Left winger Brian Con- acher of Toronto Maple Leafs signed a two-year contract * They're young... they're in love ...and they kill people. Tickets on Sale Bowmanville Jury & Lovell Travel Agency Oshawa Old Country Club Members . 3 Audit B Off i Monday with the National 6 Bolahoods 'Sportshaven. EY Keio BEATTY NAUGHTIEST OF THEM ALL" Hockey League club. Conacher, Theta Ajox TIME MAGAZINE The Centre Smoke Shop \% Marty's Record Bar Nahe oe pe ply awa He's that playboy trouble-shooter Sept. 16 after practisi re | : days, returned Sunday night.| ° OSHAWA Civic AUDITORIUM = who shoots the works!... & oi' signing ero two aid Dancing Saturdays a BONNIE CLYDE COLUMBIA JEAR without contracts, forwar ob} CO-STARRING fs ee resents Pulford and defenceman Larry) COUPLES ONLY H Bus Service Oshowa -- 7:00 @ 7:30 @ 8:00 P.M. MICHAEL J POLLARD-GENE HACKMAN- ESTELLE PARSONS tpg Hillman. JERRY REIDT Return after show ADULT TECHNICOLOR. ORCHESTRA ENTERTAINMENT PROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS ys as MATT HELM fe : | ' IZZA | Regent Gran alarectotee sabe aE A, 'The DILENCERS | J paces HIE: a) bos oan or 728-0192 DANCE Tonight | STELASTEVENS DALH LA reiewraomss=9 CVD CHARISSE BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 P.M. Show Starts At Dusk ALSO This Sunday, October 8th, 1967 don't miss our Giant er Show!! Come early and see the regular show plus . ALL NEW SHOW IDEA! HORROR BEGINS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AND CONTINUES ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT in BLOOD CURDLING COLOR! 5 ALL-TIME GREAT HORROR CLASSICS with VINCENT PRICE PETER LORRE BORIS KARLOFF and LON CHANEY EDGAR ALLAN POE'S TAIES oF in COLOR PLAN NOW! Whether it be a family dinner, a banquet or a Christmas party =. masterpiece of ~ THE} f 'AND THE House oF |pENDULUM UsHer nunc » PANAVISION we COLOR stanninc VINCENT PRICE THE RAVEN evs = Panation soe PATHECOLOR wwcomt PRICE + + » THE GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL is waiting to show you their unequalled service and dining facilities. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY. for the holiday season at Oshawa's fin- est hotel. RESERVATIONS TAKEN NOW 723-4693. snes "OER: NHS MACREADY-FATH = 'A WOOLNER BROS. PICTURES RELEASE 2 HOLIDAY SHOW! -- FEATURED NIGHTLY IN THE "Vintage Room" ADA LEE SUDDE THE TRIFFIDS ARE EVERYWHERE ! ideous, man-killing RUDY VELTRI and his New me LORRE sowsKARLOFF things. ..multiplying ; TORNADOS Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT into bestial hordes playing the ' +» WAITING TO DEVOUR NASHVILLE SOUND EORGI AN SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY OCTOBER 8th THE HUMAN RACE! TICKETS NOW ON SALE $2.00 "THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS featuring the lovely MARIE HARRISON RED BARN "Oshawa's Friendliest Dance" MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON SOUTH cS and CHAMPLAIN 723-4693 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE ZOIDS IDOI ODD DDH) COSC CHO RCH OO OES KO SES OC bees

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