18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdsy, October ¥, 1967 a "DUST OFF" Something You Would Like to Sell Then Call... = om CARL STEVE i To undertake : henge a 1 2 ' ee. el work, map pre Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. pangs? : ; drawing essen : ere F | Ip Wanted To assist in re: 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and | 17--" Help ee ae y USED LUMBER, mixed, approximately|BOARDING STABLES for horses, in recognized di s 1,000 beard feet. Telephone 725-2879 or|Whitby, box stalls, 77 acres of pasture. ALLING Eaaienca ir NG ney or. apply 284 Chadburn Street. Telephone 1-839-1348. AV municipal orr 6 SHOTGUN, 16 gauge, three-shot repeat. WELSH CORGIE puppies, red and ' y very good Sodition, $25, or best|white. Bred from obedience champions; v1. ig the time to earn asset. , 5 a ater. "Telephone 668-5107. and champion blood lines. pall 452 ' 's beauti Veried and ir KING RE i! : THREE pre-cast aackino. concrete steps, |Loring Street, or telephone _ 728-9888, money' selling Avon's i in regional f Sizes 3x3 feet, 3x4 feet and 3x 5|PUREBRED MINIATURE chihuahua, ful line of Christmas gifts. Fringe benefit feet. | 9 Dymond _Drive, off Garrard Road.|male, four months, paper Halong ea inisat i hg SALARY, Ry 3 of th 1921) Re eirigerator,;commands, golden brown. Territories open in Oshawa 23" PHILLIP'S television, refrigerator, Road North. 'i |TV. Radio Ri Som tet, eS et alte cox ST PRRINGRENT RUPE: canning peta| 0nd Courtice Rd, 60. con's de Pog bs ildi iS 'ims for Chevrolet. Nearly new. char Z Accountants . \Building Trades i Mortgages ecto Repairs Messed Street: if peed breeding, registered, Telephone 668-| delay, Call or write to od waar 5 Charter-|ALL. TYPES bullding repairs. Roofing TV_SERVICE 14-YEAR-OLD domestic model sa ere we Acemintant 363 cae pirat Zas!,|chirrmeya, . eavesirouphing, fireplac Mortgage Loa ns COLOR sewing machine, in perfect running D BLACK gelding, stan- MRS 3: HILL CENTRAL one Oshawa 725-6539. masonry, Gord lay, Whit! Whitby, 668-2774 or condition, including 12 15 925-1097 Zig-Zag peated sah allele No. NS1391. Tele- 140 NONQUON RD OSHAWA JOINT PLAN ae waenee' Aer - vel, 5 itterns and attachments. phone z . 1 Fic 1 JOOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, c st pe Pala Sie Joe: hand ada st AE ORD is saree abana ' Lege 5 sthdupedigvne® aes Sears. White eel eraall Yotms ane Hi? cine mane: naed | BLACK and WHITE MEDIUM SIZE Westinghouse refrigera-|HORSES BOARDED -- Taunton, excel- or Phone 725-9696 OSHAWA SHO ssea Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. First Mortgages arrand € | FOR THE BEST, CALL tor, $35, In good condition. Telephone lent care, loose boxes and standing ; : pyceen Ae g A ae ee oak lvaeeais PAVING? 10 years in bus] quickly, Current rate of 8%. | 728-0509, |stalls, Telephone 723-0112. | for personal interview OSH he S| Tn lows, Guaranteed work, 19¢ square foot,| Open half-vearly without no- | 7 KELVINATOR ~ two-door relrigerator| POODLE CLIPPING and | 723. pe Sa ase Accounting Service. 7 Bond St, East. 723-584). tice or bonus. First mortgages | . . . . freezer. Like new, $175. or nearest offer.!reasonably priced. soon service. DINING ROOM waitresses, full and Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim-|ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, all types of} orronged ie naula emai | TELEVISION Telephone 723-8032. - {Whitby _velephene S orgy ord part-time, Hat ane Wate B's. Inn, Coe Street N., 725-0397, Res. 723-7605, cement work, stoops, sidewalks, etc.,| Agreements for Sale purchas- | BROADLOOM, rugs 9x9, 10x 12 \ wit |PUPPIES and trained dos, nL ges 'Fe Oshawa, Mr. McMillan, : ALE! JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-|655-3081._F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa. ed, | FOR CLEANER, SHARPER ptbsee agp Me ha -Grio, arsaner, two. pal |lerper Parodie et. te UNLIMITED Opportunity For "or Exe S tant d Trustee, 17 Bond: Street}YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner./ TV RECEPTION 4 arnings. Become a Beauty Counselor. East, 'Telephone. 723-4833, Chimneys built and repaired; gas lin:/ Second Mortgages: : | Year Own Avenue. 728-1773. __|REGISTERED GOLDEN Lab. male,/Openinas. in management and scales WELDING B SO. Cher-|iNgs installed; roofs repaired. 723-2997. |. Second mortgages arranged ct } SINGER automatic washer and dryer,| two years, field, show chanipion bred;'Mrs, Elliott, section manager, 7: YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher-| ne z aces aah 30% to 12° ] will sell separately, In very good con-|registered male Beagle, three years; = ean res ae REQ tered Accountants, Licenced Trustees in] EAVEST free estimates,| interest rate of 10% to 12%. | WER dition. Apoiy 97 ClborneSireet Est, repatred female Beagle, "Two Yers | |HAIR" STYLIST, female, experienced, ¥ Bankruptcy, 57/2 Simcoe Street North, |guaranteed BS thy Morray enact | Open half-yearly without no- | lo ae Ne pace iad siotia ptt Style If you have a 71 jh 9404, id gece ee EAaUE AND CO mr __| Telephone | tice or bonus, pens mort- | 728-5143 | ance ~PILE-LINED coat with nee | CHIHUAHUA, eld Pup pls: |ing, 33 King St, W., Bowmanville, 62% background, ¢ Ne 4 | gages a'so purchased, | j Sweaters, skirts, dresses, blouses, etc./three months ol 'elephone 2932. feel ie , Financial Trad*|Carpent | . a ; . 7 eel you con ae ae cae a, Gosewe| pentry H Rates for arranging mortgages Corner Bond and Division All in size 14, Telephone 728-7142. lquatity CLIPPING SERVICE again| WAITRESSES required, all shifiv, Ap- job. requireme Ontario. 725-2509 ; S. T. Hopkins, CA; H.} ualit Carr entry ; ore very moderate and ac- eng "TELEVISION -- RADIO i SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! Mattress] ilable, breeds, Telephone 728-9609. | ply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel, King be ready E. Beadle, car E. Lukow, CA. y p cording to Tariff, { clearance of the year: smooth-top ae - IPPING Specialist. StudjStreet East. (No telephone calls, Hed ) GENERAL REPAIRS Will invite your comparison, 24 Hour Service | tresses, | $29.; continental' bed, $49}! vice and tey puppies for sale. Lun-|Please.) lenging oppor Blueprinting Home Improvement Specialists H | bunk | beds, $69.1 roll-away cots'|gity Kennels, Townline Rd. N. 723-6216. |EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for Smith's largest and 1 : Ps 'ING F. SW. Aol Re SF al ep dig ~> ae ffee Bar, day shift. Telephone 725- compony in th R ctions| Serving Oshawa and District | MANNING F. SWARTZ | lking-size. Shop now and save. Wilson's|1is-YEAR-OLD chestnut gelding from Coffee , day pany SELL DRAFTING ond, Reprocuctign | "for Many Yeors. | (Arronging Mortgages LEC | ; Ta ell | Furniture, 20 Church Street. |\good stock, Excellent pet' or riding horse | 3932. = This multi-d Biueprinting and Photostatic copies. | Honest and Dependable Service als thal ry Mg i y E TRONICS | 4 Neco eet TG ESRAEP ae Wiser VBABYLAND hes he Oe 1 atl or adults, Call Bowmany C/MATURE FEMALE companion er oi: pany will treir sras | Phone 725-8576 | cate lee od ema my RMOR $1488, cribs $28. stroller by Lioyd,|MORSES BOARDED, box stalls s--or|and do light housewcrk. Small salary plot dad Pace Building Trades | or. 623- 3411 Ne TV RENTALS URCH OF OUR LADY aie $15.88.; carriages, kindergarten gets, single, Excellent care and. feed. Also/plus room and, board | In EN home. income selling Uhcdal cabsicibend dnt Aaa TOWERS te yee Fig ty 3 ear irea (bed |rockers. Crib mattresses from, s8.| registered Hackney ponies for sale. S.|Write Box M76822, Oshawa ai ity vega f |RECREATION ROOMS, kitchen cup. N | PH | | SACKS FOR Hi EEN GIVE Wilson's Furniture, 20. Church Strest.__ |Brown, (de, 944-5444. | HAIRDRESSER WANTED 'part or dustrial accou REPAIRS besrés, trim work, remode 'and tenants UY?Y. A 2 ROME 668-5679 7 | | TRANSPORTATION THE GUNS OF EVERY FRENCH ! |FLOOR COVERING BARGAIN! Clear-;-REGISTERED SAMOYED pups. pups, Sired|time, me be a xe perience. dvely sion, general repairs, E. Behm, 725-7086 Lith Funds tc JARS! out of discontinued patterns, from 29c.;by Champion Brem-Do's Strela Snow. |Rivi D - . ALTE RATIONS | ki ----| loan as Ist and second mort- Ts -V. Rentals | OF RICE P Wi HIP py gh A 'yal jper foot. Wilson's Furnitufe, 20 Church | Contact Don Grant, Bolsover. Phone|South. so ebaretee: Ree ROS Z heneten |Dressmakin: gages. Free advice arrange- ETS | 30 eben emet NOP | Street. |__| Beaverton, 426-7576, _____|SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST re- 'oronto collec' = ; | phe att GIRLS' COATS, sizes 9, 10, pile|AQUARIUMS repaired, custom buill, quired for doctor's office. Applications | ADDITIONS [DR SPER HATE Lt TAY ERE A st ments may be made in your ALCAN RESSMAKING, designing, alterations, ble rates.| Own home. A, ROSEN member FURNITURE and {lining, two jackets, red fur trimmed | original new and some old style for sale. Satin aoe ee non staid, Osnawe |professionally done at reason. 'hocds, size 10, woman's coal, size 16, | 725-2647. ! whitby.| oF Ont aN ' : : |e 0 mre HOMES- OFFICES-FACTORIES | al!_ Mrs. Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby of Ont. Brok APPLIANCES 6--Marine Equipment \8--Articles for Sale [bisck, size 12, knitted sui¥," size 16. [POODLES, miniature, silver-orey, reais: \Times, Whitby. "ic Tues.:Wed. 9 a Kitchens |ORESSMAKING -- experiy fitied suits| 725-0532 evenings and week- Fa --Articles for Sale 25 oe SEPES SE aS BE wom, MOTTE wa, ie Rec Rooms on coats, dresses, Beautifully tailored silp ends 728-5623 | 452 SIMCOE SOUTH | lsAbY. CARRIAGIC car bea | . aa OHTA Waele. dond Of Miaren to o eay ele lke ccoret ih lbs 723- 723-0011 | | REFRIGERATORS coffee, two end tables; 54" ae y AT LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, OY | mind two small boys, five days weekly II d Sons |Gara '€ ee Pra xi et and RANGES headboard; deep fat fryer, sendwi ich [Poodles claret va pure ai in her home, 728-7814 5 James Allen and sons [Gardening ai ond Supplies les 1st 'AND "AND morigages available, Wi SERVICE CALL ONLY 2 50 | YEAR-END : OILERS Ie EES by Ra Ny Gshawa, 723-6216. lamar LADY to, babysit Ho Suche ¢ : shi worker | Used refrigerators, 2 only, {WASHER with spin dryer $60 or best lMuST SELLY Five-yéorcld Appal ga Ritson Dean area, SALES 725-6126 | services Neansed 'rokers have Far ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.| | FALL BULBS ast ane, ewe, a> se| "ht Si CLEARANCE j offer. Tel. 728- 1731 after Le p.m. | gelding. Also black studded show addle,| [paene veNceO PRESSER wanted. Good working condition. | muskRaT FUR COAT, size 18, $50. fh gocd condition. Make offer. Highway |GXPE RIENCE alee 6, phone 728-0433. Wanted for | } Get your driveway paved by, experts. ag r | Come ih and make us an |Telephone 728-4557, |No. 2, Courtice. 723-7441. -- TON wanke thauirlae. trae 20e 54. afte alt work guar: | jest arristers, 31 King Stree offer, |GIBSON two-input amplifier $45., Duro|FREE TO GOOD HOME, terrier, male,| ed, to live in, in bce acetic No chile 7 bi) are, 7a. ----- vas TELEVISION sump pump $15. _basinette $5.,_ hitch-| all shots, six months old. Telephone 987-| Gren, gs, monthly. Telephone 728-0008, ially. Call W. caaiare HOME improvement serv-) co 'Tulips | $6,500. "FIRST "MORTGAGE required on| TO GO Used electric ranges, we need (hiker straller $5.' Telephone 728-2068. - | i246, Newcastle. ___|No" heavy "work. anak Ne A. Latertaine Reonste 7a: pollen On eke font ok be Pl hag 728-5154 9am. to9 pm. | the space, priced from $10 |STOVE, Propane, 21", four burners, (GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd, pups. Pro- » Help W sie feasonable. M. Laton | Late Tulips I a Rl esl m. 1967 MODELS space, price * {new condition, $50. Telephone _655-3777._Hfessional training... boarding. Stud serv. 18--Male Help Wanted a ee | c jlips ah t. Appl ox M7681 "Tv $ SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower; > 'ies d use ices. into, ow mare. 'exagz saddle, WE INSULATE your houses against| Botanical Tulips Good covenant. Apply Box M7é8i%, Osh-| tructure; alk-channel antenna. Installed, o/ YOLLES FURNITURE |BUY AND SELL -- 19004 used furniture irr Cozy-J. Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. : moisture, rain and snow, Inside and} Porroti Tulips $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun-| SAVE UP TO 40% 725-3519 Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. |BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready UN ¢ Color' ton Roa as -- ended H Z Sue tone and block . walls. For in-| Lily Tullps Painting and Decorating i Bsahilds Saleh leieraeabenl | ~|PIANOS, upright, reconditioned. , Alijfer training, talking strain. Apply P. COUNTY o RLTR. formation call after 4 p.m, Steve! 11 i. Soa ereron renee T= 1--Women' 3 Column Hard top boats -- canoes -- A L U M | N U M. |planos delivered. Over 40. to <Hoose Broad, 114 Elgin East, PETERBOROUGH REAL EST ee ae Bhar Sey Se Crees Painting Fe decorating. Free esti------------ --------| runobouts -- motors --~ boat |Brovitine Pin ae ais conpanys| '12--Articles Wanted 5 506 Simcoe "gaged mates. ichmidt, 725-9572 IDI | equires 'i aS trailers -- tent trailers --~ @ SIDING | 942-5547, req 728- Daffodils PAINTING and h > inte HANDBAG | = BUY, SELL AND Al AUTOMATIC: dehumidifier. Must ma In CLASSIFIED RATES percha and bine Rice tallmales lane gos REPAIRS j tents --- stoves -- lonterns @ AWNINGS We tice fcr canna EXCHANGH se O54 ood condition. Telephone 725-636 JAIL GUARDS sus prices, Telephone 726-2834 | i | si Ewantec A ; --air mats -- bags, etc. --~ @ WINDOWS {City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe'|GOOD USED FURNITURE ae eic.| woRD 'oe rtion of 24 words, 1.20;| , Paper Whites New handles, frames, zip- ; ' ORS |Street South, 723-1671. |Highest prices. Call anytime, MacNeill's| ise t SALES easitional. words, Sc each; 3 consecu-| [ris Plum ng and Heat ing | pers, etc, Reasonable rates, 2 snowmobiles. ties TYPEWRITER, slandard, 425.) portable Furniture, 668-Si8l,_ 660-6526. Several ag tg _ WA tions of 24 words, 3.24; oddi- Datars oe 5 LES |$25.7 IBM electric typewriter, $45.;, adi | for guards at the Peterbor- ied faedder Bye each" & cansecy- Snowdrops | Piunbine Discount } 395 CONANT STREET Fi ic ling machine $20., also electric. e.40a |13--Articles for Rent ough County Jail. The suc- . 'oa tions of 24 words. 5.76; addi- | | - ------ i 'or on exclus 'tHonel words 24¢ each. Eronthis | 149 B : & Nonh 723-9077 ina earance | E V fe N | S S GLASS | REPAIRS fo, aluminum and "Tables, "Chairs, Linens, Dish- ni Fiona ie we dita herdw roc . or serene AARNE SaaS aS RE : | | 1 Cc free required to wor i - Chorge-- tional charge} Lily | F d delivery. 728-2284. es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffe: it Y ed rally withi naar on ve Bulb Pons | WHITBY -- 668-6601 --Personal |1967 CHRYSLER MOTORS 15 P S sah es ee sen Neanede sdiuated TR | Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal forming a variety of correc« ye Makati " , es : cone STE e St 467 1 i ; : j varie é Method of Counting -- Less than 241 pots Soil H | | AND BOATS Jee Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you | Wear, Men's Forfnals, White tional duties including the If a words counts as 24 words; each word, Ay me, 'F | Direct to you, plumbing s. | CAP 1D | WHILE THEY LAST | CLEARANCE purchase from Western Oil Company. Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. supervision and control of in- ts ed pied ial, figure or abbreviation counts os Wine Concentrates plies. Everything in the }{ | | gt ISN OM Sea ee ye mates, These positions offer " J { a ern ere cere Pee | Gallon «Jugs | plumbing line. 20% off all j COMPUTER DATING SERVICE | | Kitchen & Dinette Suites FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new) SARGEANT'S RENTALS | the successful applicants on i RT EATHS | Fermentotion Values | supplies. Are you looking for-the date, | 9 | lovely 5 pc." suit th high |Home 'Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. opportunity to serve the com- pata ih He HS -- DEATHS -- 4 more dates or ore you mar- {e) } lovely 3 pe. suites wi 'g a 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 munity by participating in an ed products. \ CIAL NOTICES hh 25 cents addi-| Britannia Malt 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. riage minded and looking for backed chairs, wood grain |STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, all makes, _"°- "itson Ke. >, /eo-we' i oa 82 se Share er a win 8 'avi. Hops SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m the right mate? For inform: vinyl backs, walnut arbor- jlaige seecten, Bg ray at tr 9var-/ RENTALS. Hunting equipment, unt Ped overall --_correctiona abe BOX A ion! 7. ° . 4 : anteed sales an rvice, th . Coys, boats, canoes. Wilde Rental, . gramme, ¢ d applications send H ite tables. Ty TT IN MEMORIU CLOSED WEDNESDAY cue ae TYPEWRITERS, $4. No money down,|2226. . ets itil $2.50 for the ag 25 words ond 6 Cooper-Smith Co | 25 cents for railing ond Boat Trai ers $69.95 |$2, weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, Used, | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waik.| SALARY: $4, 280.00 -- $4, YOUNC rae, ual catan nt bal * |Rug- Upholstery Service | bonding costs to -- Cupid S year warranty Many more all slashed in |jealy Saauce, Wades. lit Hamer ers geducng ties sic room ue] 780.00, $4,580.00 -- $8,- will arton - verse; r ile ba ba Computer Dating Service, c it AeA achat ee -- | Plies. Ald Rentals ola ay 4 within 8 cy 16 Celina St, j RE-UPHOLSTERING Chicora Avenue, Toronto 5, 500 Ib. $115.00 WIL N'S. FURNITURE lpia, upright, 50" high. All re- [ENTERTAINING? Fitty 10 one hundred] 080.00 effective Jan. 1, quired os "CARDS OF THANKS Ke Sie 725-9332 state oge. Our services ore ise £ ILSO. U iconditioned with new keyboard. Tuned/neopie: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- 1968 MAIL 7° Macha wee 'edditional 723-2312 723-1139 | @ Wide selection of Fabrics confidential and carry a 600 Ib, tilt. $140.00 20 CHURCH ST. ieunsaur. pitch. Piano Tuner, H. Cave,'quets, parties, weddings. Bar; kitchen, i charge if not paid within & days. @ Workmanship Guoranted money back guarantee i 800 Ib. tilt $180.00 | 3 raisin Ai habia " QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 10 Good promotic (five full ) -- ee ot tl E GREY PERSIAN lamb coat (smali),| aot : P Pet full emple COMING EVENTS i toon i bs TOP SOIL -- oe a yoors | ELECTROLYSIS _ { 1000 Ib, tilt $205.00 FREE ESTIMATES |power mower, chesterfield suite, rifle, 14--Business Opportunities education; integrity, self-con- , legal dle Pate igr A Do phoroutser asy budget Terms--Free | 723-4641 H : : NS cUHRANGH Gn So . jother. articles. Newcastle, 987-4630. meh SINESS trol and mature judgment in For Intervie {Word Ads). MANURE Estimates | | 1200 Ib, tilt $245.00 igation on your gas, |ry-oweR SPECIAL -- aii, srudure) A SERIOUS BU calc ated MRS. B @ Over 20 years experience | Removal of superfluous hair 2 oil or electric forced air heat- jall_ channel_antenna, $50. TRIO tl OPPORTUNITY ITRQUIOL SITRAHONS Gee maser ee AUCTION SALES : THE FURNITURE CENTRE | Marie Murduff will be in ing system, power humidifi- |v ; ws ze ~ blish tial; good physical condition; DUNLOP CA $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, Na 4 otaned eee oid OD Simtte €. Nah | Guhawe Oc Ven Voi ond . ers, electronic air cleaners, |HOUSEHOLD discardabl "No Chefrieal Bo ee inne wicwane talae ae 668-: accounts rst ° DEADLINES No. 1 processed and blend- | 18th, Phone Genosha Hotel Wilde Rental gas and electric appliances. | aneaet he irilevaudesbenini eas Stores Harcwores Fo oa iti WORD ADS PROFESSIONAL |. on these dates for appoint- 576-3915 or 723-9079, KIL- = Sorta tke a Apply in writing or telephone 4 ' DAY PREVIOUS | ed with cattle manure for top | ee ; | ment. Service & Sales LINGBECK Heating and Ap: |FIBEROLAS FENDERS from m7 et | stores, etc, located. in. the Mrs, J. A, Spurway, Clerk: Truck p.m. : A Fi : n . and up. New and used auto parts. Re rs. J. A, spurway, Ke o$T AND FOUND | dressing. Well rotted cattle RUG CLEAN | NG LONESOME? We love people, = __ pliances |built starters and generators. 1175 Nelson Oshawa area. Requires Jobber ; APF a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION | manure, Prompt delivery Spa ehic heip you meet = ove pase, ana wi 1415 Dundas St. E. eT Pe RSET ---------- | St._ 725-2162. distributor to service said 'Treosurer, for an application, CURRAN | BIRTHS AND DEATHS oe ee Friendship Service, Box 14, Oshawa. WHITBY 668-3226 rene "Machine Sale -- BAND SAW, Teco Masier, 9" throat.) accounts, Personal interviews will be 2 a.m, DAY OF PUBL 655-3331 ree Pick-Up and ory |TWO BUSINESS GIRLS require ride to used ynaert from Slee) |like new. Eumig P8 automatic movie) Product is without competi- conducted during the evéning gt < Yor ° new hite electric portales projector, Yashica 8 movie camera ; j ime iN MEMORIUMS and Angus-Graydon = ia aera cre erie CHRIS CRAFT $59. Whit Mr eho (Sma 2 calibre rifle, electric sewing] ton. and ig used: by every hours OSH/ ; OSHAWA GARDEN. | = | PO SA ait ig 2. * |machine, child's crib 30" x 54', Beau-| household, It has had many s | 728-6254 yOONG: LADY Wobid like. ride Yo To SALES and SERVICE oy ene joeen uu $75. |titul, hand) made lamps, suitable, for| favorable press releases and ---- -1 ace 1 ' i _ PB Lf, Eran, ay idges. Tele-| 1 : off, ree lessons and serv- |any occasion. Apply 136 Colborne Street ; d- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RE: UPHOLSTERY b $ Stab. Phone 728-7814 McVay fibreglas sail boats, Ps | is supported by a strong o "1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol- SERVICE LTD. ton we sane vey eaberts. Bids : i Crestliner, Peterborough ond ice. WHITE ELNA Sewing jEast-___ vertising campaign on Radio INTERESTED IN BODY umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous, |--- --$__--_--_--_---- . Free estimates. Credit terms. fhe} CAR LEAVING OSHAWA, 7 a.m. Nechcrst Centre, 38 Bond Street West. |FOR SALE -- Lowrey Holliday d T.V: A FUTURE ? CHL AHORE Rigo Fe bul forsiincs 'erms. Mal-\downtown Toronto. Telephone 752+ 220 erthcroft runabouts. Evin- 725-7181 Soney tape recorder, English radi and 1.V.. § Licensed, top SORBECTIONE N | TOP SOiL-- MANURE | va Uphoistering, 287 'Dee mares: [anytime after 4 p.m., Monday, rude outboard motors, 1oney ee erate Ria ie radio- An exclusive' territory will be One: vacency only in a new PEG NS vate im 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Ni 'atack dor Fala) : Bee 3--Sportsman' : Column | Oshawa Yachthaven CITY TV televisions, radios, |Diano, studio couch, refrigerators, elec- allotted to either a well est- division. now being formed, oa Any advertisement cancelled before lursery stock for Fall plant- |CHESTERFIELDS reuphoisiered an 723-8186 | service and repairs. Service |tric ranges and other household arti-| | ablished business concern or a which will be expanded across ARA benefits. publ on will be charged one dey's| jing, Call [fe styled, aie estirnates See our mate. HUNTING LICENCES | rasa and Used S since --| dept. open 7 days a week |cles. 518 Victoria St. E., Whitby or phone| highly reputable individual. Canada, and will have ex HILLTOP . 5 a verin i er yj r " . 7 : 4 , ave 4 BOD BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 | HARDSAND LANDSCAING {to order, Daiton Upholsteringy 98 Charles tion and hunting 'supplies. Valley 'Creek, | Siateaner: anee Traveller, boats | Also T.V. towers, color and era Lee Sperry ae aes There will be on initial -invest- lent advancement opportuni- Uxbrid While every endeavor will be made to| [iret 728-7212 Ve. Bond St. Wen. week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd,,| black and white T.V. Anten- | apartment, size, WS" high 10 years cia,| ment of $4,000. for inven- tles Bane Dox numbers to the| 725-1721 s 1 Sales ond S -- SKATES, new and used, hockey equip-|Brooklin 655-2641. nas, rotors installed. Sales {Piano Rebuilding Co. _--'Telephone| tory only. This is a selling position with START YOUR Ow n.o8 posible; we ac:| SOE ales and Service vent, ane sticks at bargain. prices. |i9ea SHO.PRINCE Son and Service 9.a.m, to 9 pm. _|42-5547. _| Please apply in writing to |. 9 difference. No prospecting: Paired ig Poly ea alk RRO 2 | bn db bl aatae + 123-6344, |Diables, Also two used 248 Queb Si " PIA "Upr 7 Mag International Che | No door-to-d Hi How- 5 d to arise through either es ms | 'APPLIANCE sales? | 5475. each, Wilde Rental uebec St. Call 725- NO pright, Heintzman_ player. | 9 mica or-to-door calling. How. earning money this lure or n forwarding such re- ee stl SIN ct 0500. All work guaranteed. | Reconditioned, 50" high, $550. Piano! Ltd. 640 Burrard Street, ever, you will have to coll pri Telephon: clies however coused whether by negli- | GOOD STOCK REPAIRS Motorb Rs |18-FT. CABIN cruiser, takes ve to 90 Serene ©. Telephone Ball Voncouver, B.C. and interview the 100 or Tow TRUCK DI Jence or otherwise. The Times will not) CULTIVATED FIELD | YAMAHA - SUZUKI -- Authorized deaier.|HP motor, sleeps four, $500.; new gen-| DRAPERY STEPHEN'S PUMP shotgun with "Save ~ - 3 le for replies uncailed for| Expert repairs to oll makes | Repairs all makes. We will buy and sei|erator, 120-volt output, $50. 722. 6:86. ater | per |age choke. Telephone | a, more fully qualified prospects era Abeiy in pore Excelient Quality, Low Prices. | CFP \achers, dryers, ranges, | Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E, 726-9191., | MATERIAL yard |KENMORE RANGE, dining room fixe S Ti that we provide you free each Street East. EGULATIONS Loaded or Delivered, atc hele wie oils) 985, be HONDA CB 160, good condition, Best 1 VP | A large variety to choose fro ture, lazy-boy chair $35., English pram, pare Ime month. Interviews are quar- > Bama er Ui RIE GUL ) Visitors Welcane " : ffer, Telephone Bob after 5, 725.9344. i7--Swep and Barter Be VOREEY tp se from |stroiter $12, Telephone 728-5503 anteed. 19-----Male en THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE : ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE | | DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED CHROME for Vela oh ' If you are young, married; H We TISEAENTS. SUMBITTED. OTHERWISE af ohe 9674 ALCAN |5--Trailers_ IDasins, si0r Pome pL TEE AB lad and CUSTOM MADE |feur_stud. Telephone rasa". "| Money Maker wile fe work hard, desire a Ld THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE SMALL BOX TRAILER $20., two camp\PUMps, kitchen and vanity units, made ta 19 Market Bask | much better than average re- N TION OF ANY AD. |------------- - <\cots, $4 d iY ' --Market Basket i THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY. AD- | FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES S578, Su jer 7a rlircea alone chi el octs| DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES | Own ond aperate a route of | Muneration and are interest REAL f | "8 : made and insta ; | : rein ecia tention IW" which ceech oceunt, | J ; KAMSTRA 452 Simcoe S --Oshawa ed. Also a! types of welding done. Por' es 4 Celina ne 723- 7827 ! iad Type VERN MOCLINes, Sales Division of poiplete | Telephone 723-0011 able equipment for rent. 723-6840. Ar les | for. Sale | DEER RIFLES, 30.30 Winchester $75.,| erate in ye ie espec- Due to incre 5 Dakicdon Tinnes reserves 4 ght to| r Saunammamaoer ap ------------- -- 8--. ia 'or you, : ; eet ee eae eal: LANDIGARING. ) NOW Se EN Sao tan, 10 Geltien Geek RGW ion atlomatie sa, als sant ok eseetiel, but good SOVEREIGN LIFE and expanding ais | GARDEN' SERVICE Bring me your mowers, tillers, - [sor treed othe hanes mori | WASHER ro spis-ane Neary eae | APPLES credit references needed. Call collect pst e cos y | | wi ot member- | -- Spin dryer. Nearly new.! Sanco on Gate (728- 8267 : he a i mone Gir | ship. Call_655-021 SIX. SERVICE BAYS | Teleshone after' spam Whitby, 668-5254 | Phone Mr. Grant 942-4928 cellent opport fer mo t t ines. rts an 1S-FT. house trailer, sleeps five, 3 burner HEIRLOOM Battenburg lace double size é ond get further details. Pre: earnings, with publishers c ' ' : | Ir ¢ 6 - ings; oll pualvers ae aE aA feecdet tid 6 eA eee Oshawo Pps caer CO, ploy pis Lads tank end pump. Tele FOR FASTER SERVICE \4st Masson "Shreet, Valued at $50. Apply Mclntosh ] 12 635 7) 80 vious Life Insurance experi- and congenial dverti aw 7214, ee . ume no libility | gisch ba | Ere et __ence not tt essential, tions. Sales @ inaccurati 74 BARRIE AVE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |SEDAR POSTS, 8" tong, vi inaccuracies in é hie | ; ; ; form are contained therein. EN UCKY SOD. 8-2791 or 725-4633 Chev Gods, (Ford tly: pee 'Telephone 738-3636. ie or write box pig atin Giaeeran Gane Ae sida R AND M REFRIGERATION appiian-| mouth, Pontiac, We correct [brushes ete pitts, pe sae $2 Per Bushel M 76895 YOUNG MEN view, : : All-Green Nursery cess air, conditioners, washers, stoves | T wheelalignment, inspect and Reo Vacuum Service, Main. Street, J. 'Wilkinse Cell Ciassified Direct at Pe itneie ie ee eee IMES Correct castor and comber- |Pickering. Osh fize In "Frigh i | shawa Times F ; 723-3492 Sod Growers Wie ce et hee align toe - in ond toe « out to [VARIETY OF GOOD, used and recondi- inna SF. he assist manager in local 100 Kin : ; | ' ioned vacuum cleaners, priced from selling apt.' bldgs., sh ranc! of coast - an eeraee ee aay EN VACUUM 'end "polisher, repairs, ; ali] C| ifj d correct condition..,. $7.95 $19.95 and up. Telephone 723-4163. plazas, any Pubinest. ¢ Mecullou ni chain arpGeieAiod ne misil Fling 725 ras ! N ei + brushes, new motors. 3 er eV ere renner wera pearor ran ea! State, Realtor, . i r . INDEX TO 2 Wi Nerth Taunton Vilage [gage Ute Pe an elven assine © Ports extra trues |Useerines ms acme me! ALGOMA fiattiatt Site: teeter nt) ence! umeceory. in educa eas cara pane ter) , H nipet arated a =~ ion fie! ut must be able = ee RINE SSS Reed OPPORTUNITY to b able CLASSIFICATIONS Janitor Service GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, ®@ Torsion bar adjustment |TYPEWRITERS, adding 'ia ines, cash verse wih a be in usiness ti to converse intelligently, REAL J--Women's Column Peper ee ae ates Feros id mpllet coy ae extro. |makes. Call your Royal dealer, 728-3664. ORCHARDS Ltd. Pit el Bt late Rake Poa 2 fed: 1826. SALES ASS! ue ANIN CONTRACTOR, R pn pe 4 ¥. ae --_-------- a iment. omy cle Peniblecns CONTRACTOR, pbertisimcoe South: 7273001. BRAKE SPECIAL |BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap : : covered' by inventory. Box 76901, | 3" Able lg Sh detect Preuresatve Rac 4--Motorcycles industrial, commercial. Bonded, insured. |ARTICLES repaired, welding, Open 4:30 5 jpliances._ Cail Elmer, 263. 2294, 263-2695, Thickson Rd. N., Whitby |-=--~-- CHEE Ppa rt immediately, reg S_Trailers Free estimates. Weekly, monthly, yearly|to 9 p.m. Telephone 668-6271. Most populor cars. First |CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- 15--Employment Wanted -- SALARY: pany hes op) 6~Marine Equipment contracts. Telephone OR68, ~ eS Ga BS ASSL | Quality Rovoline, 4 wheels, {tresses half price, all sizes, feedboards . sales personel, 7--Swap and Barter ans Septic Service | f $14 88 one-third off. Factory outl Fee lal WORK. Trees cut tilling $] 10 ence helpful. *g--Articles f 1 Da ah SA SEA ARG OE EE i 'er ay rege » small movin : Sonat Boat nstruction __ SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Promp! " or THISTLE BABY carriage, a ne | }0bs, etc. Telephone 668-868 Biles ateeesaa Weekly ladies and gen T6--Farmer's Column BALLET, BATON 1 jice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut} Plus $2.00 per wheel gray, also large crib, complete, very/FRESH VEGETABLES -- Tomato ANDE tito RN ; desire for high + bans and Livemock : ' To Twirling. » Register Street West, Whitby.. 668-2562. labor: cost good gaatelibalt both $33, oat sell sepa-jcorn, Spanish onicns, peppers, potatoes, WINDOW, wall and = cleaning For | ke roe Oe ad cl | -- RESULTS i, Tochone Yaris [aie score ean cane eyaena tome domes] For Interview cll wines ja ing re, 15-612, j 'NTEED, USE! i etc. Walter Huron Farm, 2 mile west 7 + paints. Rub- tate. le oC laBusiness "Opportunities PIANO INSTRUCTION = popular erjSUFVEYOrS a WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL GUARANTEED, UseD wi *fau's0 and Of Oshawa on 401 north service road, |BeF and vinyl floor matting. 'MullCiean| 725-2541. sales training, F 15--Employment Wanted eee any age. Telephone Brooklin,|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-! up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452/McINTOSH APPLES, $1.75 bushel, bring bring wd 9. no interview, pleas 16--Agents Wane ee maa ae Land Subeyer, Sommers! bive- Including weights per wheel, | Simcoe South, 723-0011. containers. 111 Thomas Street. LOVING. DAY CARE: " widow for ire} ron, John F. DeWit 17--Female Help Wan' ee gr ae Lek re eee ntario Street. 7 | Mat sac ke «+++. $1.95 |CHURCH ORGAN, two manuals, full|GARDEN PRODUCE FOR SALE -- a FS ea ar ienice, TING ; ee ee wanted Money to 0 Loan oud H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor.| Telephone Pedal, electronic, for sale. Whitby 688-|tematoes, green and ripe: carrots, $1.50 See ne eet SEN |. ain. ig TA DERN SOR Limited, Realto roel Edsla For tele NEED CASH A -------1 Office 47 bes St, Res, 103 Elgin St. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS. 6416, _____ | bushel; turnips, $1. bushel, and squash.|MOVING, move insured, odd: lobs done,| in' Canada and our coaih Cness or 300. Sommer" Properties ~ |buy that new con ep te fp ie sen |e 225-688) FRONT. END WORK at AUTOMATIC. "dehumidifier, used three |Srooklin 655-3093, ie of ee ruck.) Rant Woek with) sel our proven Wa et lone cite PHONE ¢ -- r * , tr expenses.) - ¢ - ~ iver. longer-life 21--F. s for Sale We feat cond ts $ : 723 349? months, perfect condition, $80, .Tele-/McINTOSH apples, $1.25 bushel. | Bring |-- lighting products t: AA wee 22-Lots for Sale ph Also fst sorinioes svallabier me Towing COMPARABLE PRICES phone 576-2557. container. Prospect Street, Bowman-|POSITION in doctor's office wanted. Ex-| & opartment buildings, garages HOW Té 3 AeN 'Sctate Wanted fidential, private tunes Call s23-assi ary a | VIKING FRIG, Norge trig, playpen, an-|Ville, 623-5950. acters fice Works Telephone shel] industries, schools. hospitals, res- MORE Mi fo las lag = TOWING ! | for all other departments} UNIROVAL © [tev tout on pues tz ot enue POTATORS 25, TSR, Da [6 pom. A | ects trary af show ond i MEN and 2¢--Apartments for Rent Re ORK Bene Ie CENTRES tie washer and dryer. Phone 668-8325, eEoOn three nied west it wilibroce [DUTCH GIRL, 23, Enplishapeaking,| {frict must -be filled immediately. " 26a--Expo Accommodation NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 ween arg =~ 932. 5875. familiar with all phases of office work,| [Highest commissions paid every 1 need a full oer ae dor east : . 723-3474 PIANO, Mason and Risch, classic, K Wednesday on ar Some ie et NEED A For your convenience we The New Home of apartment. size, four years 'old, olled gq -- Egos & Poultry mye. shorthand, etc, sae Seeks Job imme | ring re eyat isi csomatias years person to help 28-- | -- man 29--Wanted to Rent mointain a tow truck at East walnut with matching bench, Telephone| 7 0 -will prove his value ft mand for a mu 30--Automobiles for Sale JOB ? and West Lcotions : DOMINION TIRE STORE -- 723-5838. [EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY --|WILL DO TYPING "book eeping at! Company by way of orders, we vice for motor 4 Towi fe) Mond: i |GIRLS' DRESSES, sizes 7, 8, 10, 14;|White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, nome. Telephone rast e offer appoiniment as District Sales { dginified, good Oshawa Towing pen Monday - Friday 17. Park Rood South |woman's coat, size 12; girl's coat, size|Picked up, delivered af store or_home. MOVING? 'Move Insured, odd obs dane, Supecyisee with Qver-ride on all | No ooh mi : M4 le bed: 1, kitch- PES with or without truct ent truck wit! '0 the or A } expe S4--Automoblie» Repair Read Help, Wanted CO cd | 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. Phone 725-6511 ~ len conuin, nmoveayrisne, fae pant |1O--Farmer's Column lariver. re-z#2 Lamia, 268 King Wate Wire a oer Pee aie Seis Ads Daily 'n | #5 DOCk cases. 725-0016 _|DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock|2-YEAR-OLD English-speaking girl Ont ing West, Hamil- phone 576-335 37--Auctions The Times Get Fast Cash | Saturday SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads| 3039 WINCHESTER. Wodel 94, lie new, picked up promptly. Margwil Fur Farm, | lus arrived from Holland, seeks lob a8) = -- : --n i sell things you don't need for spot cash. foot canoe, lig! weig gray in) Tyrone. phon " e- male bartender - lad! a to The Quick Want Ad Way' 8:00.a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ibjai'725402 tor an Ad-writer now. 'color. Telephone 623-2897." |2721,' Licence 101-¢-67. area, 263-2230, or 263-2032, Apply. Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hele" Soomaali,' Gate + PT EET IE Oe