Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1967, p. 13

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JARDS ART LIFE DON (AP)--Scotland s loaned one of its top tchers, Chief Supt. Jack | MRS. ALBAN-C. WARD s, 58, to serve as full- - cae al Home Lite Evolves Around Father f art treasures in the museums and galleries n. It might be significant or , symbolic but anyway it's a faci | that the former Miss Patricia | Simmons of Winnipeg met her future husband, Alban C. Ward, - when they were rehearsing -- "Life With Father." Now Mrs, -- Alban Ward, wife of the Lib- | eral candidate for Ontario Rid- | ing South, with her three daughters, Ann, 10; Marna, 7, and Leslie, 4, is making sure that home life for 'father' is UNDERSTANDS HIS DEDICATION count of six. Breathe normally.jders, with that line at the Wack Repeat the exercise five times,|of the neck almost straight, and twice daily. the chin held level. That is ele- The proper way to carry your gant head carriage. Your style jhead is squarely on your shoul-|is the way you carry your head. ST ustom and ady Made LAPES latest Shades ond [éC Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 7, 1967 13 KEEP IN TRIM Improper Head Carriage Causes Double Chin And Crepey Throat | Same old cods & Draperies serene and placid while he "patch of dirt" RTLY INSTALLED pot tg ogg to his ha By IDA JEAN KAIN : Elegant head carriage is only : JAPERY TRACKS pon aig @ coming provincia ie leads to a double chin} possible with good general pos- vou had ; E an a creepy throatline?!ture. When your body is in 723-7827 As in the days of Kenora ing et Our Store" Improper head carriage is the proper alignment from the base _|basic cause. When you allowjof the Spine to the top of your }/ your head to droop forward like|head, the chin is held level and a sunflower, folds of soft flesh|a double chin hasn't a chance. form under the chin. Double} FORGET OLD RULES chins are not necessarily a sub-| Forget the old posture rules division of excess weight. such as 'shoulders back, chest Of course excess calories canjout."" That is over-correction. snuggle under the chin for fat)Keep in mind only one rule-- |gravitates to flabby spots. The|up. Start the uplift with the ecret of a well-defined, beauti-|lower abdominal muscles and ul throatline is in good muscle}c ontract with hip muscles. tone, not in fat padding or the/These two muscles, lack of it working together, centre the Beauticians in dealing with a|pelvis. Square your shoulders. |"slipping contour" pat on tin-|but keep them down and gling astringents and bolster|relaxed. Hold your head up, milady's chin with a supporting! chin level, Little theatre, he is directing and she is playing her part and this is the way she likes things to be. Patricia Ward was born in Winnipeg and she was secre- tary to the Ontario Provincial Police when she met Alban He, too, is a westerner; born in Lestock, Saskatchewan, and both their families had moved * to Kenora, where he was study- ing voice, when they met ard were later married. Alban had staried out to be- come a pharmacist. Gifted with a fine voice, he was tempted to become a_ professional singer. Then idering the r bilities of marriage, he return. ' ed to the University of Mani- toba to get a degree in educa- Fe tion. The couple made their first home in Barrie in 1955 and" Alban travelled to Toronto every Saturday to study voice production under Weldon k:!- last Spring? kan Go ahead... live alittle! Plant BEAUTY. ¢ GOLOUR AWA : I \DDLYTT 7 {T) YNT -)|Strap, icy cold. Such measures, To get on the posture beam,| MI 1) SI Lk NDOR = \feel ever so bracing, but they|do this isometric exercise twice| AV it S } awe OG 7) { ° R for Spring 68 or Spring "6 ®\are about as much permanent | daily: * help.as applying a band-aid Position: Lie on back on ; With erect head posture andjfloor, knees flexed, soles of feet} a little daily exercise the mus-|flat on floor, Have arms out at} + | cles of the throat stay bracingly|shoulder level, elbows bent, | on the job. Between the lower|forearms back on floor. This jaw and the collar bones is alarm position squares: the shoul-| thin sheet of muscle, the platys-|ders. Action: Pull up and in - a, which contracts the skin on) strongly with the lower abdomi-| burn, tutor and accompanist for ' he MA ai Mii aad waisentie had ' | Lois Marshall. ;|the front of the throat. With/nal muscles, pressing small of poor head posture this muscle! back flat against floor. Hold the| becomes flabby. {muscle contraction for a slow} The next year, when Alban Ward joined the teaching staff of St. Clair Junior High Schooi, the couple moved to Toronto. As their family grew, they were attracted to suburban dwelling and in 1961 moved to reside in Bay Ridges where|been a man to work his eight(chairman of the Red Cross Mr. Ward is now vice-principal hours and quit. ile is the kind)Campaign. I am happy that he of Sir John A. Macdonald is involved in ars os | $ THE CAREER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING 3 Are pleased to announce the opening of a New Branch Location. in OSHAWA at:-- date for Ontario South Riding, reads a_ bedtime MRS. ALBAN C. WARD, wife of the Liberal candi- Marna 7, and Ann 10, ters, from the left, Leslie 4, --Oshawa Times Photo for an election campaign, so|Pickering Community Choir, at that he would be spending all! tending the weekly practice for Abe Ka i ne 5 community pro-|the time possible in his owr 4 i { Public School. of man who goes beyond the| sects and quite accustomed tojconstituency." the season's main concert and 145 KING ST WEST 4 o iN He has inherited his interest|call of duty to satisfy himself|heing at home with my three| Mrs. Ward does not spend alijas a director of the Whitby) . | P ZN \| y in politics from his western|that he has done his best inllittle girls, jher time at home keeping ier|Figure Skating Club she help: PHONE 576-3558 | TAN (de forbears and nis contact with|whatever he undertakes "We may even see more ofjhome and garden. She is a vol-|the little children in their first | 4 ly AN) \ i) a social conditions, through his] "If he should be elected, Ijhim if he is elected to Queen'sjunteer librarian in Bayviewlefforts on the ice 'Day and Evening Classes we are now taking ap- | Ware : Led profession, has fanned his de-jdon't think the pattern of our|Park, because. in that event,|Heights School which requires|. "I like meeting people," shee? po) t ts, Model | | 4 posal ; eh bats : Y ; if ere \$ pointments, Models are welcome. f sire to improve conditions anijlives would be changed very he intends to resign his teach- an all-day session and one eve-|said, "and whatever the out- 1 O right wrongs through legista-|much.. Alban has spent sum-jing position. He feels that as an|ning a month she pushes the}come of the campaign I am gel @ GOVERNMENT LICENSED @ > tion. mers at Queen's University tak-lelected representative he owes/|library cart around the Ajaxiting to know ople that 1 e _ : His wife fully understands hisling special courses; he is much{his full time to his constituenis|and Pickering Hospital. She is might not otherwise have met dedication. 'Alban has neverlin demand as a soloist and isjand not just the time allowedla member of (ie Ajax an'jand enjoying the erperience"'. 13 Most dresses and coat dress- yy"? Frothy Long Gowns|¢rnwowrs manusnen Advocates Pilot Governor WHY WE es featured the built-in, high- Long sleeves with wide cuffs, i. ' ef i Put Knowledae Into Action Feathered Elegance iooseg. trea bins es: mals bet, often duplicated \ DO NOT SELL ot o N ' es . tly-flared skirts boasted old-|@ Sashed effect at the neckline. \ > iends and ' g ;Vanquish Miniskirt world and cossack influences. One of the most unusual ' e fh ROOM FULL 3 . "Progress through knowledge Hemlines on most dresses|items in the collection was a ep , location. pd a oe " MOnthne Lor oe week were still well' above the knee|series of black Aad ee . OF FURNITURE! eme chosen by Mrs. M. V. as with daytime outfits .comple-|skimmers inspire y Aubrey Elliott, governor of District 17, aaa 'into' the Leo Chevalrer| mented with shiny patent boots|Beardsley's Prince Zaleski : ® te FC fall fashion collection showa in| iUSt Covering the knee. Boots in|series. Aubrey Beardsley was Did you know that you can ' " Te seni gg sf Ntaldin, Meee Cover HOR: patent browns, eggshell andjone of England's leading 19th- have better furnit that en é HING NTING . 10.50 UTY ON Hall to the Pilot Club of Osh- awa. In a soft - spoken yet auth- orative manner, Mrs. Elliott outlined how this theme was applicable to the Pilot Club. "Knowledge is useless unless put into action. Pilots' service is to individuals, groups, all ages and races in areas of health, welfare and any other areas of humanity in which it is needed." There are 14,000 pilots inter- nationally in Canada, England, , France, Japan, Hawaii and oth- er areas of the United States and Bermuda. District 17 has the fashion palate of even the most sedate tastes. Biety of outfits which ran the gamut from sporty slacks and |jacket énsembles to flowing evening gowns. ° | Mr. Chevalier uses yards and yards of fabric for his evening gowns allowing the lines to flow fully yet smoothly for a truly elegant look. He has taken unu- sual lightweight printed lame brought from France and worked it into both dress and casual wear. One particular evening dress fashioned in black velvet and Wednesday to tickle Leo Chevalier created a vari- black were featured with many|century black and white illus- daytime tailored suits. trators. Gagnon Plumbing CLOSED | FOR HOLIDAYS | Oct. 6 to 16th To All My Customers Thank You | For Your Kind Co-operation. looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will too! Betty Haydl (0. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 725-2686 beautiful Hyacinths ; 15 KING STREET EAST an enrolment of 227. members. 'cut along simple lines, springs ene | OSHAWA "Because we want to draw A \to life as it is banded by a low-|- a ie pone ea or rete | y a complete picture of the com-- = MRS. M. V. ELLIOTT {cjung__prilliantly Jewelled belt = The simplest, easy, no-care way munity, we choose only two about two inches wide and rest-) : aii ree Onl women from each profession. KEEP FROM DEEP ing just at the hip line. | to have something exciting to look my There are as single Ic ict many members as married ones." Ear plugs are for surface} Orange and brown combina- swimming only and because of tions and soft pinks combineg Mrs. Elliott has been a pilot|the pressure should not be used with charcoals in herring-bone since 1958 and is a charter! underwater. {patterns proved favorite color member of the club in Niagara o Falls, She was a Pilot International Membership and the Pilot Information com- mittee for two years and was elected to the office of gov- ernor this year, -succeeding Miss Lillian Beamish of Osh- awa. She is also a member of St. Andrews Church, Niagara Falls and a member of the Greater Niagara Hospital As- RE-ELECT Chanksgiuing | Che KHih Room Reservations Are Now Being Taken For An Extra Special Festive ... Day Dinner SUN. & MON. - OCT. 8th & Sth forward to through the long, cold winter. Plant now in garden plot, window box or pot. So easy to find, wherever there's a garden counter. Netherlands Flower-Bulb Institute, Inc. | 1253 McGill College vent al _-- Pie arees as office manager | to be served 4:30 & 6:15 Montreal 2, Que. ed of Rosberg Stores Limited in | ONTINENTAL r Niagara Falls and her service YOUR CHOICE OF OUR FAMOUS FRENCH C ig ds governor for the Pilot Club Cc ° we § E ad VA T | Vv E | FFET OR THE A-LA CARTE MENU BU consume a great deal of her | st, time. a geet tcl be or- | anized. "'My employer is con- ] Sacrsts, he said, 'this is your ee | COOPER-SMITH COMPANY must do, and T attempt to use| Adult Education - Training Classes J pees t Perry my vacations for affairs con- a] TOP SIZE BULBS erry cerning the pilot club." Now. forming at the 16 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA 723-1139 Perry 'a ' SOCIAL NOTICE Oshawa Business College JOIN THE CRUSADE AGAINST UGLY !-- progeny rity Pre DUTCH TULIP BULBS AVAILABLE AT... erry Mr. and Mrs. lan Wilbur, a th Ack hi , wish to announce the Get Free Literature -- Get the Facts en Act. beh oad gy eo ' their EVENING CLASSES on Tuesday and Thursday -- KING WEST GARDEN CENTRE ly daughter, Sharon Doreen, : : to Donald Arthur Arsenault son 7200) Bin. 10,9:00 "p.m: : 843 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 728-9429 of Mr. an rs, Elmer Arsen- Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping typewriting, Dictaphone an bey It, Ajax. The wedding will sson course in Hi-speed longhand, tune sa on Saturday, Novem- ou z By i R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS ah a ber 4, wy, ae pe. in COURSES FOR HOUSEWIVES -- Attend half days Rote s. Don Mills Kedron Unite ps either mornings or afternoons. Take up to three subjects, N : BOND -- 728-7386 -- Individual instruction SATURDAY MORNING. adabbee iy te hoy BLOOR WEST .» Bay Ridges ve. W., Willowdale OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE TYPING CLASSES -- Open to young people from grade six, seven, eight. "Over 50 Years Growing Flowers & Plants in Oshawa" "EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN" i High Schoo! Academic Course Students and all adults -- a REPRINTS . MANUALLY ELECTRIC TYPEWRITING RUNDLE C DEN CENTRE Lid. ah & hen eee DAY SCHOOL CAREER COURSES -- You can still enroll for erie GA \RD poe ype AEMBERS Availeble At your choice of six career designed day school courses. Arrange OPEN DAILY 11:30 amet ae ae © 9 : i 0 obligation. : o 8: .M. fa RU-BAP pare anscapeiiadeiaes Rh esge Your Reservation Now. Phone 723-4641 VAN BELLE GARDENS 'Smee SERVICE Simply Dial 725-3375 -_ gs: scare o aang eer i Mi ine ® * oe Ask for M. C, Barnett, Principal. ou, Frbehdtl Saunton, Conte 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 8x7 -- 1.25 each 10 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 5 ION HIGHWAY NO. 2 623-5757

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