Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1967, p. 21

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ing %. Inco was up % to 116%4 and Falconbridge % to 92% Rio Algom slipped 1% to 381%. In western oils Dome Petro- leum gained 1% to 59% and Banff % to 16%. But Scurry Rainbow fell 1% to 35% and Central Del Rio % to 21%. Among speculative issues iGoldrim gained 9 cents to 72 cents, Volume totalled 2,953,000 shares compared with 4,348,000 -|Wednesday. 'wot? NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL rake advantage of it! 24 hour ser- ice; and radio dispatched trucks ways ready to serve you. Fuel Oil Budget Plan Available IVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! JGHLIN : 3 4 RR COAL & SUPPLIES MBLER KINGS AN AND GERRY KRAMER D VILLE EDAN $2495 $2895 } $1795 $1895 Wagon 11895 1895 $1995 1795 31795 91795 [ALS 964 FORD ® ach, six cyl, $995 c. 485036. .. LAND ROVER seveox... *1295 CORVAIR 700 aaiaiiaba OUPE OSE FROM ee Kevin Chipman at ITED [MANVILLE mbassador -- Javelin TRENT @ MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER DID YOU DO YOUR EXTRA READING ASSIGNMENT ? 7.0) TO THE uBrary!)} I THINK SHE'S GOT A CRUSH ON ME! | TA WHY ITS MISS DION'T )/ SWEET, THE YOU LIBRARIAN DARE GO) SHE KEEPS iy CALLING ME * DEAR" Peay Pa weouompary Aaverc] 00 YOU MEAN THAT'S AS LONG AS THEY LIVE? IT SAYS HERE THE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF THE FORMOSA HUMMINGBIRD I WASN'T TRYING TO 4 START AN ARGUMENT, THEN WHAT iy I HAVE THEY GOT ®/ ON iy MIDDLE- TEEN-AGERS AGAINS? TO FORT KNOX /7= THERES ENOUGH SNAPPLES IT'D BEA DRAG /! WHO'D FEED US, E> NN : CoM i Wey: NW 2 bs Se BS tf hil \ Sree yes, S12! tM HANO ME THe GLAD To Ssée DICTIONARY, YOU'RE FINALLY Miss vagy! LSING \T { é:-4 5 FE the all BUZ SAWYER E RHINO CHARGES CHRISTY, AGAIN SHE FIRES. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 6, 1967 2] BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Six Spades. North 4 leads the queen of hearts. How would you play the hand? WEST EAST @AQ1072 |KI964 @AS 3 eKI8 @A5B2 &K85 HAI92 JANE ARDEN SECRET AGENT X9 new 2--Buffalo 3--Barrle 4--Buffale 6--Toronte 7--Buftalo Channel Channel Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton 5:00 PLM. 12---Rocky and His Friends 11--Daisies 8--Mr. Ed. 7--Flintstones 6--Shazzan 4--Perry Mason 3--Mevie 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones 1l--My Three Sons 8--Truth or Conse- | quences 7--News | é--Let's Go 6:00 P.M, 12--News, Weather, Sperts 11--Pierre Berton &--How's Business? 7--Movie 6--Sports Magazine 4--News, Weather, Sports 6:30 P.M, 12----Road West News, Weather WON'T WORK, COLONEL... THE BOYS CAN'T ACCEPTA COUPLE OF BUCKS ON ACCOUNT. YOU'RE. INTO US FOR BIG MONEY. SO-- YOU SHELL OUT BIG MONEY. To us -- A BUNDLE BUT I'M TELLIN' YOU -- HANDLIN' GREG DELMONICO ISN'T PAYIN' OFF THE WAY I FIGURED {T WOULD, SATISFY YOUR DEBTS 'AND MAKE YOURSELF / 1...1'M AFRAID I DO... BUT THAT'S DANGEROUS... MIGHTY DANGEROUS pLayin'-- / FOR HI, FELLERS! LOOK IT THUH KEEN MY, IT'S LIGHT AS A FEATHER' YEP/ THE MANUFACTURER MADE IT OUT OF ALUMINUM | 8:30 P, 3-6-12--Get Smart | 1--Run for Your Life 4--New: 7:00 P.M, WW--Tarzan B--America West 6--Day It 4--People 3--Voyage 2--News, Weather Sports 7:30 7--Off to 12-46--Rat Patrol 4--Wild Wild Weet 2-8--Tarzan 8:00 P.M. 11--Accidental Famil 9--Movie 3-6-12--Get Smart P.M, 7--Hondo @--Rochester Channel 12--Peterborough FRIDAY EVENING 2--Of Lands ane Seas 1--Petticoat Junction 9-63 Ss #8--Hunlley-Brinkiey News 9--Oft to See the Wizard \s Are Funny 7:20 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sport P.M. See the Wizard y 4--Gomer Pyle, USMC 2-8--Star Trek 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter TELEVIS oil 9--Perry's Probe 11:45 PLM jevle 12:00 MIDNIGHT 12--News Weather Sports 12:15 A.M, 4--Movie 12:20 A.M, 12--Movie SATURDAY 08 A.M. 18: Ni--Ed Alien 9--Buddies 11--Schnitze! House $--Davey and Gollath 7--Spider Man 4--Captain Kangeree Clutch Carge 6:30 AM, %--Cartoon Playhouse 6--Three Steeges 7--Recketship 7 2--Hercules 9:00 A.M, 1l--Expo People 4--Frankenstein Jr. 2--Mr. Magoo 9:3 A.M, 4--Herculoids 2--Stingray A.M, $--Flintstones 7--Popeye, Gumby 4--Shazzan i--Sinbad Jr. LOG 9:00 10:30 A.M, 12--Movie MN--Hobby Time 6--~--Movie 9--Batfink 4--Movie 4--Space Ghost 3--Movie 8-2--Samson and Gollah 9:9 PLM: 7--Journey 11--Dragnet 11:00 AM + aus Erime 8-2--Birdman ve lonnett 9--Spider Man 2--Accidental Family i 7--King Kong 10:00 P.M, 4--Moby Dick 11--Merv. Griffin 9--Big Valley 10 AM. --Judd 11--Meta 2-8--NBC News Special 9--Beaties 7--George of the Jungle 11:06 P.M. 8--Skipper Sam 99--News 4--Superman 3-4-6-7-8-11-12----News, Aquaman Weather, Sports 3--This Is Expo 11.10 P.M. 2--Ant-Squirrel i--Plerre Berton | 12 NOON 11:20 P.M. 9--This Is Expo 3+46-12---Thenksgiving Mes- | 7--Beaties sage 3--News 11:88 PLM. ait bie 6--News, Weather 12:30 PLM. Sports 11--Outdoors Unlimited 11:30 P.M. 9--Movie 7--~Movie 7--Super Comics 4--Movie 4--Jonny Quest don c 3--Film Short 24--Johnny Carson 2-8--Cool McCool 14:35 P.M, 3--Movie 12:45 P.M, 11:40 PM, 3-4-12--Tennis 1:00 P.M. 11--Gadabout Gaddis &--Super Six 7--Championship owling 4--Rural Review 2~--Upbeat 1:30 P.M, 11--Wrestling 4--Roadrunner 2-8--World Series 1:45 PLM, 3-6-12--World Series 2:00 P.M. 4 © King Feateree Syndicate, tne - - for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT '68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... _ The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS HUBERT Rul Ay 15 LONG ENOUGH... 2. You are declarer with the 'West hand at Three Notrum: North leads the jack of pe | How would you play the WEST EAST NEED THE EO hand Ass 410963 @KSs WAT 82 eso HKQI482 «6 i 1. You can make sure of the contract by winning the heart with the ace, drawing trunips, ruffing a heart, and then lead- ing a low club from dummy. If South follows with the ten or queen, you win with the king and can lose only a club trick, so assume he follows low. When jyou now finesse the eight, North is bound to hand you the twelfth trick, even thouzh he wins with the ten. Whatever he returns, you get either a ruff and dis- card or a free finesse in dia- | monds or clubs. You can also accomplish your purpose by leading the jack of clubs from dummy instead of |the deuce, and, in fact, this play igives you a chance to make an | overtrick if South has the queen. 2. You can't be sure of the outcome, but there is only one correct way to play the hand. |Win the heart with the ace and jreturn a club. If South goes up jwith the ace, the contract is \made provided the clubs are di- vided normally, that is, 3-3 or i42. So let's suppose that South jducks, holding the A-10-9-8. | Win the club and lead a dia- jmond, ducking in dummy. This iplay makes the contract if the suit is divided, 3-2, the normat jexpectancy. There is a far igreater chance of finding the |diamonds divided 3-2 (68% of the time) than finding the clubs divided 3-3 (36% cf the time). H You can't afford to give up a jdiamond at trick two because |that would bring you to only eight tricks even if the suit were divided 3-2. You have to lead a club from dummy first. Of course, North may win the YES.AS A MATTER OF } club with the ace and return a heart, in which case you will need a 3-8 club division. This is not a healthy prospect, but all you can then do is hope for the best. The approach to the play is simply a matter of combining percentages with logic. You may not make the contract by play- ing in the way suggested, but it offers by far the best chance, Ford's Sales FACT THATS QUITE TRUE ~~" Down 20,000 DETROIT (AP)--Ford Motor Co. sales in September were about 20,000 cars below its sales in the same month a year ago, but still bit deeply into the inventory of the strike-bound auto-maker. Sales totalled 115,295 this time, down from 135,212 in Sep- tember 1966, the company reported Wednesday. : Ford division reported sales of 93,389 this year and 114,806 in September a year ago, with the Lincoln-Mercury division reporting sales of 21,906 this year and 20,406 a year earlier. Sales in the last 10 days of YOUR HEALTH 7--Buftalo Bills Hig! 4--Forest Rangers 2.20 P.M. 11--Moment of Truth 7--Wide World of Sports 4--Littlest Hobo 3:30 P.M, 1--Spotlignt 4:00 P.M, H--Little People 9--After Four 7--NCAA Program 4:15 P.M, 7--College Football 4--Film Short 4:30 P.M, N--Dennis The Menace 9--Wide World of Sports 8--Wrestling 4--Gadabout Gaddis CROSSWORD tan. T96?, Weill sien reserved, i ACROSS DOWN 22. Indif- ORE 1 1. Revered 1. Tell ferent gaa 3 \ ' < name in 2. Before 24, Sand. Ie fet ai "on India 3. Cure piper, Ie i 5 FS 6. Chinese 4. Valued forone |M| A Me Sy secret 5. Theater 27. Raised [El " oules ae society attendants plat- Serr DH Acmrhe ded io Fiat 10. Regions 6. Definite form 11. Listen article 29. With- IDED TO TAKE 12, Garland 7. Over: stands ae bf en aya OF = 13, Canal poet. 30. Savor WEIGHTLIFTING / 14, Trans- 8. Artless 32. Custo- Yesterday's Answer Nes portation 9. Cupidity dian 40, Hawaiian line: abbr, 12. Wrench 34, American garlands 15. Dregs 16. Woos pioneer 43, Assam 17, Norse 19. Quick 35. seneath silkworm god 21, Greek 36. Artillery 44. Scion 18. Spike a letter salutation 46. Expert 20. Thrash: 28. Pierce Yr Tz |> 4 i co Tr je 7 25. Close, as 7, ahawk"s Ld Y Wy "bs 4 V7 Ki 26. Luke- te Y > warm - ike ry 19 Y 20 at jae 33, On the a a GpN iy fl Y YY) 37. Large 2 21 V 28 29 |30 en 77a 32 Wa 38, Ahead UW, UY, 39, Cachet ng Ae Koons 41, Pronoun Y4 42, Poems i 38 GHW 40 V7/y41 45. Gratity UD, Y A emperor 42 43 144 yA 4 48, Bject 49, Ireland a7 Y Wy) 50, Abie's girl coy OAsS 7, 4 and Y Y kam rs Molner;: Dear Dr. What, What Is Cause Of Hangnails? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD September, when 1968 models were on the market, climbed sharply in comparison with the last 10 days of September, 1966, when new models had not yet gone on sale. The figures for this year's last third of September was 62,632, compared with 56,993 in the Sept. 21-30 period a year ago. Ford's production lines have been idle since Sept. 7 when 160,000 United Auto Workers She harmless but annoying. }causes hangnails? Is it deter-/should go to her doctor to make |gents?--R. G. /certain that hers are not a dan- People had hangnails long|gerous type. Union members went on strike |demanding better pay and high- jer benefits, jbefore they knew the difference; While such ringing ds (or between a' detergent and -ajhissing, bubbling, and all sorts handful of sand. of odd noises) seldom indicate Anything that causes exces-| sive dryness or irritation of the) fingers can cause a hangnail--a little flap of torn skin at the, nail edge. Detergents, powdered or liq- uid, can do it to some people.! So can strong soaps, household} chemicals on the order of| bleaches, waxes, polishes,| cleansers. | Irritation from gritty mate-| rials of all-sorts can do it.) Working the soil in the garden con do it. Careless manicuring| can break and the skin and cause a hangnail. Nail polish} and polish rémovers bother| some people. The drying effect/ of the solvent is considerable. | Dryness, irritation and _all| sorts of trivial injuries can| cause them. If you identify a) cause in your own case, and) can avoid it, fine. | But the more useful bit of information is to know what to) do when a hangnail develops.} Don't pull at it. Don't bite it off| --a common error. Either way, you will usually pull more skin) loose. The proper course is to cut off, with manicure scissors, the loose skin, and let the place heal. Dear Dr. Molmer: I have a friend who says she} has a ringing in her ears all the/ time but won't go to the doctor because she is afraid. She says she is healthy, Can you tell her what to dob--M. S. For heaven's sake, what's she) afraid of? Ear noises are) avtramely common. usually jably any serious trouble, it is only good sense to have a physician check and make sure. Dear Dr. Molner: My son is 15 months old and cannot ride more than five or six miles in a car before he becomes very sick and vomits. He has been this way since he was five months old, I have taken him to several doctors but they have not helped him.--Mrs. B. H. Some individuals are particu- larly susceptible to motion sick- ness. For adults, !t is possible to take effective medication before starting a trip, but I would hesitate to use such med- ication with a child. There's an old trick--this will cause some raised eyebrows-- of placing an ordinary brown paper bag next to the skin of the chest. I have no idea why it works, but I have known it to do so. It can't hurt to try it, anyway. . Dear Dr. Molner: What is omentum? I noticed my naval protruding and was told that was what it was. Is surgery the only answer?--E. D. The lining of the inner abdo- men is the peritoneum, Folds of it, containing fat, form sort of an apron. This apron-like, fatty, protective portion is called omentum. The bulge of your naval prob- is an umbilical hernia, with omentum perhaps pressing through the hérnia. Surgery is probably the only answer; QUEENIE these hernias tend to become worse as you grow older. Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any harm in a hepatitis patient of five years ago taking a cock- tail with dinner?--M. A. D. Assuming that there has been no serious residual damage to the liver, there would be no harm. JUST FOR MONEY ? The top money you can earn as G Marvel graduate is only a start, Send for our free brochure which describes all the wonderful, glamorous career opportunities you can enjoy as a Mare vel-trained professional --_ hairstylist. MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOL 210 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Dept. OT. Day or Evening Courses. Branches in all principal cities. Established over 40 years.

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