Call... 17--Female Help Wanted > ¥- || AVON CALLING | Now is the time to earn t,| money selling Avon's beauti- m| ful line of Christmas gifts, *| Territories open in Oshawa | and Courtiee Rd., so don't +| delay, Call er write to al MRS J. ILE 2) 140 NONQUON RD., OSHAWA .. or Phone 725-9696 '4 for personal interview {|DINING ROOM waitresses, full and "|part-time, wanted, Apply Carousel inn, --|Oshawa, Mr. McMillan, Maitre D', , EHS g-|GIRL or woman wanted for light hi keeping duties and pabystitinee live-ing Telephone 942-6410 or after 6, 942-4568, required _|part-time or full time. Must be expert srjenced. Apply Canada Manpower Divi. g-\sion Dept., 314 Simcoe St. §. Modelle Hairstylists. s- UNLIMITED Opportunity For Extra 6.|Earnings. Become @ Beauty Counselor, --| Openin: In management and _ sales, Mrs, Elliott, section manager, 725-9442, wit in| YOUNG, EXPERIENCED waitress, part jtime, Apply 333 Simcoe Street South, |8--Male Help Wonted 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Ree! Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH requires JAIL GUARDS Several positions are vacant for guards at the Peterbor- ough County Jail. The suc- cessful applicants will be required to work shifts per- forming a variety of correc- tional duties including the supervision and control of in- mates. These positions offer the successful applicants an opportunity to serve the com- munity by participating In an overall correctional _--pro- gromme. SALARY: $4,280.00 -- $4,- 780.00. $4,580.00 -- $5,- 080.00 effective Jan. 1, 1968. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 10 education; integrity, self-con- trol and mature judgment in irregular situations are essen- tial; good physical condition; minimum height 5' 8", Apply in writing or telephone Mrs. J. A. Spurway, Clerk- Treasurer, for an application. Personal interviews will be conducted during the evening hours. ™IHAIR STYLIST, female, experienced, to "i fake over clientele around November 1, 'I- $80, - $100. per week. Greig's Hair Styl- ®-/ing, 33 King St. W., Bowmanville, 623- __ |2932. c.| WAITRESSES required, all shifis, Ap- 'S|ply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, King Street East. I 2 (No telephone calls, r, |Please.) -\LIVE-IN baby-sitter, Telephone 725-0551 after 5 p.m. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for Smith's _|Coffee Bar, day shift. Telephone 725- 3932. NURSES AID for nursing home at Co- lumbus. Telephone 655-4931. FULLY EXPERIENCED waltress, for exclusive dining room, 10 a@.m.-2 p.m., Monday -- Friday, References. Write Box 76647, Oshawa Times. |MATURE FEMALE companion for old- er woman, willing to prepare meals and do light housework. Small salary plus room and board In nice home, Write Box M76822, Oshawa Times. LICENSED hairdresser wanted part time. Apply in person at Rena's Beauty ry 1350 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 66% 4321. HAIRDRESSER WANTED part or full time, must be experienced. Apply Riviera Hairstyling, 136 Simcoe - Street South. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two children, one In school, shift work, Mare land-Park Rd. ares. Telephone 723-0784, BABYSITTER. Must be reliable, per manent, to come Into home, two children, one In kindergarten. Bayview Avenue, Whitby, 668-8524. No Oshawa please. 18--Male Help Wanted WE PAY YOU TO TRAIN FOR "RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Rapidly expanding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast has immediote openings for young men to train on the job for Store Management, with further op- portunities in Home Office and administrative positions. @Ages 20 to 30 desir- able. Single men pre- ferred, @Starting salaries depend on age, education, and past work experience. @Future salary depends upon the ability and performance of the individual. Extensive expansion programme and super- vised training provides excellent opportunity for rapid promotion based upon individual _per- formance. @ Employee benefits in- 2378! callers, FF 1% | S93 Fi clude Pension Plan, Group Life 'Insurance -- and Health Plan, Profit Ww Sharing, Summer and 4, Winter Vacations. for| QUALIFICATIONS dl @ Leadership ability. oly @ At feast High School education, or better. Attractive starting sal- cries for both High School and University Graduates. @ Willingness to accept periodic expense-paid transfers during train- ing. REPLY IN WRITING stating full particulars; Name, ad- dress, telephone number, age, marital status, education, and Previous work experience. sagt MR. FRASER McINTOSH =| ¢/o ZELLERS LTD. ele. 226 Stevenson Road S. Oshawa, Ont. - SALES vi) POSITION | == 6hWITH A a FUTURE To earn above average com- d missions servicing accounts | established in income pro- tection, TO QUALIFY @Must hove a car @Bondable @Over 21 years You will be selected for ad- vancement to key manage- ment position. Call for appointment PES] R. DARUWALLA 725-2551 Wed., Thurs.,Fri. 8 to 10 am EATON'S Oshawa Require the following personnel @ Men's Clothin Salesman... (Commission Basis) | @ Refrigeration Repair Man... These are permanent posi- tions wilh all company bene- fits and good opportunity to advance. Apply Personne! Office (Upper Level) Mon. to Fri. between 10 om, - 12 a.m. end 2 p.m. « 4 p.m. PLANNING DRAFTSMAN To undertake varied drafting assignments. Primarily ink work, map preparations, trac- ing, _ lettering, good line drawing essential. To assist in research and field survey projects. Graduate of recognized drafting course. Experience in topographie, municipal or related work an asset. Varied and interesting work in regional planning office. Fringe benefits. SALARY $4,350 -- $5,370 PER ANNUM. depending on qualifications and experience. CENTRAL ONTARIO JOB PLANNING BOARD OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA 723-3411 YOUNG MEN To assist manager in local branch of coast to coast chain organization. Experi- ence unnecessary, in educa- tion field, but must be able to converse intelligently, 1, Aged 18-26. 2. Neat In appearance. 3. Able to start immediately, SALARY: $110 Weekly For interview call 725-2541 9-noon. THE ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Oshawa Office has an opening for a Membership Sales Representative Full or part time, Apply in writing only to District Supervisor Ontario Motor League 172 King St. E., Oshawa Men Wanted For Apple Picking Must be over 18 years. COME READY TO WORK AT 7:45 A.M, Red Wing Orchards 2% miles west of Whitby on No. 2 Highway et the Big Red Apples. Truck Drivers APPLY CURRAN & BRIGGS READY-MIX LTD. 991 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA WAITER for cocktell tounge, partime work, several evenings weekly. Must be experienced. Apply manager, Hotel Lan- caster, 27 King West, Osha START YOUR OWN business consignment, no money needed. program. Telephone 723-4163. international company, all Loge 'art earning money thi¢ week, full training BONDABLE MAN for night janitorial work, reliable. Telephone 576-0868. FUEL OIL salesman required, salary or commission. Apply Harry ©. Perry Ltd., 285 Bloor St. W. |MAN WANTED to work In plggery. Ap- {ply In person to Mr. Rd. Pickering. p- J. Lusted, Station 19--Male and Female Help Wanted Due to increased inquiries end expanding business we require immediately two ad- ditional representatives, Ex- cellent opportunity for high earnings, with fringe benefits and congenial working condi- tions. Sales experience pre- ferred, but not essential. Coll now for confidential inter- view, J. Wilkinson, Realtor 100 King St. E 576-1411 Member 0.D.R.E. Board REAL ESTATE APPLE PICKERS Over 18 yeors of age, trans- portation supplied. Must be able to climb and move own ladders. HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY -- MEN and WOMEN 1 need a full or part-time person to help meet the de- LARGE INDUSTRIAL FIRM IN_ EAST SCARBOROUGH requires the services of gen- eral plant laborers for pro- duction work. @ Should be 18-25 yeors of age. @ In good health and physi- cal condition. @ Rate $2.20 per hour. @ Complete employee bene- fits paid for by the com- pany. REPLY TO OR PHONE MR. MALCOUICH 282-1131 CANADA ' JOHNS-MAVILLE COL LTD, WEST HILL P.O. WEST HILL REAL ESTATE | SALESMAN Wanted for Oshawa office. Inquiries treated confident- tally. Call W. Baldwin, ma- nager, W. FRANK RLTR. REAL ESTATE LTD. 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa 728-7585 SALES AGENT WANTED For an exclusive line of in- * dustrial hardware for a new area from the eastern edge of Toronto to Bowmanville. If you are currently selling in this area and are inter- ested in an exclusive com- issioned line of blish ed products. Write to BOX M76556 mand for a much needed ser- vice for motorists, Pleasant, dginified, good poying work, No experience necessary but o car is. For full information phone 576-3351. WAITRESSES AND WAITERS Experience not necessary. Apply Mr. Campbell, Geno- sha Hotel, no phone calls, please. ladies, EE idchrihei de |$i00 WEEKLY. or more, full, part-time, Whitby, men, Fuller territories, Bowmanville, Oshawa, 728-4922. 725-5813 until 5 p.m. cae! KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST REALTOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 6 room split level, atta garage, broadioom, drapes, dishwasher, mony __ extras, Call Joe Crawford 723-1021. JUST LISTED -- Nice ranch bungalow with attached gar- oge, all large rooms, 2 acres of land, for those pets. Locat- ed in Courtice. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. EAST. END -- Five room brick bungalow, hardwood floors, forced air heating, trim finished in natural stoin. This home has a_ separate dining room suitable for a dining room suite. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457. ASKING $18,900 -- Front to reor split level home at a price a builder could not dup- licote, builtin stove and oven, separate dining room, family kitchen, all good size rooms and only 2 years old, £65 NHA marines, < monthly PIT. Call Earle Al- len 725-7782. LAND -- 10 acres, mostly ded, on poved road, close WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY, PAY to school and No, 2 Highwoy. ALSO other lots in various !0- ¢ s. Call Morley Burgess 123-0049, _ 20--Real Estate for ' Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 e LOOK AT THIS ONE 1 @ Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow fully landscaped with potio and enclosed carport. Hollywood kitchen, broadloom dining area. Recreation room with bar and imitation fireplace, many more features for $19,- 900.00. To inspect, call tonight. e JUST LISTED 11 @ Beautiful 3 bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive and carport in the north-west area. Immediate possession, call for full particulors. e SIMCOE STREET SOUTH lll @ Immaculate 6 room storey home with garage. Close to South G.M. and Houdaille. This property has an extra lot 43'6" by a depth of 135', Zon- ed MIA ideal for light industry. For further information, call to* night. & JUST. WHAT YOU WANT IV @ A nice 4 bedroom, 1% storey home, close to separate and public schools. Priced at only $12,000.00 with terms that can be arranged to suit your budget. e INDUSTRIAL LAND V @ With 4 bedroom house and garage, almost one acre of land which represents an excel- lent investment for the future, Call us for more:information, ° COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Vi @ Downtown Oshawa -- Large commercial corner pre- sently used as a'gas station, Ex cellent potential, For full' parti- culars, call today, e TAKE ADVANTAGE Vil @ of this offer, Junior ladies wear shop, good will, fix- tures lease and stock at list. e WAREHOUSING VIIl @ Two storey block build- ing, located on the outskirts of Oshowa. Approximately 12,200 square feet. May be rented for storage or ony other use. 2 large overhead doors to allow trucks to drive in. Lots of space in front of the building. e COTTAGE or HUNTING CAMP 1X @ Do you want a cottage site or a site for your hunting camp. This 14% acre parcel of fond on Hw. 28 near Pantach Lake would be ideal for either purpose. Asking only $500.00. Call us now, e EXCELLENT FARM xX @ 90 acre form presently operated as a dairy farm, large barn, shed, milk house and cooler, hot and cold water in barn, 3 wells and pond. Call to- day for this one. e THIS IS ELEGANCE XI @ 6 bedroom, spacious full suite dining room and separate living room, restful den with fireplace, decorated old english pub-style, large entrance hall, 2 bathrooms. The grounds are spacious and beautifully land- scaped. You have to see this home to appreciate the volue you receive for $30,900.00. & DUPLEX XI @ Completely redecorated New oil furnace, all windows have storms; screens, T.V. Tow- er. Paved driveway, Two self- contained apartments. Yours for only $12,000.00, @ CHURCHILL AVENUE XII1 @ 3 bedroom, split level, north-west area. Features large "L" shaped living and dining room, recreation room, tool shed, situated on an oversized beautiful landscaped lot, Must be sold. & CHEVROLET STREET XIV @ Must be sold, living ond dining. room, broadioom and draperies and natural, fireplace, hollywood kitchen, bedrooms, finished recreation room with bor and built in desk and shel- ves. Landscaped front and back with trees and shrubbery, back entry covered patio ond 10' hedge ollows you complete pri- vacy. Make an appointment to see this executive type home, to- night. e MULTIPLE TYPE PROPERTY XV @ 5 room living quarters on main floor with self-contain- ed apartment upstairs. Large shop attached to home presently used for business, double gar- age, Extro large corner lot 110' x 115', for more information, please call. es GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281 EXCLUSIVE HOME -- Jane St., Glencairn area, three bed- room -split level, recreation room, fireplace, Hollywood kitchen, swimming. pool, nice- ly landscaped. Five years old. Must be seen to be appreci- ated. Asking $28,900, Terms. 40 ACRES suitable for gar- dening or nursery, five miles from Oshawa. Asking $750 an acre, $5,000 down, Will divide. A. L. Hooey Real Estate Broker 623-7264 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 64 Harwood Rd. S$. AJAX 942-3310 $17,000 FULL PRICE Buys 34 acre in Pickering Village with modern bunga- low and garage. Centrally lo- cated on quiet street with country atmosphere unlimit- ed. Services in. Call Ralph Anderson, 942-3310, OSHAWA For a steal of o deal, on 3 bedroom back split, paved drive, built - in oven and , range, tastefully decorated, quiet residential street. $3,- 000. down will handle. Coll 942-3310, ask for Anderson. LIVE FOR $121 MONTHLY 5 room detached brick bung- alow, large bedrooms, spoc- ious bathroom, Near ping Centre and Civic Audi- tori um, Look tonight. Call Morgaret Lee, 942-3310. PORT HOPE Highway No. 2 Location 89 acres, modern bungalow. 2 barns, creek throughout farm, Excellent for beef or horses. Owner wants it sold Will look at all offers, For further information, _ call, Vera Krishko, 942-3310. PICKERING LOCATION Looking for a country loca- tion? | have one acre of land with 13 bedrooms, modern brick bungalow surrounded by your favorite fruit trees, Excellent financing avail- able. See this one now, ask for Vera Krishko, 942-3310, READY TO RETIRE? Carries $134. principal, in- terest and taxes. This lovely 2 bedroom home with fire- place is six months new and immaculate. Built -in range and oven, Storms and screens. Frost fences, on large lot. See it today. Call Frank Retter,, 942-3310. ASKING $19,700, Excellent detached brick bun- galow, ideal location, Just east of Metro. Carries $121. monthly, principal, interest and taxes. Call Margaret Lee, 942-3310. 64% RESALE $2,000 down, NHA mortgage 6%4%. Carries for only $114, per month, principal interest and taxes, 3 bed- room bungolow, recreation room, 10' bar with stove front, Indirect lighting, TV antennae. Many other extras too numerous to _ mention, Jack Fitzpatrick, 723-8144, CALL TO WHERE THE ACTION IS For an immediate appraisal by experienced personnel, who can explain the why's and the wherefore's of re- financing, mew first, seconds, or to assist you in negotiat- ing for the true market value of your property. Call the action company, Griffin Real Estate Ltd. Ask for Ralph Anderson, 942-3310. Ap- praisals, mortgoges, listings, sales. THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF PRO- PERTY AVAILABLE IN BAY RIDGES, AJAX AND OSH- AWA AREA, FEATURING 3 bedroom bungalows, pri- voce drive, semi detached beck split or side split, some with immediate possession. $2,500 DOWN carries $165 monthly, 3 bedroom semi private drive, finished, $3,000 DOWN carries $145 monthly, 3 bed- room detached. Cape Cod model. $4,000 DOWN corries $150 monthly, 3 bed- room, back split, paced drive $5,000 DOWN corries $160 monthly, 3 bed- room brick bungalow, corner lot $6,000 DOWN corries $130 monthly, 3 bed- room side split, landscaped. All above properties have N.H.A, financing, close to schools, shopping, and built up areas. Call for appointment to view, ask for Vera Krishko or Ralph. Anderson. 942-3310 We List and Sell M.L.S. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. $12,900 Oshawa, 2 bedroom bungalow with large livingroom, there is also a garage and lorge 170' lot. Close to bus line ond handy to shopping. Call 728-1678. $15,500 FULL PRICE 6 room semi - detoched bung- alow near the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Call 728-1678. $18,700. Oshawa, detached 3 bedroom bungalow in the north west section of Oshawa, fin- ished rec - room, private drive, coll 728-1656. $18,900. Whitby, lovely detached 3 bedroom brick bungalow in quiet residential area. Fin- ished room in basement. Should be seen to be ap- preciated, Coll 728-1656, H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. Realtors 9 Bogor St, H-KEITH LID PHOTO MLS REALTOR PARK RD. S$. AT 401 576-0330 FOUR BEDROOMS Lovely older home located in quiet residential district of Oshawa. Close to schools and playground. Two car garage pr private drive. Separate dining room and huge old- fashioned living room. Call PAULINE BEAL, 725-0239. EXECUTIVE RANCHER Beautiful brick ranch style home on outskirts of city. Large circular drive with double car garage. Custom built kitchen with washer and dryer, Family room. Call for an appointment, PAUL- INE BEAL, 725-0239. BUILDING LOT Large lot of 150 feet by 150 feet located off No. 2 high- way close to Bowmanville and across from a golf course. Asking only $3,300. Call JIM WILSON 668-6419 or 668-3172. DONOVAN CRESCENT WHITBY Take advantage of the low interest rate on this lovely three bedroom home in the East end of Whitby. Built-in stove and oven, Excellent mortgage payments on this home. Call JIM WILSON, 668-6419 or 668-3172. COUNTRY LIVING Like horses? Six acres with house and barn on good road, located north of Orono, Ask- ing $12,000. with terms. Call IDSO WIERSMA, 728- 5683. ALBERT STREET One and a half storey home in good condition, could eith- er be a single family dwelling or 2a two apartment home with seporate meters. Large spacious lot with fenished patio. Call DSO WIERSMA, 728-5683. 3 ACRES OF LAND Excellent building lot. Wil- son Rd, N. on city boundary. Buy now and divide in the future. Capital gain on this one! Call GORD CHARLTON 728-8569. BASEMENT APT. Modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow with a separate basement apartment, two boths, paved drive and gar- age. Live rent free here. Ask- a $16,900. with terms. Call RD 'CHARLTON, 728- 8569. TRADE YOUR HOUSE OR LOT Excellent opportunity here-- owner will accept a house or lot as down poyment on a money making building in Whitby, Located close to the four corners, Two stores, two office suites and one apart- ment can all be rented out to ive you a good incom' Call FRANK SMITH, 576-0330, or 576-1415. GENERAL STORE Thriving business in both winter and summer, located close to Oshawa in smoll friendly community. Store is fully equipped and has nu- merous concessions included such as dry cleaning, news- papers ond also has the Post Office in the store. Call FRANK SMITH, 576- 0330, or 576-1415. APPLE PICKER? Estate sale forces immediate little 2 sale of this cute bedroom brick landscaped lot, has apple and peor trees waiting to be picked. A perfect retirement home, with low taxes of only $235. Located on Oshawa Blvd north ot the low price of $13,900. Act quick on this one. Call DOUG CARMICH- AEL, 723-7463. HUGE MODERN KITCHEN $2,000 down buys this beou- tiful modern ranch brick bungalow -- with three over- sized bedrooms. Large family dining room, attached garage with paved driveway. Walk~ out basement. Owner will hold one easy term mortgage on this truly lovely home. Call immediately for auick inspection, DOUG CARMICH- AEL, 723-7463. Guy Leblanc REALTOR 623-7461 HARWOOD AVE. 1 year old 3 bedroom Split- level home with car-port, finished rec. room, immacu- late condition, asking only $22,000, terms. CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE 5 room bungalow with new al- uminum siding, lot 236 feet deep, garage, sun = room asking only $15,900. COURTICE AREA 1% Acre with 4 bedroom home, suitable for V.L.A, new oil furnace, new well, im- maculote condition, asking only $18,900, terms. BLACKSTOCK AREA 100 acre farm with 2 storey brick home, all modern con- veniences, large barn, pond, 90 acres workable, paved road, asking only $36,900. 10 ACRE LOTS West of Hampton with trout stream, partly wooded, open to offers, SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District For Over 31 Yeors 723-2265 Spacious six room brick bungalow with attached gar- age in a very desirable loce- tion, Three lovely bedrooms, two bathrooms, recreation room with fireplace, new wall to wall broadloom in the charming living room, huge kitchen with loads of cup- boards are only some of the excellent features in this quality built home. Call now -- deloy will mean disop- pointment. KINGSWAY COLLEGE AREA $20,900. is the asking price for this lovely home situated on a 155 ft. deep lot, Three bedrooms, 21a ft. living room with cathedral type ceiling. Carport and paved drive complete the picture. Carries for $123. per month including taxes. This home you should see -- call now for an appointment, NORTHWEST Cosy two bedroom bungalow on nice private lot. Close to shopping centre, bus and schools. Aluminum siding con- struction, Listed at $14,900. Call early. Six room, 2 storey home in excellent condition and very central location, Low down poyment, taxes just $240. per year ond monthly payments of $110. Give us a call for an appointment to inspect, $16,900 A lot of home for a little price is offered in this 6 room house with rec, room and extra bedroom in the basement. Nicely landscaped ond fenced lot, with added enjoyment to be had from a screened summer house. Pay- ments $96, monthly with a low interest rate of just 5% on mortgage. OPPORTUNITY _ --.KNOCKS -- Still a few new homes left in Pinewood Terrace, Priced trom $19,675.00. 634% N.H.A. MORTGAGES May be purchased as low as $1450 DOWN PAYMENT SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. This same style home will be much higher next spring. DON'T WAIT -- INVESTIGATE CALL 723-2265 NOW For full particulars call 723-2265 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Holl 723-1358 Mel Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. 360 King St. West, Oshawe NEAR BROOKSIDE ACRES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MORTGAGES ARRANGED FRANK Real Estate Ltd. REALTOR 21 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board le) Excellent 8 room home, beautl- fully landscaped grounds, borns 40' x 60', 40' x 75', 2 springs, good productive soil. Age forces sole. $40,- 000, Terms. 200 ACRES NEWTONVILLE Good stream, terrific view, 3 road frontages, born. $46,- 000, Terms. 50 ACRE HIGHWAY FARM Good brick 7 room home, born 40' x 50', stream, Loc- ated between-Port Hope and Newtonville. $27,000. Terms. 90 acres, choice location, ex- cellent brick house, 9 rooms, barns 30' x 95', 40' x 60', Good garden soil, Only $45,- 000, Terms. or Toronto 923-9174 AFTER 9 P.M. Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Roy Foster, Orono, 983-5801 Weson Banister, Garden Hill 797-2215 Howard Forder, Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton, Port Perry 985-2987 100 ACRE STOCK FARM ORON ORONO--CORNER FARM Coll 623-3393, 728-7518 Country Setting Newcastle (20 Minutes from G.M.) Unique three bedroom all brick veneers with 4 - piece bath, Final stage of construc- tion, Choose your own cabi- nets, flooring and_ paint scheme. Only $16,500, Con- tact builder 987-4837 or take Hwy. 2 to Newcastle turn north at North St., 1% miles. Other lots end homes eveilabie, | | I THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 5, 1967 17 20--Real Estate for Sole INVESTMENT , PROPERTIES * INCOME WITHOUT WORK With three hours of your time every other week this proper- ty can give you a return of $145.00 per week. Just think over 15% and only $23,- 500. down. BEAUTY SALON Doing a thriving business on No. 2 Hwy. in Whitby with plenty of room for expansion, Living quarters for owner plus 2 apts. Call to inspect. COMMERCIAL on BROCK ST., WHITBY Four bedroom home with 50' frontage lot on busy Brock St. N. Hove your business here plus a family home for the low price of $14,500. Taxes are reasonable here too, GOOD INCOME HOME Centrally located in Whitby close to the R.C. church and schools, spacious home, with a 2 bedroom apt. in basement which rents for $75.00 per month, attached garage, patio and outside bar-b-q, spacious lot of 75 x 154, lovely brick 3 bedroom home with fire- | place, can be bought with | $4,500. down, Priced at only | $21,500. | NVESTMENT PROPERTY | -- KITCHENER AVE. has living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath in one apart- ment renting for $125. a month. A bedsitting room, kit- chen and 1 pc. bath, rents for $65. a month. Low down payment. Call to-nite. $10,000 is the full price for a 6 room home, forced air oil, central Whitby in good residential area, lot. R3 zoning. BE A LANDLORD The income from this pro- perty is $270.00 per month from the 3 self contained apartments in central Osh- awa, and the price is only $18,500, Don't miss seeing this one, 5 PLEX Right in the centre of Whitby next to Post Office and zoned commercial, continue to rent it as an apartment bldg. for $445.00 per month or turn it into an office bldg. with a larger income. This location is terrific the price is $35,- 500. GORDON OSBORNE Real Estate Ltd. DIAL Whitby 668-8826 Toronto 364-6622 Oshawa 728-5157 218 Dundas St.E., No. 2 Hwy. Whitby, Ontario George Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 Gordon Beech 623-5265 Bowmanville: 3 bedroom, 1 storey home, living room, dining room, garage on large lot. Home is in immaculate condition and located in the north end. Asking price $16,- 500. -- with $5,000. down. Bowmanville: Apt. building with 3 self contained apart- ments, One apt. has 3 bed- rooms and is electric heated, large double gorage with full basement ond heated. First class location and good in- vestment. Contact us for more information. Orono: 3 bedroom bungalow, lorge kitchen, aluminum sid- ing, full basement and well landscaped. Asking price $12,900. Give us an offer, Maple Grove: Large 3 bed- room frame bungalow, din- ing room and laundry room, large lot. Only $14,900. Give us an offer, West of Oshawa building lot, 50 x 200' on paved road, Priced at $5,500, North - East of Newcastle: building lot 100 x 150', Ask- ing price $2,000. Hampton Area: One 10 acre lot with frontage on two BASKETT & PEGG Ltd. Real Estate Brokers BROUGHAM 942-0931 (TORONTO 921-7595) KINSALE NORTH OSHAWA Lovely six room brick house . roods. Bargain at $4,800 | -----| CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD Manager Immediate Possession For this compact home on Glen Forest with carport, only 7 yrs. old, 3 bedrooms, holly- wood kitchen, living room, 15'6" x 118", Large base- ment family room beauti- fully finished in antique elm, with old English style elec- tric fireplace. Separate laun- dry unit. Asking $23,500. and assume 6% mortgage. Try your offer, Large Family Residence -- Port Perry 10 room, 2 storey brick res- idence, spacious 88' corner lot, separated dining room, 5 bedrooms, walk-in pantry, garage. Situated on good street in active resort and country town. Just 15 miles from Oshawa. Asking $17,- 800. Terms. $2,000 Down -- Seven Rooms | Good brick house on large lot convenient to Hospital and all schools, in excellent residential location. This home is attractively design- ed including a fireplace, double detached garage and family room, Can be bought for a low price which will permit you to do some mod- ernizing and still come out with @ fine property at very low carrying cost. Asking $15,400 -- $2,000 Down South Oshawa, 3-bedroom brick bungalow near schools. In good condition and nicely decorated. Brooklin -- Asking $15,900 Lovely 3-bedroom brick bung- alow in excellent condition ond newly decorated, Rec. room with natural fireplace, L-shaped living-dining room, Near school and shopping. Call at once for appointment to inspect. Income Home Seven-room, 212 storey brick home, presently taxed and run as a duplex. This home would also suit @ large fam- ily in need of four bedrooms, Asking $13,500. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 - 9:00 to 5:30 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL (NO TOLL CHARGE) 20--Real Estate for Sele W. Frank REAL ESTATE LIMITED REAL 506 Simcoe Street South, Oshowe 728-7585 Member Oshawa end District Reol Estate Board WHITBY Commercial potential, 3 Apt. home. Brock St. 5. income iy Corner lot 74' x 145'. $23,- 500 only $3,000 down. One mortgage. 11-SUITE APT. BUILDING Estate Sale. 7 years old, Ex- cellent location. Central. Ful- ly rented, A-1 condition, Ex- cellent potential. $116,000 -- $36,000 down. 26 MILES OSHAWA $1,500 down, One year old 3-bedroom brick bungalow. 11 Block basement with large windows for extra living space. Walk-out basement, Electric heat. 1,125 sq. ft. Ideal for retirement, commut- er and V.L.A. potential. On Highwoy No. 35. $16,750. ORCHARDVIEW BLVD. OSHAWA 6-room frame bungalow on lot 183' x 133. Double gar- age. Green house. Nicely pg Zoned R3, $30,- Terms 0 Call 728-7585 After 9 p.m. Clare McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Bo Johnson 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Bill Baldwin 942-3776 J. B. McMULLAN & Co. Realtor 120 Dundes West WHITBY 668-6201 OSHAWA 3-bedroom, 2 storey home in good repair. kitchen, living room, 3 piece both, full verandah. Centrally lec- ated, close to schools on shopping. List price $12,400. OSHAWA 2 storey brick home in ex- cellent condition, completely redecorated, Living room, di- ning room, kitchen, 3 - pe. bath. Situated on large land- scaped lot 44' x 1a ' and close _to schools, List price $17,500. ACT NOW! Harvey Hogan 655-3663 4,000. down on this 3 bed- Tom Houston 668-4416 | room bungalow, 4-pc. bath, Allan Thompson 728-2870 recreation room, large lot, Ralph Schofield 576-1680 50' x 130', aluminum storms, screens, doors, Car- Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS 40 King Street Eost SPARKLING NEW ond only 634% NHA mort- gage, choice north west lo- cation, 3 bedroom, split with ries for $129. P.I.T. WHITBY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY town, 5 room brick bunge- low, large living room and kitchen, electric fireploce, paved drive garage, well + a List price, $16,- AFTER HOURS CALL: Alvin Puckrin 668-4335 Doug Winstanley 655-3642 attached garage, family room Tim Vipond 668-8562 and extra washroom. Fully decorated and sodded, im- mediate possession. $2,400 DOWN R | ( A R D buys this 3 bedroom bunga- low with extra washroom and Lid. Real partlally finished basement, ta., Realtor carries for only $118. per Fe month including taxes, 2 623-2503 weeks possession, 576-1050 WESTMORELAND AVE. Owner will accept $2,000. down payment and will carry 72% mortgage for the balance, 3 bedroom, 2 stor- ey home in convenient loca- tion off Simcoe St. North, A real buy for a family want- ing a home for only $14,300. SACRIFICE The owner soys, this hos to be the best buy in Oshawa for a 3 bedroom oil heated home with attached garage, a choice lot, 66 x 158 ft. on Somerville north of Ross- land. Owner transferred and must sell, See it today. IF you are looking for a well kept 4 plex on Simcoe St. with o lot 264 ft. deep, don't woit, this one won't lost. Ill- ness forces sale, will sell for cash or owner will hold mort- gage. Building could be con- verted for many uses and this huge lot provides parking for dozens of cars. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 John Howson 625-9152 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Mark Tomina 723-1206 Roy Yeo 725-2217 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. on quiet residential street, handy to schools and shop- ping. Asking $15,900. Easy terms. ATTENTION Choice acreages in Brough- am, Greenwood, Claremont area, Some with stream and WILL BUILD TO SUIT Downtown Bond Street, 25 feet by 80 feet plus 10 foot driveway. One to three stor- eys. Reasonable. Telephone Jack Appleby evenings 723- 3398. Bolahood Brothers Li- mited 728-5123. bush; others with wonderful view. Give us a call -- We will find something to suit your pocketbook and your taste. Jean Whittington evenings, 649-2071 TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS Bowmanville Limits -- Mod ernized older home located on edge of this quiet little towit, Loads of fruit trees, good gare age and 1% acre lot. Bale ance 634% open mortgage. Asking $37,000, -- Produc- tive and well operated beef farm just a bit north of here, well within commuting dis- tance. Good house and barns, excellent soil on gently rolling terrain, $5,500, -- Compact older bungalow in Nestleton, only a few minutes drive. Give us a call, This is only asking price. Riding Academy -- Or pork, dance hall operation or golf course. 50. scenic acres of woods and fast flowing stream right through heart of prop- perty. Large fully equipped auditorium with snack bar and living quarters, also two new barns, Bessborough Drive -- Excep- tional home in an exclusive district. Seven rooms with at- tached garage, patio, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces and large, well landscaped lot. Hardware Store --- Can be purchased as going business with stock and living quor- ters. Owner retiring and wish- ing to sell out. $20,900. You can have immediote possession on this 6 year old immaculate bungalow loca- ted on a well landscaped, deep lot. Three spacious bed- rooms, bathroom has vanity. Many extras such as built-in china cabinet. Large comfort- able living room. Vendor hes purchased another home. so don't miss this once in a life- time chance to live in this select areo. Call Margaret Hall of Schofield-Aker Ltd. BRING RESULTS! cota Pam Real Estate et 723-1358,