Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1967, p. 13

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CE pag italian ER'S >PING CENTRE - TriME D VINTERIZE JUTERWEAR or The Whole ZELLER'S (men Sleeping Beauties THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 3, 1967 13 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Jamieson of Oshawa were among recent guests at the Guild Inn, Scar- borough. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Williams, Ancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. William Bickle, Queen-| : ston; Mr. and Mrs. John Kyles, Famil at The Westmount Home an d/Burlington; Mr. and fee nt y }School Association held a tealnoiyin Wall.' Mise Frances MR. AND MRS, FRED MAY recently. The guests were wel-|wall, Miss Linda Wall, John ZELLER'S comed by the president, Mrs.|williams, Gene Swenarski : : " Fred Smith and greeted by the|Lyndhurst, New J : ; Ope H F i Di } vice - president, Mrs. I. P. ra ain ere a a n Ouse, aml 7 inner and Mrs. H. E. Parr, Miss Bon- sel Parr, Bob Parr and Jerry . jober, all of Scarborough; Mr. H Co | Wed F ft y | uot ~ Ted Rapley, Orange- ONors up: e 1 Y als ville; r. and Mrs. Bruce 7 fl ; " Mr. and Mrs. Fred May Smith, Richmond Hill; Mr. and : Mrs. Joseph Pinsicik sate Central Park blvd. north, were ville; Mrs. W. Leichner, Hoch-jentertained at a family dinner heim, Germany; Miss Veronicalat the Carousel Inn recently on Sheridan, Adelaide Australia; |the occasion of their golden Christopher Jones, Bruce/wedding anniversary. They also Darcy, both of Tasmania, Aus-lneld an open house at their tralia; Mrs. Fred Watts, MisSiresidence for family, friends Bird Wilson, Mrs. A. R. B. Con-\ang neighbors. fee, Mr. and Mrs. John La- as. and Mrs. Fred May are tilipe, all of Whitby. . Toronto both natives of Newfoundland. yg 2 ee oy beri ov They were married in Saint . Scott, Mr. an rs. Robert > ; Armstrong, Brice Etherington Ames Anglican Church, To iss Susan Dunlop, rT. ani " An Rees Mrs. Joseph Etherington, Mr. sae gg residents of Oshawa and Mrs. Alan McLean, Mrs, E. ve chiens Patterson and the hospitality chairman, Mrs. Robert Moffatt. The principal, Frank Ross in- formed the parents of the rules and regulations of the school. The kindergarten and grade one teachers were introduced. Re- freshments were served by the executive and pouring tea were Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Ralph Boneham. Mrs. Don Tay- lor was. the recipient of a Cen- tennial coffee spoon as_ the lucky cup holder. MR. AND MRS. PERCY TAYLOR Oshawa Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylor,iniere were presented to the Hillsdale Manor, were honored|honored pair by the Bible Club guests at an open house held|Board. Pouring tea was Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Walter|Carman Westlake and serving Mills RR 1, Oshawa, on the|were Mrs. Keith Ross and Mrs. occasion of their fiftieth wed-|Alan Nicholson. Mrs. Gordon j ding anniversary. Wonnacott made an anniver- : Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were sary cake for this occasion. The married on September 29, 1917,/honored pair received gifts of in Christ Church, Folkstune. money, a congratulatory mes- Kent, England. Mr. Taylor sage was received 'from the ferwear entre rite ski-trail in Zeller's Everything for the dis- n action skiwear is here it any budget! At the open house Mr. and]|| Mrs. May were presented with a boutonniere and corsage and their cake was the wedding cake of the oldest. grandchild, Mrs. Walter Rebot. The family presented the honored pair with a money tree. Congratulatory messages were received from the Right Honorable L. B. Pearson, Pre- mier John Robarts, the Right Honorable John Diefenbaker. MP; and the Honorable Mich- ael Starr, MP. | Among the out-of-town guests || Guests from out-of-town that will be attending the Trottier-- Femia wedding on Saturday will include, Mr. and Mrs. George Niles, St. Catharines; Mrs. Re- gina Trottier, Gene Mattie, Mr. ada in 1919, They have been|behalf of the provincial govern-|Pouliot and family, Mr. and i i 5 ¥ a of Oshawa for 32/ment and Mrs. Taylor's sister Mrs. Gabe Trottier, Mrs. Del-| Qut-of-town guests that will cee' Ravan Lord "oe, Colevater, Oetarie; Mer Mav's . cabled flowers from England. |ima Mattie, Mr. and Mrs. Gilles be attending the Stephenson-|Murray May and Douglas May.|sister, Mrs. A. E. Bartlett, served with the Canadian Army {n World War I coming to Can- On Friday, the actual anni- versary day, there was a small celebration at Hillsdale Manor for Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Honorable Michael Starr, MP, a scroll from A. V, Walker on About 125 guests attended and out-of-town guests, included Miss Ruth Wardell, New York and Mrs. Raymond Gelinas and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Richard, all of Welland; Mr. and Mrs, Aimie Trottier, Ham- ilton; Mr. and Mrs. Noel Trot- John Schuermann. Jacklin wedding on Saturday will include, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Rodger, David Graham, daughters and two sons, Mrs. all grandchildren. They have four children, two of Oshawa and eleven who attended the dinner and|| reception were Mrs. May's|| Galt, and Mrs. George Robert- || son, Toronto. City, and the Reverend Vernon|tier, Port Robinson; Mr. and Hurlbert, Kalamazoo, Michi-)/Mrs. Raymond Hardy, Port Col- gan. jborne; Mr. and Mrs. William |McCreadie, Chippewa; Mrs. Al- _ Mr-AndMrs. Clifford Pilkey Mark ii." s.r: || Silver Wedding Anniversary |Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Rivera, Mr. Saturday evening in the jand Mrs. Val Femia, Mr. and : UAW Hall, Bond street, about Stephenson, Killarney, Mani-).+ Richmond Professional Insti- toba; Miss Miriam Stephenson,|tute and the Medical College of Killarney, Manitoba; Mr. and|Virginia in Richmond. Dr. Mrs. J. R. Stephenson, Bel-|Ottenbrite will be lecturing un- mont, Manitoba; Mr. and Mrs.|dergraduate courses at Rich- A. D. Dalgleish, Sarles, North|™ond Professional Institute and Dakota: Mrs. Alec Rorison, Mr.|Conducting graduate research and Mrs. Robert Rorison, both|/eading to a doctoral degree at of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Ross|the Medical College of Virginia. Millar, Delaware, Ontario; Mr.|PT. Ottenbrite's wife, Nancy, and Mrs, Earl Owens, Bramp-|has been appointed lecturer at ton; Thomas Owens, Syracuse,|Richmond Professional Institute At the open house held on Sunday a corsage and bouton- A Dreamy Collection You'll: find waltz, granny, nite shirts, cozy pyjamas, Baby Dolls . . . pegnoir sets. |Mrs. Gilbert Carlson, Mrs. Clar- ence Mungo, Robert Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Younghus- money tree and many smaller] gifts. Telegrams of congratu- All in the latest dazzling color and styles 2h, i es Clifford Pilkey on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Pilkey, the former Viola Brooks, was born in Oshawa, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brooks. Mr. Pilkey was Donald, Provincial Leader of the NDP; Tommy Douglas, National Leader of the NDP; the Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr; Mr, and Mrs. A. V. Walker; and from Ald- erman Russell McNeil and Mrs. McNeil who are at present David Fraser, Percy Baker, all of Cornwall; Mr. and Mrs. Meaford. Chapter 204 Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.|Mrs. Alvin Robinson, all of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. John 'Doyle, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crozier, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Fralick, both of Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. John Fleury, Daniel and Ronald be attending the Smith - Bas- tarache wedding on Saturday will include, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Smith Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Jr., from Lansing, Michigan. Harry Willis, Parents Without Partners, held a i 135 people from Oshawa andjlations were received from . . in the Department of Educa- 4 wey, attended a surprise|George Burt, Canadian Direc- ae f hottie Cae, Noemie tell ie Pog oad an ake tion. é and at prices to please everyone. Party to honor Mr. and Mrs.\tor of the UAW; Donald Mac-|Mr. and Mrs. Orval Baker, Mrs.|William Patterson, Mr, and Outaldewn: gobrta. that will NI : RIDE-ELECT B Coordinated \ | born in Pickering, the son of meeting recently, A dance was ' --_ | the late Mr. and' Mrs, G W.|travelling in the United States.|planned to be held at thelr" "0 Goats teens sutebtaye. tat Pilkey. Mr. Pilkey's family| Special guests were members|Carousel Inn on November 18.| The two Pleasant Monday |?' 4 - eadin on Rated Miss Elizabeth Anne Sco- : } moved to Oshawa when he was|of the original wedding party,|Two discussion groups provided|afternoon clubs, Hillsdale|Meoton wecene Ul FAME SY) Vine win become the bride ' a small child. the maid of honor, now Mrs.|the entertainment, '(Can Man|Manor and the down-town club oat Brace, Wayne, Peansy:| of Robert Allen Wades, th The latest in foundation ot I Both attended Albert Street|Arnold McEachern; the brides-|and Woman Be Friends', andjheld a joint meeting at Hills- Tanias Rathual Eres," Univer! os waa Zeller's Foundation' Depart- h Public School where they met|maid, now Mrs. Harry Tresise; | 'Searching for the Missing Par-|dale Manor recently. Mrs. age Pista veda ed F a ceremony to be e atte in eisdina Oa tek in Senior Fourth, now known as\and Richard Barriage, all of|ent Image". Five new members/Frank Higginbotham, _ presi- Darby, Went, Mr, ig a ais. last Saturday in October in had deal x | rade. 8 + high school| Oshawa. David Gray, the fourth|were welcomed to the meeting|dent, welcomed the visiting|Charlene Wyatt, Mr. and MES.) «1 Gregory the ° Great a hs Sine nee \ 'ance led to their' marriage|member of the original party,|by Mrs. Lois Crossman, vice-|club and presided for the/James White, of Whitby; Mr.) po Catholic Church panties, All at mini prices | September 23, 1942. Except "eel was unable to attend but called|president. Anyone interested injopening. President Mrs.|@nd Mrs. . shit, ; too, two years, while Mr. Pilkey|at the Pilkey home on Sunday. | joining is welcome to attend. George Lee conducted the busi- ough; Mrs. Ralph aia "4 according to announcement | | was in the armed forces dir: ness and the program. Mrs.|Leaside; Bruce -- l,) made today by her father, eet a world th Guests from out-of-town that/ruiton entertained on the piano|Brampton; Mrs. M. Perrys! stanley. v. Scoville, To- ; ng ; e Page fgg boil ey Showers Fete jwill be attending the Cannon-/and Mrs. Phillip Bell sang, ac-| Parkhill, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. onthe: Mae "duane bade couple shawa. Wilson wedding on Friday eve-|companied by Mrs. William|Vincent Perry, St. Catharines; aiion 4g tbh Son OF ME f | has risen in the ranks of the Mrs. Robert Kronas, Mr. and| Dr. Raphael Martin Otten-|Mr. and Mrs. David Smith,|Dennis Honsberger, Miss Lois : UAW, Local 222, and is now the} «3 mae Femia whose|Mrs. John F, Smith, Mrs. Irene|brite, son of Mr. and Mrs.|Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs.|Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard i New Democratic Party candi-| 2 °0tO to. Ludger Albert|Bates, all of Hamilton; Mr. and|Joseph Ottenbrite, Elizabeth|Vern Pebby, Belmont, Ontario.|Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William | | date for the Oshawa riding inj etic takes place on Satur-\Mrs. W. D. Stewart, Dundas;|street, has been appointed as-|Toronto guests will include,|Reilly, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. | o ---- pet age me day afternoon has been honor- Mr, and Mrs. Frede Nielsen,'sistant Professor of Chemistry'Richard Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.'Nelson Sunderland. ( ey has been active in ~ Pe toaien Auxiliary and is presi-|¢@ by shower recently. e eer eee = | | dent of the UAW Auxiliary No.| A miscellaneous shower was : ; | 27. held . ey , of an yooh | Mr. Pilkey presented his wife|dant at the forthcoming wed- | | with a new i of diamond|ding, Mrs. Noel Trottier, Port * / | rings and the bled guests 0. were | ba T nom They have two children, Allan and Jacqueline. Both have been active in community affairs. Mr. Pilkey Sherrall Femia Saturday's Bride presented the couple with a HOUSEHOLD HINT For neater cupboards, store envelopes of soup, sauce, salad dressing and drink mixes in-a napkin holder. 3] se ee WIFE PRESERVER Starting rose cuttings? Cover with a plastic bag, supported Mrs. David Trottier, mother of the prospective bridegroom and his sister, Mrs. Fernande Hardy. Miss Femia was pre- sented with a "This is Your Life': scrapbook and & corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Whitby, held a miscellaneous shower attended by neighbors and friends. A linen shower was held by Miss Joan Doble assisted by Mrs. James Doble, Dovedale drive, Whitby. In attendance were school friends of the bride- elect, An aunt of the bride-to-be, Mrs. Gilbert Carlson of Toron- to, was hostess for a miscel- laneous shower. She was as- sisted by two sisters of the future bride, Misses Christine and Angela Femia. The rela- tives and friends attending pre- sented Miss Femia with a "Cen- by sticks, instead of a glass jar. tennial Bride's Book." A Did you know that you can have better looks better, and actually costs less over the years by letting our experience and training help you properly select your home furnishings. We enjoy doing batty Haye Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST WHY WE DO NOT SELL OF FURNITURE! ROOM FULL furniture, that lasts longer, it, you will too! 725-2686 ning will include, Mrs. Mary Ann Stewart, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Perry, gg gy acne Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. William and MYrs./held for the down-town mem- and Mrs. Daniel B. Fudge, Oshawa. Reginald Donnithorne,|-- Peter Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Wartnall, Mr. and bers on October 16. Perry, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sexton, Willowdale; Reservations Are Now Being Taken For An Extra Special Festive ... SUN. & MON, - to be served Chanksgiving Day Dinner OCT. 8th & 9th 4:30 & 6:15 : YOUR CHOICE OF OUR FAMOUS FRENCH CONTINENTAL BUFFET OR THE A-LA CARTE MENU With Ber Facilities. Moke Your Reservation Now. Phone 723-4641 OPEN DAILY 11:30 to 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. AND EVERY SUNDAY 4:30 to 8:00 P.M. Dusters and Robes FOR THRIFT OR GIFT In soft feminine colors, and fabrics shorty length and long length robes. VISIT ZELLER'S TODAY and SAVE! Z OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE zZ EL L ER be DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE ST. SOUTH

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