8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 4, 1967 ¢ Glenwood, Old Colony and Boulevard Prints ¢ Assorted Dress Prints « European Printed Percales Choose from a wide range of colors and prints. All 36" wide. Comp. at 39¢ & 49¢ yd. OPENING SPECIAL WOMEN'S | | TWEED HATS | HEADSQUARES « _ Comp. at 4,98 & 5.98 Reg. K mart Price 87¢ yl K mart OPENING SPECIAL OPENING SPECIAL i yds. ¢ 7 } THURS. FRI. SAT. 177 2 for 8 THURS. FRI SAT. THURS. FRI. SAT, 'a> ain o> om PACKAGE OF 6 FACECLOTHS Reg. K mart Price 1.14 OPENING SPECIAL 89° THURS, FRI. SAT, Assortment of Bhoes 5 PIECE SEAT & SLEEP BATH he i DINE y i E SUITE see iin Reg. K mart Price 98¢ SET q Price 59.97 OPENING 7 Comp. at z.99 K MART K mart OPENING SPECIAL R OPENING eo" SPECIAL q SPEC » THURS. FRI. SAT. 2? c @ Ss * Gina ba HAND TOWELS . i RS. FRI. SAT. c THURS. FRI. SAT. A versatile sleep unit that masquerades as a davenport Reg. K mart Price 49¢ THU : during the day, and switches easily to a bed at night! OPENING SPECIAL iid sole: chenille Hath Gnat ul Pov ees Seay dines unit inelpess 4 chrome kit- pei is Corsi Pig" Rgeilt hy ny 'Colonial with matching lid cova Nai ba 4 in chairs and matching table, Available in Walnut with prints, All have walnut finished legs. able in assorted shades, ini ronze, White, Coral or Blue, et THURS. FRI. SAT. latex backing. fine assortment of POLE LAMPS Comp. at 9.87 Two tone jacquard and solid tone ; towel sets in a wide range of @ shades. Blushing Rose, Pacific Blue, Antique Gold, Chocolate Brown and others, BATH TOWEL Reg. K mart Price $1.74 Spank pont 1,23 HAND TOWEL Reg. K mart Price 84¢ Seca' OE FACE CLOTHS FP voi 336 First Quality Merchandise at DISCOUNT PRICES! k K mart OPENING SPECIAL Shredded Foam 100% Virgin ! | ) PILLOWS |NYLON YARN 4 . Reg. K mart Price 39¢ ball : Comp. at 1.87 . DESK & CHAIR SET | ome _ |" cmc The ideal Sienneet Bye Reg. K mart Price 37.77 cromel 4 ¢ THURS. FRI. SAT. hoursbusinese Constructed OPENING SPECIAL SPECIAL @ ; FOR with welded tubular steel Brass pole lamps with decorated frame, large storage areas, fiberglas bullet shades. Available § and Walnut finish in non- THURS. FRI. SAT. THURS, FRI. SAT. in White, Blue and Tangerine. -- enamel, Has matching biel bean chair. asy breathing Double Knitting nylon in 1 0 THURS. FRI. SAT. & foam pillows. balls, Assorted colors. Choose from \ ' i a Variety of floral jaem Yew -- Scan evn | THERMALWEAVEBLANKETS TOWEL & FACE CLOTHS : SHEETS & PILLOW CASES 72X90" Reg. K mart OPENING 4 7. 4 Cy i 'Tex- " Price 5.74. SPECIAL Hand Towels Bath Towels Face Cloths « PILLOW CASES Reg. K mart Price 1.47 Tex-Made' Price Comp. 79¢ Comp. $1.29 Comp, 39¢ Cotton or Linen TEA TOWELS wate - 1.17 THURS. FRI. SAT. : ; lid colour blankets with satin bindi ", Blue, K mart OPENING SPECIAL Reg. K mart Price 3/1.00 "39¢ 72 x 100" Reg. K mart Price 2.97 DAT | Sella clout blenkets with satin binding measure 72 x 90", Blue 53° $7 ¢ 23° tetany Me eg ¢ TWIN FITTED Reg. Kmart Price3.17 4) S77 | PRINTED GARDEN THERMAL BLANKETS f % Reg. K mart Price 6.87 THURS. FRI..SAT. nei ppene SHEETS . 2 57 Same as above with screen » FRI. SAT. : x 100" Reg. K mart Price 3.17 e printed designs in shades Opening 5 pt Digs | hil opeaniey ia 9 bright jeerioty of Boral OPENING SPECIAL for EIA na. ncseen cay 2 67 of Blue, Pink and Gold... Special 07 . rom Martinique, Morning Rose 'eg. K mart Price 3. Lisbon and Jacquard Prints, a ' : THURS. FRI. SAT. bs THURS. FRI. SAT. THURS. FRI. SAT.