Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Oct 1967, p. 32

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30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 4, 1967 'DUST OFF" Something You Would Like to Sell Then Call Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERV Ce DIREC PORT Mortgoges TV--Roadio Repoirs Accountants Building Trades WILLIAM ¢€. HALL, B.Comm., Charter-/ALL TYPES. buliding repairs. Roofing, ed Accountant, 36% yn Street East.|chimneys, eavestroughing, fireplaces, Telephone Oshawa 72: masonry. Gord May, Whitby. 668-277: THOUSANDS read Times "Ketion Classi- fied ads daily. ROOFING, hot tar and grav repairs, large and small jobs. GORDON R, DAY, Certified General Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-|EAVESTROUGHING, chimney flash- ing Centre, 725-9953. ings. Free estimates. All work gueran- BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. | 'e6d. 728-4797. Complete bookkeeping service, coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. = 7605. 178 Sim- TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busl- ness. Guaranteed work, 19c square foot. Mortgage Loans First Mortgoges: First Mortgagesorranged quickly. Current rate of 8%. Open half-yearly without no- tice or bonus. First mortgages orranged and _ purchased. Aereeents for Sale purchos- ed. Second Mortgages: Second mortgages orronaged at interest rate of 10% to 12%. Open half-yearly without no- tice or bonus. Second mort- gages also purchased. Rates for arranging mortqages JOSEPH G GUTMANN, Gh tered Accoun-|'7 Bond St. East. 723-5841 tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bend 'Street ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ali types ef East. Telephone 723-4833. _jcement work, stoops, Sayers 7 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher-|$55-3061. F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, _ tered Accountants, Licenced Trustees in/YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Bankruptcy, S72 Simcoe Street North,|Chimneys built and repaired; gas _lin- Oshawa. 728-7371. _|ings installed; roofs repaired. 723-2997. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- tered Accountants, Financial Trade Carpentry Building, 187 King Street East, ree ie : Ontario. 725-3509; S. Hopkins, CA . E. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA Quality Carpentry BI inti GENERAL REPAIRS ueprinting | Home Improvement Specialists BELL DRAFTING Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North. 7 Blueprinting and photostatic copies. and Reproductions} 723-466) Serving Oshawa ond District for Many Years. Honest and Dependable Service Building Trades Phone 725-8576 REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS | to HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a. Specialty James Allen and Sons 725-6126 ATLANTIC - PAVING } AND D CONCRETE. Get your driveway paved by haat 20c sq. ft., all work. guaranteed for three or 623-3411 ore very moderate ond ae- cording to Tariff. Will invite your comparison, MANNING F. SWARTZ (Arranging Mortgages for over 30 years) 262 King Street Eost, Oshawa, Ont. Telephone 723-4697 COLOR ol BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL T. R. 1.0. TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond ond Division TV SERVICE m Guadalupe, Mexico, TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 Hour Service HOLMES | ELECTRONICS cup- and RECREATION ROOMS, kitchen boards, trim work, remodelling a= repairs. E. Behm, 725-7066. | Dressmaking | DRESSMAKING, |Can Mrs. Neve, 201 Lupin. Drive, whitey, Boge hid od Leda had DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits, coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored wea Covers, drapes, Mrs. Tom, 668-2372. MORTGAGE LOANS We hove immediate funds to loan as Ist and second mort- gages, Free advice arrange- ments may be made in your own home. A. ROSEN member of Ont. Mont. Broks. Assoc. 725-0532 evenings and week- ends 728-5623. TV RENTALS TOWERS PHONE 668-5679 WILD GEESE °F Osoyoos, Canada, INSTEAD OF NESTING ON THE GROUND, OCCUPIED THE TREE NESTS OF FISH HAWKS- AS A RESULT THE GOSLINGS HAD TO BE FLOWN To eee £ACH DA BACKS T.V. Rentals NEW_ SETS ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES |Gardening and Supplies [st AND 2ND mortgages available. We y, sell and arrange. For | | sarvicns licensed broker, phone 728-9191. | GARDEN Personal 452 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-0011 p [FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale j}agreements purchased and sold. Hennick jand Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 723-7232. ~ SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service Years TOM 2 yey |East. 7 a eT Improvement serv-| SUPPLIE |$6,500. FIRST MORTGAGE required on in eke and area Reliable and| | $20,000. winterized electrically heated DOMINION reasonable. M. Lafontaine Const. 725 jcottage on lake front of Bobcaygeon. e Will pay up to 9 per cent for five years, TELEVISION Ra EE BA AEN SUPER FINE GRASS MIX Good covenant. Apply Box M76819, Osh- WE INSULATE your houses agains! NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX --jawa Times. 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 ture, rain & snow, . m. ares with cries chemical for PARKLAWN GRASS MIX WANTED -- First morigage, $12,000 re-|_---- 7-7 OT TO 7PM bricks, stone and block walls. For in- SUBURBAN GRASS MIX quired. Telephone after 6 p.m., 668-8440,|TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower formation, call ater, 4 ems, SN¢] TIMOTHY and ALSIKE iP $5. Oshawa, TV. "Supply" "Limited, rave: Sporina, 908 H $t., Whitby, On' inti i ee ee Re ap rites: OO Sporina, 90 lenry . MEDION BLUEGRASS ainting and Decorating ton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS sh -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; ditional words, Sc each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 yore. BEA addi- tional words 13¥gc eac! consecu- tive insertions of 44 words, 5.76; addi- fiona! words 24¢ each. | Charge--10 per cent edaitionel charge | if not paid within 8 days. i Method of Counting -- Less than 24] wo words counts as 24 words; eoch word, tial, figure or abbreviation counts os one word; phone number counts two words, Se --- DEATHS -- Cc OTICES ah insertion with 25 cents eddi- | al charge if not paid within 8 days. | MEMORIUMS 50 for the first 25 words ond 6c} each thereafter plus 13c per line of} verse; a56 additional charge if not pola within & days. CARDS OF THANKS Telephone 668-2450. | | | KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS |D © IT NOW while the weather Is nice. INDIVIDUAL GRASSES --[mates.'F. Schmigh 7259571, GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 | PAINTING and paper hanging, Interior EVERGREEN 6-9-6 and exterior, Free estimates and low EVERGREEN WEED KILLER Prices, Telephone 728-2834, C.i.L. TURF 10-6-4 SO-GREEN 7.7.7 |Plumbing and Heating MILGORANITE ' ' BONEMEAL Plumbing Discount PEAT MOSS POTTING SOIL 149 Brock St. North PET SUPPLIES Everything for the garden Cooper. Smith 16 CELINA ot: WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off "all supplies. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY. LONESOME? We love people, and wil Toronto, arriving at 8.30 a |RIDE WANTED from ;|2--Personal ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Oct. 16th, 17th ond 18th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for Pac | ment. 1 oe you meet them. Write Confidential hip Service, Box 14, Oshawa. j LADY wishes ride to downtown . Call 723- 0308 after six p.m. from Par Yonge and dudalen airiving was "Tele Phone 723-8692 after 6. 3--Sportsman's Column 723-2313 723-1139 DELIVERY SERVICE Rug - Upholstery Service | 50 for the first 35 words and 7c nae thereafter with 25¢ 5 geanirel| the! tharge if not pald within 8 days, COMING EVENTS $2.38 per inch (displey); $2.00 f first 20 "ee ond 6¢ each thereafter (Word $258 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS 4 p.m. weigh epg | bls AND ADAY OF "Puauicarion 'Fr RTHS_ AND DEA 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION | iN MEMORIUMS and CARD OF THANKS 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS | CLASSIFIED DISPLAY TOP SOIL -- MANURE No. 1. processed top. soil, No. 1 processed and blend- ed with cattle manure for top RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 @ Wide selection of Fibrics @ Workmanship Guoranteed (five full years) @ Easy budget Terms--Free Estimates @ Over. 20 years experience THE FURNITURE CENTRE: 90 Simcoe St. North dressing. Well rotted cottle monure. Prompt delivery. 655-3331 OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE LTD. | T column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. CAN CELLATIONS AND CORRECTION 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled geval | publication will be charged one day BOX sais RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to} forward replies to Dox numbers to the | advertisers os soon as possible, we ac-| ity in respect of loss er ed to arise through either| failure or delay in forwarding such fe plies however caused whether by negli- gence or ctherwise. The Times will not e res le for replies uncalled for} n 20 REGULATIONS | THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE} RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE| N Wi VERTISEMENT PRICE CHARGE FOR A SI ero IN "WHICH ERROR OCCURS. Oshawa Times reserves the right to advertising. according to its classification. will not be held responsible that which the . The publishers e all advertising but assume no libility rtisement if any inaccuracies in any 'form ore contained therein. 1T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Clossified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Women's Column rsonal 9--Mark 10--Farmer's Column V1--Pets and Livestocr 12--Articiles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted 16--Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properties Sale Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 5--Houses for ni 26--Apartments for Rent 26a--Expo Accommodation b--Automobiles for Sale he cases of display advertisements] The Tir | TOP SOIL--MANURE | |SHeSTERETELDS PROFESSIONAL HUNTING LICENCES -- New and used guns bought, sold, a ded. Ammuni- tion and hunting Pirie fd Valley Creek, lest. 16 Bond St, SKATES, new and used, f ment and sticks at Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. 4--Motorbikes YAMAHA - SUZUKI -- Authorized dealer. Repairs all makes. We will buy and sell. Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E. 728-9191. 16 DUCATI, '66, best offer. Complete with crash bars, handle bars. In excel- lent condition. 668-8695 between 6 p.m.- 7:30. hockey ec equip- bargain prices. E., 725-6344, %45 HONDA CB 160, good condition. Best offer. Telephone Bob after 5, 725-9344, RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery | Angus-Graydon 728-6254 re-upholstered and Free estimate. See our mate-|§ Nursery stock for Fall plant- |rial for re-covering. Slip covers made - "Cal OS ae |to order. Malton Upholstering, 75 Charles |; ing. Call |Street, 723-7212, HARDSAND LANDSCAING |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- ii ished 20 years. Workmanship guara' 725-1721 \teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses re-built, furniture re-finished. Os For free estimotes MERION-KENTUCKY shawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 25-0: |Sales and Service BLUE GRASS SOD | All-Green Nursery Sod Growers Visitors Welcome | 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N. | Y2 Mi. North Taunton Village | GOOD STOCK SO D CULTIVATED FIELD Excellent Quality, Low Prices Loaded or Delivered. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE ALCAN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S.--Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 | Visitors Welcome. | _ (O74. | J. KAMSTRA | LANDSCAPING |. GARDEN' SERVICE ts 728-8267 ase |service. jGEDAR TREES for hedges. | 655-349 * I. Instruction |696 PIANO: Classical and popular, Facscy | SUARANTERD, eS; Telephone | VACUUM and polisher + makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors. NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, outboards, all makes, air cooled engines. Parts and service. Largest service in shawa. 74 BARRIE AVE. 728-2791 or 725-4633 AND M REFRIGERATION applian- air conditioners, washers, stoves, ryers, water coolers, all makes. Spec- Frigidaire service. 24 hours 576-3771. repairs, all at Lees, pick up and delivery. 728- Ee her: |For information contact Patricia Tuck, |television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and 74 Burk Street, Oshawa, dial 725-4587, | |BALLET, BATON Twirling. Regis mel is p.m. daily, Harvey Dance Academy,| : Oshawa Shopping Centre. 725-6122, BALLROOM DANCING. . Social, , Latin,| International Style. Group classes or/ {private lessons. No contracts. [prec October 12. Les and Dot Rud- jkin, 728-8439 |Simcoe South, ice on calls, Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. p. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 723-0011 SRTIEEE® "repaired, welding' . Open 4:30 p.m. Telephone 668-6211. 'Septic Service Classes SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt serv- Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut 5--Trailers TRAILER HITCHES made and install- ed. Also all types of weiding done. Port- abie equipment for rent. 723-6840. TRAILER STORAGE -- Geneva Park, OF Hee Wath MOTHERS Rne-s---Believe Ht or Not/ "Ey oon apy --_ ing in his oO rmcherr " WHEN HE DIED THE DEATH CERTIFICATE CITED AS THE CAUSE OF s HIS DEMISE, WATER ON THE CHEST © King Fear Syedaata ina, 1967. World sights remamedt 8--Articles for Sale |8--Articles for Sale 4 Sanne Ga white apt dhe 9A--Eggs & Poultry 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. AVON CALLING 10--Farmer's Column Now is the time to earn DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Telephone collect Hampton 263- 2721. MN. Licence 101-C-67. 400 BALES cod, clean wheat s Telephone ML. straw. semen 263- Leghor b- bits for sale. i. Wind, "RR 2, New- castle, money selling Avon's beauti- ful line of Christmas gifts. Territories open in Oshawa ond Courtice Rd., so don't delay, Call or write to MRS J. HILL 11--Pets and Livestock Black POODLE CLIPPING and shame, reasonably priced. ry Bea service, Whitby. Telephone 668-69: JES and trained di foys and breeds. $25 up. Delivered. Tele- ee QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again available, a breeds. Telephone 728-9609. POODLE CLIPPING specialist. Stud service and toy puppies for sale. Lun- dilu Kennels, Townline Rd. N. 723-6216. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, talking strain. Apply P. Broad, 114 Elgin East. GERMAN Shepherds. Rea'd. pups. Pro- fessional training, boarding. Stud serv- ices, Pinto. Show mare. Texas saddle.| Shirts. Cozy J Ranch Kennels, 655- DOG TRAINING classes, sponso! y the Oshawa Obedience Association. In- quiries invited for the fall course. Tele- phone 723-9708. AQUARIUMS Fr. repaired, custom built, "foteed new and some old style for sale. 725-2 partranY PTANY SPANIEL, | 18 months. Make excellent bird dogs, pointers and retrievers. Reasonable. purebred, male, 140 NONQUON RD., OSHAWA or Phone 725-9696 for personal interview DIETITIONS ASSISTANT Experienced in hospital diets preferred. Salary commensur- ate with experience. Apply in writing to Personnel Dept. AJAX - PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL AJAX GIRLS BE A GO-GO DANCER Top wages, travel, meet in- teresting people, experienced, but not essential, around 21 years of age. Write Box 76588 OSHAWA TIMES Telephone 725-0743. Be eRe | BEAGLE, purebred, six months old, has needies, beautifully marked, house trained. Only $20. Telephone 723-1652. TWO female beagles running, also two registered. Pups, ay fe aoe old. All NOW | SIX SERVICE BAYS | FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct | wheelalignment,; inspect and correct castor and comber- align toe - in and toe - out to correct condition .... $7.95 @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bor adjustment extra. BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cors. First Quality Rovaline, 4-wheels, $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel, each $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture] Bc and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. | PIANOS, upright, _re-conditioned. All jPlanos delivered. Over 40 to choose |from. On Highway 7, six miles west of Brooklin, Plano Re-building Company, 942-5547. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. TYPEWRITER, standard, $25; portable $25.; IBM electric typewriter, $45.; add- ing machine $20., also electric. 723-4434, and Whitby, box stall Telephone 1-839-1348. Persian, house broken. Telephone 263- 2050, after 6 p.m. WELSH CORGIE puppies, red and white. Bred from obedience champions and champion blood lines, Apply 452 Loring Street, or telephone 721 728-9888. PUREBRED MINIATURE chihuahua, male, four months, paper trained, obeys commands, golden brown. 39 Park Road North, MALE gpd gaa five years old, $15. "| Openings HAIRDRESSER required immediately, part-time or full time. Must be experl- enced. Apply Canada Manpower Divi- sion Dept., 314 Simcoe St. S. Modella Hairstylists. UNLIMITED Opportunity For Extra Earnings. Become a Beauty Counselor. in management and_ sales. -|Mrs, Elliott, section manager, 725-9442. YOUNG, EXPERIENCED waitress, part time. Apply 333 Simcoe Street Sout! h. HAIR STYLIST, female, experienced, to take over clientele around November 1. $80, - $100. per week. Greig's Hair Styl- ing, 33 King St. W., Bowmanville, 623- 2932. WAITRESSES required, all shifts. Ap- ply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, King Street East. (No telephone calls, please.) LIVE-IN ae "sitter. after 5 p.m. Telephone 725-0551 GLASS REPAIRS fo wood windows and aluminum screens, Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you Purchase from Western Oil Company. 725-1212. FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new furniture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South, | TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash|° registers, new, used, sales, service, all makes. Call your Royal dealer, 728-3664. ED WAITRESS for Smith's PERSE pars: charming gis good breeding, registered. Telephone 668- 6105. beagle. Has old. Tele- FOR SALE. Large, male, all needles. Fifteen months phone 576-3637. RED BONE and Tick puppies for ek Eight weeks old. Telephone 668- PosbLes miniature, _silver- "grey, regis- tered, six weeks old. Telephone 725-3886. STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, all makes, large selection, reconditioned and guar- anteed sales and service. 728-3664. TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down, $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used, rentals, service, trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1- 1-985-7160. PIANO, upright, 50" high. All re- conditioned with new keyboard. Tuned to concert pitch. Piano Tuner, H. Cave, 942-5547. FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 ALUMINUM @ SIDING @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS @ DOORS LES : EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 Prince St. 725-4632 Oct. Ist fo April 15th, 10 minutes from down-town, 40 acre parkland for winter sports included with storage member- ship. Call 655-3821. APACHE TENT TRAILE ice box, gas stove, sleeps six, spare tire, extra plastic windows and canopy. Tele- phone 725-6179. 15-FOOT house trailer, 1959 Pyramid sleeps five, propane stove and furnace, ice box, spare tire, jacks. $700. 725-8687. 6--Marine Equipment CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcraft funabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. Oshawa Yachthaven 723-8186 "STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. Evinrude motors. Open seven days a week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., Brooklin 655-3641. 1968 SNO-PRINCE si Diabloy. Also two $475, each, Wilde Rental, snowmobiles, Huski, snowmobiles, 668-3226. CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers; color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed, Sales and Service 9 a.m. to9 pm 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All w uaranteed CEDAR POSTS, | Reasonable. Telephone 728 366. VACUUM REPAIRS, ali makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. PORTABLE ELECTRIC washing ma- ment living. $25. Telephone 728-372: tioned vacuum cleaners, priced from $19.95 and up. Telephone 723- 4163. 'USED TIRES, most ali sizes, B. F. Good- rich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.9 95, mat- tresses half price, all sizes, headboards 7--Swap and Barter BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17; toilets, basins, $10; pressure systems, sump pumps, kitchen and vanity units, made to. order and installed; piping fittings, cars, trucks, trailers, H. Chinn. 723-7088 or 728- 7288. Se yk CLEARANCE of Kitchen & Dinette Suites lovely 5 pe. suites with high backed chairs, wood grain vinyl backs, walnut arbor- ite tobles. 9:95 Many more all sloshed price, WILSON' S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST, in one-third off. _ Factory outlet, 723-3889. SIMMONS" Conlinental bea es "Tale: Pe BUYING, ro Lae Pieeey Steppin M yes Continental 1, % size, Vele-| plazas, any business, C. McCullough, W. ML ARY Ho nASY, ,ieigerator, (siz0 phone 725-6432. Frank Real Estate, Realtor, 723-7843, Condition, Telephone 576-0663. 6 HP VIKING outboard, 1965 smeael, 728-7585. ge GIRL GUIDE form, | "14, chrome excellent condition. Telephone 8459) OPPORTUNITY to be in business for high chair, abort pale' chrome atter 6. Hieliglt with a ela wecuets carpet sweeper, children's life jackets, every home owner a prospect. Full, or 10 hp Johngon outboard, .run less 100 9--Market | Basket | partime. Small investment. Completely hours, as double-barrel, table covered by inventory. Box 76901. saw. 725-9103 THISTLE | BABY < Carriage, two-tone 15--Employment \ Wanted gray, also large crib, complete, very WINDOW, ~ NDOW, wall and floor cleaning. rately. Telephone 942-1394. OVERHAULED, 283 motor, complete including heads and carburetor, etc $150. 50._ Telephone 723-6794. 23" RCA TV, excellent c cabinet, $99.; 21" Philco Predicta TV, $59.; fully re- conditioned and guaranteed. Telephone 723-8728. DRAPERY Lie MATERIAL DPE", |Janitor Se THE REED KING COMPANY pee 'Surveyors ONEVAN AND | FLEISCHMANN, On- A large variety to choose from DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED ond CUSTOM MADE GOLD lazy boy chair, large bive suit- seat and arborite top, small trunk, cedar chest (needs refinishing), camp stove, green hostess chair, ironing board, private sale. 723-2150, TWO Quebec heaters, one medium and --Compact Cars for Sale --Trucks for Sale GET. CASH: FAST . .. | SELL WITH TIMES 39--Notices ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS NEED HELP in @ hurry? Place a Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, For your convenience we mointain a tow truck: at East ond West Locations. Oshawa Towing PHONE 728-7711 ing system, power humidifi- ers, electronic air cleaners, gas and electric appliances. 576-3915 or 723-9079. KIL- LINGBECK. Heating and Ap- pliances. Help RENT THAT VACANCY throvgn Rent Ade -- Call 723-3492 today for action! maculate condition. one 728-5057. SuRniiveae USED wringer egies television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 up. Alcan Furniture rl Appliances, "32 Simcoe South, 723-0011 ag chine, hand wringer. Excellent for apart- 3. VARIETY OF GOOD, used and recondi- good condition, both $33. Will sell sepa- 4. WRINGER washing machine, $25, baby case, telephone gossip bench with swivel steamer MoD 88 Winchester rifle, complete with sling, extra site and case. New condition, $125. Telephone 725-1895. 12--Articles Wanted CONTINENTAL BEDS, | rugs, , and' co plete. household furniture and appl ances needed. Must be in new_condi- tion. Also adult size bicycles. Private. Telephone 725-5136. Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeill's Furniture, 668-5481, i 668-6526. 71 20 - FOOT trailer, 17 "to camper preferrably a late model In good condi- tion. Telephone 723-0774 EY PERSI (small), LICENSED hairdresser GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.|time, wan etc. Riviera Thalrstylings ire Simcoe Street South. RELIABLE WOMAN children, one In school, shift work, Mar land-Park Rd. area. WOMAN fo babysit, two children 3 and eeks Coffee Bar, day shift. Telephone 725- wUaees AID for Hursing heme at Co- lumbus. Telephone 655-4 FULLY pets rsaiireaa for exclusive dining room, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday Friday. References. Write Box 76647, Oshawa Times. MATURE FEMALE con 'companion for old- er woman, and do light housework. Small willing to prepare meals salary In nice home. plus room and board Write Box M76822, Oshawa Times. COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH requires JAIL GUARDS Several positions are vacant for guards at the Peterbor- ough County Jail. The suc- cessful applicants will be required to work shifts per- forming a variety of correc- tional duties including the supervision and control of in- mates, These positions offer the successful applicants an opportunity to serve the com~- munity by participating in an overall correctional = pro- gramme. SALARY: $4,280.00 -- $4,- 780.00. $4,580.00 -- $5,- 080.00 effective Jan. 1, 1968. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 10 education; integrity, self-con- trol and mature judgment in irregular situations are essen- tial; good physical condition; minimum height 5' 8". Apply in writing or telephone Mrs. J. A. Spurway, Clerk- Treasurer, for an application. Personal interviews will be conducted during the evening hours. wanted _ part- ime. Apply in person at Rena's Beauty alon, 1350 Dundas St. &., Whitby, 668- 4321. HAIRDRESSER WANTED part or full must perienced. Apply to care for two Telephone 723-0784. GREY PERSIAN lamb coat Power mower, chesterfield suite, rifle, other articles, Newcastle, 987-4630. SELF-SERVE GBS barbeque with erm- er, W3-chicken capacity, one year old, $495, 723-1951 or 576-0273. TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 4-ft. structure all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele vision. 728-5143. HOUSEHOLD discardables removed. No: charge if enough value to cover trucking. 723-6381. FIBERGLAS FENDERS and up. New and used built starters and suncaves. 4 Nilgon whe tah STERE perfect condition, asking. "ae $150. an 373 Phillip Murray. ONE TYPEWRITER Remington, electric $89, office desks $29 up, one meat slicer $35. MacNeil's Used Furniture, 215 Dun- aes Street East, Whitby. 668-5481, 668- 652 FaLEVIpON | SALE, 17" 21" RCA Victor, 21' General Electric $39, 21 Motorala $49, 24" RCA Victor $59. All sets reconditioned and guaranteed. 576-3877. BAND SAW, Teco Master, 9" throat, like new, Eumig P& automatic movie projector, Yashica 8 movie camera, Small 22 calibre rifle, Gag hg sewing machine, child's crib 30" Beau- tiful hand made lamps, # aya for aur peene: Apply 136 Colborne Street Admiral $29, Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 _ Polish National Hall for Rent AIR CONDITIONED Wedding Receptions, Ban- quets, Parties, etc. We Cater if desired. For more informa- tion call Joe Dlugosz 728- 3718. Peter Soltys 723-4332. ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred people: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, parking. 723-7726, RENTALS. Hunting equipment, guns, de- Coys, boats, canoes. Wilde Rental. 668- 3226. hospital beds, walk- ers, reducing machines, sick r 'oom SUP- plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. 14--Business Opportun WHEEL CHAIRS, | past) PIECE chesterfield, in good dition, . platform chair, Frigidaire relrig erator, leatherette bed-couch and chair, dining room table and buffet. 723-7539. BICYCLE exercisor $10, 14x 16 beige carpet, Sunbeam deluxe hairdryer $5, mouton coat, size 14 $7, snowsult. 576- 321 FOR SALE -- Lowrey Holliday organ, Soney tape recorder, English radio- Soney tape recorder, English radio- gramme, Sanitronics, all nearly new; piano, studio couch, refrigerators, elec- tric ranges and other household arti- cles, 518 Victoria St. E., Whitby or phone after 5, 728-6581. PART TIME OPPORTUNITY Own your own profitable part time vending business. Com- plete training with continuous assistance, company supplied accounts. $1,500 investment, PIANO -- Upright, Mason and Risch, apartment size, 45" high, 10 years (old. Whitby. 668-8524, | please. Mink Stoles. rE 13--Articles for Rent 11 years. Two weeks per month, 7 fil! ; " rard area, (Ride Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- home). 728-1547. BABYSITTER. Must be reliable, per- os) CU ee eee manent, to come into home, two children, Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal one in kindergarten. Bayview Avenue, No Oshawa callers, 18--Male Help Wanted WE PAY YOU TO TRAIN FOR RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Rapidly expanding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast has immediate openings for young men to train on the job for Store Management, with further op- portunities in Home and administrative positions. @Ages 20 to 30 desir- able. Single men pre- ferred. @Starting salaries: depend on age, education, and past work experience. @Future salary depends upon the ability and performance of the individual. Extensive expansion programme and super- partial financing available. iano Co. 2- PIANO - Reconditioned, Rebuilding Co. Telephone 942-5547. -- Upright, Heintzman p player. 50" high, $550. Piano Reply: | BOX 76648 | APPLES Mclntosh stroller $5 and wedding dress, size 12, 3) P. B h | $20, Telephone 576-2670 after 5. $ er usne DEEP FREEZE, refrigerator, 2%-inch television, bunk beds with smooth top mattresses. Apply 237 Nassau Street, Oshawa. ALGOMA ORCHARDS Ltd. Painting for office and home. Janitor's supplies. Waxes, cleaners, paints. Rub- ber and vinyl floor matting. Multi-Clean Janitorial Service, 725-1885. LOVING DAY CARE by widow for pre- school children, years of experience, free pick-up and delivery. 576-1337. MOVING, move insured, odd [obs done, with or without truck. Rent truck with driver. 728-2882. GOOD CARE for one child in my home, five-day week. 530 Addison Crt., be- tween Wilson Rd. S. and Farewell Ave. Phone 723-1892. nat LADY WANTS to do housework by the jay. References. Telephone 725-0434 after p.m. wo DAY CARE for one or two children in my home, Across from Oshawa Shop- ping f Lentre. Telephone 728-4106. DAY CARE given to one chi or four. Dianne and Olive area. 2. i, age three Tele- vised training provides excellent opportunity for rapid promotion based upon individual _ per- formance. Employee benefits in- clude Pension Plan, Group Life Insurance and Health Plan, Profit Sharing, Summer and Winter Vacations. QUALIFICATIONS @ Leadership ability. @ At least High School education, or better. Attractive starting sal- aries for both High School and University Graduates. @ Willingness to accept periodic expense-paid transfers during train- ing. REPLY IN WRITING stating full particulars: Name, ad- dress, telephone number, age, marital status, education, and previous work experience. MR. FRASER McINTOSH c/o ZELLERS LTD. 226 Stevenson Road S. Oshawa, Ont. Service Commercia! and industrial|tario Land Surveyor,' Commercial blue- lone. small: phone ompres: edi . :. -- reer Nag Oa) een el ahd geri |i Ontario Street. 725-5632. Varlous other articles, Telephone 725.) Thickson Rd. N., Whitby (position in doctor's office wanted, Ex- steg H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. 28. perienced in PSI and other phases of 8464 or 668-8328. Office 47 Prince St. Res. 103 Elgin St. DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES CHESTERFIELD wile," wopiece, foam doctors' office work. Telephone after Money to Loan te 725-6881, 74 Celina 723-7827 rubber cushions. Good for recreation 6:30 on RAB ESRC fos Sit sistas Bee room, $25. Telephone 668-5089. sis wee L i se 2 oe eping at NEED CASH fo consolidate your bills,| OWENS a FREE ESTIMATES LADIES' Muskrat %-lenath coal in per-|McINTOSH APPLES for sale. Bring home, Telephone jena buy that new car, boat, travel expenses.) 1 fect Condition. Size 14. Best offer. Tele-|your own containers. 723-0379, 173 Gen, FINNISH LADY wants housework by We feature second mortgages of 12 per TOWING! No obligation on your gas, {Phone 725-4654, tard Road North, the day. Telephone 728-4859. orl ge ol bb a raged et al 24 HOUR SERVICE oil or electric forced air heat- |GE 30" electric range with grill,_im-|PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, Spanish Hp , e y NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 Asking $85. Tele-jonions. Bring containers. W. Eymann, Ya mile east of Roy Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corne FRESH VEGETABLES -- Tom corn, Spanish onions, peppers, potatoes, cabbages, turnips, pumpkins, squash, GUITAR, case, pent's ; diamond ring, three large stones; ladies' coats, sweat- etc. Walter Huron Farm, '2 mile west of Oshawa on 401 north service road. ers, dresses, size 18-20. Telephone 725-|MeINTOSH APPLES, $1.75 bushel, bring containers, 111 Thomas. Street. 28 PER MONTH The cost of this ad daily for one year. Too small to be noticed? You're reading it! LICENSED MECHANIC APPLY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BA, 525 KING ST. W. WANT-ADS DON'T EATON'S in Oshawa Require the following personnel @ Men's Clothin Salesman... (Commission Basis) ® Refrigeration Repair Man... These are permanent posti- tions wilh all company bene- fits and good opportunity te advance. Apply Personnel Office (Upper Level) Mon. to Fri. between 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. and 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. TW celPaateobuecnnneaser | AUDITORS Salaries up to $8168 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Various Centres in Ontario To conduct periodic and spe- cial examinations of records of employing establishments in connection with Unemploy- ment Insurance contributions. For full particulars as to duties, qualifications and ap- plication forms etc., refer to circulars on display at Post Offices and Canada Manpow- er Centres. Application forms to be sent IMMEDIATELY to the Public Service Commis- sion, P.O, Box 8, Toronto- Dominion Centre, TORONTO 1, Ontario. Quote file 67-T- 350 on application and cor- respondence, SALES POSITION WITH A FUTURE To earn above average com- missions servicing accounts established in income > pro- tection, TO QUALIFY @Must have a car @ Bondable @Over 21 years You will be selected for ad- vancement to key manage- ment position. Call for appointment PES] R. DARUWALLA 725-2551 Wed., Thurs.,Fri. 8 to 10 am. COST--THEY PAY Men Wanted' For Apple Picking Must be over 18 years. COME READY TO WORK AT 7:45 A.M. Red Wing Orchards 2% miles west of Whitby on No. 2 Highway at the Big Red Apples. » Pre ale Help \ PLANNI DRAFTSM 'o undertake variec assignments. Prim -- map preparat! lettering, 9! Eig essential. To assist in -- survey projects. Gr recognized draftin Experience in toy municipal or relatec osset, Varied and interes in regional planni Fringe benefits. SALARY ty 350 -- ANNU! FE oa on qua and experience. CENTRAL ON OB PLANNING OSHAWA SHOPPIN OSHAWA 723-341 ~ LARGI INDUSTRIAL IN_ EAST SCARB( requires the service eral plant laborer: duction work. @ Should be 18-2 e te good health | cal condition. @ Rate $2.20 per @ Complete empl fits paid for by pany. REPLY TO OR I MR. MALCC at 282-11. CANAL JOHNS-MA CO; Lit WEST HILL WEST HiL YOUNG To assist manage branch of coast chain organizatior ence unnecessary, tion field, but mu to converse intellig 1, Aged 18-26. 2. Neat in appear 3. Able to start in SALAR\ $110 We 725-25 9-noon. REAL €S SALESM Wanted for Oshe Inquiries treated tally, Call W. Bo noger. W FRA RLTR. REAL ESTAT $06 Simcoe St. 728-75¢ ge ee SALES A' WANT For en exclusive dustrial hardware erea from the ec of Toronto to Be If you are currer in this area and ested in an excl missioned line of ed products. Writ BOX M7é THE ONT) MOTOR LE Oshawa Of has an openin Members Sales Repress Full or port time writing only to District Sup Ontario Motor 172 King St. E. WAIT work, several evenings -- experienced. Apply gh caster, 27 King West, ¢ DRIVER AND HANDY: shop, Older man preferr ance. Apply In person 2 East, Osh Oshawa. START YOUR R OWN | international company, § consignment, no money rning money this wet 'am. Telephone 723 SHEET METAL man | ence preferred, not nece Telephone 725-7783. BONDABLE MAN for work, reliable. »_Telephor FUEL OIL salesman or commission. Apply Ltd., 285 Bloor St. W. MAN WANTED Be a 0 work BY eta" 19--Male and | Help Want HOW TO MORE MOP MEN and V 1 need a full o person to help m mand for a much vice for motorist: dginified, good pr No experience ne a car is, For full phone 576-3351. COCKT, WAITRE AND WAITE Experience not Apply Mr. Came sha Hotel, no F please. Si00 WEEKLY or more ladies, men, to take © tories, Whitby, Bowm: 128-4922, You'll Find \ ai | Want--In

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