THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 4, 1967 13 Former Track Athlete Fights From Wheelchair HALIFAX (CP) -- Jack Bell! After a year in a Briiish\afternoons off. ('d pull the fur- overcame the handicap of|Columbia hospiial bed, Bell/niture from the walls and do poliomyelitis at the age of 10 to|began rehabilitation. He went|there first. I kept a tidy ship." become one of the world's top|out with other paraplegics and) When he left British Colum sprinters, then saw his sports|would push himself 30 cityjbia for his parents' home in career ended in an automobile|blocks, a gruelling task for the| Shelburne he found he had idle 1or Hockey s s istrations wa minor hockey regis- will continue at the > Auditorium, Saturday, nantams and pee wees ring. ams will iegister Satur- om. 8:00-11:50 a.m. and & ce all-star camp 'om 4:30-5:50 p.m. Wee and novice all-star are open to all boys in Bosox-Cardinals Clash | Brings Back Memories | By MURRAY CHASS dienst, the Cardinal manager. |Puerto Rican ever to start a peer ee aes to be tate "What|Series opener. ball fan who was out of diapers|do you remember best about that at the time remembers the dar-|Series?" a sp sandebaigerwe pak ie ing dash of Enos Slaughter that) 'Losing it," was the ans wer 4. ri " mi sy f et it a Ws enabled St. Louis Cardinals to/from Doerr, Red Sox coach who ie. nd ah oe di 1 yr A beat Boston Red Sox in the 1946/had just finished hitting ground. ae Sete SUke Pe : s ident that crippied him. fit, astounding for a paraplegic.|time on his hands. id Series. t Boston four games to three, ® acc e grouping. ig aavar lent the: fiest tier go ig gar winning the seventh game as Now, at 28, he is a quadraple-| He Jearned to drive a special. The Canadian Paraplegic thing recalled by Red Schoen-|start of the 1967 Series, **)Slaughter raced from first to gic, confined to a wheelchair. ly equipped car and worked as|Society decided he would profit WIN SECOND T HURON, Mich. (AP)-- nia Seals scored their He sits in a Halifax taxi office dienst and Bobby Doerr, the| Schoendienst will send Bob ule Bite on Harry Walker's bit and works as a night dispatch- ; 1 to left-centre field. : opposing second basemen in|Gibson, a fibreballing righthand- That year the Cardinals, by residing in a busy urban a taxi dispatcher. Living alone P . centre and arranged his jour in an apartment at Surrey. er. B.C., he cooked for himself and ney here. straight win in pre-sea- 4 tuum die Ge aa -- leg sau " under freshman manager Eddie His sports career came to anidid the housework, mar-, Although his jon provides the ational Hockey League -- "clash between St, Loui d| Jose Santi Dyer, had to beat Brooklyn in a abrupt end in British Columbialoeuvring himself about in his|satisfaction of earning his own adi) tt, bent Santen ey ae ander, eppeced We, "eanitt-|playott to win the National in December, 1959, when_his| wheelchair, \way, Bell's boundless love for Ah North Stars 3-2 "We won it," said Schoen-Ithe disti se en League pennant while the Red spinal cord was crushed in a| "Tt did my own mopping and|athletics has provided another ladles a ; : Pencen-'the distinction of being the firsticg:" coasted to the American car accident. Bell, a native ofjwaxing with a squeegee on mv'ambition. ve 2, |\Shelburne, N.S., was left quadraplegic, paralyzed from| the shoulders down. | But he refused to become just | FOR THE BEST IN an invalid. | slearly in life when he welll' SPORTING GOODS AND struck by polio. "My legs were like toothpicks," he recalls. | STEREO (NORDMENDE), SEE It was two years before he! learned to walk again and then, not content just to hobble ' SPORTS & about, he trained himself to STEREO -- League crown by 12 games. This season it was the Red Minor League Bisons Sox, under first-year manager Dick Williams, who had to win the last two games of the regu- s ® lar season to take the AL pen- ge a 1 omnia oo pant while St. Louis breezed by 10% games. RAILE RAGE . Schoendienst, however, TRAINER, SIORAG Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Orland Kurtenbach matched|doesn't see any significance in KAMPING | California Seals, touted to win|goals in the third period before|a team having an easy race or ' ' the Western Division title of the| Phil Esposito set up Hodge inja tough one. UNLIMITED expended National Hockey|front of goaltender Gilles Ville-| "I don't think either team has IMD q easter League this season, took a'mure for the winning goal an advantage in that way," Hi t e hed rownline Road N si , ; f it y,' run, Ss sports career reache orth 'league beating Tuesday' petroit's goals were scored|Schoendienst said. "I don't a peak when he ran 100 yards on. 720-9008 % night. ; |by Gordie Howe, Gary Berg-|think the Red Sox are tired in 9.5 seconds, a record-break-| 201 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA o Buffalo Bisons, given stani-) man. Floyd Smith and Payl|They showed that against jing mark at the time, out goaltending from Ed Chad-/Henderson. Bruce MacGregor|Minnesota. And now they've | connate wick, defeated the Seals 4-3 at contributed four assists jhad two days' rest. That's all -- Port Huron, Mich., in one of : : | " four exhibition games involving ,, Ya" Cournoyer tallied dur- "C tendienst, 44, sees at least NHL clubs. NE @ Dower psy for Montreal. | jue similarity between the Red In other games, Detroit Red) A power-play goal by Edjsox of 1946 and the Red Sox of Wings rapped Montreal Cana-/Hoekstra with 41 seconds| 1967. diens 4-1, Boston Bruins edged|remaining boosted Philadelphia) : New York Rangers 2-1 and Phi-|into its tie with Minnesota|'GREAT HITTER' ladelphia Flyers tied Minnesota|before 1,339 fans at Kingston,| 'They had one thing we knew nvenient "Shopping" North Stars 4-4, |Ont. Bill Sutherland scored ee ee ee the series," he our family, represent- Greg Pilling, with two goais,|Philadelphia goals and Leon! Said, "'and that was a great hit- Gerry Ouellette and Guy Trot-| Rochefort one. as Ted Pager pind they ter tallied against Charlie) Bill Goldsworthy paced ve nother great hitter we Hodge, former Montreal net-|Minnesota with two goals while|<rOY %00Ul Carl Yastrzem- minder. making his debut with|Len Lunde and Mike McMahon|* ener | SALES - SERVIGE - PARTS - ACCES. Magazines Tobacco = sel i | WHERE THE SERIES WILL BE PLAYED yep ebbing | roy Doerr, now 49 with his curly MOTIVE Seals. added one each. These are the ball parks Fenway Park, home of the home of the St. Louis Car- @ OPEN SUNDAYS @ | 4 OL tints scored twice and jhair turned gray, remembers} where the 1967 World Series Boston Red Sox. Below is dinals. (AP Wirephoto) | | AWAY MOTORS Alain Caron once for | lad it was to lose that) will be played. At top is Busch Memorial Stadium, , | ie bandas t, wie The Seals forced Chadwick to Instant Grass "It was a tervific letdown," | % RENE a HOME OF LINCOLN... m make 41 saves while Hodge |he recalled. "We thought wel |$119,622; Dan Sikes $113,274; | URY ... METEOR | * turned aside 28 shots. | . Ihad the club to do it 'Seven op TOS)/Frank Beard, $105,908; George AR... FALCON & FORD ; | I S Lo | Soars ue ; Archer, $88,117; Gay Brewer, | KS. CONCERN FOR INJURIES | n t. u1s "Losing it was terribly disap- 81,277: Bob Goalby, $80,230 en Evenings till 9 P.M. Ken Hodge connected with/ |pointing. We just ran into a| " 1 : a eye of in official } ) a by | seven seconds remaining in| ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Ground-/club that was ved hot coming Won Over 1 + ei clas with $182,398, followed] I ubliec Skating | Boston for the Bruins' victory|keepers are showing instant/out of a playoff. Our club could| bo oN Te Piston Re with: $168,998: e IS WEEK'S SPECIAL : but the Rangers were more/srass inside Busch Stadium as|be keyed up in the same way."| PALM BEACH GARDENS, | PY . tas 810: Casper, $116. - pogbari ' concerned over injuries to key|St. Louis prepares for the) Following Santiago to ihe/Fla. (AP )--Arnold Palmer oie sivas" stil pally Sandeye TONIGHT 8 id Ni to 10 p ah eorver Now sete ee players. Winger Larry Jeffrey| World Series, |mound for Boston will be Jim{leads professional golf money $103,783; Beard, $101,412; Arch: earns belated 13. $495.00 7 was cut on the left eyelid and) A special "three - day' grass|Lonborg, 22-9, in Thursday's|winners with $192,242 in officia ler, $81,691; Brewer, $77,823; | ; | es . : }, MOTOR SALES : taken to hospital for treatment| was planted Tuesday in the out |Second game and Gary Bell,|and unofficial prizes, the PGA Goalby, $74,096 : ae Wednesday -- Adult Skating Only | Repairs to All Makes of Shavers and Clir--rs ie of an abrasion of the eyeball, | reig tn hal ir the d 13-13, in the Saturday contest at}announced Monday. : Ltd ne @ Ice flooded every hour, P 509 BLOOR E, defenceman Harry Howell OD Tepe Ne CRO a Voile, Behind him was Jack Nick- ' hin | @ Supervising attendants injured his back and forward|Caused by St. Louis Cardinals|' Schoendienst says he will usejlaus with an unofficial total of BREAK RECORDS nea ab ein hig OSHAWA SHAVER SERVICE aa Gilbert apparently injured) National Football League gamejDick Hughes, 16-6, Thursday|$191,566. aa eas eae pata ee Pigeons Baroy | PLIES Licensed Mechenics s. wrist. |Sunday with Detroit Lions. The|and either Nelson Briles, 14-5.) Others on the list of top tenjo Sov Ws cy, | si neral gvllcn @ Wheel There was no information|rye-blue grass mixture is/or Steve Carlton, 14-9, Satur-;money winners and their totals|r op ert ed pine a eae | & SUPPLI ope ment and Balancing @ immediately on the condition of| scheduled to sprout Friday, ajday, depending on whether he| were: CWO en BYORe. Wor see | 39 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA = Tune-ups. the players. |day before the first of the three|needs Briles for relief in the| Billy Casper, $131,152; Julius | records in the 800-metre relay! AN'S GLRAGE Tom Williams of Boston and|games set for St. Louis. first two games. (Boros, $126,554; Doug Sanders, and the 200-metre hurdles. son Ss, 723-8371 NEEDS je NURSERY ROOM omplete line of ... rriages @ Strollers @ Cribs ys @ Infants' Wear end h sories, 26 King #., Oshawe 550 Pree Delivery R_SERVICE wiee @ week delivery. ' R SERVICE Coll today... 34 today! Pick up & Delivery. S Cleaning Centre Bicir Perk Pleze y 668-4671 Send DANCING _| wa's Finest Dining Reem icheon Buffet ners 5:30 to 9:00 ner Dance Nightly servations eall 723-4693 RGIAN Motor H Snow Cruiser 68 SNOW CRUISER 68'S THE MOST ADVANCED SNOWMOBILE EVER MADE FEATURING: NEW REVERSE | GEAR FOR EASIER plain Rd. Oshewe ' HANDLING ! TAINMENT. S WELCOME Tables @ Snack Ber adioom @ F.M. Music 'n accompanied by par- ire welcome. DILLAC BILLIARDS ing W. Oshawa 725-8112 K-11: 2a | Love It... RIED CHICKEN ske-Out -- Coll 728-3301 jams Fish & Chips tevenson Rd. N., Oshews r . ' ' . a You can't really believe all that's happened to Snow Cruiser for '68 until you see It . . « ATTENTION TO Be eg ig because there are so MANY new features engineered into it. Yes, snowmobiling has + @ truck for every need. 25-2831 Day or night. KWOOD Moving AND STORAGE *rop. J. E. Cleveland changed . . . and this new Snow Cruiser has changed it. HERE ARE SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS: UMBER >ITAGE OWNERS OPEN @ Cruis-o-matic control for quick easy starts @ Seats 2 adults and 1 child All Types of Used " : @ Endless double chain, 18, 20 and 22 tooth VILDING MATERIALS @ Lighter, more manoeuverable, faster ket en AM. to 7 PM. 9:00 to 9:00 sprockets LLIED WRECKING @ 16 hp, 2 cylinders produces speeds of @ Stylish, automotive type instrument panel Burk 725-4171 35 m.p.h, plus @ Hond operated disc type brake TY _ STORES 'HING FOR EVERYONE 3ACCOS =@ MAGAZINES TS @ BRIGHAM PIPES 8 a.m, to 10 p.m, daily a ee NG SUPPLY lelding Supplies Ltd. Grenfell St. -- Oshewe hone 723-7743 rything For Welding" tributor for Canadian Liquid Air. 7 DAYS | @ BANK FINANCING EEK " @ ONE YEAR WARRANTY Now On Display at... ==||| OSHAWA YACHTHAV mole Har Care | HARBOUR ROAD (Off Simcoe St. S.) Ce . . 728-8501 J | nes ? ( : ' * LTD. TELEPHONE 723-8186 sie's Hairdressing