Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1967, p. 5

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Ball Here tial Train guesis were welcomed liam Miller, president of efit committee; W. Par- hairman of the reception 'tee; James Jacques, H. rg, J. Branton, F. , John Gillyn, John D. McDonell, C. Brock- ohn Short, H. Ibbotson, rris, J. Stanton, D. Ro- y. Asling, M. Bowden, rown and Dan O'Leary. jance was held in a 200 oot room on the ground yhich was brilliantly il- ed and carefully and ly decorated with bright streamers, The walls ined with plants and and on the walls were led the various small, instruments manuface y the company, such as ins, guitars, banjos, ete, gnificant pipe organ, company product adorn- end of the room; while tre of the floor was fit- th a platform for the 'a. The platform was ded with rare plants and for the dancing was | by the famous Glion- arsicono Italian Orch f Toronto. Members of 1 committee were: P. , W. Williams J. 0'. E, Foster, A. Williams, er and B. Wheeler. g the intermission a 1 of vocal selections d by Fred Warrington, cnown Toronto baritone; yn Lawrence, soloist at irch of the Redeemer, and Mrs. R. S. Wil- An organ recital by A. and a trick bicycle act Nery of Toronto added enjoyment. upper, which was sery- ttings of 300 each, was ed by John Manning, aunders and John Tuck- sted by H. Samells, W. mes Jacques and John Russians Vienace' interest in foreign among many ordinary . But the broadcasts 1 wider horizons fu. the g@ man, and gradual n of foreign tourism iim often into contact stern visitors. 'dinary man's exposure Vest worries the Com- yarty not only because ases the flow of un- d information, but be- gives young people ac- music, literature and ideas still effectively by the regime for - consumption. g as the Vietnam War ;, most diplomats see elihood of major Soviet s in international poli- generally accepted by ymatic community that is a heavy burden for economically and politi at Prime Minister osygin has tried to per+ anoi to accept a reason- tlement; but that the for a variety of vea- fuses to exert undue on the North Viet- DAY IN ISTORY E CANADIAN PRESS 107 5. invaded Ethiopia 33 ago today--in 1935-- first step in Mussoll- ins for a new Roman in Africa. Ethiopia d to the League of ons for help even he invasion but all jappened was that ountries applied ns--excluding vital e invasion cemented rman alliance with nd the disintegration league. Ethiopia was ed in eight months bombing and use of gas. Emperor Haile ' was reinstalled by arms in 1941. Evening Star found: ead York with 250 Czar Ferdinand of a abdicated. irst World War years ago today--in falian forces 1 Austrian attacks ' positions at Mone abriele. Attacks by | troops north of the Road and between Hamlets anolygon ear Ypres were re- 'ond World War y-five years ago --in 1942--British dos raided Sark to information regard- pected ill-treatment sh residents of the nel Islands and that all male citi- ween 16 and 70 not to the islands had moved to Germany. fficials are said to be that internal pres- iin the United States with Hanoi's disillue ve apes will com- tually to produce t olution. a! MASTER - of - ceremonies Bert Heaver gets together man George Plummer, Whitby Mayor Desmond Whitby United Appeal Gets Roaring Kick-Off WHITBY (Staff)--The Whitby 16-year-old Patti Tiggelers) United Appeal committee mem- United Appeal lifted off with ajchosen as Miss United Appeal,/pers, the Whitby Rotary Club roaring kick-off Monday night, psig on giceeny pone lt Con: took off with their style of when 400 residents attended the/chosen from nine contestants,|"Tijuana Brass" music, fol- U A Variety Night at the Henry|three from each of the town's|lowed by Carol Smith of Rotary Street High School auditorium.|high schools. |Revue fame, who sang, ac- The variety program intro-| The program started at 8 p.m.}companied by Joyce Bain, duced Whitby's most ambitious|with the Whitby Brass Band,! 4 trio of dances was per- United Appeal to date, with anjunder director Stan Redfern,'formed by Denis O'Connor stu- objective of $38,225. It saw/performing selections ' Mayor Desmond Newman kickj"Mary Poppins." a football some 20 yards, and| After the public relations man Wil- liam (Bill) Booth at Whitby | 3 Suzanne McCarrol, including a introduction of gypsy pallet, charleston and a tap duet. s ba The County Town Singers Legion Offers To Build were next on the program. The group was introduced by James pe i Ashley and Sheila Smith per- Swim Pool In Brooklin = A new Whitby group, "The BROOKLIN (Staff) -- A pro-lity a $1 phe ~ pool bore ee ; piers Wi con- . posal to bulld community/tucted by the branch. 'The|#Oup, consisting of 18 and 14 swimming pool in Brooklin was) 601 i, planned as a memorial| year-olds, showed their musical submitted to Whitby Township|to the men and women who gave|skill but appeared to be a trifle Council, Monday night, by|their lives in the Second World|!oud, even for the huge audi- from dents' Mary Ellen Miller and| formed the accompanying piano} with United Appeal chair- "Newman and United Appeal United Appeal kick-off var- jety night Monday. --Oshawa Times Photo | PLAZA BUILDING /TO START SOON BROOKLIN (Staff) -- A letter from Food Chain prop- erties Limited assured Whitby Township Council, | Monday night that it is the | firm's intention to start the erection of a shopping plaza at the intersection of High- way 2 and Thickson Road within 60 days. Township Clerk William Wallace told council the firm and the F. W. Woolworth Co. had appeared before com- | mittee of adjustment at its | last. meeting. At that time it was stated arrangements were being made with the Whitby Public Utility Com- mission for a water supply and for provision of a sani- tary sewer. Mr. Wallace said the town- ship had entered into an agreement with the firm some years ago but that no time should be lost in revis- ing this instrument. He said | the question of a site plan | agreement would be brought | up at the Oct. 11 meeting of | t | ™ MISS PATTI Tiggelers, Honorary Appeal Chairman Whitby United Appeal, Here awards the roses to Miss UA. Miss Tiggelers defeat- 16, a Denis O'Connor stu- George Plummer presenis ed eight other contestants st a her with pledge cards while at the Henry Street high , . r saben edy Mayor Desmond Newman school auditorium. --Oshawa Times Photo THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 3, 1967 5 5 . ; ROAD RACE CHAMP in aig a Whitby mail) sre. AGATHE, Que. (CP)-- | : : Guy Monnet, a 32-year-old pas- | "I live at RR 2, Whitby, but try cook who took advantage of |am listed {n the Oshawa seciton|Montreal's bus and subway jof the telephone book,' said|strike to get into shape, won Deputy Reeve Hanna. "You will|the Canadian 15-mile road race probably find that when the|championship Saturday in this telephone exchange {is changed, resort centre 60 miles north of the mailing address will also be |Montreal. Monnet, a member of changed. In any event we canithe Mount Royal Francs Amis |discuss this further on Thurs- club of Montreal took the lead jday."" from the start and finished | Council approved a resolution More than three minutes ahead lealling for a single tax rate for|f his nearest rival |county purposes over the whole ;=-- Inew municipality following amalgamation. It «was felt this |would result in a slightly higher |levy for the area of the present jtown of Whitby and a slightly |lower rate for the area which !s jnow the townshi,. FREE Estimates, Reasonable Retes, Repoir Specialist. NAME SPREAD Bougainvillea, the climbing jplant of South America, and | Bougainville, largest of the Sol 24 Hour Service Installed Fast Dependable Rodio Dispatched fomon Islands, are named for lumbing Servies. the 18th-centuy French explor SERVICE MADE US, }er Louis Antoine de Bougain Coll 723-1191 TALKS GARS Have You Got "DODGE FEVER?" | Planning Board to make a gar- |bage disposal study. | With regard to garbage dis- posal. Deputy Reeve Hanna noted that Whitby council had suggested using the township jdump and abandoning its own dump when the development of) |the new Whitby industrial park 'WHITBY TOWNSHIP Amalgamation Issues Discussed By Council jgets under way. He said the life | BROOKLIN (Staff) -- A num-|I feel this machine is not justi-|\dump was about five years. If iber of matters referred to it by|fied now." |the town used the dump it would | ; aN z ; 'cut this in half. This matter the joint amalgamation commit-| The deputy reeve said the sian Waa veteran to the. aial: jtee were considered by Whitby |assessment of 18 county munici- gamation committee for disvus- |township council Monday night.|palities was taken over -by the sion. \In some instnces approval was|county this year and it was diffi-|,. ek given but in others the question cult to co-ordinate all the work) eee ene tly aid Alaene was referred to the amalgama-|in one year. The situation MAY| seman of Whithy ot the fhe tion committee which will meet|straighten itself out in a year or} eti Poche a mal tio here Thursday nighi. lso as the county has the ma-\™® err o I 4 SRGHEE up. ni All members of council were|chines and staff to do it. ieee at te ESUSHE ey he urged to attend Thursday's) Mr. Hanna said the township ae rp sho S aifontces dor the |meeting to acquaint themselves/had to lean heavily on the ad-| ep Spat for wher ee o lwith the issues. It was the gen-|vice of the town tax collector. |"°¥ sked § ar ty Thortl z for eral feeling that ratification of |The new machine, which costs | BroP ie Wa ichonke nee hone recommendations should be/$14,000 is being Icased for $450) umber ie propoked "il the made at regular council meet-|per month, Whitby Pap PA Shel i ings as to the Wisk of COUNCD Dogs, GARBAGE would be amalgamated, Coun. Brady said the fact thai to keep the taxpavers fully in- The question of the humane formed. : -- we society assuming dog control)many residents of the corrido: \TAX BILLING |capita was deferred to the joint|dresses will cause confusion. He | After a lengthy debate the ac-\committee as was the proposal |could not see why all those liv- * Chrysler * Dodge * Coronet | Dart * Charger Vern Grady . . . SEE YOUR CHRYSLER BOYS! ... VERN & JERRY o oe THEY. HAVE THE CURE! Jules Rusonik 4 Jerry Keen A Northside Chrysler-Dodge 918 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Branch 152, Royal Canadian| War. Legion. The proposal was re-| "This a tremendous gesture," ceived with approval and coun-|S4/d tne et ni es It : cil will ask the Legion executive|Something that wou n: 0 to meet it at its committee/Sreat benefit to the community) ; at large. It is a facility for) So night to which the township has been The Legion's letter said com-|S'atved for some time. This} mittees have been set up and as|PaSt summer we had to turn) | goon as the approval of council| 2WaY People who wanted to take} is received, it plans to contact part in the swimming program. area firms and organizations for, "I am quite sure we could financial support, The branch|Work out something for them as has asked the townshnp to|regards the land required." donate the necessary land. | "I feel it would fit into tne The pool, the Legion said,|community park," said Deputy would be sold to the municipal-!Reeve Gordon Hanna. WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS St. John the Evangelist CWL|Captains Mrs, El Taylor, Mrs.| traveling bridge and euchre|Mary Bibeau and Mrs. Doris| hostesses for the month of|Holley. They were assisted by| September were: Euchre --/Lieutenants Mrs. Rowan Col-| Mrs. Rose Jones, Mrs. Arthurjlins, Miss Mimi Verriett and O'Connor, Mrs. Leo Steffler,|Mrs. Ann Hyderman and Rang- Mrs. Gertrude Lynde, Mrs./ers Lorraine Bibeau and: Devie Mary Kennelly, Mis. Anthony|Taylor, The 67 Guides attend- VanDyke and Mrs. Ray|ing participated in a sing-song Bibeau. Bridge -- Mrs. Peter|around a huge ponfire, Ottenbrite, Mrs. Ivan Davie, Mrs. Robert Nettle, Mrs. Bruce} Unity Club Past Noble Grand} McColl, Mrs. Robert Mackey,|(Rebekah) held a_ successfu! Mrs. Charles Daigie, Mrs. Wil-|euchre night at the IOOF hall} liam McMonagle, Mrs. Jack|with Sister Lena Pellow in| Lailey, Mrs. Joseph Corrigan,jcharge. The winners were:| Mrs. May Lyons, Mrs. Mar-|/Mrs. Emil Ruteshauser, Mrs. |Harriet Bayes, Garnet Craw- garet McCormack. | ford, Miss Norma Moth, Mrs.| torium. | he planning board. The Miss United Appeal con-| test followed the musical selec-|mer, into the middle of the audi-|was approved with Coun. James tions, and each of the contes-/ence where, after a fumble, it|Brady in opposition. tants made a short statement on/ was retrieved by a young girl. | Deputy Reeve Gerdon Hanna the workings of the United Ap-, Following the entertainment|said tax billing is being handled peal, |the variety night turned to Ajfor the first time this year by The winner, Miss Tiggelers)more serious note as pledges|the county. As a result he had said today's society had been|and contributions were received/received a complaint from one tagged as selfish but judging by/from various town individuals|taxpayer, who was accustomed the turnout at the school, and industries. jto paying his taxes by Oct. 15, {quisition of billing and posting Whitby people had proved un-, Whitby's Bert Heaver was/being penalized fer late pay- selfish, master of ceremonies for the ment. evening, while the variety) 'That is just another instance three judges for the con-|¢' : at is ju The three judges for the con: | nts program direction was|of the inefficiency of the county ole ew Hpac Tnegaet i giecied Mor Peter O'Shaugnessy. By|/They can't do anything right," promptly crowned by Mayor Oct: 21, the nine _participating|said Coun. Brady. "I feel we Niwmah and presented with a agencies in the United Appeal/should insist they do it right bouquet of roses lexpect to achieve their ubjec-|We should urge the county to The contest finished, Mayor) -- tives. iprovide a satisfactory service Newman squarely kicked a foot- ball, held by United Appeal hon- orary chairman George Plum- AT THE | to attend. The mission commit- TOP tee last year worked for the OF THE HILL | Korean orphans' home by sew- THICKSON | ing baby clothes, baby layettes RD. and sheets. At present they are assisting other groups in pre- paring articles for the bazaar. This centennial year the quar- ter action project goes towards a home for servicemen in Korea. Members of the board) sent out more than 50 letters to prospective members invit- ing them to join the work of the society. 1390 ed DUNDAS ST. E. BUY at the "TOP" OR YOU MAY PAY "TOO MUCH" Mrs. Janet Visser and her,Gilbert Drewry und W. H. daughter, Miss Alice Visser,| Willoughby. | King Street, have left for a} four-week vaeation in Holland! Christian Reformed Church where they will visit relatives.|Ladies' Society Work and Pray- Miss Visser accompanied byjer meeting was presided by! her cousin will tour Holland,|Mrs, Herman Snyder. Mrs. L. Germany and will visit several Mngelage was in charge of the other places of interest lintroduction, followed by a dis jcussion period, During inter- St. Mark's United Church/mission Mrs, J. Herder and) 2nd Guides' company had as|Mrs. C, Alkema served re-| their invited guests, St. John|freshments. Members were re- the Evangelist Church 3rd and|minded of the annual meeting! 5th Guides companies at a cori|to be held Noy. 9 at Whitby| roast outing held at Heyder-|Christian Reformed Church! shore Park. FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OiL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD and its Advisory Vocational Committee offers EVENING CLASSES In charge were:|when other groups are inviied| DURA STEP ONE PI English for New Canadians Tuesday end Thursdoy 7:30 to ¢ FOR YOUR NEW HOME Driver Eaucetion ee Tuesdey 7:30 te lome Nursii Tuesda: 230 te @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD Hosteas! Conking Tuspdey 5:30 te STEPS * First Tuesdey 7:30 to Miia Fitness (Men) They a ; t . . inery uesday tf @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON Auto Mechanics Tuesday 7:00 te TREADS AND PLATFORM Drafting and Blue Print boiled Thursday Bs to IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL SIZES Riscnian Shop Thursday 7°00 to Welding Tuesday 7:00 to Woodworking Thursday 7:00 te BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. = at Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute REGISTRATION OCTOBER 10 end 12, 7 P.M. to 9 P.M, Classes begin the following week Pre-registration indicates thet the following courses will be offered: Conversational French Tuesday 7:30 to 9:30 Art -- Advanced Tuesday 7:30 te 10:00 ECE CONCRETE Art -- Beginners Thursday 7:30 to 10:00 é Ceramics Tuesday 7:00 to 10:00 Interior Decorating Tuesday 7:30 to 9:30 Physical Fitness (Ladies) Tuesdoy 7:30 to 9:30 ewing -- Intermediate Monday er Tuesday 7:30 to 10:00 Sewing -- Beginners lednesday or Thursday 7:30 te 10:00 Beekkeeping Tuesday and Thursdoy 7:30 to 8:30x Business Machines Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 to 9:30x horthand -- Beginners Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 te 9:30x Typewriting -- Beginners Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 to 8:30x The following courses are being planned if sufficient registra- tions are received: ™ Subject to change depending upen registration * Single term course only with separate fee schedule REGISTRATION FEE -- $10.00 No fee in Bosie English A material fee Is charged for some courses, Textbooks must be pure chased for courses requiring them. i PHONE 655-3311 |machine for the tax department! \for the Central Ontario Jointling in the new municipality duties at a cost of 50 cents perjarea had Oshawa mailing ad- || Be On the Safe Side Deal With Northside af you name its': yellow pages has it %,° Our town's got everything... fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the one place to find them all is in your Yellow Pages. When your friends or business ac- quaintances are in your hometown, or you're in theirs, it's easy to find nearby accom- modations. Hotels, motels, tourist accommodations, cabins and resorts are all listed in your Yellow Pages. And when you are at any one of these fine places you or your friends will probably find a wrapped drinking glass like the one illustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the Yellow Pages habit... everything's here in town. \ Ke YELLOW sq. PAGES a8 /)

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