20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 2, 1967 126--Apartments for Rent | 26--Apertments for Rent | NOW RENTING | More end more of Oshowo's 21--Farms for Sale BUYING OR SELLING, any size con- tect --, egg W. Frank, Real € ealtor. 7: or 728-7585. SANE TILES - good produc- 160 acres wworkeble, Belance Ing: ferm. i bush and pasture. yey Loar ery sy nicest people are enjoying | Will sell equipment also. ° oy sasetio, W. ©. Martin Realtor,| reasonable rents at the | 728-5103. 22--Lots for Sale OSHAWA CITY LIMITS 10 acres -- $2,000. per acre, 15 ecres -- $2,000. per ecre, INVESTMENT PROPERTY 20 sulte cpertment site in Oshawe. Excellent location, $30,000, including el! bulld- ings. ZZ<FYMNON Y=TR> Call CLARE McCULLOUGH 723-7843 W. FRANK oe | PHONE 728-9724 | REAL ESTATE LTD. j | | | 725-2915, room, parking, two minu 13 S65. Teleph 28 (OT IN VERY DESIRABLE ort | L U x U R Y APARTMENTS aveliable in October,|shopping centre. Telephone nis paar mbt ert ht Rc ROR section of city. carve prepaid, Georgian Court poghiich Whitby.'}3 ELGIN STREET &, Furnished room, ALL USED PARTS, tires, --. redi- underground hydro, 728-0194. j Telephone 668-2296, or 668-3470. refrigerator, parking, gentieman pre spindles for trailers, springs. 50? MAPLE GROVE -- bes? location ONE- and TWO - BEDROOM apartment on first |ferred, $12. weekly, $13 with hot plate./Bloor Street East, 7232281, et _ ait ¢ floor, heated, $105 monthly. Close to| 725-1497. '64 BEAUMONT, two door automatic, ry sien close fe Fear Ken Renn 728 TWO- BEDROOMS north General Motors. One child wel-/RoYAL MOTEL, Whitby fag Posting space an we fen? Sretion. 4 |come. Telephone 723-3050. | ntly or weekly, hot, ¢o c . . Excellent jon. Se Rosier 3 -- ap a ea loa aaa ae mei ure couple In ex- Water in each roo 08-501 2 cash, trade, terms. Peleshok Mo- PRIVATE "SALE, approximately $ acres, an es ocation | or Bs jan. 942-6300, fr ye change for cleaning duties. For further nn Hanlon, *Ttephone 6132697. ieee FREE information telephone 723-167 '28--Room 'and 'Board 6) CHEVROLET Nomad wagon, like SACRE wn ed lot, excellent 'ing; | FOUR ROOMS, apartment, private beth. Room AND BOARD for gentleman. c" tires, body, babe Pench Fadlo, ed lot, excellent hun' | " Bk dhsbdace or gent eek. Lic. 1 feliman's, Teacer sreses @ HEALTH CLUB -- [Telepnone 728-c4e. OM eee eh Abe ee Abe w y Asking $2500. cash.) Burnt River eres, wind a Apply Gordie Gransden, RR 3, Fenelon) @ SAUNA BATH [ONE AND TWO bedroom apartmente,|Street, Oshawa. chino 19ST CAE OLET station wagon, @ evi. p Telephone 887-5015 IMMING |stove, refrigerator, central. 428 Simcoe)ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen: inde, standard shift. $250. Apply 138 in e@ SWIM Street South, apartment 4, In larpe room," TV outlets all conven oar ig suet 23--Real Estate ate Wanted _ POOL ONE AND TWO bedroom apartment in e ide da avidin osteitis &% ACADIAN, ; 327-350 horsepower, Mun- -- | modern apartment buliding on Simcoe ose ratio transmission, positraction. Family and Adult Floors. Furnished or Unfurnished. RENTAL INFORMATION Clients in deporate need of | homes in the Oshowa area. We supply the Purchasers. j| You supply the house. | CALL 576-0330 380 GIBB STREET Street North, @ FOR RENT @ Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Mon, to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments, Controlled entrance. Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground, ae SHELDIAN MANSIONS | @ Sublet large 2 ond 3 bed- i i the 1. phatlsh eee oo fre or bet ade et fospitel rE a Mint automobile. rool p 4 paca ch EE ¥ KS ash, rade or terms. elevators @ Free hydro and FURNISHED tre po yet cee Peleshok Motors, Ajax, 942-6300. i i plan an tat A bette can parking. 119 Agnes _ Street, 1953 FORD '%-ton. Good condition, vs breferred._. Apply . -\ automatic, radio, twelve volt " CALL 728-2502 ie for lady, cozy very large room, kitchen and| including kitchen, suitable [bathroom unfurnished, heated, separate|Phone 728-5606 after 4 p.m trance, parking. Simcoe Street South.| SELF-CONTAINED | Hydro included $65 monthly, Telephone controlled entrance, rr and drapes supplied. 728- 9 3. APARTMENT FOR RENT. Two larce|ciea 7 annals fOr TOUT 723-51 1] rooms, stove. Abstainers. Suitable for | CLEAN HOME 'with Good iritals fo beds elderly couple. $55 per month. Telephone!) laundry done and lunches packed, five-|hardtop, V-8 automatic, H. Keith Ltd. ie YOU Plenty iia Se REALTOR could be the bad buliding, athroom, stove, '0 monthi ~ WANT YOURHOME | WANOLD NOW? | LUCKY TENANT lon vate entrance, stove and HREE ROOMS and bath, second floor, refriger: . After 4 p.m. Apply 3 | j DOLLARS tore share garage. Television hook-u ~ DERRION Seah OL eT, fo Weis CASH & TERM TC 2 few i : - ber /Bus at door. Ideal for one, 725-952. 20. __ |} PONTIAC. STATIONWAGON,. 1x i nt nui lauto tic 0. ' BUYERS } with your bay ty 2 SIX large rooms, downtown. Tenant 29. Wanted to "Rent ma oan cial gd gual pur: Coll Willard Johnston 728-1066 | to be drawn on January 2, could sublet one er two rooms Loach ih Besa endear vehicle. ic, g emis feats AKER |. 1968. Ing. Avaliable October 1. Telephone [MIDDLE AGED couple, no children 5 Penn: eee SUN TS See wish to rent with option to buy two or has SUTRA MME ESAS bee ce a ABT OC SCHO! Bedsitting room $80 two \SWe Wad WO DRITGGIT MRari@enian feut;| three bedroom house In quiet neighbor: 31_c c for Sal LTD bedrooms $119 and $129. istove and refrigerator Included. Children |hood. Write box 75823 awa Times --Compact Cars for Salejtion Barn. Incl.: stove, fridge, hydro and electric heating. To be seen by appointments only, CALL 723-5325. Details of draw given with applications only. ! | | | WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME ? We hove mony buyers, Our ability to finance the deal gets you more cash. We charge you only 4% to sell water, welcome. Apply 300 High Street, Whitby,| apartment 6 or 668-5462 1 4-ROOM APARTMENT, No children, 6600. |Centre, avaliable now. of close' to Shopping 2 Stevenson Road North, or call 723| ministers desire rental of fully furnish ae ed, two-bedroom house or apartment. pecializing in Volkswagen = P. No children. No par ; ; FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT Avail-| Privacy required jo ¢ n. No pai Repair ond Service able now. No children, close to Shopping/ties. Occupancy from October 112 Stevenson Rd. North, or call cafchcagg 22 Imes. 3. ELGIN ed room for gentleman. Close te cown- 5! town. Apply after 4 p.m. TWO carpeted single furni ished for gentlemen. $9 weekly, Telephone 728. 6697. '2 home, near north General Motors, pital and downtown, Gentleman prefer '4;~ DODGE Sport 500, hardtop, tur- red. Available now. 728-7: iquolse exterior, snow white Interior, SINGLE bedroom for rent, gentieman| bucket seats. Immaculate In every way. Avenve| Terms to suit. __ 576-0776, preferred. Apply 106 Cromwell or 576-2480. NICE, furnished bedroom working man or woman, Close to down town, Br 728-0852 after 5 p.m. bus stop, close to north pliant end hos pital. ROOM for gentleman, TV and parking Mish aie Telephone. 723-1671 FURNISHED ROOM, sult single man, FURNISHED ROOM comp! CLEAN, furnished room, use of house electric wipers, $300, Telephone 726-1308, 1961 FALCON, front left section dam- == \aged, good arts, transmission end large ~baseme' motor, Telephove 725-8820. room, electrically heated, pr pe Stove, |p 48 Ritson Road South four door on meer, 1753. r brakes, radio, Clean as a pin. 'mm aie 805432, $2195. Cash, trade, terms, bed-sitting room, kitchen, WHITBY. -- Room "and board good home Peleshok Motors, Alax refrigerator. Private or, sentiemen. Gouin (oem WILDCAT -- '63 Buick, 2 i hard- oe October 15. 8363, re Radio, power steering, power prakes, console, bucket seats. A host |ROOM AND BOARD reasor |GARAGE WANTED for for boat storage. Centre, WANT EXTRA MONEY? Group of three 30--<Automobiles for Sele 36--Legal 27--Rooms for Rent STREET EAST, 23 Furnish 19483 PONTIAC, convertible, V-8, power ne and brakes, Best effer. Tele 576-1629, "pODGE "Coronet, two-door hardtop, 4-spi Telephone 725-6440 ~Fooms. 18 Must be steadily em-(42s hem ployed. One block north General Motors. /after § p.m. FORD, two-door hardtop, V-8, auto- ; conan. Telephone p.m. quied LARGE furnished bedroom in co 9s 1987 PONTIAC and 1957 Oldsmobile with Joltable for!perfect chrome. Telephone 576-0846 or 170 Cabot Street. after 6,30. vate, Available now. Telephone | igs "PONTIAC coach, V-# automatic, fully equipped, 19,000 miles, one owner, ex- ROOM in private. "home, furnished. "pearicelient condition, $1,850, 725-9539. "66 CHEVROLET, | four door economical Telephone 723-2942 six cylinder, automatic, radio. Spotless! 7 agg Lic. 396747, $2,295. Cash, terms. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, URNISHED parking, central vane -- 8-4548 1952 DESOTO, good condition. eee Bowman WHITBY RENOVATIONS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived ,until 3:00 p.m, LO- CAL TIME on THURSDAY, OCT. 19, 1967 for the construction renova- tions to Cottages Numbers one and seven, at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. near high| Vill@e 623-5269, Te! suse ae-g2t4 5 CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, V8, m 1955 CHEVROLET, V-8, automatic trans- 623- 349. 5. DGE Custom Royal. Good shape. IM AND BOARD fo jood =home_ cooking. junche: Tender Documents may be obtained from Room 1704, (Tower), Department of Pub- lic Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario (Telephone No. 365-1079). An $800.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and o@ 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. A Deposit of $15.00 MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition with- in thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. "BIRTHS iM BROWN -- David and Glenda MAZUR -- Walt'and Bonnie are very happy to ennounce the safe arrival of on Monday, September 25, 1967, ounces, Hospital. Spe-/ at the Oshawa General cial thanks to Dr, C. E. fourth floor staff. WALKER -- (Bette Jean Weir) wish toa announce the birth of Jodie Lynne, 7 Ibs, 1234 ozs. at Yor Central Hospital, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, September 26, 1967. ter J. Carson of 9 Vipond Road, Brook. Shank) of La Ronge, Sask,, Lorne of| a Orillia, Ruth (Mrs. James Halliday) of) Oshawa, Allan and Grant of RR 2, Clare- mont, Ray and loving grandmother of 17 children, dear sister of Margaret (Mrs.| of RR 1, Claremont, Verna (Mrs, Henry) pag le "of Toronto and Kenneth Norton | 8 coksville. Mrs, Carson will rest at! NV McEachnle Funeral Home, 28 yg td Road West, Pickering, after 3 p.m. Sun day. Funeral service in the chapel on Tuesday, Oct, 3 at 2.30 p.m, Interment} q Claremont Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the! V Canadian Cancer Society. | HOOPER, Victor Roy on Sunday, October 1, Hooper, aged 75 years, Hilliard, jlate Mary Josephine Watts, dear father) Deputy Minister. r best cash offer. Phone T8127. 37--Auction Sales 65 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, other options. Lic. 280724, $1,895. Cash, orth General Motors, hosp or terms. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, AUCTIONEER, 728-1005 BOWMANVILLE AUCTION BARN Auction Every Saturday DOUG GOWER $1,395. Cash|tey Ug AUCTION off your excess household articles. 728-1005 or Jim Wood formation er pick up. 'Bowmanville Auc- Phone Doug Gower, 723-0976 for In- inter months | end "ZOLTAN and NICK'S Preferably north 38--Coming Events of Gertrude (Mrs. Kitchener, Pat (Mrs. Collingwcod, Marion Swindells, Weston) and Kenneth Hooper, Bowmanville. Rest-/ a: ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, manville. Service In the chapel on day, at 3 p.m, Interment Bowmanville Gemetery. MacLEAN, Loreen Ellen Entered into rest in the family residence, the chapel, Tuesday, p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. xwel Entered Into rest In the family resi- Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer town, Telephone 723-2646 15 through 76238, Oshawa 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 Write Box city homes -- that saves you a lotof$... Call. Allon Thompson FOR RENT | FwOBEDROOM apartment with FIVE ROOM APARTMENT [229 refrigerator, partment with stove 30--Automobiles For Sale % VOLVO and PEUGOT io working girls. Teachers preferred. For One Year Lecse Telephone 723-1168. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST ; THREE ROOM, bachelor or couple. 723-5221 or 728-2870 | @ upstairs cpartment Private entrance and bath, heat, hydro @ newly decorated supplied, between downtown and hospi. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage; @ three bedrooms jae or unfurnished. Telephone STORE FOR de also weir @ privote both TWO BEDROOM apartment in a office, 250 sq. Sim St. ment building, available October Telephone 725-5132. | @ private entrance Quiet ,aduits only. Rent $110. 668-8755) Two "STORES | to= rent, also suitable for} @ immediate possessicn er OO Simcoe South. Ome x iy UNFURNISHED apartment, _upsteirs, per King 2 4 on For inspection of building newly decorated, three rooms and bath, TWO-ROOM office, located at 325 King| ofter five eee now. Telephone 723-5952 after St. West. Ple ark ng space. Cell _ j Harold Seagal 2 B. MeMul-| CALL 723-9327 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, electrically) jan and | heated with refrigerator, and/| rm ry drapes, centrally located. 25 Mill Brest: 7,000 SRVRES POST ot ioe Sree Telephone 723-0564 or after 5, 72 all, 1405 King GOVERNOR AP a ang for Rent heated, MANSIONS jentry. $80 monthly. 668-6728 after 5 p.m./ ARTMENT for rent, one bedroom, ideal for newly married. Private ny SRDRDOM W Dwight Ave ibblyslagiatt gale self-contained, --_ unfur- vi . ome on Dwi nished suite, ated, sult couple, $70. nue, $115 monthly. Telephone 725-9991, crate PRESTIGE |monthly. Clean, modern, located Town- 723-7711 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ESIDENCE line South. Abstainers preferred. mn 2426. COUNTRY LIVING -- Two - bedroom] Two 2-bedroom suites. 0 t, $125 per month with ; pone os rate We, Fi 3 Immediate Occupancy APARTMENTS for rent In oy ry | Includes parking, Cali 668-6529, Pp one year lease. Call 576-0330. H. Kelth/ td I i= itd, Res tor. | For appointment to view THREE ROOM apartment. Suitable for| OSHAWA. immediste possession, new th i two. working girls. Available Oct. Ist} three-bedroom unfurnished home, $150 @se 'uxury opartments, |also two room apartment available Oct.) monthly. Telephone 839-1241, Dunbarton,|- please call | 15th. Apply 509 Dundas St. West Whitby. evenings. j 1 ONE-BEDROOM furnished or unfur- FOUR- ROOM _fist, fir® floor, privete| MRS. FORREST nished apartment, new bullding, Port | hed, newly Beye ger {resident manager) Whitby, free hydre and free parking Abstainers. Apply 137 Telephone 284-6813 West Hill --| 723-1712 ONE and two-bedroom apartments. Ap-| FARM HOUSE to rent In Lake Scugeg) iy 291 Marland Ave., Apt, 103 er fele-| ried couple References in your re-} phone 576-0668. sia \THREE ROOMS snd beth, second floor, private entrance. Television hook-up, cen- Regency Towers | fal? "monthiy: "Telephone s2i00se fe, con-| 5 monthly, and U. Premier THREE-ROOM apartment for | | Telephone 728-5367. int, gerator, stove and dryer. $83 monthly. FURNISHED three-bedroom ranch style Drapes, fridge, stove. Free FOUR. ROOMS, 'pr ate bi bath, fy mits east end, paved drive, F DOW COR Pe Saat eer tae of. Immediate possession. hydro and parking, controlled [374 Pine _Avenve: eiedoeh ies. " THREE ROOM apartment in Whitb entronce. Apply apartment buliding. $80 monthly Vel Ve o 349 Marland Ave cent mow, Adults only. Telephone 725 bus. Telephone S214. 26--Apartments for for Rent ' Oshawa Rental Agency : Superb epartment accommo 8 Immediate Occupancy Casa Manana 230 Nipigon St. dation In all parts of Oshawe, Best rental value in the heart VALIANT ef town. DEVELOPMENTS LTD. | pr "CALL" 725-9934 --- 728-4283 723-6022 : ty nm spocious suites ERE Sr e 725-2227 pea, wall ped, wai refrigerator. ~ee' Telephone 728-9726. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in an apart ment building, r contalning rent jcated. $85 mon rus Sas | aS + NE BEDROOM apartment, fully equip. to w Grapes, Heat and hydro end good Wellman Motors 34--Automobile Repair % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and | Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage LOOK ! KINSMEN isi" BINGO 2-- $200. JACKPOTS 52-50 9 Ritson Rd. South "i 728-0921 | 1962 MORRIS Oxford | sedan, one owner, RAMBLER AMERICAN 220 2 Door American One Must Go J nt Down Payment _ snow tires, good condition, $175, Tele- $2100. phone 668-5423. 36 months x $68.13. Charges | Bee cota Bock Finan |S2----Trucks for Sele cing. '56 CHEVROLET four ton stake, log- g form with: tull racks, Telephone} REBEL "550 1960 CHEVROLET, 263 motor, 2 Door Hardtop $2620, 60 ihe 7 Pick up, 3 motor, | 'Down Payment __ $120. |s551 cach, 'Telephone '7282008, | $2500, | 1967 HALF-TON pick up, long wide box, 36 months x $81.1). Charge a condition. Telephone 668-2453. 420. |33--Automobiles Wanted JAVELIN | 2 Door Hardtop $2770. CARS WANTED | Down Payment $ 170, Buying A New Car? $2600. Sell your used car to 'Ted' 36 months x $84.35. Chorges Talk "Cash" to the New $436.80 Car. Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS AMBASSADOR 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 2 Door Hardtop $2800. NTED, 7 > ra | ao SS ee oa ee ar Sein a eae RST: SAT AEnh. P Tel nt 454 5 = $2600 voolpg Heras one 4 anytime. PLUS $10. per line Both Games $25. Consolation \ $150. Jackpot Game | 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20. Last 5 Games $30. per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25. full card dence, 276 Huron St., Oshawa, on Satu Martin, beloved wife of Thomas "Max- and Allan sister of Mrs. Bruce McGuire (Elsie) of dath, Sask., |Home, dence, 276 Huron St., Oshawa, on Satur-|). day, September 30, 1967. Thomas Max-| li well Moore, beloved husband of Verna Frances Martin, father of Mrs. Hazel], Ross and Allan Moore of Oshawa, grand- |U father of Loreen Daisy Butt of Toronto, Resting at the Arm- In his 55th year, Home, Oshawa, with strong Funeral October 3, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. { MOORE, Verna Frances lin Entered into rest In the family resi day, September 30, 1967, Verna Frances well Moore, mother of Mrs. Hazel Ross Moore of Oshawa, grand- mother of Loreen Ellen MacLean, and Clarksburg, Mrs. Estella Oviatt, and Ernest of Pontrilis, Sask., Raymond of Paul of London, In her 57th year. Resting D at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- awa, with funeral service. in the chapel, 0; Tuesday, October 3, at 2 p.m. Interment) p: Mount Lawn Cemetery. iB ROGERS, Frederick Entered into rest in Kitchener, Ont., on Sunday, October 1, 1967. Rogers, beloved husband of the Catherine Fornun, and father of Higgins (Laura) of Osha Blackett (Mary Stasuk (Ann) of Ottawa, John of Frederick sg b; in his 8ist year, For further particulars please call the Armstrong Funeral 728-5173. THORNINGTON, Charlies Henry At Bransom Hospital, Saturday, Sep- di tember 30, 1967, Charles Henry Thorning- ton, formerly of Oshawa, beloved hus- Guaranteed $5. a line TUESDAY Admission 50c¢ i 36 months x $84.35. Charges $436.80. SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars , parts for sale. Iron and metals ght. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. Ror To se enon aR co LTD Teer anion contained. 124 undas tre es, 1 & 2 BEDROOM SUITES =| Whitby. 576-3888. 100. NONGUON BP. CENTRE OSHAWA Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 missions are Our Only ness --- Repairs, Adjust- GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED ments, Exchanges. All Work ERE Rage ey Guarenteed fo. 3, Oshawa - TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top _ FRED STONE ded.» Price paid for Good Clean is 66 Ousn 6. & Cors, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 _ eat ve Machine Shop refrigerator, e broadioom and bamboo dre hone 725-685) RAND NEW, ¢ 124 Thomas electric heat, hydro m apartment, 6. tove, ng Crerar HREE - ROOM Upstairs apartment, Ivate bath, stove end refrigerator sup- to bus. Parking. 798-7871 + bedroom apartment, | pper dupl ex, stove, refrigerator, private nirance, parking facilities. Centrally lo- _728- 7279. REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND | ENGINE PARTS i 35--Lost and Found |REWARD -- LOST, urgently needed.| Postman's bifocal, dark rimmed ve | i OMG Olive area, Telephone daytime, evenings 723-7946. brown * Only $10 Down on the car of your choice, with up to 48 months to re- poy at Morley Stalker MOTORS BINGO jing at Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, jservice in the cnapel 4 St. Gertrude S leavatery." eavniae ear Trenton band of Alice Lillian Weale. Resting at was in her 61st year. Mcliveen and! ton. larea, she was married in 1926/1912. A resident of Whitby for their daughter,/wood until four years ago. |later Brooklin United Churches, |his wife, | Mrs. |mmember of the United Church) W. Thachuk (Rose) of Toronto, DEATHS | sie is 1967, Cora Norton, beloved wife of Wai- vel! (Ruth) of Oshawa and five/Mrs lin, dear mother of Luella (Mrs. Robert|sons, Lorne of Orillia, of Toronto, John of seid Oshawa. ik or Evans Benson) and Ralph Merten. both| ters, Mrs. Evans Benson (Mar-) Lawn Toronto; two brothers, Norton of \held at the McEachnie Funeral At the Lodge Nursing Moin; Newcastle, Home, Pickering, at 2.30 p.m., 1967, Victor Roy/Oct, 3. husband of the Claremont C. Arthur Humpage)/The service will Floyd Bradd),| by G. A. ae of Greenwood. 276 Huron Street; Oshawa, on Saturday, |months the death September 30, 1967. Loreen Ellen Miac-/ | Hillsdale Manor, Oct. 2, of Mrs.) liam Hungerford, Marty Hun- October 3, at 2/daughter of the late Mr. and) Mrs, Allan Brown. Born at St. MOORE, Thomas Maxwell Ola, Hastings County, she was married in Belleville and had Ellen Maclean and) Lodge, No. 3, to her retirement in 1958. vived by a daughter, Mrs. Gor- don Burley (Lena) of Deseronto|cunreme Headquarters Allied--" and three sons, Lionel of Belleville and Ray of Oshawa. Victor of Englehart, Leonard, Red Deer, Mrs. Louis Carl Wainwright, Sask. and Mrs, Ed 'children and 16 great-grand- children. She was predeceased White's Cemetery, Bayside, Ont. Rev. tennial United Church will con-/SHAPE village, with its blocks OBITUARIES IRS. WALTER J. CARSON JOHN YACOBOSKY The death occurred, Sept. 30, In failing health for some creval oe ie sees at att at the Oshawa General -- pov hig Jacobosky, 400 Pounds 8 ounces, on September 30, A tal, following a lengthy sick- estnut Street East, Whitby, festa Pisgt duh Thanks te Os ander: |ness of Mrs. Walter J. Carson,|died, Oct. 1, at the Oshawa son and fourth floor staff. {9 Vipond Road, Brooklin, She/General Hospital. He was in his 82nd year. The former Cora Norton, the} A son of the late Steve and their son, Mark Walter, 7 pounds, 9\deceased was a daughter of the/Helen Yacobosky, the deceased late William and Martha Nor-|was born in the Ukraine and Born in the Claremont) was married in Fort William in nd had lived north of Green-|45 years he was an adherent of the United Church. Mr. Yacobosky is survived by the former Sophie three daughters, Mrs. A member of Mount Zion and Carson was. an_ active) Wrobel; Mrs. K. G. Kellenbach (Anne) her husband Mrs./of Burlington and Mrs. R. Coy Besides survived by two)(Millie) of Port Perry and three eA BeN a daughters, Mrs. Robert Shank|sons, Steve of Oshawa, Carl Enjered Info rest at the Oshawa General| (Luella) of La Ronge, Sask.!and Stanley of Whitby. Hospita! on Saturday, September | 30,/and = Mrs. James Halliday) Also surviving are a sister, M. Hewick of Hamilton Alian|and 'tive grandchildren, nd Grant of RR 2, Claremont,| The funeral service will be Ray of Toronto and John of held at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, at 3 p.m., Oct. Also surviving are two sis-3. Interment will be in Mount Cemetery. Rev. John aret) of RR 1, Claremont and|Smith, minister of St. Mark's Irs. Henry Solfjell (Verna) of|United Church, will conduct the Ralph service. RR 1, Claremont} nd Kenneth Norton of Cooks-| ille and 17 grandchildren. | The funeral service will be FUNERAL OF MRS. LOUISA MARIE KINGSTON The memorial service for Interment will be in/Mrs. Louisa Marie Kingston, Union Cemetery.|who died Sept. 27, at Hillsdale be conducted| Manor, in her 90th year, was Mundy of Brooklin|held at the Armstrong -- T. Fleetham| Home at 11 a.m., Sept. 30. Rey. R. A. Sharp, rector of Ist gg te By lg 3 P said Church, conducted the service. MRS. FRANK WESTFALL interment was in Oshawa Union In failing health for a few Cemetery. occurred, at} The pallbearers were Wil- ssisted by Rev. Lean, beloved daughter of Alan an Thelma Maclean, and Granddaughter of Hi Westfall. She was in her| gare Ray Wagar, -- Mr. and Mrs. jomas joore, an r. year. An lerson, Thomas Ani lerson and Mrs. Harry MacLean in her 14th year. Resting .at the Armstrong Funeral The former Beatrice Ethelj/and Ken 'Gabourie. Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in|Brown, the deceased was a SHAPE Has New Home ved in Oshawa since 1944. A member of Centre Street nited Church and Rebekah Mrs. Westfall} was employed in the sewing) 7 o room at the Oshawa General |¢;, hal ae gar LE ana funeral service In the chapel, Tuesday,| Hospital cally the 8,000 persons for 14 years prior|forced to leave France when Predeceased by her husband baite bats onl a oe 1958, Mrs. Westfall is sur- gium. The initials stand for Walter and/powers, Europe. Its new head- quarters are fully operative. The telecommunications cen- tre started operating in April. Since then, the rest of the 2 000 staff members have made their way from Roquencourt near Paris to Casteau near here as their prefab offices mushroomed from the marshy ground of an abandoned Bel- gian army base. The relocation job on the 500- Also surviving are two sisters, (Arvilla) of avidson (Ruth) of Roslin, nt.; two brothers, Stanley rown of Oshawa and Perry rown of Ottawa; 12 grand- y two brothers. The funeral service will be a, Ms. Slheld at the McIntosh-Anderson|acre area will cost $40,000,000. Hton, .m.. - Stanley of Oshawa and Frank of rene reg Bore ot. 3 wba sa Wives and children of SHAPE personnel are all in Belgium but only 100 to 200 families are in final homes. The followed by interment in Dr. G. J. Minielly of Cen-|settled of apartments, its shopping cen- tre sports ground, hospital and movie house, is the only part of uct the service. Kane's Funeral Home, Yonge and Shep- hard, Willowdale. tte in the chapel on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 1:30 p.m. Inter-) ment Westminster Cemetery, Willowdale. the relocation program which did not reach the deadline-- IN MEMORIAM 3°." WESTFALL, Beatrice Ethel in Hillsdale Manor, Monda) 1967, Beatrice Ethel Brown, beloved wife! nN, lof Frank Westfall and dear mother of ci; Mrs. Gordon Busley (Lena) of Des- oronto, Walter and Lionel of Belleville and Ray of Oshawa, sister of Mrs. Carl (Arvilla) of Wainwright, Mrs. Ed Davidson, (Ruth) of Ont., Stan Brown of Oshawa and Perry Brown of Ottawa, In her 84th year. Rest- on Wednesday, Interment White's; about 4:30 p.m. Rebekah service Monday eve- PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. | Every Monday 20 CE ae | Snowball and | year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 {ment Mount wallet citizenship papers and other papers. Call 725-0349. Lost. Black and white cat In the vicinity ane Avenue and eirport. Uaepah | impertat| 137 King West 723-6322 -- 723-8311. Lorge balconies 'com apartment tor| -|So5.s107, Wie aps a heat one or two adults, Apply 195 albert]! 1964 CHEVROLET '4. daa Hi-fi musle in every su os 6--Lega | A DistingGished Address to SUPER SPORT ATs Jc ne Lots of closet space Sideh A ail furnished Private, excellent. condition, : : Close cireult TV for your WANTED saabnhted # low mileage, V-8 automatic, Free parking Hy ' -- working girl to shere sn 9 protection. Choice luxury {;iritheg apartment' with same. Phone) Power steering, brakes, radio, WHITBY rd = ey this ts your cnonce ACT NOW tastefully decorated through- out. Parking, swimming pool, sultes electrically heated and = 73 123 after 5. 27--Rooms for Rent Sauna and recreation rooms, Coil MRS. WERNER rear speaker, fully equipped. Priced to sell. 723- -- ATTRACTIVELY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND TOUR Cire) | Grand Ole: Opry (NASHVILLE, TENNESEE) For Further Information |Oshawa General ning at 7 p.m. femily would appreciate donations te the! mother, Association for Retarded Children. YACOBOSKY, John GRA y, October 2//dear husband, Frank, who passed away October 2, 1945. In fieu of flowers, the)}--Lovingly dear husband, Alfred Lowe, whe passed) NT -- tn loving memory of my --_ ™ TRAILERS ome families are camping in s. whe, was. killed Invan eccident on|ttailers, others make do with jsmall furnished rooms in Mons. | Still others are housed in Brus- sels or other distant towns. An international school will open Oct. 25, with room for 2,- 400 children in its American, And pray to God ¢ y |British, Canadian, West Ger- Your 'smiles will-guide the way, (man and Belgian sections. A remembered by wife and Military hospital will be com- Aletha Grant. pleted next year. LOWE -- In loving memory ef ay The political council ef the North Atlantic Alliance--NATO Beside your grave | often stand, With heart both crushed and sore, But In the gloom the sweet words come Not lost but gone before. He knows the tears | shed, But whispers, "They only sleep, Your loved ones are not dead." So I'll be brave, dear loved ones, And pray to God each day, In falling health for some time at the away September 16, 1965 and my son, Hospital, on Sunday, |R | October 1, 1967, John Yacobosky (of 400/! Chestnut St. E., Whitby), beloved fhus- jband of Sophie Wrobel, dear father of |Mrs. W. Thachvk (Rose) of Toronto, K. G, Dellenbach (Anne) of Bur- {Tnaton, Mrs. R. Coy (Millle) of Port! Perry, Steve of Oshawa, Carl and Stan-| ley of Whitby, dear brother of Mrs. M. }Hewick of Hamilton, in his 82nd Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Tuesday, October 3, at 3 p.m. Inter- Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. | Minister Rev. J. Smith. husband, father and brother-in-law, Regi-| nald Lowe, Who passed away Maget| on Oct. 2, 1966, Reginald, who passed away October 2,\--Will also move from Paris to |Brussels. Its 1,700 staff mem- one oes ee bers will first work in tempo- Within my heart are memories rary prefab office buildings, Munya forever let a wite ang|Pending construction of their her Elizabeth ret |final administrative headquar- LOWE -- In loving memory of @ dear! ters. 'Without farewell he ee os Would be our dearest wi \Desert 'March' ie PARE i sae "Halted By Indi a A day of remembrance sadly a | o | BROTHERS LTD. Mee em aun ey a | 'Aunensed Daslins 'children Maureen, Keith and Terry end) JODPHUR, India (Reuters) | ROCK OF AGES sister-In-law, Rae. \--The steady march of the McKAY--Iin loving memory of # dear|GTeat Indian Desert on the FAMILY. MONUMENTS \husband, Jack, who pe: bi away Oc-/national capital of New Delhi 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 |"Nething eis aay jhas been stopped, Indian scien- Whitby, Ont. | | |--Sadly missed by wife Ruby. | Farecre pagan desert in the northwestern state Te PRO lee sate cere a9 em |e Eajasthan advancing ineeor- October 2, 1966. lably in a great are toward BALDWIN -- In loving memory of @ dear husband and father, George Baid- win, Who passed away October 2, 1957. tists report. Topographical studies over the last 50 years showed the art hold: 'ond "hhemories linger eve day, Remembrance keeps him near, Loving 'and. kind In all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days,| Sincere and kind in heart and mind, | What a beautiful memory 1! behind. Deihi, eating up 50 miles of fer- | tile land each year. 725-0657 140 Nonquon Road OSH Listiss Sa 4 - ; --Lovingly remembered by his 'wife | But 15 ye; € ine ee FURNISHED ROOM | TRANSMISSION SERVICE GENERAL TRADES TELEPHONE 576-0246 [ete and tomy and grandton Terry. |--inays. remembered and loved by son duced a 25, po diad pid ake W K y ae oases ¢ 12-6 PM. Available in private _home. New eee oe Wer ONTARIO HOSPITAL COLONY TOURS 4aDOWSON -- In loving memory of our Gregory and Brian. of forests which is believed a i ty n5 mm, ie lear aunt, Annie Dowson, who pass s 625-1759 } Choose é Mabel 7 ont We now have the facilities EXTENSION OF TIME away on October 2, 1960. | Mek -- In loving memory capable of holding back the (cen! 82 PARK ROAD N to do all general repairs. The time for receiving Tend- WOODVIEW Father In Thy gracious keeping _--_ {dear fatens Jon McKay, who passed|Creeping sand. The new forests. . 7, f th Do we leave our loved one sleeping.j|away on October 2, 1966. |coupled with a 425-mil 1 Move to 728- 8671 Guaranteed work. ers for the construction of the COMMUNITY CENTRE |=Lovinaly remembered and sadly raise-| We offeri think of days gone by, | i smile cana en th Call 576-2610 Laundry ribeye Pe Mg = J ed by Ruth, Pear! and Gordon. When wwe were. all jtogetners A bee being gouged ae i WOR a ce ce tario Hospital, Whitby, On- : shadow o'er our lives has cast, sands, are expected to help Mala Glen apa rtment re Apply, 314 4 Elgin ae gentiemen ORE CASH tario, has been extended to | B | N G 0 brother and uncle Franc 'crant, eevee ana COWIE Peipuenber| reclaim the desert. C Se ears! $00 pi Lael Time on wi Seite min [fom Sa SecA nants: det|, Tigers roamed lush grea ourts with able Feagrnty HOS, bem wa Paid for Good Clean Cars. THURSDAY NGY, 2nd, 1967 Nos. 53 and 56 ...... .|-Always 'remembered by Joanne, Donland Lori. © en Derrick K'™ jungles and prosperous villages {facliities, sitting room with TV, hydro| Trade up or down, Liens paid. he ee TONIGHT 8 *. M, [and berry wckay. Bole ical ere ceor/2"d towns flourished in the 5 } included, Vi itral. inister. cl = in ing mem e ees | Calle TV ie | B00D MGR Se ae aco he Gh Ey ggg erry ge | , ljonquon rot ir, Ss * | Wi pass awa) e1 o Building for comfortable liv- | (LARGE, tories, Seite Oo 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH }Road apt. 102 Oshawa will not bee re- RED BARN ed away October 2, 1 Within our neerts we clways keep Paatiant hare v Aga da ice within: walking 'aidanes | --| felons eae ing. Gentleman only. 723-9421 'sponsible for any debts contracted In He bade no one his last farewell, A special place for you, ind where a few million - Ne ~Pesegeatie } © 728-864 __.|my name by anyone on or after this He said goodbye to none, And we'll try to do or best to live |people eke out a miserable : a ioe tas REGENT ARMS |FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman jdate September 30 1967 without my EXTRA BUSES The heavenly gates were opened, As you would want u existence with chronic fami ac feb led entrance doors | Telephone 726-6319 between _8-2:20, | RAMBLER written consent. Signed David Astle. A. loving voice sald Corn biel As we loved you, so i ris you, lconat nt chronic famine a i Pe ---------- io el misse sister Betty, Orother- Y s ey } Two bedroom - epartments. | MOTEL accommot Ss, weekly, SALES -- SERVICE |NOTICE IS HEREBY. given that if the indaw. Johnny 'and children. u --Leathaly coraniborad: ty Son Douglas, | BDs CODER On: ' . el Quiet building adults only. [ine Pons E. bla vgietnber ng Fie and PAINT eral itilboaa U winin o dee 50c KINSMEN BINGO GRANT In loving memory of a dear fon sian bah rel pant voll ceetui sy ue ae Rae ogi ® Hi-fi music in every suite Y hone 668-5201, Holl t A Oe 2 and 50 -- In tovi ory o} |ters Sharon, Joan and Pa jness bordering on West Paki- $ ywood Motel, Whitby. from this date, September 30, 1967,| 2---$200--Nos. 52 an brother, Francis James Grant, who pass-| @ Lost of closet space ofter 6 p.m, range Mipahad Tek Heals New and Used Cars same will be sold for money owing. 1 MUST GO led away October. 2, 1965. | NASH -- In loving memory of a dear|Stan now is a hideout for ban- @ Free Parking 723-6944 gent leman, poking privileges, frigida NICOL 5 MOTORS LTD. --Theodore J, capuseingkt $25 CONSOLATION j Your he gg ga mother ard afandmother, amy Nash, dits, a breeding ground for @ Hydro included r 723-6455 and stove. Telephone 728- L TERRE NORA Re | You were the kind nt a brother ba Phoriogadttasd $ i paty ad ': |hordes of locusts and a suppli ; : or 5 en RSNA an ei --Al bered by Bob, Elsie, ppuer @ Extra powder room in 2 lece-apantimmwts to rent leo ooed| tamer nos imi ror 3 nits) WHITBY -- 668-3331 TUESDAY Your loved ones would never forget. land granddsughter, Judy." "lof dust for violent summer end 3 bedroom suites locaton where the tenans are well 3 mis-|from October until June. Facilities in-|i942 PONTIAC, two-door hardtop Pari NEED A See Saturday's Ad sid) "sittercintew Borgen "and farniiy.. bv ad Which make life misera- , an %f , eutomatic, pol Call Today can really enjoy flving, Call Jack Os- Se ee ne wi ADMISSION _50c ; ALASUNG TRIBUTE | le in Delhi. Mrs. Werner pie ag eve. 728-5836. Martin Real pools, sauna bath, exercise room. Live in @ hotel atmosphere, 10 minutes from steering, deluxe radio with rear speaker. Telephone 668-3762 after 5. JOB? Oshawa, Apply Flying Di Motor WHITBY. Two-bedroom epertment, Stove, refrigerator, some drapes. Adults preferred. Avaliable immediately. Tele Phone 668-8727. 725-0657 inn, ie 623-3378. FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman only. ping A located. Available now. Tele- phone before 7 p.m. 668-3976. GRANT -- In loving memory of our Simcoe Hail gee lement 2 Oct. 4, 1:30 p.m. LUKE"S Ladies' Gulld Rummage|dear brother, Francis Grant, who pass- House,/ed away October 2, 1965; also our dear father, Frank Grant, who passed away Weekdays 12-9 P.M Sot. & Sun. 12-6 P.M er After Hours 625-1759 parking, Te ) ' FURNISHED or wnfurnished two-room epertment, newly decorated, TV outiet,|/ed close te bus, sovth end, private beth,|Gentlemen preferred, Telephone elophene 725-8282, 2402, ONE SINGLE and one double furnish- room, central, light pon coengage "63 FORD Galaxy 500, eo miles, one | owner, radio, power steering, power) brakes, window washers, whitewalls,, Read Help Wanted automatic, black cherry. 1177 King St.| ; E, after 5 p.m. chanel Ads Daily 'n 7 '58 CHEVROLET sedan, six, standard, The Times ge good body. Best offer. Wrecking 599 Chevrolet 283 automatic, See api | 1 Tewnline Road North, RESULTS? Use Times Action Want Ads. We often think of days gone by, When we were all together, A shadow o'er our lives ad Phd | Our loved ones gone forev: } Sadly missed by Brothers. * wiutiam,| 'Don and Denton, It stretches for 800 miles |from the desolate Rann of ;Kutch on India's western coast |almost to the outskirts of Delhi BRONZE MEMORIALS land there were fears a few For courteous advice please (Years 2g0 that the marching visit the Park Office, Howie would swallow up the 723-2633 capita) itself, For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK These four their bright! eyes and the day-old infar a" 11 ONTA aaa