Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 19

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Injunction Gives Hope THE OSHAWA TIMES, 19 Friday, September 29, 1967 WASTE NOT >GULP< WANT NOT FBURP< 2GULP< THIS WAS MY LAST HOPE. THE WHOLE PLAN'S FLOPPED, WE MAY AS WELL PACK UP. TOMORROW AND LEAVE, WHAT A SN DOZEN LEFT, | COINCIDENCE! JUST MADE A BATCH! HOMEMADE DOUGHNUTS? SO FRESH THEY'RE STILL HOT! PERSUADE | COME, EITHER, HER TO WINNIPEG (CP) -- A slim thread of life remained Thurs- day for the Bank of Western Canada following a five-hour court hearing on a request for an 'injunction to restrain the bank from winding up its affairs. Mr. Justice Roy Matas, in Court of Queen's Bench, refused to grant such an injunc- tion unti] he receives additional information. This injunction is being sought by Canadian Finance and Investments Ltd. of Winni- peg and Toronto financier Sin- clair Stevens as a director of CFI. The judge said he wanted to know what action, if any, had been taken on the injunction granted in the Ontario Supreme Court earlier this month. Mr. Justice Matas ruled against dissolving an interim injunction granted York Lamb- ton Corp, Ltd. of Toronto which prevented Mr. Stevens and CFI DONALD DUCK Distetbuted by King Features Syndicate, BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) You are South, neither side is vulnerable. The bidding has | been: | , South West North BUZ SAWYER 1 DREAMED I WAS }]|II FIGHTING WITH A GANG OF PIRATES YOU KNOW I NEVER DID APPROVE OF THAT BUNCH YOU RUN AROUND WITH IN YOUR DREAMS ;1& Dble Pass 19 gg would you bidinow with eac! thi | MAKE THE CANNON BARREL NEXT, | | hands? actin oy Eee te HAUL IT WHILE I STILL 1. OA A LITTLE STKENGTH LEFT, 4 | 7+ 4985 9Q82 @AJT4 4098) 2. @A9S YQ982 HAKITE os 3: @KQ82 wAos KIS @AI4 4. @AQ HIB $AKQ9432 KT 5. @KJ3 WAIT4 oAKQI2 $6 1. Pass. There is no obliga- tion on the part of a player who makes an informatory dou- ble to bid again after partner responds in minimum terms, If the doubler has only the mini- mum values for his bid, he need not speak again, since to do so L BELIEVE WE'RE GOIN' TO MAKE IT, BILLY! | | would imply strength beyond that guranteed by the original from voting 150,000 shares by proxy at a shareholders meet- CONFERENCES ARE -WEGOT ing here Sept. 14. FOR SQUARES." I'M "NUFF FOR OR-LYMAN, YOU double. The judge said he wanted the OFF TO THE NEAREST }|) BEHAVING TH'HULL Siaae? OL eee PM Mg Macca Mir ll os ge ng pico LIKE A \AYEAR- DANGED SEEMS |N } COINCIDENCE, ALL IT IS! HE STAYED IN shown North posed g "ave 5! oard for a ruling on a s OLD" TRY DANGER OF RIGHT, WILDA, BUT sis GON sion that an order of the board BECOME } SABOTAGING THERE'S ONE very powerful hand, because he g would have responded two hearts or cuebid clubs if he had the values to produce a game opposite a minimum double. Since there can be no game, no further action is called for. 2. Three hearts. This hand is much more promising for game than the preceding one. While 4 it is true that we have only 14 : high - card points, the approxi- mate minimum for a takeout double, partner's heart response raises the over-all value of the hand to about 18 points. The good trump support, the singleton club, and the control of all suits add up to a possible game if partner has only mod- erate values. But since North's response was forced by the double and he may have a poor hand, all we can do at this point is urge him to go on to game. | 3. One notrump. In conjune- tion with the previous double, |this bid comes close to repre- senting the exact distribution and high - card strength held. had been contravened by th parties involved. J IS HIS DIET, MORE THING TO CHECK... Fie iF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE ; ie (* SECRET AGENT X9 - « « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT SEE the all new '68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON T E L E V I S I O N L HUBERT |The fact that we now bid again shows that the double was not } % O G jof the minimum class. If parte SUN LIFE jner passes one notrump, there Channel 2--Butfalo 9:00 PLM, 10:98 A.M, b o game. Assurance Company channel 3--Barrie | J2Move M1--Moboy Time | "4 Thee bee: Sree by ~Ba' | . Of Canada Prono Pevoined | somovie' 4-Space Ghost \| jthough North's heart response Channel 7--Buffalo | 2-Samson and Gollah é |was forced and he may have a BUSINESS: 9:30 PLM, N\ virtually worthless hand, we RESIDENCE SINESS || Channel @--Rochester 11---Draghet = us \ | | uh hless hh d 668-4371 725-4563 || Channet 9--Toronto @--Sarah Vaughan AM. | can't very well bid less than | Channel 11--Hamilton 7--Will Sonnett $3 Biden (J <M ™ game. Since nine tricks at no- = || Channel 12--P eas Family JuKing Kone wit hee trump are extremely probable, | 100 P.M, 6M bs --. pe ea there is no good reason not to PRIDAY BVENING | 1--werv. "Gettin 'Moby Dick NU WI is bid the pri directly. The dia- 5:00 PM, | Fouad 11:90 AM. Mt! iV \ monds are not mentioned at all : eed 2-8--American Profile 11--Meta i tu --they are a secret weapon. 12-R i | narrienas - 11:00 P.M. Reales or ini Junie 5. Four hearts. North needs eisies | ,23-cNews ae Skipper Sam so little to produce ten tricks-- 7--Flintstones |" Weather, Sports reemen for example, only the Q-x-x-x-x Spartan, aka. %. This Is Expo of hearts peor a ced -. \evie 1--Plerre. Berton Bath Me ain taking is clearly indicated. | would be overly pessimistic as ssi pink eee 12 NOON I PUT MY SOCKS ON THE ENGINE Y HEY, RALF! ea | 9--This * | | well as unrealistic to jump- "torrum or conve: ike | F=Beanies "7° TO PRY, AND THEY GOT TANGLED HERES A raise to only three hearts, rtich y_yences veel 2M &--Daktarl NEW CONE!) |would be strongly invitational + Favilion | ae Sports 2-8--Top Cat Ba but not ee Partner should le e 11:39 PM, 12:38 PLM. not be subjected to unnecessary 6:08 P.M, 7M 1~0u strain in deciding whether or hes is Mea | Sh Johnny Carson *Congrese Pe ge not to go on. ' : t eo! Nice Bag | mee | Se ei sages oy N GMMR 2) | Pasi nine | toil eter ampere itrogen te 2m, =(.4 4--News, Weather, 9--Perry's Probe e tax fom --------, orts: ? f 3 mM, [ae -- 0 por! gua: 45 P.M, ce A niles Prolon § Tires 1a poal eet 4-News Weather Sports | super six en 4 a 12:00 T ped: PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Some YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY 11--Petticoat Junction ve t MAD! ALL 1 KNOW 9-43--News, Weather te a kale ih iil prea |day soon you may be driving YOU! ae ' ABOUT YOU IS THAT YOU, ANSWER, PON salad toe 3-6-12--Tennis jinto a service station and aske Se Se | Bah eee THE QUESTION, #4 Huntley Brinkley cme « 2--Upbest ing the attendant to check the SOFT- am a jews Vv i Py i "ice WERE? 4 7:00 PM, SATURDAY NWeetiing YOUR HEALTH eee al ao ar scan 7) } ae cs re the Wizard |~!1~Schnitze! House 4--Roadrunner "= \it may cost money, I Fi &--America West S-Davey and Gollath He | The Gulf Oil Corp. has bi 6--Day It Is 7 aa ee i Cs jannounced it has been experi- So 4 rex" Rye Rey Fe lg eae Beno Poison Centre Phone jmenting with nitrogen for tire = '| I--News, Weather 'cane eS ae 2-3-6-8-12--Baseball linflation and js. test marketing j neato |the system at its stations in the ' ey / | J--News, Weaiher, Sports ToReexenan , cain Car Tait K t F E |Houston, Tex., area. ' FJ 1:30 P.M. ree AM. 9--Movie ep or mergency | The 20-per-cent oxygen con- 2 7--Of to See the Wizard | 11-Expo People parity ltent of air, Gulf said, causes i o brunet ir giigthyee Fa guy ve Ite f scot P By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ; \tfre rubber and fabric to dete- : ee eis ein fe . M.D. The symbol of @ poison}who she was and where, she|Torate. gr pete neg com: T=Aecidental Family PVC cunt Pom centre is a red telephone, kept/hung up. Then the phone would| Pany ge "fe ee . di i cia i | Haar aad free of all but emergency calls.jring again. She'd been eating | inne eng xequce ie Aaliony 11-84 Allen T NCAA Program "Here's what I've had this|pills for two hours. At last,| Alp ix froe at gas stations but 11--Run for Your Lite 'Trlintstenes Pasa pial morning," the man on duty at|retching and not so sure that/ itrogen is a different matter. 7Hondo i usme | I--Popeye, Gumby 4:90PM, one of them told me, "First, a/she wanted to die after all, she| Gir cays it's charging 50 cents ; sels tonmmy tuner" | Cobhenan pamennis The Menace | little girl who gave herself ajgave her address and wasit, inflate a tire that already z | 24--Star Trek 1--Sinvad Jr. % 7--College Football rubdown 'all over with a per-/treated in time. has air in it. " i=) eel ee and got some in her| Not all have a happy ending. UEENIE ro mouth, either from her fingers} A girl of five died in less than = CROSSWORD or Logis bie ad mimic|an hour after the first call. Her QUEENIE mama with a lipstick. parents didn't know she was} 'be ' gerows mpreirad "Next one was turpentine. | sick--until they found an empty | fa 5 Ragout Theviats Apparently he didn't actually| milk bottle in the 'yard. They BEST VALUE 'oO 9. Pepper Penta: swallow any, and that's good/had been keeping some spray, 10, Thick sula because turpentine is danger-|for the rose bushes. This can| ---- = soup 6. Large ous, His mouth is badly irritat-| have a milky appearance. : 12. Lassoed casks ed, though. | Yet people go on ignoring the) 13.Extension 7. Sea And then a person who took! warning: Never use a milk bot-| 14. Mimics eagle some pills in an attempted sui-/tle or pop bottle for anything| OF COURSE RIGHT NOW HES JUST USING IT FOR 15. Sloths 8. Mourner cide. We couldn't find out|/except what's supposed to be in| Centres TEETHING / : 16. Greek 9. Gross exactly what. Sometimes people! it Ei letter 11. Egresses don't know or won't tell. Any-| In a grim collection of sou- | a ed EMP fd Sp. : baa et tures 37, Same way, we never find out how a/venirs in one centre is a jar RIES LTD, Ey gag Ro al = pee gd good many cases turn out. containing a preparation for 723-1181 20. Reptiles 18, Bo; 'ae ete 89 pone of This young woman took|straightening hair. 'Just a cos- 65 é Se afetet «ig co er Organ some pills at 2 a.m. but by now/metic,"' its owner thought. a . , fin 36. Peruvian hearing he i i ' i "Notice the subti > manners stand - fertilit 40, Hawthorn | hue Keene out of it an they! LIPS BURNED gy Bagg hg Avg AP TD. 24. Wine 3) aa pos ie fo have her walking around. All] The label says, in capital let-| Oh, dear. I'm afraid there's 26. Fibbed we can do is urge the family to/ters, that it contains sodium] Something wrong with this 725-1121 28, Raised ZB 2 )3 |4 Ss je |? 18 get professional help, and find|hydroxide. Not everyone recog- spray can. 81. Type 4 V7, out why she did it." nizes that as- the chemical LTD. measures i Gil iN ACTING IN CRISIS name for lye. So another child|child to the hospital. His eyes 32. Girl = y 4 a Poison centres get used to thelarrived at the hospital with|sight was saved. 728-1617 ; \ 38. Greek YW, way people act in a crisis./burned lips, tongue red and| Not so lucky was the year-old sis letter a iz WAG 776 Some refuse to see the serious-|white with ulcers, throat in|child who ate one cigarette. She LTD } y 34, Fromt GY Y ness and have to be convinced] spasm. died. ' i .: ie : R 35 ais a 7 7}! Wy that getting to a hospital can} It takes many months to treat] "They eat everything," a poi- 728-1611 : COMBING HIS HAIR! Wik" Y Yy spell the difference between lifeja scarred esophagus, with|son-fighter remarked resigned- I : crowning 20 zt jaa Ves and death. repeated dilation of it until the/ly. "Cigarettes--and the filters ferials Ltd, stone YA, Centres tell where the nearst/victim can swallow reasonably|from them. Somebody has some , : 36. Rodents Wh 24 2s Yt hospital is, sometimes call|well, The rule of thumb is three|gasoline for the power mower 725-4761 - 38. Fear YYZ} police or fire departments cr|years of medical follow-up for alin a cola bottle They drink it. a 40. Wont 26 |27 Y 28 29 [30 ambulances for panic-stricken|iye burn. Match heads. Pesticides. Shoe f LTD, 41. Polished a 7, 4 y, people. : An urchin who found an old|Polish. Soap. Pretty berries, f 42, Faultily Dita WU, bes Sometimes a frenzied mother|zgolf ball, with the cover|pokeweed, rhubarb leaves, lilies 668-445] 43. Epochs ry é 7 < can't calm down enough to give|knocked off, was luckier. Hejof the valley, all of which con- 44, Ford Gia Gia 37 the facts. Seasoned staffers|patiently unwound the rubber|tain enough noxious ingredients DOWN cw ; 7] +0 know when to shout into the|bindings. Then the liquid filled|to kill." '1. Polish i -- Wiad hg shut up!" It|/core burst, squirting into his} How would you ike to work ie 4 ai V7 Aat can shock people into regaining] eyes. in a hospital which slightly ofte- 723-4561 = Lect Y, : their wits. The poison centre recognized|ner:than once a week admits a Hevael. a Y 44 Y One girl, about 14. kept call-/the danger, told the parents to/child burned with lye? It hap- a ad Y //) in and asking, 'How much/keep rinsing the eye copiously|pened last year. It is continuing fa 6% will kill you?" Askediwith water until ¢hey got the at the same rate now, t

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