BLONDIE DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER NUBBIN Censreere= 9-87 « Dhatethated by King Peatoras Symticate, ll! VES, DEAR.- '\. Lers Kiss AND MAKE] THAT WAS AN AWFULLY SHORT KISS y-% PC "ler was \' NOT AND DONE BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN ??-YOU GOT VLL CANCEL YOUR \\ HESS-HAY THAT DEBT TOTHEUS.A, IF YOU SEND US YOUR SNAPPLES/? PIPPLE IN HEW- MIND---- IN THE USA, IT'S "AND IF YOU BREAK A LAW THE ONLY AGE To BE!! | EVERYONE APOLOGIZES TO NO ONE EXPECTS YOU / YOU!! SNAPPLES WILL TO WORK,OR TO BE MAKE THE AMERICAN IN YOUR RIGHT DREAM COME TRUE //-- FE E the all new HENRY HB'S A DIBGRACE TO THE DUCK FAMILY // ~ © King Ponies Sputente, tae. 1967. Wed Aes JULIET JONES MORE LIKELY HE'S OUT ON THE TOWN, THAT DUMB KID! PRACTICE AND GAMES= \ AND I'M GOING TO te THAT HE KEEPS IT! HEADED, HE MADE A DEAL WITH US TO REST BETWEEN © King Posturge Syndicate, laa, 1967. World righty raserradt 4 ISED TO MEET YOUR FATHER WHILE HE SWEET-TALKS A BUNCH OF SOFT-DRINK PEOPLE INTO NAMING A BRAND AFTER, ME. YOU COME, TOO, MICKEY MOUSE { Distributed by King Feutreee Syndicate * WHAT DO YOU DO IF THE BA? GLYS START TO WING GRANDMA GOLLY, WHEN YOU MAKE A MEAL OF ICE CREAM, CAKE AND COOKIES... FOR. OESSERT.' r wT GUESS IT'S LOGICAL TO HAVE A PICKLE J! 9 ~ DESERT FLOWER LODGE MAY BE TEEMING WITH SPIES AND // SABOTEURS, _/ PHIL, BUTI SECRET AGENT X9 IT'S HOPELESS , SAWYER, YOUVE BROUGHT YOUR WIFE TO AFRICA iG YOU DID EVERY THIN BEFORE, WITHOUT IT RECALLING © King Featerse Spodinnta, lee, 1967. World rights reserved. Channel 2--Butfale 9:30 Baa 4---He and She pacpleas asides | 36.12--News Special pretend -- | 4--Dundee and Culhane Channel 6--Toronte 2-8--Run for Your Life Channel 7--Buffalo 10:10 P.M, Channel @--Rochester MN--Merv Griffin Channel 9--Toronto » P.M. vw: Channel 11--Hamilton hameesto tse! Channel 12--Peterborough WEDNESDAY EVENING 1:10 P. Vi--Pierre Bert VW: Seat .M, ion 5:00 P.M. 20 P.M. 12--Woody Woodpecker 6--Viewpoint i--Hero 1:25 P 1 Ed. é--News, weatner 7--Fiintstones Sport: 4 + Mason 11:38 PLM, 3-4--Zorre --Johnny Cersen 3:00 PLM, 4--Movie 12--Flintstones 7--Movie V--Phyllis Diller 8--Truth or Conse quences 7--News 3-6--Canade Outdoors Hot Line 11:38 PLM, 3--Untouchables 1:40 PLM, 9--Perry's Probe 2--Of Lands and Seas Movie 6:00 P.M, 1:48 PLM, 11--Pierre Berton 12--Movie 12--News, Weather, 12,10 A.M. ports t--How's Business 7--Movie H--Vise #-Silligans. slang 4--News, ports, 3 Weather , tiie He a 2 'ote nd hoe N--Sehnitzel House 6:30 12--FBI 1i--He and She §-6-9--News, Weather, Sports tain K, tT 4--News #-8--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M, 11--Walt Disney's World 9--Flintstones 8--World Adventure 6--Day It Is 2--Pat Boone angares M. ¥--Disling For Dollars Virginia Graham Ni--Ed Allen Time 9--Romper Room 8--Pastor's Study 4--Carlton Fredericks RATES ARE REASONABLE- 9--Congress on "Theology 12:30 AM, #--University of the Alr 8:55 AM. THE LIONS WILL COME BACK TO FINISH HIM AFTER DARK, YOU'LL BRING CHRISTY HERE AND FIND ME UP THE TREE. IF THAT DOESN'T SHOCK HER INTO REMEMBERING, T'LL GIVE UP LETS GET EM UNPACKED. WE'LL 4 \ HAVE "TO HAUL THE CANNON UP THE REST OF THE WAY. 4 WE MAYBE, By i wi e « « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT 68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG -- ' . -- \ = I'VE PROCESSED / THE DATA ASSEMBLED LAZLO. WHEN SINCE WE RECEIVED CAN YOU BE HIS RESERVATION, i READY? MOTHER, .. TOMORROW bin WILL BE FINE! THATS HIM, WILLARD ERNST HUBERT 4.124 Allen Time TIME TO MEET MOTHER FURNITURE 1-4--Hollywood Squares IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT! 12-News, 'Weal DEPARTMENT Ay pte pl S, eather, Sports eae NE k 1i--Little People ED ANY 9--Teronte Teday y--Meney Mevie 6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather and rts 2-4--Jeopardy 12:10 P.M, N--Photo Finish $--Eye Guess 3-4-6-12----Search for To morrow Merv Griffin 245 PLM, 3-4-6-12---Guiding Light 1:00 PLM. | 12--Movie San & FO 11--Mike Douglas 9--Movie §--Dialing For Dollars Virginia Graham J--Fugitive 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1:30 PLM, &--Let's Make @ Deal 4-4--As the Werld Turns 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 4--By Invitation 4--Love Is a Many Splendored Thing #-#--Days ef Our Lives 2:30 P.M, 12--Calendar 1--Perry Mason 9---People in Confilet 8-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl é--Coronation Street 4--House Party 3:00 9--Magistrate's Court 7--General Hospital MUGGS AND SKEETER 4--It's 3 Small World 9:3 AM, 4--Te Tell The Truth TREAT nur, [some Race ate #4, | YOUR HEALTH Sports oon Playhouse 3:25 PLM, 7:0 P.M. aerate ear +News : une at N--Movie 1--Bollwinkle P 7 Aid siete Pre apoyo hove olson Ventres Al #2--Virginian ean eeomen 7--Commander Tom 7 ners wan. |e . -12--Mothers-In-Law H .M, 'eu Don't Say cee" | peal tiem |, mee" =| |" Panicky Parents 11-Movie 2-8--Concentration 9--! Love Lu ossioie "| tugboat Annie {Secret Storm" By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Par ded Tangy erittth | "sMike'Bevsiass" =: (EDITORS' NOTE; This {s the] By now the clearing house 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3--Good Morning 4 4:30 PLM third of a series of six articles|}has a file of more than 25,000 Le ae AM, Meo on poison, products with poisonous ingre- 4--Green Acres [Marriage | Confidential S--Leave It to Beaver = riches cna edna dients. Affiliated ign are 3-6-12--20 Million Ques- 2 an rs. i--Truth er Conse- ie one rig an 1 opefu' kept up to date, with cards--80 24 Cra! Musie Hell | 4-Diek Van Dyke 2412-Barney Boomer' |Sign in the dismal picture of|to 100 a month--on still others. dental p gs is the} Data comes from manufac- establishment of poison centres./turers, from investigation by CROSSWORD They report, often in a mat-jassociated centres, from labo- ter of seconds, what toxic sub-|ratories. Every time advertise- r stances are ingredients of var-|ments for a new household ACROSS 2, Shake- eee ere ious household products. They|cleaner, patent medicine or lo i thee Gay E(clele] | tell panicky parents what to do.|other product flash into the TV' . alg old . river ONS! They tell doctors the fine points| commercials, you can be pretty 10. ye re Sue ae of treating critically poisoned|sure that somewhere someone ppelia 5, Audibly IRIE] patients, or how to proceedjis studying and asking, "what 12. Call 6. Slightly with unusual poisons. will happen if a baby gets it?" forth tainted eae The "baby doctors," the} "Here," said one investiga- 13. City in 7. Girl's [AIP IE IA] pediatricians, aghast at thejtor, "are the things I began Nebraska name LIAIRIGIERMAIKIRIOIN] inumber of poisoned children,/checking yesterday. What's the 14. Sound 8. Desert CIE TE IS Mole Jal} started it. The American Aca-|blue dye in a certain brand of 15. Purchase 9. Bristles ern Yesterday's Answer /demy of Pediatrics established|chalk for billiard cues? We 16. Close to 11. Devil Treland 36. Bail the first poison centre in 1953 in}know that colored chalk for 17. Land 15, Cuts 29. "South Sea 37. Assam Chicago. blackboards will be used by measure in two Tales" silkworm Detroit followed, the depart-|children, and is harmless, but 18. Help 18. Behave author 39. Roman ment of health opening a centre| what about this? Also, what 19. ae 19. en * Sexi 40 Sige in the laboratories of a city hos-'a bout lumbermen's marking is : ' pital. Druggists, a tower of|chalk? The lumber exchange = borin #1 Took betel 25: Fabric bitten d strength in this movement,/ doesn't know who manufactures ahh 1 ye 3 |¢ Y Ss je {7 /8 sponsored numerous others. it, so we've got some checking 24. Mean- V "I recollect a call from Buf-|to do, Finally, what's in some time 9 Gg " falo to Detroit for advice on alpellets for a mosquito fogger? 26. Twilight poisoned child, friends having)If used in the house, is it harm- 28, Cliques 2 A> told the people that Detroit had|ful? Or on a humid day? What 31. Height: A iy such a centre. happens if a pellet is eaten?" abbr. 4 Yl Wy" Today there are 550 centres; There probably is no end to 32. Pigpen 7A, au ei across the United States, so|products which, under some 33, Excl v G Gy, Y that anyone who can get to ajcircumstances, can be harmful. tion Te WE telephone is within reach,|The American Medical Associa- a. Pfeil ad 4 usually at no more than a mod-)tion RB gipertcat ie vars Hei Z 2s WAL est toll call, of a centre. 250,000 potentially harmfu paged ceca GG sd WHY, It was soon apparent that thejitems. There just isn't any 36. Girl's 2 {27 Ys 29/30 centres couldn't operate effec-/known way to make all the "name VA, i--j |tively as separate entities. A/cleansers, polishes, dentifrices, 38. Blemish 3 Ge YG national clearing house for poi-|insect sprays, drain cleaners, 40, Late ZL son control centres was|solvents, cosmetics, and so on, 41. Cries out a] Ys y** bis established in Washington as an| totally foolproof, Nor medicines 42, ta's 4 7, 4 arm of the U.S. public health|--medicines, which cause every farewell Ei} 39 Y 40 service. other poisoning. : 43. Garden a Dr. Leroy Burney, then sur-| Even some products so toxic tool ead YG, geon-general, appointed, signifi- that they have been taken off i Brutal Cy Va4 cantly, a pharmacist, Henry L./|the market remain, lingering ee VA GY Verhulst as director, and a phy-|perils, because cans or pottles 1, Prance 127 sician, Dr. John J, Crotty, asjof them stay, forgotten, in associate director. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1967 ee ee BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters Individual Championship Play) South dealer. North-South vulnerable. Opening lead--queen of clubs. 'A good portion of what passes for skillful card play is based upon making assumptions about how the unseen cards are di- vided. These assumptions are -lwrong more often than not, but that does not mean they are not necessary; on the contrary, it would. be impossible to play good bridge without regularly or intermittently making as- sumptions that turn out to be false. Let's say you're West and lead the queen of clubs against four hearts. Dummy wins with the king and returns a low heart to the king, which you take with the ace. You are now at the crucial point of the hand. If you lead |the king and another diamond, |partner gives you a ruff and ithe contract goes down one, but lif you lead anything else, de- clarer makes the hand. | Now how can you be expected \to know that the king of dia- |monds is the killing play at \trick three? The answer is that you can't, but you ought to |make the play anyhow. | It 1s based on the principle jthat defeating the contract is ithe prime consideration. You @iknow from looking at dummy that for his opening bid declarer is bound to have the. ace of spades or ace of diamonds, in addition to the king of hearts and ace of clubs he has already shown up with. Of course he may have both aces, but you must dismiss that possibility from consideration because it would render the con- tract unbeatable. Instead you credit partner with one of them, and you should then assign the ace of diamonds to him because if he has that card, you have a fine chance of beating the con- tract, while if he doesn't your cause {is practically hopeless. This business of hoping or praying that your partner has a particular card or cards fre- quently turns out to be only wishful thinking, but it is none- theless the right course to fol- low in a great many hands. Sea Diver | Can't Swim ° _ HALIFAX (CP)--Curly Vemb is known along the Atlantic Coast for his underwater feats --but he can't swim a stroke. He has worked deep down off the coasts of India, Thailand, Europe and South America. He has cut sunken ships dn two, blown up underwater wrecks, laid pipe 205 feet on the bottom of the Strait of Canso and works as long as 12 hours a day below the surface of the ocean. The Danish-born former Canadian navy deep-sea diver classifies a lot of his salvage jobs as '"'strictly routine' but expects risks to be involyed in all the jobs, A recent job was the cutting of the buclled galt freighter ew York News in two while her broken mid-section rested on the bottom of the harbor at Pugwash, N.S. At one stage of the operation a 500-amp. cutting torch blew up in his hand and he was near- ly trapped in the ship's hold. QUEENIE ment. Poison centres, told that a child has tried to eat some- thing that seems, from a faded label, to be John Doe's Patent Shoe Polish, for example, warn that he had better be taken to a hospital as fast as possible. It happens every day. There is no reasonable way io keep a house completely poi- son-free. But some way has to be found to teach people the principal dangers: to keep risky products locked up, or inaccessible; and, I believe, {o live by this rule: If it isn't food, treat it as if it somebody's cupboard or base- might be poison, Ea A. Little Girls' T-Shi sleeves and warm tur blue, gold-colour or n Reg. 2.99 ! SALE, ea B. Little Girls' Nylon nylon with boxer ela penders and foot str: blue. Sizes.2 to 6x. Reg. 3.99! SALE, ea C, Girls' 2-Pce. Ski | that's machine -washc ee with tayon lining in pants c with double knees, z Navy, sizes 4, 5, 6 an Reg. 22.99 ! SALE, 2- D. 3-in-1 Convertible ways! With flannele tnowsuit. Zip the bot too! Water-repellent r Orion pile fabric, has ankles keep out the « size only, fits bat Reg. 11.99 ! SALE, ea